#triple guilmon au
dzamie · 7 months
Maybe takato give the guilmon trio life size bread guilmons.
"Wait, does this count as cannibalism?"
"Has that stopped us before?"
"...fair point."
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dzamie · 7 months
Maybe perform a six way DNA digivolution
[The resulting Guilmon has decimated Japan's bread production]
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dzamie · 1 year
The guilmon trio debate is any art they make ai art?
Yes, technically. Not because they're Digimon, but because Guilmon specifically was thought up by Takato, and is therefore artificial rather than natural.
However, the Guilmon are true general artificial intelligences, rather than the neural networks marketed as such, so this is like asking if tomatoes are fruits: yes, but I wouldn't recommend applying the same guidelines and expectations to them as to what's usually thought of in that category.
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dzamie · 2 years
Guilmon Scales feel great. Just ask those three.
Most certainly! Guilmon snuggles are fantastic.
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dzamie · 7 months
I wonder how warm the guilmon trio are?
You mean pressed up next to them, or inside of them~?
Either way, they're pretty hot :P
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dzamie · 7 months
The guilmon trio give you a hug.
hell yeah
triple dino snuggles
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dzamie · 7 months
I'm sorry I meant to say "What would they do first"
also takato and his friends
teach the newbies of the wonders of bread
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dzamie · 7 months
You know when the guilmon trio makes another guilmon trio what would they meet first?
What would they... meet first?
I dunno, probably Takato and his friends?
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dzamie · 7 months
I wonder what kind of TV shows would the guilmon trio like?
Oh hey Guilmon-anon! It's been awhile!
I think they'd be a fan of shoujo anime and cooking shows (after a few incidents of them attempting to eat the screen).
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dzamie · 1 year
What kind of art would guilmon make?
I could see them drawing mostly their surroundings and friends. Probably not very well (they're not exactly made for drawing, and those big claws are probably pretty unwieldy), but you can tell they put heart and effort into it.
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dzamie · 1 year
I wonder what video games would the guilmon trio play?
Oh, hey guilmon trio anon! Been awhile!
Hmm... Probably something co-op or team-based. Digimon tend to be naturally competitive, but the trio is just the same digimon, three times (plus, they're all Guilmon), so they'd get along well with each other.
They have, however, been banned from "Cooking Mama" and similar games since the "swallowed DS incident."
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dzamie · 2 years
How would the guilmon spend this holiday?
Well, they're Japanese, so they probably wouldn't.
...that said, when given the opportunity to have food, I can't see any of them turning it down.
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dzamie · 2 years
Have the three guilmon discovered kinks?
"Have fish discovered water?"
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dzamie · 2 years
Or them not biting each others tounge.
Ah, yeah. That's probably easier than you might think.
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dzamie · 2 years
It's a miracle how they don't hurt each other during the three way makeout sessions.
Tough scales, baybee
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dzamie · 2 years
The Guilmon compare who have the best teeth
Invariably ends in a makeout session... not that any of them ever complain about it.
alternatively, they get someone else to judge, but get caught up in their taste until one accidentally eats them
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