#trimberly fanart tag
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5ivebyfive · 1 year ago
Ahhhh!! So good! Thank you!!!!
I don’t know if it’s new or just…coming back around.
(Idk if Claire has done this already, but...)
Please can you draw that picture of Trimberly with Kim's face in Tirni's boobs? You know the one. :D
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Is this a new prompt or something? I've been seeing it everywhere lately XD
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5ivebyfive · 5 months ago
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Commissioned @ryuudraws for this AMAZING artwork of the latest chapter of shut up and drive!!
Trimberly ft. Morticia and family cheese time.
I am so in love with it 😍🥹❤️!!! Thank you!
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skyland2703 · 2 years ago
Did I just scroll to the END of the trimberly Fanart Tag and not find anything NEW Q_Q
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barblaz-arts · 4 years ago
yo I'm sorry if it's like cringy to ask dkdjfjdj but did you used to draw trimberly fanart? i followed recently but just now realized your style is really familiar, and if the answer is yes, it's cool cause i went to the same other fandoms as well jfkdkdn if not my bad, you can disregard!
Why would it be cringy? I adore trimberly! If you're thinking of stuff like this
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Then yeah, it's probably me. I've even written some fics. Most of my Power Ranger art got deleted along with my old blog tho(got hacked. I think) but I reposted some of them here. Just check the #trimberly or #power rangers 2017 tag
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5ivebyfive · 7 months ago
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Ranger adventures pt.3
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constantly-confused-queer · 4 years ago
I saw your tags and I'm here to help! That fanart is from the fanon Power Rangers (2017) couple Kimberly Hart and Trini Kwan/Gomez! Their ship name is Trimberly and I'm in love with them
Oh, ok, thanks! I've never really been into power rangers, so that explains why I haven't heard of them. I will say, I really like that ship name for some reason, it feels like it could be the name of a type of tree
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ao3feed-trimberly · 8 years ago
Collection - Power Rangers
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2taloG2
by strangerzz
Collection about Power Rangers. Mostly about trimberly. NONE OF THE STORIES/WORK IS MINE!!NONE OF THE STORIES/WORK IS MINE!!
I'll be posting fanmade video, fanart, oneshots, multishots, completed fics, etc. Also, sometimes ongoing (or maybe abandoned/dropped fics, if I really liked them and I feel disappointed that they were unfortunately discontinued). I can't even begin my appreciation for the amazing works that I found since some of them really touched me deeply!
Words: 6189, Chapters: 107/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Collection
Fandoms: Power Rangers (2017), Power Rangers, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, Other
Characters: Trini (Power Rangers 2017), Kimberly Hart, Billy Cranston, Jason Lee Scott, Zack Taylor, Tommy Oliver, Trini Kwan
Relationships: Kimberly Hart/Trini (Power Rangers 2017), Trini (Power Rangers 2017)/Kimberly Hart, Kimberly Hart/Trini Kwan
Additional Tags: Lots of fluff?, i really loved ch49, G!P Trini at ch 27
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2taloG2
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5ivebyfive · 5 years ago
AWESOME!! Definite fic rec.
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I couldn’t resist drawing up some inspiration from @realist-tash​‘s lovely step up au, Dance is a Fool’s Game where Kim is a struggling ballerina and Trini is a street dancer with a soft heart (I mean, come on).
I absolutely recommend reading it if you haven’t yet!
And a bonus:
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5ivebyfive · 9 months ago
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I love it so much!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!
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Please would you draw for me fire meet gasoline trimberly with Trini in her Sabertooth Tigers gk kit and Kim in regular clothes (and the boot, it’s like a cast, on her foot) sitting in the goal like that night in the fic? Please! (If you want me to find the chapter/scene I can)
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5ivebyfive · 4 years ago
Everybody LOOK.
For some light and short Trimberly + Penelope, I'm definitely referencing our previous discussion lol, kid Penelope gets in trouble for something minor and Trini gets into scold mom mode but Penelope as her usually sassy self brings Kim into it and snitches on her for something because if she's gonna get in trouble, she might as well bring Kim down too
Hahahahaha yesss okay.
“Penelope!” Trini called for her young daughter as she moved from the kitchen and through the house. She did hear a peep. That only angered her more, because she knew damn well the child heard her. Trini’s voice…carries. She continued her warpath to Penelope’s room and peered in. “PENELOPE PARK HART!!” Then she heard a giggling. She swerved around and went into her and her wife’s bedroom. No child. Ohhh not in her house would a sneaky child hide when in trouble. Penelope knew better. Trini bent down and pulled up the dust ruffle on the bed and was met with amused green eyes.
“I hid from you, Mami,” Penelope giggled. Cute as the sound was it didn’t get the girl out of trouble.
“You heard me call your name! Come out from there.” She backed up, a hand falling to her hip, and she watched the six year old crawl from under the bed, sit down, and stare up at her. Her daughter still didn’t look the least bit concerned with anything. “Penelope….” Trini tried to steady her voice and not, grudgingly as she was to admit, sound like her own mother. Trini held up the large, broken pieces of her favorite small flower pot. She watched Penelope’s eyes grow. “What is this?” Trini asked.
Penelope shook her head slowly and held her hands out, palms up. “I don’t know, Mami.”
Keep reading
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