#trigger warnings @ start
oakydeer · 9 months
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tricoufamily · 2 months
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look around you, all you see are sympathetic eyes—
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soontobeaurora · 20 days
kicking off skinny september with a binge🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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casupremacy · 2 months
supernatural season 1 but instead of hunting monsters and looking for john, they're hunting john
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lottieurl · 1 year
thinking of how nat's suicide attempt in the modern timeline is DIRECTLY paralleled with jackie's death. nat loads the gun she means to kill herself with and immediately after that jackie's death dream begins with her sitting outside by a fire and shauna coming out of the cabin to ask her to come inside
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nenemisblog · 2 months
They say 7 years from now on, my body will entirely be a new one. My body will have shed all of its old skin, my hair will be new, my cells will be different, and the lingering feeling of their hands on my body will finally be gone.
In 6 months, I will be the untouched angel I was meant to be <3
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effieandtim · 9 months
jonathan bailey’s new interview is an extremely difficult but must read
TW: extreme homophobia and threat to life
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i’ve been thinking about this since the interview was released and have so many thoughts and all of them leave me terrified
every part of this horrible incident has shaken me up so much and this is when this happened to someone whom I personally don’t even know. i cannot imagine what jonathan and his family went through.
it’s terrifying that this happened not even two months ago and RIGHT AFTER the hrc gala - it sickens me that such a brazen incident of homophobia happened in the US which calls itself such a progressive country but is full of bigots
and like this happened to a white man who doesn’t ‘look’ queer - i shudder to think what queer women, trans folks, and poc go through??
like there are so many things that could have gone wrong - what if the man actually had a weapon on him? like he would have most probably acted on his words if he had it on him. and that is so, so scary. thank god for angela who genuinely saved jonathan’s life there
and the fact that jonny tried to negotiate with the man and tried to calm him down by asking where he’s from and probably other things as well shows that they had no idea whether he was armed or not
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i know he tried to joke whilst telling this story but you can clearly see how affected he was and really i would be so scared to leave my house after this, it’s such a traumatic incident
anyway, i really hope he’s doing okay, and glad to see he’s channelling the aftermath into making schools a safe space for queer kids to grow up in bc he’s right - that man is probably a child’s father or relative or acquaintance and there are so many people like him in the world
im sorry if this triggered or upset anyone, i felt like i needed to vent bc i honestly am so shaken by this
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Random Gothamite: Any sugestion on how to make my house a little bit safer?
Robin (Steph): Put a signal in your from door that says "trigger warning: your dad"
Gothamite: Thanks, Robin... wait... what?
Robin (Steph): Yeah. Most Rogues have daddy issues, it won't protect you from everything, Joker is waay to unpredictable for once, but you are at least free of Riddler, Scarecrow, Poison Ivvy and Two-Face, only to list some of the most famous ones.
[it worked but it seemed to also keep Robin away for a looong time]
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fangsup-cobrastyle · 6 months
You know, I'm getting real fucking sick of hearing about how we need to "protect our children" by banning books and exterminating trans people surrounded by killing all of the children in Palestine and all these stories about kids being abused/molested and kids getting shot in the streets or in school.
They don't give a shit about "the children" and it's obvious now that they never have.
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burning-academia-if · 3 months
It's funny because I can't bring myself to see Rook as a bad friend.
The way I see him, he's a troubled person with probably a lot of issues. I genuinely think he cares about the MC but whatever circumstances he has have generated a "barrier" between them. A barrier he does his best to hide, but that's still there at the end of the day.
I also have a hard time seeing him "as a romance option" too though, because I rarely like childhood friends to lovers, unless there was a falling out or long separation between childhood and adulthood.
But yeah, back to Rook, I feel like I'm worried about him more than anything, to be fair. He's probably the only RO I actually genuinely worry about as it is, no matter the path. And well, canonically MC doesn't tell Rook everything - probably partly because it's too private, maybe somewhat out of misplaced shame, possibly not to worry HIM... so I guess my MC projects in this case and thinks Rook is the same. Regardless, they are both fools in a way, but in a way I can perfectly understand, and I think they are as good friends as they could have been given their respective circumstances. I just hope what happened to MC will be the "push" needed to make it a more "honest" friendship.
As much as I joke about it I also don't see him as a bad friend. Granted, I am the all seeing author and he's my character so there's bias there lol
Honestly a lot of it just stems from the abuse he suffered from and he has a lot to work through. Not all the angst of his route is even about the slow burn romance and him being Like That, there's genuinely some really difficult things in that route outside of the relationship (so you being more worried for him then anything is spot on lol)
It's a long road to fix things between MC and him, regardless of if you're trying to stay friends or romance him, and that's if you even want to fix things
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1heartfanfics · 7 months
could you do one of Peter being sick at the tower (nauseous and throwing up, fever etc) and Tony goes all Dad ModeTM, and all the Avengers are like damn, Tony is being so fatherly; when did he get so soft? later tony still showing how great of a dad he is peter falls asleep on him during a movie and the avengers are like bro? ur a dad to this kid now? and tony is all defensive like no-no hes-ok maybe kind of, now stop talking you're gonna wake my kid and he smiles down like *my* kid, I like that
Apparently I'm only in the mood for writing fandom fics rn cause I am just not feeling motivated to write for my oc's lately. Anyway here's a short one.
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"You alright there kid?" Steve asked Peter, noticing how unusually quiet he'd been tonight.
"M'okay," Peter shrugged, not sounding very convincing.
"He's definitely not okay," Clint said, "That is the face of someone who is going to puke soon."
"You gonna be sick Peter?" Steve asked, moving to sit beside Peter on the couch.
Peter swallowed hard, his face suddenly a pale green. "M-maybe," he struggled to get out.
"Clint can you-?" Steve stopped as Clint handed him the trash can, already one step ahead of him. Steve was grateful that Clint moved to sit on Peter's other side, placing a hand on the kids back as he leaned over the can. Clint had kids of his own, he knew how to do this. Steve on the other hand, felt pretty out of his element.
Peter groaned, wrapping his arms around his stomach. His mouth hung open limply and his eyes were unfocused as waves of nausea rushed over him. Normally he would be embarrassed that Hawkeye and Captain America were about to see him barf, but he felt too sick to even care.
"That's it kiddo, just keep breathing," Clint said, gently rubbing Peter's back.
"Does anybody know where Tony is?" Steve asked, looking around at the others. Tony was probably the one that Peter wanted right now. But he was met with clueless stares and blank faces.
"I'll go find him," Bruce said, standing up and heading out of the room.
Then Peter gagged harshly, his body convulsing as he threw up into the trash can. Steve brought his hand up to the kids forehead to help support him and keep his hair out of his eyes. He could feel that Peter was burning up with a fever.
"Jesus Pete what happened!?" Tony cried as he walked into the room, followed by Bruce, who had apparently found Tony rather quickly. Steve stood to let Tony take his spot next to Peter, who immediately wrapped an arm around the kids shoulders.
"I don't feel good," Peter moaned, slumping against his mentor.
"I know kid, but I've got you, you're gonna be alright," Tony said, rubbing his hand up and down Peter's arm. "Can someone go get us some water?" he asked, glancing up at the others.
Clint nodded, "I'll get it. You done for now Peter?" he asked, gesturing toward the trash.
Peter groaned, but nodded his head. Clint picked up the can and took it with him as he headed for the kitchen, presumably to clean it out and get Peter something else to be sick in for the inevitable round 2. Seems like the poor kid had caught a stomach bug.
Clint returned a moment later with a fresh bin lined with a plastic bag, and a glass of water. He set the trash can down in front of Peter again and handed Tony the water.
"Here Pete, you think you can take a drink for me?" he asked quietly.
Peter said nothing, but straightened up enough to take the glass from Tony. He took a small sip, wincing as he swallowed, then handed the glass back. Tony frowned, clearly not satisfied.
"Alright, we'll try some more later," he said, knowing that he shouldn't press too much or he'd risk making the kid sick again. "You want to go up to bed or stay down here?" he asked.
"Too tired," Peter shook his head, eyelids drooping heavily as if to prove his point.
"Okay, come here then, lay down," Tony said, placing a pillow in his lap for Peter to lay on, then helping maneuver the kid so that he was laying down.
Tony could have easily carried the kid to bed, but decided that it might be best to have him out here where he could keep an eye on him for a while anyway. He brushed the kids hair out of his eyes then grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and draped it over him as best he could.
That was when he felt the eyes on him. All of the others had been silently watching the exchange. They'd never seen Tony so... soft.
"What?" he asked, rolling his eyes at the looks on their faces.
"You the kids dad now huh?" Nat asked, smirking playfully, although there was fondness in her eyes.
"Well, no. Obviously not. I mean, he's just-" Tony fumbled over his words, caught off guard by the word 'dad'. Was he? Is that how Peter thought of him? He hated to admit that the thought made his heart swell a little. Maybe this really was his kid.
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We Warned You
Prompt: The Zalrex were feared among the galaxy as the most cruel, violent and ruthless species. They would bully, slap, hit, sometimes even kill other species. Nobody could stand in their way.. till they arrived on a small blue planet named Earth. Prompt Source: user Spaceman_Beard; subreddit “Writing Prompts”
"You shouldn't have done that" became a phrase out of nightmares.
It sounded innocent enough, did it not? A simple chastisement. A factual statement. Even an elucidating comment. Not something that would normally become the blood and bone of psychological horror.
But that's what it became when the Zalrex landed on Earth. UK-OTE-4461 was it's official designation on intergalactic maps, indicating there were heavy metals, light metals, and nuclear power sources on the planet that could help a traveler low on fuel limp a few hundred more light years to a proper repair station. The Zalrex, brutes that they were, had decided it would be amusing to strip the planet of all viable materials and make it impossible for travelers to use it that way ever again.
They did not anticipate that UK-OTE-4461 had sophont inhabitants who could still contemplate resistance to the cruelty of the Zalrex scourge.
Nobody had contemplated that any sophont nations or peoples were willing to resist the Zalrex.
They had started strong; they had landed in profusion, rapidly rounding up the inhabitants who appeared to be descended of a docile prey-species, which typically responded particularly well to their usual tactics of shouting, pushing, threatening, and where necessary making good on their threats of violence. The inhabitants- 'humans', they called themselves- had gone where directed, appearing to cave to the threats and allowing the Zalrex commanders to save fuel and energy on not having to perform too much violence in getting their camps established, always a critical time for conquering a planet.
Then, though...
Then came The Mistake.
A young commander, newly promoted to his position, and cocky about it, had decided to perform lethal violence on a complying human simply for the thrill of the kill. Only officers in the Zalrex army were permitted to use lethal force, and the power had gone to his head.
That was when things... changed.
"You shouldn'a done that," said a voice out of the depths of the crowd; those watching the recordings afterward felt a horrified shudder of fear at The Phrase's first utterance.
"You really shouldn'a done that," the voice repeated, as the crowd ceased to move forward, began to mill, began to turn.
"Don't you know nothin' about basic psychology? Followin' through on a beatin' so we know you mean business, that's one thing. It's awful, but it's a bound'ry we can understand. But if all obedience and compliance will buy is death anyway... a cornered beast will fight fer th'right ta take you down with us."
The officer never got the time to understand the danger he faced; the crowd, turned into a furious mob, mowed him down with fists and feet, took his weapons and then turned them on his fellows and broke the officer's defensive lines before they even knew there was a need for defense.
The only sound was the roar of the mob as it surged; not even the best audio recording technology in the universe could catch the death-screams or cries of the Zalrex who were taken into the maw of that bloody beast. The roar seemed to echo and rebound- the moment a different crowd heard it, heard the screaming and the cries and the calling for retribution, for freedom, each formerly-docile crowd became a new mob that unleashed a new wave of wanton death and destruction such as the rest of the universe had never seen. It crushed as many humans beneath the force of the killing rage as it did Zalrex; if the Bloody Beast that was the moving mass of humans noticed, it did not care.
The end was a single human, small, young perhaps, standing on a pile of corpses and looking down at what was left of the Zalrex High Command.
"You may take your wounded and give rites for your dead and leave."
It was the same cold voice that had said the officer should not have done what he had.
"I tried to warn you. We are warriors. We tolerate no insult, we take no dishonor. When you inflict pain on us it only makes our drive to see you dead stronger and hotter, every ounce of pain paid out serving to make our hate run deeper until we are forced to act. I told you. Some roughing up, some fear tactics, and you can get compliance. But if you killed anyone who was complying, anyone who hadn't attacked you first, this would happen. Go. Make sure your allies know better."
Walking out of the theater, one Chim-shin turned to their friend. "Do you think it really went like that?"
"Oh, psst. Of course not, they always play it up for the movie version!"
"No," said a haunted voice from the side, and both of them started when they realized a Zalrex stood there, face drawn and paled to the same shade as a poison mushroom, all four arms wrapped around their torso and tail tucked so far between their legs it almost couldn't be seen.
"We promised to tell everyone who would listen. So no one else would make the same mistake. That's almost exactly how it went. I don't know what rank that human holds in their armies, but it must be high, to know so well that a single foolish action would set off a genocide."
The Chim-shin and their friend hurried away uncomfortably, leaving the Zalrex to his memories.
And on Earth, a Psychology student who was almost done with her thesis for her bachelor's sneezed.
"Huh. Wonder who's talkin' about me?"
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jankwritten · 8 months
Jasico Bingo Challenge: injury
“I thought I was supposed to be the idiot who doesn’t know when to stop?” Nico snaps, dragging a heavily battered and bleeding Jason Grace through camp by the (likely broken) wrist. “You’re supposed to be the one telling me to knock it off, you’re supposed to be the one babysitting me, why would you make me be in your shoes, huh? Are you trying to teach me a lesson, Grace? Because fuck you, it’s working.” 
Jason has the audacity to huff out laughter as if there isn’t a concerning amount of blood staining the back of his shirt. As if his temple isn’t swelling into a lime sized lump, as if his bones aren’t fractured under his skin, Nico can feel how displaced they are, he’s going to be sick about it later. Probably. Maybe. 
“I hate you so much,” Nico says. This is what he gets for thinking Annabeth and Percy would be enough to keep an eye on Jason. What was he thinking? Leaving Jason in the hands of a woman who fell off two cliffs and a man who Nico had to shove in the River Styx so he wouldn’t get himself killed. Of fucking course neither of them thought Jason looking this bad was anything to worry about - they probably look worse. 
Nico cannot think about that right now. He can only drag one stupid self-sacrificial hero across camp at a time. 
“It’s really not that bad,” Jason says, still like he’s laughing, laughing, Nico’s going to shove ambrosia down his throat until he’s better and then kill him. “Nico, relax?” 
A rageful heat Nico hasn’t felt in years sparks up his spine. Relax? Relax? “I’ll relax when you’re not bleeding out,” he says sharply, rounding the volleyball courts. The grass crunches beneath his feet. He can feel, far below, skeletons creaking, moving about in their graves. Responding to him. 
He breathes deeply, but oxygen only fuels the fire. 
“I’m sorry,” Jason says, this time like he almost means it. His wrist goes slack in Nico’s hold, as he finally stops resisting and instead lets Nico’s yank become a guiding line instead. “I’m sorry.” 
The one thing Nico never did, when he was self destructing, was apologize for it. The fact that Jason feels the need to, with him, makes his rage boil over into a sick, sticky slop in his stomach. 
“Apologize to me when you can promise you won’t do this again,” Nico says as he shoves open the Big House door. 
Jason stays quiet all the way up to the infirmary. 
As the Apollo kids flit around him on the cot, Nico looms, arms crossed, eyes narrowed to watch every movement, to make sure Jason doesn’t let them miss anything. 
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doomed-prophetess · 1 month
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@notenderhands, @penwl, @the-lord-of-springs when it's my turn to choose a novel for the book club can I pick The Pattern Scars? 👉👈According to reviews it's about an orphan with the gift of prophecy who is groomed and magically entrapped into helping an insane Seer named Teldaru practice blood magic/necromancy in order to try to ignite a war with a neighboring county.
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shi-yin-drawings · 1 year
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Cyberpunk Edgerunners (2022) dir. by Hiroyuki Imaishi
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simplykorra · 1 year
little lights in dark places - chapter two
It’s when she passes by the front door that Ava sees her.
With all the chaos of the afterparty, Chanel and Lilith yelling at her and promising to fix her car, then JC - she’d almost forgotten about Beatrice.
Here’s the thing, Beatrice is fucking attractive. She does not in any way fit into this space - which is only more evident by the fact that she’s sitting out on the front porch, alone, nursing a near full bottle of beer.
Still, she’s a goddamn vision or something. Her black button down shirt is fully unbuttoned now and Ava can see the white tank top she has on underneath of it. A chain hanging around her neck that disappears beneath her undershirt - tucked neatly between her breasts.
Her bun in the back has fallen a little, a few quick shakes of the head and it’d come out entirely.
Though Ava can think of a few ways she could get it loose.
Which is not great because she’s still wound up and JC was no fucking help.
For now though, Ava decides to reign it in. She’s in no shape to get flirty and Beatrice looks like she’s a few bad songs away from tossing her beer to the concrete and running away.
“You know, the party’s in the house.” Ava says with a smile as she steps out onto the porch and gets Beatrice’s attention.
Even earning a little smile, it’s pretty. “I’m afraid I’m not much for partying.”
Ava hums and moves to lean on the pillar opposite of Beatrice. “This isn’t really your scene, is it?”
“Am I that obvious?”
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