#tried to sit down and do a decent breakdown of it
lynndoublelegacy · 5 months
Please, if you have any tips, can you share them? Some things simply won't be applicable, since I'm doing digital art and not physically printing things, but yeah.
Honestly a lot of the tips that I have are very cross-medium!!! I do a lot of digital art too after all
The main one that I think would help with your monochrome line shading drawing is specifically keeping in mind the shape of the form underneath utilizing contour lines. There are a few types of contour lines- lineart can count as a contour line after all!- but specifically I think what would help you is cross contour lines
Cross contour lines are a godsend honestly, and a really good way to add volume with just lines. It can be as simple as curving your lines a bit and paying attention to the direction in which your lines go when you’re shading. I saw you did it a bit in the ball, but you can do it on other surfaces too! And it’s more effective if you do it from the very edge.
This one I think is less applicable just bc of your linework style, but line weight can do WONDERS for a piece as well
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Love takes two- Part 2
Emmett x reader(Cillian Murphy’s role A quiet place 2)
Part 1
And with this part, this series is complete ✨ until next time my sweet Emmett 🥹
Edit: ⚠️ smut 🔥
Request from lovely anon 🥰 - I decided to mix two different requests for this story (one for each part) because it felt so fitting to Emmett’s background or what at least I imagine it is…anon sorry it took me a while (I always say this I’m slow but I will definitely write it), I hope you like this I really appreciate your beautiful idea and here it is finally 👏🏻
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“Are you alright?” Alex asked, but Emmett wasn’t listening, his hands clasped together covering his mouth as if he was trying to prevent himself from saying something he would regret. “Emmett?”
“I made a mistake, right?”
Alex sighed, under different circumstances she would’ve teased him endlessly. But after watching the pain in his eyes, she decided to wave the white flag.
“We’ve never been close or crossed more than a few words, but if you took a closer look, you’d realize a lot of things.” Alex explained, deciding it wasn’t her place to speak on her friend’s behalf. “I can only suggest wait for her and have a long chat.”
She then explained Emmett she needed to go away.
Time was irrelevant at this point, five minutes felt the same as an hour, Emmett was having an internal battle. Should he keep his mouth shut and allow you to be happy with someone else while he stepped aside, or should he express his feelings towards you? Deflated he decided to wait for you sitting on the steps, his forearms hanging over his thighs while his gaze was fixed on the ground… afraid of losing his only chance to be happy.
Terrified of losing you.
To your own surprise, you realized Mark had a joke to everything and a wicked sense of humor. But a date in this new life consisted of handmade sandwiches in a basket and a walk down the beach, resources and options were kind of limited.
“You’re kind of quiet.” He pointed out after a while.
You looked away from him, realizing no matter how much you tried, your mind couldn’t stop comparing him to Emmett, the way his eyes weren’t that blue or his smile didn’t give you butterflies and of course his laugh didn’t make your heart skip a beat.
Staring into the waves crashing down you couldn’t stop the words from coming out.
“I’m sorry Mark, but it’s not fair to you… even if it doesn’t work out I can’t do this to you.” Giving him an apologetic look, you stood up and started to walk away.
Mark would have been a terrific date and partner, he didn’t have a single bad thing to point out to be honest, that’s why it felt harder. Considering the little options that were left after the invasion, rejecting Mark was letting go of probably the only decent chance you had to start all over. But that’s what you get for falling in love with the one who doesn’t love you back.
Why did Emmett had to get under your skin the way he did?
Trying to clear your head, you shook it. Stopping by the deck and a little voice inside your head scolded you for going to the exact place where Emmett held you while you had an embarrassing breakdown, but he didn’t seem to mind, he only wrapped an arm around your back while his finger stroked your shoulder softly. That night he didn’t just showed you his kind heart but that he was able to make you smile afterwards. After that night it was so easy to trust him completely, you simply loved being around him, everything was easy; he was a practical man, he always had a solution for everything, sharp mind. But you also noticed over time how he slowly started trusting you back, you noticed his guard fell down when you were together.
Taking off your shoes, you allowed your feet to touch the cold water in an attempt to distract your busy mind.
How would you be able to continue being his friend while being in love with him?
“Ugh I’m so stupid.” You groaned to yourself bringing your hands to cover your face in frustration.
Your alone time lasted longer than the actual date to be honest, and after hosting the internal battle between your heart and your mind, you felt wore down so you didn’t make a huge effort to go back home.
But to your surprise you were shocked to find Emmett sitting on the porch.
“Where the hell have you been?” He asked in a harsh tone, making you take a step back.
“Somewhere that’s non of your business.” You replied with the same anger. Confused by his attitude.
“Of course it’s my fucking business, this isn’t a safe place you don’t know people’s intentions, not everyone you meet is good.”
“I’m old enough to look after myself, thank you.” Your hands moved frantically. “I’d like to be alone if you don’t mind.”
“Alone or with Mark?” Emmett pressed with a scoff.
Crossing your arms your answer came out in an annoyed tone. “That’s non of your business.”
“Oh, sorry for bothering you for once!” He spat and noticed the necklace he gave you at your belated birthday celebration, it was resting against your collarbone. “It’s not my fault you’re in a bad mood.”
“Like you even really care.” You shook your head.
“Really? After bringing you here and saving your life?”
“Oh yes, thank you Emmett.” You answered him with sarcasm.
“You should go back into your house.”
“Are you gonna be the guard tonight? In case I want to sneak out?” Your annoyance grew by the minute.
“You know what? That’s actually a great idea, to keep the pricks away.”
“Who do you think you are Emmett?” You couldn’t believe his words. “Why do you even care?”
“Why do I-“ He started to pace around the deck. “You can’t just go with someone by yourself, you should’ve known better.”
“Excuse me?” You gave him a shocked look.
“You barely know that guy, that puts you in a risky situation.” He shook his head, but his energy softened a bit. “You trust too much, Y/N.”
“Are you even listening to yourself?” Hands on your hips, you leaned forward. “I don’t owe you an explanation for what I do with whoever I want.”
That seemed to trigger the anger in him, imagining you being touched by another man, another man’s lips on yours and your body. Emmett felt his blood like boiling.
He completely lost it there.
“Over my dead body.”
Feeling more confused and tired than ever, you sighed. Debating whether to ask him or not again why he cared so much, but his next move took you by surprise when he grabbed your face between his strong hands, one at each side of your face and his lips found yours with such force that it took your breath away. He didn’t even gave you time to react, or move, much less to process what was happening.
“You silly little thing… you don’t understand a thing, do you?” Emmett asked you once he pulled apart, his salt and pepper beard scrapped your chin.
Your brain felt completely groggy, like you had been under the water for the last three minutes and you were running out of oxygen. Words were stuck in your lips as this was the first time you were able to see his ocean eyes from such a short distance, you felt like you would swim away in the depths of them until you could see the spot where the ocean meets the sky…
“I’m sorry… fuck I knew this was a mistake.” He totally misunderstood your silence and got the wrong impression.
There was a tingling sensation left of your lips.
Defeated once again, his head hanging down from the embarrassment. Emmett turned around and was about to come down the steps when you recovered from the shock and grabbed him by the shoulders to make him face you again.
This time around, it was him who didn’t get the chance to react before your lips crashed his down. Your hands keeping him close from the nape of his shirt. It took him a few seconds to register what was happening, but once he did, he kissed you back with everything he had.
His lips moved against yours hard, demanding, roughly, hands trying to get the other one closer -as if it was even possible- a slow but evident growl emanated from his chest as your teeth pressed his lower lip slightly, a pair of strong hands circled your waist in a tight lock to prevent you from pulling apart.
“What are we doing?” You whispered separating barely from his mouth.
“Kissing.” Emmett answered as if it wasn’t obvious.
His sarcastic but accurate answer made you snort. “I know silly, but I mean…”
Now that he had tasted your lips, that he felt your sweet, warmth body against his he didn’t want to waste a minute so he started kissing you all over again, the only difference is that this time he took it slowly, letting the minutes go by. Tilting his head bumping his nose against yours in the process, one of his hands came up to tangle in your curls to keep you in place.
Giving into the kiss and his touch completely, you let him set the pace, enjoying how his lips moved softly, tentatively, your hand moved from his shoulder up to his neck, and then a bit up, taking in the feeling of how soft his beard was. Pulling apart to take a deep breath, his eyes found your full lips.
“After learning you went out with someone else I lost it, Y/N… went crazy thinking I lost my only shot with you.”
Taking the fringe that was in the middle of his forehead you brushed it away from his face in a delicate motion, feeling his breath fanning over your skin.
“I went out with Mark because I thought you could only see me as your friend, but after a few minutes talking I realized it was a waste of time… because he wasn’t you.” You confessed with your arm still linked behind his neck.
He stared down at you, not fully believing what he just heard.
“All this time, I’ve been trying to disguise it thinking how unreal this would be.”
“You never let anything slip away.”
“It’s called secret feelings for a reason.” He rolled his eyes, making you giggle. “I thought I wouldn’t stand a chance because you’re younger than me.”
“And here I had been thinking to do a cartwheel to get your attention.” You stole a small peck. “Sorry for how I reacted, I was angry with myself.”
“That wasn’t very friendly… I thought I was he grumpy one.” He tried to lighten the mood. “Thought the date would go great.” Emmett’s lighted up when you pulled him down for another kiss, apologizing as well for the angry welcome he gave you.
“That made it worse actually, I kept thinking about you.”
“I was so fucking jealous.”
His statement made you feel butterflies not only in your stomach, they were all over your body.
“I really liked when you kissed me like that the first time, all bossy.” You admitted biting your lips.
Emmett blushed, surprised by his own visceral reaction. It was so unlike him, made him feel like he was desperate.
“Emmett, I really like you.” You decided to confess.
“There’s no point in trying to deny the attraction I feel about you, Y/N.” Was this really happening?
“If I’ve learned something after the invasion is time is a precious thing we shouldn’t take for granted, so…” standing up on your toes, you kissed him softly, feeling a rush of heat expanding by your body thanks to his tender touch, you stepped closer into his embrace, feeling the evident bulge pressing against his jeans. Moving your hips slightly back and forward you felt him groan against your lips.
Emmett drummed his fingers on your hips, giving you the cue to wrap your legs around his waist. Once you opened the door, he kicked it making it bang against the wall, the sound made you gasp at first, then giggle and this time, you were cautious enough to close it softly.
“Where’s your bedroom?” He mumbled against your mouth.
“Upstairs to the right.” You tried to wriggle to get down, but his hands held you right in place. “Are you sure you can -?”
“Of course I can, what makes you think the opposite?” He cocked an eyebrow.
“Well… no offense but earlier you said you were worried for being older than me.”
“Shut up.” He stated and showed you how he didn’t even flinch carrying you upstairs, your weight or his age wasn’t the problem. The real problem were your lips on his neck while he tried to walk.
So far you had only managed to unbutton half his shirt, the rest was trapped between his body and your legs. Dropping you gently on the bed, he towered over your frame, undoing the rest of the buttons.
Taking the hem of your dress, you threw it to the floor, right next to his shirt.
“Been dreaming about this moment for so long.” Emmett admitted, allowing his eyes devour your frame.
Smiling by the way he looked at you, the desire you found in his eyes made your entire body tingle from the anticipation. Kneeling on the bed you moved to the edge to take Emmett by the neck and start kissing him once more.
“Tell me what you dreamed about.” You felt the skin of your legs like burning under his touch as his fingers trailed a path up and down. Fumbling with the belt, you sighed contently as his lips kissed your chin, moving along your neck.
“Move over to the center of the bed.” He instructed wrapping an around around your waist to help you. The bulge restrained in his briefs brushed against your hip as he hovered over you, his fingers moving dangerously up stopping at the feeling of the fabric of your bra. “I wondered how would you look…” he started spreading kisses on your shoulder, “how would you feel,” taking your hands, he brought your fingers up to his mouth, his free hand tracing a pattern on your hip, “how would you moan my name.” He was so lost in her, nothing prepared him for this moment, nothing could compare to this feeling.
“I wasn’t prepared with anything fancy.” You whispered explaining why you were wearing the most boring underwear and loved the way small wrinkles appeared around his eyes.
“This is perfect… you’re.” Emmett admitted before settling between your legs. “But let me make it up for the boring expectations.” Leaning back on his calves, he pulled you with him, his blue eyes penetrating every single layer of your body and soul, as his lips explored your neck and collarbone, his hands got rid of your bra, while your hands moved across his back, feeling every muscle under your touch.
“Emmett.” You called him in a low voice, pleading as his fingers teased your nipples, his mouth only adding more pleasure.
But he was only warming up, pushing you down into the mattress again his teasing growing by the minute as he licked the bud in his mouth and the flesh around, not forgetting about the other one as he covered your breast with his palm. Your fingers moved up to tangle in his locks.
“Mind if I take these off?” He asked out of breath as his hand fanned over the elastic of your underwear, his hand then moved to cup your core with his palm making you moan at the sudden contact, the pressure felt delicious and your body’s reaction was now beyond your control. “Have to keep it down unless you want the fucking creatures to hear you, Y/N.” Emmett teased you by tapping his fingers against your still covered clit.
Hips bucking to get more friction, you had to bite your lips to suppress a louder moan, recovering from the unexpected pleasure, you ended up kicking the piece of fabric. But he recently discovered a new hobby by teasing you in bed, and he was planning to take his time with you. So he started kissing your flesh from the valley of your breasts, stopping a ridiculous amount of time on your stomach, every minute passing his beard scrapped dangerously south.
“Emmett please.” You felt him smiling against the inside of your thigh, finding a moment later a mischievous look in his eyes as your eyes locked.
You lost it completely the moment his tongue came in contact with your entrance and traveled up over your folds, finishing at your clit. Clamping your eyes shut, you couldn’t stop the pleasure from expanding through your body. Your hands grabbing the sheets into fits to try to contain the fireworks going off in your core.
Emmett took a moment to take in your features contorting, lips parted while your hair was scattered all over the pillow.
Grazing two fingers over your folds, he found your wet entrance, immediately welcoming his middle finger, in and out, slowly as your walls tried to suck him in. You thought you wouldn’t be able to accept a second finger but the thought quickly disappeared from your mind as he added his mouth to the sensual attack.
“Please… oh! Emmett…” Your hips jerked and just as you thought you would come undone any second, he withdrew his fingers. Leaving you clenching around emptiness.
You wanted to beg him at that point, needed him fill you once more. But as soon as his eyes locked with yours, you knew you didn’t have to ask for anything, as he was willing to give you all. Positioning himself at your entrance, you gasped at the feeling of the tip of his cock.
Leaning down he kissed you slowly, loving the way you were holding his face.
“A part of me is totally embarrassed because I think you’ll wake the entire island up and the other part just feels extremely proud of it.” He chuckled against your neck, feeling how fast your heart was beating.
“Shut up, Emmett.” You shook your head feeling your cheeks burning.
Pushing his hips forwards, it was his time to moan at the feeling of your walls fluttering around him. This was much better than any of the times he dreamed about it. After giving you a few seconds to adjust, he started moving rolling his hips, all the way in, pressing the magic button every time he bottomed out. Over and over with one of your legs wrapped around his lower back, making you feel how surreal all of this was.
Pushing he fringe out of his eyes, you hung to him like a life jacket.
“Cum with me, Emmett.” You wanted to see his features as ecstasy exploded inside of him.
Moving your fingers to reach for the point where your bodies were connected, he swallowed your moan, feeling how your body was shaking from the intensity. He exploded mere seconds before you, his load shot into you as his body stilled and it was beyond his control now. Kissing his shoulder you saw him trying to regain his strength to prevent his weight from crushing you down, your fingers tracing over the tattoo on his arm.
“You knocked me down.” Lying down next to you, he was trying to recover, pulling you closer to rest on his shoulder.
Emmett touched the pendant he gave you, his thumb rubbing the edges absently, his mind trying to comprehend the unexpected turn this took.
“It was so hard to keep this feeling bottled inside because we see each other daily… How could you keep this from me?” You asked softly, without a single hint of reproach in your voice.
“I was scared of losing you if you didn’t feel the same.” He explained while you studied his profile. “Your happiness was contagious, it was impossible not to fall for you.”
“That’s funny cos I felt the same, thought you wouldn’t look at me as a woman.” Your hand found comfort on his chest, moving to the rhythm of his breathing.
Emmett ‘s chuckle came out genuinely.
“Chances were low for me with so many young candidates around.” He laughed of himself, it was the best he could do to try to feel a bit less bad about his age.
“Experience won if you want some validation.” You teased leaning on your elbow to give him another kiss. “I hope your batteries are full again.”
Pushing him onto his back, you straddled Emmett, his eyes showed the transition from the initial surprise to the desire he felt. Your hands running up and down his chest, loving the way his thick beard felt against your skin… his lips answering to your demands in the same way.
The freedom of finally admitting your feelings towards each others made everything easier, made things fall into the right place.
The realization of being reciprocated about the secret love you have been developing as you became one again made the two of you accept that no matter what’s happened in your past, the only thing that mattered is that love takes two.
Thank you for reading! ♥️ If you enjoyed this little story, remember your feedback it’s the best tip I could get🫙 ✨
Tag list: @lyarr24 @lespendy @elenavampire21 @sloanexx @imichelle-l-rigby @esposadomd @winchestergirl22 @forgottenpeakywriter @forbidden-forest-witch @allie131313 @lovecleastrange @stevie75 @elenavampire21 @onlydeadcells @zablife @cillmequick @raincoffeeandfandoms @nyxxxz (can’t tag) @peakyscillian @camilleholland89 @thenattitude @kittycatcait219 @sherlcrown (can’t tag) @cillianmxrphy @kmc1989 @adaydreamaway08 @darleneslane @shaddixlife @shelbydelrey @tiredkitten @nela-cutie
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ineffectualdemon · 2 months
I made the mistake of reading several articles on family estrangement today that were all "talk to your family again you selfish over dramatic brat"
But I actually sat down and thought about it in detail
I didn't cut my parents out of my life out of anger or to punish them
I don't think they are evil or that I'm some sort of angelic victim like these articles want to paint the adult children as doing
I don't think I'm inherently better than them or incapable of fucking up like them. I know full well that without the support network I had when my kid was little I would have been just as shit a parent and I still struggle at times with being a decent parent. Struggles that I try not to let my kid see. (Example: Kiddo mentioned recently how glad they were that I didn't helicopter protect them and let them walk to friends houses and go to the shops without freaking out when they were younger. But the truth is I did freak out. I would have panic attacks and have to be on the phone with a friend to talk me down from following them. But I knew that was irrational and my kid didn't know that ever happened. That doesn't mean it was easy)
I don't try to diagnose my parents with anything because it doesn't matter if they are mentally ill. I am aware of shitty things they dealt with growing up and I am well aware why they turned out to be shit parents. I am compassionate about that but it doesn't make me reach out
I'm not even angry with the people my parents are now. Disappointed yes but not angry because what's the point
But I gave them chance after chance after chance. I didn't even make any outrageous demands! I literally just asked them to show that they care by asking about mine and my kids lives. To show an interest in us and what we were doing
And they couldn't even do that
The bar was laid in a ditch and they picked up shovels
And I wasn't prepared to continue to be let down and hurt by these people who refused to do the bare minimum
I'm not going to lie and say that there isn't any anger left. I have a lot tbh but it's really not directed at them now
It's past me who is angry at past them
There are various versions of myself who are angry at the adults who couldn't be the parent I needed at the time
But when I last tried to reconcile I was willing to let that anger sit in the past. I was willing to move on
And they didn't even try
That's not on me
That's on them
Yes I cut off contact
But they didn't bother to try and reach out to me anyway and the last time they did before I went no contact I ended up in the emergency room due to the mental breakdown it sparked. Because they can't be the parents I need
And I can't be the doll they wanted
So it's better this way
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The Secrets You Keep
Chapter 3
Pete tries to leave things alone for a while. He just sits and stews on what little information he has in his possession. He is a patient man, and part of him wants Vegas to come to him on his own. But it is becoming increasingly obvious that even though his little episodes of blankly staring off into space are increasing, he isn't going to be crawling to Pete to discuss it any time soon. 
He doesn't really know how to bring it up, though. There's never a good time. They are working, or fucking, or he doesn't want to ruin a decent day when Vegas is in a great mood. He knows he has to confront him at some point. He does. It just takes another month before the opportunity presents itself. 
They are both in a meeting with Porsche when it happens. 
Porsche says a name and Vegas's body jerks in his seat. Pete stares at him, watching the color drain from his face before he fakes a cough and slams his mask of indifference back into place before their boss can see anything is amiss. 
Pete watches him closely for the rest of the meeting, and while he never says anything out of the ordinary, he fidgets more than usual and looks incredibly uncomfortable as they climb into their car. 
Pete thinks about saying something on the way home but decides against it. Their bodyguard, Itt, is pretty trustworthy, Pete hired and trained him himself, but he knows how Vegas is. He wouldn't want any witnesses if he breaks down, and Pete is one hundred percent expecting a breakdown tonight. Especially because Pete is going to corner him. 
And Vegas hates being cornered. 
So he waits until they are home, until they are all alone and settling in for the night to start demanding answers. 
“So, are you going to tell me what happened earlier?” Pete asks him as they are changing into their sleep clothes. 
Vegas pauses, shirt halfway off as he looks over at him. “What do you mean?” He asks, pulling it the rest of the way off and yanking on the soft tee he likes to wear to bed. 
Pete just stares at him for a minute. He knows what Vegas is doing. He’s playing dumb. So he just waits until the tension rises uncomfortably between them and says,  “Who is Hiran Ayutthaya?” 
Vegas flinches back like Pete had struck him instead of simply saying a name. 
“Pete.” It comes out like a warning. 
Pete ignores it because he is so tired of playing this game. “No. Don't Pete me. And I don't want to hear another ‘I’m fine’ come out of your mouth.  You're the farthest thing from fine, and we both know it.” 
This time, when Vegas says his name it sounds almost painful, like it's being forcefully ripped from his throat. “Pete, please.” 
That makes him pause, but, “No. We are doing this. I'm really worried about you.” 
“I know but-” 
“If you know, then why won't you talk to me?” 
Vegas crosses his arms over his chest, his stance guarded. Pete hates it. He shouldn't have to feel guarded with him. “Because I don't want to talk about it.”
“Maybe you should, though. I really think you need it.”
“What makes you think you know what I need? You don’t fucking know anything.” 
Intellectually, he knows that Vegas is lashing out at him on purpose, to get him to back off, but the little jab still stings. “Stop.” 
He tilts his head and frowns. “Stop what? I'm not doing anything.”
“Stop trying to hurt me to shut me up.” He tells him, hands resting on his own hips. “It isn't going to work.” 
“That's not what I'm doing.” 
“Isn't it?” When Vegas just frowns at him he continues, “You're scared of me finding out something you've been hiding so you're going to dig into all the places you know I’m sensitive to make me hurt. To make me back off. But I don't care what you say. Only one thing will stop this conversation, and that's if you tell me to leave.” He knows he's doing the same thing here, hitting him where it hurts, but it's the truth.  The only way he's leaving this alone is if he's forced to physically leave. 
Vegas looks like he's just been punched but doesn't respond. 
“So, are you going to kick me out? Tell me to leave and never come back?”
“That's not fair.” He replies, tone low and face pinching in distress.
“I know it's not, but I can't keep tiptoeing around this, Vegas. I'm your partner. I'm supposed to be there for you. We are supposed to be doing this whole family thing together.  I'm supposed to be taking on your enemies with you, right by your side. And that includes the ones I can't see. I'm supposed to protect you. But how can I protect you if I don't know what's hurting you?”
His dark eyes look suspiciously wet as he quietly answers, “You can't protect me from this, baby.“ 
He searches Vegas’ face. He looks like he is either going to bolt from the room or disassociate right in front of him. This face right here is the reason they need to do this. 
“Then at least let me help you. Tell me what’s going on so I can help you when you withdraw from me. Please. You are always taking care of me. Don't you trust me to take care of you too?”
Vegas physically turns away from him, like he can't accept that Pete could love him and want to take care of him in the same way Vegas does. 
“Please.” He repeats, quieter this time. “Let me take care of you.”
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mashounen1945 · 2 months
Learning to play fighting games is Pain™
I don't know if I'm the one who has a problem here or if this genre of videogames is simply not for me, but that's what it feels like when I try it.
I tried to start playing various fighting games... Well, at least those that can actually run on my PC without crashing the entire system because they're way too heavy for the CPU: either emulated stuff like Street Fighter 2 for SNES or anything that could be played on FightCade, or indie games & fan-games for PC. But it turns out the only way I can do literally anything (and by that, I don't even mean winning, just... not being immediately reduced to a pulp without having even touched my opponent) is by sitting down for hours each day during several weeks, memorizing all combos for each character, reading detailed breakdowns of each character's pros and cons and spreadsheets with each individual technique's frame data, and then trying to read the movements of the opponent so I can know what specific attack they're about to use and what exactly I have to do to counter that (as if reading people's non-verbal language in real life and knowing what's the right thing to say or do at that moment wasn't already hard enough).
And it gets worse. I thought my reflexes were decent enough after having played games like Spark the Electric Jester or Mega Man Battle Network, where dashing into an enemy attack at the right moment or hitting an enemy right when that enemy is attacking is actively encouraged, or Sonic Battle, where I have to pay attention to what an enemy is doing so I can figure out what kind of special move they're immune against and what I have to do to win a battle without being hit or what I have to do in order to avoid being KO'd in one hit. But nope! It turns out having practice with those games is still not enough, and in every fighting game I try, I can't even react to literally anything and every attempt of counter-hitting an opponent right when they're in the middle of their own attack fails spectacularly. Besides, there are all these combos that allow you to inflict lots of damage in a short amount of time and it feels so satisfying to pull them off (at least on a keyboard, because my USB gamepad is crap, apparently), and some characters or even entire games seemingly expect you to use those combos a lot; however, learning and practicing combos is virtually useless in games like Dragon Ball FighterZ or the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure arcade, where you can't use combos —or even heavy normal attacks— unless you previously fill up a special energy meter meant to be used for those combos... but said meter is at zero at the beginning of every fight, filling up that meter is such a tedious chore and then it becomes straight-up impossible to do that while also trying to avoid getting beaten up by your opponent.
Something I can never get used to is the fact that I have to press Up on the d-pad (or move the analog stick upwards) in order to jump, or that I have to move backwards at the right moment in order to guard against an enemy attack. This is a problem for me probably because I played platformers such as Sonic and Mega Man —as well as indie games inspired by either or both of then— during most of my life, all those games have a dedicated jump button, and those games that include a guarding or parrying mechanic of some sort also have a dedicated guard/parry button.
(There's also Super Smash Brothers, which I haven't even looked at: it works in an entirely different way compared to other fighting games, and it lowkey scares me, to be quite honest)
Like... How did people even play these games back in the day, when things such as frame data and analyses of pros & cons per character weren't available for the general public and competitive gaming didn't even exist?
Honestly, the only way I could ever learn to play fighting games is if someone else with actual experience sat down with me and guided me through the entire process. In a nutshell: I'd need a sensei, just like in a real-life martial art.
Anyway... I'm tired of this, I'll go back to Battle Network. I'd already finished the 2nd game's normal story mode on early June and I was planning to start with the postgame now, but I chose to make this digression into a different genre before resuming my Battle Network 2 playthrough. I guess it's time to kick Bass.EXE's ass now.
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steponmeinejghafa · 10 months
First Bench Pt.5 (TW)
Summary: With exams coming up, you withdraw from everyone, including your family, and it takes a toll on you. Zoya tries comforting you to the best of her capabilities, but after you keep pushing her away, she gets fed up and confronts you.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: Breakdown, stress, crying, self-deprecating thoughts, mentions of an attempt at self harm.
First Part
Second Part
Third Part
Fourth Part
Exam season. You dreaded it. Were you smart? Of course you were. Were you human? Unfortunately, yes. Naturally the stress of having to get good marks was pressurising you, and honestly, with the whole issue with Zoya, it was getting worse.
It had been two weeks since the party now. Since then, you had been cold and curt with Zoya, ignoring her unless she made one of her usual comments, or just to gloat about your marks at her.
“Hey,” Nina said softly that morning as she entered class. You had a huge headache and you were stupid enough to make the decision to ignore it and came to school. “How’re you feeling?”
“My head is killing me,” you groaned. “I feel like I have a hangover.”
“Morning, Brekker,” Zoya said, smacking your head gently with her book as usual. “Had too much to drink last night? You look awful.”
“I know I still look better than you, Nazyalensky,” you snapped. “Keep to yourself if you know what’s good for you.”
Zoya rolled her eyes, hurt pinging in her heart. Two weeks. It had been two weeks since you both had last spoken decently to each other. She kept trying to make it like before, but she couldn’t. All you did was snap at her rudely and then ignore her.
“Still crushing your heart?” Nina raised a brow. “And clearly crushing hers in the process?”
You scoffed, “She has no heart. Let it go.”
“Alright,” shrugged the girl. She handed you some headache pills and said, “Have these when you feel the headache coming in stronger, okay?”
You nodded, distracted. You were already calculating what all you were supposed to do that day after your tutoring session with Zoya. Cover the last history chapter, do a bit of math, redraw your maps for practice and so much more.
“Everyone,” the teacher called for your attention, “I hope you have been working hard on your project work, because it’s due in two days, so just a heads-up.”
“Is your mediocre work ready, Nazyalensky?” You asked, looking at her. “I need to add it to my far better work and edit it more, obviously.”
“Oh please,” Zoya scoffed. “Calling my work mediocre would make your work trash, Brekker.”
You shrugged, “My grades display otherwise.”
“Saints, something went seriously wrong between them,” Nikolai mumbled to Mal, who was sitting on the seat beside him. “I miss the playful banter.”
“Me too,” admitted the other boy. “I wish they’d just admit their feelings to each other, honestly.”
“Never gonna happen,” Alina turned around and said to them. “They’re both stubborn donkeys.”
—Time Skip—
“Y/n, come on, it’s time for dinner,” Nina said that evening as you sat at your tiny desk, studying hard. You had only just come home from your tutoring session with Zoya, tension-filled as usual.
“I’ll eat later,” you dismissed her with a wave of your hand.
She sighed. You had been doing this for days now. They all would eat together, while you slaved away at your desk without a break. At times one of them would go to the living room at two a.m to see you with a lamp on the dining table, your books strewn about there while you memorised something quietly. You hadn’t spent more than twenty minutes that week with them, and it was beginning to worry them all.
You got up and moved your things out of the room when Nina and Inej went to bed after having studied for a little while, and sat down at the dining table with a cup of coffee Mrs Romanov handed to you.
You were stressed. Far too stressed. In the night time you were holed up at your desk, in the day you were tired and irritable, your body taut with effort and exertion.
Sometimes when you couldn’t remember something, you would nearly break down into tears. You had to make sure you got top marks. Your reputation was at stake. You thought that if you didn’t, the others would think you were a failure and that your scholarship was a waste.
Zoya noticed everything. She noticed how you didn’t come to lunch in the cafeteria, how you were always taking a nap in you spare time between lessons, how your beautiful eyes now had bags under them, and how you were getting progressively more irritable in your tutoring sessions.
One day, everyone had a free period because the teachers were all called to the principal’s office for an urgent staff meeting. While everyone milled about and chatted with their friends, played small games with each other, and just had fun, you were quietly reading your textbook, politely turning down any invitations given to you to join them all.
You were covering geography, and there was a part you were quizzing yourself with. Suddenly, your mind went blank and you couldn’t remember a single thing of what you had memorised.
Impossible. You had memorised nearly the whole book!
You started mumbling the start of the answer again and again, but the rest was just not coming to you. Panic seized your whole body. The exams were in five days, you could not blank out now!
You slipped out of the classroom, hopefully unnoticed and went to the bathroom to try to compose yourself. However, you weren’t as discreet as you thought you had been, because just as you left the classroom, Zoya noticed and followed soundlessly behind.
You reached the bathroom and splashed water on your face, but the voices which were already whispering in your head were louder now.
It was such an easy chapter, you don’t deserve to get the marks you have.
So pathetic, you will never be as good as Zoya or Inej, or anyone for that matter.
So far it’s been easy. You’re too dumb to do this.
You should’ve stayed in Kerch and let Pekka gut you clean like a fish.
You’re such a failure. Always have been.
“I can’t do this,” you whispered, your hand going into your pocket as the other gripped the basin tightly, while your breathing picked up. You felt for the small pocket knife you always carried, and finally extracted it from the fabric of your jacket.
“God, I’m a failure,” you sobbed softly, your legs feeling weak. You backed up against a wall and slid to the floor, your knees up against your chest as you dissolved into a panic attack slowly and painfully.
“Brekker, what in the name of the Saints are you-“ Zoya froze upon seeing your sobbing figure, and felt her heart stop in her chest as her eyes landed on the open pocketknife in your hand as well as your rolled up sleeve.
“Hey,” she said in a far gentler tone, trying to catch your attention as your chest heaved and your pale hands quaked. “Brekker, come on, look at me.”
“Z-Zoya?” Your eyes finally focused on her. “I can’t breathe, Saints I can’t breathe…”
“I know, I know,” she grabbed your hands in hers and gently rubbed her thumbs over the backs of them hesitantly. “Try breathing with me, come on.”
You nodded, the voices a little less loud in your ears now. She guided you through your panic attack, her voice slowly overpowering the ones in your head till they were once more just whispers.
Zoya’s heart was pounding in her chest. Sure, you were having a panic attack, but you said her name. You called her by her name for the first time. Not Nazyalensky. You called her Zoya.
“Feeling better?” She asked, her hands still in yours as she knelt in front of you. You didn’t reply and she frowned in concern, “Y-Y/n?”
You snapped out of your thoughts immediately, your heart fluttering again. No, you can’t. You crushed the feeling again, just how you had been doing these last few weeks.
“Did-did you just call me Y/n?” You whispered nonetheless, shocked.
“Um,” she panicked and shook her head, “I figured I’d grace you with that gift now that you addressed me by my first name.”
“We’re on a first name basis now?” You sniffled with a raised brow. Your walls went up around your heart again. You would not fall for her. You refused to.
“Seems like it?” She smiled, hoping things were back to normal.
“You wish, Nazyalensky,” you spat, standing up. “Leave me alone, thanks. And don’t breathe a word about this to anyone.”
She scowled, “You’re such an ungrateful asshole, Brekker. I helped you with that panic attack, and you have the gall to talk to me like I’ve violated you or something!”
“I didn’t need your help!” You exclaimed, fear gripping your heart in a chokehold.
I can’t let this happen. No, no, no.
“Really?” She scoffed. “You didn’t need my help? You were about to fucking cut yourself, and you’re telling me you didn’t need help?”
“Not from you,” you seethed.
“Fuck you, Brekker,” she scowled and opened the door to the bathroom.
“Get out of my face, Nazyalensky,” you replied.
That hurt. That one hurt her so badly, Zoya wanted to cry. She genuinely wanted to make sure you were okay, but all you did was push her away. All you did was act nasty towards her, and it was pissing her off.
“Watch me, Brekker,” she mumbled to herself. “I will find out what the hell is going on in that dumbass head of yours.”
She called Nina to her desk as she reached class and said softly, “Nina, could you please make sure Brekker’s okay? She’s been acting up lately.”
Nina sighed, “She’s not an easy person when she gets stressed. She’s been acting up with us as well. I think it’s the exams.”
“Maybe. Just…just take care of her, okay? I’m worried,” Zoya admitted. Seeing Nina’s knowing gaze she hastily added, “Because I need my opponent to be healthy for competition, obviously.”
“Whatever, Zoya,” laughed the girl as she walked away.
—Time Skip—
You sat silently with Zoya that evening in the library. It was completely deserted today, everyone went home early to study, clearly.
“Brekker,” she said, hitting you over the head with her pencil as you nearly dozed off again. “Focus.”
“I am focusing, Nazyalensky,” you snapped. “Saints, maybe if you didn’t drone on like a boring priest, I’m sure I could focus properly.”
“Well maybe if you stopped stressing out so much, maybe you might find my boring, priestlike droning useful,” she replied, her brow raised.
Honestly, you were really so trying sometimes. Her patience was wearing thin.
“Saints, why did Reznik have to shove us together?” You grumbled under your breath, but she heard it in the silence of the library.
She’d had enough now.
“Alright, that’s it,” she threw down her pencil onto her book and glared at you. “It has been two weeks since the…incident, and all you have been towards me is vile, hateful, and angry. What the hell is going on with you? I have tried to be nice, hell I tried to help you through your panic attack, but what the fuck did I do to earn this much hate?”
You shook your head and stood up with a stack of reference books in hand to put them back. “Don’t read into it, Nazyalensky.”
She stood up and followed you, saying, “You have been distant from me, from your friends, everyone! Why?”
You continued putting books in their places, moving around to find the empty spot where the right ones were. “None of your business,” you said curtly.
She breathed in deeply, tamping her frustration down. “Brekker, as much as I hate to say it, I’m worried about you. That panic attack in the bathroom today was no little thing.”
You felt your hand clench into a fist and tried not to cry. “Please don’t mention my episodes of anxiety. Besides, it wasn’t that bad. I could’ve managed.”
Zoya resisted the urge to slap you silly. “Wasn’t that bad? Brekker, I walked in to see you almost put a knife to your arm. That, in case you didn’t know, is called self-harm. People get professional help for that sort of thing,” she put a hand on your wrist, making you unclench your fist. Her voice was soft, concerned as she continued, “Please, Brekker, talk to someone, if not me. I get why you won’t talk to me. But for Saint’s sake, get some help.”
You hated it when people talked to you that way. With that false concern in their voices. Saying ‘talk to someone’. You were fine. At least, you thought you were. Wasn’t stress normal?
“No,” you said forcefully, shaking her hand off your wrist. “Keep your false concern to yourself, Nazyalensky.”
Saints, you craved her skin on yours again, but you couldn’t. You shouldn’t.
Zoya caught your arm and pulled you to face her, risking a punch to the face. You looked angry. Genuinely angry at her. But she didn’t care.
“Who hurt you?” She asked, her dark eyes gleaming with something you didn’t know. “Who the hell hurt you so badly, that you decided to hurt yourself? That you ended up hurting others around you? Those who love you? Nina, Inej, Kaz, the whole lot of them are worried sick, Brekker! I have been worried sick!”
Your angry expression melted away, and your blazing eyes filled with tears which you tried to keep at bay. Your breath rattled in your chest as you turned away from her, saying softly, “It doesn’t matter.”
Exasperated, Zoya exploded at you, “It does matter, Y/n! You matter! People care about you so much, and—“ she tried making sure her voice didn’t crack with desperation, but failed. “I care about you!”
“Y-you-you called me ‘Y/n’ again,” you whispered, tears sill brimming in your eyes, threatening to spill. The same shock which held your heart in a fist in the bathroom earlier came back.
Your name sounded beautiful coming from her lips…
“Saints damn it all,” Zoya whispered under her breath. She looked back at you and hesitantly took the books from your hand and placed them on a pile nearby.
She held your hands in hers slightly, just curling her palms around your fingers, as she said, “I care about you so much, Y/n. I-I love you, and-and seeing you so hurt makes my heart ache terribly for some reason. I-I just want you to be okay. Since the day you walked into that damned classroom, I have been madly in love with you, and I don’t know what to do because you clearly hate me.”
Your voice was barely a whisper as you looked down, heart racing as the tears welled up more in your eyes, blurring your vision. “I don’t hate you…”
“Then why have you been acting like it?” She sounded hurt, and it made your heart break.
Down came the walls, crumbling to rubble as you let the tears fall. You shook your head, saying, “I got scared, Zoya. I got so fucking scared. I was scared you were going to use me to get ahead, I was scared that if we even did happen, I’d lose you too quickly,” the tears weren’t stopping, and your hands grew shaky as the emotions overwhelmed you. “I was scared that-that I love you so much, I would scale a mountain, cross an ocean, and kill a thousand men just to hold your hand and kiss your lips.”
She dropped your hands and held your face in her hands, wiping your tears away with her thumbs.
Saints, those dark, dark eyes…you loved her eyes so much. Her touch was so gentle, you wanted more.
“I would never use you, Y/n,” she said, pulling you closer to her, holding your head in her palms so carefully that you felt it was a dream. “I would cut my hands off before before I’d even think of using you to get ahead. Honestly, you matter more than just some number on a sheet. And I mean that both in my context and in yours. You always matter more.”
She was so close, just a little further and you could kiss her.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I’m so, so sorry, Zoya, for pushing you away. I was foolish to think that by withdrawing from you, my feelings would go away. It only made them stronger.”
Zoya felt a nervous knot in her stomach as she spoke the next words. “Y/n Brekker, top scorer of the Little Palace High School, may I have the privilege of being yours?”
Your heart leapt and raced so fast in your chest, yo we’re positive it was echoing in the library like a drumbeat. “Zoya Nazyalensky, second best scorer of the Little Palace High School, yes you may.”
“Really?” She smiled, her face glowing with happiness.
Your gaze skirted down to her lips and back to her eyes. “Saints, you have the most gorgeous eyes,” you admitted with a blush.
She laughed softly, a sound which filled you up with warmth so much that you wanted to just put it in a jar and keep it with you forever. “Do I, now?”
Your shy side came through, as you nodded, blushing redder. “Yeah.”
“Honestly, for someone so intimidating, you are so cute,” she chuckled.
“Saints, Zoya,” you said, flustered.
Zoya loved how you said her name. She loved how you said it so gently, as if it were a porcelain doll which could break at even the slightest bit of force.
She moved back and picked up the pile of books on the floor, putting them away as your brain processed what all just transpired.
Your feet moved without you controlling them, and Zoya turned around to see you standing behind her. “Saints, Brekker,” she chuckled. “You move like a cat. Soundless and-mph!” Her statement was muffled as you caught her by the waist and pressed your lips to hers, desire having taken over you.
Your mind went back to two weeks ago, in Nikolai’s library, where the kisses had been heated, lustful, and slightly sloppy. This time her lips were soft on yours, like a feather’s touch on your skin. Her hands cupped your face and she kissed back with a gentle force, smiling a little against your lips.
Your heart raced and your mind went blank again, and your thoughts only echoed one word.
Zoya, Zoya, Zoya.
When she pulled away panic seized you as you blushed and apologised profusely.
“I am so sorry, I should’ve asked first, I really don’t know what I’m doi-“ she caught you by the face again and pulled you in, kissing you softly to shut you up. Slowly, she backed you up against the bookshelf, your arms around her waist again, pulling her impossibly closer. Her body was flush against yours, and the only sound was that of the steady ticking of the library clock.
She pulled away, and your chests heaved with the desire for air.
“You’re not bad at kissing, I admit,” you giggled, your cheeks red.
Zoya’s cheeks were daintily dusted with pink, and she moved back to go towards the table.
“Come on now,” she said with a small smile, “Back to work.”
—Time Skip—
You came back home beaming, looking so happy that Kaz and the others paused eating to stare at you.
“You look stupidly happy,” said your brother. “Who’s got you grinning like an idiot?”
Jesper nudged him, “Zoya, obviously,”
You blushed and giggled at the sound of her name, making Nina slam her palms on the table, grinning madly, “You kissed her, didn’t you?!”
You giggled again and went to the kitchen, grabbing a plate for yourself, “Maybe….” You replied in a dreamy tone.
They all gasped collectively, and Nina and Jesper both squealed in excitement. “YOU KISSED HER!!”
You sat next to Inej, still blushing profusely as the thought of her lips on yours returned to you. “I’m sorry if I pushed you guys away…”
“No matter about that,” said Matthias, “We all know your academics matter a lot to you.”
“Exactly! You do this every time you get stressed, it’s not new,” said Wylan.
“I’m proud of you, Y/n,” said Kaz with a small smile.
“We need the gory details,” giggled Inej, resting her head atop yours.
You grinned and nodded, “Anything for my sisters.”
In the room, Inej and Nina sat on your bed while you narrated the entire incident in detail, squealing constantly till Mrs Romanov scolded you all to go to sleep.
—Time Skip—
The next day dawned appropriately bright, and you entered class with a spring in your step which everyone noticed.
“Y/n Brekker is back, everyone!” Announced Nikolai with an impish grin. “Good to see you smiling again, love.”
They were all around his desk, Alina sitting in Mal’s lap while the rest sat atop other desks in a loose circle.
“Never call me that again, Niko,” you grinned, ruffling his hair as you pulled up a chair to sit in, after putting your bag on your desk. “But yes, I’m back.”
You were laughing at something when you felt someone kiss the top of your head and whisper, “Good morning, darling,” in your ear.
Everyone went silent as Zoya sat in your lap, making herself comfortable.
“What?” She asked, brow raised at everyone.
“You and her…” Genya grinned. “Did you guys-“
“Yeah,” you nodded with a smile, wrapping your arms protectively around her waist.
“I NEED A BOOK ON THIS,” Nikolai loudly said, making everyone laugh as they congratulated you.
“It’s about time,” Alina chuckled. “We were getting tired of the constant banter.”
You chuckled and rested your head against Zoya’s back, smiling softly as she leaned into your touch
She was competition, yes.
But you loved her for it.
Correction: this wasn’t the end. SiKe <3
Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed it <3 special shout-out to @hungergames-who for being my biggest supporter in this <3 Please feel free to ask for imagines <3
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melonlthawne · 10 months
little rabbit // max + bart // wc: ???
small baby!bart & max preview below : ) it is very much in the beginning stages but i made a little progress so i wanted to share
Max was used to Bart ending up in precarious situations. It was better to predict that Bart would get into some mishap than to assume he’d somehow stay out of trouble for once. So Max often relied on the assumption that by the time he got home each day Bart was either already in over his head or something terribly wrong had happened to prevent Bart’s misadventures. Thus, Max was prepared whenever he spent a decent amount of time away from Bart, mentally arranging solutions in his brain for when he’d check on Bart. But when he walked in the door, Max felt a feeling was over him that something was awry. The strangest reason being that the house seemed completely empty. If Bart had gone out with friends or did something after school he would’ve definitely checked in with Max about it beforehand. Well, he couldn’t be that worried, could he? Maybe Bart just forgot to tell him he had something this afternoon? That was the thought Max was leading with, walking maybe an inch or two forward when something rammed into his legs, not enough to knock him back, but enough for Max to be slightly surprised and look down to see what it was.
“Huh?” Max’s gaze was met with something completely unexpected. 
Well, there Bart was. Looking up at Max like a deer in the headlights of. At first, at least, until some sort of familiar comfort took over the boy and most of the fear and confusion was replaced with…love? Probably the only way Max could really interpret it. But what was so strange in this given situation was that Bart was not his normal size, nor his normal age, his normal anything. Max was met with his mentor; his now very, very tiny mentor. 
Max was stumped. However, staring down at Bart like an idiot certainly didn’t do anything to help either of them in this situation. Besides, Max had a strong feeling the moment he took his eyes off little Bart, he would wind up in even worse of a situation, if there was one. So he bent down and plucked the baby off the floor, in a motion that seemed a little too natural when it was much out of the blue. He had picked Bart up a few times before if the teen was injured and honestly? He never weighed much. But it still was weird just how different it seemed. As Max tried to process what was going on and how he was going to take care of this peculiarity, Bart just sort of melted against Max’s chest, huge eyes focused on Max without a care in the world. Seemed like the little dude was on cloud nine, not even miffed by his sudden morphological change that would leave most verging on a breakdown. Either that or he hid it really well. Who knew? Max sure didn’t. 
“And this is why I can never leave you alone.” Max slowly shook his head, his free hand resting against his temple as he took a very brief moment to inhale and exhale, trying to sort out his thoughts. This would be a very difficult situation considering whatever Bart knew about his current state was really limited. And though he had no doubt at any age Bart was capable of much more than a normal person, he wasn’t sure how much that potential could be used if Bart had the attention span of, well, a baby. Getting Bart to cooperate normally could be a struggle. Imagine how bad it could be now. 
The man supposed he should start from the basics. See if Bart knew who he was, where he was, what was going on. When he could get a feeler for the situation, perhaps a clearer answer would follow suit. So Max fixed his posture, sitting on the couch, adjusting Bart in his grip to sit comfortably in his lap, Bart still lost in his own abstract thoughts but in-tuned with Max’s movements enough to simply rest his head against the man’s chest, finding comfort in the old man’s heartbeat. Max took a quick look at it and was honestly sort of surprised at how calm Bart was for how bizarre this was. Maybe the kid was just so used to weird antics that this sort of thing was a walk in the park. The uncertainty made Max’s usual mighty disposition only very slightly waver. But he had been through worse, will be through worse - it was just the sort of life Max had gotten used to. So this? It might have not been ideal or common but that didn’t mean it would break him so easily. And since it involved Bart, a boy he considered family, he would do anything to sort this out and protect him, especially in such a fragile state.
“Okay…” One more balanced breath came from the man before he addressed Bart, placing a grisled hand beneath Bart’s chin and gently guiding the boy’s gaze up to his face so they could get this whole situation sorted out as fast as possible, “Bart, do you know where you are?” 
Golden eyes studied Max’s face. Like before, as Bart processed what was asked, his eyes seemed to light up as his brain’s gears churned and chugged. He tilted his head ever so slightly, bottom lip pursed, eyes shifting left and right trying to think. When the answer hit him, his eyes lit up once more and Bart triumphantly nodded his head in excitement, sitting up a little and holding onto Max’s shirt with small fists. The smile on the kid’s face was super irresistible but Max was somehow keeping his composure. For the time being. 
“Okay, I suppose that’s progress.” He was decently surprised by that alone. Maybe Bart wasn’t as illusioned as he thought he was? Still, Max thought it important to assume Bart had little idea what was going on until he had much solid confirmation Bart was all there. Time to continue the questioning. Max seemed to hesitate if only for a moment or two but this was probably the more important of the two questions to aks right away so he’d have to even if he was unsure what the answer might be. But if Bart knew where he was, he was 75% sure the answer to this one would be just as encouraging. He drew his attention back to Bart, who in the span of maybe 30 seconds, ended up completely focused on something else, catching something in the corner of his eye and causing the baby to dip forward and try to chase after whatever it was. Maybe something as small as a dust bunny. Max wasn’t sure. But Max reeled him in, not even phased by it really, if anything, at this size and capacity, it made more sense for Bart’s inattentiveness. It could be forgiven much easily here than it could normally, at least, if you didn’t know the boy that well. 
“Hey, no running off.” Max’s rough voice caught Bart suddenly, Bart looking back up at Max sheepishly but with a ever increasing smile. He seemed to have no care in the world. It was…a little too cute. But Max could refrain. Somehow. No one else would be able to resist those eyes so easily. “Focus, Bart. I know that may be hard. You know you’re home, yes?” 
Max intently looked Bart’s way. Bart slowly nodded in confirmation. Max finally offered a small smile. Bart responded extremely positively to it, gasping at first and making a happy squeal, satisfied with the action. Oh boy, this took all of Max’s restraint to not become putty in his tiny hands. How did he say no to Bart so frequently? It’d barely been 10 minutes and he was losing his rigidity. Yet again, Max searched Bart’s eyes for something, anything other than pure love, which he would appreciate in any other scenario had they had less questions to address. But right now, he needed some sort of SIGN. And this wasn’t enough. 
“Do you know who I am?” 
Another nod full of vigor from Bart. This seemed promising. Max raised a brow, hitching a ride on that lead, “Okay, who am I, then?”
Bart’s smile grew wider, somehow, eyes radiating warmth. And though it took him a second or two, Bart leaned closer to wrap his arms around as much of Max as he could, before answering, “Papa..”
Max’s heart skipped a beat. Bart seemed thrilled, satisfied with himself, but Max? He didn’t really know how to respond. Should he be worried Bart thought he was his dad? Was this some sort of biological wiring gone wrong? Or was it due to their relationship being blurred by Bart’s young mind? Was this how Bart viewed Max when there were no barriers keeping things in check? Max, for once, stumped, didn’t even realize Bart seemed to catch on that Max wasn’t happy, and he seemed to quiet down, looking at Max unsurely and gently patting Max’s stomach until he came back to Planet Earth. 
“Bart…I…no, I’m not…” Max sighed, brows furrowed, “I’m Max. Your mentor. Not-” 
“Papa.” Bart reaffirmed, frowning, searching for some sort of warmth in Max’s face or tone but not finding much there. It was clear though that Max’s response to this all was upsetting Bart. But Max wasn’t sure he could put it aside. Not right now. Not when this had JUST happened and they had to figure everything out. 
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xanthippe74 · 2 years
Drarry microfic: Crown
Eighth-year fluff, 700 words give or take, tiny mention of post-war trauma
When Ron arrives in the Great Hall on Saturday morning, still a bit wobbly and woefully uncaffeinated, he sees something that makes his legs stop working ten feet from the eighth-year table.
Malfoy is wearing the crown. Malfoy has never got the crown before.
It’s a ridiculous thing with an even more ridiculous origin story, made out of twisted paper serviettes held together with Sticking Charms. They’d all gone out to celebrate Seamus’ birthday at the Three Broomsticks and he’d insisted that their entire year—or what was left of it—come along. No one objected because the Slytherins had been decent so far, though Harry did grumble in Ron’s ear all the way to Hogsmeade.
They’d been a few rounds in and feeling almost at ease with each other when Zabini proclaimed that everyone had to try Italian elf-made wine. And then Dean, who apparently got a little belligerent when he was in his cups, demanded to know who died and made Zabini king?
"I did," Parkinson declared and proceeded to set various items from their table on Zabini’s head for an impromptu coronation: a beer mat, an empty chip basket, Hermione’s purse. By the time someone tried fashioning an actual crown from serviettes, everyone was howling and Rosmerta looked like she wanted to chuck them out into the snow.
“Hey, I should get the crown,” Seamus cried after Zabini had accepted the paper coronet. “It’s my birthday!”
“You can have it tomorrow.” Zabini gave a magnanimous nod that caused the crown to slip down over one eyebrow, which made Lavender give a loud hiccup, which set Greengrass giggling again. “In honour of turning nineteen-and-one-day.”
True to his word, Zabini had passed off the crown the next morning. Seamus wore it proudly all day before awarding it to Justin for courageously choosing Muggle pills over Hangover Potion. And so it’s been going around for a month now. McGonagall hasn’t said anything about it, just let them get on with their shenanigans. She probably decided that loosening the school's uniform rules was better than the nervous breakdowns that had seemed imminent at the Welcome Feast.
But Malfoy has never been given the crown, even by his housemates. Ron reckons they’re not sorry to see Malfoy humbled a bit, after watching him swan around like an actual prince for seven years. Harry has his own theories about what’s happening among the Slytherins (because of course he does). Ron and Hermione nipped that in the bud right quick when he tried to share them. The last thing Harry needs, on top of everything else, is another bout of Malfoy Obsession.
Harry. Harry had the crown yesterday, Ron remembers suddenly. A horrible, horrible idea grips him, as unsettling as a wriggling Flobberworm in his palm. Oh Morgana’s sweet tits, no.
“Good morning,” Hermione says briskly as Ron sits beside her, then huffs when he ignores her in favour of glaring at Malfoy.
Malfoy, for his part, keeps his eyes on his plate and ignores Ron entirely. Unsatisfied, Ron continues to examine him until his suspicions are heightened by a deep blush rising on Malfoy’s cheeks and ears. Bloody fucking hell.
Ron splutters, “What did you—”
“Do you really want to know, Ronald?” Hermione asks, cutting him off. “Think about it for a moment.”
Ron decides—very wisely, he thinks—that he does not want to know. In fact, he may never want to know anything about Harry ever again, because the idiot can’t stop smiling at Malfoy when he finally turns up for breakfast.
To everyone’s surprise, Malfoy passes the crown to Ron the following morning, with Harry (still grinning like an absolute numpty) as witness.
“For not punching me again,” Malfoy says solemnly as he sets the crown on Ron’s head. “Which would be completely understandable.”
Ron can’t help but laugh. “All right. But I demand your complete loyalty as my royal subject.”
With a roll of his eyes, Malfoy agrees—just for today. It seems he’s willing to put up with quite a lot, for Harry’s sake.
Ron whistles a few bars of “Weasley Is Our King” on the way to breakfast and decides that he’s willing, too. For Harry’s sake.
Written for the @drarrymicrofic prompt, "crown."
Masterlist of my microfics
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lvrrocks · 2 years
she doesn’t matter anymore . korekiyo shinguji
📓 kinda sad :(
💻 this is a fic between one of my ocs and Korekiyo. Basically in this, my oc, who’s name is Hisayo Amamiya, comforts Kiyo after some flashbacks of his sister. Kiyo was having a decent day til someone who looked like his sister was talking to him at the store, in a voice that reminded him of her, and he ended up not being in the best mental state after that. Hisayo helps <3
👤 korekiyo shinguji x hisayo amamiya ( an oc of mine )
📍 Kinda angst? Sad angst? , Sad kiyo :( , heavy talk of kiyos sister , kiyo having a bit of a mental breakdown (kinda?) , a very very vague mention of sa , don’t worry it’s fluffy at the end !!
• • • •
“Darling?” She called. “Baby, hey, where are you?”
She could hear her lover’s cries from their shared bedroom. She hated hearing him this way.
“Kiyo! Baby? Hey, hi, there you are-“ she’d come over to sit next to Korekiyo, but she was taken aback at how red his eyes were. “Aw, lovey.. it’s alright.”
Kiyo turned his red, puffy eyes to look at her face, tears streaming down his own. The eyeliner he always had so perfectly and intricately drawn around his orbs was smudged. “You.. you didn’t see her.”
“Baby, of course I saw her. I’m so sorry.”
“No!” he let out an outburst that surprised even him and Hisa. “She.. she was just like her. Same eyes. Same long hair. Oh my god did she come back to haunt me? My love, please I beg you, don’t let her near my soul again.”
“My love, she doesn’t matter anymore. She is not here to touch you, I promise. And even if she is? I won’t let her near you. Ever.”
“But.. what if she.. what if..”
“Darling. Hey, Kiyo? Hey, hey look at me,” she held her lover’s face, moving it towards her own. “My love, she’s not here anymore. I made and will make sure of that. We cut your hair, I got rid of all the lipstick you kept for her, I burned your old uniform. She’s not here, alright? It’s just me. You know I wouldn’t hurt you, right?”
Korekiyo’s slender face faced hers, and he nodded. “Yes.. I just.. after all she did to me, all she made me do.. all she made me feel.. I just.. don’t want to experience that again..”
“I know my darling. And I’ll make sure it doesn’t. Okay? I love you far too much to let that happen. And you know I would never, never do that to you,” she rubbed her thumb softly against his tear-stained cheeks, “Do you understand?” And she meant that in the most genuine way possible.
Slowly, he nodded, leaning into her touch. “Yes.. you have never given me any reason to not trust you my love. She’s gone.. I know that.. sometimes it’s as though her ghost comes back to haunt me. Your graceful, but rough beauty could never measure up to anything she tried doing for me.”
She smiled, leaving a small kiss on his nose, before Korekiyo left a kiss on her lips. She fell right into it, softly caressing his cheek, as he slowly wrapped his arms around her waist. They stayed that way for a while.
Happy in each other’s embrace. Comfortable.
For the rest of their evening, they told ghost stories and lit candles while watching their favorite movies.
Korekiyo reveled in the fact he’d met someone who loved him for who he was, and didn’t coerce him into anything at all. He felt safe in her arms, in her embrace.
And he thanked the gods for such an angel.
And soon, they fell asleep in each other’s arms, in the dimly lit bedroom.
They were comfortable there. Happy.
And they couldn’t ask for anything more.
• • • •
Thank you for reading! Feel free to leave any criticism in the notes <3
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whats-wild-to-you · 1 year
Dr. Daredevil (Jay Park AU)
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I was sitting on a park bench, Park Jaebeom's last words still echoing in my ear.
'You and I, we could have a lot of fun. Think about it!'
I shook my head in utter disgust, thinking about his breath so close to my ear, it still sent shivers down my spine.
And the kiss.
He kissed me!
No! He practically assaulted me. There was nothing consensual about it.
I tried to get the picture, the feeling, out of my head, out of my system, but couldn't. It had already effectively burned itself onto my soul.
Why was it affecting me so much? Park Jaebeom was a fraud, a sleazebag, why couldn't I suppress these images out of my head?
I sat there motionless, registering how my phone kept vibrating in my pocket for a while now. It was probably Lee Kangmin. Or Soojung. I couldn't deal with either of them right now.
I vaguely noticed how it started drizzling, minutes later the rain had intensified and I was soaked through.
Only when someone yanked my arm, I looked up, seeing Kangmin's silhouette through the raindrops and tears.
"What are you doing here? You'll catch your death. Let's go! You need dry clothes and some tea."
I chuckled involuntarily as Lee Kangmin dragged me back to his car. After he sat me down on the passanger seat, he walked around the car, got behind the wheel and drove off.
It wasn't until we stopped in front of my apartment building that I teared my gaze off my lap and burned a hole on the side of his face.
"How did you know where to find me?"
"I was lucky, I guess."
I didn't buy his lame explanation but because he kept staring straight ahead, I decided to let it go.
"Well, thanks!"
I got out, carefully closing the door after me, but flinched when I saw Kangmin climbing off the driver's seat, slamming his door shut.
"You don't need to walk me to my apartment." I tried to reason with him, but he had a stern look on his face, so I allowed him to guide me upstairs.
He went to the kitchen, while I grabbed some clothes from my bedroom and disappeared in the bathroom. My hair was still dripping wet, and a sigh escaped my lips when I looked at my reflection in the mirror.
I never claimed to have my life in order, I was still figuring things out, I still made mistakes, but I always thought that I was mature and responsible. Sensible and decent. What must've Lee Kangmin been thinking of me?
While I blow-dried my hair, I wondered if he knew that Park Jaebeom was the reason for my mental breakdown.
I checked my phone before I joined him, not surprised that all the previous calls and messages had been from him.
"I'm sorry I made you worry." I said meekly, trying to draw attention to the fact that I stood behind him. When he turned around I could see that the stern expression from before was still on his face.
I wanted to ask what was bothering him, but refrained from it at the last minute. If I was honest with myself, I wasn't so sure I wanted to know what was on his mind.
"Here. Drink this! I'm going to go get you some cold medicine. You're going to need it tomorrow."
He fled my apartment after handing me a cup of piping hot tea. After 30 minutes he still hadn't come back, so I opened the front door, discovering a plastic bag on the doormat.
Taking the medicine inside, I grabbed my phone, glad I had put Soojung's number on speed dial.
"Are you busy?"
'No, why?'
"I need you to come over. Now."
'I'm on my way.'
I didn't want to sound too dramatic, but I felt my world slowly collapsing around me and only Soojung would understand the effect Park Jaebeom still had on me.
I brushed my fingers through my hair for the thousandth time, pacing up and down the living room.
"Why did I have to kiss her? What in God's name possessed me?"
No matter how hard I tried to push the thoughts of her aside, my brain wasn't willing to move on.
I had kissed her!
And I had enjoyed it!
I could smell her perfume as I leaned in closer to her. I still remembered how soft her lips felt against mine. I could still taste her lip gloss every time I licked over my own lips.
I had wanted to rile her up, play with her mind, make her uncomfortable. In the end, it was me who suffered. Every time I closed my eyes, I could see her icy stare, full of hatred and disgust for me, as she freed herself from my grasp. I wasn't even aware I had grabbed her by the waist, until she removed my hands off her as if they were burning her skin.
"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
"What's wrong, boy?"
I whirled around, staring at my grandfather who stood at the door, staring back at me with a frown on his face.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. It's nothing."
I had repeated that sentence until I fell asleep that night.
It's nothing.
It's nothing.
It's nothing.
Before I fell into a restless sleep, a thought crossed my mind. Maybe Chaeyeon would be uncomfortable enough to leave. My mind was already too numb to continue that thought, but I remembered not liking the idea of her leaving.
Lee Kangmin
The next morning I made a mental note to track down Chaeyeon and get her to talk to me. I was sure something was bothering her, and I had a pretty good idea what, or better yet, who it was.
Since I started working in this hospital, I've been hearing rumors about Dr. Park and Dr. Kang. Some of them were too crazy to be true but others, some of which involved Chaeyeon, kept bothering me.
It became clear to me that she was involved with both of them, and it was weighing down on her.
I had tried several times to take her mind off Dr. Park and Dr. Kang, but it seemed no matter where I went, I always saw one or the other talking to Chaeyeon.
I was slowly running out of ideas. Except for my last resort. And if I had to, I would use it.
I raised my head from a patient's file just in time to see her walk inside the break room. But before I could hand over the file to the nurse and go after her, Park Jaebeom appeared by my side.
"Dr. Lee, we hadn't had a chance yet to talk. Let's walk."
I looked at him, then nodded. Had he been stalking me? Stalking Chaeyeon? How did he appear at the exact same time I spotted her?
"I meant to talk to you too, Dr. Park. I was wondering when I could join your OR."
"Never, I'm afraid."
His answer took me by surprise. I never for one second believed that this man was as nice as the brochure insinuated, but I wasn't prepared for that level of bluntness.
"May I ask why?"
I spoke through greeted teeth when I saw Park Jaebeom's face display a level of annoyance only reserved for little kids or dogs who destroyed things around the house.
"It's rather simple. I just don't like you!"
I almost choked on my own spit. Was this crazy bastard serious?
"I wonder what Ki-"
"I'm untouchable. What I say, goes, and not even Kim Donghyun can make me do things I don't want to do."
Okay, it seems like at least one of these crazy rumors was true. He did have a God complex!
"Fine, I'll find another way." I turned around to leave but then stopped, a small smirk appearing on my face.
"Do me a favor then, since we're talking so openly to each other." I began, watching him eyeing me with a raised eyebrow.
"What?" He smirked smugly.
"Stay the fuck away from Chaeyeon!"
When I turned around and left, I swear I could hear him snort. Determined, I walked straight into the break room, located Chaeyeon and dragged her out and into an elevator.
"Where's the fire?"
I remained silent. I was still raging from my unpleasant encounter with Park Jaebeom and I really didn't want to let it all out on her.
We arrived on the last floor and from then on took the stairs all the way up to the roof.
"Where are you taking me?
Why aren't you talking?
Did something happen?
What's wrong?"
I stayed quiet, simply dragging her arm behind me. When we arrived on the roof, I spun her around, making her face me.
"Ouch! You're hurting me!" She yelped and immediately my hand dropped to my side.
"I'm sorry, I- No! It's not me who needs to apologize! I want you to be honest with me, Chaeyeon! What goes on between you and Dr. Park? What goes on between you and Dr. Kang?"
She chuckled. It wasn't a smug chuckle but still made my blood boil.
"I can tell they're both giving you a hard time. I thought we were friends! Friends tell each other things. Just tell me what's going on!"
"Nothing." She eventually said, and for a moment she looked genuine.
I sighed. I had expected that response from her, although I had hoped she would trust me enough to confide in me.
"It's not their fault. It's mine."
"Are you serious? You're defending them? I don't know about Dr. Kang but Dr. Park is a certified asshole. And you're defending him?"
"If you knew wh-"
"Then tell me!"
I was screaming at her, and watched all color drain from her face.
"Dammit, Chae! Can't you see? I care about you! I hate seeing you like this! I know you're not close to anyone else in this hospital. But I'm here. Ready to help you. Why won't you talk to me?"
Her eyes became glossy from the unshed tears gathering in them. She blinked once and two big and perfectly round teardrops escaped, running down on each side of her cheeks.
"Fuck! Chae, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry."
"It's not your fault I'm crying."
"Whose fault is it then? Park Jaebeom's? What did he do to you?"
"Chae, I-"
"It's true. He did nothing."
"Fine." I said, nodding my head.
I realized Chaeyeon wasn't going to tell me what was on her mind. That hurt me more than everything that might have come out of her mouth.
"Kangmin, please..."
"No, I think you made yourself clear. I thought we- but maybe not. Anyway, I'm sorry to have wasted your time. And mine."
"Kangmin!" She yelled after me but I had already closed the door behind me.
I must've been on the roof for hours. The darkness was engulfing me when I finally got my feet to move and stumble their way downstairs.
Ahn So Hee was waiting by the elevators and when she saw me, she placed her hands on my shoulders and steered me towards a supply closet.
"Where have you been? We've been looking for you for hours! We thought something had happened to you!"
I looked at her with a blank expression, wondering who 'we' was. She drew her eyebrows closer but didn't say anything as she pulled out her phone and sent a quick text. Moments later it began vibrating in her pocket but she didn't check it.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine! I just- I'm fine."
"Okay. Why don't you go home a little sooner today? I can monitor your patients for you!"
"No, it's okay."
"Please. You look like you need to rest."
I nodded slowly. Ahn So Hee looked extremely uncomfortable. She tried her best to console me, but her people skills were a bit rusty. Glad that I was taking her advise, she walked me over to the elevators and pushed the button for the ground floor.
"Get some sleep. Tomorrow you'll be better."
I smiled, despite disagreeing with her. I knew very well that I would not feel better tomorrow. If anything, I would feel worse.
Approaching my apartment, I saw a dark figure looming. When it stepped out into the light, I gasped, instinctively halting.
"Can we talk?"
"Now you want to talk?" I spat out, walking past him. I heard him sigh and knew he was remorseful, but I wouldn't, couldn't forgive him that easily.
"Please. I'll make it quick."
We walked upstairs in silence. I went to my bedroom to change while he waited in the living room.
"I'm sorry about-"
"I don't need your apology! I need you to understand wh-"
Neither of us was capable of finishing their sentence. Something heavy hung in the air. Maybe it was guilt, maybe disappointment. Maybe both.
Here he was, claiming wanting to talk. And yet, he had nothing to say.
"Why don't I make this easy for you? If you want me to, I will avoid you."
"That's not at all what I want."
"What do you want then?"
My voice wasn't supposed to betray me, but in the end it came out as a small whimper.
"You." He breathed out, and before I had a chance to process those three letters, he lifted me off the floor and carried me to the bedroom.
I stirred in my sleep and came slowly back to my senses. For a moment I was unsure where I was. Trying to sit up, it took my eyes a while to adjust to the darkness surrounding me.
I felt parched, groaning as I tried to get out of bed to get some water from the kitchen. I tried to heave my body off the mattress only to realize that I couldn't. Something was holding me back.
Correction. Someone.
Tilting my head, I saw Jaebeom's smushed face on the pillow. His eyes were closed and his breathing shallow which meant he was deep asleep but the fact that his grip on me was still tight astounded me.
Mindful to not wake him up, I looked for my phone, eventually finding it buried under me. It was already 5am. Soon my alarm would go off.
"Don't go." His sleepy, rough voice made my insides melt. I felt how he pulled me back into his embrace but didn't protest.
"I need to get up." I whispered back, sounding anything but determined.
Jaebeom breathed out in frustration, I felt a tingle run down my neck when he hummed in my ear, his hot breath setting my skin on fire. He began leaving kisses on my shoulder, then turned me around so I was laying on his chest, his steady heartbeat matching the pulse between my legs. I was still sore but it was a pleasant kind of pain.
"I need to get up!"
I felt the rumble in his chest when he started laughing, it made me peel my body off his and stare at him with a cocked eyebrow.
"One's a nerd, always a nerd!" He offered as explanation.
My tiny fist collided with the muscles in his abdomen. I was sure it hurt me more than it hurt him, but the moment of confusion it created was enough for me to slip out of his warm embrace. I regretted it immediately.
Without looking back at him, I grabbed my clothes and disappeared in the bathroom.
Minutes passed before I heard the sound of footsteps approaching on the other side of the door. Knowing that it was locked, I continued with my morning routine unfazed.
"Chaeyeon, I'm sorry. I wasn't making fun of you, I swear!"
When I was done, there was a knock on the door and then I heard Jaebeom's voice again.
"Chae, I was kidding!"
Once I had brushed my hair and teeth, I opened the door, staring directly at Jaebeom who was ready to knock again.
"I know." I smirked, brushing past him towards the kitchen. He quickly caught up and lifted me off my feet, setting me down on the counter. He didn't say anything, just stared me. At first I stared back, but when minutes passed with him not uttering a single word, I averted my eyes bashfully.
"Look at me."
I refused and shook my head instead. I couldn't. I was too afraid he was regretting last night already. I wouldn't know how to deal with this kind of rejection.
He sighed and moved a step back, reaching for the hem of his shirt.
Confused, I gazed at his muscular chest. "What are you doing?"
"Distracting you. Seems like it’s working." He said proudly, placing his palms on my knees, parting them so he could stand between my legs. The familiar throbbing in my lower abdomen was back when Jaebeom hummed low in his throat as he trailed kisses down the side of my neck.
"Do you remember what you said to me last night?"
I bit my bottom lip as last night's memories flooded my mind. I knew exactly what he was talking about but decided to torture him a little.
"What do you mean?"
A smile sprawled across his face when my thumb brushed over his lower lip.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
His playful look vanished and a serious one took its place.
"Don't tease me right now, Chaeyeon. Please! I've never been more nervous in my entire life."
My breath caught in my throat when he took my trembling hand, placing my palm on his cheek. There was anxiety in his eyes. And longing.
"You remember what you said to me last night, don't you?" There was an uncertainty in his voice. It nearly broke my heart. Of course I remembered. My thumb brushed his cheek, hoping the gesture would reassure him.
"I remember saying I'd give us a chance."
His face broke into a grin before he lifted me off the counter, spinning me around. I buried my face in the crook of his neck, not wanting him to see the look of turmoil plastered on mine.
-> next chapter
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svnriseblvdd · 2 years
Hi could you write a Steve x fem reader where they both have dreams of having a perfect life with little kids running around and a beautiful house in the country side because they didn’t have healthy parents growing up
Happiness | Steve Harrington
Author: @svnriseblvdd
Word count: 1857
Warnings: shitty parents. minor swearing. slight s4 spoilers. the word vagina is said. also talking about kids (yes, they're a warning)
Summary: In which you and Steve bond over shitty parents
i finally got around to answering your ask! i finally got it finished! i'm so sorry it took so long, i've had a bit of a hectic few weeks. there's been decent sized breaks between writing parts of this, but hopefully everything comes together okay. i finished it today, but started having an emotional breakdown partway through, so it might seem a bit choppy but i hope you enjoy it. and thanks for the request!
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The cool night air had offered a nice respite from the warmth of the day. Days were unbelievably hot right now, and nights were relatively kind to the residents of Hawkins, with cooler temperatures to give them a break.
Unfortunately, it was hard to enjoy with the tears on your face as you headed to Steve's house. It was dark out, but not awfully late, and you knew that you were always welcome to go to Steve's when you felt bad.
You wouldn't say that your parents were the worst, you knew they weren't. But they certainly weren't great. Your entire life, through childhood and the teenage years you were still stuck in, was messy. You strived for perfection constantly in the hopes of making your parents proud. And you did. Sometimes. They celebrated your achievements. But only your achievements. And they never listened to your problems, invalidating them any time you tried to mention them.
Tonight had been another total disaster. Your report card had been mostly impressive, and you'd handed it over to your parents rather proud of yourself. But that A- had come to bite you in the ass almost immediately.
Of course they weren't happy with it. It was less than perfection.
And you'd tried to tell them. That damn question that you'd gotten wrong was on a topic you hadn't covered in ages, that everyone was certain wasn't coming up. But they'd shot you down, telling you that you were meant to study everything to avoid situations like this.
And you really weren't in the mood, you were sick of it, in fact, and you'd left, heading straight for Steve's house.
When you reached him, you rang the doorbell and he'd opened the door rather quickly, concern filling his face immediately as he noticed the tears on your cheeks.
"Y/N? What happened?" He asked, pulling you inside and closing the door.
You sniffled. "A stupid A- and now I'm the worst daughter in the world."
"Hey, hey, hey," he soothed, holding you close to him. "It's okay, it's okay. Tell me everything." He led you over to the couch, sitting you down as he sat next to you.
"One question. One damn question that I got wrong and all of a sudden I'm a failure because I got an A-. Everyone thought it wasn't coming up. And we haven't covered it in ages. And apparently it's my fault because I didn't study it."
"You're not a failure," Steve assured you. "They just suck, okay? You shouldn't beat yourself up over what they say. They have no right to make you feel like shit."
"You forgot the universal parental right to berate your child for no reason," you told him, wiping your eyes. "It was only one class too, everything else is exactly to their standards. I can't keep doing this."
"Come live with me," Steve suggested. "I'll never make you feel bad for amazing grades. Plus, my parents are hardly ever here, you can do whatever you want."
You sighed, shaking your head. "God, I'm so sorry. I'm sitting here complaining about my parents and yours are just as shitty, I'm sorry. I just couldn't stay at home any longer. I needed to get out of there."
"No, it's fine, really. You're welcome here any time. I promise. I'm never gonna turn you down. Especially if you show up crying. You can stay for the night, if you want."
You nodded. "Yeah, thanks. I can't go home right now."
He led you up the stairs, into his room. You sat on his bed as he dug out something for you to wear. You took the t-shirt, and he stayed stood there. You raised an eyebrow at him as you stood, holding the t-shirt.
"Mind, uh... y'know, moving your eyes away for a minute."
"Oh, right. Yeah. Doing that. Of course."
He turned around to look away, and you changed into the t-shirt. You slipped under the covers when you were finished, inviting him to join you. He joined you on the bed, sat next to you. Neither of you said anything, unsure of what to say.
"I'm not tired," you finally said. "Or at least, I don't think I can sleep."
"Yeah, I get it. We could watch a movie, or we could talk. I don't mind. I don't know what movies I have, but I've gotta have something half-decent."
"Yeah, we can watch a movie."
"Hold on, I'll take a look." He stood from the bed, going to look at a pile of rented movies. "Okay, we have... Fast Times, Back to the Future, Rocky Horror Picture Show... Why do I have that? And Empire Strikes Back. That's the one with the teddy bears, right?"
You nodded with a small chuckle. "Ewoks."
"Right. Those things. And the walking things on the snow planet."
"AT-ATs. On Hoth," you corrected.
"That's the one. Anyway, which would you prefer?"
"Empire Strikes Back, definitely."
You followed him back downstairs to watch the movie. He put in the movie, sitting down next to you to watch the movie. His arm was draped across your shoulders, his eyes trained on the screen as he watched the battle on Hoth. You watched too, but your mind was elsewhere. Steve noticed, too, when he made a joke that you didn't react to whatsoever. Usually you'd laugh or roll your eyes. But there was absolutely nothing.
He looked down at you. "Hey, what's up?"
He gently shook your shoulders, and you blinked a few times, looking up at him. "What?"
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm just thinking..." You were speaking your thoughts aloud before you could even consider it. "I'm never treating my kids like that."
"Like what?"
"The way my parents treat me. It's awful. No kid should have to go through that. I'm not gonna pressure my kid into working their ass off only to not be impressed when they do well. Same as I'm sure you're not gonna leave your kids at home on their own so you can have alone time. It's a breeding ground for issues later on."
"Yeah. I've always told myself that I'd be there for my kids no matter what. No way I'm being a douchebag like my dad."
You chuckled. "Yeah, your dad is a total douche." He nodded with a small laugh. "I never thought I'd be having a conversation with Steve 'The Hair' Harrington about how I'd treat my future kids. Granted, a couple of years ago, I never thought I'd have a conversation with Steve 'The Hair' Harrington."
"Well, I sure hope it lives up to your dreams."
"I assure you, the only dreams I was having about you two years ago involved my fist in your face."
"I'm heavily insulted, and heavily unconvinced."
"Whatever. Just watch the movie."
"I'm more interested in what you really dreamed about me. Come on. Come on. You know you love me."
"I pity whatever woman you end up marrying, because she'll be stuck in a relationship with your insufferable ass."
"My ass is great, I'll have you know."
Everyone was rather silent as they sat in the stolen van. Steve was driving, you were sat in the passenger seat. You were terrified, and he could see that clearly. He wanted to calm you down, desperately.
"You know, it's, uh... It's stupid, really," he stuttered out, your head turning to look at him. "I've always had this crazy dream of having this, like, this really big family. I mean, I'm talking a full brood of little Harringtons. Five, six kids."
"Six?" You repeated, a little shocked.
"Yeah, six little nuggets." He was grinning like an idiot. You wanted to lean over and kiss him. "Three girls, three boys. And every summer we'd pack up into something like this and just see the country, go everywhere, see anything. Quality family time, you know? I don't know, I guess it's a little silly."
You shook your head with a small chuckle. "No, it's not silly. It makes sense. I'm just questioning the six kids. Are you sure you can handle six?"
"Well I already take care of these little shits and there's more than six of them."
"You don't live with them," you pointed out. "You'd have to spend basically every moment with your kids."
"I'd love them all."
"Oh, no doubt. I know you would." There was a few seconds of silence in which you thought about everything he'd said. "For the record, I think you'd make a really great dad."
After the battle against Henry/Vecna/One, in which he'd been wounded but not killed, and had disappeared, Hawkins had been left in shambles. Many people were moving, homes had been lost, the death count was at around 22, and the school had been turned into a relief centre, taking donations and providing hospitality to those who'd lost their homes, as well as setting up a missing persons board.
Lucas was in the hospital with Erica watching over Max as the doctors attempted to fix her broken limbs, casting them up. She was lucky to have survived with a few broken limbs, but she'd been pulled from trance before Henry/Vecna/One could kill her, thankfully.
"Someone's gotta go visit Eddie later today to change out his bandages," Nancy said as everyone loaded the car with boxes of things for charity. "And he'll need more food too, and he'll go mad being on his own, so a few of us should probably go."
"Yeah, I'll bring bandages," you said, placing another box in the trunk of the car.
After the car was loaded up, and everything was in order, and greetings had been shared with the Byers, Mike, and Jonathon's friend Argyle, who'd also had a hectic week by the sounds of it, the donations were taken to the school.
They approached the makeshift front desk, displaying the organised boxes, and offering their help.
Dustin was handing out water, Robin was making sandwiches, Steve was sorting clothes, and you were sorting through children's toys on the station next to him.
"Hey, Y/N?" Steve called quietly.
"Yeah?" You hummed back.
"The, uh, the talk we had, the other day..."
"What, about the six kids?"
"Yeah," he chuckled. "I, uh... There was a small detail I didn't mention."
You laughed as you moved a stuffed rabbit. "What, a seventh kid?"
"No, six is definitely enough," he replied. "I didn't mention that you were there too."
"Well, obviously, we've faced monsters together, I didn't imagine you'd ditch me so eagerly. I'm not leaving you alone, Steve." You met his eyes, noting his expression and it hit you. He didn't mean it like that. Not in the cool, fun aunt way. "Oh, you mean... You mean as the mother."
He nodded. "You've always been there."
You took several seconds to consider what he'd said. "Alright. But I have to warn you, I'm not sure if my vagina will handle six kids." You leaned across the table separating the two of you and placed a quick kiss on his lips, leaving his eyes wide in confusion, blinking blankly.
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hypmicdaydreams · 3 years
paradise; when you're stressed for the future and need words of assurance
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-pairings: jakurai jinguji x gn!reader, hifumi izanami x gn!reader, doppo kannonzaka x gn!reader
-genres: fluff, comfort
-content warning: mentions of anxiety
-a/n: i've been experiencing a lot of dread and anxiety about my future as of late, so i decided to write something about it, inspired by and dedicated to one of my comfort songs. entirely self indulgent and a tad long for hcs i suppose, but regardless, i hope you guys still enjoy! for anyone that may feel hopeless about the future ♡
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he certainly is no fool, being quite the observant being; he's able to spot through your lies with ease, eyes narrowing and a perpetual frown as you give a tired smile
"i'm fine," the words leave your mouth, though it sounded much more like you were trying to convince yourself of that statement. "just overwhelmed, that's all"
even you could see that jakurai wasn't all too convinced by your words, that gaze of his burning a hole through your chest, your heart
ah, you were found guilty as charged, not that the dried tears on your cheeks and puffy eyes testified for you or anything
you had tried to dismiss it, even, but you knew how observant jakurai was; and that concerned look you was giving you, small frown and furrowed brows, surely didn't ease the anxiety in your gut, feeling so guilty for having your boyfriend so worried
having your boyfriend walk in on you amidst a breakdown; how embarrassing for your image, you can't help but muse, even after keeping your cries down and assuming he was still back at the hospital
what an utterly awkward situation
"darling," jakurai begins, his voice ever so soft yet also concerned, clearly worried about your wellbeing. he immediately takes in your form: curled position, tear streaked cheeks, wet sleeves of your hoodie
you clearly hadn't been well when he had been gone, jakurai thinks, only further frowning at the thought of it. you had been suffering while he was out, yet you didn't bother calling him or informing him of your state
he was a physician, after all, only the most worried about other's health, especially yours, his partner. so to know that you were clearly in trouble, on the verge of another breakdown, he surely felt his heart ache
"you've been sitting inside all day," he continues, as if he knew you so well, "it's not good for your mind or body." the utmost thing of importance to jakurai, after all, was your health; and to see that you weren't in too good of a shape, of course he couldn't help but worry
the bed dips down ever so slightly as you're met with jakurai's warmth, his long fingers delicately intertwined with yours, hands resting on the bed
"now, tell me," he says, voice so calm and reassuring, instantly easing the knot in your chest just a tiny bit. he truly did want to be of some help to his s/o. "what's been bothering you?"
jakurai certainly was no therapist, but he surely had the comforting presence of one. his words were so soft and caring, lending you his ear, and you certainly felt at ease with him
was it simply because you loved him that you felt this way? or was it because he was a doctor, the best in all of japan? ah, it felt so warm, all those insecurities seeming a tad insignificant suddenly; and sooner or later, you found yourself spilling out your chest to him
you told him of all your fears for the future, how uncertain everything seemed. you didn't have a dream, or well, if you did, had absolutely no clue if things would work out that way
it was all so terrifying, the prospect of your future. would you even be able to provide for yourself, to live a decent life? would things work out, or would you still be struggling? if your dream, if you had one, were to fail, then what would you do? everything seemed so uncertain, and you couldn't begin to imagine a you in the future. it was much too terrifying, the knot in your heart increasing tenfold, the pit in your gut worsening before you were tearing up once more
having such insecurities,,they were so terrible. you hated this feeling oh so much, hated how suffocating the future was
"darling," jakurai finally says after much intentive listening, giving your hand a quick squeeze as you begin to quiet down. ah, he only felt his heart ache more as he listened, so devastated to know that you had been struggling with such thoughts all this time, all by yourself. ugh, you truly didn't deserve that
"i know the future seems uncertain at times, but i advise you take it one day at a time." he smiles, so warm it melts your heart. "the only thing you can do is worry about today; the future is far off"
"plus, when the time comes," he runs his thumb over your knuckles, bringing them to his lips in an ever so dainty fashion and placing the lightest of kisses, as if his lips weren't even there, "i'll be by your side"
you can't help but feel flustered, that familiar feeling of warmth rushing to your face; yet, at the same time, that knot didn't seem all too bothersome anymore, as if it was quelled by your boyfriend's very words
right by your side? one day at a time? ah, when put like that, it didn't seem all too suffocating anymore, certainly. you weren't alone in this; you had jakurai right by your side. and perhaps he was right: you simply had to take things slow and easy, to stop worrying about the distant future when it's only tomorrow that was around the corner
and even if you didn't have a dream, all that mattered was today's joys for now, or so, that's what jakurai said. he surely knew better than you, being so knowledgeable and all. and believing in your boyfriend's words, that today was a gift you shouldn't put off in worry of a brighter future, well, it certainly eased those dreadful thoughts and feelings
perhaps...it was fine to not have a dream or to be uncertain of the future. no use worrying about something so far away
"thank you..." you mutter, brushing your thumb over the spot he had just kissed. you felt a bit of a tingle to the touch, but it was very much heartthrobing, the beat resounding in your ears
jakurai smiles and takes your hand in his once more. he was surely going to be by your side through it all, the present and the future; that was a promise
he could feel his heart break in an instant or so as hifumi walks in on you, frowning almost on instinct as worries for you fills his mind
it was well past two in the morning, having just come back from another busy night as a host; and surely you were supposed to be asleep by now, not bedridden with puffy eyes and a runny nose, a heartbreaking sight
"honey..." he mumbles, jacket clutched tight in his arms, a perpetual frown and furrowed brows as he looks at your curled form. even as you turn to hide the fact that you had been crying, hifumi only feels his chest tighten
had something happened while he was gone, so late at night? gosh, the dark was already rather terrifying in a sense, and the thought of something having happened now only served to make him more antsy
"'fumi, i'm ok," you muster, trying your hardest to not let the sobs through, to convince your tired boyfriend that it was nothing to worry about. "i'm just...thinking a lot"
well, it wasn't exactly a lie, more of a fib perhaps. you didn't want hifumi to worry, or well, know of your insecurities
it surely was embarrassing after all, more so that he had walked in on such an unsightly ordeal when he wanted nothing more than to sleep
but hifumi certainly didn't buy it, his frown (he even looked as if he was going to tear up a little, perhaps) deepening. it hurt, really, knowing that you were lying to save face, to spare his feelings
did you not trust him enough to say the truth? surely not, he thinks, but even if you didn't want to hurt him, you were certainly doing the exact opposite right about now. it wound him deeply to see you hurt, to see you try to handle this yourself
"no you're not," hifumi retorts, the chirp usually in his tone now lost, only worried and a bit sad. gosh, you felt your heart pound, a sharp pang against your chest, so full of guilt and fault. he was so hurt, even you could see that
"honey," he quickly leans next to you, looking up at you with pleading eyes (even now, they still seemed to shine with a sort of light) and holding tightly to your hand, it was so warm, even when his hands were somewhat cold from the outside he had just walked out of, so assuring. that squeeze he did certainly made your heart leap, though in a manner much different than before, this one much better than the other. "what's wrong?"
that one statement, those two words, they instantly made all those emotions return, the tension in your heart, the suffocation of your lungs, the anxiety in your gut
seeing hifumi so worried, his cute eyes now so full of fear and worry, wanting nothing more than to hear that you were fine, that no one hurt you; you couldn't help but feel a little guilty for making him feel this way, feeling the tears prick the corner of your eyes once more
and so, the emotions overwhelmed you, the warmth of his hand on yours, how he gently brushed his thumb over your knuckles, how he gently rubbed circles on your thighs, all in attempt to calm you down
and it had worked, whether because you felt guilty for seeing your tired boyfriend in such a worried state, so plagued with fatigue yet, first and foremost, worried about your safety, or because you felt at ease around him enough to say it
but you spilled your guts, all those anxious thoughts that plagued your mind. you were terrified for your future, unsure of what it held or what you'd be doing. you had no dream, no semblance of what you wanted to do later on. it was all so scary, not knowing if you'd even be alive to experience the future or if your life would be in ruins. you had no idea what to expect. it was difficult to not break down the more you thought about it
"honey," hifumi begins, though still quite worried, visbily relieved. now that he knew what was bothering you, what he could do, hifumi certainly felt more at ease, at least. "you shouldn't care too much about the future"
he smiles at you, so wide and bright that it was blinding even at such dark nights. "no one knows what's going to happen, but who cares! it's out of your control, so no use worrying over it"
"just focus on today," he continues. "who cares if you don't have a big dream? y'know, i don't know what my future holds, but i still have things to look forward to!" hifumi exclaims, giving a small chuckle as you tilt your brows. "like, today at work, my dream was coming home and sleeping right by you! or even waking up tomorrow and cooking a delicious breakfast for us"
how cute, you think to yourself. such small dreams, so short-lived; yet, that's the only thing hifumi looked forward to or cared about. he didn't seem to care much for the future, yet, he had a point. it's fine to just take it day-by-day, to have small dreams to look forward to
your future...it didn't need to be so grand, right? it was too early to worry about something so far away, surely
"'sides," hifumi squeezes your hand, a small blush on the tips of his ears and lightly dusting his cheeks, "we'll still be together in the future, and that's the only thing that matters"
he firmly kisses, lips so warm against yours yet oh so sweet as he leans into the kiss and deepens it slightly. it certainly helped ease all those knots and anxieties, knowing that even if things were uncertain, you and hifumi would still be together, the only certainty. and well, you surely did take comfort in that fact, knowing that you wouldn't be all alone
"i love you..." you mutter on instinct a few silent moments afterwards, still much too emotional, though this time, in a good way. sure, you may be uncertain of the future, but you had hifumi now, small dreams to look to. gosh, all those treacherous feelings of anxiety and fear, all replaced by warmth and love by his very words, your chest at ease. gosh, how you loved your boyfriend
he smiles and kisses your temple, so delicately and softly, once more, saying in such a lively yet cheeky voice of his you've come to adore, "love you more"
his first instinct was to freeze, honestly, standing by the doorway and all senses on high alert, more so than usual
he hears the tiniest of sounds, down to your labored breath and your quiet sniffles, even the rubbing of your tears away
and doppo stays silent, still on edge; he doesn't know what to say, much less do or act. he'd never seen you in such a state before, never been in the position of being the comforter
but, of course, above all, he's fucking terrified and anxious, so worried about you and wondering what the hell happened when he was out. were you ok? that was his first question, but doppo is simply too stunned and worried to say anything for a few moments or so
"a-are you alright?" is what he manages to utter, fumbling over his words and sounding much more panicked that he would've like
"i'm fine," you say as you wipe away any excess tears with your sleeve, lying so effortlessly, even when doppo could very well see that you were, indeed, not fine
gosh, you were such a fool, you tell yourself, having been caught having a small breakdown, amidst all this anxiety and possible panic attacks
but doppo felt his heart sink a little at your words, only growing more nervous as he wonders what jakurai would do in such a situation. he didn't want to push it and cross your boundaries at the time you were the most sensitive, but doppo also couldn't just simply leave you alone! he cared too much about you to do that, panicking and thinking about what happened
so he unconciously takes steps forward, finding himself sitting right next to you at the bed, even if you looked off in embarrassment and wanted to hide your crying face, even when his mind was telling him that this was more awkward than he would've liked
"babe," he mutters quietly, massaging the back of his neck as doppo thinks about what to do next. and you, on the other hand, were trying your hardest to contain yourself
gosh, you knew the troubles that doppo himself had, so you simply didn't want to add on to that at all really, finding it rather embarrassing to pile on your own problems onto your boyfriend either way
the future felt you with such unease, not knowing the direction of your life or even what you would be doing or where you'd be. it was all a mystery, yet it was terrifying, the unknown
would you have achieved your dream? did you even have a dream? hell, all you wanted to do was get through the day, the next fifteen minutes or so; how could you even possibly know what you wanted to do or where you'd be fifteen years from now?
yet, before you could spiral any further, you felt a slight tug at the hand, warm (albeit somewhat sweaty) hands intertwining your own, much too familiar with doppo himself
you looked at him, those thoughts stopping for a moment or so, the anxiety easing just a tad when you saw doppo, so worried yet also silent, simply wanting you to know that he was right here, even if he wasn't the best with words
yet this warmth...it felt so good right about now, the perfect remedy for your troubles (or at least, enough so that you weren't constantly on edge). you had forgotten how warm doppo was, how comforting his hand against yours felt, how assuring his own presence was
and when you tell him your problems, feeling a bit more safe and comfortable within his presence and that overwhelming feeling in your chest beginning to dissipate as you ranted (having someone listening sure did wonders), doppo stays silent, only able to grip your hand tighter
he's certainly felt those exact same emotions, thought those same thoughts, before. doppo himself didn't really have a dream or couldn't see the future far from now. to him, it was all work, and he didn't know what it'd be like in a few years from now
the thought of only working, of being stuck in an endless devoid loop...it was terrifying to doppo as well, who didn't have any big dreams or plans as well
"i...understand how you feel," he begins, still a bit anxious, those same suffocating feelings you felt returning to him as well. you two were one in the same, really, sharing the same concerns
"but," he scratches his head, unsure of what to say next or if they'd even give some comfort, though all doppo could do was try and say what he truly thought. "it's not really important to have a dream, i think"
"um, i mean," doppo falters, "i don't..really like thinking about the future. i just try to get through the day. i think that's more important"
you stay silent, taking in his words. simply taking it one day at a time...that was ok, right? surely there was no need for all this stress. when the time came, you'd know what to do, perhaps. or so, that's what doppo was saying, right?
the future, however far off it may be, even if you didn't have any plans for it, things will be alright, surely. there was no need for big dreams, only the want to survive and perhaps be content. that was the most important thing to doppo, huh?
his words did offer comfort, certainly. hearing from your boyfriend that not having any dreams or plans for the future was perfectly fine surely was assuring, lifted that huge weight off your shoulders. i mean, doppo was the love of your life, the man you cared perhaps the most for. his opinion definitely held more weight than anyone else
and to hear him say that you were doing fine as is, well, you felt as if you could breathe again
"i mean, i don't have any big dreams, but," he looks at you, a small blush present, "right now, i only want to..focus on you"
he gives a small kiss before looking off all shy and pink, surely embarrassed for being so confident and initiating affection at such a moment. but, anything to make you feel better, anything to see that shy smile on your face, much better than the sad pout he'd walked in on
"thank you, doppo," you murmur, the fatigue from your crying session beginning to catch up, eyes too heavy and body too tired to do anything else. being so worried and tense, it surely did take a lot of energy didn't it?
"a-anytime," he can't help but softly squeak as your head falls on his shoulder, still holding on tight to his hand and never letting go, even as you fell into a light sleep
even if his shoulder were to go numb; even if his hand were to lose any sensation from how tight you clung to it, however, doppo didn't mind, not in the slightest. as long, as you had that cute smile on your face, all would be fine, doppo thought
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“ stop runnin’ for nothin’ my friend, all the breaths you breathe are already in paradise ”
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hyunjilicious · 4 years
a helping hand [henry cavill] - part 3
A/n: I know it took me ages, and I'm sorry, but it's finally here!! I don't know when part 4 will be up, but I know the plot, and by the time you finish reading this, you'll know it too!! Filth is coming. Also, since I posted the first 2 parts weeks ago, under the cut you'll find a small summary of what happened so far! Ofc, I'm linking the previous parts as well! Have fun reading, sorry for taking me so long, and please, don't hesitate to tell me what you thought! (I’ll reblog it with the taglist, otherwise it doesn’t show up in the tags!)
Summary: after Henry lost it during a fit of jealousy, he sneaked into your apartment, his actions having some very different repercussions from what he initially intended. SMUT 3.9k
Warnings: please be over 18!!! mentions of smut, masturbation (male receiving), sightly/some somnophilia, stalker-ish/obsessed Henry, cum play if you squint and ofc, mentions of filming and sharing pornographic material. 18+ please!!!!
You can find part 1 here and part 2 here!
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Quick recap: Henry's crush on his very sweet and younger neighbour (you lol) grew into something else when you asked him for help with taking some pictures for your onlyfans account. Following this, your relationship reached a very teasing level, which prompted Henry to take matters into his own hands, even if that meant crossing some lines. So when he found out that you and a specific man from your past were on a voice call, he just had to know what exactly was being discussed. This jealousy fit had him using his spare key to enter your apartment and eavesdrop, and this is where chapter 2 ends. Have fun reading the next part!!!
“No” you sighed, waving your arms around, desperate to get your point across. But it was mostly useless, nothing even remotely decent would ever manage to penetrate Steve’s thick skull. He was a dumbass with a heart of gold, so you couldn’t even blame him for messing things up on purpose, you just learned the hard way not to take his advice under any circumstance. “No, Steve. I won’t do that. Not a chance!”
“Hun-” he scoffed, rolling his eyes as a smirk showed up on his lips, “When have I ever been wrong?”
“Really!?” you giggled and then sighed, “Listen, I gotta go to the bathroom and you’d better forget about this topic by the time I come back”
“Wait, wait. Ok, fine. Scratch that” Steve laughed, stopping you from getting up, “When have I ever been wrong on purpose?”
“Listen, I know you’re just trying to help” you smiled, “But I don’t think your experience in seducing girls with daddy issues benefits my situation in any kind of way”
“‘Course it does! I can give you some perspective!”
“Perspective on what?” you mocked, playfully frowning at him through the screen on your laptop, “You and Henry have nothing in common”
“The dick for one” Steve joked but when he saw you roll your eyes, he became serious, “I’m just tryin to help you hook up with the guy! That’s all”
“See!?” you laughed, already exasperated by the conversation, “I’m not trying to hook up with him, I want something more…”
Your sentence was cut short by the sound of a door closing. Your blood ran cold and your hands froze, eyes staring blankly into the camera.
“Y/n?” Steve asked with worry, “What’s wrong?”
“Wait here” you mumbled, pushing the laptop off of you and rushing to the door of your bedroom. You pressed your ear against it, and listened closely, the sound of a lock being turned chilling you to your bones. With shaky hands, you stumbled your way back to your bed, and looked into the camera, directly at a somewhat already worried Steve. “I gotta go-”
“Wait-” Steve tried to ask, “Are you-”
“Yeah, I’m fine, talk to you later” you hurriedly mumbled before ending the call. Your fingers flew across the screen of your phone, finding Henry’s name and pressing the green button in the blink of an eye.
And had he not been this utterly stupid and reckless, none of this would have happened. His impulsivity got the best of him, and panic rushed through his veins when he heard you were about to head to the bathroom. Pressure did him no good, and the first thing that came to mind at that point was to bolt out of there, knowing there was absolutely no way to explain what he was doing in your apartment. But his shaky hands were of no help, and the dexterity he earlier proved himself capable of was nowhere to be found. However, he didn’t care. He just stormed out, happy to finally breathe again as soon as he was out of your apartment - but when his phone vibrated in his pocket, he felt like dying all over again.
With your heart beating inside your throat, you grabbed your bedside lamp into your free hand, and curled yourself into a ball in the corner of your room, opposite to the door, the sound of the ongoing call being the only thing you heard over the loud buzz in your ears.
“Yeah?” Henry’s voice rang loudly when he finally answered, making you all but jump with fright.
Had you paid more attention, you’d have noticed he too sounded out of breath, but you were too out of it to tell. All you could think about was the psycho what was at your door.
“Henry-” you cried, voice shaky as the intake of air was no longer satisfying. You were hyperventilating, sweating from every pore, scared out of your mind.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice more stern now. “Y/n? Are you ok?”
“Yeah- yeah…” you said on autopilot, mind on standby. “No…” You whimpered, “Henry, can you- I think someone is trying to break into my house, I-”
“What!?” he gasped, “I’m sure no one-”
“Henry!” you cried into the phone, “Can you please look through your peephole? Please?”
He sounded confused, but you didn’t have to ask him twice. You heard a bit of shuffling before his voice reached your ears again, “There’s no one there, there’s no one at your door, you can relax”
“No-” you whimpered, unable to calm down, “Henry, please-!”
“I’m coming over right now,” he said.
“No! No, what if they’re still in the hallway?”
“There’s no one there, love” Henry tried to reassure you. When you heard him unlock the door of his apartment your heart stopped, but after that, everything was quiet. 
“Are you ok?” you muttered, wiping your nose with your sleeve.
“Yes, love. I’m fine” Henry lightly chuckled, “I’m at your door, can you open up?”
“No” you scoffed, “What if someone got in?”
“No one got in” he tried to explain, but your adrenaline soaked brain refused to comply.
“Henry, take the spare key I gave you” you suggested, “And grab a knife”
Seeing how affected and terrified you were, Henry didn’t argue with you anymore. In a matter of seconds, you heard the door of your apartment being unlocked, Henry assuring you through the phone that it was him. When he walked inside, you remained hidden in your spot. He checked the kitchen and the living room, coming up to finally enter the bedroom. When your eyes landed on his massive frame, you breathed out relieved and rushed to him, throwing yourself into his arms. There was no other place on Earth you felt as safe as you did when he was holding you.
“Shh, you’re ok, you’re good” Henry cooed, cradling you to his chest, “I got you, baby, ok? I’m here”
But there was no stopping you. You broke down entirely, holding onto him as your legs gave in, turning into a mess. Henry carried you to the bed, sitting you down and allowing you to calm down at your own pace.
“I’m here, ok?” he asked again, rubbing your back, “I won’t let anything happen to you, Y/n, you know that. You’re safe, I got you”
It was impossible to tell just how long it took you to fully calm down, but it was safe to say that it would have taken hours longer had Henry not been there with you. When you were finally able to properly breathe again and hold a conversation, you looked up at him, big doe eyes hoping to convince him without too much of a fuss. “Can you stay here with me, please? I can’t be alone right now”
With nothing but sympathy in his eyes, Henry leaned down and kissed your forehead, “Don’t you think it would be better if we went over to my place instead?”
“No” you shook your head, “And leave the apartment unattended? I don’t think that’s a good idea”
His heart broke. Being his usual, impulsive self, Henry managed to break you down and terrify you to your core. As much as he wanted to reassure you everything would be fine, he couldn’t. He couldn’t just tell you it was him who broke into your apartment in the middle of a jealousy breakdown. So, he settled for the second best option, and really, he couldn’t complain.
It was late in the afternoon on a Sunday, no locksmith on the clock. Seeing how you’d have to wait until the next morning, he was more than happy to spend that time with you.
As time started to pass, you also started to relax. 
The day slowly wilted a way, as both you and Henry made yourselves busy around your apartment. He wasted a couple of hours installing games on your school laptop as you took a bath, he then cooked you dinner, and by the time the night rolled around, you were your usual bubbly self again. And after watching and laughing your hearts out at Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets, sleep started to creep up on you.
Henry placed one of your kitchen chairs under the doorknob before turning to give you a massive hug, “No one can get in, darling. I promise”
“Thank god you live across the hall” you confessed, snaking your arms under his hoodie as you gathered yourself as close to him as possible. “What would I have done otherwise?”
“You don’t have to worry about that” Henry kissed your forehead, “I’ll always be here when you need me”
And in that moment, right there, stopping yourself from kissing him turned out to be the most difficult thing you ever had to do. Instead, you settled for his cheek, before hiding your face against his shoulder. “I’ll always be here for you too”
“Thank you, angel” Henry breathed out.
There really was nothing on this earth you loved more than this man. 
Getting ready to go to sleep, you changed in your pajamas, while all Henry did was take off his hoodie. With your toothbrush lodged between your teeth, you lingered in the door frame, watching the muscles of his back flex as he bent down and put his phone down to charge.
Toothpaste and drool could very well have dribbled down your chin as you stood and gawked, only releasing you were staring when Henry turned around and a smile made its way up his lips. “Yes?” he laughed, but all you did was look him up and down, before returning to the bathroom with a shake of your head.
“Oh, Y/n?” Henry called again, following you, “Where can I find a blanket or some sheets?”
First you squinted, but then you decided it would be best if you just finished brushing your teeth before anything else. After rinsing your mouth, you turned to look at him, utterly unamused. “What for?”
“So I don’t have to sleep on leather?”
“You’re sleeping with me” you rolled your eyes, grabbing his elbow and dragging him into the bathroom so he could get ready for bed too. “Not up for discussion”
“Ok” Henry chuckled, looking at you in the mirror. “But I snore”
As if that would make you reconsider. You walked away and into your room, settling under the covers, without another word. About 10 minutes later, Henry joined you.
He fit in like a piece of puzzle and you didn’t even try to keep yourself from cuddling into his side. Sinking his head down between the multitude of pillows on your bed, you giggled, crawling on top of him. Without thinking too much about it, you kissed your way down his neck, peppering tens of kisses against his naked chest. You felt his heartbeat under your palm as he breathed in and out slowly, smiling down at you as he enjoyed the view.
“Thanks for doing this for me” you mumbled, rubbing your hand up and down his chiseled abdomen.
“Really, Y/n” Henry said, wrapping his arms around you, “There’s no need to thank me. Plus, you think I’m not enjoying this?”
“Oh shut up” you giggled. The amount of small talk that followed turned out to be exactly what you needed in order to allow your eyes to peacefully close. Despite the events of earlier in the evening, you now felt safer than ever before.
It was just a matter of time until soft snores started escaping past your lips, your chest rising and falling every so softly as you drifted out of consciousness.
But Henry’s mind was nowhere near relaxed enough to drift off. No. You were too close to him, too innocent and vulnerable for him to just let this moment pass. The way you had just thrown one of your legs over his lap drove him insane - your bare thigh too accessible to him.
At first, he just tested the waters. A peck to the top of your head, and a small caress against the back of your hand. You were completely out, and that accentuated his need further.
Slowly moving his free arm down his body, Henry brushed his fingers over his clothed member, grunting out loud when he felt the sensibility in his tip. He bit into his bottom lip out of need to keep quiet, teasing himself just a little as he struggled to decide how to go about things. With the way you were laying right now, it was next to impossible for him to free himself without moving you. And even though at the beginning he tried to avoid that, when you stirred in your sleep, your body rubbing up against his, he lost all kinds of patience.
As softly as he could, Henry pushed your leg back, just a little. Even in your sleep, you craved his touch, as when you felt movement, you involuntarily shuffled closer, but much to his relief, your legs remained on the mattress.
Eagerness controlled his actions as he pushed his pants down his thighs, propping his hips up with difficulty. When his underwear was pulled down and his cock sprung free, Henry hissed with unmatched satisfaction. With his hand wrapped around his base and his eyes on you, he swallowed thickly, his heart beating out of his chest with a demented sense of bliss.
"My baby-" Henry cooed, rubbing his lips across your hairline as he started stroking his cock.
His movements were slow but not calculated in any way. His brain was occupied, forcing his hand to work on muscle memory. But still, he teased himself, rubbing his thumb across his slit just like he liked to think you would. 
The fear of getting caught was at an all time high as you stirred again. He froze for a second, "That's my good girl-" Henry whispered, looking down at your sleeping frame. As much as he wanted you to take an active part in this, he knew better than to risk it. 
It was getting more and more difficult to breathe, his back sweating profusely as he pumped himself closer to the edge. His hips bucked, causing the bed frame to creak. Instantly, he stilled, eyes on you, but all you did was rub your cheek against his chest, completely unaware of your surroundings.
"I'm so close for you, my darling" Henry groaned, his throat paper dry as the words left his lips. All he could hear was his own breathing and the unmistakable perverse sound of slapping skin, but still, even above all of that, you kept on peacefully snoring. 
The arm Henry looped around your frame was now traveling lower, his palm exploring your side until he reached your ass. He softly gripped a handful of your bum, squeezing hard enough to make up for the struggle of not allowing himself to finish too early. But it was reckless and maybe he shouldn't have done so, as his touch all but woke you up. 
Still overwhelmed with sleep, you barely pushed yourself up, eyes closed as you slightly changed your position. You were now laying higher up his body, your head almost falling off his shoulder. Your breathing tickled the side of his neck as you snaked your arm up and looped it around his frame. Biting down hard on his bottom hip, Henry felt ridiculous amounts of blood rush to the tip of his cock as you refused to settle already.
Rubbing the tip of your nose across his jugular, still mostly out but not fully, you peaked your eyes open, “Henry-?”
“Y- yeah?” he swallowed thickly, freezing in his spot.
“Why’re you awake?” you mumbled.
“Just woke up- had a weird dream, that’s all”
You believed the lie without an ounce of doubt, “Wanna talk about it?”
“Yes” he whispered, “But in the morning. Sorry I woke you up, go back to sleep, darling”
“Ok” you sighed, kissed his bare shoulder and allowed yourself to drift off again.
Henry licked his lips in a haze, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as sweat worked his entire body. God, how he regretted getting himself in his position, but his cock was full on hard, all but leaking at the tip, not so patiently waiting to receive any kind of attention again. He sucked in a deep breath, eyes on you to make sure you were asleep. 
His heart skipped a beat as your mouth popped open, but your light snores came as the strongest form of reassurance, and he resumed his work. The anxiety of getting caught fueled him, and the heels of his feet dug into the mattress, his hips bucking upwards as he furiously pumped his cock.
It was all getting too much. He was close. Henry threw his head back trying to suppress a moan, but he miserably failed. A choked back wail escaped his now dry lips as his whole body tensed. He squeezed you closer, his fingers lewdly digging into the sweet flesh of your ass. He was crossing many lines but that didn't stop him. He didn't see things clear anymore. His chest heaved, rushing up and down as he fisted his cock, biting into his lower lip as he watched your peaceful expression. 
It was pure, dumb luck that he managed to spot a pack of napkins laying on the night stand mere seconds before he came. His juices eagerly ran down his shaft as he flew through his orgasm, his saviour napkin proving almost useless. 
Coming down from his high, he all but managed to calm down, but his mind was still set. He would never get enough of you. And no matter how many times he'd cum, he'd still be down to go again. You had that power over him.
"Fuck…" Henry panted. And in the blur of the moment he created, he didn't even stop to process his thoughts. Gathering the few droplets of cum that landed on his stomach, he brought his hand up to your face, his thumb rubbing across your lips. 
In that moment, then and there, when you unconsciously wrapped your lips around his finger, he almost lost it all over again. 
"Holy-" he cried again, kissing your forehead. As eager and willing as he was to keep going, Henry stopped himself. He tucked the napkins next to the foot of the bed, pulled his pants back up his hips and settled under the covers. 
Sleep didn't come easy, but he eventually drifted off. Unfortunately, the clock had almost struck 3am by the time he closed his eyes, and no later than 6:15, your alarm went off.
"No" you protested, wiggling around in search of your phone. "No school- no, thank you"
Eyes closed and cheek squished into the pillow, Henry raised his arm and found the phone with ease, handing it to you without a word.
Squinting under the bright light of the screen, you dismissed the alarm and snuggled back into Henry's chest, his arms wrapping around your body in an instant.
And as heavenly as this felt, it only lasted for about 5 minutes, until your alarm went off again. 
"Just turn it off" Henry laughed, kissing your forehead, "I'll wake you up after I make breakfast"
"You don't have to" you protested, throwing in a whine or two as you curled yourself around him.
"I want to"
"Ok fine" you sighed, "Thank you"
"No need darling" Henry chuckled and stood up. He once again pecked the top of your head and then he was gone. About one second and a half later, you were asleep again, only to complain when Henry woke you up.
"It's 7" he stated, gathering the blanket in his arms and allowing the cold air to reach your body.
"Give it back" you cried.
"Is that how it's gonna be?" Henry threatened, and despite his dominating tone, you still refused to take him seriously. When you hid your face between the pillows, he deeply sighed, but satisfaction was still audible in his tone. "Fine then"
Taking you completely by surprise, Henry bent down and gathered you in his arms, throwing you over his shoulder with absolute ease.
"Henry-" you yelled, "The fuck-"
"Not gonna be late, Y/n" Henry laughed, "Not on my watch"
"God" you giggled along and allowed yourself to be carried to the kitchen. 
As soon as he walked out of the bedroom, a delicious smell reached your nose. It was probably the first real breakfast you'd had in weeks, so you weren't going to complain anymore. Fresh coffee, toast, avocado, pancakes, hard boiled eggs and a multitude of veggies and fruit awaited on the table.
"I didn't even know I had all this food in my house"
"You didn't-" Henry shook his head, sitting down beside you, "Grabbed them from my place"
"You shouldn't have, but thank you"
"No need" he assured you, "Dig in"
When you were done, and right before you headed to the bathroom to get ready, you turned to him again. "Do you know the number of any locksmiths? I really wanna change the locks"
Following a quick Google search, Henry found a multitude of ads, and after choosing the most trustworthy looking one, he dialed the number as you patiently waited beside him.
Everything seemed to go perfectly well, until he frowned, "No, today pl- [...] No, I'm not locked out of my- [...] You sure-? Ok, ok fine. Ok, tomorrow, first thing, ok, thanks"
"They can't come today?" you pouted as soon as he hung up.
"No, I'm sorry" Henry shook his head, and seeing the disappointment plastered on your face, he spoke up again. "I can stay one more night, if you want to. I'll sleep in the living room-"
"What? No" you scoffed, "It's not that…"
"What is it then?" he questioned, starting to get worried.
You hesitated. "Its no-"
"Don't tell me it's nothing" Henry commanded, pointing a finger at you. A smile appeared at the corner of your lips as you rolled your eyes.
"Ok, fine. I just- I just had to film today for the- you know… That's all, but I can do it some other day"
Henry didn't answer until a smirk tilted the corner of his lips upwards. "Or I could help you?"
"Help me?" you gawked.
"Yeah" he nonchalantly shrugged, "Helped you once before, didn't I?"
"You sure?"
"Yeah" he smiled, "Only if you me want to, of course"
Your knees weakened and your heart was beating in all the wrong ways, so all you managed to do was giggle and shake your head in disbelief. "Well, yeah... I want to"
How were you going to tell him that the video was supposed to be of you fucking yourself with a baby pink dildo? And how exactly was he going to help? You had a long day ahead of you and the ridiculous amounts of school work you had to get done in the meantime didn't allow you to give these questions any kind of priority. All you wanted was for the evening to come around already even if you sweated profusely just at the thought of what was to come.
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ladydeznutz · 3 years
When He Loved Me (Peter Parker x Reader)
A/N: My first fic and it's angst that came into my head around 3am. I've always wanted to write fics, but I didn't like how I wrote and I was embarrassed. First time writing for others so I tried to keep away from using just she/her pronouns, but if that's what you'd like just lemme know
I can write for other fandoms, and imma make a list of the fandoms I like bc I have so many I forget. I'll also add some other things if it interests me. Not comfortable with nsfw just yet so apologies. Anyways, enjoy the fic ig and please give me criticism if you see something wrong
idk how tumblr works with spacing and all that so hopefully this comes decent looking
Prompt: Please, don't leave me.
TW: S**cide mention
Every day had started to feel the same to you for a while now.
It started when he began missing date nights with you. He was always so excited about them, and then they were happening less and less often. You still saw him on occasion, but it felt more like "business" than anything else.
You didn't get the same giddy feeling you used to get when you'd see him; it felt like going out with him was more of a chore. You couldn't even complain to him about it even if you wanted to. Anytime you did see him long enough, he was always gone within a second, always in a rush. You never knew what he even did with himself or if he was thinking about you at all.
It definitely didn't help that you'd always catch him hanging out with his friends. You confronted Ned about it, but he was always so dismissive. Hell, you had even talked to Michelle about the whole thing. At first, she sympathized, but then it was as if a switch was flipped. You used to go to her to vent about Peter and the relationship. Now, she was practically telling you that you were overreacting.
You felt like you were going to have a mental breakdown.
Learning about a loved one's passing is always one of the hardest things for anyone to deal with, especially when it's someone you deeply care about.
You had just received the news that your best friend had killed himself a couple of hours ago.
You didn't know how to feel.
You couldn't wrap your head around it. There was no warning.
You and he had been friends since childhood, and you knew each other so well that neither one of you could even remember a time when the other wasn't around.
Your hands shook as you picked up the phone to call Peter. Your tears finally fell as you listened to the constant ringing of the phone, and you knew he wasn't going to answer. Rage grew within you as you heard his voicemail message causing you to throw your phone across the room. It crashed into the wall and broke, but you didn't pay any mind to it as you fell to the ground and let out a wailed sob.
Why did this have to happen?
You could barely catch your breath between sobs.
Your body shook.
You didn't care about anything anymore.
You didn't care about Peter anymore.
Weeks had passed, and Peter was exhausted.
Tracking down a gang, taking them down, and meeting another Spider-Man had just been a lot for him to take in. He was so tired, he didn't even want to think about it anymore. His back ached as he climbed through his window.
He was just so damned tired.
He stripped out of his suit, took off his web-shooters, and placed them back in his closet. Then, he took a quick shower.
His job was a bit easier to have Ned and MJ know he was Spider-Man. Now he just had to tell you.
Peter stood in the middle of the room and weighed out what would happen. He felt sorry for lying to you, and he knew that he was being distant. He just didn't have the courage to deal with any of it because he was worried about you. He couldn't lose you too.
As Peter lied down to finally get some rest, he wondered how you were doing. Karen had said you tried calling him, but he couldn't answer he had been in the middle of a stakeout.
He got up and rummaged through his book bag to get his phone, turning it on to scroll through his messages. He sat up as he realized how many he had gotten. Had something happened?
As he scrolled through, his heart broke. So many people had posted about the loss of Jay and were gossiping about why he did it. When he finally went through them all, he looked at your one missed call and gulped.
You had called him that day, and he didn't pick up.
He clicked the voice mail and listened to the message. All that he could hear were your pained sniffles, a shout, and then the line cut off.
He felt sick as he replayed the message.
Peter already felt awful about lying to you; he had to fix this. He quickly texted you, put his web-shooters back on, and was ut the window.
He knew the way to your house, so it took him no time to et there. As he was getting ready to knock on your window, he did a double-take and took a closer look.
Someone was sitting in your room; it looked like he had been waiting for you. Peter quirked an eyebrow as he looked at the guy. He was wearing a red and green jacket with shorts and sneakers. He also looked like he was wearing tights?
Suddenly, you walked into the room, so Peter backed away from the window to hide in the shadows. You seemed to be upset as you were wiping your eyes quite a bit.
"I'm sorry Miles. I didn't think I'd start crying like that," you said as you sat on your bed.
"Hey, it's okay," he replied as he stood up and moved closer to you. You sniffled as you tried to regain your composure. Peter didn't quite know how to react. Who was this? What was going on?
"I just...he..." you groan out in frustration as you grip your hair. Miles' eyes widen as he sees tears start flowing from your eyes again.
"You wanna talk about it?" he asks as he wraps an arm around your shoulders. You shrug as you shake your head.
"It's complicated, and besides, that's what our therapy's for" you chuckle dryly. Miles' eyes wander the room as he tries to think of something to do to cheer you up. "How 'bout we go out tonight?" he suggests.
"I don't like the tone of that voice" you sass as you turn to give him a look. Peter watches Miles turn around, and his eyes widen. Miles was wearing a suit, a Spider-Man suit. The same Spider-Man he saw the other week.
"Any place you wanna go to, we'll go" he adds with a cheeky smile. "Really? You're not busy?" You cross your arms as you stare him down.
"Nah, night's been quiet. Besides, I might be busy tomorrow, then you'd miss your favorite person in the world" he winks as you begin to smile. Peter's heart sank as he realized what was happening. He thwipped a web to the building across from yours and sat down on the edge of the roof. Pulling out his phone, he sent you a text.
Can we talk tomorrow?
Giggling could be heard from across the street. Peter looked up and bit his lip as you glanced at your phone and threw it on your bed. You got onto Miles' back, and you both swung away.
After you tried calling Peter that day, you stopped reaching out to him altogether. You decided that you'd wait to talk to him until he finally realized you weren't there. It had been about five weeks, and in those five weeks, you had gone to therapy and counseling.
You met Miles in counseling. He was sweet but seemed to get off topic a lot. When you were getting ready to leave one session, he had come up to you, put his hand on your shoulder, and let out a simple "Hey." One thing led to another, and you had both bonded over your losses. You went to Miles' uncle's funeral, and he went to Jay's funeral with you.
You were currently sitting on a swing at the playground as you waited for Peter. It was taking him forever to show, and at this point, you wanted to get this whole conversation over with.
Frowning, you looked around, wondering why he was taking so long. He should've been here by now. Maybe he decided not to come after all.
When that thought crossed your mind, you scoffed and stood up. Before you could go anywhere, however, you felt someone gently grab your hand. Looking back, you saw Peter staring at you with a small smile on his face.
"You came."
"Of course I did"
Peter pulls you towards him and wraps his arms around you. You take a deep breath as you stare off towards the slide. He pulls away when he realizes you're not hugging him back. The both of you pull away awkwardly as you look at each other.
"Peter-" "(Y/N)-" both of you speak at the same time.
"I- I have o tell you something" he starts with a stutter. You wait patiently as you motion for him to continue. "I know th-that I've been....not here for you for a while-" he cuts himself off when he hears you scoff.
"I.....I had these things, and I should've told you as soon as we started dating, and I'm sorry. I know I've been an asshole, more than that actually" you roll your eyes and shake your head as he continues.
"I just.....I love you, and I want you to know that even though I don't show it a lot" he finishes as he rubs the back of his head nervously.
The good thing about coming to this park was that there was usually no one here, and you were glad no one was here right now because boy were you fuming. "Told me about what Parker?" Your hand goes to your hip as you glare at him.
"W-Well....uhm......that guy that you talk to.......I'm like him I guess. Spider-Man." Your eyes widen when you hear the first part. "How the hell do you know I've been talking to someone?"
Peter stumbles with his words as he realizes he's been caught red-handed, "Uh...I was gonna visit yesterday, and I kinda....saw you..talking to him....." You narrow your eyes as you pick up a stick and throw it at him. He ducked before he could get hit, but you were already in his face.
"You were spying on me?!"
"I-I wasn't trying to! I was just-"
"Christ Peter!" All this time of you not being here, and now all of a sudden you just wanna show up out of nowhere because of what?! Jay?! Is that why you're finally talking to me?!" Panic stirs in Peter's eyes as he tries to come up with an excuse.
"I tried so hard to get you to talk to me, and you only wanna talk now because of that shit?! Peter, I can't do this shit with you anymore. I don't care if you're Spider-Man; what was the point of not telling me in the first place?! We live in New York for God's sake!!"
Your face is red as you frustratingly wipe away your tears with your forearm. Peter stays silent as he watches you; he can't say anything right now because you've hit the nail on the head.
"Y-You know what, fuck this. I can't do this shit any-anymore, Peter. But please tel-tell me; w-what did I do wrong? I di-did my best to keep both of us h-h-happy. Please, just tell me what I did wr-wrong." Your words are barely recognizable as you hold yourself to keep you're shaking body still.
Peter steps forward, but instead of stopping him like he thought you would, he cups your face gently as he looks into your eyes.
"(Y/N).....I'm so sorry I made you think this was all your fault. You did make me happy; you still do. I just...I've been so busy being Spider-man that I've neglected you, and I'm sorry for that. But I do still love you, (Y/N). I swear I'll stop doing everything just for you. I-I'll give up being Spider-Man."
You watch him unravel as he keeps talking. You can't bring yourself to care, however, as he spills his heart out. Too much disappointment has built up over the months.
"Please......(Y/N), just give me another chance. I'll do anything, just please, don't leave me." His voice is soft and insecure as he begs you, almost quivering as he says it. It doesn't invoke any sort of feeling in you though. His sad eyes watch as you pull away from him,
"I'm sorry Peter" you whisper softly as you turn around and walk away.
He doesn't run after you or even shout.
Peter simply watches you walk away until you're out of view. The only thing he can hear is your footsteps as they fade into the distance.
A/N: Alright so...this whole thing was based on how I could see him being Spider-Man in the beginning ig? Imo I feel like between him and Miles, the latter would be the first to tell you he's Spider-Man
And I always felt like him being away like that with no real reason would make an s/o feel like it's their fault or sumn. Like, I've always seen fics where he and the reader always make up about it, but I wanted to try the bad ending where even though he had good intentions, he's just not ready to handle being a hero, student, and partner.
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luimagines · 3 years
They react to you having a breakdown Part 2
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Part 1
Part 2 will include Time, Twilight, Wind and Four.
Content until the cut!
Time... had an off feeling.
There was a charged energy in the group but he couldn’t pin point where it was coming from or how to break it.
It was just this looming mass of some metaphorical dark cloud over some of the group. There was a tense atmosphere and it was enough to make him uncomfortable- enough to make him feel like he was walking on eggshells.
As the group traveled, it grew in intensity and he was sure he was approaching the source of the tension.
It was you.
Time was immediately concerned. He knew you to be the most calm and mild tempered of the group and typically in a good mood. If something was bothering you, it must have been beyond important and he wanted to help in whatever way he could.
He tried to maneuver what he could around the boys and single you out, taking you aside and staying at your side for a trail.
The mood of the boys lifted somewhat but Time could feel the intensity of your emotion now that he was right beside you. He moved the both of you to the back of the group and let the boys move ahead without the two of you.
Time had stopped and placed a hand on your shoulder, stopping you as well. “Are you well? What seems to be the problem?”
Your head fell, as if it was only being held by a string that had just been cut. “I’m fine.”
You, in fact, not fine.
Your voice was the smallest Time had ever heard, it was not as strong as you were trying to convey and it sounded only seconds from breaking entirely.
Time takes in a control and long breath.
“What did I say about the lying?” Time gently turns you around so that you’re face to face with him and places his other hand on your other shoulder.
“Only do it if you can pull it off.” Your voice cracks.
Time hums a bit, trying to not laugh too much at your answer. That is not what he said about lying. But he’ll let you have this one.
“Not quite.” Time dips down a bit so he can look in the eyes a little more properly. “If you have any grievances, now’s the time to get it off your chest. I won’t tell the others.”
You sniffle and try to continue to hold yourself together. But it’s in vain.
Within seconds you crumble and all but throw yourself into his arms, wrapping your around his torso with a vice like grip. Your sobs are quiet to even Time’s ears but the strength you use against him and to pull in your breaths is enough to tell him that perhaps you’ve hurting for a while.
He hugs you back without hesitation and places his head on top of yours while you cry.
Twilight makes a come back as Wolfie but Time’s quick to shoo him away.
The last thing you need an audience.
But it’s ok. He’s got you. Let it out. He’ll hold you until you’re done.
Wolfie was patrolling the perimeter during his night shift when he sees you storm away from the camp. You’re breathing heavily and there’s an iron grip on your fists.
He pauses and watches you from the shadows.
You take a long breath and press the heels of your hands into your eyes. You stay in that position for a moment before he hears you whine and fall to your knees.
He pads over to you quietly and steps on a twig or two to let you know he’s near.
You don’t react, so now he knows you’re in a state.
He whines quietly and pokes your hands with his nose. You sniffle loudly and pull your hands away. “...Wolfie”
Wolfie doesn’t know how he can fix this.
He gulps slightly and pushes your hands even further away with his nose. You pet him absentmindedly and gulp in a breath.
Twilight doesn’t like seeing you in pain but he has no idea what might have caused this. Nightmare? Bad memories? He was sure you were asleep earlier.
“I don’t know what to do Wolfie.” Your voice cracks and you break down into sobs. You’re not even trying to be quiet or hold back anymore. Twilight doesn’t know what exactly you’re talking about. You were fine ealier... But he supposes that this is merely an accumulation of built up emotions.
Twilight forces himself into your personal space and presses himself against the crook of your neck.
You’re quick to hug him with as much force as you can manage and sob into his fur.
Twilight feel his heart bleed for you and lets you hold him. You run your fingers through his fur and press your head into his with as much force as you need as you cry.
Twilight almost wants to transform back to him you properly but he holds back. He doubts that Twilight would get as much as an reaction as Wolfie would and he seen enough of Wild’s episodes that this is something only an animal would be able to properly fill the role for.
He stays in that position for what feels like hours and it takes him a second to realize that you cried yourself back to sleep.
He transform back to his human form on the spot and picks you up in his arms. You’re light and the tear steaks hit him differently than he thought it would when he gets back to the fire light. 
He gently puts you back on your bed roll and pulls your blanket up to your shoulders. Twilight makes quick work of tucking you in and makes sure that you’re still warm even if you were to shift in your sleep.
He stands up with a sigh and dusts his pants off.
He looks around the camp.
I’ll stay, he thinks to himself. 
The perimeter was secure anyway, he’s not sure if anyone else will wake up tonight and need a shoulder to cry on.
Wind was busy exploring the immediate area around the camp since Time said they were allowed to.
Which basically means that two thirds of the group split up and scattered.
He had a laugh on his breath as he dashed through the various trees and tried to not get too lost. Wind didn’t want to be too far from the group but he also found that there was too much just in the horizon that was calling to him.
That is... until he thought he heard something.
Wind instantly stops in his tracks and strains to hear through the environmental noises around him.
No, yeah, he wasn’t hearing things. Someone is nearby and crying
Where though?
Wind is a little, ok very concerned by the sounds. So he crept through the foliage towards it. He knew that Wild had told him of some Yiga people who tried to lure him by crying and getting him to ask them what’s wrong....and he didn’t feel very equipped to deal with them right now.
He crept closer and held his breath.
Only to gasp when he saw that it was you who was crying.
He bit his lip and thought about what to do. It was obvious that you came all this way to be alone and not be seen. But it didn’t sit right with him to leave alone now that he’s seen you. He knows that he’s a bad actor and there’s no way that he’d be able to pretend that he didn’t see anything.
He steps on a twig.
Your head shoots up and you manage to look directly at him.
“Oh.” You gulp and begin to wipe your eyes as fast as you can, as if that would change what he’s seen and get rid of the evidence. “Wind... I didn’t see you there. Does Time need something? Do we need to head back?”
He looks behind him in case anyone else is nearby. When he sees no one, he takes a step towards you instead and takes a seat next to you. “Not to my knowledge, no. What’s wrong?”
“It’s not-” You take a breath. It’s shaky and you can’t seem to complete the sentence before you curl into yourself again and let a whine. 
Wind feels awkward. He can see how tense you are from trying to hold yourself back, and he knows it’s because he’s there. He wants to let it all out and feel better but he’ll awful if he leaves you now.
Wind gathers his courage and maneuvers so that he’s kneeling in front of you. He puts his hand son your shoulder and pushes you upwards. You let him with a saddened but curious expression. There’s more tears on your cheeks and Wind nearly wants to cry from the sight of it alone.
He shoves his way forward and hugs you as hard as he can. It’s quiet between the both of you for a hot minute before Wind dips his head into the crook of your neck. “...It’s ok to cry... I won’t tell anyone.”
It breaks the dam and you hug him back. Not as hard as he’d be willing to let you or as hard as he thinks you want to, but he’ll take it.
His shoulder instantly begins to dampen and he holds you through it.
He doesn’t know what caused this and he doubts you’ll share it with him, but at least he can let you know that he’s there for you.
Four has been walking by your side for a while and he’s been the edge the entire time.
He doesn’t know why he’s so uncomfortable and for a moment he thinks he’s imagining things. You’ve always been a source of comfort and a great conversationalist, there’s rarely a moment of silence when you’re around and it’s something he feels well acquainted with.
But now you’re silent.
Four wants to ask you something, anything, to make sure that you’re ok and that you’re not upset with him. But he doesn’t know where to start or how to not make it awkward.
“Hey.” Four says your name and pulls on your sleeve gently to get your attention. “What’s up? You ok?”
You nod and smile.
It doesn’t reach your eyes.
“You don’t look like you’re ok.” Four gulps and grabs your hand before you can start moving away.
He can see your jaw flex for a second before you shrug and look away from him. you shake him off slightly and begin to walk away. “Stop looking then.”
“No, no, no, you’re not getting away from me that easily. But seriously, what’s wrong?” Four begins to chase after you. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“It’s nothing Four. I’ll be fine. Drop it.” 
Well he doesn’t like that at all.
He only filled with concern and spite and he’s determined to be a decent friend even if it kills him in the end.
“Well... If you ever want to talk about it...” Four trails off and shrugs in return, keeping your pace with ease. 
“I don’t think I could if I wanted to.” You mutter to yourself. He’s sure that he wasn’t supposed to hear that but it’s too late.
Four leans over to look at your face through your hair over your eyes. “I’m here if you need me.”
“Thanks Smithy, I know.” 
You both continue to walk in silence for moment longer before he sees that your pace is slowing down considerably. You’re beginning to curl in yourself and grip your belt tightly.
Four is concerned even more now and places his hand on your back. He’s at a lost for words at what’s happening to you. You don’t seem to be hurt physically given how long you’ve already been traveling but now he knows he’s right.
Something’s wrong.
“What’s wrong?”
“So much.” You choke up and fall to your knees. Four collapses with you and bring you against his chest. He’s quick to hold you tight as you descend in loud and unrestrained despair. Four can’t get any more words out of you even if your emotions are laid bare for both him and the heavens to witness.
He’s glad that the other’s aren’t around at the moment but someone’s going to come check on you eventually. Whether it’s one of the two pairs behind you or someone turns back to investigate the amount of nose you’re making.
It’s not looking good either way for a lack of audience but Four’s not inclined to rush you. It’s not good to rush these things.
So he lets you cry against him and he run his fingers through your hair, rubbing circles on your back at the same time to try and calm you.
It’s fine. You need a moment.
You’ll get your moment. Four will make sure of it. 
If anyone asks, they’ll answer to him and you can avoid people for as long as you need. 
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So more on the Beauford Swan AU, how do you think Alice and Rosalie's relationships with him are different? I assume Rosalie doesn't compare herself to Beauford the exact same way she compares herself to Bella, and Alice's Barbie Bella dream probably doesn't translate directly into a Ken Beau. How would that effect their initial relationships and the eventual family dynamics (Let's just assume this is the Beau Gives Up and Asks Carlisle to Turn Him version)?
Ooooh, interesting question anon.
For reference the Beauford AU: one, two, and three.
Specifically, we're in post number three, where Beauford survives Edward (huzzah for Beauford).
Rosalie's relationship with Beauford is a rollercoaster of weird.
At first, Beauford is a nothing special human. Rosalie's a little amused the girls are going wild for him, and she sees the appeal if you're into sensitive pretty boys (not Rosalie's type), but it has nothing to do with her.
As you point out, Rosalie doesn't have that conflict with her own beauty and comparison to Bella. Just per being a man, Rosalie will not compare herself to Beauford constantly.
Then Edward has his Biology breakdown and becomes increasingly weird.
Rosalie probably still suggests they kill off Beauford for nearly being crushed by a van. While Rosalie did have inner conflict over Bella, most of what informed that was Rosalie's lack of desire to move, that wouldn't change because of Beauford.
She probably wonders what the hell Edward's deal is, why is he obsessed with this guy, and then she has her "oh" moment.
Edward is gay.
Edward has always been gay.
Suddenly everything makes sense. The fact that Edward has shown 0 interest in Rosalie, that he showed 0 interest in Tanya who was practically throwing herself at him, that he shows 0 interest in any woman period.
Rosalie never suspected as much before, or at least, never put two and two together. But of course Edward is gay, it all makes sense now.
Edward doesn't like that idea, not at all, and accuses Rosalie of being a jealous shrew who is so offended by the idea that Edward isn't attracted to her that she accuses him of homosexuality.
Rosalie never said a word of this out loud.
The family has the biggest fight they've ever had. And, somehow, it's not over the murder of Beauford, but Edward's sexuality. No definitive conclusion is reached, but if you ask Edward, he is most definitely a heterosexual hot blooded man. Now, if you excuse him, he's going to go sneak into Beauford's room to crush the spiders that might sneak onto his pillow.
But back to Rosalie and Beauford.
Rosalie becomes increasingly exasperated as Edward romances Beauford without admitting he's romancing Beauford. He also does ridiculous things like adamantly refuse to turn Beauford into a vampire.
Rosalie tries to point out that he and Edward have no future like this. Edward doesn't care, he'll nobly leave Beauford anyway, as soon as he has the strength to. Rosalie tries to point out that a man doesn't take another man to a romantic Italian dinner (where he can't even eat anything) unless he's romantically interested. Edward tells Rosalie that she's never been as beautiful as she thought she was!
Rosalie decides, "fuck it", and she will be a part of Beauford's welcome committee when Edward invites him to meet the family. She's only given a few hours notice, but she just feels so bad for this guy. Edward's stringing him along, but is too in love with his own closet to ever have a real relationship.
She has no idea what Beauford thinks about it, but she's just dying of secondhand embarrassment. And yes, she thinks that Beauford should probably live a human life, and that Edward should either leave him alone or turn him, but at the very least she has to explain that her brother's an idiot.
Well, turns out, Beauford is also an idiot. And he's weird.
Rosalie finds herself meeting the most sensitive, womanly, man she's ever seen in her life. This guy is a delicate flower, she feels like if she breathes on him he might shatter into a thousand pieces.
He's very polite, very charming, but she watches as he does things like cry at Edward's piano playing and then let Edward eat his tear.
What the fuck?
Rosalie throws her hands in the air. There's no helping these two, they deserve each other, Rosalie out. Well, the baseball game happens, which turns into a disaster and a half.
Rosalie still likely gives her "Why are we risking our own deaths over this guy we don't even know" and Beauford assumes that Rosalie hates him (not helped by Rosalie giving him "are you crazy" looks all the time as well as Edward telling Beauford that Rosalie is jealous of his beauty and Edward's very platonic affections for him).
That summer Rosalie barely sees Beauford. When she does, he and Edward are cuddling on the couch. She asks if Edward's admitting he's gay yet, the answer is always no. She rolls her eyes and leaves to work on her cars.
New Moon happens, Rosalie doesn't know what to think anymore, but she supposes this is a decent outcome. Beauford gets to live a normal, human, life and move on.
They're back six months later.
Fast forward a bit and Beauford is turned by Carlisle. Rosalie sits down to think about it, Carlisle makes it clear why this happened, and she's back to feeling bad for Beauford.
Edward treats him like trash, he's downright vicious to Beauford, and Beauford looks like he's about to cry constantly. Rosalie reaches out and the pair have a good long talk about life, the universe, and her Pig Brother Edward.
Rosalie assures Beauford that Edward will get over it, he'll forgive Beauford eventually, and someday he'll stop being an ass. Beauford is comforted, but Edward never stops being an ass.
Rosalie and Beauford end up best friends instead.
They have nothing in common.
Alice still makes Beauford her Barbie Beauford, but with a slightly masculine twist.
She buys him fabulous clothes, so that his closet is filled with blazers, turtlenecks, and very tight pants. She still throws him a sweet sixteen eighteen, only instead of a million pink candles the candles are now blue.
Beauford is still utterly mortified.
She gets him a tux for Prom and Beauford ends up going with Edward though neither Edward nor Beauford realize they're in fact going to Prom together as a couple.
Alice still sees Beauford as her best friend and is absolutely ecstatic for his and Edward's "friendship". As Alice never sees the pair having sex, she is absolutely fine with the platonic label and fully agrees with Edward that theirs is a very platonic relationship.
Alice is still the best friend Beauford ever had because he has no friends and doesn't know what friendship is. Though he kind of wishes she'd stop buying him clothes.
Their relationship goes down the drain after Beauford is turned.
As Beauford and Edward's relationship falls apart, he looks to Alice for comfort, but she has none to provide. She doesn't see him and Edward working out any time soon and, well, glad you're a part of the family?
Alice realizes that her and Beauford's friendship isn't going to work out either. She's upset about this, but doesn't see any way to salvage it without completely alienating Edward. Alice will choose Edward.
Alice ponders over might have beens and wonders when the future shifted but quietly watches as Beauford becomes closest with Rosalie.
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