#tried to go for a similar look to that one surprised pikachu edit where they put in a shadow of a šŸ…±enis
tastycitrus Ā· 1 year
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reimu hakurei traumatizes the rest of the playable command with her big long throbbing "merciless purification rod"
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salvejoon Ā· 5 years
Them Confessing To You
Kim Namjoon
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You sat in comfortable silence as you munched on your burger, Namjoon sitting across from you. You'd notice how he seemed a little nervous, fidgety, distant with you and you were confused as to why.
"So, you're going to tell me what's going through your mind?" You asked him, putting down your fork and knife, pushing your plate to the side, "You're acting weird."
His eyes snapped to yours for a brief second before he picked up his soda and drank from it, causing you raise a brow.
"Well?" You pushed, getting impatient. This wasn't like him: He would always say if there was something nagging him.
"I... Uh." He paused and glanced at you, seeing your impatient frown, "It's about you."
"Have I done something?" You asked, your mind panicking if you had done something wrong.
"No! No." He shook his head before meeting your confused gaze, "It's about us... Actually."
Us? You thought. It was no secret that you liked Namjoon... A little too much to be just friends but working together kind of put a restriction on the whole thing, so you'd kept your feelings to yourself, deciding that they would sooner or later pass.
The other members had noticed and Yoongi had even pulled you aside to talk about it but you brushed him off, saying they were imagining things.
"Yeah." Namjoon started, "This might come out wrong but I'm having these thoughts about... Us."
"That... Does sound wrong, yeah."
He then sighed, looking a little irritated, "This is really stupid."
"Are us being friends stupid now?" You asked, your words causing him to panic.
"No! It's just that I... Damn it... You are amazing and beautiful and funny and kind and selfless and..." He trailed off, pinching his nose, "Why is it so hard to say..."
"I'm getting more and more confused, Joonie. Say whatever it is you want to say."
"I like you."
Your eyes went wide at that, "Y-you what?"
"I like you. As in like like. More than friends." He continued, his cheeks flushing slightly, "I've had for a long time, I just haven't had the..."
"The balls to confess." You finished for him and couldn't help but to snicker at the glare he sent you, "Sorry."
"I know it's stupid because we're working together and I shouldn't have these kind of feelings but I can't help it." He said softly, putting his head in his hands, "I'm sorry if I've ruined our friendship but I needed to get it out."
You said nothing as you tried to slow your racing heart, hiding your pink cheeks behind your soda as you took a sip. He looked so scared at that moment, sitting across from you, arms on the table, his face hidden in his hands.
He really had no idea how you felt about him yet the other members could read you like an open book.
"Y'know, for one with an IQ of 148, you're pretty slow." You started as you put the soda down, looking at him, gauging his reaction, "Really. I'm a bit surprised."
"I really don't see why you have to make fun of me right now..." He trailed off, starting to look annoyed as he raised his head.
"What I'm saying, Kim Namjoon, is that I like you too." You rolled your eyes, "Idiot."
"That's not funny."
"I'm not joking."
"But... We're working together."
You shrugged.
"And I work a lot."
"So do I. I'm the event manager for Big Hit, remember?"
It grew quiet between the two of you. Neither of you really had no idea what to do now. Namjoon stared at you like he still wasn't believing what you'd just said. You were growing impatient with his quietness and decided that if he didn't believe your words, you'd show him.
You reached across the table and took his hand into yours, interlacing your fingers and you rose from the chair, leaning across the table and placed a quick peck on his lips. You sat back down, trying to contain a grin as you saw his expression.
His eyes were wide open, mouth slightly hanging, "Do you still think I'm making fun of you?" You asked.
"N-No..." He trailed off, coming back to reality as his fingers squeezed your hand, "Can you do it again?"
You looked around the restaurant before returning your eyes to him, "Let's wait till we're alone."
"Okay." He nodded and smiled.
Kim Seokjin
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You glared at Jin but he paid you no attention. He hadn't given you so much as a single glance. This man...You thought, setting your jaw as you moved from your place on the sofa over to him, settling down beside him. He didn't even raise his head from his phone as you did so and that only annoyed you further.
The two of you were sitting in the dorm, the other members out and about which suited you fine because there was something you wanted to tell him.
Jin had wormed his way into your heart and you couldn't see him leave anytime soon, so you'd finally mustered up the courage to tell him.
But that required that he was actually paying you attention and listening to what you had to say and so far, the plan wasn't going according to plan.
"Jin." You quipped and he simply hummed, still not raising his head from his phone. You took a calming breath before deciding to just throw it out.
"I like you." You said, relief washing over you as the words left your mouth but then came the nervousness as you awaited his response.
"I like you too." Was his simple reply and you raised a brow.
"Really? Then does that mean you will ask me out on a date?"
Growling, you grabbed his phone and threw it over your shoulder, ignoring his protest, "Did you even hear what I just said?" You grit out as you stared angrily at him.
Jin looked at you, annoyed, "Yes, I heard you."
"Really? Then did you mean it?"
"Mean what?"
"When you said you liked me too and would take me out on a date?"
He paled visibly at your words and he sputtered, at a loss for words, "I - You just - We...Huh?"
You suddenly felt sad as he simply stared at you, words not finding him. You tried to cheer yourself up, knowing the best way to get over your feelings for him was for him to reject you.
"Well, that's just what I wanted to tell you." You shrugged, ignoring the way your eyes burned with unshed tears, "I think it's time I head home."
"N-No, you don't leave me hanging!" He grabbed your wrist as you started to leave the sofa, "I-I have to hear it again."
"Hear what?"
"That... Which you said..."
"I like you?" You questioned, "Why?"
"Because then I can look into your eyes," Jin paused, pulling you down next to him, his hand slowly gracing your cheek, wiping away stray tears, "And tell you I'm sorry for not paying attention and that I like you too."
You glared at him but a smile spread anyway, "You should pay more attention, Jin."
"You have my now undivided attention, beautiful. By the way, would you go on a date with me?"
Min Yoongi
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"Yoongi!" You yelled from the hallway as you entered the dorm. You were pissed as you stomped your way towards his studio, knowing that would be where you would find him.Ā 
The two of you were supposed to meet for a quick recap of his newest song but he hadn't shown up, leaving you to wait an hour for him at the coffee shop.
Hoseok and Jimin were about to greet you when they saw your fiery expression and decided to just slip into the living room as you walked up to the door leading to the studio.
You barged the door open, finding the room dark, your nose wrinkling at the funny smell but you saw him sitting in front of his PC, editing program on the screen.
You closed the door and walked over to his chair and turned it around, "Min Yoon..." You were about to let him experience your wrath but when you saw his sleeping form in his chair, all the anger left your body.
Yoongi had clearly fallen asleep working on the track.Ā 
"Damn it, Yoongi." You whispered as you brushed his hair away from his face, "You forget yourself too often."
He didn't wake up at your words. He must be exhausted. You studied his boyish face, taking in his soft features, listening to his deep breathing. He's so beautiful. You thought with a smile.
You had an attraction to him, of that there was no doubt but you'd always doubted if Yoongi felt the same.Ā 
Your eyes fell to his lips and you wondered if they were as soft as they looked. For one second you thought about kissing him but quickly threw that thought down the bin. Yoongi would be pissed if you did it.
Instead, you settled for a peck on his cheek, opting to text him later. Your lips gently graced his cheek and you were a bit surprised to find him looking at you with hooded eyes as you leaned back.
"Y-Yoongi..." You mumbled.
"Y'know, that was a nice way to wake me up but I'd preferred if you had kissed me for real." He said, his voice laced with sleep.
"W-What?" You sputtered.
You didn't get an answer from him, instead you got grabbed by the chin and pulled down to his soft lips. Your eyes went wide as his action and when he let go of you, putting some distance between the two of you, no words would form.
"Much better. So are you going to grab a chair and help me out?" He asked, turning his attention back to the screen.
"You just kissed me and act like it's nothing?!"
Hr shrugged, glancing at you over his shoulder, "Sit your pretty ass down."
"I hate you." You whined but still grabbed a nearby chair and sat down beside him.
"Correction: You like me and I like you." Ā 
Jung Hoseok
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"Why are you so cute?" Hoseok asked as he pinched your cheeks, causing your cheeks to flush but at the same time annoy you.
"Hobi..." You trailed off dangerously and he caught the hint, "I'm not cute."
Hoseok looked you up and down before beaming at you, "You look adorable."
"I look ridiculous." You countered with a sigh.
He'd recently gotten back from a short trip to Japan and had bought a Pikachu onesie for you, which you found a little weird but also sweet.
What was more absurd was that he had bought one similar and you were now both wearing them, standing in their living room.
"You do not." He protested with stern look, "You look so cute and I just want to put you in my pocket."
You rolled your eyes and removed the hood, "I still don't get why you bought them."
"I told you - Now we can look cute together."
"You look cute while I look like a fat potato, Hobi."
Hoseok sighed and shook his head, "You don't. Believe me. You make my heart go boom boom!"
You couldn't help but laugh at that, "Boom boom? Shouldn't it be doki doki?"
He grinned at you and pinched your cheek again, "You make my heart go all kinds of ways."
The way he said it made your eyes snap up to his and you saw his smirk which had you fidgeting with the sleeves of the onesie, "Don't say stuff like that, Hobi. One might think you mean something else."
"What if I did mean something else?"
"Pffft! You having a crush on little ol' me? Please. That must be the... Joke... Of... The... Year..." You trailed off slowly as he leaned in close and you felt his breath whisk past your lips, your tongue wetting them in response, his eyes flickering down quickly as you did so.
"But I do.ā€ He started, ā€œThere was another reason why I bought the onesies." He said low, his voice sending shivers down your spine.
"W-Which would be?"
"As your future boyfriend I thought it'd be nice if we have matching clothes."
"That's really cheesy but I'll go along with it. Though I'd prefer to see you naked."
"My, my, what dirty thoughts you have." He smirked before crashing his lips onto yours.
Kim Taehyung
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"Who's a good boy? Who's a good little boy?" You asked softly as you ruffled Yeontan's fur as he settled onto your lap, "You're so cute!" You exclaimed, petting him as he looked up at you.
You smiled happily as he licked your hand and sounded a tiny whoof, your heart almost exploding at the cuteness, "Can I take him home?"
"But he's so cute!"
"Still no."
"And he likes me!"
"I'll take good care of him!"
Taehyung sighed and paused the movie the two of you were watching, turning his head to look at you, "I'm trying to watch the movie with you and all you can do is gush over Yeontan."
"But he's so cute and I just can't help it." You pouted but still felt slightly bad. Taehyung had taken time off his otherwise busy schedule to spend some time with you but all you could do was fawn over his dog.
"I'm also cute but you're not giving me attention."
"You're not as fluffy."
"I don't know what to do with you." He groaned and leaned back into the couch, his head falling back onto the back of it, "Women." He mumbled.
You snorted and Yeontan jumped off your lap, "Sorry puppy, but your daddy is being a child so I have to give him some attention."
"Did you just call me daddy?"
You rolled your eyes at his suggestive tone and took the remote from his lap and unpaused the movie, "Let's just watch the movie, Tae."
The two of you watched the movie for a while until Taehyung grabbed the remote and paused it again causing you to glare at him.
"It was getting to the good part!" You exclaimed.
"I have a suggestion." He said, gazing at you slowly, "Wanna hear it?"
You shrugged, "Sure."
"You can take Yeontan -"
"It was a joke, Taehyung. He's your dog."
"He could also be your dog - If you became my girlfriend." He finished, looking annoyingly at you.
Your heart did a thing, "What?"
He smiled shyly, "I think I might have a crush on you." He said softly, averting his eyes, scratching the back of his neck, "And I also know that you might have a crush on me."
"I-I... How did you know?!" You exclaimed, cheeks burning.
"Jungkook told me." He shrugged.
"He told you?! I swear I can't tell that boy anything!" You angrily snapped and ran a hand down your face, groaning.
"So... You'll become my girlfriend?" He asked, glancing at you with a small smile, his cheeks flushing. You looked at him, nodding slowly before you moved across the couch and sat down onto his lap, causing him to stiffen.
You leaned down and planted a kiss on his nose, "Take me out first, handsome, and we'll see." You whispered before planting a quick kiss on his lips, feeling his arms venture around your midsection then hearing a deep chuckle against your chest.
"Deal." He agreed, pulling you closer.
You glided a hand through his hair, raising a brow, "How is your hair so soft, Tae?"
"Softer than Yeontan?"
"Don't push it."
Park Jimin
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You opened the door to the dancing studio as quietly as possible, not wanting to scare Jimin or interrupt just in case he was in the middle of a choreography. The music was blasting through the speakers and you walked in, closing the door behind you, staying in the shadows of the dimly lit room.
You turned and studied Jimin as he danced and you couldn't help but smile.Ā His body twisted and turned in sync to the music you hadn't heard before.
His deep concentrated expression made it clear to you that he was working hard. A little too hard. The other members were growing worried and so were you as his neck had started up again with the pains and the aches but the boy kept on pushing himself.
You leaned against the door, watching him closely, each fluid movement, each hard stare at himself in the mirror.
Each frown every time he got it wrong.
Jimin let his frustration get the better of him and he let out a curse as he stopped dancing, plopping down onto the floor with growl, his hand going to the back of his neck as he rolled his shoulders.
Sighing softly, you pushed off the wall and went over to him, putting your hands on his shoulders.
He jolted, grabbing one of your wrists as he looked up, relief washing over his face as he saw it was you.
"Hey." You greeted with an apologetic smile, "Sorry. I didn't want to interrupt."
"It's okay." He said softly, wincing as he cracked his neck, "Ow."
"You're working yourself too hard, Jimin." You shook your head as you knelt down behind him, your hands gently starting to massage his neck and shoulders, "We're worried."
"I know but you don't have to." He looked at you in the mirror, his small smile doing little to ease your worry.
"It's hard not to."
"I know... But I want to get this perfect."
"You've already perfected it, Jimin."
His cheeks turned a pretty pink as he looked down, no longer looking at you. You simply smiled and put your arms around him, hugging him from behind, "Please listen to me for once. Take a break."
Jimin grabbed your hand and held onto it, still looking down, "I can't. I have to work hard and not fail the others or the fans..."
You heard his voice crack and you hugged him tighter. Jimin sometimes had a difficult time with making mistakes.Ā 
"You're still only human and humans fail sometimes." You said softly
He nodded but didn't answer and you frowned when you felt tears drop onto your hands, "Jimin..."
"I know. I know."
"You're not letting anyone down. Not the members, not the fans but you're letting them down by not taking better care of yourself." You explained, feeling his shoulders shake.
He sniffled and finally raised his head to look at you. You heart constricted in your chest as you saw his tear stained cheeks and wet eyes.
"You're amazing." He whispered and smiled at you.
You shook your head and snorted, the unladylike sound making him chuckle. You squeezed him one last time before starting to remove your arms but he held onto you causing you to look at him.
"Can we stay like this? I just need you to hug me for a little longer." His voice was soft and you simply nodded.
"Anything for you."
Jimin then interlaced your fingers and moved to kiss the back of your hand, surprising you. Jimin was a very affectionate person but he'd never done that before.
"Can I tell you something?" He asked, leaning his head on your shoulder.
"I like you."
"We wouldn't be friends if you didn't."
His fingers squeezed your hand and you saw his cheeks flush once more, "A-As in more than friends. I really, really like you."
"I don't know when it happened... It just did. You're always so kind and supportive. You're always there when I need you..." He raised his head from your shoulder, craning his neck to look at you properly, "I didn't want to tell you because I was scared that you'd leave me."
"Leave you?" You were taken aback and stared at him with wide eyes, "I'd never leave you, Jimin."
"Even if you know I want more?"
You huffed, smiling, "Jiminie," You started, leaning down to plant a kiss on his forehead, "I like you too." You whispered.
Jimin didn't say anything, instead he turned his whole body towards you, drawing you into an embrace. You stayed like that for a while until he let go of you but you sat still.
"C-Can I kiss you?" He asked shyly.
"As much as you want."
Jeon Jungkook
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"Noona~" Jungkook sang as he leaned over your shoulder to see what you were doing, "I need your help."
"With?" You asked, staring down at the phone in your hands.
"I've gotten this new champion in Overwatch and I wanted to try it out." He said, already smirking when you raised your head from your phone, glancing at him.
"You want me to kick your ass again?" You asked with a raised brow, "You didn't take it too well the last time we played."
"I had shitty teammates." He pouted and stepped back as you rose from the floor and walked over to your laptop, firing it up.
"Well then. Let's get it!"
One hour later you heard Jungkook yell in frustration and he exited his room, looking like someone had just stolen his icecream.
"You cheated!" He exclaimed, glaring at you.
You laughed which only annoyed him further, "Get rekt, pleb."
"One more game." He challenged, "I'll beat you this time."
"Really?" You licked your lips, raising your brow, "And if you lose again?"
"I won't lose." He nodded sternly.
"Let's make a deal - If you win..." You trailed off as you thought, "Then I'll do anything you want me to do."
"And if I lose?"
You smirked and he paled visibly, knowing you well enough to know that he would be in deep shit if he lost, "If you lose then... You'll have to clean up your room."
Jungkook scowled and looked back into his room, "It's not messy."
"Oh, it is. Namjoon has been whining non-stop about it and it's getting on my nerves that I can't sit in your room and play with you because there's no surface for me to sit by." You explained, rolling your eyes as he dramatically sighed loudly, huffing out a small 'fine!' before disappearing into his room again.
It all started out fine. While Jungkook was a good Overwatch player, he didn't quite reach your level. It was a defense match so it was quite easy but then half-way through the game, something changed. The little shit suddenly killed you time and time again, pushing your victory further and further away as you spent time respawning.
"Are you fucking kidding me..." You grit out, annoyed with how the tables had turned. Your eyes went wide when you lost the match, "How the fuck did he just switch like that?"
The maknae exited his room, looking like one smug mothereffer and you clenched your jaw, "Looks like I won, Noona." He did a small victory dance, "Guess you aren't that good, huh?"
"Oh, you little -"
"No need to curse."
"Fine. So what do you want me to do?"
He looked thoughtful, caressing his chin dramatically, "I want a kiss."
You almost choked on a breath, "A what now?"
"A kiss."
He shrugged, "That or you clean my room for me." He grinned, knowing you would rather die than clean his room for him.
You had no idea why he wanted a kiss from you. You rose from the chair and walked over to him, shyly scratching your arm, heart beating wildly in your chest. Even though he was 3 years younger than you, he was still a whole head taller.
Deciding to just get it over with, you quickly pecked him on the cheek and stepped back, looking at him. He frowned before shaking his head, pointing to his lips.
"You didn't say where!" You protested and shook your head, "Friends don't kiss each other."
"You said anything." He pushed.
"Fine." You groaned, quickly closing the space between you, your lips latching onto his for a brief second but when you tried to lean away, his hands grabbed your shoulders. His lips slowly moved over yours and you could feel warmth spread to your cheeks. What is he doing?!
Finally he leaned back, his cheeks a pretty pink and he smiled awkwardly at you.
"Why did you do that?" You asked, licking your lips. He tastes good... No! Bad!
"I wanted to kiss you." He admitted, averting his gaze as you stared hard at him.
"Eh, why?" You piped.
"Truth is that I like you, Noona. Really like you... I just didn't know how to say it so I wanted to show it instead." Jungkook admitted, not expecting when you slapped his arm, scowling at him.
"It's really easy! You just say you like me and I say I like you back and then we kiss! Not the other way around!" You snapped.
"Y-You like me?"
Rolling your eyes, you pushed him into his room, closing the door behind you and he looked at you confusedly.
"Yes and I'm about to show you how much." You said slowly, smirking.
"God, your room is messy."
"Shut up."
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0chazuke Ā· 7 years
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About Pokemon: I choose you! The Movie (non-spoilers version) *small edit: 18/Jul*
Salt or not, you should watch it - it is hard to criticize the experience only by reading spoiler notes/plot reviews. Go watch the movie without much expectations, even with some (big?) flaws it is quite an entertaining film.Ā 
If you love Ash and Pikachuā€™s friendship, Iā€™m pretty sure you will enjoy this - their relationship is indeed the big deal of the movie. Their voice actresses do an incredible job in this movie, it is worth to note how much their talent make a huge difference in the quality of the movie. The animation has some really pretty scenes and cool battles, I loved how expressive Ash and Pikachu were!
M20 is also a good treat for fans of the original series soundtrack, it has some nice rearranges of the old time classics! Plus so many references from previous movies!
Many people cried during many parts of the film, I noticed also some surprised gasps and bursts of laughter around/in front of my seat range too. I missed watching flawed Ash.... And, oh, he does answer what does a "Pokemon Master" mean this time lol.
On the other hand, the plot and the pacingā€¦ are a big mess. Too much info, not enough time to develop each thread, then it ends in a very rushed way. No wonder why I ended up with so many mixed feelings about the whole thing, hahaha, I personally wouldnā€™t rank it as my favorite pokemon movie butā€¦ I donā€™t think it is also as awful as some people have claimed xD
It is indeed a very strange experience, for instanceā€¦ New characters are not bad, they have some background and personality - Iā€™d say they are fitting and likeable but also kinda of pointless at the same time? Or, another example, emotional scenes are intense but they are also solved so quickly that is barely no time to let the info sink lol. IMO this film was better than the last recent movies, itā€™s like ā€œwell, M20 was really nice, Iā€™m not mad but it had potential to be much better - but still, it was very fun, go watch itā€? Please try watching it!
So many people in the movie theater - both kids and adultsā€¦ also, so many 3ds devices lol (Marshadow is a gift through local wireless network. They included a short announcement at the start/end of the movie by Shokotan-Joy reminding us of that!). Iā€™m happy that I got Marshadow and also a Ga-ole card with Movie!Hat Pikachu - it can be converted to Pokemon USUM in the futureā€¦
Iā€™m still unsure which Hat-chu should I redeem with my ticket code. Maybe AG one?
Oh, (long) ramblings and spoilers after this cut:
Spoiler talk:
I donā€™t think Pikachuā€™s speaking scene was as bad as some people saidā€¦ I thought that was very emotional and meaningful? It is very ambiguous scene, I saw that moment as Ash understanding Pikachuā€™s pokemon words with full clarity, he was so weak (c'mon boy was exhausted lol) and I donā€™t think Pikachu literally spoke in human languageā€¦ The atmosphere kinda implies it is something only Ash could understand that instant, like the blurred and muffled sounds.
I really like Ash and Pikachu and I guess anyone who has/had a partner like that might get emotional over that. Ugh, maybe itā€™s Ootaniā€™s actingā€¦ idk, either way that crushed my heart really badly. I surprisingly got much more emotional about it than I thought I would, even after being bombed with pre-screening spoilers.
^few minutes before I was honestly wanting to laugh/cringe at MARSHADOW WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING and the UGH incineroarā€™s PELVIC BELT FIRE ATTACKS WHY DID YOU REMIND US OF THAT DETAIL FROM THE GAMES DDDD:Ā 
Convoluted plot much? Yamachan is a nice Marshadow! Butā€¦ Kinda too bad the Pokemon itself in the story is really confusing. Pacing is also weird, felt like the plot is too long and suddenly close to the end they had to wrap it up in a rush? I thought it was nice in a way that you donā€™t get bored because things go nonstop, however it would definitely work better as a short TV series than a single movie.
They must really like those guest celebrities to create the two new rushed Please!DPPremake!characters. I do think the movie would work better with Ash and Pikachu traveling alone - for example, Bonji could easily sometimes fill the gaps the role of the two companions are meant to beā€¦ I mean, Souji and Makoto are nice, but stillā€¦ Ugh, it does feels a bit like they were forced to be there.
I hope you like Entei better than Suicune and Raikou lol. Itā€™s likeā€¦ The first one is a badass and the other two are simplyā€¦ there. Suicune only appears to Makoto and they exchange glances... and that's all.
Team Rocketā€™s cameos are very short but cute. I liked the best the one at the beginning, at the Pokemon Center, when Joy goes"omg those guys!!!ā€œ and instead of attacking the place, TRio just leave excited like the other kids "yaaaaay Entei!!!ā€ XD
I apparently wasnā€™t the only one who was confused about Marshadowā€™s intentions in that movie. Judging by the viewersā€™ reactions, I noticed a lot of people were confused about itā€¦ Even understanding Japanese language didnā€™t help much tbh.
Going back to Ho-Oh and Marshadow, I didnā€™t get it at first, butā€¦Ā 
ā€¦Well, Ash got one of Ho-Ohā€™s feather and it kept shining with bright colors because he has a good heart - if the feather gets dark, according to the legend, it is thanks to humans being evil, which results in things going really bad, right?
Marshadow knows that black feather = not good - thatā€™s why when Ash is blinded by frustration and the feather gets darker, he creates that dream world where Ash realizes how important Pikachu was for him and tries to find his partner even though he canā€™t remember him in that illusion world. It takes a while to Ash realize he was being reckless and stupid, but after he remembers and understand he was being stupid, he quickly wakes up and apologize to Pikachu with real regret, and the feather goes colorful again, right?
The second time the feather goes dark is when Cross snatch it from Ashā€™s hand and later on, Marshadow takes it and start destroying everything around it. Bonji tells Ash he should get his feather back asap or else Marshadow will never stop unleashing its power, rightā€¦.
1) so you could say Marshadow is like a guardian that creates a trial for those who bear the rainbow feather, ensuring pokemon are safe from evil people/good people can meet Ho-Oh (does it mean when Ash ā€œdiesā€, he actually goes under Marshadowā€™s trial and he quickly returns to the real world due to his bond to Pikachu?)
2) Marshadow actually a sneaky little chaotic pokemon that is very aware that when the feather gets dark, it is its opportunity to snatch it and unleash its power. That explains why dark feather = bad stuff happens and why Marshadow stop hitting the humans and fades away after the dark feather in its hands disappears and reappears as a colored feather in Ashā€™s hand)
Soā€¦ Which one is the actual thing, 1 or 2?
Iā€™m not planning to watch it a second time soon, but letā€™s see if someone else does it and help us figuring out the plot lol. Itā€™s probably easier to understand it after a second view (I mean, I HOPE SO lol).
About specific stuff I was asked on Tumblr, in no particular order:
Oh, the credits with old characters was not a full screen partā€¦ Only a small portion of the screen. They all begin as shadowed figures that look at the camera, reveling their full bodies. The background is the same for all characters.
Misty was riding her bike! May tied her bandanna! Clemontā€™s glasses were shining! Serena kept her old looks, everybody had their original clothes and styleā€¦ TRACEY! o/
Max appeared together with May and Bonnie appeared together with Clemont.
I was very intrigued that only (cute upside down) Iris and Serena were smiling in their respective scenesā€¦ Everybody else looked slightly surprised/confused somewhat? So odd. :/
While Makoto is checking out her ā€œsmartphoneā€, after some pictures of her friends (we can see that Souji is the one who cooks for the trio) and their pokemon we can see her motherā€™s picture (+Piplup and Empoleon). Yeah, possibly Cynthia - sheā€™s missing the trademark hairclips and the hair color is slightly darkerā€¦ but that long peculiar hair is quite similar to that characterā€¦ Plus Makoto herself hints "my hometown (Twinleaf - Sinnoh) has a very famous trainer..."
The teacher inside the classroom of IRL Ash was Agatha, wasnā€™t it?
Professor Oak has a Squirtbottle.
Souji is seen spotting an Articuno at the end of the movie. Meanwhile, Makoto explains she will go back home to see her mother.
Ah, close to the end I remember seeing the Alolan starters animated - sorry, I don't remember when exactly but it was before the credits, when Ash and Pikachu already said goodbye to Souji and Makoto.
The Lapras is not Ash's, it's Makoto's. She kisses the pokeball before throwing it...
Pikachu's spoken lines: "ćšć£ćØäø€ē·’ć«ć„ćŸć„ć‹ć‚‰" (zutto issho ni itai kara): Because I wants to be with you, always.
Oh, Ash does define what does it mean to him to be a pokemon master: to become a friend of all pokemon in the world!
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