#trident of fish command
The Tower of the Hand was unbearably hot.  Summer in Westeros was boiling into its third year, turning each of the sun’s rays into an act of violence.  King’s Landing was choking on its own stench.  The reek of refuse, waste, and unwashed bodies carried on every humid breeze, reaching as far as the high windows of her father’s study.  Even after years of living here, Alicent never got used to it.  Somehow, she never got used to the coldness in her father’s voice either, after hearing it her entire life.
“You must try harder, Alicent.”  The condescending command dragged her back into the lecture she was receiving.
“I am trying, Father,” she responded, practically growling the words.  “I go to him when he calls and visit him most nights aside, and it has not worked.”
“Go to him every night, if you must!  This task is too important to miss any opportunity,” Otto Hightower snapped, slamming his quill down on the desk.
“If I do that, he will reject me,” she told him coldly.  “He already doesn’t tend to my heats, no matter how much I beg.  You know that.  And if he sends me away, I cannot disobey him.”
“Then what of the Grand Maester?  What does he advise?”
She rolled her eyes at this, too aggravated to care if he called it unladylike.  “The Grand Maester advises everything from fornicating in the mornings to eating nothing but fish from the Trident.  None of his ‘suggestions’ have proven true.”
His jaw tightened as he considered this.  “There must be something,” he insisted, resembling a sulky child more than a man grown.  It was a rare day when Otto Hightower was confronted by powerlessness.  The last time it happened would have been her lady mother’s passing.
Even in his helplessness, Alicent doubted there was anything he wouldn’t do to get her pregnant by the King.  He’d probably stand over them and push Viserys’s hips if he thought it would work.  It had been five years since he made her marry the man, an entire winter and most of a summer, and they had nothing to show for it.  Despite the Maesters’ confident assurances of her fertility, not even the suspicion of a babe had graced her womb in all that time.
“There must be something,” he repeated, roughly rubbing his beard while she glared out the distant window.  She had no answer for him, and that wouldn’t change.
Or rather, she had one, but he would not hear it.  She tried anyway.  “Father, there may be nothing we can do.”  She bit her lip and dug her fingernails into her palms.  “The King… His Grace may be…”
“Do not say it,” he growled instantly.  “Do not.  It’s a nonsensical idea.  Viserys may not be an alpha, but he has produced seven pregnancies in his life and is still in his prime.”
“The Grand Maester says it can happen,” she persisted.  “To beta men, especially.  He told me it can be quite sudd—”
“Enough!” He cut her off.  “I will not hear it.  Moreover, I forbid you from speaking of it again, even to the Maesters.  We cannot have rumors like that spreading about the King.  Keep trying, Alicent.  If it means eating only fish or whatever else, just do it.  We are running out of time.”
And now they finally reached the impetus of this argument, the reason he called her here to be harassed in the first place.  Will you never cease your bullheaded wrecking of my life, Rhaenyra?  Even when you aren’t here, you find ways to trample on me.
“The princess's wedding is in three months' time,” he said, frustrated and exhausted.  “The King plans to announce it to the court overmorrow, and the moment it happens and she gets a whelp on that Velaryon girl, everything we've worked for will be that much harder to achieve.”
“I am aware.”  Alicent barely restrained the urge to scream at him.  As if she needed another reminder that while she was forced to labor fruitlessly in the King’s bed, Rhaenyra was allowed to wed beautiful, perfect Laena Velaryon, who smelled like clean sea air and smiled like the sun.  Laena Velaryon who rode a dragon and whose name came attached to the greatest naval fleet in Westeros.  Laena Velaryon who would give her everything Alicent couldn’t: attention, sex, heirs, uncomplicated love.  
No, she considered herself quite cognizant of that fact, thank you very much.
“If you are, then I need not tell you to go to the King’s chambers again tonight,” he said darkly.  “Right, my dear?”
Her palms ached from how tightly her nails cut into them.  “Yes, Father.”
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minecraftbookshelf · 2 years
@unfamiliar-sea I'm in the process of writing the Joel & Lizzie fic for the arranged marriages au. It won't be on tumblr for the most part until its actually done and posted in full, but here is one snippet from the beginning. Enjoy!
Joel was never going to be king of Mezalea.
This wasn't anything he was unaware of or upset about, it was just a fact. He was the youngest of the three princes and already his eldest brother had two children of his own. He was never destined to rule and that suited him just fine. He was far more interested in exploring the crags and ravines of the mesas and poking around in the abandoned mineshafts left behind by the generations that came before.
Let his brothers worry about imports and exports and international relations. Joel had everything he needed right at home in Mezalea.
Or at least he did, until very suddenly, international relations became his relations.
When the first towers appeared on the horizon they were greeted with confusion. Who would build in the ocean? Joel was on the small ship that went out to investigate.
Only half the crew returned with him.
An outpost of the Ocean Empire, so declared by the brightly colored general who commanded it, their gills flaring as they held Joel and his remaining crew at trident-point. Guarding the borders of their nation as held by the Ocean Queen, The Blue Axolotl. (Joel was going to assume they didn't mean a literal axolotl, any more than the general or their soldiers were literal fish.)
And so he reported to his mother and eldest brother when they returned to shore.
The Seafolk had surfaced for the first time in generations.
And they came for war.
AU Masterpost
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redmambajatiri · 1 month
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Elara Velaryon the daughter of the merling king and Serena Velaryon the youngest of her siblings and the most adventurous. Her hair the color of pears and her eyes as deep as the sea it self.
Elara possessed a curiosity that led her to explore every corner of her underwater world. She swam with schools of colorful fish, danced with playful dolphins, and communed with mystical sea creatures. Despite her love for the ocean, Elara often found herself drawn to the surface, where she would gaze longingly at the ships passing by, wondering about the world beyond. Not sure if she should allow herself to shed her tail and walk amongst the mortals.
One fateful day, as Elara was swimming near the surface, a powerful storm swept through the ocean, threatening to engulf her in its raging currents. But just as she was about to be swept away, a mighty sea god appeared before her, his form towering and majestic. With a wave of his trident, the sea calmed, and Elara found herself safely in his arms.
The sea god was captivated by Elara's beauty and spirit, and he vowed to protect her for all eternity. In return, Elara pledged her heart to him, and they were wed in a grand ceremony attended by creatures from all corners of the sea. Together, they ruled over the seas with wisdom and grace, their love binding them stronger than any coral reef.
Soon, Elara and the sea god welcomed a daughter into their watery realm. The child was a water nymph of unparalleled beauty, with the grace of a dolphin and the shimmering scales of a mermaid. She was named Nerissa, meaning "sea nymph," and she possessed a gift for enchanting all who beheld her.
Nerissa grew up in the splendor of the sea kingdom, learning the ways of the ocean and the secrets of its depths. She inherited her mother's curiosity and her father's strength, becoming a formidable force to be reckoned with. The waters themselves seemed to dance at her command, and creatures of all kinds flocked to her side.
As Nerissa came of age, tales of her beauty and power spread far and wide, reaching even the shores of the human world. Sailors spoke of a mystical water nymph who could summon storms and calm the seas with a mere flick of her hand. Legends were told of her grace and ferocity, her compassion and her fiery spirit.
The legacy of Elara Velaryon, daughter of the merling king and Serena Velaryon, lived on through Nerissa, the water nymph who roamed the sea with a sense of wonder and a heart boundless as the sea itself.
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sonnysonder · 1 year
Q!Fit head canon I’ve had from the early days of the server: He is a Siren.
Not a full on Siren, obviously, but he has traits and behaviour that he’s inherited. Most prominent is his voice, I’m pretty sure almost everyone has been entranced by his silky smooth, commandeering voice; Vegetta, Baghera, Antoine,Phil, etc.. Its not as strong or as hypnotising as actual sirens but it’s potent enough to let people lower their guard down.
He also has his lavacast done near and over a river rich with aquatic life (catfish, mainly) and a lot of his favourite places and activities are related to some form of body of water.
He also uses a trident as his main weapon/transport. Pretty sure besides Phil who just recently got one, he’s the only resident to actually stick to using a trident.
He also at one point had fish slippers. I thought that was funny.
OMG I think i've seen u talk abt this before! (At least I think it was you)
Yea that's always been rlly interesting to me, his love of oceany things, his enthusiasm swimming around killing catfish and all. Him being a siren makes sense.
Also, as an added tidbit, did you know that 2b is largely one giant ocean? So even that fits. He's a siren and the place he comes from is basically an archipelago lol
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ghostherlig · 1 year
i cant stop thinking about how the 141 and MSF would play minecraft
- price who makes a fishing hut or builds a small boat and just fishes and explores the oceans, loves the 1.20 update bc now he can mess with artifacts and armor alongside his love of decorating banners and home interiors
- soap who LOVES redstone and makes all of his bases with redstone doors and builds fancy farms and even mounts TNT cannons on his houses for fun just to blow up his front yard when he's bored, also messes with commands like /title to put funny messages on screen for everyone, wishes he could use command blocks in survival mode :(
- gaz who builds huge elaborate builds for fun and drains ocean monuments and actually collaborates with everyone to build things and have fun. races ghost to see who can upgrade their stuff faster, has soap build bigger farms so everyone can share, gets price to help him drain an ocean monument, etc. is the one to invite others onto the server, as well
- ghost who loves early game and grinds for hours to upgrade all his stuff and then messes around with animal farms, always ends up trying to breed the best horse he can (ends up finding a skeleton trap and runs off with a skeleton horse even though it has shitty stats) has a shit ton of pets and somehow always tricks soap into hitting him, sending 100 dogs after him
- farah who also loves to build, does collaborative building with gaz and has price fill in the interiors since she likes how he does it, always has alex helping her gather supplies and goes to soap to get a fancy door installed in any of her builds
- alex who mostly explores and likes to collect one of every item/block and has a huge mansion to store and display all of his items. if he isnt exploring he's helping farah or staring at bees if they're around, always has a bee farm and loves the parrots
- alejandro who likes to fish with price, really likes to leave pranks at other peoples bases, such as putting hundred of chickens in gaz's colloseum base for shits and giggles, and flipping ghost's base upside down block for block (ghost left it, just building another, better n bigger base [ale flipped that one too])
- rudy who loves to help soap with his redstone and teaches soap how to make a flying machine. also big on pranks but sticks to simple things like trapping people in obsidian or shooting them with a bow from afar and acting like it wasnt him, always gets ale so upset doing it. has the best luck with spawns and drops, always get tridents and finds diamonds first. has for sure dinnerbone'd one of ghost's dogs
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Lord: Aecoreza, The Knowledgeable Deep
Capital: Uisce
Soul Servant: Daughter of the Deep, Abbrael
Current Court Master: Norille Aesphina
Current Court Mage: Olle Aesphina
Magich Theme: Water
Symbols: Trident, anchors, ships, armillary spheres, sextants, paper, ribbons, any sea or nautical motifs
Colours allowed to be worn: (Blues Must be worn) black, greys, white, creams, green (sometimes), brown, gold, any kind of blue
Rank: Standard Court
Attire: Dark Navy Blue (most common, MUST wear this colour) Gold and Black, white, beige, brown, any blues really, big coats, over accessorised, gold chains, tricorn hats, oversized sleeve cuffs, high class navy aesthetic, low class pirate aesthetic, Random braids in hair. Navyman feel, Sea captains and militarized uniforms, tends to have gold armillary star map prints on materials.
Physical appearance: blond, light brown and white hair (most common) Tan or medium skin, must have blue eyes (can be different shades) , Fairly Average physiques (have bigger hips on occasion)
Most Common Jobs: Members of the Navy fleet, Fishermen, museum curators, historical scholars, Pirates (low class), marine biologists, map makers, historical scholars, Explorers
The Navy Court, is a standard court, ruled by The Navy Lord, a quiet, intelligent yet entitled goddess of the waters and sea. She prides herself for her unending knowledge of all things, understanding and archiving all she discovers. She is quiet and reserved, to a point that she is arrogant and prideful, thinking she is better than others for being reserved and mannered. As much as she has knowledge, she is childish and foolish, like a spoiled child. The high class of her people have the same mindset and are almost just as self absorbed as the Pale and Violet court, manners and reserved nature makes them better than other courts, thinking those who are passionate with a loud and vibrant demeanour are but savages, causing the strong rivalry between them and the scarlet court. But the low classes do not respect their Lord. Feeling like they are being ruled by a bratty child, they live their lives as pirates and thieves, not for greed but to use the wealth they steal to fund their own, better lives with honour. They have guilds that treasure bold expression and bonds with others, to spite their militant, self absorbed Lord. Because of her quietness, many suspect she has something to hide… her enclave of hushed scholars working away archiving and perfecting their collections. Nobody has seen the full extent of her archives and information except for her.
Their naval fleet and Militial ties makes them a force to be reckoned with upon the waves. It is hard to do what you please on the seas as they are HER seas. They have a close tie to the grey court, being the two infantry heavy courts, their laws and ideals mending together to form a sort of coalition; they are the enforcers of phangoria, navy being on the waters. Their fleets are intimidating, their boats large and imposing, with teams of skilled commanders and spellcasters that can bend the sea to their will, putting them at a battle advantage against seabergians and other rogue vessels. Being those who rule the seas, they have a big cargo industry, many routes owned by the navy nobles bringing resources around the landmass itself to each court harbour. Fish, historical pieces and tools.
Just as their naval fleet is used for taking the seas, they have a big industry and collective for exploration and research. The Seaberg (the phangorian ocean) is still wildly unexplored. Despite the Navy lord creating it with her own hand, it used to be a much smaller body of water. The invivarum began to grow on its own and the waters themselves followed suit, gaining a sort of conceptual consciousness. So their scholarly fleet expanded. Many are still documenting the growth of the seaberg and studying how it behaves, finding relics that are rather unexplainable to how they got there. They theorize that the seaberg is an new entity subconsciously created by the lord herself through some irresponsible birth process and the seaberg is beginning to let in foreign entities. It is still in theory. But these scholars and explorative folk are a staple in navy court. Adding to the ever-growing knowledge and endless archive of the Navy lord. The Scarlet Court isn’t the only biologically inclined court, lots of sectors in the navy court are also for marine biology, testing genes and understanding how the creatures evolved and formed during the ages.
One of the most important and impactful historical events in phangorian history is the Navy Civil War. Between that of the now titled Navy Nobles and Seabergians. With tensions high in 1723, there was two opposing ideologies. Those who despised the navy lord with her conceits, and those who desired to conserve and devote to her forevermore. The war was a messy one that completely shifted navy courtian infrastructure, systematically splitting the court in half. Many courts still frown upon them in hushed whispers, shamefully looking down upon how they could not keep their court together, especially their allies in the Grey court, but keep quiet as not to cause any conflict. Ideals range, those who are proudly nobles, those who are simply called nobles but have no true stance, and those who fervently oppose, being the seabergians. Their culture as well veered away from the strict naval fleets of the nobles and formed into something wholly new. They consider their envoy/lord to not be the navy lord, but the Seaberg itself.
Region: Merfrau (mur- fra-ou) is quite a unique place. Unlike the other courts, most of Merfrau is water. One would think they would then be mobile sea faring people, but they have stationary homes just like the others. Lovely houses and even mansions that float on the surface of the waters. Boats instead of carriages, with canals as their streets. It’s a fairly temperate place, not too hot yet not too cold, not as it would affect anything else than water temperature. Surface vegetation would be next to none, but underneath the waves, there is an abundance of natural structures and plants that aid in their lifestyle. Heat vents down below have been attached to pistons that naturally heat and power their ‘tech’. They even use the tides to their advantage, the movement being used for power as well. Even the sea will naturally light up the night as bioluminescent creatures will surface, a soft blue glow lighting the canals. The sea does have its cons, when a storm hits, most have to stay in their homes, their homes being somewhat secured to the seabed by chains. Their interiors may get a bit messy as their homes will be pushed around due to waves, sometimes one might even lose a boat to the storms.
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bellysoupset · 1 year
oh dude i just realised there’s not many fics with sick vince and caretaker lucas. could you write something fluffy like that? maybe vince is a little emotional in this one and luke has to be the calm one. no scat please :)
Your wish is my command anon. Loads of cuddly emotional guys, fluff, emeto and no scat, the chef's favourite.
"You look like death," Leo told Lucas as he entered the bus, passing the blonde by as he kissed Jonah goodbye.
"I'm fine," Luke lied through his teeth. In truth he hadn't been sleeping much and he felt absolutely wretched, not physically, but emotionally. No excuse to miss the game next state. He entered the bus and immediately found Vince in the further back, promptly walking to him and sitting down.
"Uhm, Mikey-" Vince tried to say, trailing off.
Lucas frowned, Michael could find another seat, not his. Vince rolled his eyes and leaned against the window, headphones on.
"What's wrong?" Luke asked, poking his arm. He knew why he was feeling like death, but had no idea why Vince was looking like that too.
The bus started and Vince groaned, pressing his forehead to the glass, "nothing."
"Uhm, Luke- That's my... My place..." Mikey pouted as he walked to the back, holding on the seats to keep himself steady. Lucas looked to the side, grabbing Mikey's backpack and handing it to him.
"Not anymore," then completely ignoring the guy he poked Vince again, "are you pissed? What's going on?"
"I'm not pissed," Vince scoffed, although his tone betrayed him. He sighed, moving uncomfortably, "I just wanna be left alone."
It was very uncanny for Vin to act like this, but Lucas decided to shut up. They still had three hours ahead and the whole night at the motel to talk over whatever was bothering his friend.
He leaned back, turning his cap forward and sliding down the seat, scrolling through instagram. It was his newest obsession, most people thought Bella didn't have social media because of how withdrawn she was, but Lucas knew she actually had an account pretty much dedicated to her favorite band.
"What are you doing?" Vince asked roughly forty minutes later, while Lucas read the caption of post completely unrelated to Bell.
"Uhm, stalking."
"How?" Vince leaned closer and then all but planted his head on Lucas' shoulder. Luke bit down a smile, this tactile overgrown dog behavior was much more like the Vince he knew.
"So Bella posted this, three days ago," he clicked back quickly, showing Vince a black vinyl with a red skull on the front, three naked pinup girls sitting under it, all holding devil tridents.
"Eh, that's the music she likes," Lucas shrugged, "so I clicked on it and turns out its their newest album. Bella commented on their picture-" he flicked through the screens, opening the account of the band, "here. She says can't wait."
"Okay?" Vince frowned, "for the album, yeah? When it's coming out?"
"It came out yesterday," Lucas shook his head, "they're playing in the next town to ours. Friday night."
"Oh- So you think Bella's going...?"
"I do-" Lucas frowned as his cheek met Vince's forehead, "dude, you're burning up."
"Am I?" Vince pouted, "that explains the headache."
"You have a headache?" Luke turned to get a good look at him, "what else?"
"Nothing else mother hen, it's just an annoying headache. Get back here, you're comfy."
Lucas scoffed, settling back down so Vince could use his shoulder as a pillow, "how's your stomach?" he asked, digging through his own backpack and fishing out a water bottle. Vince grunted, raising his own.
"It's fine, a little bleh, but not like I'm gonna be sick," he sighed, "so you're planning on stalking Bella?"
"No," Lucas glared at the top of his head, "I'm planning on giving her the tickets, I know she loves music concerts... Were you feeling bad this morning already? You could've skipped it, it's not that important."
"Since when a game isn't important to you?" Vince huffed, "I don't think that's a smart idea, Bell is going to send the tickets back to you, probably with a bomb."
"At least then she'd know I haven't given up," Lucas rolled his eyes, "a game isn't as important as you are, Vin... Really, is it just the headache? Did you take anything?"
Vince's cheeks turned bright red, but he only nodded, "I took some tylenol before getting in the bus, kinda starting to regret it though."
"Just aching," he shrugged, burying his nose further in Lucas' jacket, "Imma try to nap."
"Okay..." Lucas settled back down, "do you want something to eat? Could help with the stomachache..."
"Luke," Vince sighed heavily, "shut up."
"Okay," he bit down on his tongue, pulling his phone back up and returning to the previous endeavor, even if only half hearted now that he was aware Vince wasn't feeling his best.
Twenty minutes later he felt Vince fully slump against him, followed by his breathing turning deep, little snores mixed in. Lucas rolled his eyes, checking his forehead again. It didn't seem any warmer, at least.
They made pretty much the rest of the drive without any accidents, Vince was out until the next ten minutes and Lucas ended up catching a short nap, seeing it was impossible not to feel sleepy when he had a space heater slumped over him.
"We're stopping?" Vince groaned, rubbing his neck as the bus started to slow down, the change of terrain clear by the jumping around.
"Yeah, think we're here-" Lucas yawned in his hand, then frowned as he got a clear look of Vince's face. The sun had already set when they left, but it had been clear out still. Now it was pitch dark and the only lights were from overhead, dim and yellow... "dude, you're green."
"Uhm," Vince grunted, sitting up straight, "how much more?"
"I'm going to check," Lucas got up, grabbing on the seats to walk to the front. Leo, sitting right on the front seat, was completely passed out, headphones on, face glued to the window. Luke snorted, he knew this was a side effect of the heavy motion sickness meds, but it was still amusing to see the blonde who was normally so put together practically drooling. He snapped a picture, then poked the coach.
"Hey coach."
"No," coach Eric shook his head, "get back to your seat, don't come tell me anyone is carsick."
Lucas snorted, "sorry."
The man groaned, clearly already tired of this, "who is it this time? Is it you-"
"Vince doesn't get carsick," coach rolled his eyes, now opening a relieved smile.
"Yeah, no, I think he's actually sick. We're gonna have to put Ryan in his position- How much longer until we stop?"
"Fifteen minutes," Coach Eric frowned, "are you being serious? Vincenzo never gets sick, are you pranking me?"
"Nope, he's got a fever," Lucas shrugged, "okay, gonna get back to my seat-"
"You're switching with me. I'll sleep with Vince, you get the other-"
"No way," Luke scoffed, "I always share with Vince!"
"And he's sick, you're not, we have a game tomorrow."
"I'm not switching rooms," Lucas glared at him, "even if he infects me, I'm not gonna be sick by tomorrow afternoon, it's fine."
"I'm not switching rooms," Lucas repeated, "I have to go back to my seat."
"goddammit Lucas!" Coach Eric exclaimed behind him, but Lucas ignored him, once more moving to the back. Vince's eyes were closed and he was leaning back, breathing deeply through his nose.
"Fifteen minutes," Lucas sat down next to him, already grabbing his and Vince's backpack, "can you hold?"
"I'm fine," Vince groaned, although his voice had that horrible thickness of queasiness.
"Yeah, you're fine," Lucas agreed without paying attention, digging through his backpack to find a bag. The guys often made fun of him, for bringing first aid, bags, extra water... But he didn't care. He liked making sure his team was looked after and without fail at least one of the guys got carsick when they went in long trips. More often than not Leo.
"Where did you get it anyway?" Vince asked, probably trying to get his mind off of the way his stomach was sloshing around. Lucas frowned, successfully retrieving a thick plastic bag from under his uniform and holding it out in case it was needed.
"The bag? My backpack-"
"The ring," Vince corrected, "like the rest of the story I get. The restaurant, the fight-"
"I was there, I remember," Lucas said sourly, but he couldn't be too aggressive when he could clearly tell his friend was feeling shitty.
"and I even understand you not telling me about the breakup or the proposal after it happened, because she said no-"
"Vince," Lucas winced, heart aching, "I really don't wanna-"
"But a ring you can't get last minute," Vince frowned, opened his eyes only to immediately close them again as nausea washed over him, "so?"
Lucas knew exactly what his friend was implying: that he had thought of the proposal with enough forethought to order a ring. That was probably the part that stung the most.
"When my mom died I got all of her inheritance," Lucas explained, pushing the words, his lips felt numb. He couldn't remember the last time he had spoken about his mother, "before she got sick... She was really into jewelry, she liked fine arts, operas, you know... Culture and arts, it was a big part of her campaign."
Vince nodded, breathing shallowly through his mouth, "so it was her wedding ring?"
"No," Lucas shook his head, "couldn't bring myself to use the actual wedding ring, it's just- Too many memories. It was just one of the rings. I keep all the pieces in my room's safe, so I actually just compared all the rings until I found one that matched Bella's ring size."
"You're stupid," Vince groaned, then wiped the cold sweat that had collected over his brow, pushing the hair back, "has it been fifteen minutes?"
"Nope, try drinking some water-"
"You got a bag?"
"Yeah, I got one. You're good," he squeezed his friend's arm, "deep breath."
"I'm not in labor," Vince groaned, then reached out blindly, taking the bag. He didn't open it, only kept it tightly between his fingers, "I can taste my lunch."
"Ew," Lucas winced, "try the wat-"
Vince ignored him, opening the bag and holding it close to his mouth, hunched over it with shallow breath. Lucas held his shoulder tightly, just in case he had to leap for the bag.
He heard a small, breathy burp and could hear perfectly as Vince's stomach complained, growling, "that sounds nasty."
"Feels nasty," Vin agreed, spitting inside the bag, "please tell me we're almost stopping."
"We're almost stopping," Luke lied, "really, just hang in there for a second."
Another wet belch answered him and Vince panted, bringing up even more spit, "I'm never eating duck again."
"It's not the poor duck's fault," Lucas teased, glancing nervously out of the window, "you're probably just carsick on top of the fever."
"Or the flu."
"You had the flu last month," Luke frowned, "seems bizarre you'd get it again."
"You tell me," Vince gagged suddenly and then his back arched with a loud heave, loud enough some of the guys turned on their seats to look at him. Lucas cringed in sympathy, but again nothing came up.
"God," Vin groaned, letting go of the bag and squeezing an arm around his belly. He burped once more, then again, then again and Lucas leaped for the bag, holding it open just in time to catch a very thin stream of vomit.
"Breathe, dude, you're okay..." Lucas said helplessly, holding the bag with one hand, the other in Vince's shoulder. Much to his relief, the bus came to a stop moments after.
They got rid of the bag in the parking lot, Vince taking deep measured breaths, but seeming to be feeling at least a little bit better now that they were no longer in a stuffy moving bus.
"I think you need meds again," Luke declared as they finally got the keys to their room. It wasn't an expensive hotel, far from it, but it had two queen beds and its own bathroom, which was all they needed.
"Not gonna stay down," Vince shook his head, falling on the bed face first and kicking off his shoes. He rolled to his side when lying on his stomach proved to be a bad idea, pushing up another sick burp, "my head is throbbing."
"Fever," Luke sighed, grabbing a water bottle in the mini bar and cracking it open, "bottoms up."
"Gonna come back up," Vince glared at it, but Lucas was unrelenting.
"Yeah and your head will hurt a lot more when you're dehydrated. Take small sips."
"Is there a bin?" Vince undid his pants, kicking them down and crawling back up in the bed, managing to sit against the headboard.
"Put these on," Lucas rummaged through Vince's bag, grabbing a pair of sweatpants, "you're gonna freeze your balls."
"Lovely vision, Luke," Vince rolled his eyes, planting a hand under his hoodie, "seriously, get me a bin, the water's not settling."
"Already?" Lucas pouted with concern, grabbing the waste basket and handing it to him. He sat on the edge of the bed too and took the water bottle that Vince passed him back.
"Uhm..." Vince leaned over the basket, gagging softly, nothing like his normal violent retches, and then all the water made it back up, practically untouched. He coughed, squeezing the basket to his chest, "kill me now."
"Can't kill my best friend, ask someone else," Lucas rolled his eyes, "okay bud, plan of attack. Symptoms?"
"Really Luke, kill me," Vince ignored him, resting his forehead on the edge of the bin.
"Nausea, clearly," Lucas ignored him right back, "headache, fever."
"Stomachache," Vince added, "sore throat."
"So not the stomach flu," Luke said brightly, "see, that's a win."
"Doesn't fucking feel like a win," Vince grimaced and gagged again, but brought up nothing, "I'm tired."
"Normal tired or gonna-pass-out tired?"
"Luke," Vince squeezed the basket, "shut up, please."
"Okay..." he chewed on his bottom lip, "I'm gonna find you some medicine. Put on the sweats, seriously, it's like thirty degrees here."
Leo, thankfully, had medicine. His was just for motion sickness, but Lucas grabbed a handful of pills, then got fever medication next door with Spencer, even if the guy refused to look him in the eye ever since Lucas' had nearly broken his nose by accident.
Somewhere in the back of his mind he thought of how glad he was that college was ending. He'd miss all of this, but clearly, things were running their course.
He opened the door to find all the lights out, Vince curled up on his side. Now with the sweats on.
"Got the meds, how are you feeling?"
"I don't think..." Vince bent over the side of the bed, spitting up another weak stream of vomit, "I can play tomorrow."
The admission was more scary than anything. Lucas nodded worriedly, "yeah, I don't think so either... " he sat on the edge of the bed, planting a hand on Vince's forehead, "I think your fever's settled down, though. For now."
"Thanks, doc" Vince grumbled sarcastically, then let out a small whimper, "can you... Can you get in here?"
"Where?" Lucas frowned, planting the medicine on the bedside table, "Vin?"
"I just don't wanna be alone right now, I feel fucking awful."
"Oh..." Lucas' cheeks burned. It wasn't the first time they had shared a bed, but rarely did Vince ever actively invite him into cuddles, "sure. Let me just clean this bin out. Please try the water again?"
"Water's not magic, you know?" Vince scoffed, but did take a small sip. Lucas stripped down his own shoes and clothes, changing into the old hoodie and turning up the heat just a little bit, though he was pretty sure he wouldn't need it since Vince was a furnace.
"So how do you-" he didn't get to ask how Vince wanted to cuddle, the big guy rolled over and then mushed his face on Luke's chest, letting out a painful groan.
Against his hip, Luke could feel Vince's stomach gurgle sickeningly, "that cannot be comfortable."
"It is," Vince moved slightly, breathing out, "you're actually really comfy."
Luke's heart ached a little more and he lowered his arm, resting it around Vince's back, "yeah?"
"Stop sounding smug, I will throw up on you."
"I think you're gonna do that regardless, dude," Luke chuckled, closing his eyes, "you're overheating me."
"Deal with it," Vince sighed, yawning, "thanks, Luke."
"Uhm, anytime," Lucas shrugged, yawning himself.
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casimirtully · 3 months
setting: the bank of the tumblestone river, the riverlands. during the bonfires of lithia, the annual summer solstice celebration as the evening event begins. the prince of the riverlands seeks out his brother in arms, the lord commander of the riverlands' queensguard and leader of the second sons, in regards to his sister the queen’s safety.  @riverscommand
“Lord Commander,” He greeted with a wide grin, reaching out to grip the other man’s arm. What they'd done since their time together in Essos. Since that first time they’d spilled blood together — so long ago, now, that Casimir could scarcely remember if it had belonged to a Dothraki screamer or Volantense mercenary. Held the other man’s right arm, so that when they held the grip, the shared tattoo on the inside of their forearms touched. A broken sword — The Second Sons. A force he had asked to help him protect his crown, only to arrive with it upon his sister’s brow. 
He was glad they’d kept their oaths, and now served her. 
Though Casimir himself lead a legion of the Second Sons at Riverrun, Lysano Roote was the true force behind them. It was why he’d sought out his battle-blooded brother — one man of several he was honored to call so. As The Trident had many branches, so did Casimir Tully have many friends — each having a small drop of his river-steady loyalty. 
As he released his grip on Lysano’s arm, he took his place at the Lord Commander’s side. Firelight bathed the moss-covered banks. Lit as the sun set, the fires reflected on Tumblestone’s surface, the silver bowls and plates laden with food at the feasting tables. 
Dancing, drinking, and the type of music Casimir Tully did enjoy dancing to — the sort that made him wish he could bring out his lute and join the musicians on their temporary stage. But he was restless. Not restless enough to dip into the aged whiskey that went to his head far faster than he’d ever admit to, but… 
Restless enough that he was conscious of the roll of paper that was tucked into the folds of his red and navy feileadh mòr, the fine kilt of Tully colors he saved for formal appearances. He’d forgone it at The Queen’s Ball, but now that the bonfires burned… perhaps he’d find himself in one of the haunts of his troublesome youth. 
Let the restlessness curl away with the smoke.
“It’s good to see you without the armor.” The Mud Prince had been surprised to find that he missed the so-called rag-tag leather they’d used in Essos. Luted off of the enemies they slew, mis-matched — but light, and easier to move in. Westerosi gear now sometimes seemed  impractical since they’d spent so much time beneath the Essosi sun. Casimir had returned to it, his fish-scaled armor, in the years since he’d been home again. But there had seemed to be an air of invulnerability, the two of them in dead man’s leathers. 
Yet it wasn’t that he was glad that Lysano was out of his Queensguard armor because of his eastern nostalgia — but rather to see Lysano able to enjoy a moment of the Lithia celebrations. “Though, I still think it could be a wee bit shiner.” Casimir held up his fingers in a pinching motion as he spoke, riverish eyes alight with humor. 
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The humor flickered, though, as he dragged his gaze back to the roar of the bonfires. “I’ve got a request.” Lifting his hand, rubbing at the copper hair that curled at the nape of his neck. With his other, he gestured to a gathering group of Second Sons across the bank. “You’re all meant to be enjoying yourselves — but I wanted to ask if you’d allow me a few more men. Here, at Riverrun.” 
“We can only hope nothing comes of it, but with King Tyland’s opinions on Iona’s ascension… and even if she finds it unnecessary… I’d rather be prepared. If you can spare them.” So soon after they’d already been rooting out the Lyseni — so soon after calm had settled back. "I have no doubt in the Queensguards’ abilities, but to have a few more men in the halls, covering blindspots… I’ll make sure they’re well compensated for the abrupt move. Volunteers. After they’ve gotten to enjoy everything.” 
He looked over at him again. “You can blame it on me, if she’s against it. Call me paranoid.” 
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brinefathomcaves · 3 months
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June 11: The Invisible Maze
This fully-submerged chamber appears to be empty except for a trident floating on its side 4’ off the ground. In fact, the chamber is home to numerous walls of force; and the “floating” trident (a trident of fish command) is laying on an invisible table.
When a creature touches a wall, that 10’ section of wall briefly lights up, becoming momentarily visible and dealing lightning damage to all adjacent creatures. The places where the walls connect to the floor and ceiling are lightly singed, so the position of the walls can be detected with a difficult Perception check. The maze is home to two gelatinous cubes, which start in the areas marked by asterisks and move 10’ toward the nearest non-ooze creature each round. The cubes’ blindsight allows them to avoid the walls.
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Can I pls have Elizabeth Swann fic recs? Loved my Leia organa recs! ♥️
I'm so glad that you enjoyed them! I can absolutely do that for you!
Here are some
Elizabeth Swann Fic Recs
as always This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
The Pirate King by Aytheria - Rated T
No one messed with the Pirate King
Persephone by waterbird13 - Rated T
Calypso calls to her, and Elizabeth makes a deal. Or, what could have been post At World's End, if we treated Elizabeth a little bit better.
Have an Adventure by SassySnowperson - Rated G
Commodore James Norrington has found himself kidnapped and held capture by pirates. His rescue comes from a very unlikely source. "Miss Swann," Norrington said, fighting through the ache in his ribs and the pounding of his head in order to get to his feet, just so he could have the pleasure of sweeping her a proper bow. "Oh damn," Elizabeth said, looking at him flatly. "James?"
a woman will be king of men by angel_at_the_door - Not Rated
Here is the story of a woman who ruled the world, bloodied sword and all (How Elizabeth became the Pirate King and what came after)
my body on the waves by liesmyth - Rated T
“Yer Majesty,” the pirate says, “I think we fished out a siren.”
Violence in the Pouring Rain by worddancer - Not Rated
Damn one man who agreed to a debt to save everyone else. Elizabeth did not ask what she herself hadn’t already gave. She promised herself to the man she didn’t love to save the man she did. She sacrificed her freedom to the propriety of her father until a pirate ripped her corset and saved her life. It’s true a woman’s kiss can kill a damned man. Damn him to save the rest. Cross to the end of the earth to save him. Elizabeth was always willing to fight for those she loved.
lighthouse by andthentheybow - Rated T
She is no monster, but she is not human either, not really. What woman would act the way Elizabeth Swann does? What mortal being could possess her capabilities, her skill with the sword, the way she commands attention and draws pirates in like dragons to their treasure? No, Barbossa thinks, Elizabeth Swann is no monster, no kraken. She is a lighthouse: safety and a warning all at once.
I make sail for the dawn / ‘till the darkness has gone by wehaveourheading - Not Rated
It is said that Elizabeth Swann, Pirate King and Governor’s daughter, with deft thieving hands and a snarling, spitting mouth, was always meant for a bigger life than her father’s small colonial town could give her. It only so happened that she fell in love with the man who would become Death. - Or, Elizabeth is the Pirate King and Calypso sees her fierceness and respects it. She gets to sail with Will on the Dutchman for centuries on, and sailors remember them as legends they can't quite dismiss.
Call of the Sea by annavale23 - Rated G
Standing on the edge of the ship, watching the world whirl on by, all that sea and salt burning her eyes, and she knows, this is where she belongs. At sea. With her heart beating in time with the waves, she belongs out here. She can not return to land.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Heart of the Sea by White_Noise - Not Rated
The Curse of the Dutchman has been broken....or has it? The Trident is gone and the Dead Mans Chest is Empty. But so is Will Turner. Where is his Heart? Why does he still feel the call of the Dutchman, even as he sets foot on land? What is the Heart of the Sea? And what in Henry's nightmares links it all together? As Davy Jones walks the earth once more, looking for revenge, the Turners, Carina and Jack Sparrow must face a perilous journey to find the Heartbefore it's too late.
the black hole that is Elizabeth Swann by wyrdann104 - Rated T
Elizabeth Swann has a black hole in the back of her throat, and she has always, always been hungry.
coda by notbecauseofvictories - Rated G
They say the Pirate King has married the sea, in secret and sacred rites that no mortal man could know. Elizabeth Swann, and what came after
The Queen's Pride by copperbadge - Rated T
Elizabeth and Will tried domesticity. They got bored.
Breathing Underwater by nekare - Rated T
In the end, ten years aren’t actually all that much.
One Piece:
Strangers in Strange Places by Adel Mortescryche (Mortescryche) - Rated
Elizabeth Turner née Swann was perfectly happy holidaying in Port Royal with her children or, at least, claimed to be perfectly happy holidaying in Port Royal, ridiculously cumbersome corsets and dresses not withstanding. Well, making the acquaintance of a queer stranger on the streets of the Port should serve to keep her boredom at bay, if nothing else. (Or: That one in which Law, separated from his travelling companions when they run through a portal after leaving Dressrosa behind, goes on a quest to track down his missing, troublesome not-allies. In his defense, following the rumours of a Pirate King in this strange, alien world seemed to make sense when he started out.) *** Can be read as a standalone, the situation speaks for itself. The first part follows what happened to Luffy and Zoro when they got separated from the party.
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whatchild · 1 year
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Ok so this old Pikmin OC right? Old art, hadn't really gotten a grasp on my tools yet, blah blah blah, excuses excuses. I figured what about her design left me unsatisfied and what about it was cute as beans, and gave her a rehaul. And some friends.
Introducing the crew of the RMS GUILDMASTER, a team of three space pirates and a horse that travel the galaxy in search of power. Power through force, power through technology, power through artifacts and creatures beyond the scope of their understanding...
Mina Rybakai (Center, She/Her in reference to, uses We/Our when speaking), of planet Rybakai. Her surname is the same as her planet, yes. Only because she's next in line to own the whole thing. Rybakaian royalty is required to perform military service in the name of the planet before ascending, so on a technicality the "Pirates" are legally "Privateers". They hate that, don't call them privateers. The GUILDMASTER belongs to her, or rather her royal family, making her the captain. In practice however, she treats all of the crew as equals as well as generally doesn't quite understand how to lead. She's cheerful and rebellious by nature but has a calculative streak in her a mile wide. Often deliberately, she tricks anyone who dares cross her or the crew into believing she's not a threat with a sweet act, pretending she's just some ditz with a big fork before going in for the kill. Her weapon of choice is tridents, and as a fish-girl she's far more gifted at swimming, floating, underwater combat, and anything to do with bodies of water large or small than your regular old elven spacepeoples. She also has a not-at-all hidden adoration for trashy teen pop punk music and taught herself how to play the bass, surprisingly well for someone without separated fingers. Her preferred Pikmin types are Ice, Winged, and Blue.
Rachel Aragno (Right, She/Her), of planet Kumoshigoto. The daughter of the owner of the Kankor Conglomerate, the most powerful business conglomerate across several planets within the intergalactic commission. She is not next in line for the company as her father intends on marrying her off. She manages to find an out every time with a little hacking, either by draining them financially or by ruining their reputations. Her talents lie in espionage and deception, as well as a general affinity for business and technology. Software only. Try to put her in front of a fried computer and she just might combust herself. She's the most physically capable of the crew, able to carry over her body weight per pair of arms. She's also got a secret pair of arms hidden in her hair. They fold up into her braid when she's in her suit to save on space. Her swordsmanship is unparalleled and relentless, though she lacks experience in fighting anything that isn't another sapient being in a controlled duel. She's more of a captain than the actual captain despite being the newest addition, managing their plans, "earnings", schedule, inventory, everything. If anyone else touches any of her jobs, she'll redo it anyway, since they probably did it wrong. She's serious and cold to anyone that isn't the crew, only showing a softer side to them... And the Pikmin, when absolutely nobody else is watching. She's the type of person to take card and board games way too seriously, competition is one of the few ways to reliably break her composure. Her favorite types of Pikmin are Rock and Red.
Byrd (Left, He/Him), who refuses to reveal his home planet to anyone. Mina happened to pick him up somewhere and has been sworn to secrecy on where that is, too. He's a sharpshooter surrounded by mystery, hiding his eyes, his intentions, and where exactly his horse came from. Or if it's even a horse. He calls it a horse, but nobody's really sure... His energy pistol can draw from proximity, and he's found that the emissions of Pikmin are the ultimate in renewable diverse power. Depending on what Pikmin he's commanding, the type of energy he can fire changes. Red Pikmin offer a beam that's great at attacking enemies, but poor at hitting switches or damaging his surroundings. Yellow Pikmin energy releases in a slow-moving orb that can activate traps or buttons. Blue Pikmin energy releases in a fast wave that can erode away walls, push at light objects, and even part bodies of water if he's got enough of it. He's intuitive and great at puzzles and problem solving, though he also bears a general distrust of anyone that isn't the horse. He's a fair bit on the lazy side as well, just as ready to opt to take a nap and let someone else handle a situation as he is to wrangle it himself. He can't draw any energy his pistol can use, so he likes to just stick easy with the three primary colors.
The "Horse" (Behind Byrd, It/Its or whatever is funniest at the time), nobody knows where it came from. Not even Byrd. He just found it in a traveling xenocircus and stole it. Not even on the same planet Mina found the two of them on. It takes well to any rider but it's favorite is Byrd by a long shot. It isn't bothered by rough terrain or unruly weather in the slightest, it'll march onward regardless. It doesn't seem to get tired either, but it always dons a sort of sleepy expression. It eats primarily vegetation, but it can stomach anything. Alien plants, poisonous plants, plants that might actually be animals... Except the Pikmin. It vehemently avoids eating the Pikmin, going as far as to even avoid explicitly safe food that's been in prolonged contact with them. Maybe it knows something everyone else doesn't... Or maybe you shouldn't base a conspiracy off of a creature that hunts down and eats Skitter Leaves for fun. Any creature, for that matter. The horse does, otherwise, behave like a horse. It neighs, whinnies, snorts and stomps. It's also fond of taking long walks on picturesque beaches and trying to wear Byrd's hat.
The RMS GUILDMASTER is equipped to handle everyone's needs and wants. A complex waterway accompanies and connects every room, a necessity for Mina if she wants to do anything outside of her suit. Like eating. Sleeping. Living. There's also a high-end computer management program installed that Rachel takes the utmost care of, updating it, maintaining every file and ensuring its firewall is up-to-date down to the second. There is an autopilot, but Byrd takes the metaphorical wheel more often than not thanks to the crew's sheer spontaneity and his ability to perform a vertical hairpin turn. Useful for outrunning enemy ships when the weapons and shield system isn't cutting it.
What ties the crew together in their conquest is ultimately a sense of selfishness. Mina could stop at all at any time and take up the mantle of Queen of Rybakai, but she doesn't want to. She wants to keep living a life of adventure. Rachel could go back to Kumoshigoto and eventually commandeer Kankor, but she doesn't want to. She wants to be more than just what she was born into. Byrd could give up the ghost and tell the crew who he really is and where he's from, but he doesn't want to. He wants to keep being nobody and escaping expectations. The horse... Really does know something they don't.
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braveryhearted · 1 year
More Serenity ( SERE ) Caldwell / Tav / PC / MC Lore
Umberlee (pronounced: uhm-ber-LEE ) is the evil sea goddess in the Faerûnian pantheon, most often worshiped by sailors or people traveling by sea, out of fear of her destructive powers. The Queen of the Depths is known as a particularly malicious, petty, greedy, and vain deity who controls the harshness of the sea while reveling in her own power and is not hesitant to drowning people if she so pleases.
“Coins are what matter. And to earn coins, one needs roads — or the love of Umberlee. ” — An unnamed king.
The Bitch Queen has white eyes that are reminiscent of pearls, and her voice sounds like the fiercest sea storm, booming with breaking waves. The goddess appears in this form to terrify the mortals on board sinking ships. The avatar wears jewelry made out of seashells, carries a trident, and is dressed in a flowing cape made out of countless pale-purple jellyfish. Umberlee's always is seen laughing with malicious glee as she toys with doomed vessels. The most common manifestations of the Bitch Queen are waves and winds of the seas. Sailors knew that when storms hit their ships, and the winds or waves carried sinister cold laughter or hissing words, they were facing the cruel goddess herself.
Following the Time of Troubles, Umberlee's powers were decreased, but she could still manifest gales of wind four times a day. Her watery manifestations in the form of waves do not have many limitations in the sea. She uses wave forms that reached heights of 160 feet (49 meters) and which possess considerable power. These waves can instantly kill an unlucky victim or grab and carry away items and treasures of value from the ships, including items such as rings and gauntlets.
Another common manifestation of the Great Queen of the Sea was in the shape of an aquatic monster of terrible size. She took on many shapes, including aquatic undead and undead lake-dwelling monsters.
Umberlee is temperamental, evil, and malicious. She does not feel a moral obligation to honor any of her agreements or promises if the end result was not beneficial to her. That, and her desire for the valuables and excessive tribute, demonstrates her insatiable greed and cruelty. She is power-hungry and loves exercising it, toying with her believers. She feeds her sadistic nature by destroying naval vessels and feeding shipwreck victims to her sharks while watching others drown.
She rarely favored individual mortals unless it benefited her in some way. Umberlee does not tolerate any one member of her clergy becoming famous and overshadowing the church or the goddess herself. Umberlee's avatar has access to divine spells and arcane spells. All of the water magic the avatar is able to cast manifested at triple strength, making it extremely potent. The trident the avatar wields is a powerful magical item that combines the powers of a trident of submission and a trident of fish command. She can summon 6-12 sharks or 2-6 giant sharks to do her bidding every 30 minutes. Every 12 hours, the avatar of Umberlee is able to summon water elementals of various sizes and power to serve her. All the creatures summoned by Umberlee are immune to any mind-affecting magic.
Following the dire changes brought on by the Spellplague, Umberlee, along with Silvanus, Auril, Mielikki, and Shiallia now reside in the domain of the Deep Wilds. She makes her home in that realm's deep, dark ocean.
Silvanus is technically Umberlee's superior, as the ruler of the the Deep Wilds within which she resides. However, Umberlee does not see herself as Silvanus' servant.
Umberlee openly fights with Selûne, the goddess of the moon whose light guided navigators at sea; Chauntea, the goddess of the earth and land; Sune, whose beauty spurred jealously within the Bitch Queen; and Valkur, the deity to whom sailors prayed for safe return from the sea. She hates Chauntea for her dominion over land. Umberlee is a member of the Deities of Fury, a group that includes Auril and Malar and is led by the Storm Lord Talos. As Talos encroached upon Umberlee's portfolio since both deities rule over storms, she attempts to distract him with a romantic relationship.
Even though Talos is her superior and patron, he often attempted to usurp Umberlee's power over sea storms and hurricanes, folding them under his own portfolio. Despite that, the Queen of the Depths positioned herself as a flirt, keeping herself in Talos' good graces. Although her ambitions were limited by not being able to affect land directly, given the opportunity, Umberlee would gladly destroyed her patron, taking his portfolio of destruction for herself.
The closest deity Umberlee could consider an ally is Auril, the fellow member of the Deities of Fury. When Umberlee required aid, she is likely to call on the Frostmaiden. In late 15th century DR, Umberlee was a part of the loosely related group of deities known as the First Circle to their believers. The First Circle consisted of the gods who lorded over nature: Chauntea, Eldath, Mielikki, Silvanus, Auril, Malar, Talos, and Umberlee herself.
Druids who worshiped the First Circle also venerated Umberlee, as she is a representation of nature in its cruel form. In the lavish magical hedge maze of Moonstone Palace, Evermeet, multiple globes of illusion depicting moments from the history of the elven race were placed. One of them depicted the birth of sea elves, with the avatar of Umberlee rising from the depths of storming sea.
A number of believers were actually in favor of Panzuriel, a deity with no power on Toril; Umberlee merely grants spells on his behalf. The Undrowned and Umberlants held no ethical standards nor persuasions; the only thing that was set in stone is their belief in the cruelty and viciousness of the sea, the most dangerous place. The folk who were brave enough to travel the savage seas should be ready to pay the price for their challenge to the Bitch Queen's domain. The Church of Umberlee's doctrine is fear; all were to tremble before the Queen's power, as her waves and winds were all-reaching. The mercy of the Great Queen of the Sea is to be bought with generous offerings, as they bring fair winds. All who dared to travel through her domain were to know that Umberlee controlled the monsters of the deep and the drowned dead. Priests and priestesses of Umberlee are to spread the holy word of the Bitch Queen and spread the fear of her rage, and perform no service in her name without collecting high tithe. They are to promote the fear of Umberlee's waves and winds unless her clergy accompanied the travelers. The final divine directive is for the followers of Umberlee's faith to slay anyone claiming the storms over the seas were Talos' doing. A small poem about the Bitch Queen: "Great Umberlee, hear me! Great Queen of the Sea, heed this fervent supplication! Too long have we forsaken your true way, in our times far from the sea! Yet we return, and can never forget you! You, who quell storms and raise them with but a thought! Yet we cry unto you in our time of need, and make what humble offerings we can! Take, now, all the gold this ship carries, every last piece of it-and all the glistering gems, too! More than the weight of a man-yours, if you but take back your faithful guardians, to rest once more upon the bottom and await other intruders! Hear me, Great Umberlee! Accept now this offering! ”. Travelers by sea were sure to pay their tribute to the Bitch Queen, as the preaching of her clerics was built upon the terrible fate that would befall any who did not bring a payment to Umberlee.
Apart from the region around the Sea of Fallen Stars and at Nelanther Isles, Umberlee has places of worship at many ports.
Water Queen's House is the oldest temple in Baldur's Gate, worked by the widows of the sailors perished at sea.
It is a typical tribute among sailors and ship crews to toss gems, gold, and valuables overboard to appease Umberlee and calm the storming waters. On cargo ships, the sailors often toss the transported valuable trade goods overboard to gain favorable winds, while the sounds of mouthpipes played tunes dedicated to the goddess. When the danger was especially severe, the sailors made sure the goods tossed overboard contained something more valuable.
Before a voyage, sailors often left small tokens on Umberlee's shrine altars in hopes of calm waters. The most common tributes were flowers, candles, coins, and candy. Such tributes was also often paid by merchants who transported their trade cargo by sea, the townsfolk of coastal cities and islands who did not have a powerful patron deity and were in danger of storms and hurricanes.
The pirates and sailors of Alamber Sea pay some homage to Umberlee, who is not commonly worshiped in the region.
To protect the buildings from flooding and collapse, some folk drown small critters like rats and squirrels in bowls of seawater decorated with seaweed.
Umberlee's clergy performed the rite known as the Drowning. It is a ritualistic drowning of the Untaken supplicant (novice cleric of Umberlee). If they survived, they were confirmed in the service of the Queen of Depths.
Kelthanni believe that performing the rites of the burial at sea strengthened Umberlee.
Umberlee is a common namesake for ships. Fair Seas Festival is a Waterdevian holiday that took place at the end of Fleetswake. It was the festival to appease Umberlee during which the believers paid tithes by throwing valuables and coins made off of the temporarily raised docking fees into the deepest reaches of Waterdeep's harbor. The valuables then were swept away by the currents and taken to Umberlee's Cache, the deep chasm in the waters of Waterdeep. Umberlee's chosen had many but a few stood out. One is Gar Shatterkeel who opened a rift to the Elemental Plane of Water to draw power directly from it.
Undyne of the forgotten lands and her half mermaid daughter, Serenity ( SERE ) Caldwell, direct descendants of the goddess herself was said to be set in her favor.
At some point before the 14th century DR, Umberlee flooded the city of Memnon and a part of Calimshan to inspire worship by fear. Since then, her temple in Memnon, adjacent to the city's cemetery, is kept in impeccable cleanliness with all its tiles polished to brilliance by the devotees of the goddess of the sea.
In 1358 DR during the Time of Troubles, Umberlee manifested herself in the Sea of Fallen Stars, where she entertained herself by destroying pirate islands with her storms and minions. Umberlee took an opportunity to visit the island of Kelthann during the Time of Troubles and exact revenge on the denizens of the island for their belief that winter storms in the sea came from Grumbar's rivalry with the Bitch Queen. She made several attempts to wash the Kelthanni off the island with her powerful storms but failed to achieve her goal, strengthening the islanders' belief in Grumbar, to Umberlee's disdain.
After the end of that calamitous period of time, Kelthann remained ravaged by storms for some time, although not as powerful as when the Queen's avatar was personally stirring the sea. With the efforts of the alliance of merchants, inhabitants of the coastal cities, and the Iron Throne, of all people, Umberlee was appeased and calmed the Sea of Fallen Stars by 1360 DR–1361 DR. During the same period of time, the Queen of the Depths was responsible for the creation of weresharks within the Realms to spite Selûne .
In 1360 DR, during the Crusade against the Tuigan invasion, Umberlee was responsible for almost destroying the ship that carried an unnamed king across the Lake of Dragons.
In 1484 DR, Umberlee pummeled Neverwinter with a devastating storm after Dagult Neverember offended the goddess by restricting regular payments to her.
Umberlee gifted Gar a powerful artifact, a trident called the Wave. With the Bitch Queen's guidance, Gar was able to find an elemental node off the coast of Turmish at Umberlee’s Maw, opening the rift to the Elemental Plane of Water.
In the 15th century DR, a book called Shanties for the Bitch Queen was published and beloved by fishermen of the Western Heartlands. According to one legend, Umberlee has a relationship with an undead, variously described as a vampire. She even granted him immortality, water resistance and the ability to walk in the sun. There are some superstitions among the seafaring folk and pirates of the Sea of Fallen Stars. They believed that cutting hair and trimming nails while at sea angered Umberlee, who thought grooming to be an offering to her enemy Sune. It is forbidden to say the word "drown" while at sea as it is believed to attract Umberlee's attention. Umberlee is also credited for placed a curse on giants, firbolgs, or some such creatures for their refusal to acknowledge the Bitch Queen's control over winter storms.
Important appearance: Neverwinter Nights: Pirates of the Sword Coast. Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir.
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danielpoussart · 2 years
Disney's upcoming movie releases
Disney is releasing many movies in cinemas and on the Disney+ streaming service. Family-friendly prequels and live-action remakes of cherished cartoon masterpieces are also included. The business adjusted its release calendar for future movies from its different studios this week. To view every title coming out in 2019, scroll down!
The Little Mermaid will be remade in live-action by Disney and released in theaters the following year. The movie, which stars Halle Bailey (The Color Purple, Grown-ish), tells the tale of Ariel, a mermaid princess who strikes a bargain with a sea witch to transform into a human so she may experience life on land and fall in love.
Jonah Hauer-King plays Prince Eric in the movie, while Melissa McCarthy, who starred in Bridesmaids, plays Ursula. Oscar winner Javier Bardem plays King Triton, Daveed Diggs plays Sebastian in Hamilton, Jacob Tremblay plays Flounder in Room, and Awkwafina, the breakthrough star of Crazy Rich Asians, plays Scuttle.
Based on the adored animation classic, Aladdin will soon be a live-action film. Guy Ritchie is the director, Mena Massoud plays Aladdin, and Naomi Scott plays Jasmine. In this rough retelling of the Arabian Nights, Aladdin encounters Princess Jasmine and discovers a magic lamp (Naomi Scott). He only fully sees his value once she unintentionally releases a giant genie.
Both fresh recordings of the songs and a fantastic score by eight-time Academy Award winner Alan Menken are featured in the movie. It also has many DVD extras, such as an entertaining interactive 3D tour inside the Genie's lamp and a virtual trip on a magic carpet.
Disney transports you deep into the African wilderness with The Lion King, their 32nd animated film. It relates to the tale of Simba, a brave little cub who will grow up to rule the jungle. One of the all-time top-grossing animated movies is this one. It has music by Elton John and Hans Zimmer and a cast of believable animal characters.
The Lion King, directed by Jon Favreau, stars Donald Glover, Seth Rogen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, James Earl Jones, and Beyonce Knowles-Carter as the voice actors. The successful animated feature Finding Nemo was followed up with Finding Dory. In a quest to find her family, she reunites everyone's favorite forgetful blue tang, Dory (voiced by Ellen DeGeneres).
Andrew Stanton, who co-wrote and directed the first, is in charge of this. Thomas Newman, a composer for movies including Skyfall, The Help, and WALL-E, also contributed music to the movie. This tale of a fish in and out of water is full of emotional weight and recognizable characters, even though the plot doesn't attempt to rival Finding Nemo in terms of brains. Disney Pixar is a resounding winner.
Captain Jack, a down-on-his-luck character, senses the winds of misfortune blowing his way in Disney's newest swashbuckling adventure forcefully. He must now travel a dangerous sea in search of the fabled Trident of Poseidon, assisted by a clever and attractive astronomer and a headstrong young man in the British navy. As the swashbuckling anti-hero Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp makes a comeback. His new castmates include Captain Barbossa, played by Geoffrey Rush, and the villainous Captain Salazar, played by Javier Bardem.
The first trailer for Star Wars: Episode IX, the ninth and final movie in the Skywalker saga, has been made available by Disney. The movie recounts the Resistance's struggle against the Galactic Empire and the malevolent First Order under the command of Kylo Ren (Adam Driver). Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Anthony Daniels, Domhnall Gleeson, Billy Dee Williams, and Naomi Ackie, a debutant, appear in the movie. J.J. Abrams, who also authored the script, is directing it.
One of the most well-liked attractions in Disney history is The Haunted Mansion. It is a classic and has been around for over 50 years. In 2023, a movie adaptation of the attraction is scheduled to debut, starring LaKeith Stanfield, Rosario Dawson, Tiffany Haddish, Owen Wilson, Jared Leto, and Jamie Lee Curtis, among others.
The narrative centers on Gabbie (Dawson), a single mother who moves into a mansion in New Orleans and learns about the building's extensive history of hauntings. She asks a priest, a historian, and tour guides to help exorcise her house.
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boyakishantriage · 1 year
"You scared kid?"
A single human. Sure she'd hijacked a tank, but no matter. The rescue-
She threw his bodyguard beside him. Cocking a primative device, her arms shattered as she threw a blade through her leg. Looking up, dear in the young fish's eyes. His line were cousins to a superhuman lineage on Terra, he rose. Grasping the spear from the wall.
"Well alright. We fight in the old way."
She drew back her sword, taking a stance in the hall as the guard were pulled aside by the shadows.
Blades met, sword catching Trident as she slammed the weapon down. The water recoiled to her grasp, titanium forced from the waters into a steaming weapon as she kicked the young Lord's hand. The youth screaming as she sighed. Drawing her newly forged weapon.
"No. Just some pirate."
Black magic, illegal because of it's nature of requiring pain and suffering. But a loophole. If I grew pain out of those who had struck the empire hardest, they could not prosecute such under hurting others.
So, those of the sea who struck down ships with powers of the dragon kings. Well, just some pirate huh?
The young fish whined, hand healing by the ocean as the Terran struck ground, the rake boiling and simmering in her hand as it morphed. A broad farmer's tool, a forward hoe, edge sharpened for war with one side made to work as an axe. Metal formed across her shorter weapon's arm and chest, metal hissing against her body as the youth growled.
"Angry kitty."
Insolence. A human had invaded our realm and taken-
The sea, waters swirling and striking to the call of a prince. My son was alive, and clearly calling for help. This. No, pride comes later. The king called out to his father, the old dragon rising its head as it snapped fingers. A command, 500 soldiers to follow the mark. Immediate, protection of royal family. In other words, national security raise 500 soldiers to heed for their nation.
Blades met, Trident striking as it met curled rake, weapon drawn down to counter as the prince danced away.
"Not bad footwork."
That. Was surprising. She were still advancing, both hands on rake as she swung the large weapon like a hammer.
"Same to you. I- presume-"
"no. The. Elders. Died, you lot killed them."
The weapon slammed against the bubble, the woman electrifying the water back into the bubble as she used the shaft to parry the trident. Catching the weapon, she swung. Axe head blunt as it threw the guard into the sand out the bubble.
"You lot?"
"yeah- Your folks on... Terra. Killed the elders when I was tracing some old stories."
Her weapon morphed, the weapon lightening to her body, blades appearing on her arms as the weapon extended across her body.
"... I doubt-"
A blade sliced across his neck, beard sliced off.
"Doesn't matter. Hurt my kid, I kill you. Now die."
Weapon clashed, broadsword narrowly evaded, as a trident was thrown. Pinning the prince's weapon to the ground. Laughing, she slammed the ground.
The ground erupted in lighting, her body steaming as the water became electrified. The sphere expanding as she rushed forward, grasping the pinned weapon, boot slamming it down further as she ran in for the kill.
A blade caught hers, the guard having recovered enough a trident blocking the weapon. A bare glance in both surprise and delight, a grin as she pushed the weapon down. The prince letting go of his as the two weapon slammed against each other, body morphing into an aquatic demon form. Claws, man, red eyes of wrath and gluttony. Pride, the thing howled. Roaring into the ground, aquatic wings erupting explaining her response as she grasped her head. Howling down, the sand shifting to stone. The bubble erupting as lighting erupted across components.
Madness, a beserker's rage.
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thinkmurderandwalk · 2 years
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I made an art of my d&d character and their assorted pets & gear. This is the first digital color thing I’ve done with this level of detail and I think it turned out pretty well!
Salt (warforged artificer/wizard) by the sea (ft. Sumi3 the steel defender, trident of fish command, magic quill, intellect Ioun stone, blue dragon scalemail, robe of eyes (+sunglasses for the eyes), Ra’ee the tiny!owl familiar, pearl of power, awakened spellbook, and an enchanted shield).
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sageadvicednd · 1 year
Would a swarm of quippers count as one fish when it comes to things like the trident of fish command?
@AnonVonZilchWould a swarm of quippers count as one or multiple fish when it comes to things like the trident of fish command? A swarm is a collection of creatures, so a swarm of quippers counts as multiple fish. — Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 6, 2015
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