#tres bestias
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vanillaxbiscuit · 10 months ago
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Doodle or Rkgk
Just a doodle warm up drawing some fav Bleach characters.
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highseme · 1 year ago
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idk how to photoshop well so this took me way too long lol......these three 💖💕
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turnbackthependulum · 1 year ago
Apacci, Mila Rose & Sung-Sun: *group hug Halibel*
Halibel: Um, what's this?
Apacci: Emotional warmth!
Mila Rose: Affection!
Sung-Sun: Appreciation!
Halibel: ...
Halibel: Do it again.
Apacci, Mila Rose & Sung-Sun: *hugs Halibel tighter* HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HALIBEL-SAMA!!!
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swan2swan · 1 year ago
What do you mean "Sun-Sun's the shortest of the Bestias"? Do we count Apacci's horn???
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enamukomistake · 2 years ago
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"pride before the nap" (bleach)
General, 1.4k
Tier Harribel/Emilou Apacci/Cyan Sung-Sun/Franceska Mila Rose
arguing, bickering
Written for Bleach Femslash Week! Prompt was 'Pride'!
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lawfulneeds · 6 months ago
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heh forgot to post
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year ago
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omniotaku · 2 years ago
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Bleach TYBW Ep 2: Tres Bestia
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troius · 2 years ago
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cuartoretorno · 2 years ago
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Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueologicos a una nueva entrega arqueológica recién salida del horno, se ha descubierto en la prefectura de Nara espejo de bronce en forma de escudo hallado en el túmulo funerario de Tomio Maruyama, dicho esto pónganse cómodos desde que comenzamos. - Características : Mide 64 cm de largo y 31 cm de ancho. Data de finales del siglo IV y tiene 109 m de diámetro. En un examen que se realizó mediante rayos X fluorescentes al espejo con forma de escudo y estaba compuesto de cobre detectó la presencia de estaño, cobre y plomo. La superficie del espejo tenía rastros de que había sido pulido de forma suave. Los patrones geométricos, como es el patrón 'dragón', es una representación simplificada de una bestia divina china posiblemente tuvieran influencia china y los patrones de, los dientes de sierra, que se asemejan a hojas de sierra, se le aplican en la parte posterior. - En el mismo yacimiento se han encontrado: -85 espadas serpentinas en Japón y 4 en Corea del Sur. -La espada serpentina tiene una longitud total de 237, es tres veces más grande que el túmulo funerario de Uda Kitahara que es de 84,6 centímetros localizados en la ciudad de Uda, prefectura de Nara.
Kosaku Okabayashi, subdirector del Instituto Arqueológico de Kashihara, dijo en una conferencia de prensa: "El espejo de cobre en forma de escudo muestra el pensamiento flexible y la creatividad de la gente de la época, así como el alto poder de diseño. Prueba que el nivel técnico de producción fue más alto de lo que había imaginado". - El Túmulo funerario de Tomio Maruyama fue construido en la segunda mitad del siglo IV, dicho túmulo funerario tiene forma circular y es el más grande de Japón. La medición tridimensional con un láser reveló una estructura de tres etapas con un diámetro de 109 metros. La parte principal de la parte superior del montículo fue robada durante el período Meiji, y la piedra kuwagata, que se cree que fue desenterrada en ese momento, ha sido designada como una importante propiedad cultural nacional. - Espero que os guste y pasen una buena semana y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de Japón.
日本の考古学者の皆さん、焼きたての新しい考古学的情報へようこそ。丸山富雄の古墳で見つかった盾の形をした青銅鏡が奈良県で発見されました。 - 特徴: サイズは長さ64cm、幅31cmです。 4 世紀末に造られた直径 109 m です。 銅製の盾型ミラーを蛍光X線で検査したところ、錫、銅、鉛の存在が検出されました。 鏡の表面には軽く磨いた跡があった。 「龍」文様などの幾何学模様は中国の影響を受けたと思われる中国の神獣を簡略化して表現したもので、背中にはノコギリの刃のような鋸歯文様が施されています。 - 同じサイトで次のものが見つかりました。 -蛇紋刀は日本に85本、韓国に4本。 蛇剣の全長は237で、奈良県宇陀市にある宇陀北原古墳の84.6センチメートルの3倍以上の大きさです。 橿原考古学研究所の岡林耕作副所長は記者会見で「盾形の銅鏡は、当時の人々の柔軟な思考と創造性、高いデザイン力を示している」と述べた。制作の技術レベルは想像以上でした。」 - 富雄丸山古墳は4世紀後半に築造された日本最大の円墳です。レーザーによる三次元計測により、直径109メートルの3段構造が判明した。明治時代に墳丘上部の主要部が盗まれ、その際に出土したとされる鍬形石は国の重要文化財に指定されている。 - 気に入っていただけて、良い一週間をお過ごしいただければ幸いです。今後の日本からの投稿でお会いしましょう。
Welcome, japanesearchaeologists, to a new archaeological delivery fresh from the oven, a bronze mirror in the shape of a shield found in the burial mound of Tomio Maruyama has been discovered in the Nara prefecture. That said, make yourself comfortable as we begin.
Characteristics : It measures 64 cm long and 31 cm wide. It dates from the end of the 4th century and is 109 m in diameter. In an examination that was carried out using fluorescent X-rays on the shield-shaped mirror and was composed of copper, the presence of tin, copper and lead was detected. The surface of the mirror had traces of being lightly polished. The geometric patterns, such as the 'dragon' pattern, is a simplified representation of a Chinese divine beast possibly having Chinese influence and the sawtooth patterns, which resemble saw blades, are applied to the back. . - In the same site they have been found:
85 serpentine swords in Japan and 4 in South Korea. -The serpentine sword has a total length of 237, it is three times larger than the burial mound of Uda Kitahara which is 84.6 centimeters located in the city of Uda, Nara prefecture. Kosaku Okabayashi, deputy director of the Kashihara Archaeological Institute, said at a press conference: "The shield-shaped copper mirror shows the flexible thinking and creativity of the people of the time, as well as the high design power. It proves that "The technical level of production was higher than I had imagined."
The Tomio Maruyama Burial Mound was built in the second half of the 4th century. This burial mound is circular in shape and is the largest in Japan. Three-dimensional measurement with a laser revealed a three-stage structure with a diameter of 109 meters. The main part of the upper part of the mound was stolen during the Meiji period, and the kuwagata stone, believed to have been unearthed at that time, has been designated as an important national cultural property.
I hope you like it and have a good week and see you in future posts from Japan.
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Shoot The Works-Tier Harribel x Reader
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Apacci did not think that the first time she would be seeing your Resurrección would be in such a… dire situation.
Mila Rose was very much aware of why you were blasting the Quincy to bits and pieces, she just wished she was not caught in the crossfire.
Sung-Sun, was not at all wanting to deal with this right now.
However, they had to deal with it if they wanted to get Harribel back.
Though, that didn’t make hearing something as ominous as “Shoot The Work’s, Desperado” any better.
Especially when entire sections of the castle were being blown to shreds by bullets, Bala’s, and Cero’s.
An hour and a half.
That is how long it took you to shoot through the skeleton crew left by the Quincy at Hueco Mundo.
This was, of course, concerning to the Tres Bestias.
Not because it had taken so long.
But because these were the foot soldiers.
Nonetheless, that didn’t make what was unfolding right infront of them right now any less nerve wracking.
Your Revolver was leveled at your opponent across the sands of Hueco Mundo.
The Quincy leveled his bow and arrow at you in turn.
Reishi was pulled from the air and into the vacuum the both of you made.
The moon hung high in the starless sky.
The wind blew the sands across the infinite plane.
Apacci watched with her breath held.
Mila Rose’s eye’s shot between you and the Quincy you were dueling.
Sung-Sun’s proverbial heart was beating out of her chest.
Then, it came down to two, simple things.
Who shot first, and who was still standing last.
The Quincy loosed his arrow.
The sound of gunfire rang across the plain.
Then, it was over.
The arrow found its mark, severing your right arm clean off.
However, your aim was truer, your bullet finding its target in the forehead of the Quincy, and exiting out the back of it.
After all was said and done, it was only by the grace of the Soul King you had survived.
Not just getting your arm blown off, but the other wounds you took in getting the Queen Of Hueco Mundo back.
The same went for Harribel herself from her fight with the Quincy King and her imprisonment.
During the time the both of you were recovering, Appaci was a nervous wreck, Mila Rose was reading over anything she could find about medicine, and the usually stone faced Sung-Sun was visibly concerned, checking in to make sure that the nurses were taking good care of the both of you.
Eventually however, after things had cooled down considerably, both you and Harribel were back to… well, not working order, but not teetering on the razor's edge between life and death.
And so, as if she had not just been nearly killed, Tier Harribel threw herself back into her work of making a civilized world out of the wasteland of Hueco Mundo, much to the irritation of the Tres Bestias who, after many hours of arguing, managed to persuade her into doing paperwork first before going back into full force.
And they had the perfect idea on who should be her secretary.
Apacci felt like withering under the gaze of you and Harribel as she turned in the report.
Within a minute of looking at the paper, Harribel was massaging the sides of her head as she let out a long, suffering sigh.
“Is this why Barragan was such a cantankerous old bastard?” Harribel muttered to herself, irritation apparent in her voice.
In the five days since Harribel had been put on leave by her subordinates, all three of them had managed to cause some sort of chaos that ranged from minor criminal mischief, to crimes that would’ve made Szylarapero balk.
“Emilou Apacci, please tell Franceska Mila Rose, and Cyan Sung-Sun that all three of you will receiving a lecture on why you cannot summon Ayon to, and I quote “Play Whack-A-Mole with the Menos Grande as the Mole’s” some time after I have made a full recovery.” Harribel ordered Apacci with a glare that would’ve killed anything lesser than an Adjuchas.
Apacci muttered a quick “Sung-Sun, you snitch” under her breath before bowing and saying “Yes mamm.” and shooting out the door.
Near instantly after Apacci left, Harribel slumped in her chair.
“It is like herding cats…” the queen of Hueco Mundo muttered in frustration before turning to you.
“Please tell me you have some good news?”
“Of course milady.” you responded with a slight bow before handing her a small grocery bag labeled with the words “Kisuke Urahara’s Sweets Shop”.
Ever since being broken out from the imprisonment of the Quincy and taking that strange medicine Urahara gave to the both of you, a sweet tooth had developed in the Queen Of Hueco Mundo as well as in you.
Over time, Harribel grew to rely on you as her second in command.
As it turns out, Loyalty is hard to find in Hueco Mundo.
And that was a trait Harribel admired in others.
And then, Harribel realized something about you.
Whenever she was alone with you, she didn’t feel on edge.
This was odd, not only because of who Harribel was, but because of what she was.
An Arrancar, a species that was, at its core, evil.
Traitorous, always looking over their shoulders, and constantly hungry, constantly on edge, wondering where their next meal came from.
Despite that, in the moments she was able to spend alone with you, she felt like she could breathe.
She wondered what this was, at least until she saw the title of one of Sung-Sun’s books.
That’s when it clicked.
Harribel wasn’t sure what to think about that.
It was something she had only ever heard of from Tosen when he was speaking with Wonderweiss.
And yet… It fits.
The comfort she felt.
The fact she felt that you would always have her back.
All of it.
She… liked that feeling.
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turnbackthependulum · 1 year ago
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🥳 17th August. Happy birthday, Mila Rose!!
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swan2swan · 11 months ago
....I don't know the last time a manga chapter's final panel has filled me with this much HYPE, but Chainsaw Man 156 is now the current benchmark.
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kcuf-ad · 4 months ago
Harribel has constant headaches because of the fact Tres Bestias are arguring all the time, Grimmjow is throwing hands with every Hollow for fun and Starrk's lazy ass has been sleeping for 20 hours on the coushin
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recurring-polynya · 6 months ago
Orihime gives Chad a manicure to see if it powers his arm up and also because she thinks it would be a nice thing to do for a friend. Chad is always doing things for other people without a second thought and I think Orihime would pick up on that.
I was rolling this around in my head, trying to decide when I wanted to set it and who else I wanted to be in it, when I got punched in the face with this mildly angsty idea, which ended up twisting the prompt around a little bit. (I feel like I always do this to you 😂. Maybe I do this to everyone.) Anyway, I hope you like it! I love them so much!!!
Takes place in the early Blood War, around the time when Ichigo goes to the Royal Realm, shortly after the first set of battles, while Orihime and Chad are still in Hueco Mundo.
(read on ao3)
💅 💅 💅
Orihime didn't know what she was thinking when she grabbed the nail polish off the shelf in her bathroom. It was a 16-in-1 gel palette set (with 4 metallics!) that she had won last fall as a fifth-place prize in a contest they were holding down at the shopping district last fall. She hadn't yet taken the plastic wrapping off. She had been saving them for a special occasion.
A war was not a special occasion.
Orihime had to admit that she probably panicked a little. Mr. Urahara was opening Garganta back to the Living World twice a day so that Mr. Tessai could bring various supplies that he needed to Hueco Mundo. Orihime had been shooed through so she could pack some clothes and whatever else she needed, and to let Tatsuki know that she wasn't going to be around for a bit. It had made sense at the time, but once she was actually in her apartment, her vision narrowed down to a dark tunnel and she had to gulp big deep breaths of air because it was all too much like the time Ulquiorra had given her twelve hours to say good-bye to just one person.
She got it together eventually and did manage to find Tatsuki and Keigo and Mizuiro, too. (Ishida wasn't around, but he had known where they were going.) Still, though, she wondered what she had been thinking when she got back to Hueco Mundo and found her bag packed with every pair of underwear she owned, her winter coat, a jumbo-sized box of Hello Panda that she must have stopped somewhere to buy, and the nail polish.
There had been a lot of waiting around, once she had finished healing everyone who needed healing, so maybe she had been thinking it would be a nice way to pass the time. Maybe she had thought the Tres Bestia would like it. They probably would have, but Urahara had already sent time off on some errand. Nel wasn't interested, although she was very interested in the Hello Panda.
So Orihime painted her own nails. She painted her pinkies and her thumbs with the metallic silver, and then drew on the six-petaled flower of her hairpins on top in teal. She painted the rest of her nails in teal. She had planned to paint a flower for each of her Shun Shun Rikka on each of the remaining six nails. The left hand actually came out pretty good! The right…
"Is something the matter, Inoue?"
Orihime blinked rapidly and looked up. She'd been staring so hard at her own efforts that her eyes had gone dry.
Sado had been sitting nearby, reading a book, with a massive set of headphones over his ears, things he had brought back from his own whirlwind trip home. Sado hadn't had much to say since Ichigo left, but Orihime had noticed that he preferred to stay within eyeshot of her. Tatsuki's cat did that with Tatsuki's mom, who had rescued her from a sewer grate as a kitten. Now, Sado was peering down at her, the headphones slung loosely around his neck.
"Ohhhh, I was just wishing I had put the camellia on my left hand," Orihime sighed. "Ayame and Hinagiku will understand if their flowers are a little shaky, but Tsubaki is going to be so mad."
Sado frowned thoughtfully. "Would you like me to help?"
Orihime's mouth dropped into a soft 'o'. She supposed she shouldn't be surprised. She'd seen the doodles Sado did in the margins of his schoolwork. It was usually graffiti-style Spanish words, but sometimes (usually when class was particularly boring) he'd draw out an entire lion, all rippling muscles and fangs, or a sleek motorcycle with highlights and shading that made it look like it made of chrome and leather and rubber, even though it was really all just pencil.
"The brush is very small," she said stupidly.
"It's fine," said Sado.
Barely a minute later, a miniscule camellia graced her right index finger, perfect right down to the lacy stamen.
"How did you do that?" Orihime gasped.
"I don't know a lot of flowers," Sado admitted, "but I know how to draw camellias. Abarai and I used to have a lot of time to kill while we were recovering from throwing boulders at each other. He can only draw about three things, but one of them is camellias."
"What are the other two?" Orihime asked shyly. The idea of big, tough Abarai drawing anything was very cute to her. She wondered if one of them was bunny-people.
"Skulls," said Sado. "And Zabimarus."
The last they had heard, Abarai had been very badly injured and so had Rukia, but both were expected to make it. Orihime pressed her lips together. Of course they were going to make it. They were both very, very tough. Next time she saw Abarai, she would ask him to draw a Zabimaru for her.
"Do you want me to do the other two?" Sado asked.
"It's a daisy and a hibiscus," Orihime said. "Do you know how to draw those?"
"I can manage a daisy," Sado agreed. "I am actually pretty good at hibiscus." That made sense, of course, given Sado's collection of tropical shirts.
"Thank you, Sado," she said, watching him work. He was very good at using pressure on the brush to get little petal-shaped blobs of paint. She wondered if he ever painted, in addition to drawing.
Sado sucked in a breath. "Do you think…" he started, and then started again. "Do you think we could do mine next?"
"What? Yes! Of course!" For a moment, Orihime was so excited to have finally found a taker that it took her a moment to be surprised. "I didn't know you liked to paint your nails, Sado-kun!"
Sado finished the hibiscus before speaking. "I don't. I mean. I haven't ever. Before."
"It'll be your first time, you mean?"
"Yes." Sado paused. "But I've wanted to. Ichigo and I went to a punk show once. A band he liked. He painted his nails black. I was…I mean, it looked…well. It's Ichigo. You know. He's braver than me."
Orihime started to argue with that, then stopped herself. "Not many people are braver than Ichigo," she said instead.
Sado gave a curt nod. "That's why I want to do it."
They did his left hand in white and red and black, with bold stripes and zigzags and a slightly melty-looking skull on his ring finger.
"Should we do the right in black and bright pink?" Orihime asked, eying the same beautiful fuschia Sado had painted her hibiscus with.
"No," said Sado. "My right hand is the one that protects. I want to paint it with the things I want to protect. So for the first one, I want you to paint it silver, with a teal flower, just like yours."
For a second, Orihime couldn't breathe. "Sado-kun," she finally said, "shouldn't Ichigo be the first one?"
"Ichigo is the first person I want to protect," Sado agreed. "But you were the first person I trained with. You're the person I've always trained with. So you should be first."
She couldn't argue with that, so Sado's thumb got painted to match hers. Orihime wasn't very confident in her ability to draw Ichigo's substitute badge, but Sado believed in her, and they both agreed that Ichigo wouldn't mind if it was a little wobbly. They did the background in sparkly gold, which they also both agreed that Ichigo would approve of.
They were going to be fighting Quincy--they had already been fighting Quincy--but they decided to paint the middle finger white with a blue cross anyway, because Ishida had it first. Just because the rest of the Quincy were turning out to be jerks didn't change how they felt about him. The middle finger felt somehow appropriate for that.
There was some debate over disrespectfulness, but they couldn't bring themselves to do it the other way around, so the ring finger was for Abarai (a black lightning bolt on a red ground) and the pinkie for Rukia (a silver snowflake on purple).
Orihime looked down at Sado's hands resting on the table. They were wide and powerful, with thick, knobbly boxer's knuckles and traced with silvery scars. His fingers were long and elegant, though, slightly tapered with square, even nails, now covered in bright colors and sparkles.
Orihime placed her own hands on the table, spreading her fingers wide to mirror his.
"I'm glad I brought the nail polish," she declared, to herself more than anyone else. "They don't have enough color in Hueco Mundo."
"Mm," Sado agreed.
It occurred to Orihime that both the shinigami and their enemies favored black and white, at least officially. But when she thought of her friends, she could only think of splashes of color--the wrap of a sword hilt, the flutter of a scarf. Eyeshadow and bright hair and the lining of a haori.
"Do you like it?" Orihime asked.
"I do," said Sado.
"It might chip," she warned. "Just let me know. I'll fix it if it does."
Sado smiled down softly at their colorful, sparkly, not-quite-matching fingertips, nearly touching. "I know you will."
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