#tier harribel x reader
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Shoot The Works-Tier Harribel x Reader
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Apacci did not think that the first time she would be seeing your Resurrección would be in such a… dire situation.
Mila Rose was very much aware of why you were blasting the Quincy to bits and pieces, she just wished she was not caught in the crossfire.
Sung-Sun, was not at all wanting to deal with this right now.
However, they had to deal with it if they wanted to get Harribel back.
Though, that didn’t make hearing something as ominous as “Shoot The Work’s, Desperado” any better.
Especially when entire sections of the castle were being blown to shreds by bullets, Bala’s, and Cero’s.
An hour and a half.
That is how long it took you to shoot through the skeleton crew left by the Quincy at Hueco Mundo.
This was, of course, concerning to the Tres Bestias.
Not because it had taken so long.
But because these were the foot soldiers.
Nonetheless, that didn’t make what was unfolding right infront of them right now any less nerve wracking.
Your Revolver was leveled at your opponent across the sands of Hueco Mundo.
The Quincy leveled his bow and arrow at you in turn.
Reishi was pulled from the air and into the vacuum the both of you made.
The moon hung high in the starless sky.
The wind blew the sands across the infinite plane.
Apacci watched with her breath held.
Mila Rose’s eye’s shot between you and the Quincy you were dueling.
Sung-Sun’s proverbial heart was beating out of her chest.
Then, it came down to two, simple things.
Who shot first, and who was still standing last.
The Quincy loosed his arrow.
The sound of gunfire rang across the plain.
Then, it was over.
The arrow found its mark, severing your right arm clean off.
However, your aim was truer, your bullet finding its target in the forehead of the Quincy, and exiting out the back of it.
After all was said and done, it was only by the grace of the Soul King you had survived.
Not just getting your arm blown off, but the other wounds you took in getting the Queen Of Hueco Mundo back.
The same went for Harribel herself from her fight with the Quincy King and her imprisonment.
During the time the both of you were recovering, Appaci was a nervous wreck, Mila Rose was reading over anything she could find about medicine, and the usually stone faced Sung-Sun was visibly concerned, checking in to make sure that the nurses were taking good care of the both of you.
Eventually however, after things had cooled down considerably, both you and Harribel were back to… well, not working order, but not teetering on the razor's edge between life and death.
And so, as if she had not just been nearly killed, Tier Harribel threw herself back into her work of making a civilized world out of the wasteland of Hueco Mundo, much to the irritation of the Tres Bestias who, after many hours of arguing, managed to persuade her into doing paperwork first before going back into full force.
And they had the perfect idea on who should be her secretary.
Apacci felt like withering under the gaze of you and Harribel as she turned in the report.
Within a minute of looking at the paper, Harribel was massaging the sides of her head as she let out a long, suffering sigh.
“Is this why Barragan was such a cantankerous old bastard?” Harribel muttered to herself, irritation apparent in her voice.
In the five days since Harribel had been put on leave by her subordinates, all three of them had managed to cause some sort of chaos that ranged from minor criminal mischief, to crimes that would’ve made Szylarapero balk.
“Emilou Apacci, please tell Franceska Mila Rose, and Cyan Sung-Sun that all three of you will receiving a lecture on why you cannot summon Ayon to, and I quote “Play Whack-A-Mole with the Menos Grande as the Mole’s” some time after I have made a full recovery.” Harribel ordered Apacci with a glare that would’ve killed anything lesser than an Adjuchas.
Apacci muttered a quick “Sung-Sun, you snitch” under her breath before bowing and saying “Yes mamm.” and shooting out the door.
Near instantly after Apacci left, Harribel slumped in her chair.
“It is like herding cats…” the queen of Hueco Mundo muttered in frustration before turning to you.
“Please tell me you have some good news?”
“Of course milady.” you responded with a slight bow before handing her a small grocery bag labeled with the words “Kisuke Urahara’s Sweets Shop”.
Ever since being broken out from the imprisonment of the Quincy and taking that strange medicine Urahara gave to the both of you, a sweet tooth had developed in the Queen Of Hueco Mundo as well as in you.
Over time, Harribel grew to rely on you as her second in command.
As it turns out, Loyalty is hard to find in Hueco Mundo.
And that was a trait Harribel admired in others.
And then, Harribel realized something about you.
Whenever she was alone with you, she didn’t feel on edge.
This was odd, not only because of who Harribel was, but because of what she was.
An Arrancar, a species that was, at its core, evil.
Traitorous, always looking over their shoulders, and constantly hungry, constantly on edge, wondering where their next meal came from.
Despite that, in the moments she was able to spend alone with you, she felt like she could breathe.
She wondered what this was, at least until she saw the title of one of Sung-Sun’s books.
That’s when it clicked.
Harribel wasn’t sure what to think about that.
It was something she had only ever heard of from Tosen when he was speaking with Wonderweiss.
And yet… It fits.
The comfort she felt.
The fact she felt that you would always have her back.
All of it.
She… liked that feeling.
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your-local-hollow-lover · 2 years ago
Okay let's say that the Espada have been in a relationship with reader for a long time and of course the family of the reader has understood that they're in a relationship and are pestering them to meet their partner. How would the Espada feel if reader's family are almost immediately welcoming them into the family and are very sweet and accepting? I'm seriously tired of the trope where the family is judging and unaccepting, plus my whole family are a bunch of weirdos (in a nice way) and no matter who I bring as a partner as long as I'm happy they're all like "now you're part of the family" 😂, thank you for all the amazing content!!
Anon, do you mean to tell me you could bring an Arrancar to dinner, and they'll be ok with it? Damn, some have all the luck!
Starrk is weary of not fucking it up. Moving slower than he usually does, putting things away with utmost care as he helps around your kitchen before you serve dinner. Your parents love him! He's handsome and seems to know how to take care of you. Sure, the attire is weird, but they don't judge!
At first, they're a bit nervous about the literal shark teeth around her face. However, Harribel's solemn attitude and sweet demeanor while looking at you make your family melt as they realize how much you mean to her. Sure she slayed a cup that burnt your hand, but hey, that just means she'll protect you, right?
Ulquiorra: It was awkward at first, yet despite Ulquiorra's icy attitude, your family noticed he had strong feelings for you. Even if he hadn't realized it. And it's just that Ulquiorra's attitude is like: 'I don't care about y/n, but if anything happens to them, I'll kill everyone in the room and then myself' Your parents think he's hilarious.
Oh, Nnoitra craved to see your face when your parents yelled at you that you brought a monster into their homes. Instead, he found they were missing as many screws as you. It was beyond uncomfortable for him, feeling so welcomed. Yet, as undeserving as he stood, Nnoitra was surprised to find he was bearing this for your sake.
Grimmjow: You begged him to behave, and as Grimmjow owed you one, Grimmjow did his best to meet his word. However, destructive by nature as he was, it wasn't long before he picked a fight with your drunk cousin. When he finally blasted him over a table, your whole fam cheered. "It was about time somebody put that bicthy boy in his place!" one of your grannies said, and Grmmjow cackled. Your family was actually not that bad.
Szayel: In his research, one's partner is supposed to make a memorable first impression, so that was his initial intention. However, hollow technology and human food did not always go together, and the robot he built explored over the table.
But that wasn't what troubled Szayel. It was the realization that he cared about what your family could think about him. Luckily for him, everyone cheered the failure and told him that only by making mistakes once progress. Kind of insulting coming from a human, still- it made him feel warm inside. Yeah, they were indeed related to you.
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my0vershareworld · 8 days ago
𝕛𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕪 , 𝕛𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕪 , 𝕛𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕪𝕗𝕚𝕤𝕙
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Pairing ; Espadas x GN!Arrancar reader
Genre ; platonic romantic whatever you want to take it as , reader is the espada's fraccion .
CW ; None
Requested by anon ; Could you do some espada headcanons with a jellyfish arrancar fraccion?
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COYOTE STARRK ⸻ he doesn't really care , not at all . all he cares about is sleep , and if you have some sort of ability that can make him get a comfier pillow or something he'll be quite glad to have you around . although , if you're shorter than him . your hair were quite fluffy .. was it because you were a jellyfish ? he doesn't know , he does like to lay his head on yours and fall asleep like that after he ordered you specifically to stand still . he also likes to play with your jellyfish's strings as a way to stimulate himself .
TIER HARRIBEL ⸻ it wasn't her who like to messes with your hair but instead were her other fracciones .. they tends to tuck on your jellyfish's strings out of curiosity , the harshest tuck was probably Apacci and the softest was probably Sung-Sun . it was Harribel who tends to tell them to stop bugging you if you starts to seems uncomfortable with the tucking . she also likes to keep you on your lap especially if you're shorter than her so she can play with your hair [ with permissions , of course ]
ULQUIORRA CIFER ⸻ does not bother with you . although he was quite curious about you , he tends to likes to stare at you and keep no personal space with keep coming up a little too close to you and then just grab onto your jellyfish's strings with his palm and stare at it . he says those strings were quite distracting though . but aside from that he doesn't do much else .. he's just a bit of a curious fella .
NNOITRA GILGA ⸻ TUCKS YOUR JELLYFISH'S STRINGS CONSTANTLY . is a way he relief himself after a frustrating encounter or anything pisses him off [ which is almost everything ] . but he only do that if he was extremely pissed off about something , when it's something light or just a slight pissy moment he'll just grab your cheeks and squish and then stretch it since your face were way too soft . he does still tuck your jellyfish's strings CONSTANTLY even when he's not pissed .. he have to do it daily at this point , and he usually do it when you're off guard just to scare you .
GRIMMJOW JAEGERJAQUEZ ⸻ similar to Nnoitra , tucks your jellyfish's strings constantly , although with him he do it more softly and only do it when he's angry about something . but sometimes he does also switch to ruffling your hair as a way to calm himself down .. although he does sometimes accidentally bite your head especially when he's complaining about what happened .
ZOMMARI RUREAUX ⸻ he likes to meditate , and having you around helps him meditate quite better .. sure meditating does means you have to stay still to keep your mind clear and at ease but he at first before going to meditate he'll pat your head , and then keep you near him . while he meditates he also keeps both his hands on you like he's sending some sort of alien signals to you . he also would like to braid your jellyfish's strings together if it's possible .
SZAYELAPORRO GRANZ ⸻ interesting . definitely a touchy bastard with you , grabbing you from head to toes and at first ask all sort of questions from general questions to deep personal questions . will definitely pull one of your jellyfish's strings off so he can do some experimenting and examining . at one point he starts to pull out more until there was barely any on you . he doesn't care though , he'll probably give you something to make you be able to regenerate your strings [ although there's a chance it might not work ] .
AARONIERO ARRURUERIE ⸻ you were .. pretty much the same sea creature thing as them . they were an octopus and you were a jellyfish . they were quite curious with your appearance but prefer not to touch you as they find it too intimidating and dangerous . when they do get permission they'll be quite soft with touching your jellyfish's string and slightly tucking on it . definitely would get a plus if you were wearing a similar uniform to his due to sea creature alikeness .
BARRAGAN LOUISENBAIRN ⸻ he have too much fracciones to care about you . you are just a step towards getting back his throne . [ he does like to tuck on your jellyfish's strings and pat your head though - ]
YAMMY LLARGO ⸻ picks you up and shakes you up and down quite a lot so he can see your jellyfish's strings floating around . is like a fun stimulation toy for him . definitely would also pull on your jellyfish's strings and sometimes pick you up by pulling on them . swings you around a little too much and laughs about it when he lets you down and get all dizzy .
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theyanderespecialist · 2 years ago
Base Yandere Tier Harribel The 3rd Espada Headcanons: Her Heart Is Loyal
#Yandere #YandereTier #YandereTierHarribel #YandereBleach #YandereHeadcanons #Headcanons #Bleach #BleachTierHarribel #Bleach3rdEspada #TierHarribel #TierXReader #Reader #TierHarribelXReader 
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a new chapter! Another Bleach request, and yes another mommy~ Tier Harribel! I hope that you all enjoy this!]
(Disclaimer: Tier Harribel is not yandere in canon, this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all. Simping for fictional characters and yandere is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon. Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life.)
[Again I hope you all enjoy!]
-Base Yandere Heacanon With Tier Harribel The Third Espada-
.Tier is a calm and collected woman.
.She also believes in loyalty.
.She is one to care about her underlines.
.So much she lashes out when she feels them fading.
.She cares for those she has in her life.
.With you that does not change.
.She cares about you the most.
.She is the type of yandere that is loyal to the end.
.And she is the protective type.
.Putting her life on the line to keep you safe.
.Refusing to let you be harmed.
.She would even betray Aizen if he tried to harm you.
.Your life matters to her that much more.
.Though once someone does try and harm you or take you from her.
.She reacts with rage!
.No one should ever put their hands on you!
.She is a soft and kind yandere.
.Though she also is very affectionate to you in private.
.She can be found stroking your hair or patting your head.
.She deals with rivals by putting them in their place and is not afraid to kill them if it comes down to it.
.She would prefer you to come with her willingly.
.Is very unlikely to come and kidnap you.
.She much rather court you.
.She eventually becomes the new ruler of Hucho Mundo.
.So in other ways she could be considered a queen.
.Which means you will eventually be her majesty and co-ruler.
.She is patient and can watch you for months or years.
.She will do what it takes to have you.
.Vowing to prove herself to you and to show you that she will be everything you need.
.Though her yandere side is still there and if she has to she will eliminate rivals if it had to come to that.
.She confesses to you after the battle of Karakura.
.There she tells you how she feels not as an enemy but as a woman who bears her heart and soul to you.
.If you turn her down she understands but she would not give up, she will still court you she is persistent yandere.
.If you say yes, she will allow you to live both in the world of the living and Hucho Mundo.
.She is nothing but patient.
.She will be your knight and you her ruler!
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done I hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy!]
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ulquiorrapleasecallmetrash · 4 months ago
Arrancars going to a metal show headcanons
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Fandom: Bleach
Rated: PG
Genre: Headcanons
Warnings: None!
Admin Harmony: Went to the metal show not too long ago so I was inspired.
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Ulquiorra Cifer:
-Yeah, no crap Ulquiorra likes metal music.
-Doesn't really like going to metal shows on his own. He thinks they are too crowded, and too noisy and he hates drunk people.
-But if his s/o wants to go and if there is an interesting band he wants to see live then he will go.
-Has gone into the Mosh pit one time and he hated it.
-did it once and will never do it again.
-will be sober because he wants to enjoy the music.
-will keep watch of his s/o in case they go into the mosh pit or get too drunk, will watch them like a hawk.
-might headbang with his s/o if they insist.
-Will most likely stand in the back or sit at a table and watch and listen to the band he wants to listen too.
-along with his s/o if she doesnt want to be too drunk or go crazy.
-the two can just sit, talk, listen to music and vibe.
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Grimmjow Jaegarjauez:
-He is more of a punk/hardcore man.
-But he still enjoy metal from time to time so if there is metal band that he likes then he will go.
-you KNOW he is going into the moshpits.
-Hell he would hardcore dance(Which involves a lot of kicking and punching in their dancing) in the most pit.
-Will start a fight with the person he accidentally kicked or punched in the moshpit.
-will definitely be drunk at the show, headbanging, moshing and hardcore dancing all night long.
-And if they kick pack intentionally will be beat their ass.
-Will get kicked out of the bar by the end of the night.
-throws bottles, shoes and shit in the moshpits while he is in it.
-If he has an s/o with him then they both will be chaotic together.
-drunk af, headbanging, moshing, etc. (s/o will be smart not to hardcore dance in the moshpit.)
-s/o will watch grimmjow getting kicked out of the bar and will pretend not to know him LOL.
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Tier Hallibel:
-Loves metal music but doesn't want to go alone so if her s/o wants to come she will be excited.
-will dance and headbang to the metal music.
-has the best alternative girl outfit at the show.
-everyone compliments her on her makeup and outfit.
-likes moshing but only does everyone once in awhile because creepy men touch her while in the pit.
-first time that happens he punches him in the face.
-He got very scared and apologized profusely especially when she threaten to beat him up even more after the show.
-Now no one messes with her the mosh pits.
-Will also protect her s/o if she gets too drunk or is in the mosh pits as well.
-Rolls her eyes when someone ask her, "Name Three songs" to band she likes and will just walk away.
-most of the time she will be also be in the back listening to the music and watching her s/o.
-will headbang and dance with her s/o if she asks and insists though,
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Neliel Odelschwanck:
-My girl loves metal music.
-will also have one of the cutest alt girl outfits in the bar and gets tons of compliments.
-will headbang, dance and just scream out the lyrics.
-the energy it gives she will give it back.
-loves moshpits and will always go in one.
-will punch a creepy guy if they get too handsey but will mostly ignore them and just mosh.
-will encourage her s/o to headband and go into the moshpit ans d she will protect them.
-by the end of the niht she is drunk, happy and filled with joy.
-"We have to do this again! When is the next show?!"
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Nnoitra Gilga:
-Loves everything at a metal show.
-He will headbang, scream the lyrics and definitely will go moshing.
-actually knows the etiquette to moshing and will be pissed if someone breaks the rules.
-has gotten into a fight with grimmjow for hardcore dancing in the moshpit and got knocked the fuck out by his accidental punching and kicking.
-They both get kicked out of the show and fight in the parking lot LOL.
-Metal elitist to a T.
-will judge music taste especially if they like metalcore.
-" Will walk up to a hot metal head chick and be the "name three songs" Type of guy.
- "You like decapitation pig?🙄oh yeah, name three songs.🤨."
-or he will be the creep that tries to flirt with the hot alternative girl(especially if they named three songs) and wont leave her alone.
-throws shit in the moshpits like bottles and shoes as well.
-will be drunk as shit.
-This man will be in his element at the show.
-and will go to almost every one of them from then on.
-if he has an s/o he will be drunk as shit, headbanging, and moshing with them.
-will probably make out in the corner of the bar later while the metal music plays in the background.
-so drunk and pumped from the show he might even want to have sex with them after the show.
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merbear25 · 8 days ago
Would u be able to write Tier Harribel x male reader smut? Have the reader play with Harribel's boobs while they're growing until she eventually climaxes. Then have her give the reader a boobjob while her breasts are still growing until they both climax.
Tags: Tier Harribel/Male reader. Large tits. Breast play. Breast expansion. Sensitive breasts. Boobjob. Male & Female orgasm.
More arrancar ladies getting much needed love?? Yes, please! I hope you like it!
To be admired from afar—that was what your admiration of her was reduced to. She was difficult to win over, especially with being a male. However, that was a setback, not a defeat. You wanted to give her the sense of serenity she deserved and that you were craving more and more.
CW: NSFW, MDNI, m!reader, everything in the ask applies, reader is an arrancar, some fingering over the panties
Sought after peace (Harribel)
The object of your desire. There was no other way to put it, even if the term itself had degrading implications. She only kept women within her inner circle. Perhaps having taken on the image of mentor and strength for them alluded to more than just a sense of female empowerment.
She was ridgid around men, put off by them even. So few of them had earned her respect, so you being the one to approach her in an attempt to gain her trust was an uphill battle. 
Her blue eyes as cold as ice, those blonde lashes fanning lightly over them, her crossed arms and stance of tenacity: although you were meant to be intimidated, the confidence exuding from her only drew you nearer. If you had a heart, it would be pounding against your hollowed chest. Your mind was already flooding with images of what had been collecting—thoughts of her soft breasts and mouth on your aching need.
Such fantasies were otherworldly to your kind, and yet the urge to explore them was far greater than anything you’d ever experienced. As she sized you up in anticipation for your approach, you wondered if she ever had the same carnal instincts. Fuck, you hoped she did.
You weren’t a threat to her; she gathered that much. However, your posture teetered on something she couldn’t quite put her finger on, making her tense up in response.
“What do you want?” The cool tone sent a shiver down your spine but not out of fear.
You did your best to hold your gaze on her face, so as not to give your intentions away right off the bat. “I know that you’ve recently lost some of your women and thought someone should check up on you.”
She placed her hands on her hips, and you couldn't resist letting your eyes wander to her chest for a brief moment. “And you thought your company would be welcomed?”
You threw your hands up in surrender, a slight smile upon your face. “Consider it a peace offering.”
That word turned and molded in her mind. “Peace,” she said below her breath in speculation. It was something that you and every other arrancar never knew the true meaning of—a fantasy within itself.
Hesitantly, she sat down, allowing herself to relax just a bit. Pride in talking down any chance of a fight washed over you, giving you the boost you needed to test the waters further. “Perhaps it’s stupid, but I’d like to think many of us will one day be able to survive without constantly tearing out each other’s throats.”
“You’re right. That is stupid.” The bluntness in her words soon shifted to a soft sigh. “But that would be nice.” A slight opening from her vulnerability ought to be treated carefully.
You sat down next to her, looking up at the never changing palette of swatches in the sky. “A cold and desolate place like this—peace seems like a fever dream.” Your tone carried your words over the windless plane of sand but was picked up by the companion you’d found for that day.
She didn’t respond, instead trying to imagine a world where those who were the most important to her didn’t know fear anymore, as if becoming a distant, horrible memory.
Glancing over at her, the daydreaming look upon her face made witnessing her softened features feel like a prize. Your eyes roamed over her; she was so close you could reach out and touch her. Never having been in such an intimate proximity to each other, your rising lust for her was begging you to make a move.
“But maybe it can exist between us…if only for a moment.”
Turning towards you, your eyes held a passion that was completely alien to her, and yet unearthed a part of her that was still buried deep within. Your eyes flickered over each other’s expressions. That faint understanding of neither of you really knowing how to interpret or even deal with such emotions was comforting in a way. No one had the upper hand. 
Raising your hand, you anticipated her to slap it away. She didn’t, instead gripping the bench she was on and staring at it with a mixture of excitement and fear budding between her legs. Gently but firmly, you groped her chest. The first moan from her pulled you closer, snaking your other arm around her waist to hold against you. She was even more breathtaking like this. Soft sounds you never knew you craved so badly and a vulnerable expression to match. You continued to fondle her chest, while your other hand slipped between her thighs.
Slick wet cloth coated your fingers which unleashed a hunger you weren’t even sure you could satisfy. You licked and nipped her neck all while working her exactly as you both needed. 
“You’re so beautiful.” Your breath was hot against her skin. The more you touched her, the weaker you felt, though you didn’t mind.
Tugging off her top, you began plucking at her erect nipples. She squirmed and grinded against your hand to chase the rush of pleasure she was being swept away in for the first time. You pinched her nipple harder, taking the other one between your teeth. Flicking your tongue against it, you groaned against her heated flesh. You could swear that they were getting bigger. As she trembled against you, the gasps and lustful moans passing her lips gave you the rush you were after. However, you were far from done.
She looked completely spent but was still so willing to hold onto this high for as long as she could. 
“You want more?” You asked in a heated lust. Your length jutted out when you exposed yourself to her. Watching her intently, you couldn’t stop yourself from stroking it in front of her. “Come here…” The command was gentle, inviting even.
As she kneeled between your legs, jolts of euphoria found you immediately. Feeling her breasts engulf your throbbing cock tested your stamina. Throwing yourself head first into the overwhelming sensations was all too tempting, but you wanted to enjoy this for as long as possible.
Bouncing up and down, swallowing more and more of you, the look of pure bliss on that pretty face of hers: you pinched her nipples that were so swollen for you, practically teasing you with their allure. Her entire body shook. Those sweet moans from earlier began filling the air between you again. You weren’t going to last much longer, not with her like this.
Rolling her nipples between your fingers, tugging on them, roughly grabbing them as you thrusted between those hypnotic tits: there was no going back. With your low groan twisting with her gentle gasp, ropes of cum coated her perfectly tanned skin. A shared rush met in unison left both of you in a hazy state of lingering bliss.
Looking up at you, that word “peace” returned. Even if this wasn’t what she had in mind, it was a sliver of what you had described, and it was more powerful than she ever imagined.
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muzansfangs · 6 months ago
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A witch, a werewolf and a vampire
Starring: Aizen Sosuke x f!reader x Urahara Kisuke; mention to Jugram Haschwalth, Gin Ichimaru, Rangiku Matsumoto, Isane Kotetsu, Unohana Retsu, Yamamoto Genryūsai, Kenpachi Zaraki, Muguruma Kensei, Yoruichi Shihoin, Sui-Feng, Momo Hinamori, Tier Harribel, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, Ryuken Ishida, Mayuri Kurotsuchi;
Format: one-shot;
Warnings: nsfw, fantasy au, misogyny, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, creampie, use of potions as birth control method, threesome (m x f x m), oral sex (f!reader receiving), oral sex (Urahara!receiving), blood drinking, vampire!Aizen, werewolf!Urahara, witch!reader, hair pulling, murder, gore, horror, burial, death, language, dirty talk, competition in bed, criminals, morally grey reader, double penetration, anal sex, alcohol consumption;
Plot: It’s a rainy night and blood runs down the muddy streets of the town. Three supernatural beings, a witch, a werewolf and a vampire, find shelter in a disreputable Inn that attracts the wrong sort of people. All of them are on a run, secrets and horrific murders staining their reputations and making them quite notorious downtown. When the three of them end up forming an alliance, they realize something links them together. The thirst for blood, the gloomy atmosphere and the inhebriation leads them to give in to lust in a room upstairs.
The croaky laughter of a drunk man slamming his fist onto the ebony table of the bar made you flinch. You were soaked, a puddle of water expanding from underneath your boots as you scrutinized the crowd of people dining all around you. Most of them were humans, without the shadow of a doubt. Men, to be specific. Predatory eyes sizing you up, offensive words piercing your ears, you knew exactly what they were thinking. A young, beautiful woman shaking like a leaf and looking for shelter was probably an easy prey for them. Unfortunately for them, you were not a hapless girl. Clamping your mouth shut not to draw attention, you resorted to lowering the tattered hood of your cape down on your face and you walked up to the innkeeper to ask for a table and a room for the night.
“That’s the last one. You’re lucky” the lanky man on the other side of the counter told you, handing you a rusty key and motioning with his chin at the last empty table somewhere behind your back.
You followed his gaze, eyes landing on a dimly illuminated area of the dining space. In a corner, a chair and a dusty table, waiting for you to sit at. You scrunched up your nose in disgust, already figuring the bedroom would have most likely been even worse than the chilling refreshment stand you were going to drink at. However, it was not time for you to be fussy and picky about where you had to spend the night. The guards outside were tracking you down and leaving this place would have only granted you the chance to experiment the same fate of your late mentor, the great witch Unohana Retsu. You had really screwed up this time, but the heavy money satchel hanging on the leather belt secured around your waist was definitely worthy the murder of Lord Jugram Haschwalth.
Your head turned back towards the grey-haired man, bony fingers tapping onto the wooden desk impatiently “It’s perfect. — you faked a smile — A bottle of wine too, please” you told him, before grasping your satchel and drawing out some money to cover up the price of the rent and your order.
Paying you little to no attention, he whistled loud enough for some tipsy men to complain about being brutally awakened from their slumber, but also to draw the attention of a beautiful waitress serving soups and beers at the tables. You wondered how such a pretty girl had ended up in a squalid barrelhouse like that. The gold band on her ring finger answered your question, as she cleaned her hands quickly in her lilac apron and jogged back to the counter with a kind smile adorning her plumped lips.
“Gin, honey, what’s the matter?” she inquired, sparing you a brief glance before refocusing on her husband.
Now that she was closer to you, the waves of magic radiating from her made you feel less in danger. Witches were not welcomed in the small town you lived in. Knowing the innkeeper’s wife was a supernatural being too made you feel more at ease, as if you were at home, safe from stakes and fire. Nevertheless, you never let your guard down, not after you had witnessed to Unohana’s ashes blowing in the wind, dissolved in the village square, a couple of years ago. Isane, your friend and the other apprentice your mentor had taken in, had fled right away in search for protection in one of the towns in the North of the Country. You had no idea if she was still alive, or if she had shared your teacher’s destiny. Hopefully, she had joined a powerful coven and she did not have to fight for her life anymore like you did.
Sometimes, you asked yourself why you did not follow her in her incredible adventure. The answer, sadly, was that you loved that place too much to move away and forget about your past. Also, you were seeking revenge. The Mayor, that old bastard, Lord Yamamoto Genryūsai, was still alive. You were working day and night to create a deadly potion to kill him once and for all. In order to get close to him, though, you needed connections and, regrettably, you were a lone wolf.
Gin grinned “Sorry, darlin’, but this girl here needs a bottle of wine. Be a dear and accompany her to her table with this” he explained, ducking underneath the counter to grasp a cheap bottle of red wine and a globlet. Drowning your demons sounded good enough, given your foul mood.
The curvaceous woman sighed and ruffled his hair affectionately “I got it from here. Take care of the rest while I’m busy, will you?” she cooed, winking at her husband before gesturing for you to follow her to your destination without further ado. You caught a glimpse of the man smirking, as you moved away from the counter, noting how pleased he seemed to be for the attention his companion had reserved to him.
The dirty comments the waitress and you received on the short walk to the table made your stomach churn and you had to suppress the homicidal impulse to set those swines on fire right on the spot. You really did not need cops to break in and arrest you. Not when your face was already printed onto numerous newspapers and you had an impressive bunty on your head. People chased you down the streets to turn you in and alert the authorities.
Tiredly, you slumped down onto the chair, chin propped onto the upturned palm of your hand, whilst you absent-mindedly observed the girl uncorking the bottle with expertise. For a few moments, she stayed silent, limiting herself to pour some wine into the goblet and sliding it towards you once it was filled to the brim “Here you go” she stated then, eyeing you from behind her long and dark eyelashes. She was most likely a charmer, the dangerous kind of witch that could bring a man to madness.
“Thanks” you shortly replied, only for her to glance behind her shoulder briefly, checking the area, and lean closer to you afterwards, her tone of voice low enough not to be heard from anyone else besides you.
Her light blue eyes locked with yours “No one is going to harm you, but two of our guests are affiliated to the Government. — she informed you, shooting a subtle look at a purple-haired woman, sitting by the window, clinking glasses with her colleague — You may think she is our ally, considering her condition. It turns out she has a secret agreement with the Mayor to grant her immunity from prosecution”.
You took a sip of your wine, narrowing your eyes in disgust at the unexpected news about the famous Yoruichi Shihoin switching sides to save her own neck. Becoming one of the Hunters was not a career you had ever considered in whole life. The last person you could imagine to betray the Supernatural Community for a personal advantage was Yoruichi. She was a wild spirit, a force of the nature. Clearly, something had changed in her life and, judging by the way the petite girl next to her was now running her fingers through her luscious hair, it was probably the unforgiving feeling of love.
“Who would have ever thought a shapeshifter worked for that shitface. Thanks for the information…” you trailed off then, not knowing how to address the witch saving your life for free.
She smiled softly at you and snapped her fingers to light up a candle she had pulled out from the front pocket of her apron “Rangiku Matsumoto, the one and only. — she introduced herself, positioning the candle into an old candlestick — I would like to chit-chat with a fellow witch a little more, but I really have to go lend my hand to my husband. Enjoy your wine” she excused herself then, waving her hand at you and venturing back into the intricate lines of the tables.
You watched her leave, bringing the goblet to your mouth again, but turning your attention back to the two women looking for the next head to bring to the Mayor on a silver plate. You did not fail to notice the amount of daggers strapped to their belts. At their feet there were bags full of newspapers and you could swear there was even an axe in one of them, but it was too dark for your eyes to make out the real shape of the weapon. It was decidedly better not to go anywhere near that table. You could defend yourself, you were powerful enough to force them to transform, or even cast a curse on them to perpetually turn them into animals. However, you could not assault them out of the blue and this was not a place to fight.
You were genuinely surprised a shady man with unkempt sandy hair and a smug smile on his lips approached them. Yoruichi seemed to know him, her yellowish eyes darting on the stranger immediately, upon sensing his presence at her back. While she began conversing with him, you switched your attention on the raven-haired Huntress at her right, her scowl quite evident as she stared daggers at the newcomer. Well, jealousy could do numbers on people, to the point of even attempting to kill the person who piqued the interest of your loved one.
It did not startle you the way she suddenly leapt forward and knocked him down onto the floor, pressing the sharp edge of her dagger on his carotid. Silence swallowed the room, the moment she straddled him and grasped his jaw roughly in her small hand.
“What part of ‘stay away from her’ you did not comprehend? Do you want me to etch it on your face?” the girl snapped, while Yoruichi disinterestedly finished her drink and slammed the empty glass back onto the table. She did not bother to step in to prevent her colleague to make a scene, or possibly slaughter a man in front of all those witnesses. All she cared about was being the center of the attention, as per usual.
The man sighed, hands raising apologetically to quell his aggressor’s rage “Woah, I got it, Sui-Feng! — he defended himself, his tone playful and strangely calm despite the compromising position he was in — I was just telling her my goodbyes! You know, I’ll leave this town in the morning” he explained, earning a scoff from the woman above him who begrudgingly sheathed the dagger back into its scabbard before jumping back on her feet.
“That’s the fourth time you use this pathetic excuse to approach her. It’s only natural for a merchant to travel. — she retorted, hopping back onto her stool and glancing at the dark sky outside — Too bad it’s not a full Moon night. I’d have loved to skin you alive” she added, a mischivious grin curling her pinkish lips as the man leisurely stood back on his feet and dusted some dirt off of his baggy clothes.
A werewolf? You had not met one in years. After Unohana’s death, Kenpachi Zaraki and his pack had left the town and the only werewolf still around was Muguruma Kensei, the smith who lived in the mountains. Who was this man, then? Why had you not met him before? Did he belong to a pack from another town, or did he get exiled? Whatever was his origin, all you knew was that he had caught you staring and he winked at you with a teasing smirk promising a conversation.
Straightening your back, you whipped your head to the other side of the room and found yourself wishing you could chant your beloved invisibility spell. You really did not wish to catch the attention of anyone in particular. Making bonds could be dangerous and that man radiated troubles.
“Let him go, Sui-Feng. — Yoruichi chimed in, silky voice resonating through the room — Kisuke was about to leave anyway, right?”.
“Of course, I was! You are probably in the middle of the hunt anyway and I should make my getaway before a silver blade takes me to the grave prematurely” you heard him jest, but you were not too happy to hear them share their goodbyes. You had a feeling deep in your guts he was about to head over to your table and you had no intention to die at his place.
Therefore, you stood up and sauntered towards the wooden staircase leading to the rooms upstairs. It was time to go to sleep and lock yourself up, maybe even protecting your door with some defensive spells to keep anyone trying to break him outside. With each step you climbed, you felt safer and, if it was not for a whimper echoing in the corridor at the end of stairs, you would have dared to say nothing threatened your life anymore. That moan, however, was pained one. Someone was hurt and you felt your heart thrumming against your ribcage violently as you wandered down the deserted area, expecting someone to jumpscare you at any moment.
There was an ominous atmosphere around you and it had become notably coldler with every passing second. You reminisced some of your mentor’s teachings about the temperature and atmosphere’s changings. Sudden cold usually was connected to the presence of ghosts, or beings capable of sucking the life out of their victims. In other words: vampires.
You truly wished the monster at the end of the road was not a bloodsucker, but you soon found yourself face to face with one as he dropped the lifeless body of a young woman down onto the floor with a dull thud. Glossy brown eyes staring at you, pale complexion, the corpse belonged, much to your dismay, to the kind nun Momo Hinamori. Too young to die and too devoted to think monsters existed, she had always refused to believe you were a witch. You wondered what she was doing in that Inn and how the dapper man in front of you had lured her into his trap.
He was handsome, this much was undeniable. Then again, she was not the type to melt for small attentions. You wondered what he had done to her, if he had used mind control, or some other devious technique to compel her to follow him so effortlessly.
He stood there, lean frame enveloped by a luxurious black cape as he wiped his mouth clean with a silky white handkerchief. Your presence had not bothered him in the slightest.
“Good evening” he greeted you, velvet voice caressing your skin warmly, a fatherly tone you despised with every molecule of your body. You felt your mouth going dry, your eyes averting from him to spare another glance at the victim at his feet.
You took a sharp intake of breath, your eyes hardening as you reached for the phial of holy water you always kept hanging on your neck and tossed it at him. The man disappeared from your sight, dodging your attempt to make his skin sizzle, and the glass collided onto the wall, exploding into a million splinters before your frightened eyes. Your head frantically whipped around, trying to detect his presence before he could get his hands on you, but the moment you realized he was at your back it was too late for you. Your cheek was pressed against the wall, one hand wrapped around the back of your neck to pin you on the spot.
“How much do you know about vampires, sweetheart?” he asked you, cold breath wafting over your jaw, when he dipped his head down to talk directly next to your ear.
“Enough to desire their extinction” you sassed, furrowing your brows in discomfort as he tightened his grip on your nape. You definitely needed to train in hand-to-hand fights. Against some monsters spells and curses did not suffice. The scar in the middle of your mentor’s chest was your daily reminder of how dangerous it could be losing focus in a duel.
The vampire hummed and magnanimously loosened his grip on you, but he cautiously took a couple of steps back to put a relatively safe distance from his opponent “You must be the witch everyone is talking about. — he noted, chestnut hues scrutinizing your face — The sketch on the leaflets doesn’t do you justice” he smoothly complimented you, causing your cheeks to heat up, but your brain to inform you he was probably trying to get in your mind.
You snorted, arms folding against your chest “Don’t tell me you won her heart with such ridiculous pick-up lines. — you taunted him, eyes darting on the late nun behind you — Now, unless you want us to respectively end up with a stake through the heart and flesh consumed on a burning pyre, what do you say about parting ways and leaving this small altercation behind?” you flatly suggested, eyes flitting back on your interlocutor who impassibly listened to you. He was unnerving. Too stolid and tranquil, he got on your nerves without even talking much.
Before dignifying you with an answer, he slicked back the single cowlick tickling his pointy nose, a placid smile adorning his lips “Is that what you wish for? — he queried softly, before ambling over the cold body of his victim and inspecting it with a cold indifference that made you question how many people he had killed throughout the years — Mala tempora currunt. Forming alliances is fundamental to survive”.
You blinked, swallowing forcefully to withstand the impact his words had on you. If the world once belonged to supernatural beings it was merely because humans feared those who possessed such abilities. Knowledge is power and, forging new weapons to eradicate the so-called monsters from the society, from hunters you had all become the hunted. No matter how powerful you were, you were constantly on the run and with no one to seek protection from. It was probably a matter of time before someone killed you. Vampires were surely powerful, albeit the sunlight was their greatest weakness. Their strength dopended on their biological age. The man in front of you looked like he was in his early thirties, but the confidence and charisma he possessed indicated he had most likely been around for a long time. Centuries. There was no doubt he was a skilled fighter, if he had lived that long unscathed.
“I don’t trust vampires” you countered back, watching him pick up the lifeless body of the young nun as if it weighted nothing.
“You shouldn’t trust anyone besides yourself. — he replied, glancing at you briefly before staring back at the girl in his arms — However, this is what happens to people who don’t make connections. I can offer you protection, a safe place to live, and only ask for a few favors in return. We don’t have to be friends to make an alliance” he reasoned, once again reminding you of how much you were risking by isolating yourself and working as a killer for a living.
You took a few seconds to ponder your next words. The temptation to accept the deal was alluring and, all in all, you knew there was a catch in this.
“If I refuse your offer, you are going to denounce me, am I correct?” you inquired, his smile confirming your inklings and earning a scoff from you.
Holy crap, you were screwed.
“How perceptive of you. — he said, his baritone voice caressing your skin like a silky blanket leaving goosebumps on its wake — My name’s Sosuke Aizen” he introduced himself, bowing his head cordially to make up for his temporary impossibility to shake your hand.
You did the same “I’m Y/N L/N” you curtly said, before letting your eyes flick to Hinamori once again. It was disturbing continuing your conversation in her presence. Your expression probably spoke volumes, for the vampire to sigh and indicating a window at the end of the corridor.
When be began to walk in its direction, you hesitantly followed him “Wait, don’t tell me you’re going to throw her out of the window…” you voiced your doubts, but the ugly look from him made you desist from pressing him with more questions.
You stood next to him as he hurled the corpse out of the window, the sound of it colliding with the muddy ground down below made you flinch, but you did not expect for a familiar voice to pierce your ears. You had had no guts of looking outside the window, you had limited yourself to check the stairs to assure the both of you no one had seen the sacrilegious action. Still, curiousity killed the cat; when you heard Kisuke’s voice coming straight from the yard, you peered down to check on him and there he was. Smug grin, disheveled sandy hair sticking to his forehead, he was mostly covered in dirt. At his feet there was a freshly dug pit in which he was tossing Sosuke’s victim.
Your mind went blank. That werewolf was in cahoots with the vampire! Probably, he had caused that commotion at the restaurant to allow his friend to feed without anyone bothering him.
“It took you so long, Lord Aizen! It’s freaking cold outside!” the werewolf complied, grey eyes gleaming in the darkness as he picked up the shovel at his feet to fill up the pit once again. It was definitely not the first time they did something like that.
“Actually, I got held up by this lady. — Sosuke retorted, making space for you to lean out of the window and granting his friend a look at your shocked face — From this day and for years to come, she is in partnership with us” he informed Kisuke, only for you to regret all of your life’s choices in a instant.
The perspective of being burned alive did not sound that unappealing anymore.
Kisuke stopped in his tracks, a smirk on his lips as he winked up at you “Welcome to our society, milady. I truly hope you will survive” he chimed, causing you to halt and look back at Sosuke dead in the eye.
“What does he mean by that?” you asked him, ready to hit him with a migraine spell right on the spot. Something about these two was off and you were pretty sure they were responsible for a long line of unsolved murders.
He sighed “The last woman who joined us tragically died in a fight against another supernatural brigade. You are clearly stronger than her, fear not” he tried to soothe your nerves, but you simply grimaced and took a couple of steps back to put some distance between you two. You hoped he was telling the truth. In times like this, fights were frequents to establish domain over villages and you knew about some beings who had succumbed recently.
Maybe, if you knew the name of that woman, you could surely tell if she had been involved into a battle.
“Who was she?”.
“You ask too many questions, sweetheart”.
“Don’t call me that. — you punctuated, folding your arms against your chest as you gazed out of the window, eyes lingering on the starless night sky — It’s only fair you share some informations with me”.
Sosuke took a sharp intake of air, chestnut eyes closing as he leaned his back against the wall in resignation “She was a mermaid I had encountered in the South during a trip. — he began, eyelids lifting leisurely to refocus on you — Her name was Tier Harribel. I thought she could keep up with our rhythms. My mistake” he stated, leaving a weird sense on bitterness on your tongue, after his words sunk in. A mermaid. You had never met one in person, but you had heard stories about them. While they were pretty powerful in their natural habitat, they could solely rely in their hypnotizing singing and peculiar beauty on the land.
If your companions were so invested into fights for power, you had to watch your back. What if they suddenly saw you as a menace and killed you off? Strategies were not your forte, but you knew your way around men. Maybe, you could keep them on check, while honing your abilities. You were a witch, you had learned to use not only your magical abilities to bend knees. The art of seduction was something every woman knew, but witches were trained to make a good use of it at very young ages. There were stages to go through and now that you were a full grown woman in her early twenties, there was no limit to what you could do. The carousel stopped when you decided to get off of the ride.
Realizing you had zoned out for a while now, you were pulled back to reality by the sudden appearence of the goofy werewolf next to you. The man had sneaked back into the Inn by climbing the giant oak by the window. Humans would have not made it that far, but his supernatural strength showed in his agile movements and the minum effort he had endured in jumping from a brench to the other.
“Geez, I definitely need a bath, but the room I’ve booked doesn’t have a tub” he stated, your eyes travelling up and down his body in sheer disgust. Yeah, he really stank of wet dog and dirt. His clothes were a mess and he would have drawn way too many curious glances, if he were to go downstairs like that.
Maybe, this could be your chance to prove yourself to them and, at the same time, to catch their full attention. It was better to have them on your side, than after you. It was clear they were not going to let you go. The vampire had made himself abundantly clear a gew moments ago. You were stuck with them, the new addition to that deadly duo, the wanted girl they would have not hesitated to sell out to Yoruichi and Sui-Feng, if she attempted to run away. You had to learn more about them and feigned kindness, wine and blood were exactly what you needed to make them talk.
“I have rented a room too. — you started, hand reaching for the key the innkeeper had given to you earlier — Let’s go check if there’s a tub you can use”.
Your words made the werewolf pause, grey eyes scrutinizing your face suspiciously, evidently still wary around you. Pretty faces frequently deceived people and witches were well-known for taking advantage of their looks to achieve their goals. He was right not to trust you, but you could not confirm his doubts. Also, it was not like you keened to really murder them. You merely wanted hold some kind of control of the situation and, naturally, finding out more about them.
“What’s with that face? Can’t a girl take pity on a man?” you queried sarcastically, sauntering towards the room with the number three etched onto the top section of the door without waiting for him to reply. Unlocking it, you pushed the door open and made sure they entered the room before you did. The show was about to begin. The moment you joined them, you locked the door behind you again and cleared your throat to catch their attention, temporary focused on the modest forniture decorating the space.
Once their eyes were both transfixed back on you, it was time to feign a polite smile and raise your hands, fingers flicking in the air to emphasize your next words “Considering the Huntresses downstairs and the horde of guards hunting me out there in the streets, I will put a protection spell on the door. No one will be able to enter this room, or detect our presence in here anyway, alright?” you informed your new comrades, who barely shared a knowing glance before allowing you to proceed without further ado.
Turning around victoriously, you kept in mind this was, without the shadow of a doubt, a bold move. Your intention was mainly to protect yourself and show them you were going to put your abilities on the table to defend them as well. Still, who would have protected you from them, if they simply decided to betray you, to kill you?
You were doomed.
Too distracted by perfecting the incantation to pay attention to them, you had not heard the sound of clothes rustling, landing in a pile on the floorboard. What you saw, however, made your eyes widen and you swallowed forcefully upon the indecent vision welcoming you back on Earth. Kisuke Urahara, fully naked, had entered what looked like a wine cask, but was actually the tub, without even bothering to let you know he was stripping himself. You stepped back from the door and made a relative distance between you two, careful not to lock your eyes on his sculpted body, littered with scars from the battles he had fought to survive. He was smugly smiling at you, splashing the water into the tub to rub off of his muscles the dirt and sweat sticking on his flesh.
“A brute, I know. No wonder all women decline our invitations to join our army” Sosuke finally spoke out from behind you.
The hair on your nape stood on the end, his cool breath tickling your earlobe as you gulped down nervously and turned your head to the side enough to meet his gaze. You had not realized he had gotten that close to you until he had talked. Vampires, the worst specimen ever created.
Kisuke scoffed, splashing some water onto his face, slicking his damp sandy hair back “Chastising me, when you are the one who sucks them dry after they refuse your offer is a bit ironic, don’t you think?”.
You grimaced and walked off to the nearby desk, hand reaching for a glass and a pottery jug you found over there. This place truly made your skin crawl, yet you had to give it credits for the services it offered. Pouring some water into the glass, you knew you had to do something to bring balance to the conversation again.
“There is no need to bicker. We are comrades now, things like this happen on a regular basis. Also, it is not like I have never seen a naked man before” you chimed in, mellow voice cautiously aiming to extinguish the fire ready to start between them.
You brought the glass to your lips, a single sip washing away the dryness your anxiety had left behind. You could perfectly deal with them, you could handle this situation like you had handled your mentor’s loss, your friend’s decision to leave and all the terrible crimes you had committed to gain money and earn some favors from some inhabitants of the hills around the village.
Biting on the rim, you observed the vampire ubuttoning the silver buttons keeping his black cloak draped neatly over his shoulders. Underneath, he was wearing an expensive brand of clothes he had probably purchased in the North of the Country. The white shirt and the black waistcoat were immaculate, his crimson cravat a striking contrast reminding you of the nun’s blood dried around the bitemark on her tender neck. Handsome like the devil and probably worse than Satan himself.
He caught you staring, impassible face lighting up in a knowing smirk “Do you wish to see me naked as well?” he inquired, your cheeks flushing up as you barely got to shrug his provocation off with a bemused laughter fueling his curiosity.
“You are all the same underneath your clothes. What would make a difference?”.
“The way we use our bodies to pleasure our partners” Kisuke interjected, still sitting comfortably in the tub, muscular arms resting on the borders of the bathtub as he eyed you in genuine shrewdness. He did not make a move to get out of it yet and, frankly, you did not know if it was better this way, or not. Things, however, seeemed to have been escalating quicker than you had anticipated.
You settled your glass down, your own cloak dropping from your shoulders as you tossed it over a nearby chair probably to gain some time to fire a smart answer back “I see. Men and their toxic tendency of being convinced they can pleasure a woman more than she can do it herself, even going as far as competing over who does it better than the other. — you rambled, rolling your eyes and allowing a soft chuckle to escape your lips while you flicked your gaze up to meet the hungry eyes soaking in your form, now visible for the lack of the cloak hiding your curves — Can’t any of you understand women know how to reach their ecstasy themselves? They are the only ones who know how to reach blissful climaxes, without a man attempting to find that spot, or… Well, find the clitoris”.
You were well aware you were walking on thin ice and feeding their imagination. Then again, you were kind of getting some thoughts that had been pestering your mind for years out of your head and, additionally, you could not stop running your mouth because the wine you had consumed earlier was really getting to you. Wonderful, considering you were in the company of two supernatural beasts that could easily snap your neck like a twig, thanks to your lack of concentration.
Sosuke hummed, arms folded over his chest, back leaning against the wall behind him “I don’t doubt your words. Nobody can say to know a body more than the owner themselves. — he gave you credit for your remark, pausing only to watch you kick your boots off of your feet and run your fingers through your hair to fix them, a vision making his pants uncomfortably tight — The exception to this rule, however, is clearly in practice and acute observation. Someone who has spent centuries walking this Earth, having countless people warming up his bed, telling him where they longed to be touched, my dear, knows how to break your mind” he replied confidently, stunning you in silence as you slumped onto a chair and propped your chin over the upturned palm of your hand.
He had a point. How were you supposed to reply to this? This smile on his lips told you just enough to let you know he had no problem in showing you the empiric evidence of his theory. And, damn him, you were pressing your thighs together to subtly relieve the throbbing need irrevocably growing in your heat.
The sound of water gushing out and splattering onto the wood made your head snap back towards Kisuke, who had raised tall on his feet and climbed out of the tub with an impressive bulge worsening your state. The room felt way too hot right now and you wanted nothing more than your clothes to evaporate at the moment. You straightned your back, eyes straying away from him to preservate your mind from what you were seeing. You were definitely not a prude. Not after Grimmjow, long ago, had showed you the pleasures a cock well stuffed into your core could bring to you. Too bad he had then enrolled in the so-called Hollow Army to bring war to a Country you did not even remember the name of.
“You may know the female anatomy better than me, alright, but can you smell her arousal? Because, to be precise, she is clearly dripping underneath her gown and it all started the moment she saw me naked” the werewolf earnestly stated and, bloody Hell, how you wished you could simply summon a fireball to throw at him to shut his mouth. He was telling the truth and your upper lip twitched in irritation for having been caught red-handed so easily.
You could not blame him for having supernatural senses, though.
Your palms were sweaty, eyes darkening in anticipation as you cleared your throat before Sosuke could blast his alley’s ego effortlessly with his silver tongue. Why restraining yourself now? You had started this, they had to finish it. What was better than sex to fortificate relationships? Everything was going according to your plan, fortunately.
You spread your legs tentatively, hand reaching for the hem of your plum gown to hike it up and expose your legs up to your thighs “Still, I don’t see any of you doing something to fix the problem…” you hazardously whispered, sly smile creeping on your lips.
Sosuke arched a dark eyebrow up, cocking his head to the side “Aren’t you going to pick your knight for the ride, dear? You just expect us to jump on you like two dogs contending a piece of meat, don’t you?”.
“You know, it doesn’t really matter to me who is going to fuck me. — you started, pursing your lips thoughtfully — What I need right now is for one of you two to help me out. I offered you a bath and a room and I have blindly accepted to partake to this association, whatever it is. Consider this a payback” you stated, watching Kisuke loop his arm around Sosuke’s shoulders and whispering something you failed to catch in his ear.
With the masterly art of masking his emotions, Sosuke did not let his facial muscles stretch to display his reaction to Kisuke’s words. You guessed this was a skill he had acquired after centuries of living in a reality in which the less you showcased the longer you lived. Therefore, when the other man took a step away from him, Sosuke gazed into your eyes, looking for sincerity in your offer. When you did not falter, he motioned for Urahara to proceed. You locked eyes with the werewolf instantly, hand reaching up to scratch the stubble over his chin, when he bent down towards you.
“Did you ask your buddy if you could do the honors?” you asked him, fluttering your lashes as he bit the tip of your nose playfully, before dropping onto his knees in front of you. Calloused hands slithering up your stockings, he seeked the garters to unlatch them and free your panties from the leather restrictions.
He chuckled, shooting a knowing look at you “Let’s just say we started a contest. Who makes you come faster wins” he cooed casually, fingers tugging at the waistband of your underwear and dragging them down your thighs deftly, before clutching them in his hand and taking a long whiff of them. You squirmed on your seat, jaw dropping but closing soon, prompted by the cold hand of Sosuke now standing at your side with an obscure gleam in his caramel brown eyes.
“Relax. You are in good hands” he hushed you, thumb playing with your bottom lip, as you watched Kisuke’s head disappear underneath the layers of your gown, lips quickly finding your folds and tongue lapping at your arousal like a starving animal.
Right, this is what he was after all.
With the first licks he gave you, attention solely trained on your clitoris, you jerked over the chair you were sitting on. Your head lolled back, neck strained and chest threatening to spill out of the tight corset you were wearing. Your breasts, squeezed and pushed up by the fine item gifted to you by Lord Ishida Ryuken in exchange of Lord Kurotsuchi Mayuri’s head, were a sight the vampire could not ignore. He was a man too, at the end of day. No matter how composed and sophisticated he was: right now Sosuke Aizen only wanted to bury his face between those plush mounds and trace with his tongue a path leading to your jugular. A bite, some blood to taste you.
Fingers running through your hair, he brought his lips close to your ear, pointy nose nuzzling your cheekbone “Do you mind if I have a taste, sweetheart?”.
A taste. He wanted to feed from you. Mind fuzzy for the intense waves of pleasure provided by the werewolf’s tongue now swirling around your entrance, you moaned loudly and peered up at Sosuke in sheer desire “Are you going to suck me dry too?”.
“Don’t be foolish. I merely want to rinse my mouth from the nun’s blood. — he whispered, mouth already searching for the vein of your neck, eyes closed as he smelt the fragrance of your blood — I would rather have you screaming my name in pleasure every night than making you my meal”.
You shuddered, the tongue between your thighs was now accompanied by a finger stretching your pussy for what was yet to come. Your hand reached up to grab a fistful of Sosuke’s silky hair and tug at them, when his fangs pierced your neck. You whined, a pained one, the overflow of your blood invading his mouth depriving you gradually of some energy. The two mouths over your body were definitely robbing you of the last shreds of sanity left in you.
“Oh my Lord— Gosh, I’m close” you breathed out, a groan of approval rambling from somewhere deep in Sosuke’s chest as he pulled his mouth away from you. You felt some trickles of blood dribbling down your neck, escaping the wound he had left onto your neck, leaving goosebumps on their wake.
Legs spasming, you bucked your hips against Kisuke’s face, seeking more friction, riding your orgasm out with untainted hunger. It all felt like a lucid dream and, to be honest, you had no idea how you ended up naked over the bed after your orgasm. You remembered Sosuke pulling you into his arms, kissing you violently and spinning you around, whilst his fingers hastily undid the strings of your corset. Falling face first onto the bed, you were soon sandwiched between them.
None of you was covered, skin to skin, panting, you realized what was going on only when Kisuke’s length probbbed at your lips “Spit on it, babygirl. Suck on it, come on, make it nice and wet. You know, it’s only for the best. I don’t want to hurt that cute little hole of yours later, hm? Lubricate it”.
And you did. Tongue sweeping out of your mouth to twirl around the mushroom head of the hard cock in front of your face, you kept an intense eye-contact with the werewolf before taking as much as you could into your warm cavern. He grunted, hand resting behind your nape to push your head even more down onto him. But even though you had tried so hard not to show a gag reflex, you ended up choking on Kisuke’s cock, when you felt Sosuke’s ministrations on your puckered hole.
Tears prickled at your eyes, falling from your lashes as you took a sharp intake of air, and Kisuke sighed, hand ruffling your hair to comfort you “Sosuke, don’t be so rough with her. She’s… Ah, shit! She’s in the middle of a very delicate— Oh! Fuck, like that, shit! If you keep going like that, I’m gonna cum!” Kisuke’s protests towards the other man turned into a series of moans elicited by your mouth.
You had gained back some control, head bobbing up and down in a fluid motion, once you had adjusted to Sosuke’s intrusion in your most private parts. Before you could even properly realize it, in fact, he was already pressing his tip onto your entrance and the stretch left you breathless. Strings of saliva connected your mouth to Kisuke’s cock, choked out whines escaping your lips.
“Sosuke!” you cried out, a whimper leaving your wobbly lips, nails clawing at Kisuke’s thighs as a reflex while he held your face in his hands.
Your spine arched, eyes squeezed shut as the vampire groaned lowly, rotating his hips against yours to bottom out. Tight, warm, your hole was literally sucking him in. The spit he had used and the fingering had done nothing to make it less hard to breach in. Still, there you were, taking him like a champion. Your legs trembled, but gosh how beautiful you looked like that. Your ass, pressed up against his navel, was making it hard for him not to burst into you right on the spot.
Kisuke took notice of his colleague’s status and clicked his tongue “Oh, are you alright, man? Having a hard time holding on?”.
“Shut up, Kisuke” Sosuke admonished him sternly, fingertips digging onto your waist as you were now helped by the two men to raise better onto your knees and straddle Kisuke’s lap. You were out of breath, thin sheen of sweat beading your forehead whilst Kisuke gently slipped himself into your pussy. The feeling made your eyes roll in the back of your skull.
You heard them cussing, throwing insults at each others face, pointing out how loud you were because of their ministrations. Honestly, you had no idea of which one of them was blowing your mind more than the other. All you knew, when you forced them to kiss you contemporary in a messy dance of tongues and labored breaths, was that you were not going to betray them. Not that night, not in a lifetime.
When the three of you were done, bodies sweaty and numb, you were laying between them, spent, drained. Their seeds leaked out of your body, staining the sheets underneath you, while you absent-mindedly drew patterns on Sosuke’s pectoral and let Kisuke play with your hair.
“May my mentor be blessed, for she taught me how to make birth control potions” you muttered tiredly, huffing as Sosuke grasped your wrist and nipped at the veins to play with your emotions.
“Indeed. — Sosuke commented, glaring at Kisuke at your back — I would have hated to deal with pups around my castle”.
“What a jerk”.
Hello there! It’s finally here. I will be frank with you. I have enjoyed writing this fic more than I had anticipated. There is a lot going on up there, but I hope I have been able to depict the mediveal world I had in mind. I tried to vary in the choice of the specimens mentioned and it sounded so good in my head. Hopefully, this is spooky and kinky enough to celebrate this fabulous month!
Let me know what you liked about this story in the comments! Likes and re-posts are greatly appreciated. Until next,
x o x o
Tags: @j-u-u-z-o @brittscafe @jesurum-says-hi @sashi-ya @naru-mi-gen @persuasivus @noirfan12 @my-my-my @bankaizen @enchaotic @villainsrtasty @velaenaa
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years ago
Kissing Them Awake w My Bleach Crushes:
Ginjo Kugo:
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- Honestly, he would love it.
- Like, he just scrunches his face as he feels something on his face and he wakes up and to his delight, it's his beloved s/o kissing his face♡
- Literally will just do a super hot sleepy laugh and is all, "Aw, what's this?" before he wraps his arms around you and starts pampering you in kisses until you're a giggling mess.
Grimmjow *I'm not spelling that last name*:
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- No because he's never chill so the moment you move to kiss him, he opens his eyes and he's all: "What the fuck are you doing?"
- When he does that, don't hesitaite, just kiss his face and he growls but is way too tired to fight you so he lets it happen.
- Don't tease him and tell him that you won or that you caught him because he will turn you over and pin you down and pepper you in kisses and overall wakes you up with a little morning time wrestling. Loving wrestling of course.
- Until he bites you.
- But if you don't rile him up, he'll let you kiss him as he sighs pretending to be annoyed with you. You have to stop when he starts purring because HE DOESN'T PURR, HE SWEARS-
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- You actually have to wake him up this way. He would nap all day if you let him but if you're kissing him awake, then he doesn't mind.
- If he REALLY doesn't want to get up, he'll roll over on top of you and if you stop kissing him, he'll sleepily whine and be all: "Nooo, I want more kisses~" all while kissing your face.
- "Shunsui, hurry up before Nanao comes to wake you up."
- "But you're SOOO comfy, love♡"
Tier Harribel:
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- She knows you better than you know yourself. So she's definetly awake before you are but she pretends to be asleep simply because she knows it brings you a huge amount of joy to kiss her awake.
- Please, the way she chuckles softly as you kiss her face is absolutely precious and she'll roll on her back and caress your face gently.
- "Did you rest well, my beloved?"
- She makes your heart flutter every morning, YOU LUCKY SONNUVA-
Coyote Starrk:
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- Unlike Shunsui, he will not wake up to your kisses or cuddles. If the man is out, he is out unless you use brute force to wake him up like Lilynette.
- Just because he doesn't wake up doesn't mean he's not gonna react to you though. He recognizes the feeling of your lips and smiles softly.
- Then he wraps his arms around your waist and cuddles into your chest with a content sigh.
- Funny enough, he won't wake up when you kiss him awake but he WILL wake up when you stop kissing him and looks up at you like: "Hmm? Why'd you stop?"
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For the valentines matchup event thing!!
I’d love to get one from Bleach.
I’m a girl, short and small (people call me tiny a lot hahah) with blonde hair and blue eyes. I’m generally always smiling but I’m very awkward around people I never quite know how to interact with them. I love to learn things and make things - especially working on Cosplays. I’m a really creative person and just sit by my machine singing and watching shows while sewing. I’m a bit more quiet and reserved when I don’t know people, but once I’m close to someone I open up a lot. People tend to see me as “the smart one” and a happy yet shy/awkward person I guess??? I do have anxiety and depression and most of the things people see aren’t always the way they seem but yeah. Describing myself is always hard lmao. And as for the character — male or female doesn’t matter at all. The characters in bleach are amazingly written and despite me being a lesbian irl I am down BAD for both men and women in bleach lol
Ty for your time <3 hopefully this will make valentines hurt less this year and get my mind off things
Don't worry sweety! You did well! I hope i could help you a bit with this piece....
I match you up with…..
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• Ok, I will explain this. I am not gonna lie, it was a close tie.
• But I see her as a good match for you because:
• She is a calm person and I personally think it is a blessing to have someone so calm when anxiety comes rolling down!
• She also would enjoy listening to you singing while you do your stuff.
• It's like the perfect combo! Watching you happily sewing and singing is so soothing for her. Is a moment of peace, a moment of just you two you know? That moment you just enjoy the company.
• She loves to see what you make.
• She is down on being your mannequin or model.
• If you are concentrating on a specific part of the cosplay, she would not bother you.
• But she would bring you some water and snacks.
• May ask you to stop if you stay without eating for too long.
• She would be a little… shy? To dance with you, but she loves to watch you. She thinks you are very gracious and beautiful!
• She may cosplay with you if you ask her. Doesn't mind at all.
• If you ever feel overwhelmed by someone or a situation she would help you on the spot - Hiding you behind her.
• She actually likes when you hide behind her.
• But! She won't face all situations for you! She loves you and all, but she also wants you to be more independent of her. So if you say something a little odd or your awkward side shows up, she won't intervene.
• If the other person mocks you because of it? They are done. Nobody is messing with you.
• That doesn't mean she will force you to interact with people! No, she wants you comfortable and happy.
• Believe it or not, I do think that gives a boost of confidence to be yourself.
• Having someone that loves you for you? And you can say and do whatever because you feel comfortable and safe!
Now for the little scenario:
Tsuki's note: For this, I had folk song run through my head while writting. it's called Se está rua fosse minha, a Brazilian song. If you have any similar folk song or cultural/ classic song let me know! I would love to know! Anyway! On to it!
Imagine: Spending a peaceful afternoon with Harribell.
• You were just there, finishing a few touches of your new piece. You had to do those last details by hand - it was a very delicate detail!
• As you sew, you sing. A nostalgic song, you knew the lyrics from the heart.
• You were seated on a couch like furniture, near a window to get as much clarity as possible. Of course being Hueco Mundo it was dark and the lamp helped a lot.
• Harribel heard you singing and she made her way to you.
• She stopped at the door of the room you were sitting at. She leaned on the doorframe.
• You didn't seem to notice her standing there, so she carefully walked to you.
• When she got close she kneeled in front of you and gently placed a hand on your knee.
• That took your attention off your work for a bit - her expression looked blank, but she was actually smiling.
• She said how beautiful your work was looking.
• You smiled and said you couldn't wait to show her the finished deal.
• She got up from her position and sat beside you.
• You resumed your singing and work.
• Harribel silently listened to you.
• But as soon as you seemed to be done, tied the final knot, she layed on your lap.
• Her head softly rested on your legs and a sigh soon left her lips.
• You couldn't help but run your fingers on her beautiful blond hair.
• Another sigh.
• You hummed the song again and Harribel closed her eyes.
• Soon enough she had fallen asleep. A rare sight! She rarely gets so relaxed and allows herself to be so vulnerable.
• A rare lovely sight, that only you could see.
I Hope you have enjoyed what I had to offer! Thank you for participating!
Let me know what I think!
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privarot · 2 years ago
arrancars reacting to you kissing them for the first time
listed: grimmjow jaegerjaquez, ulquiorra cifer, coyote starrk, tier harribel, nelliel tu odelschwanck, di roy rinker, cyan sung-sun, emilou apacci, franceska mila rose and szayelaporro granz
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Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
his first thought is that you are incredibly bold to put yourself anywhere near his mouth.
though, it also runs through his mind that maybe you are trying to eat him.
however the second your lips find his, he’s confused and oddly enamored by it. he will not know how to kiss you at first. you will absolutely have to teach him how it works and he WILL get addicted to the way your mouth feels on his.
you’ve created that monster, now deal with the consequences.
he’s a bit bitey, so be prepared for that, but he’s actually quite loving when he kisses you. he pours all the emotions that he has a difficult time voicing into that one bit of physical contact. plus, he just really likes how warm you feel against him.
he becomes eerily good at it, too. he knows all the ways to fluster you and he'll make sure to do it every time so he can tease you about how easily you fluster under his attention.
feel free to kiss him anywhere at anytime. he will drop everything he is doing to kiss you back, and then grin wide when he pulls back, his thumb running across your bottom lip while he leans close to you. (may i mention that he would get quite touchy-feely?)
“give me another?”
Ulquiorra Cifer
much like grimmjow, he thinks you’re brave for coming near a hollows mouth, but unlike grimmjow, he initially thinks you are… not smart for it.
he doesn’t know how human affection (or affection at all) works, cut him some slack here.
he will awkwardly stand there stone-faced until you lean back. then he will question the hell out of you to try and figure out why you just did that and why he liked it.
he’s a very good learner, so he’ll pick up on it fast. he can and will catch you off guard the first time he initiates a kiss. you’re mid-conversation with someone else when he walks by, stops to press a chaste kiss to your lips, and then continues on with his day like nothing happened.
it’s safe to say that he has no shame and does not care for people seeing brief displays of affection. you are his, yes? they should know.
brace yourself for when he nonchalantly tells you he likes how your lips taste. he has no tact. and then he'll be confused as to why it flusters you so.
though, he does become oddly quiet after you kiss him. he has a hard time finding the words to tell you how it makes him feel. he's just a little flustered.
Coyote Starrk
he is… confused to say the least.
you laid one on him while he was about to take a nap before rolling over to take one of your own.
suddenly he is very awake and very perplexed as to why his chest feels so tight all of the sudden. he lays there until you wake up, watching as your chest rises and falls with your unconscious breaths.
the second you’re up he wants to know why you did that. he wants to know what that means. much like ulquiorra’s curiosity but much less monotone. rather, the poor guy looks like he may cry (out of happiness, i promise).
he was alone for a long, long time, and he still struggles with that lonely feeling, so to know that you did that to show your affection for him… it fills whatever replacement he has for a heart with joy.
he wants you to kiss him all the time now. he can’t sleep without it. he takes to kissing across your knuckles while you tell him about your day, and when you return that love with a little peck to his lips, he offers you a fond smile and asks you to lay down with him.
expect lots of sleepy kisses while he's settling down for a nap with you bundled up in his arms.
Tier Harribel
she is much more collected than the boys have been.
she blinks slowly at you; confused and yet intrigued by what that meant.
tier is used to forms of affection from tres bestias, but never this (consider a poly, mayhaps). it is needless to say that it fascinates her a bit...
but also... she adores that look on your face as you leaned in to kiss her.
if you catch her in her natural state, she is ever so thankful for the presence of her mask on the lower half of her face. her cheeks turn a darling shade of red when your lips hit the teeth of her mask. if you've caught her in her resurrección, you're blessed with getting to see that blush. she tries to ignore the way she can feel her face grow warm.
regardless of her initial fluster, she will want to return that kiss. imagine sharing soft kisses with her when no one else is around, her hands carefully cupping your face as she brushes her lips across yours.
she can't think of anything better than being here, enveloped in your arms and watching you squirm under her affections.
Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck
oh boy does she squeal.
she is immediately enamored.
"aww, y/n! do it again! do it again!"
she crushes you into a hug and then covers your face in kisses, giggling the whole time.
she hasn't been kissed before, either, but she knows that whatever you just did to her made her feel incredibly happy and she demands to have more of it.
you can expect a ton of kisses from her constantly now. it doesn't matter where you are, who is around, or what you're doing; nel will bounce right over to you and lay a big kiss on your lips. or all over your face. either works.
she thinks every inch of you is stunning and will show you that by kissing all of you. she wants you to feel loved and appreciated, so you will get lots of this. especially if you are feeling down.
also, she'll scoop you up while in her resurrección, arms wound tight around your waist while she trots around and kisses you with loud "pop!"s.
Di Roy Rinker
this boy turns red.
his entire face. all of it. and then down his neck to his shoulders and chest.
he stammers for some kind of response, his one visible eye blown wide. you'd just put your mouth with his! don't you know that's dangerous for hollows? he can't believe that you did something so daring but...
he's absolutely overjoyed. he looks at you with the softest expression he's ever wore. and he looks at you like that all day. you'd really done something like that because you loved him, huh? done something so vulnerable just because you wanted to show him some affection.
he's too bashful to directly ask for another kiss for a while; trying to play a little bit of his "tough guy" act and make it seem like he didn't like it as much as he did. he doesn't need to know that you can see right through that.
however, after a few days of being unable to sleep well and staring blankly at the ceiling, remembering the feeling of your lips against his, he'll cave. he'll come to you, hands fidgeting in front of him, and ask ever-so-sweetly for you to give him another.
he'll turn that same shade of red every time you kiss him, but he can't bring himself to be embarrassed about it.
Cyan Sung-Sun
she finds it adorable.
you pulled her arm down and away from her face just to get a quick peck in before putting everything back in its spot.
her eyebrow slowly arches and you can see the smugness reach her eyes.
while she doesn't really understand the meaning, she can see every ounce of how flustered you are and therefore must tease you for such. she thinks that embarrassed little look on your face is very, very cute.
"aw, are you nervous, y/n? that was so sweet~"
prepare yourself for her sneaking up on you to give you kisses now. like i said, she absolutely adores that look on your face and wants to see you turn all red for her.
she'll wait until no one is looking to lower her arm and lean over to give you a kiss or two. then she'll chuckle quietly to herself as you stammer and turn your head away.
if she's feeling especially playful, she'll hook her hand under your chin and make you turn your head back to her again so she can kiss you just a little more.
you are at her mercy with this one.
Emilou Apacci
she flusters immediately.
but of course, she tries to save her pride by smacking a hand over her mouth and demanding to know what you were thinking.
her eyes are absolutely huge and you can see the blush creeping up and across her face.
once you've explained it to her, she'll (very poorly) retain that attitude with a little "oh." she doesn't want to admit that she liked how soft you felt.
nonetheless, eventually she will cave. unlike di roy's shy request for more, she will demand it out of you; arms crossed and lips pressed into a pout. however a kiss will wipe that pout right away and you'll get a smile from her. especially if you start kissing her face in rapid succession.
"okay! enough, enough!"
while she giggles and holds onto your arms.
those kisses will bring her out of a foul mood near immediately; any stressor long forgotten.
she's an absolute sucker for you.
Franceska Mila Rose
quite like sung-sun, she finds it very cute.
she can tell just from how you're acting that it means a lot to you, whatever it was.
she doesn't overreact or anything of the sort, but if you were to look at her ears, you'd see the tip of them turn red. plus, she smiles so sweetly at you for it that it makes it well worthwile.
she'll ask you to teach her how so she can reciprocate your affections.
she's one to kiss you randomly no matter who is around and looking, too. she doesn't care if someone sees or points it out. what's wrong with her loving on her partner?
she loves when you kiss other parts of her, too. she's very proud of all the muscle she's built herself to have, so when you press feather-light kisses to her arms, she can't help but to puff her chest out in pride.
she's pretty touchy in general. she always has one arm slung around you, whether it's your waist or your shoulders. kisses just add more onto that. she wants you to feel loved and appreciated in the same way that you make her feel.
Szayelaporro Granz
to say he's interested is an understatement.
congratulations, you've just unlocked yourself hours of explaining physical affection to him; the whys, hows and what ifs.
he wants to know any and everything about it. and then he wants you to teach him how to do it. all the ways to do it.
he tries anything he can think of to see how you'll react. you're going to have to tell him that he cannot just shove his tongue into a kiss immediately. teach that man some sense of humility, for the love of all things holy.
he feels like he's won a prize whenever he figures out something new that flusters you. he likes it best when he can pull you close to him (in his lap preferably) and run his fingers under your chin, so you have to tilt your head to meet his eyes. he'll tease you immensely for all of it.
he'll treat it like an experiment sometimes, but other times you can just tell that he wants to get a rise out of you. if you look deep enough into his expression and intent, you'll find that he likes the kisses just as much as you do in a more affectionate way than his teases.
how absolutely precious of you to want to touch him so.
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All Of My Current Works Pt. 2
Genshin Impact
Seeing How Your Body Works-Furina X Vamp! Reader
Lobotomy Corporation & Library Of Ruina
Limbus Company
Cuddling-Ishmael, Don Quixote, Rodion, Ryoshu
Outis's Love
Girls Front Line
Honkai Star Rail
Dear, would you be so kind as to help me with this?-Kafka X Reader
Supply Run-Natasha X Reader
Serval, Yukong, Stelle X Fighter Reader
Hard Work-Qingque X Reader
Incorrect HSR X Reader Quotes
Never Fade Away-Firefly X Reader
A Few Seconds Too Late-Himeko, Kafka, and Yukong x Reader
Hypnotize Me!-March 7th X Vamp! Reader
A Friendly Sparring Match-Seele X Reader
Zenless Zone Zero
Kresnik Pt.1: Meeting-Belle X Reader
Kresnik Pt. 2: The Butcher-Belle X Reader
Belle X Mech Pilot Reader
Belle X Reader Who Likes To Be Stylish While Fighting
Reverse 1999
Penny Polendina X Reader Relationship Headcannons
Yang, Weiss, And Nora X Kobeni-Esque Reader
Yang And Nora X Reader After Breaking Your Pelvis
Fatal Illusion-Cinder Fall X Reader
Revers Death By Snu Snu-Kyoko, Elphelt Valentine, and Yang
Shoot The Works-Tier Harribel X Reader
Retsu Unohana And Sui-Feng X Powerful Himbo Reader
Rukia Kuchki And Retsu Unohana X Eternally Sleepy Reader
Isane Kotetsu x Secret Admirer Reader
Rukia Kuchki And Artist Reader
Elisabeth Blantorche And Rangiku Matsumoto Taking Care Of Sick Reader
Chainsaw man
Jujutsu Kaisen
Fate Grand Order alongside Fate and TYPE MOON in general
Cold-Barghest X Reader
Death By Snu Snu-Tamamo No Mae, Nero Claudius, & BB
Death By Snu Snu-Penthesilea, Caenis, Medea, Medusa, And Atalante Alter
Fighting Off The Summer Sun-Rin Tohsaka X Vamp! Reader
Luvia With A S/O Who Grew Up Poor
The Pumpkin Menace-Various Fate Ladies X Reader
Tsukihime X Reader Incorrect Quotes
Stargazing-Ishtar X Reader
Ann, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, And Sumiere With A Reader Who Flips A Coin To Make Decisions
Granblue Fantasy
Beatrix With A Shy Reader Who Can Make Her Blush With Ease
King Of Fighters
Death By Snu Snu-Leona Heidern And Mai Shiranui X Reader
Death By Snu Snu-King, Mai Shiranui, and Chizuru Kagura
King's Reaction To Being Called Hot In Her Suit And Tie
Nina Williams X Reader Who Was Frozen Around The Same Time She Was
A Vampire, A Devil, And Lycoris-Reina X Reader
Guilty Gear
Sleeping With Testament As It Storms
Revers Death By Snu Snu-Kyoko, Elphelt Valentine, and Yang
Testament Struggling To Find An Engagement Gift For You
Death By Snu Snu-Nine The Phantom and Litchi Faye Ling
Kokonoe And Nine Having A Mother Daughter Rivalry Over You
Enjoy The Ride-Noel Vermillion X Reader
What Spending Time With Them Would Be Like-Nine, Kokonoe, Bullet, Makoto, Noel, Litchi, And Tsubaki X Reader
Spending Time With Them-Mai Natsume, Trinity Glassfile, Es, and Celica A. Mercury
Glad To Be A Problem-Tsubaki X Reader
An Apple A Day-Litchi Faye Ling X Reader
Alarms-Kokonoe X Reader
Hers Forever-Izanami X Reader
Kaguya And Eltnum With A Stoic Reader Who Is Easy To Fluster.
Wagner Comforting You After A Nightmare
Wagner X Touch Averse Reader
Soup?-Kaguya X Reader
Street Fighter
Death By Snu Snu-Karin Kanzuku And Cammy White
Death By Snu Snu-Marisa, A.K.I., And Poison
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy
Hi-Fi Rush
Peppermint With A Reader Who Tries And Fails To Not Look At Her Ass
Trails Of Cold Steel
Fear And Hunger & Fear And Hunger: Termina
River City Girls
Revers Death By Snu Snu-Kyoko, Elphelt Valentine, and Yang
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your-local-hollow-lover · 2 years ago
How about the Espada with a reader who is a fashion designer and loves making clothes for their partner? Thanks ❤️
Starrk adores the pajamas you gift him! Generally, anything that's made with soft enough fabric.
Harribel proudly wears the outfits you craft for her, grateful that you always keep in mind she's not human (which means you don't mind making more clothes when hers tear apart). As a result, you'll have her fraction wanting for some outfits too, and I picture all of them pretty happy with the results!
Ulquiorra callously tells you he doesn't need more clothes. He already owns several items. However, he uses a green scarf you made for him when he visits you in the human world. And the jacket you gifted him lays where he rests in Heco Mundo. No, it's not a nest. It's just where he sleeps.
Nnoitra: Laughs at your face for even bringing it up. Good luck making something that fits him. When you do, he questions why you put so much effort into this. Nnoitra most likely will tear everything you make in battles. With time, he might appreciate the effort.
Grimmjow: Thinks it's stupid, and it embarrasses him at first. However, as you make clothes more suitable to his style, Grimmjow begins to let it slip. He wears what you make for him (and is secretly grateful because he tends to tear his clothes in battle a lot).
Szayel: Once you get him into it, there's no going back. He's your best client! Except he doesn't pay you and never promotes your work -I mean how could he, being an Espada, right? Wait a sec… are you his personal tailor? Shit. Well, at least he loves it and he looks good in cloaks!
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my0vershareworld · 2 years ago
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Pairing: Espadas (excluding yammy and barragan) x GN!Human reader
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons.
CW: None
Requested by anon: Headcanons fir the espadas when it comes to cuddling excluding Barragan and yammy please 😋‼️
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Coyote Starrk
actually loves cuddling with you
will always accept cuddles specifically in bed. he think is more comfy for the both of you that way
he easily fall asleep if you just hold him so close like something so precious
loves being close to you like this and knowing you're asleep with him as the both of you are holding each other with deep care
Tier Harribel
she's so gentle with you like you're a vase
will hold you close and love to kiss your forehead and hair
she adores you even more when you're sleeping with her..it just makes her feel like she gave you security
and she's going to continue giving it to you
absolutely adores you and think you're cute when you're sleeping
Ulquiorra Cifer
doesn't understand
don't do well with cuddles
when you wrap your arms around him he go limp
doesn't know how to cuddle you properly and will mostly stay as a little spoon
Nnoitra Gilga
why are you touching him
get away from him
will kick you off the bed at first a few times because..instinct
like fuck yeah he trust you and all but he wanted a sleep without distraction
he barely even sleeps anyways
get very annoyed when you cuddle with him
later on will get used to it and allow it
he just need time to get used to a lot of stuff
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
bro. what is you on
absolute animalistic
he, at first take it as a challenge (he feel a little too weird being cuddled like this from behind by you) and turn around to hug you so hard you can barely breath
not long after he'll let go
if you try and touch him he'll slap your hand away
he's a cat. he have moodswings and he won't like touchy if he ain't in the mood to be touched
Zommari Rureaux
doesn't understand the whole cuddle thing
but he still accept it and just don't ask question
he like being touched by you it just..he don't understand the whole cuddle thing
loves being held and kiss by you when he's asleep
will fucking wake up and kiss you back
Szayelaporro Granz
at first doesn't understand a thing
take it as an experiment and learn from you
later on he'll do what you did with him himself
after he think is a good idea if he just started to move his hands everywhere while you're asleep
absolute pervert.
Aaroniero Arruruerie
why just..why
he got so startled at first when you suddenly put your arms around him
will jump off from the bed terrified
one voice will start sobbing while the others is yelling at you
rather sleep on the floor the whole time
just tell him he'll be safe with you and you won't hurt him
and let him get used to you
he might be a little startled but he won't jump out the bed anymore
instead he'll become tense because..
yes you won't hurt him
but what if he hurt you. just accidentally
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sangorous · 3 years ago
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ichigo kurasaki
𝐟𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞 -> 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜.
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byakuya kuchiki
𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 -> 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭
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kenpachi zaraki
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kisuke urahara
𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐣𝐨𝐛 -> 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭
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ikkaku madarame
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grimmjow jaegerjaquez
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renji abarai
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franceska mila rose
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yoruichi shihouin
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tier harribel
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lordorochi · 4 years ago
bro??? why is?? everyone??? in bleach?? so hot??
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crying-fantasies · 3 years ago
Spirit Attachment (Promo)
It could be ambiguous, maybe in some kind of sick joke while the feeling of being watched from a distance to at least a couple of centimeters gives you the terrible feeling that in reality, something is off.
In such an horrifying degree.
"Hey, you."
And the demanding voice of the body less being only feed your fear while facing the nothingness in front, where there is supposed to be at least wind that carries said voice.
Strange things happen to strange people, but at least you wanted to say that you weren't that rare even if your family and friends would prefer to said otherwise.
As fast as the rhythm of of your heart, fueled by the fear, the strange pressure and the cold, you found yourself screaming bloody murder while a death being, or at least what you thing is a dead thing that apparently is amused by your scared reactions, that you are now quite familiar with only appears from thin air.
Is in you to try and thrown a rock at it in vain or not for restore your lost honor while hearing it laugh like a maniac, to the point where you almost hear bone with bone contact, trying not to form a horrible image out of a horror movie with a deformed or twisted ghost.
Yet again, why is a ghost around? And why for todo lo que es bueno it prefers to act like a complete jerk poltergeist in your presence and your presence alone? It makes you look like a crazy person in the streets and in home.
Said laugh died easily, giving that as what it would do for the next hours, at least if you have luck and it will try little things like in the past, like things missing and so on, it was like a kid trying to do bad jokes for the sake of having attention.
Of course, you would horrified by the fact that said being is not exactly a ghost, but something way scarier and with more chance of snapping your neck with it's finger if he wanted.
But for the moment, scaring the shit out of you in it's free time was a way to be entertained.
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