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Split clubbing work with @atlas_lars today⚔️⚔️⚔️ 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥🌊🌊🌊⛰⛰⛰🌬🌬🌬🔥🔥🔥 Do you want to be a part of our system? Participate, share, learn,interact with great coaches and most importantly- great, supporting individuals? Maybe you want to train with one if our certified AFM Coaches we have all over Europe? Link up with us on facebook- Art of Functional Movement Academy. Like the page and send us a Message. Start your journey NOW. AFM Head Coach Pawel Widuto #fitness #fitnesslife# warrior #training #pawelwiduto #workout #instafit #inspiration #motivation #functional #training #yoga #yoga #love #kettlebells #artoffunctinalmovement #movementshaman #healthy #houseoftengu #helalthyliving #norway #yoga #workout #treningstilbud #personaltrainer #fitspo #instafitness #afm #healthylifestyle
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Bursdagsfest og medlemsrekord - Kraft sportssenter
Bursdagsfest og medlemsrekord - Kraft sportssenter

Ett år har gått siden Kraft sportssenter åpnet dørene, og vi feirer med medlemsrekord Dato: 10-10-2018 13:49 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Bursdagsfest og medlemsrekord – Kraft sportssenter Kategori: , Utdanning Livsstil, mote, fritid Kraft sportssenter feirer ett år med medlemsrekord

Kraft sportssenter feirer ett år med medlemsrekord
Kraft sportssenter markerer torsdag 11. oktober at det har gått ett år siden åpning av nytt senter! Dette feires med gratis trening, frokostfest og medlemsrekord!
3500 medlemmer kan ikke ta feil!
Kraft sportssenter tilbyr byens mest allsidige treningstilbud fordelt på over 8000 m2 og det virker som om våre medlemmer er fornøyd med senteret sitt. Det er ingen selvfølge at vi i dag kan feire medlemsrekord sier Bjørn Brækkan leder for Kraft sportssenter, treningsbransjen er presset og konkurransen er hard. Men hardt arbeid, rendyrking av treningsglede, fantastiske instruktører, og nye fasiliteter gjør at vi skiller oss ut.
De siste ukene har vi hatt opp mot 1000 besøkende daglig, og vi ser at aktivitetene og gruppetimene flyter fint.
Gratis trening og frokostfest
Frokost etter trening er en fast tradisjon på Kraft sportssenter, og på ettårsdagen blir det ekstra fin servering. Vi har allerede fullbookede gruppetimer på morgenen, så mange vil feire dagen med oss. Alle som ønsker å feire dagen med oss kan trene gratis ut hele dagen
Frokosten serveres i kjent stil etter morgen-gruppetimene fra kl. 07:45 – 09.00.
Fakta om Kraft sportssenter:
Kraft sportssenter har to store flerbrukshaller, klatrevegg, flere gruppetreningssaler, egen Yoga- og dansesal og kampsportsal. Styrke- og kondisjonssal og basistrening på 8010m2 (for å være eksakt).
Flere og nye garderober med badstue. Møterom og undervisningsrom. Utlån av skiutstyr om vinteren og en lounge/kafe med enkel servering i tilknytning til resepsjonen.
Mest populære #: #svettpåkraft
Medlemstall per tidspunkt: 3475 personer.
Kontaktperson Kraft sportssenter:
Bjørn Brækkan, leder Kraft sportssenter
Mob: 952 94 329
Kilde: Pressekontor Norges arktiske studentsamskipnad – PRESSEMELDING
Norges arktiske studentsamskipnad er velferdsorganisasjonen for de 16000 studentene som er tilknyttet UiT – Norges arktiske universitet og UNIS Universitetsstudiene på Svalbard.
Vår oppgave er å sørge for gode rammer i studietida slik at studentene opplever mestring, trivsel og trygghet. Det gjør vi gjennom tilbud om studentboliger, rådgiving, barnehager, mat og drikke, idrett og studenthus. Vi har alltid studenten i fokus.
Samskipnaden har omkring 450 ansatte, og våre tilbud er tilknyttet campusene i Alta, Hammerfest, Harstad, Narvik, Svalbard og Tromsø.
Kraft sportssenter eies av Norges arktiske studentsamskipnad
Kraft tilbyr byens mest allsidige treningstilbud. Kraft sportssenter har sentral beliggenhet i Breivika på Campus Tromsø. Vi tilbyr medlemskap til studentvennlige priser, trening og aktiviteter for alle.
Hashtags: # #Utdanning Livsstil, mote, fritid Universitet Kraft trening Tromsø treningssenter Studenthelse UiT Samskipnaden Norges arktiske studentsamskipnad Studentvelferd Kraft sportssenter treningsglede sportssenter campus tromsø
#fritid#mote#Norges arktiske studentsamskipnad#Universitet Kraft trening Tromsø treningssenter Studenthelse UiT Samskipnaden Norges arktiske studentsamskipnad Studentvelferd Kraft sportss#Utdanning Livsstil#Pressemeldinger
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AFM AIR🌬🌬🌬 @houseoftengu 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥🌊🌊🌊⛰⛰⛰🌬🌬🌬🔥🔥🔥 Do you want to be a part of our system? Participate, share, learn,interact with great coaches and most importantly- great, supporting individuals? Maybe you want to train with one if our certified AFM Coaches we have all over Europe? Link up with us on facebook- Art of Functional Movement Academy. Like the page and send us a Message. Start your journey NOW. AFM Head Coach Pawel Widuto #fitness #fitnesslife# warrior #training #pawelwiduto #workout #instafit #inspiration #motivation #functional #training #yoga #yoga #love #kettlebells #artoffunctinalmovement #movementshaman #healthy #houseoftengu #helalthyliving #norway #yoga #workout #treningstilbud #personaltrainer #fitspo #instafitness #afm #healthylifestyle
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High wave/Low wave 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥🌊🌊🌊⛰⛰⛰🌬🌬🌬🔥🔥🔥 Do you want to be a part of our system? Participate, share, learn,interact with great coaches and most importantly- great, supporting individuals? Maybe you want to train with one if our certified AFM Coaches we have all over Europe? Link up with us on facebook- Art of Functional Movement Academy. Like the page and send us a Message. Start your journey NOW. AFM Head Coach Pawel Widuto #fitness #fitnesslife# warrior #training #pawelwiduto #workout #instafit #inspiration #motivation #functional #training #yoga #yoga #love #kettlebells #artoffunctinalmovement #movementshaman #healthy #houseoftengu #helalthyliving #norway #yoga #workout #treningstilbud #personaltrainer #fitspo #instafitness #afm #healthylifestyle
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2x15 kg rickit squats and order squats this rainy monday:) 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥🌊🌊🌊⛰⛰⛰🌬🌬🌬🔥🔥🔥 Do you want to be a part of our system? Participate, share, learn,interact with great coaches and most importantly- great, supporting individuals? Maybe you want to train with one if our certified AFM Coaches we have all over Europe? Link up with us on facebook- Art of Functional Movement Academy. Like the page and send us a Message. Start your journey NOW. AFM Head Coach Pawel Widuto #fitness #fitnesslife# warrior #training #pawelwiduto #workout #instafit #inspiration #motivation #functional #training #yoga #yoga #love #kettlebells #artoffunctinalmovement #movementshaman #healthy #houseoftengu #helalthyliving #norway #yoga #workout #treningstilbud #personaltrainer #fitspo #instafitness #afm #healthylifestyle
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My work... my passion❤️ 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥🌊🌊🌊⛰⛰⛰🌬🌬🌬🔥🔥🔥 Do you want to be a part of our system? Participate, share, learn,interact with great coaches and most importantly- great, supporting individuals? Maybe you want to train with one if our certified AFM Coaches we have all over Europe? Link up with us on facebook- Art of Functional Movement Academy. Like the page and send us a Message. Start your journey NOW. AFM Head Coach Pawel Widuto #fitness #fitnesslife# warrior #training #pawelwiduto #workout #instafit #inspiration #motivation #functional #training #yoga #yoga #love #kettlebells #artoffunctinalmovement #movementshaman #healthy #houseoftengu #helalthyliving #norway #yoga #workout #treningstilbud #personaltrainer #fitspo #instafitness #afm #healthylifestyle
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45lb mill:) 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥🌊🌊🌊⛰⛰⛰🌬🌬🌬🔥🔥🔥 Do you want to be a part of our system? Participate, share, learn,interact with great coaches and most importantly- great, supporting individuals? Maybe you want to train with one if our certified AFM Coaches we have all over Europe? Link up with us on facebook- Art of Functional Movement Academy. Like the page and send us a Message. Start your journey NOW. AFM Head Coach Pawel Widuto #fitness #fitnesslife# warrior #training #pawelwiduto #workout #instafit #inspiration #motivation #functional #training #yoga #yoga #love #kettlebells #artoffunctinalmovement #movementshaman #healthy #houseoftengu #helalthyliving #norway #yoga #workout #treningstilbud #personaltrainer #fitspo #instafitness #afm #healthylifestyle
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Quadzzzzzzz at AFM EARTH today👺👺™️ 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥🌊🌊🌊⛰⛰⛰🌬🌬🌬🔥🔥🔥 Do you want to be a part of our system? Participate, share, learn,interact with great coaches and most importantly- great, supporting individuals? Maybe you want to train with one if our certified AFM Coaches we have all over Europe? Link up with us on facebook- Art of Functional Movement Academy. Like the page and send us a Message. Start your journey NOW. AFM Head Coach Pawel Widuto #fitness #fitnesslife# warrior #training #pawelwiduto #workout #instafit #inspiration #motivation #functional #training #yoga #club #kettlebells #artoffunctiinalmovement #movementshaman #treningsforum #houseoftengu #treningnorge #norway #pickoftheday #workout #treningstilbud #personaltrainer #fitspo #instafitness #afm @houseoftengu
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When milimeter counts. 15 k mace. 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥🌊🌊🌊⛰⛰⛰🌬🌬🌬🔥🔥🔥 Do you want to be a part of our system? Participate, share, learn,interact with great coaches and most importantly- great, supporting individuals? Maybe you want to train with one if our certified AFM Coaches we have all over Europe? Link up with us on facebook- Art of Functional Movement Academy. Like the page and send us a Message. Start your journey NOW. AFM Head Coach Pawel Widuto #fitness #fitnesslife# warrior #training #pawelwiduto #workout #instafit #inspiration #motivation #functional #training #yoga #club #kettlebells #artoffunctiinalmovement #movementshaman #treningsforum #houseoftengu #treningnorge #norway #pickoftheday #workout #treningstilbud #personaltrainer #fitspo #instafitness #afm @houseoftengu
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4th day fast- strengh check:)) 32 k - swing/highpull/snatch/windmill ✔️👺™. 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥🌊🌊🌊⛰⛰⛰🌬🌬🌬🔥🔥🔥 Do you want to be a part of our system? Participate, share, learn,interact with great coaches and most importantly- great, supporting individuals? Maybe you want to train with one if our certified AFM Coaches we have all over Europe? Link up with us on facebook- Art of Functional Movement Academy. Like the page and send us a Message. Start your journey NOW. AFM Head Coach Pawel Widuto #fitness #fitnesslife# warrior #training #pawelwiduto #workout #instafit #inspiration #motivation #functional #training #yoga #club #kettlebells #artoffunctiinalmovement #crossfit #movementshaman #treningsforum #houseoftengu #treningnorge #norway #pickoftheday #workout #treningstilbud #personaltrainer #fitspo #instafitness #afm
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My zen moment...my elixir. 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥🌊🌊🌊⛰⛰⛰🌬🌬🌬🔥🔥🔥 Do you want to be a part of our system? Participate, share, learn,interact with great coaches and most importantly- great, supporting individuals? Maybe you want to train with one if our certified AFM Coaches we have all over Europe? Link up with us on facebook- Art of Functional Movement Academy. Like the page and send us a Message. Start your journey NOW. AFM Head Coach Pawel Widuto #fitness #fitnesslife# warrior #training #pawelwiduto #workout #instafit #inspiration #motivation #functional #training #yoga #club #kettlebells #artoffunctiinalmovement #movementshaman #treningsforum #houseoftengu #treningnorge #norway #pickoftheday #workout #treningstilbud #personaltrainer #fitspo #instafitness #afm @houseoftengu
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10-2 squat- 15 k 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥🌊🌊🌊⛰⛰⛰🌬🌬🌬🔥🔥🔥 Do you want to be a part of our system? Participate, share, learn,interact with great coaches and most importantly- great, supporting individuals? Maybe you want to train with one if our certified AFM Coaches we have all over Europe? Link up with us on facebook- Art of Functional Movement Academy. Like the page and send us a Message. Start your journey NOW. AFM Head Coach Pawel Widuto #fitness #fitnesslife# warrior #training #pawelwiduto #workout #instafit #inspiration #motivation #functional #training #yoga #club #kettlebells #artoffunctiinalmovement #movementshaman #treningsforum #houseoftengu #treningnorge #norway #pickoftheday #workout #treningstilbud #personaltrainer #fitspo #instafitness #afm @houseoftengu
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Double snatch/iron cross 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥🌊🌊🌊⛰⛰⛰🌬🌬🌬🔥🔥🔥 Do you want to be a part of our system? Participate, share, learn,interact with great coaches and most importantly- great, supporting individuals? Maybe you want to train with one if our certified AFM Coaches we have all over Europe? Link up with us on facebook- Art of Functional Movement Academy. Like the page and send us a Message. Start your journey NOW. AFM Head Coach Pawel Widuto #fitness #fitnesslife# warrior #training #pawelwiduto #workout #instafit #inspiration #motivation #functional #training #yoga #club #kettlebells #artoffunctiinalmovement #movementshaman #treningsforum #houseoftengu #treningnorge #norway #pickoftheday #workout #treningstilbud #personaltrainer #fitspo #instafitness #afm @houseoftengu
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Cossac/stretch video. Full lenght of the video you can find on My Facebook profile. Let’s link up-Pawel Widuto. 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥🌊🌊🌊⛰⛰⛰🌬🌬🌬🔥🔥🔥 Do you want to be a part of our system? Participate, share, learn,interact with great coaches and most importantly- great, supporting individuals? Maybe you want to train with one if our certified AFM Coaches we have all over Europe? Link up with us on facebook- Art of Functional Movement Academy. Like the page and send us a Message. Start your journey NOW. AFM Head Coach Pawel Widuto #fitness #fitnesslife# warrior #training #pawelwiduto #workout #instafit #inspiration #motivation #functional #training #yoga #club #kettlebells #artoffunctiinalmovement #movementshaman #treningsforum #houseoftengu #treningnorge #norway #pickoftheday #workout #treningstilbud #personaltrainer #fitspo #instafitness #afm @houseoftengu (ved House of Tengu)
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Squat, Ohs-2x20 ... tight right hip, slight instabillity in right knee. Never stop evolving. 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥🌊🌊🌊⛰⛰⛰🌬🌬🌬🔥🔥🔥 Do you want to be a part of our system? Participate, share, learn,interact with great coaches and most importantly- great, supporting individuals? Maybe you want to train with one if our certified AFM Coaches we have all over Europe? Link up with us on facebook- Art of Functional Movement Academy. Like the page and send us a Message. Start your journey NOW. AFM Head Coach Pawel Widuto #fitness #fitnesslife# warrior #training #pawelwiduto #workout #instafit #inspiration #motivation #functional #training #yoga #club #kettlebells #artoffunctiinalmovement #crossfit #movementshaman #treningsforum #houseoftengu #treningnorge #norway #pickoftheday #workout #treningstilbud #personaltrainer #fitspo #instafitness #afm
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Turtle progression⚔️ 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥🌊🌊🌊⛰⛰⛰🌬🌬🌬🔥🔥🔥 Do you want to be a part of our system? Participate, share, learn,interact with great coaches and most importantly- great, supporting individuals? Maybe you want to train with one if our certified AFM Coaches we have all over Europe? Link up with us on facebook- Art of Functional Movement Academy. Like the page and send us a Message. Start your journey NOW. AFM Head Coach Pawel Widuto #fitness #fitnesslife# warrior #training #pawelwiduto #workout #instafit #inspiration #motivation #functional #training #yoga #club #kettlebells #artoffunctiinalmovement #crossfit #movementshaman #treningsforum #houseoftengu #treningnorge #norway #pickoftheday #workout #treningstilbud #personaltrainer #fitspo #instafitness #afm
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