#trendy mom
kenobion · 2 years
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Andrew Garfield for GQ+Saint Laurent
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fuckingstupidbracket · 3 months
like a regular bin, not even recycled or anything
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spurgie-cousin · 3 months
tag yourself I'm equal parts non-denominational (what my church called itself) and church of christ with a small splash of Baptist 😭😭
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millenianthemums · 7 months
i’m still so mad at that dream i had a couple nights ago. my brain invented a whole new season of gravity falls including an arc where dipper and mabel’s super cool parents decide to move them all to gravity falls full time, and promptly get kidnapped by bill during weirdmageddon 2. and the kids and their grunkles needed to go on a cool mission into the castle thing to save them.
tbh it was a very fun thing to dream about, but the part that makes me mad is when i went “yknow i could have sworn the parents weren’t in the show. were they actually characters? i need to look this up.” and IN THE DREAM i googled “dipper and mabel parents” and went to the fan wiki and there were full articles about both of them. screenshots and everything. my brain created an entire fucking WIKI about these ocs it made up just to TRICK ME. i’m jealous of people who can’t read in their dreams and can tell they’re dreaming that way. life isn’t that easy for me.
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quizicalgin · 2 days
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And now we test, but since it's just the bottom of a basegame dress, I don't think there's much to worry about.
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greyias · 10 months
I have both mad respect and jealousy for anyone who can create a character by coming up with silly things things like "their full name", "the most rudimentary understanding of their backstory", "do they have a family", instead of like... a vague sprinkling of vibes and personality traits that don't coalesce together for 200+ hours of playing them until they suddenly whack you upside the head with a 2x4 that explains "OH, that's why you do what you do" and all of the funny little quirks suddenly take on a whole new meaning.
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ectoviolet · 14 days
was talking to my sister yesterday and one of the many subjects that came up (we can both talk a lot lmao) was tanning. and she was saying how crazy it is that she used to rub herself in oil and tan for HOURS in our backyard, and i was like. ok but you also used tanning BEDS isn’t that worse.
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notalizard · 4 months
I saw that personality test all the homies have been taking and:
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Good lord-
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poetriarchy · 2 months
why did everyone start using the word yap it makes you sound so stupid. sorry
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dmempowermentshop · 2 months
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(vía "Strawberry Strawberry lovers, Gifts for her, Strawberry Phone Case, Strawberry iPad Cases, Pink and White Design" Mouse Pad for Sale by Noemill)
#strawberry #pink #aesthetic #fruit #strawberries #pink vichy design #white vichy pattern #strawberry lovers #gifts for her #strawberry theme #trendy accessories #vichy #romantic gifts #girly accessories
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guinevereslancelot · 3 months
i actually love the comeback of bucket hats and mom jeans and big glasses and fanny packs and clunky shoes personally. i was born to dress like a dorky tourist from the 90s
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sarahowritesostucky · 4 months
Bucky fought fascists, too, so ...
(*author acknowledges that illiberal keyboard fascists are not on the same scale as actual WW2 fascists.)
As a staunch proponent of free speech, and a person who believes that one should interact with others even if their opinions don’t align with one’s own, I used to engage with anybody who came at me. I’d try to use facts, logic (and sometimes sarcasm and hyperbole) to explain my point and maintain a discourse. I never blocked people because I thought that was cowardly, and I never reported people because no matter what slurs and death threats you send me, you still can’t actually hurt me.
But people who are Angry-On-the-Internet™️ aren’t interested in talking like grown ups. So now, in order to protect my account and my mental health, I am being much more cautious.
Here's my nifty new banner! Feel free to reuse if you want, no credit needed.
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barnbridges · 6 months
those not like my mother tiktoks are sometimes good, sometimes it's people just being classist as a cope or overconsummeristic and flexxing about it to their literal hardworking parents.
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killerchickadee · 1 year
Part of the reason I think the passage of time has felt weird over the last 20 years is unless you're particularly trendy, fashion hasn't really changed all that much.
Like, this picture is from 2002:
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(A rare view of my natural hair color lol)
I'd totally still wear that exact outfit 20 years later. I don't think it looks dated at all, but my fashion is pretty basic. Obviously it's not stylish but it wasn't then either, and I'm not gonna get weird looks walking down the street in that outfit.
Though there was the hipster shirt era circa 2007-2009:
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Pre-camera phone era lmao. Fairly dated these days but still wouldn't be too weird.
For me really my glasses are the only thing that's changed a lot.
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Sorry Oscar.
Though I hear kids think skinny jeans are old people clothes? Is that true?
Anyway point is there's a huge difference in casual wear from the 60s > 70s > 80s > 90s, and then imo it just sort of stopped. But maybe I'm wrong.
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reachingfortheday · 1 year
does white lotus get better because i’m only on the first episode but i think everyone has been lying about it
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bonitagirll · 1 year
* Bonitagirll NOTE:
As I watched this scene, pay attention how she answered what those butterflies and Beatles represented to HER personally.
:/ .
But, I still have a special place in my heart for Feraah and her story, on Teen Mom.
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