quizicalgin · 4 days
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And now we test, but since it's just the bottom of a basegame dress, I don't think there's much to worry about.
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quizicalgin · 1 month
I realized when I was starting to export the meshes for the teen and elders that I had forgotten to even test that the mesh was even going to work. So, upon importing it into the workshop for the dance party test, the hands were exploded. It's so odd how you can use a base mesh for the weights to make sure they're right, only for it to still break.
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Gonna need to smooth out the arms though, since they have that hard shadow seam going along parts of the hands and horribly noticeable on the arms. That's just from the store dress arms though. :I
Though the EA store clothes were working on some other level of magic since they never included body morphs it seemed like.
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quizicalgin · 5 days
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Because what is sticking to one project? One difficult and one that is ideally very easy. I still need to finish that shirt set. :I
Among a few other wip in the dusty project folder...
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quizicalgin · 1 month
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Think I'm gonna have to split the shirt I'm working on since the hands keep messing up, which means it has too many verts (2117 specifically) for it to not explode. I think 2000 was/is the limit, so chopping off the hand it is!
I don't think the tucked version will have the same issue, but I'll have to see what it has first.
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quizicalgin · 8 years
Anyone know how to edit the footprint of a door? I have no idea what I’m doing. ; w ;
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quizicalgin · 9 years
well thats lovely
finally got to testing only to find the pool itself is invisible. hmmn...
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quizicalgin · 10 years
Hmmn I wanna make something again
When it comes to clothes what are ya'll hankering for?
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quizicalgin · 10 years
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Fixed it :'D
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quizicalgin · 10 years
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Working on a hair like Elsa's from Frozen if no one else has started on it. Its my first from scratch hair so fingers crossed I don't mess up x.x;
also have two backpack previews
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