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coyoxxtl · 2 years ago
idk where anti-queer/dyke/fag losers got the idea that anyone who self identifies or defends the use of any of those labels lack traumatic experiences to appropriately use them like, reclaiming slurs isn’t something that the secret cishet trenderqueers started to do for no fucking reason. “uuuhuhwhhu what about those who almost got beaten to death being called those slurs” theyre the loud and proud self proclaimed dykes and fags you see at every pride event ever since the first. like what are you talking about.
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sev-wildfang · 1 year ago
there are actual trans women being murdered everyday and you stupid fucking trenderqueer-brained bricks cry about being oppressed because you refuse to pass. get fucking real.
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apileofmoss · 2 years ago
bro that blog going feral and frothing at the mouth about the 12 year old bdubs video and calling my mutuals "trenderqueers" is fucking 36 years old what the fuck
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kharmii · 7 months ago
watching the news surrounding the 0l!mp!cs fills me with disgust but also with hope. The voices of frustration and resistance against this nonsense are getting louder and louder and more and more frustrated. And at the same time the usual deflection of throwing around insultes like confetti looses more and more it's meaning.
There is still a long way to go... but the winds of change are here. Normalcy is taken over again. And future generations will look at the history books thinking: "TF happened back then? How could insanity rule the whole western world like that??" (just like we are looking back at events less than a century ago and wonder how could all of this happen?)
With enough indoctrination everything is possible...
The Olympics debacle was so badly received I did not see one post glorifying it or even mentioning it here on Tumblr. Not one. It's true there's a push back. At least there are people admitting there's a vocal minority pushing weird stuff as a norm:
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Speaking of weird stuff, the new order going out to the mainstream media is to push more the idea that conservative social norms are weirrrd now. Matt Walsh did a montage showing it:
I've had this psyop being pulled on me my whole life, and it hasn't worked. The oft spoken of coworkers have pushed it the most. I'm weirrrrrd for not indulging in the same ruinous self-destructive bad decision making as the rest of them, starting when they were younger into that 'forever in college' party lifestyle and culminating into the day they all went in a big group to get that experimental Covid vaccine. They can sneer at me all they want, but I wouldn't be any one of them for a million dollars, especially since I'd be likely to die from comorbidity of being grotesquely overweight before I could enjoy it all.
It helps I'm only hearing it from Matt Walsh because I don't take in mainstream news or watch much television outside of the few episodes of anime per day, like Black Clover or My Hero Academia. One must curate their media experience same as internet.
And future generations will look at the history books thinking: "TF happened back then? How could insanity rule the whole western world like that??"
Hopefully it will end up that way. The alternative is the end of Western civilization due to suicidal left-wing insanity.
A couple more:
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The thing with drag queens.....is anybody else sick of them? -Or is it just me? I'm sick to death of drag queens for the same reason I'm sick of furries and trans people. -Like maybe they were fun and campy for a minute, but then the most obnoxious people on earth had to start injecting them into every damn thing until you can't get away from them.
Let's make 2025 the year people finally get sick of drag queens, trannies, monster fucking and stupid furry bullshit. Autistic people...stop being into trans and go back to being into trains. If someone isn't into trains, they might still be interested in hearing infodumping about railroads, but nobody is interested in hearing about all the boring-as-shit made-up gender 'science' being spewed on Tumblr 24/7.
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turnstileskyline · 4 years ago
heres my specific dni list: you hate the muppets, unironically use the term “tenderqueer”, dont have any stuffed animals, have never played with legos, pretentious about music, hate slugs, own a rainbow dash wig, hate sharks, make posts like “not having cats is a red flag”, have the kurt cobain or any of the sesame street pop figures and havent given them to me yet, think ratatouille is a bad movie, make fun of your friends for their interests, have never eaten sand, wear short sleeves in the winter, hate making spreadsheets, only watch “artsy” movies, actively engage in discourse over the mcu, dont think bert and ernie are gay, dont keep show/concert tickets, are scared of big bird, think goldfish are better than cheeze-its, dont think english is blue, think in utero is the worst nirvana album, have never failed a test, dont know how to repot a plant, or have never seen any muppet movies.
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asundergrowth · 4 years ago
Every single person who unironically says the word "trenderqueer" always has some incredibly fucked up opinion on what it means to be trans.
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girigiri24 · 6 years ago
please ladies,
trenderqueer was my father's name,
call me trendy 🤙🏻
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fleshcanvas · 12 years ago
I very much feel as though too few people take my genderqueer identity seriously. Even (perhaps especially?) those closest to me. It's kinda awkward, for me, anyway; I'm still somewhat new to having this marker to navigate my identity with. Being that I am very non-confrontational, I don't correct people when they call me a female. I sometimes correct my partner, but he still obviously doesn't get it. Perhaps it is selfish of me to expect him or anyone else to understand, especially since I sometimes understand it so little myself.
I know that this misgendering stems from the fact that I am FAAB & still often present as femme. I have two things to say about that: 1)Their assumption about my gender is tantamount to them saying that boys cannot, do not ever present feminine; that it is "not ok" for boys to wear skirts or eyeliner. I guess it wouldn't bother me so much if these people didn't try to pass themselves off as allies. 2) Even on the days when I decide to present masculine, it is nigh impossible to hide my feminine curves & grotesque chest growths. 
I guess I just feel so alone in this endeavor. All of the FAAB genderqueer folks that I know of all present on the more masculine side of the spectrum. I guess I feel like they look at me like I'm a big fat poser. I have been made to feel that way directly & indirectly since coming out. Why can't boys wear dresses? Isn't that the message we are supposed to be promoting? Then on top of that I have the cis people in my life kinda making my identity invisible I guess because it makes them uncomfortable or maybe because they really don't see it as a big deal.
But it is to me.
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kharmii · 11 months ago
now that these reports come out about the truth of everything messed up, shi**y and sinister going on in the trans community gibes me hope that we're witnessing the beginning of the end of this madness and lunacy.
I've seen posts of people being upset about these reports not realizing the people wanting to help and save these people... but I guess you don't want to be saved if you have a "freedom to do everything without consequences" card to be revoked from you... Honestly I'm torn... I feel sorry for all the people pressured into this shitty mess but I can't say I feel too sorry for the people abusing their newfound power and harrass anyone with opposing views...
My hope that once I'm an old lady people look back at this time and think: "WTH was wrong with these people???" has chances of becoming a reality and it gives me comfort...
What needs to happen, -and what eventually will happen- is that there will be hordes of adult survivors who will give testimonies of how they were manipulated into mutilating and sterilizing themselves at a vulnerable age. They wouldn't have had the emotional maturity to be given that sort of agency. People need to wait until they are adults to vote or buy alcohol, but they can chemically sterilize themselves before puberty? They can take drugs that will disintegrate their bone structure and set them up for cancer at an early age because it's super trendy on Tumblr?
Side note: I'm surprised someone hasn't told me personally that I should be arrested for saying such things. That's what they are doing to JK Rowling right now. I keep seeing all the posts here on Tumblr smearing her and basically calling her a criminal because her opinions on biological reality challenge the world views of the militant left delusional narcissists who have to destroy all non-believers. -Like really? She is considered a threat to you people because she doesn't believe, say, a female cosplayer with XY chromosomes is really a woman? -And you think her life and career should be destroyed over this?
Same with those people on the Volo Nation Discord who had a member recently do a plug where they wrote: "Bans are not issued based on what someone draws or writes outside of the server save for extreme circumstances or bigotry (but I'm not gonna vet every newcomer). Your actions within the server are more important." Hello, but didn't you people discuss me in a private channel and throw me out, even though I was a committed lurker and never contributed anything? Were you that petty and narcissistic you saw my opinions as a threat on a forum devoted to simping over a fictional blonde cartoon character?
Here's a hint. Being clannish little twats in whisper networks is a very feminine stereotype, even though a lot of people in fandom fancy themselves as being masculine. That's not to say most women are actually like that. Perceiving females as being cliquey and gossipy is actually a product of culture misogyny. Woman-haters will base all our characters on the actions of the worst, just because they are often the most vocal and vicious. Anybody with a desire to fight against the patriarchy could try doing better. To be fair though, it is considered masculine to want to murder people and stomp their heads into the ground, which is something the radical left has always proven good at throughout history.
Secular progressivism: The cause of more death and misery than all religious wars combined.
Transgender movement: High casualty modern human sacrifice.
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kharmii · 1 year ago
"Being trans is against God. Also, I like to think about brothers having sex,"
A small insular group of radicals is making a mental illness affecting less than 1% of the population (that's supposed to be treated with counseling, like all mental illness) and turning it into a trend for children who feel awkward in their bodies. What percentage of children feel insecure and awkward in their own skin? Let's see.....almost all of them! Rapid gender dysphoria is a thing, just like being resentful over male privilege is a thing. It doesn't mean girls have to become actual dudes (which is impossible) to gain gender equality.
I can think it's hot for identical twins to have inappropriate relations and still be right about stuff. Anyway, I'm even more niche than that now. I'm into the threesome with the cute blonde in a ball cap, but the twins still make time for each other.....or into watching each other get the blonde. -And they all have dicks. Is it just me, or does anybody else miss the days when yaoi used to be men with penises who look like girls? How many people actually want to read gross-ass yaoi about men appearing people with mutilated genitals? I swear...furries and trans people have to ruin every bit of shit.
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kharmii · 1 year ago
you think SIBLINGS FUCKING is hot but you think trans people are disgusting??? i am going to dissect you to see whats going on with you
I don't think trans people are gross. I think they are being exploited by a large-scale money-making scam. The people who claim to care about you hate you the most. It's like Bill Gates said...the Powers that Be want to reduce our population worldwide down to a billion people. They can't outright murder us, but they can convince us to either eschew children or take ourselves out of the breeding pool.
Again, not to harp on this endlessly, but why are some kinks considered worse than others? Is there some sort of tier? Why did I see someone doing fanart on the Volo tag of someone's stupid cumflation vore tentacle fic, and nobody thought it was weird? Just because that doesn't translate into any irl situation, stupid furry kinks are supposed to be acceptable whereas identical twin intimacy isn't?
We're going into spoopy month where we will see people posting their kinks in plain sight ever more prevalently. We'll see necrophilia, body horror, big Ingo/little Emmet, and especially Galvantula Emmet. Emmet as a spider necessarily won't imply spider eggs in the ass every time, but the spider itself is a kink for sure. I could have gone that route and posted a twin aesthetic non stop while saying, "Blankshippers DNI! They are expressing platonic love! There's nothing weird about a guy giving his brother a sensual full-body massage when they have a close psychic twin bond!" Then I'd post work by fuckyeahsubwaytwins all damn day.
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kharmii · 2 years ago
You really need to reconsider the way you think about trans people for both your sake and the sake of the lgbt community as a whole
Why?! -Because I don't support medical experimentation on humans? I was fine to be live and let live when it came to freaky things trans people chose to do with their own bodies, but when they started coming after the children, it was time to speak up. The mutilation of children in a healthy society would trigger wars, but we are too comfy and well-fed to be up in arms.
Still, it isn't popular. Your average low info voting left wing goober who will support every left wing cause out of fear of what people think of them will still get creeped out by the idea of putting kids on puberty blockers....at least where I'm at. There are enclaves of really far leftist whack-a-doodles who will give a weirdo mother with Munchausen by Proxy accolades when she like, "Oh, my little precious four-year-old likes to dress up like a Disney Princess. Let's CUT HIS FUCKEN DICK OFF!!!" (My first thought when I found out about a certain YouTube personality whose mom transitioned him at kindergarten age......most obvious victim of these crimes against humanity).
Seriously, it's weirdos like that who I have an issue with more than trans people themselves. Many are victims of a terrible culture. Secular progressivism, -which has killed more people than all religious wars combined- is an ideology that pretends to want to help you but somehow manages to be best at wreaking carnage. Popularization of trans culture has undoubtedly left a huge pile of dead bodies in its wake already.
-But I'm off track. This was supposed to be an anti-surgery post. Before surgeons jump straight into mutilating healthy bodies as some sort of twisted performance art, they are supposed to do it on lab animals first. How would that even be possible? Is a female animal able to tell a doctor that taking testosterone made them stop giving a damn? -That female hormones in a male animal gave them symptoms of being bipolar? -That their new genitals are still numb five months post-surgery, so they still are unable to enjoy sex and orgasm? That their hair is falling out, blood is thickening, back is covered in acne....that they are becoming enormously obese from their hormonal imbalance? Is this all 'wait and see' shenanigans that often lead to suicide? -And now they want to normalize doing it to children?
When I read Game of Thrones back in the day, there was a part where one of the princes of the Iron Islands cut off his finger playing a game. The Maester (doctor) did an experiment where he sewed it back on, instead of letting the guy lose a finger, as was tradition. When the guy died of sepsis, they punished the maester by cutting off his finger and sewing it on so he died the same way.
That would be a fitting punishment for the ghouls who do horrific experimental transgender surgeries on vulnerable citizens. Lets do some experiments on them. Why not transition someones fucken ear into a vagina? Then they could identify as a person with a vagina in their ear. -Or how about one of them gets a womb routed into their bunghole Omegaverse style. Oh wait, they actually killed an 18-year-old boy doing something similar where doctors made a vagina from bacteria-saturated colon tissue. How many lab animals received the rectum-vagina before it was attempted on a human? Who had the power to approve that obviously fatal experiment? (Click the link for graphic photos everybody should have to see who supports this nonsense.)
Even better....let's turn the unethical surgeons into some of the stupid fetishes the pro-shippers are into on here. Every biological female has to be an a/b/o alpha with a penis tucked into her vagina, whereas the males have to be omegas with ass-wombs. At least one of them has to transition into a male with two dicks. Let's make it a mutilation extravaganza and gouge out a few eyes, maybe cut some legs off at the knees! *fist pump* -Because let's get real......transgender culture is one part mental illness and two parts everybody's stupid fetishes. Fucking up our children might even be a fetish to these monsters. A lot of people would be better off cross-dressing and retaining the ability to enjoy sex with the equipment God gave them. One that note, I'll leave you with one last Tweet of Gold:
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duskwingmoth · 1 year ago
this offer doesn't apply if you aren't white tho. And also if you're nonbinary and/or don't pass there's a clause where they reserve the right to boot you the second anyone on Nebula says something controversial and they get to blame you for it. Since you're such a cringe trenderqueer and all
I heard if you manage to stick your head up your own ass there's a free lifetime subscription to Nebula up there
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a-polite-melody · 3 years ago
Ohhhh, you’re one of those “weed out the faker trans” as well.
Guess who didn’t have anything to do with anything like bombs? The person who just got doxxed. They’re in SOFTWARE LISCENCING. They work to liscence software to other companies from there.
You’re still just trying to justify celebrating a trans person’s position being outed to a stalker, as well as a group of people with a trans kill counter of the people they’ve made commit suicide. Just because that’s not being bombed doesn’t mean it’s not horrific, you ass.
Funny that some of the people being like, “Ana Mardoll deserves this,” are also doing so by saying things like, “oh you’d have starved if you didn’t work there? Then STARVE!”
Do YOU work for an ethical company, people throwing these stones? Because if not, you’re essentially saying you should be doxxed too. The exact reasoning you’re using is what’s being used to justify this, “they were mean about people working at bad places and they work for a bad place.”
Which, as I said last night, is doxxing over hypocrisy.
Not over someone being a danger to others.
Not over being a bigot.
Saying hypocritical things.
So many trans people don’t realize they’re throwing stones from inside the glass house right now, because even if they’re able to work for an ethical company (which… this was a job basically given to him, and there’s a lot of privilege in being able to turn down jobs handed to you because you want to find somewhere more ethical to work, and some in being able to only apply for the small amount of jobs in ethical places and be able to wait for that opening), I GUARANTEE they’ve done something hypocritical before.
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