#tremere clan mention
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mybuttonfelloff · 8 months ago
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines makes me brain go brrrrr
YES its a game from literally 20 years ago
YES it can be buggy and sometimes peoples clothes float
YES the game is a perfect recreation of what people thought 2004 was like so its like. Kinda shit.
but NOTHING will ever take away my love of these stupid vampires fighting over political vampire power. Story is *kisses* mwah. Music? Fucking iconic. Lecher Bitch is genuinely so good. The myriad of ways u can play? Stealthy. Murdery. Politically. Manipulatey. Selfishly. Generously. ALL??? THE CLANS???? Love my tremere character who is canonically part of the Creepy Ass Clan club. Love that i can use blood magic and make security guards go Standing Naptime so i can run away
Nines is 100% my favorite and idc if its boring to say so. Man could monologue his way through anything. He literally saves ur character's life numerous times in the name of Freedom And Hating The Bourgeoisie. And fucking over corrupt politicians at the same time?? Love him.
Damsel? Love that bitch. She is ready to fight 24/7 and i love that about her. She is just. Kisses on Mouth mwah.
Jack? Coolest dude ever. Allegedly used to be a PIRATE??? VAMPIRE. PIRATE. Also hes like. One of like few people who is genuine with you. Bc he has nothing to really lose or gain by being nice to the poor new kid, he just does it for fun. But also wants to just watch the world burn itself down. Love that abt him.
Lacroix? Cant stand the bastard but he is damn good at whining and throwing a tantrum at every opportunity which usually gets him what he wants. I almost respect it. Almost. But fuck him for not giving my tremere person a new haven bc of their clan.
Jeanette and Therese? First of all, GREY DELISLE MY BELOVED. Second, their story is fucking great. Genuinely didnt know what was gonna happen until It Happened. Also, #gaslight #gatekeep #girlboss to the death.
Honorable mention Heather love u girl thanks for the money and lunch.
I am currently in the Hollywood section so ik there are people missing but goddamn my brain needed to get this out so i can keep obsessing in peace
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literallys-illiteracy · 14 days ago
Oh boy time for me to do my thing and watch closely: New HTP episode released
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When discussing the Regent of Great Yarmouth (referred to in the scene as "The master"), we see the background use the same silhouette as the figure credited as "The Monk" in the final scenes of the first episode.
I think that the theory of Kevin actually having telepathy, still screaming at D about the blender every so often (assuming he hasn't had time to meet Kevin since purchasing it) is very funny so I'm going with it. Kevin's dribble while going off script says "POWERFUL WIZARD LAZER".
The symptoms that Spit displays line up heavily with those of the Delirium (note that there are many many different effects that the Delirium may take), with one of the most common reactions being catatonia (essentially becoming unresponsive in shock/fear), also implying that Spit has a willpower of 1.
Crossing off the supposed kindred from being a "Vampire Wizard" (presumably not only relating to Tremere but we don't know how the family classifies them), Kitten proposes them to be a Sludge Lad (Nosferatu) or Humanimal (Gangrel), also making a joke about La Ghostra Nostra, which I believe is mean to be a pun on La Cosa Nostra (The Sicilian Mafia).
As the group is still going by the assumption that this IS a vampire, they are treating it as if Simon (Spit) has been dominated (See previous HTP post for Domination). That AND Matilda posits that he could simply be faking it I Wonder Why.
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Also yeah I ship it.
Brok is genuinely pissed at the idea of Spit being the ghoul for basically no reason bar the fact that they are/were friends for a long time.
Now we get to the part where I get to talk at length about the Irish man.
to start off with, I haven't actually the best guess as to what Occam fully is (other than being a hedge mage). The amulet he is wearing has a sigil which is common in Celtic circles called the Triskelion, this also has ties to Hellenistic history (most specifically in Sicily, which being the second mention of Sicily sent me down a weird rabbit hole, allow me to elaborate:)
Basically, the triskelion is linked to Sicily, Hellenism (used as a common symbol during the period) and the god Hermes (Hermes helped Perseus fetch the head of Medusa). This isn't the important part but by God if I did this research it isn't going to waste. (also there is a theoretical link between the fact that the symbol is not too distant from the god Hermes and the Order of Hermes but I don't think that's important)
In Sicily, in WoD, there are pretty much only two things of note: In Syracuse (city within Sicily for those unaware) is the old centre of the Clan Lasombra, however it has not been in major use for roughly 600 years by this point (1400's-2000).
The second thing is that there is a Cairn there which... Werewolves I guess.
There was a third section which started talking about the Ars Goetia and how that could also relate back to Occam's sorcery but I cut it.
Back to the murder at hand(s) (claws?):
We can continue seeing Matilda be aggressive and defensive, we can also see her hands become visibly claw shaped when agitated:
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Foreshadowing is-
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Even while locked up, Matilda continues to direct attention towards both Spit and Git. Note how the episode consistently draws attention towards her, being the only non hunter who has more than a few lines (Non hunters being Spit, Git, Amanda, Matilda) and being the only one to directly point blame at any single person.
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The time out box is back and with a full clear view of the symbol on the side.
The first thing I thought was mercury, due to the crescent shaped open top and the crossed centre line, however most depict mercury having a full circle and half stacked on top.
Then I realised that it was the symbol for the magic sphere of Matter. I then also found where/what the symbol properly was.
The only proper source I can find for this symbol is this researchgate proposal about unicode.
The fourth image lists the symbol as "amalgam", but oddly enough both figures 1 and 3 disagree with fig. 4 and with each other as to what the proper symbol for amalgam is.
Alchemy is weird like that sometimes, anyways I spent way too long on this moving on.
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Referring to spit, the obvious odd behaviour he displayed throughout the last episode.
Funnily enough, this can be explained through the excuse Git gave before, his Ritalin (ADHD medication) wearing off. For those unaware, there is a side effect of prescriptions stimulants, specifically when they are wearing off, in which one becomes extremely tired, irritable, agitated, hungry, or anxious when their medication runs out of their system. This can be worse with children or those with comorbid mental health problems such as anxiety or depressive disorders; crashing or rebounding in extreme cases, like seen with Spit, can be a sign that the dosage of medication is wrong (too high), or simply that your body doesn't vibe with the stimulant, in which case you should consult your psychiatrist and change medications. Speaking from experience, it's never fun to crashland from being relatively normal into being a prick.
Uh considering that Git also has a nicotine dependency (seen through his desperation for getting his smokes back), I can't help but wonder what substance Brokham is using. Honestly looking at him? Anabolic Steriods.
Which is to say that... uh. Spit goes in the box.
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Ok so I want to let HTP be its own thing for the most part but there is a 0% chance this isn't an intentional reference so i'll note it down:
these two paintings that mark the archive: the left is a reference to Ephrael Stern, a Sister of Battle known as the "Thrice Born" or "Daemonifuge". We can see this from the fact that she has the same blue lipstick and a cross-tattoo on the same areas as her TTS depiction.
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For similar, design correlated reasons, it is safe to assume that the portrait on the right is inspired by Aurelia Malys of the Dark Eldar, whose TTS portrayal is below:
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There's probably some sort of foreshadowing going on here related to Markus seeking entrance to the Archives, Magnus seeking the Black Library, and Ephrael being in the Library for most of TTS.
final note about the door, I cannot be bothered to try and find the meaning of the alchemical symbols on the door but they are there and unimportant if anyone wants to check it out.
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These two books have visible writing.
"Immortal Divorce Court (1)" and "Vamp Dictionary"
Please skip to the next red texted note if you don't want to read Latin lessons.
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"Oculus Empyrean".
When I was first watching this episode, I misheard this as "Oculus Imperium" and got very confused because that would mean "Eye control(er)" (or more strictly it would be "Eye's control")
Oculus Empyrean (sort of) translates into "Eye of Heaven". The "Sort of" comes from the fact that Empyrean comes from medieval latin/early middle english, and also because of inflection.
Taking Oculus Empyrean at face value means "Eye Heaven" (unless my Latin is finally slipping as I go senile). This is because both Oculus and Empyrean are in the nominative case.
For non inflection-language speakers: The nominative case is used when a noun is the subject of an active verb, eg.
"The Ball was kicked into a tree" where "The Ball" is the nominative noun.
"Good Girl" for example would have nominative singular Puella (girl) and genitive singular version of Bonum, Boni, (Good) to create the phrase "Boni Puella".
However, that being said, unless listing nouns (the door, the wall, the shelf, and....-) or making a direct relation between two nouns (Jon is a farmer = Jon agricola est), I don't remember a case for multiple nominative inflections in a row; This is why it is more accurately translated to just Eye Heaven.
To actually write "The eye of heaven" in Latin, inflect both Eye and Heaven in the genitive case to indicate a relation between the two (as neither noun is the subject of a verb):
Oculi caeli
(I just swapped Empyrean for Caelum because they both mean heaven) (also, if you check this on google translate, due to Oculi being both the nominative plural, and the genitive singular of Oculus (as is the case for second declination nouns) it will probably translate as "eyes(plural) of heaven")
ok back to the actual episode because ????
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The newburgh group is one of the members of the Coalition (Second Inquisition), which heavily backs the arcanum.
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Ok so back on the eye real quick
This isn't an alchemical symbol, believe me, I've done multiple hours of research about alchemy today alone (if I had a nickel for every time I researched alchemy in depth for a media series I would have three nickels-)
the closest I could find in any of my sources was
Attramentum Vitriolum (Black vitriol), which lacks the central dot, and Auripigment (Arsenic Sulphide, literal translation is "gold coloured"), which lacks the central dot and is tilted to 45%
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We can see here that the eye projects some sort of "red beam" from its... iris? I guess? which then connects into Markus'.
The red beam may relate back to the concept of the Empyrean. We've had our alchemy lessons, we've had latin lessons, time for a mythology lesson for an esotericism trifecta.
Beforehand, when I said that Empyreum means Heaven, I wasn't lying, just simplifying. The Empyrean, in ancient european myth, is the heavens beyond our terrestrial spheres; the empyrean referred to the spheres of existence permeated and constructed from, the element of Aether, the fifth element.
This may explain the symbol of the eye itself, having 5 nodes on a cross representing the 5 elements, but that's conjecture. The important part of this potential connection to the aether is the fact that, in the 5'th century, there was an alchemical theory of "Quintessence", being a similar conceptual "fifth element" of which the heavens were made of.
Quintessence in fact literally means 5th element. Quintessence is also present in World of Darkness lore:
in essence, in Mage the Ascension, Quintessence is basically the fabric of reality. The entire tapestry of reality, all things within, are made of quintessence.
I've already gone on too many tangents so i'm stopping myself from going deeper into Mage.
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I can't be fucked looking for another one, also im 90% sure that i'd be barking up the wrong tree because I do not recognise those triangle ones.
Technically one could interpret the boxes with circles inside them as being the sign for urine.
Update because I'm dumb:
as people have pointed out, these symbols are Hunter marks, symbols used by and recognisable to Imbued (mildly supernatural hunters).
In my defence, I'm not a hunter, so I wouldn't know.
The three symbols seen are "imbued" (on the eye), Danger (the rectangle one) and "Puppet" (Triangle)
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as was very predicted by ms WILD who was always wearing gloves.
also from the sheer brutality, the delirium symptoms, the pinning of blame on others, the antisocial personality, claw marks all around the arcanum, and complete lack of surprise at the reveal of vampires existing.
Foreshadowing certainly WAS a literary device-
also would?
in the ensuing fight, D is fairly easily overpowered, gains a large neck gash from claw marks, and cuts off matilda's left arm
Remold also shoots with his... cane gun? a phosphorus bullet. Phosphorus is known for like one main thing and it is that it burns like crazy, hence why "no vampire could survive that"
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I don't think that the reactions of each cast member are meant to actually reflect their willpower scores, except for Git and Spit who totally fit willpower 1.
That being said, time to organise each reaction into the different delirium reactions/willpower's:
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Note how Grimal is strong enough to scratch into the tiling of the walls out of sheer fright.
That being said, every character in this scene, including D and Remould (which is why I'm saying that this probably doesn't fully reflect accurate stats) takes little to no action for this first section.
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Also, immediately after we see the two elders, both clearly afraid, but still maintaining composure and fighting smart, think back to what D said back in the first audiolog:
"Trust your wits, not your fists"
probably somewhere around 9-10 range. 10 is defined as no reaction, and both are clearly afraid of the situation, but no matter your will, a werewolf running at you is scary.
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Willpower 4, the berzerk reaction. As D put it "some may attack with extreme vigour"
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In this scene here, we can hear the wound of the knife hissing after it has cut: either this is the knife "enchanted with death magicks" from the Guy Chapman audiolog, or the knife is made of silver. Either way this is called aggravated damage. Unless they changed something in W5 i've not played it.
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Also this is probably just like a moth spirit or something, potentially this could be that one auspice that allows you to transport something from the umbra at will? unlikely though
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willpower 4, berzerk.
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Willpower.... 10? I don't think that this was an uncalculated action, I just think Markus is bad at math and doesn't know the strength of a werewolf.
I mean he had some of the shortest time between sight and thought out action, so at the very least a 7 (afraid but rational).
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We can assume that these are the spirits that Tilda (who from this point forward I will refer to as Tl;dr) has gifts from. Can't say which gifts, hard to say most things about spirits in general, so yeah.
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in Audiolog one, we discussed: Vampires/Ghouls (which we have fought and met) Werewolves (just now fighting) (specifically Black Shuck) Witches/mages (Potentially seen?) Ghosts (wraiths); (Potentially seen?).
The mention of wizards was a specific tale of a witch, which remains unseen, and the "ghost" was that one with the well.
This marks the first named foreshadowed character appearing except for the fiddler/monk at the end of episode one.
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Willpower 4: berzerk.
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seems the spirit's name is Jambles? even more terrifying, the spirit might be french.
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auroraeternal · 1 year ago
VTMB Clans Inspired Lookbook (Sims3)
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For @aiikrstn ;) All of this looks is fully original, not recreation of any existing game outfits, except Malkavian (because at the moment when I need to do this look I completely out of ideas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, and I also need to mention Dari Sims set in any way, so here it is). @sagasimsworld asked me if I would make male looks too, but my CAS is RRREAALLYYY LAGGY because of the amount of CC, so I'm not sure. Anyway, hope you like it.
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General: My Resources, Skin, Skin Nosferatu, Nails, Nails Nosferatu, Pattern.
Toreador: Hair, Dress, Boots, Earrings, Glasses, Necklace, Bracelet 1, 2 (LN), Rings.
Ventrue: Hair, Dress, Shoes, Necklace, Ring.
Tremere: Hair (Adriana), Top, Pants, Boots, Glasses, Necklace 1, 2 Gloves, Rings 1, 2, Socks (BG).
Brujah: Hair, Jacket, Pants, Boots, Piercing 1, 2, Choker, Bracelet 1, 2, Tattoos.
Gangrel: Hair (Willow), T-shirt (Store), Pants, Sneakers, ACC Jacket, Choker.
Malkavian: Hair (G14), Outfit.
Nosferatu: Hair, "Top" (accessory), Skirt, Boots, Piercing, Belly chain.
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@ninthcirclets3cc @pis3update @nightoccfinds @bloodys-s3ccfinds @wanderingsimsfinds
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essie-essex · 1 month ago
Vampire the Masquerade - OC Deep Dive
(I don't remember the exact formatting of the post I saw, but hopefully this is close. I wasn't tagged by anyone. I just felt like doing this.)
Character name: Asha Mariam
Clan: Tremere. Regent of the chantry in her city. Loyal to House and Clan Tremere (obviously).
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art by @crownedinmarigolds
What common/uncommon fear do they have?
Someone finding out her (and her sire's) secret.
On another note, she does not have a fear of fire. She was afraid of many things as a human, and after her embrace, she did not want to be afraid anymore and sought to find a way to protect herself from fire. She found a way. Most others believe it is the strange tattoos on her skin and sigils she embroiders on her clothing that protect her. Unfortunately, the method she chose makes her extremely vulnerable to those with the True Faith.
Losing the few friends she has, due to a conflict of interest. Especially those outside of the clan. She has done things behind at least one friend's back that he would not approve of.
Do they have any pet peeves?
She doesn't like it when apprentices sabotage each other to get ahead. She believes it weakens the clan and thinks that they should work together. She emphasizes this during orientation for apprentices. If they choose to sabotage the work of another apprentice, they had better not get caught.
Being called a witch. She's not curdling your milk or making your crops fail. She is a sorceress or a magus.
Other Tremere, especially adepts, resorting to petty insults when dealing with those outside of the clan. Surely, Clan Tremere is above this sort of childish behavior.
Mentioning Carna, House Carna, or anything about Carna or the other traitors in her presence.
False flattery.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
A silver-colored sphere, used as a communication device.
A packet of papers including general guidelines and helpful information for neonates.
A cabinet containing the vitae of every apprentice who has ever resided in her chantry.
What do they notice first in a person?
Their demeanor and the way they say their words. She wants to know what their motivation is. She is always seeking to manipulate others into helping the clan.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Pretty high. Like an 8. Her sire put her through a lot in her early years, including physical discipline.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? (or freeze and fawn)
Freeze. She likes to think about what she is doing before she does it. This can be a disadvantage at times. Luckily, she's pretty resilient.
What animal represents them best?
A talking snake.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
It depends on who is describing them. For some, she is reckless and dangerous, mostly due to her actions during her first year after her embrace. Now she has learned discipline and patience from her sire and is not like that anymore, but it's hard to ditch the reputation she earned in her youth. Others may think she is manipulative. The Tremere tend to come out ahead in any city she shows up in. Some others, especially her fellow Tremere, think of her as loyal, and despite coming from the most underhanded backstabiest (making up a word here) clan, deals with her are mostly predictable. Mostly.
“Stay way from her. She may seem like she's friendly and wise, willing to break taboos and help a fledgling navigate the labyrinth of horrors that is this unlife, but remember, she's a Tremere, and the best advice you'll ever get is to never trust a Tremere.” --Nosferatu primogen
“Back when she was a neonate, she messed up bad, but for some reason she was bailed out. Now she's basically Meerlinda's bitch.” --an anonymous Tremere
Do they have any hobbies?
Embroidery, singing, and she's taken an interest in technology and surveillance.
I tag: @the-100th-witch @losieee @lacroixgrimoire @vtm-nightcity @straight-edge-hippy @ventruetower @hubakon1368 @nebula-cnidaria @vampiremood @medeaft @candycorn128 and all the vtm people. I'm so sorry I can't remember your names, but tag me if you do this!
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vxmpirehunterd · 9 days ago
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{Okay I've been thinking about this for awhile when one of my mutuals mentioned this fandom, but consider this; D's modern Verse being set in the World Of Darkness/Vampire The Masquerade(esqe) verse. VTM its pretty much urban fantasy with supernatural creatures with normal humans being none the wiser. I'd think it fit really well with D's own Lore, since Vampires have been around a long time before "Vlad the Impaler" and have been watching humanity in the shadows (like the Camarilla). D's canonical Dad (who is also called Dracula) is basically some Cosmic entity (spawned from the void) that so happens to be a vampire that leads all the other vamps. Making him older than any Antediluvian.( D's dad is as old as Earth lol.) Example there's a literal plot point in VTM: Redemption that Vamps were trying to start Y2K by nuking New York. Literally the same plot point in VHD where a Nuclear Holocaust wipes destroys human society in 1999. Coincidence? I think NOT. The potential for D's modern verse is endless through the lenses of Vampire the Masquerade and I wanted to explore that through this framework. Although It's not easy picking one clan for D to be in since his skill sets and powers are vast. From shadow/Darkness manipulation (Lasombra), to Blood Manipulation (Tremere), Homunculi on his hand (Tzimisce), Half Vampire who isn't severely affected by normal vamp weakness (Thin-blood) etc. (Vampire the Masquerade allows me to shoe-horn vampire shit in a modern verse. Because Being half-vamp will always be a main trait about D.)
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ryttu3k · 6 months ago
here's a question, Let's say VtmB is being remade and you're given an opertunity to add/change one thing. what do you do? Personally I think I'd add a tzimisce player option and story, because we need more of those!
Honestly I'm always down for my Tzimisce, with the main issue being that it's just not very plausible you'd even get past the opening scene. Of the seven clans already there, they're all Camarilla clans (aside from the Gangrel, who had already left, but only very recently). They could fit with any sect.
The Ventrue, Tremere, and Nosferatu characters we meet are Camarilla-based (with LaCroix, Strauss, and Gary), the Brujah and Toreador are all Anarchs (with Nines, Damsel, and Jack, and Isaac and his childer), the Malkavians we meet or... learn about (Grout) are split between the two, and the only Gangrel we meet are Beckett (autarkis), the Southland Slasher (no sect affiliation), and Skelter (never mentions his clan). Still, it's considered very much plausible to play an Anarch Nosferatu, or a Camarilla Toreador (especially the latter, there's a primogen).
Playing Tzimisce? You're going to be under suspicion from the outset, if you're not immediately killed. In Revised, the Tzimisce were a Sabbat clan, straight out. If you're Embraced as Tzimisce, you're almost certainly going to be killed before even going to trial, because why bother? They just killed a presumed Sabbat member and their brand new fledgling. Why even bother with a trial? It's not like your sire was a respected member of a community.
So that could, in fact, lead to what I'd most like to see - the option to play as a Caitiff, with your sire being of an unknown clan. Similar to Sins of the Sires, you always, always start off as a Social Caitiff (I went through different types of Caitiff here), you can choose three disciplines (maybe two to start with, and a third later?), and those disciplines determine whether you stay a True Caitiff, or whether you later uncover your actual clan. And that could include Tzimisce, along with five of the seven original clans (Nosferatu and Malkavians are too obvious), Banu Haqim, Setite, or Giovanni (which could make the mission later interesting!).
Possibly would have to exclude Lasombra (the technology or reflection bane is too obvious) or Ravnos (it's post-Week of Nightmares and that also has a very obvious bane). So, along with True Caitiff, that gives you a total of eleven clans to pick from, possibly twelve if you include Ravnos as a standalone clan to pick from as well, along with Banu Haqim or Setite (the Giovanni, I think, would have the same issue as the Sabbat clans and so would only be possible starting from Caitiff, and Lasombra are just... too obviously Sabbat).
So, we'd have:
Ventrue (selected, or social Caitiff)
Toreador (selected, or social Caitiff)
Brujah (selected, or social Caitiff)
Gangrel (selected, or social Caitiff)
Tremere (selected, or social Caitiff)
Malkavian (selected only)
Nosferatu (selected only)
And it would add:
Banu Haqim (selected, or social Caitiff)
Setite (selected, or social Caitiff)
Ravnos (selected only)
Tzimisce (social Caitiff only)
Giovanni (social Caitiff only)
True Caitiff (social Caitiff only)
That'd add a ton to it, I think! And yeah, if I can work out a way to get the Lasombra in there too, that'd be cool as well. But yeah, my answer would be to add in more clans, including a Caitiff path that could alternatively add in Tzimisce and Giovanni as well.
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gorbalsvampire · 4 months ago
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This is about the Compulsion thing, isn't it?
OK. Compulsions are born out of the Hunger - they are a consequence of Messy Criticals - but they are also evidence that the Beast isn't about the Blood and only the Blood and nothing but the Blood. The basic Compulsions "form the core of the vampiric personality" and they are Hunger, Harm, Paranoia... and Domination.
Vampires want control. It's how they stay safe, it's how they stay fed, it's one of their core drives. Of course they're going to lean on one of the cores of the human personality to establish that control, and they're going to Discipline their prey - what a choice of terms for the vampiric power set! - to maintain it.
We can talk about the raw power of the Lasombra - they're stronger than you, they can break your mind to their whim, and if you will insist on struggling, the deprivation of sight and movement and the critical but not lethal pain offered by various iterations of Obetneblivion.
We can talk about the horror that is Auspex and a mental Discipline. Tremere, Malkavians, Tzimisce and especially Toreador can read your desires off the back of your head and compel you to fulfil them and, in the latter case, you won't even necessarily know you're being played. Everything will feel... natural. For all that I love the overt hypno-kink potential of the Tremere in particular (it's wired into their relationships with each other, either part bound to enable Dominate or reliant on it because they can't bind), it's the Toreador who I find most horrifying and alluring here. My Ravnos and Setite characters wish they were that good.
We can even talk about meat crimes, if you want, but the rest of Vampire fandom on Tumblr has kinda got that part down already.
Let's go deeper, though, and get into the Compulsions of specific clans.
Judgment. Look, I don't want to spell this out for you, it seems too obvious. Transgress, and a Banu Haqim can't help themselves. They are responsible for you, you awful brat, and you keep on baiting them like this. It's a dangerous dance, working your lover's levers like this, but if you're into punishment you're going to get bitten.
Rebellion. Feral Impulses. I'm loading two Anarch pillar clans together because what unites the Brujah and the Gangrel, for our purposes, is their brattiness, the urgency and spite of their desire. The Gangrel one even goes so far as to mention that clothes are constricting: there's an exhibitionist thing waiting to get out here.
Morbidity. Don't even start me on the snuff movies. That's easy street. The Hecata can kill and resurrect something more abstract - like the desires of the jaded and the weary. When nothing excites you any more, when you feel like pleasure has lost its edge, here's a sadistic fucker with a bite that'll give you some perspective on yourself. A dangerous game, especially for mortals, but - OK, now we can talk about the snuff movies.
Transgression. What's a Minister without a boundary to kick down and slither over? You say vampires don't fuck and half the Setites have their kit off just to spite you. This is to say nothing of religious adulation, the stereotype of the serpent queen adored by pliant, presenting bodies. I actually find this one a bit tired - I'd like to see a Minister who's more of the World and the Devil than the Flesh.
Delusion - the Malkavian sensory overload, writhing in the embrace of imaginary lovers and less able to resist further... stimulus. You don't need to touch a Malkavian to set them off. But you know what I really think of, when I think about Malkavians? Power. She's beauty. She's grace. There's pain writ on her face. She carries such a terrible burden but with you, beloved, little one, with you she can let go. Unmask, and bask in the sensations she spent all night repressing. Why was Malakai so close to brother Saulot and brother Set? They both wanted to help her release. Set just wanted her to do it in public.
Cryptophilia - what does your Nosferatu lover want? What do you want? They're not going to be happy until they've turned over the deepest stone in your soul, put you in your space and found the tick you didn't even know you tocked. You lucky monsterfucker. You're going to be here a while.
Tempting Fate. Oh, Ravnos. You always want what you can't have. You just have to kiss the diva while you're taking off her necklace. You just have to make sure the Seneschal's secretary really wants to come and find you a second time. And a third. And... look, Ravnos have trouble with the word no and they can make you have trouble with it too.
Affective Empathy. Was there ever a clan so cursed as the Salubri? Ever a Kindred so driven to share, to ease, to comfort? The Salubri sex worker. The Salubri surrogate. The Salubri who cares for you so much. Won't you find solace with them? Please? Please? There's a desperate selfishness to their kindness that feels deliciously complex.
Obsession. Covetousness. The Toreador admire your beauty for itself. The Tzimisce admire it because it's theirs. They want to transform you, enshrine you, possess you absolutely. Hope you like being spoiled. Hope you like feeling beholden to the object of your Desire in a way the others will never understand. Only you appreciate it truly. Spoil it. Cradle it. Never let it go.
Perfectionism. Ruthlessness. I wasn't expecting the Tremere and the Lasombra to have so much in common, but both of them want to do the thing right. Again. Again. Again. Until it's perfect. Critically, it's them doing the thing - for all that they like giving commands, their Compulsion finds them wanting to fulfil them, to exceed them even, and Lasombra aren't the aloof hands-off kind of domme. Leave that to the Ventrue. They're going to work you over.
Arrogance. Basic as ever, the Ventrue love being the boss, but there's a catch. The order has to be given without supernatural aid. So this Compulsion forces the Ventrue to cultivate loyalty, respect, obligation, love and lust like a human, just so they can feel more like a good vampire. This is how you crack open the dignitas and get under their skin. This has a lot more potential than you'd think. If the Ventrue doesn't understand the limitations, at first, the poor bastard could be grinding his fangs night after night wondering why the cold instruction of Compel or the deliberate cruelty of Entrance isn't doing it for him. What does the Beast want that its powers do not provide?
God, I'm thinking about the erotic potential of Clan Ventrue now. Eff Emm Ell.
And Duskborn? You're mostly human anyway. Most of you are walking around with a thrill in your very veins! It hits like vitae, just about, but with no consequences. You gorgeous little snack packs. You have something the old thiccos want, and can't admit to taking. Isn't that delicious? Isn't that almost power? Isn't that how you get your Mawla sugar daddy? Isn't it fun to look these "real Kindred" over and realise that their Hunger is your Dominance? Who really has the power in this room: is it really the person giving all the orders?
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nosnet · 2 months ago
Flight Of the Valkyries
by C. Todd
Time Period: Las Angeles 2005
Perspective: Naomi Arnott
Rating: PG-13
Content Warnings: Firearm Mentions, Tremere are here
Word Count: 2847
Comments: First attempt at writing this character after a really botched campaign, but I loved her and her girlfriend a lot so she got to come back. Turns out some Salubri play R6 Siege.  
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Naomi hated Los Angeles. The way it felt to have her every move watched, the way the city smelled of smog, it made her miss the serenity of her home in the mountains. It had taken her almost three days to travel from Asheville, and an additional week of reconnaissance, but she’d finally found her target, Atticus Dupont - Tremere Magister, acting Prince, and Infernalist. He had made it easy enough, a rather convenient Sabbat attack had led to the previous Prince's final death, and Dupont had made sure to stake his claim early, too early. Naomi grinned at the prospect of Dupont’s death, not only a Tremere, but an Infernalist, and if what she assumed was correct, a Camarilla traitor. 
“You still with us, Naomi?” Azriel's voice echoed through the warehouse that the gathered Salubri warriors had assembled in. Naomi, now freed from her own thoughts, felt the eyes of her elders upon her. She looked about the room recalling the faces and names of each. There were five of them including herself, each one of them her senior, and she had been sired over eight hundred years ago. There was Rorke Dumas, a grisled man that appeared to be in his mid thirties, his black hair and beard oiled to keep it at bay. Milo Sapovich, he was a shorter man, his simple brown hair and bowl-like cut made him look more a monk than a warrior. Then there was Addicia, a lithe woman who resembled Naomi in age, looking no older than her late twenties, her blonde hair done up in a ponytail so that it stayed out of her face. Finally there was Azriel, Naomi’s own sire, her red hair was braided in the back much like Naomi’s own. They were all around a table, a map with the cities layout before them and a route that wound until it ended at the Tower on Figueroa Street, labeled with sevens - an obvious Tremere tell.
“Forgive me Captain, I was lost in my own musings.” Naomi entoned, making sure to make her tone apologetic. 
“No matter,” Azriel continued, “As I was saying, intel indicates that tonight the Tremere Magister's will be gathering to sire new kindred, no doubt from their flock of Ghouls that they've been training. This will make storming the chantry that much easier but we will need to remain cautious, the internal defenses of the chantry are still a mystery to us.”
“Our wards should protect us from most of their stolen magics.” Dumas boomed, “Auspex should be able to pierce their illusions.” 
“Correct,” Azriel agreed, “But an air of caution will do us all well. Remember our target is Dupont, if any of the lesser Warlocks get in our way, cut them down without mercy. But do not fall to bloodlust.”
“What if Dupont decides to Sire a new pawn tonight?” Naomi chimed in, “Surely the sins of the father should not fall to the Childe, even if they are a Tremere.” 
“We will deal with that if it presents itself. If Dupont does sire a new Tremere tonight I doubt it will be out of anything but necessity.” Naomi nodded at that, she still despised the Tremere for their countless atrocities, including the genocide of her own clan, but she had at least observed the younger, more recent kindred of the Tremere pyramid, and many of them were unaware or appalled by the actions of their elders. “However,” Azriel began again, “Our entry plan remains unchanged. Naomi, you will act as the vanguard with Milo, whilst Rorke, Addicia and Myself will follow, after Addicia creates our entrance. Once inside we fight our way through, tracking the Infernalist through Auspex, once we find him we send him screaming back to hell. Any questions?” The room was silent save for the affirming grunts that followed the plan. “Very well, don your armor. We depart within the hour.” The group scattered to different corners of the warehouse, the sound of armor plates clinking together as they were strapped with leather to bodies softly filling the empty space. Azriel approached Naomi, who had just finished strapping the last bit of her grieves to her thighs. She carried her breast plate and offered it to Naomi, a silent request for assistance. A smile spread across Naomi's features as she took the plate. She had all but been Azriels squire after she had sired her during the Crusades, only earning her armor after years of dedicated service to the Salubri knights. As Naomi pulled the final harness tight against her sire Azriel spoke. “Forgive me for disturbing your peace for this my Childe.” She began as she retrieved Naomi's own breast plate and motioned for her to turn around. Naomi obeyed and Azriel nestled the plate atop her shoulders. 
“There is no need for forgiveness, captain. My unlife is dedicated to the Clan, and the death of its enemies.” Azriel’s hands pulled at buckles and laces, making sure the plate was snug against Naomi’s flesh. 
“All true, you have always been an excellent soldier Naomi. But I caution you, do not forget to take in your unlife and stop and smell the roses as they say.” Azriel pulled down on Naomi's plate, testing the fastenings until she was satisfied. “How is that little Ghoul of yours, Sam was it? The dog?” a chuckle escaped Naomi as she finished fastening the final strap on her bracers. 
“He's well, a little menace at times, but he's smart and keeps me in good spirits. I have some local Gangrels taking care of him while I'm away.” Naomi turned to face Azriel as she offered her her own mailed hand. Azriel clasped her own against Naomi's armored forearm and pulled her in close. The two bowed their heads, the tops touching as they both let out a deep sigh. 
“May Saulot guide your steps my Childe.” Azriel whispered
“And may he keep your strike true mother.” Naomi whispered in kind. The two stood in silence for a moment, savoring it before finally letting go. 
“Prep your bike,” Azriel commanded, "Milo will not want to be kept waiting.” With that she left, making her way to the armored truck that both Rorke and Addicia were beginning to clamber into. Naomi did as instructed and found Milo as he had finished mounting the old Degtyaryov machine gun to the mount on her side car.
“Old thing still run, Milo?” Naomi asked, gesturing to the gun. Milo for his part slammed the dinner plate sized magazine on the top and pulled back on the charging handle, chambering a round. 
“Da,” he answered, his slavic accent giving the word a little more umph. “I've kept it in good condition through the world wars, although ammunition can be hard to come by.” He patted one of the many other plate sized magazines on his belt. “Luckily I brought plenty to give to our Infernalist prey.” He slid into the side car, his own plate armor rattled a little as he did so. “Come sister, there's no time to waste, our vengeance is nigh.” With that Naomi slid onto the bike, turning the key she felt it spring to life under her the engine loud and guttural. She looked back at the armored truck, and received a thumbs up from Rorke, and with that she peeled out with the truck following close behind. 
Traffic was blessedly light, it wouldn't do to have people wondering why there were two people ripping down the highway in full plate armor with a machine gun strapped to a motorcycle. 
“One minute to target, people!” Naomi yelled into her radio, “Addicia you have our entrance ready?” 
“Just you wait and see sister!” Addicia responded.
“Cut the chatter both of you, thirty seconds to target!” Rorke cut in. 
Naomi focused forward, the lights of the 777 Tower rapidly approaching. The fact that none of the outward defenses were active meant they're Intel was spot on, the bastards were busy. 
“Get ready you two!” Addicia yelled and Naomi watched as an arrow arched over the speeding bike, a small red light blinking from the tip. A moment passed and then an explosion erupted from the main entrance. A wicked grin cracked Naomi's features as she gunned the engine, the guttural roar rising to a crescendo as the bike raced up a wheelchair ramp, flying into the air as it reached the top. The bike came crashing down into the towers main foyer, those that weren't blasted away by the explosion were quickly cut down as Milo let loose with a torrent of electric green tracers from the machine gun. Naomi dismounted and quickly caught sight of a man in a fine burgundy suit approaching her, a long blade of blood forming in his grip. Naomi charged him, reaching behind her shoulder for her own sword. Familiar leather filled her grip as she drew the sword, and in one swift motion she cut the Tremere in half from collar to hip, his body burning to ash in an instant. 
The truck wasn't far behind them, barreling into the foyer before its three occupants disembarked. Azriel quickly made her way to Naomi, her sword unsheathed and shield ready. 
“Excellent work my childe, let's get ready to-” Azriel was cut off by what sounded like a yawn coming from the now ruined main desk.
“Ah I see, it's finally time. The angels have come for the infernal usurper.” A young woman who wore an almost loose fitting suit stood from the desk. Milo immediately trained the machine gun on her before Naomi reached her hand out.
“Wait!” She yelled, “She isn't a Tremere, she's a local Malkavian, Marco-”
“Right,” Naomi growled, she had heard of her through her reconnaissance, but she'd never thought they'd actually meet, but that was Malkavians for you. 
“Right you are, young seraphim, and right I am to be here. I will be your guide through the windy hedge above.” Marco Polo made her way to the elevator, swaying as she walked. She pushed the call button and the door slid open. “Right this way, they are just about done!” She exclaimed, giving them a very sleepy bow. Marco Polo entered first, the five Salubri each looked at each other and shrugged before entering themselves. “The Devil will be in his laboratory, it will be well defended by his little imps.” She looked at Naomi then, an almost sad knowing look coloring her features. “I'm sorry my young angel but your wizard will be in another castle by the time our ascension has completed.” 
“My wizard?” Naomi asked the grip on her sword, tightening ever so slightly. 
“Yes, your wizard, or perhaps she is more a trickster now. She's already seen your metal pegasus. Fear not, you shall meet again where the bou's dance.” Naomi wanted to ask questions but she knew better than to try and get a straight answer from a Malkavian. If anything this may just mean she had another query after this hunt. 
“Focus up people,” Azriel called out, “We're almost there.” Azriel and Rorke readied themselves, hoisting their shields to cover the entrance over the elevator. Milo slammed a fresh magazine on top of his machine gun before shouldering it just over the other two heads. Naomi and Addicia crouched down to take advantage of the shield's cover. 
“You may want to get down Marco-” 
“Right, you may want to grab some cover before this all kicks off.” 
“Fret not little angel, I am both in cover and not.” Marco Polo said with a grin. With the strange woman’s stranger words, the elevator dinged open. A bolt of lighting immediately slammed into Azriel's shield but the party began their slow march forward. Milo let out another burst of tracer fire. The room that they had entered into was a mess of winding halls that seemed to lead to infinite entrances and exits. 
“Port-side.” Marco Polo ordered and in turn the party moved left. Rorke lashed out with his great hammer, slamming a Tremere into the wall adjacent to him, leaving his chest a ruined mess of blood and broken bones. Addicia popped up, sending an arrow into the heart of another Tremere, and Azirel struck out with her sword, cleaving her target into a fine pile of ash. Naomi for her part stayed down, moving with the party she would be too exposed if she struck out with her sword. The party continued onward, following Marco Polo’s instructions as they fought on. 
“Does anyone have eyes on Dupont?!” Naomi shouted over the din of combat. 
“Use your eyes child!” Rorke growled, “I can't just see him, but I can damn near smell the brimstone on his breath.” Naomi nodded, focusing for a moment as she moved, letting her senses melt away for a moment until the world exploded in a vibrant array of colors. Each Aura that she read with her Auspex flickering too and from before she finally locked on to the black streaked soul of Atticus Dupont. 
“He's close!” Naomi shouted. 
“Right you are, child valkyrie!” Marco Polo answered, “Full steam ahead!” 
“Into the jaws of hell once more!” Rorke roared, “He's got his little council with him!”
“Rorke!” Azriel shouted, “Take the right flank, I'll take the left, Milo, Addicia cover us as we make our entry. Naomi, take that bastard's heart!” Naomi's eyes hardened as they began to approach the door. “Now!” And with Azriel's order the party’s pace went from a crawl to a sprint. Azriel and Rorke burst through the door with shields up, and almost on que Naomi had eyes on her target. Addicus Dupont stood before them, draped in ceremonial robes, drenched in blood, surrounded by a crackling shield of lightning. Behind him a blood portal closed, this Tremere’s cowardly escape magics seemed to have been prematurely wasted. Naomi began to charge, before she saw the ball of demonic fire, black as pitch, begin to form in his hands. Then she began her prayer. 
“Samiel, witness ye faithful!” Naomi was still charging the grip around the sword in her hands right and true. “I am but a mere vessel for thy wrath!” Dupont raised his hands a jet of black flame shooting out at her. She dipped to the left but the flame still caught her in the shoulder. Searing pain burst from the now burning shoulder but still she pressed on. “Let thy wrath guide my hands, let thy vengeance be my blade!” Her sword was glowing now, a white hot glow that would make lesser kindred fear the rays of the rising sun. She was on Dupont now, and with all her might she swung. Her blade bit into Duponts neck where it met his collar, lightning from the shield raced down the blade and into her hands. The runes on her armor began to glow a pale blue, the wards dampening the effect of the spell. She forced her blade through, severing leathery flesh and brittle old bone as she bore witness to Dupont’s final Death Knell. He raised his hands, another mote of black fire poised to rain down on her. But before it could fall he crumbled, his body turning from a pale white to blackened ash in the blink of an eye. 
For a moment the world was silent, the constant chatter of Milo’s gun and the war cry’s of the Salubri warriors muted as Naomi watched the ashes of Atticus Dupont fall at her feet. Then the world erupted back into a cacophony of sound. Naomi fell to her knees, the searing pain of the black flame now finally taking hold. Azriel was immediately by her side, Rorke and Addicia finishing the work of ashing the remaining Tremere Magister's. 
“Hold fast my Childe.” Azriel whispered, “I have you.” And with her words the pain from the fire began to fade, as if Azriel's touch was a soothing balm that pulled the very pain from Naomi’s flesh. “The honor is yours today Naomi, you did well.” Azriel helped Naomi to her feet, guiding her upward and bracing her against her own armored form. 
“We need to get out of here now!” Rorke bellowed, “We can revel in the glory after we get back to the safe house.” Naomi nodded and looked to Milo, a pained expression still darkening her features.  “Take my bike and make sure you're not followed, keys should still be in the ignition.” Naomi ordered, stepping up in the midst of their absconsion. Milo nodded and began to make his way out of the room and Addicia followed close behind. Rorke nodded to Azriel and took hold of Naomi’s other arm. “You did well sister, hellfires a bitch but we'll get you patched up.”
The three began their descent of the 777 Tower, the illusions fading as they made their escape back to the foyer and into the armored truck. On the route down, the Malkavian was nowhere to be found, Naomi’s questions would have to remain unanswered
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zarvasace · 7 months ago
Red’s explanation is here
I did a cursory job of making the Four Swords boys in VtM5. Had fun with it. :)
I enjoy the base d10 pool system of this game, and I think there are some clever mechanics in both this and earlier versions, but the book is NOT easy to use. (Not to mention the trove is dead...) :P overexplanations below the cut!
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He's a bit different from Red—
- his clan is Brujah, so essentially "the angry punchy ones with social justice ideals or something"
- finds blood by directly mugging people on the street
- good at punching
- vampire powers include seeing in the dark/glowy eyes (he stole this power), being very strong, and scaring people
- he has criminal contacts, crashes at Red's house, has some responsibilities in vampire society, and has a rather high-status vampire mentor (some like, guard captain equivalent I guess)
- he also has some vampire hunter mortal enemy and won't feed from anyone that looks like they're under like 20 years old
- I gave him a main belief of "protect all children" and named some random kid who's meant to be an Erune parallel or something like that
- he wants to kill Vaati! Surprise!
- he also wants to get R/G/V/S up to competency with a melee weapon or two
- oldest so far, born 1911 and died 1931 (I'm assuming American so Great Depression era). That puts him at 11th generation vs Red and Blue's 13th, which means he's slightly more powerful
- clan is Tremere, the sorcerers and scholars
- works at a museum repairing old books, knows a LOT about medieval occultism, and finds his blood among museum staff and visitors
- smart, bad at punching or literally anything physical. He can drive though. And good at noticing things.
- vampire powers include seeing in the dark, erasing a few minutes of a human's memory, making his own blood acidic, making another vampire hungrier, and briefly making himself more powerful
- he also has a few rituals: one to walk on walls, one to learn about someone if he has a cup of their blood, one to find someone he knows, and one to know if someone is telling the truth or not
- he knows French and Japanese, is mildly famous among museum folk, can find some good money, and can sniff out good blood.
- but a group of other historians really don't like him because of some paper he published. He gets hurt if he touches silver or garlic. He won't drink from students. Other vampires in their secret society are somewhat suspicious of him due to past activity.
- Red's house? You mean Vio's office
- he has two main beliefs to tether him to humanity: (1) be independent (2) encourage people to learn
- he also wants to kill Vaati. For science. Also he wants to learn more magic.
- rather young, about Red's true age, but of a slightly higher generation
- clan is Ventrue, the leaders and rich people
- he's masquerading (well, he has a good false identity) as his own son, which lets him keep using his influence. He lives with the others because this is a Story but he is very popular among the rich kids at the exclusive university nearby, which is where he gets his blood
- He's pretty smart, but focuses on manipulation and pulling social strings. something something investments and trusts
- Despite all that, he doesn't particularly *like* the rich culture. He's here because he feels like it's more moral to feed from those uber-rich than anyone else. In fact, his preferred victims are the young rich, and feeding from anyone else is difficult for Reasons
- His special powers include Magic Suggestion, Magic Resistance to Persuasion, Magical Toughness, and Magical Intimidation
- Oh and also Magic Shouting Voice
- He's rich too. Or at least can get to a lot of money.
- There are a couple vampire hunters after him though
- A couple years older than Vio, they died about the same time, to different causes but they did very much know each other back in like 1920 (I'm imagining an infuriatingly slow burn romance)
- Since I don't have a book with the Lasombra shadowy clan in it, I chose Nosferatu for Shadow. They can't hide among humans because they very obviously look like vampires (the lore talks about them looking very ugly and then describes some real disabilities which is *ugh* but I bet I could come up with something better. like dark tendrils or metallic skin.) The Nosferatu are interesting because they're kind of considered one of the most internally human of the clans, which I thought was a cool nod to Shadow's belated and cracked moral compass
- He's pretty smart and good at technology, and also art. I imagine he makes some money doing like digital art or something. he has a hobby, which is more than some of these guys can say
- He actually exclusively drinks blood from animals, and not humans at all. One of his magic powers allows him to do it more easily, and he takes some penalties if he tries to drink from a human.
- His special powers involve turning invisible in darkness, turning an animal into a familiar, summoning small animals and talking to them, and being stupid strong
- His humanity connections involve valuing human life and art
- He has a fantastic setup in Red's basement, computers and security and all, and probably never goes outside
- He speaks French like Vio does. it's their thing I guess.
- He has a dark secret, idk what it is yet. It's easy to bond him to another vampire's will. Vampire society is wary of him. He has an enemy of some kind. this boy is just loaded up with flaws, man.
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lealdog · 2 months ago
For the VTM ask game 2, 5, 17, 27!
Thank you!
2. How and when did you get into VtM?
It kind of snuck up on me. The first time I heard about VtM was because @deathandthesoul mentioned it / talked about it but I wasn't into it at that point. I also don't remember just how long ago that was. Then what must have been some years later I was randomly in the mood for something related to blood magic and I remembered there was a VtM clan for it. So I went to the wiki and started reading about the Tremere. And then wanted to do VtM rp (but without the mechanics, just some lose thing). I think that was around 2019/2020.
5. What's your least favourite clan? Why?
Brujah, I think. I don't know they're just boring to me? Anything they do, other Clans can do with more flair (like Toreador). I can surely be convinced if someone showed me a cool Brujah or told me fun things about them. But the little I watched LA by Night I was very put off by the stereotypical Brujah.
17. You suddenly switch places with one of your characters, which one would you prefer to be?
Oh man, good question. I wanna say Mike because I too want to have a fancy cybernetic dick and swing my baseball bat at anyone I don't like. (This would be a terrible idea).
27. Where and when is it set?
In the 90s. I'm less set on the where. Some major american city probably. I need the diners at night vibes.
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roseate-felidae · 2 months ago
It really upsets me when you can tell that an author hasn't read the character appearance from the previous book.
I'm reading clan novel tremere trilogy.
This is the character Umberto (a nosferatu) in clan novel trilogy:
●skin clings to bones and sinks in other places
● no lips. Mentioned so many times.
● described as tall
This is him in tremere novel trilogy-
● "His features were puffy and bloated"
● "She accepted his proffered hand and suffered him to raise her fingers to his lips."
● "wasn’t any taller standing than he had been sitting."
Did the author completely forget to skim read the other books before writing him????
But no, what kills me is when his back is described as "The motion looked excruciatingly painful and was accompanied by a chorus of spinal poppings and crackings.". This was never used to describe him. That was Calebros, a completely different character. Who just happens to be an important character in this series too. That wouldn't be so bad, if that wasn't one of the major things mentioned about Calebros (the main character of his own book). Seriously, they wouldn't shut up about it.
It hate it so much, I pay attention to these details and visualise it. Then some people don't even bother to check.
The nosferatu is described in a series that the same author also wrote aswell. It's not hard to check things instead of going off on memory.
Also for some reason, Donatello is in this book. Yet in the clan anthology, it's speculative if he even survives. But hey, apparently he can survive going near an Antediluvian. Just a normal nosferatu. Yeah... but he's cool, so I'll allow it.
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ghost-bard · 1 year ago
based on the info we got so far on the suckening what clans u think each character is from n why
Emizel (Condi):
I think the most likely clans for him are Brujah and Gangrel.
Based of the official character design we've received for him, along with the audio teasers we can tell that he's a bit rough around the edges, and overall probably not the nicest of guys, and the clans that are most stereotypically like that are Brujah and Gangrel (im coping),
He seems like he doesn't care about whats in his way as long as he can get rid of them, and tripping someone just because they looked at him (aka having a bit of a temper) is another point to Brujah.
For Gangrel I'm really just hoping tbh. Its the copium speaking LMAO.
Shilo (Bizly):
Toreador, Lasombra, Malkavian
Shilo, based off his art, is a very extravagant person, wearing very elaborate clothing, and I think older Toreador and Ventrue (tho ive completely ruled out venture bc he sounds so pathetic lmao) are the most likely to have a personal servant of some sort, which in the audio teaser we can tell that Shilo does.
Lasombra is based off something Bizly said on twt, that "[Shilo's] eye's became inky blackness/shadows" or something similar, which is something that can be a side affect of an ability that Lasombra use, but it's something that happens to them when they use an ability, not what happens to someone else when they use it, and Lasombra themselves are very tied to the shadows.
Malkavian is simply bc I think Bizly could pull off playing one I'm gonna be honest, I have no real proof or reason I just think he could pull it off.
??? (Grizzly):
Nosferatu, Tremere, Lasombra, Gangrel (pure copium), Ventrue
Here's the thing. We don't know shit about Grizzly's character other than the fact that he wants them to be a complete mystery, so I don't have a lot to work off of lmao.
My thoughts would be he's either playing a clan that no one would think he'd play (Nos, Gangrel), a clan not available in the base ver of VtM 5e (Lasombra) or a clan that is mysterious (Tremere).
I didn't mention Ventrue in there bc my reasoning for why his character is Ventrue is simply bc his character was in the middle of the group, similar to that of a leader, in the Suckening trailer.
Also if he is playing a Nosferatu i'll be so happy ESPECIALLY since I really don't think anyone would expect that of him given that he plays these like. Beautiful and/or ethereal character's. So playing a character that by default can't be that would be really interesting.
That reasoning is also why I don't think he'd play a Toreador bc it would be so like. Obvious. LMAO. Toreador I think fits exactly what he usually plays almost too well, so I think he'd play something out of left field or something that is similar to what he'd go for without being too obvious yknow.
Edit: ALSO id like to point out that we can assume that theyre Anarchs (one of the 2 main factions in vtm, the other is the Camarilla) bc of the anarchy symbol in the trailer <3
also point to gangrel (im coping) grizzlys pc has a cat so. i can hope.
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literallys-illiteracy · 3 months ago
Mr chancellor, a second audiolog has hit the chapter house
Vampiric arts and disciplines.
To spite D, and because I can, this run through will be written with as many commas as possible, also because I just already kind of write like this.
So, to start off, the first notable thing mentioned is THE AMAZING BALLOON BOY, who is clearly going to be the true culprit to this crime.
Waters is aware of not only the existence of vampire clans, but their names and disciplines, almost mentioning Tremere by name.
Then there are four primary discussed vampiric arts.
Blood Sorcery.
It is interesting to note that D mentions a battle against a "Vampire elder" whom used the art of potence, as well as one who used dominate; These may relate back to the Lasombra mentioned in the first Kevin Audiologue as both Potence and Dominate are inherent arts to the clan, alongside their "Obtenebration" or "Oblivion", which was renamed in V5, however which was mentioned by Kevin explicitly in the past.
Regarding the specific clans that were mentioned in this Log, we begin with Gangrel, or the Humanimal's, alongside the art of "Animalism". Following this, in the discussion of Obfuscation, the clan symbols for the "Ravnos" and "Malkavian" were shown, and the Nosferatu were called... well not exactly by name but still.
Also why does the Malkavian look so.. Elvish. I personally want HTP to be fairly separate from TTS, but I mean I can't help the Chegorath vibes im getting from them.
All together, the clans that have been mentioned and have appeared in HTP so far:
Tremere (kevin) (mentioned by name: D, Kevin, Waters). Nosferatu (Peter) (Pseudonym, Sludge Lads) Brujah (Shitbeard) (mentioned by Shitbeard) Gangrel (Ape Boy) (Pseudonym, Humanimal) Malkavian (Audience seen) (Mentioned by D) Ravnos (Audience seen) (Mentioned by D) Lasombra (unseen) (Mentioned by name: D) Tzimisce (unseen) (Mentioned by name: D) Ventrue (unseen) mentioned by name: Peter) Salubri (Unseen) (Mentioned by proxy: D discussing Saulot)
also Thin Bloods/Half Bloods (unseen) (mentioned by name: D, Kitten)
This only leaves:
Banu Haqim Hecata The Minstry Toreador
So we've been at the very least acquainted with most clans, more than i thought before I decided to count the ones that had only been mentioned.
Now comes the part where I talk about 16th Century medicine and humors.
There exist four "Humors" within the body, Phlegm, Blood, Bile, and Black Bile, it was believed that each of these humors must exist in equilibrium within one's body, and an imbalance causes any kind of ailment or illness.
The four kinds of illness correlate to an excess in any of the humors, Phlegmatic, Sanguine (blood), Choleric (Bile), and Melancholic (Black Bile), which were distinguished by the emotional state of the person ailed, or for Sanguine and Choleric, the colour of their face.
Within VtM, exists a concept of "resonance", where each vampiric art possesses a humor of resonance, which is able to empower the vampiric art should the vampire ingest blood containing this temperment.
Such examples are as follows, Potence: Choleric Dominate: Phlegmatic Obfuscate: Melancholic Thaumaturgy: Sanguine.
Hold on a fucking second...
Now. What do these correlations to the arts that D and Waters listed mean? I've no clue. Onto the next section.
Now, one may in fact notice, there are four people in this audiologue, and four humors. Baseless speculations and meaningless correlations follow, millions are to suffer.
Choleric relates to passion, anger, and resistance; this temperament is found in those who are willing to stand and fight, those who are believe in a righteous cause, and those who are yellow from Cholera. The most obvious correlation immediately is D, who is already yellow and believes in many, many, MANY things.
Phlegmatic relates to the colour white, and to those who are apathetic or uncaring towards the world, not necessarily in a depressed manor, rather in a "peace of the world" type of way (however it can appear as any form of the listed emotions and more). This one throws me for a loss as it does not strictly apply to anyone within the chamberhouse itself, except for maybe how Fatigue was before he wasn't. This may relate to Door however? I don't know, why are you reading this, this is just me rambling.
Melancholy, as the name suggests, primarily relates to sadness or depression, immense fear, hopelessness, and despair. This temperament also relates to those who seek wisdom, knowledge, or enlightenment. This relates to either Kitten or Markus, whom seek as much information as they can towards the hunters, however i am leaning towards Kitten due to his more grounded demeanor.
Sanguine correlates to red, blood, and "fiery" emotions, specifically wrath, lust, and none of the other deadly sins. This humor takes the form of initiative, drive, energy, wrath, lust, and none of the other deadly sins. Markus is red.
There then exist two more sub-temperaments, Null, and Animalistic.
Null, Void, Empty, whatever synonym a person uses for the same meaning, is distinguished by a lack of human emotions, be it sociopathy or general detachment. This temperament is only used for one art, being Oblivion, which relates to the game "Wraith the Oblivion" which i have not played.
Animal Blood is not exactly a category, it is also exactly what it sounds like, this is the temperament used for Animalism and Protean unless your storyteller decides them to be related to one of the primary 4/5. However with the mention of animalism, this technically means that we have all bloods except for Null covered in the audiolog, which is neat.
Notes of discussion:
There are many things listed by D in his ramblings regarding Thaumaturgy, specifically different groups, traditions and bloodlines of vampires:
"Ancient elemental techniques of the Caucasuses", could be referring to a few things? The kingdom of Caucasuses relates to one "House Gwydion" of the dreaming, so something Fae related is the most likely answer, however I do not play Changeling so :/
"serpentine[...]" Ministry. In the past known as "The Followers of Set", and having access to the discipline "Serpentis", which was later absorbed into protean, however I don't remember particularly much "Poison" in the past discipline, and I can't find anything that does so maybe this is something else! maybe this is somehow related to the Wyrm! I DONT FUCKING KNOW!?.
"Curses [...] Merciless order of judges" is likely referring to the Haqim?
"Blighted Daemonology" is likely referring to the Baali, whom are, indeed, demonologist vampires. They are both a cult worshipping demons, as well as a bloodline, who recruits through thaumaturgy.
Waters sprints off after hearing Markus's remark about how the redaction of information hasn't saved anyone, especially fatigue, with a worried look on her face. This may be related to something? perhaps she is finding Blacklaw, the less supernaturally acquainted, or Occam, in order to spread the general knowledge from this discussion, in order to prevent more losses of staff.
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jasina85 · 1 month ago
What do you feel has been the best revised clan/tribe/tradition/etc. book so far?
Oooh that's an interesting question. Bare in mind that I haven't read every revised clan/tribe book yet and I haven't touched the tradition/convention books for Mage at all.
For VtM, I'm gonna say probably Tzimisce? I'll admit, I'm biased, favorite clan and all (though between you and me, it still doesn't quite compare with their entry in Libelous Sanguinis for Dark Ages). Revised Tremere gets an honorable mention for the introduction story alone, I loved the "paranormal debunker" angle.
For WtA though it's a close battle between Shadow Lords and Black Furies. I think I like the general tone of Shadow Lords book more, but I liked Black Furies book quite a lot too.
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voidscreamintheories · 10 months ago
HtP theory D: Who is he really? 2 of 2
This is a continuation from a first post, Spoilers for Hunter the Parenting
Speaking of his age, a few characters have called out D as looking old, decrepit, frail, or sickly. Despite the fact that we see a golden god of a man who honestly looks younger than at least one of his purported children. I don’t think this is wholly wrong on both fronts. You see, there is a particular group in World of Darkness who can only hang around on the normal plane of existence by inhabiting the bodies of the frail, the sick, or the dying. Because I think the D in Big D stands for Demon.
In the World of Darkness, specifically the game Demon the Fallen, “demons” are angels who sided with Lucifer against God. They were cast down into hell, where their angelic forms where forever marred by the torment in the depths. Sometimes, they can make their way out of the pit and back into our world. As mentioned before, and would be the case for the average DtF character, many slip into the body of someone who has a weak grip on their soul and is close to death. From there the demon can either try to redeem themselves, and perhaps find a way back to heaven, or they can just embrace what they have become and be a complete menace on earth. Now in DtF, the ability for demons to come back to earth ON THEIR OWN is VERY recent. However, I think D is a demon who was called to earth by a group somewhat akin to the shaman of his previous life, put into the body of some frail person of a bygone age, and has been trying to reclaim his angelic nature by becoming a protector of mankind from the creatures of the World of Darkness.
Some notes around this:
-In his conversation with Kitten, D mentions hunting a methusala of the La Sombre vampire clan with his siblings. I’m of two minds here, this could mean the children of the shaman-like summoners (if he has a VERY close origin to Big E) or it could mean other fallen angels, who like D are seeking redemption through monster hunting. It would make a lot more sense for a group of former angels to kill an ancient vamp than a family of hunters. This would require though that these summoners pulled a few angels up from the pit, so not sure.
-As for why some see him as old or frail, I think sometimes either the mask slips (maybe because D is stressed, or his angelic nature is weakened) or some level of supernatural ability allows them to see past the angelic personage and into the frail human body beneath. Two of the people who have called him old have either been Tremere or Tremere ghouls, and as I understand some vampire blood magic allows one to see past illusions/veils (and sometimes ghouls get lil bits of power from their vampire blood supply). I looked this one up, it’s the vampire discipline of Auspex, which the Tremere clan does have access to.
-Remold. Remold mentions that Big D’s family and his family have been enemies for generations. If my theory that D is an immortal goofster who has been around for a long time holds true, maybe it’s not so much that the Blacklaws have been at odds with D’s family, but instead against D himself, repeatedly antagonizing them as a living bloodline curse. This might explain his interest in Brok in the recent episode: D knows that once Remold has his Chekhov’s gun of a heart attack, Brok becomes the next Blacklaw that D will be fighting at all times. Why is D antagonizing this family? Well it could be an attempt to beef up some human hunters: If an entire family is constantly having to battle this one madman, and they know of the supernatural, they might become good soldiers against the darkness. Or maybe the Blacklaws have historically been opponents of hunters, Remold does seem to be against knowledge obtained through Big D’s hunts, Brok probably wouldn’t put a lot of time or effort into learning, if previous behaviour is to be believed. Maybe the Blacklaws are anti-intellectual in their history, and D wants to fight them so they can’t dismantle the arcanum or stop hunters by being ignorant. Now, there is a particular lil blue fella that I think bears mentioning, but I would like to discuss that in more detail in its own post, because I think there is a lot to dig into.
Also, quite a while ago I read someone suggest that D in Big D actually stood for Death, as in the rider of the apocalypse, since he does have a horse. This is a neat idea, but I do not know enough about WoD’s story of revelation to be able to discuss it. If this one turns out true, it’d be cool.
For now, thank you for reading this far. As always please let me know your thoughts, and if you are someone who was really engaged with WoD during the original runs, especially Demon the Fallen, please gimme your thoughts. I have a great interest in this setting, but it is very difficult to find info because it was in MANY old books.
As always, good evening.
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anarchswild · 2 months ago
8 (use botch for this) and 17 for vtm asks
Thanks babe!!
8. Describe your worst Messy Critical and/or Bestial Failure Botch that you've played/seen/suffered.
hey yknow what's sad. I don't remember the context of the -4 botch aside from it being the bat race session. So like, statistically that's the worst but obviously not narratively.
THAT one I think needs to go to the time Reid botched self-control to not clap back at Magdalena. Yelling "YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE IN COLLAR SINCE YOU'RE SUCH A BITCH" in Elysium in front of the Prince was. My god. We're still feeling the waves from that one and Reid's weak relationships with his own Clan.
Honorable mentions are Reid's botched Ventrue frenzy in the middle of Elysium, embarrassing Tammy in front of Dracula but otherwise keeping it hidden and gaining a knockoff feeding preference, and Tremere!Reid botching Auspex and having the funniest worst first impression possible with Tammy.
17. You suddenly switch places with one of your characters, which one would you prefer to be?
Can I vote Cay? Is Cay cheating? Can I be the fun lil wandering Ravnos biker who just takes naps a lot and has a bestie in the Sabbat?? I think I should be allowed to vote my partial self-insert here.
[ VtM Asks ]
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