#trefoiled stars au
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glitteringchaosau · 4 months ago
AU Masterlist
Here’s the official masterlist of all my aus
✨Glittering Chaos AU✨
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Trefoiled Stars Au:
Fog in the stars AU
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linneatanner · 2 years ago
Book Review The Hussar's Duty Griffin Brady #HistoricalFiction #WingedHussars #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub @griffbrady1588 @cathiedunn
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FEATURED AUTHOR: GRIFFIN BRADY It is my pleasure to host Griffin Brady again as the featured author in The Coffee Pot Book Club Blog Tour that is being held between June 19th — June 30th, 2023. Griffin Brady is the author of the Historical Fiction novel, The Hussar's Duty (The Winged Warrior Series, Book 3), released by Trefoil Publishing on May 18th, 2023 (538 pages). I previously reviewed the first book in the series, The Heart of a Hussar, set during the 17th-century Polish-Muscovite war, a period with which I was not familiar. The first novel had everything I enjoyed reading in epic historical fiction — fully developed characters, adventure, romance, political intrigue, and world-building. The third book continues the rich tradition of the first book and motivates me to read the second book in the series, A Hussar's Promise. Below are highlights of The Hussar’s Duty, Griffin Brady's author bio, and my 5-star review of her novel.  Tour Schedule Page: https://thecoffeepotbookclub.blogspot.com/2023/04/blog-tour-hussars-duty-by-griffin-brady.html HIGHLIGHTS: THE HUSSAR'S DUTY The Hussar’s Duty (The Winged Warrior Series) by Griffin Brady Blurb: Poland’s most valiant winged hussar is called to fight in a campaign ripe for disaster. But he must also protect those he loves from jackals waiting to pounce. How does he choose between duty and devotion when death is on the line? When Sultan Osman II sends Poland's envoy packing, the Commonwealth must prepare for war against one of the largest armies the Ottomans have ever assembled. Tasked with repelling the invasion is Grand Hetman of the Crown Stanisław Żółkiewski, and he knows who to turn to: Jacek Dąbrowski, the Commonwealth’s most valiant Polish winged hussar. Jacek has been idle far too long, and the call to arms is a siren’s song he can’t resist. But he has built a life far from the battlefield with his wife, Oliwia, and their children. If he pursues his quest for glory, who will safeguard them? Oliwia knows her husband is restless. In fact, she’s been sending Jacek on cross-country errands for years in the hopes of quelling his lust for battle. When she realizes her efforts are futile, she resolves herself to letting him go—after hatching a scheme to accompany him. Honor. Obligation. Devotion. These forces push and pull Jacek in different directions. His country needs him, but so does his family. Where does his duty lie? His choice will cause catastrophic ripples no matter which path he follows … and could very well bring the loss of his loved ones or his life. Will the cost of defending king and country prove too steep for this warrior? This is a standalone continuation in The Winged Warrior Series. Buy Links: This title is available to read on #KindleUnlimited. Universal Link: https://readerlinks.com/l/3336453 Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C2VZ2963/ Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0C2VZ2963/ Amazon AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0C2VZ2963/ Amazon CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0C2VZ2963/ AUTHOR BIO: GRIFFIN BRADY   Griffin Brady is an award-winning historical fiction author with a keen interest in the Polish Winged Hussars of the 16th and 17th centuries. She is a member of the Historical Novel Society and Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. Her debut novel, The Heart of a Hussar, was a finalist for the 2021 Chaucer Early Historical Fiction Award and a 2021 Discovered Diamond. The proud mother of three grown sons, she lives in Colorado with her husband. She is also an award-winning bestselling romance author who writes under the pen name G.K. Brady. Social Media Links: Website: https://www.griffin-brady.com/historical-fiction/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/griffbrady1588 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorGriffinBrady Book Bub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/griffin-brady Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/griffinbrady Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20675881.Griffin_Brady BOOK REVIEW: THE HUSSAR'S DUTY Loyalties and honor are blurred in war-torn Poland in the historical fiction novel, The Hussar's Duty by Griffin Brady, as the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth prepares to fight Ottoman troops at the Battle of Cecora in 1620. Book 3 in the Winged Warrior series continues the saga of Jacek Dabrowski, an elite Hussar commander, and his wife, Oliwia, an heiress of the estates of her former husband. Although this is the 3rd book in the series, with sufficient backstories from Book 1 (The Heart of a Hussar) and Book 2 (A Hussar's Promise), it can be read as a standalone. However, it would be helpful to read the first two books to fully grasp Jacek and Oliwia's ordeals before marrying. Even though Jacek is in marital bliss raising Oliwia's son, fathered from her former husband, and their own two children, the estate is plagued with financial hardship. Another challenge is Oliwia's teenage brother's rebellion against training under the mentorship of Jacek. A soldier itching for action and glory, Jacek is pulled from a sense of duty to fight for his former seventy-year former commander, Stanisław Żółkiewski, in a possible confrontation with the Ottoman Empire. Like many disputes throughout history, the goal of protecting the ruler of the neighboring kingdom of Moldavia seems like a just cause. What Jacek does not expect are the divisive loyalties of mercenaries and magnates lacking in discipline and morale. His duty as a Hussar and his undying love for his family is tested in the hell of the Battle of Cecora. Author Griffin Brady has masterfully written a gripping family saga with strong elements of romance interwoven into action/adventure. It is a character-driven tale in which Oliwia and Jacek fundamentally change due to their life-threatening circumstances. The author's meticulous research is evidenced by her descriptive details of the Polish culture, political turmoil between the warring Polish Commonwealth and Ottoman Empire, and battle scenes. She stays true to actual events and terms used in the period. A glossary of terms and historical figures' backgrounds are bonuses at the back of the book. The tale starts slowly but sets the stage for the climactic battle steeped in action, unexpected twists, and heart-wrenching scenes in which you don't know who will survive. The tension becomes razor-sharp in the last half of the book when Jacek recognizes that everything he believes as an honorable warrior is turned on its head. Immoral mercenaries and wavering magnates fight for their self-interest. He questions the judgment of his aging commander, who leads them into a battle where they are outnumbered. The universal themes of duty vs. love, corrupt political power, sacrifice, and friendship are explored in this riveting story. It has a satisfying ending that will leave you pondering the justice of war. Readers who enjoy historical romantic adventure will become immersed in Jacek's struggle to balance love for his family and to seek glory and ambition in his duty as a Hussar to the sovereignty of Poland. Highly recommended. Instagram Handle: @thecoffeepotbookclub Read the full article
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celestialsandtitans · 3 years ago
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These edits are based on my trefoiled stars au.
Info coming soon.
The last is not canon in the au. It was my first edit before I changed the story.
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hello-robin-goodfellow · 4 years ago
Doctor Who and Doctor Who Unbound:
-Nora Terence Wright
-Edna Wright
-Terence Wright (deceased)
Nicholas and Alexandra (1971):
-Rebeca Rosenfeld 
-Noemi Rosenfeld
-Liliah Rosenfeld
-Abner Rosenfeld
-Sarah Rosenfeld (deceased)
-Aunt Masha
-Sofia Yakovlev
-Benjamin Mendel
-Ivan Petrovich Voynitsky
-Hannah Ginzburg Voynitsky
-Esther Ginzburg Voynitsky
-Liev Rosenfeld Yakovlev
-Leah Rosenfeld Yakovlev
-Rosa Mendel
-Comrade Supervisor Medvedenko
Mystery and Imagination: Frankenstein (1968):
-Olívia DuBois
-Evangeline DuBois
-Raymond DuBois
The Lord of The Rings (1981):
-Dandelion Trefoil
-Tulip Merryweather
-Willow Dew
-Marin, Daughter of Dwalin
Cross of Iron (1977):
-Tania Zielinski
-Anton Zielinski
-Mona Kiesel
-Aurore Zielinski Kiesel
Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of The Apes:
The Wars of The Roses (1965):
-Lady Lenora Tyrell
Royal Shakespeare Company AU:
-Mandy McCrimon
-Emily Munroe
Robin Hood AU:
-Lady Anne
Frankenstein (1984):
The Island (1980):
-Elinor Robinson
-Alexander Ulysses Nau
-Miranda Nau
@dci-softy-edgelord @mademoiselle-princesse @superkingofpriderock @lioness--hart @amalthea9 @princesssarisa @anne-white-star @hmmm-what-am-i-doing @mysticaltimemachinewench
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tsukishima-tadashi · 8 years ago
Haikyuu/Persona AU Masterpost
My original notes for this Unnecessary Wankery are a mess as evidenced by the fact that it took me forever to dig up the posts I needed to make this post
So I am making this post. So I can shove the link somewhere where I won’t lose it.
I might also be hoping to take advantage of the fact that I am now seeing Haikyuu blogs post Persona as a result of P5 to rope them both into this au and also, the Persona fandom itself
Karasuno uses Norse themed personae. Why? Odin had some pet ravens and that’s really all I’ve got.
Aoba Johsai has personae themed off of flower language, except for oikawa, who has Narcissus. (Listen, you try finding something better of Seijoh! I can’t exactly name them after famous gardeners. I mean, I could, but I can’t think of anything more boring. Harvest gods could work I guess but eh. They don’t really get much character?) 
Nekoma (and Nohebi) have Egyptian personae. Why? Because when you think of Egypt, you think of cats.
Fukurodani has Greek personae, solely because they are the only group directly working for the Shadow Operatives. 
Date Tech is based off of historical figures from China. Cause. The Great Wall of China.
Johzenji is assorted revelry gods from various cultures.
Shiratorizawa’s personas are prominent figures from the Achaemenid Empire of ancient Persia, given that it was the largest empire of ancient history and  had an eagle on it’s standard.
The coaches and Takeda are actually deities that are using human forms. Takeda explains this as them having taken the form of humans who once embodied the same traits they as deities do.
Anyways, the individual personae + arcana of the characters under here:
Takeda IS Freyja - representing the collective human desire to find what is missing. 
Daichi - Odin - The Emperor
Sugawara - Frigg - The Empress (Navigator)
Asahi - Thor - Strength (or maybe the Hanged Man?)
Kiyoko - Hnoss - The Priestess
Tanaka - Freki - The Chariot
Noya - Geri - The Chariot
Ennoshita - Vithar - The Hanged Man? Death? Strength?
Kinoshita - Mothi - The Magician
Narita - Magni - I got no clue my man
Hinata - Alsvior - The Sun (ultimate persona: Sol)
Kageyama - Arvakr - The Tower (ultimate persona: Jorth? Nott?) (has both battle and navigational abilities)
Yamaguchi - Munin - The Star (ultimate persona: Aurvandil)
Tsukishima - Hugin - The Moon (ultimate persona: Mani)
Yachi - Eir - The Lovers (Navigator)
Saeko - Kara - The Chariot
(non active users:)
Akiteru - Baldr - The Moon (or maybe Temperance?)
The Little Giant - Ullr - The World?
Ukai - Oor - Death
Odin - All-Father of the nordic gods slash god of lots of fancy stuff blah blah
Frigg - ODin’s wife, has the power of prophecy
Thor - y’all know who thor is get the hell outta here
Freki and Geri are two wolves that guard Odin
Hugin and Munin are the ravens I mentioned earlier, who travel the world to gather information and news for Odin. It’s said that Odin worries for them both, but worries for Munin more. 
Eir and Kara are both Valkyries - Eir was associated with medicine, while Kara would choose who would die. 
Vithar/Vidar, Mothi, and Magni are all sons of Odin. Vithar is notably the one to avenge Odin after he loses to Fenrir, which I felt fit the “next captain” bit for whatever reason.
Alsvior (”very quick”) and Arvakr (”early awake”) were the horses that pulled the chariot of the sun. 
Hnoss was supposed to be so beautiful that the norse word for treasure came from her. 
Ullr is associated with glory.
Baldr’s death is pretty much the death of innocence, which, yeah.
Oor is Freyja’s husband, who she is constantly searching for because he ran away or something.
Sol = personification of the Sun, Mani = personification of the moon, Aurvandil is likely the personification of a star or the morning star, Jorth = earth and Nott = night.
Everything else explains itself, yeah?
Oikawa - Narcissus - The Magician (has both battle and navigational abilities)
Iwaizumi - Galega - Judgement
Hanamaki - Sparaxis - ?
Matsukawa - Saffron (Crocus) - ?
Yahaba - Blue Bell - The Empress (Navigator)
Kyoutani - Aconite - The Emperor
Watari - Cress - ?
Kindaichi - Trefoil - The Chariot
Kunimi - Azalea - Temperance
I haven’t decided on deities for the coaches yet. 
Narcissus - greek myth said to have fallen in love with his own reflection and drowned, becoming a flower after his death
Galega means “reason”. Oikawa is his reason for fighting, Iwaizumi was once his, and now Iwaizumi is trying to make Oikawa see reason.
Sparaxis, also referred to as harlequin, means “laugh at trouble”. 
Saffron crocus means “mirth”
Blue Bells are associated with humility, gratitude, constancy, and fairies.
Aconite, also referred to as wolf’s bane, means misanthropy.
Cress = stability.
Trefoil = revenge.
Azalea in japanese flower language, hanakotoba, means patient. 
Kuroo - Horus - The Sun
Kai - Shu - The Hierophant (or maybe Temperance?)
Kenma - Medjed - The Hermit (Navigator)
Fukunaga - Gengen-Wer - The Moon?
Yamamoto - Mafdet - Strength 
Inuoka - Maahes - The Sun
Shibayama - Bes - The Star
Lev - Sekhmet - The Magician
Alisa - Hathor - M8 I literally included her because the connection with Hathor and Sekhmet was too good to pass up don’t push me
Nekomata is Ra, and Other Nekoma Coach is Amun. They represent the human desire for the power to preserve and protect that which is dear.
Horus = god of the sky and king of Egypt 
Shu was the personification of air and seen as a calming force
Bastet = protector goddess (started out as a war goddess, Bast, but later became the protector goddess named Bastet, after her similarities to Sekhmet resulted in a need to differentiate them) 
Medjed = obscure deity from the Book of the Dead who “shoots with his eye, yet is unseen”
Gengen-Wer = a god in the form of a goose associated with artistic expression and said to be sensitive. And in some recent novels he was portrayed as senile.
Mafdet - protector goddess, particularly against SNAKES.
Maahes - a god of war
Bes - dwarf sized protector god (particularly of family/children). again, particularly against snakes. Egyptians really didn’t like snakes.
Sekhmet - goddess of war
Daishou - Apep - The Devil
Takachiha - Babi
Kazuma - Shezmu
Hiroo - Nehebkau
Sakijima - Kauket
Akama - Taweret
Seguro - Meretseger
Kuguri - Kherty
don’t. don’t ask me their arcana. 
Coach Oomizuki  is the human form of Shai, the Egyptian god of fate. Here, he represents the human fear that what you want isn’t meant to be.
Coach Oiwake is a deity bearing the name of Qin Shi Huang, the emperor who first ordered the construction of the wall, and Futakuchi and Aone’s personas are Prince Fusu and General Meng Tian (respectively), the two people who oversaw the construction of the wall for him.
Coach Oiwake - Qin Shi Huang
Moniwa - Zhou Tong
Sasaya - Wang Jian
Kamisaki - Gao Su
Aone - Meng Tian
Futakuchi - Fusu
Obara - Zhang Han
Onagawa - Li Guang
Fukiage - Han Xin
Sakunami - Han Shizhong
Kogane - Wumu
Nametsu (Manager) - Huang Guigu
Bokuto - Icarus* - Temperance Akaashi - Initial: Minerva | Evolved: Alcestis - Temperance Konoha - Theseus Sarukui -  Melanippus Komi - Hector Washio - Memnon Onaga - Antaeus Shirofuku - Atlanta Suzumeda - Iphigenia
*While better known as a warning on hubris, Icarus was also warned to not fly too low. Since highs and lows are kind of Bokuto’s thing… yeah.
Alcestis only fits Akaashi in this au given his motivations and backstory. If not for that he’d probably be fine with just Minerva.
Coach Anabara is the human form of the manifestation of the human ideal of contentment -  Hotei.
Terushima - Bacchus - The Devil/The Sun
Bobata - Silenus
Futamata - Raugupatis
Higashiyama - Soma
Numajiri - Rudegast
Izaka - Sucellus
Tsuchiya - Liber
Hana - Ninkasi
Runa - Mbaba Mwana Waresa
Coach Washijou is the human form of Achaemenes, the (possibly mythological) ancestor of the empire’s royal family. In this AU, he’s the corrupted manifestation of humanity’s fixation on insurmountable obstacles OR the human desire to eliminate threats to their ideals. 
Ushijima - Cyrus the Great - Judgement
Tendou - Tissapherenes - The Devil
Leon - Ariabignes
Semi - Gaumata
Shirabu - Darius
Goshiki - Cambyses - The Chariot 
Yamagata - Zapyrus
Kawanishi - Pherendatis
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awesomenicerus-blog · 7 years ago
semelle tandis Adidas Zx 750 Femme que la signature
Vous pourraient penser que le grand Tinker Hatfield était le seul qui commencé l'unité visible de l'air, mais il y un autre cerveau qui est aussi derrière la grande invention.Selon son spécifique colorway inspiré essentiellement le dessin de la conception moderne du milieu du siècle, le classique coureur est composé d'exquis matériaux de haute qualité comme une vamp à chevrons, aux côtés de daim et cuir superpositions.All reposant au sommet d'une semelle confortable et contrastant blanc et semelle extérieure en caoutchouc noir, trouver cette itération de la Courageous à détaillants maintenant 0. Ewing Athlétisme va pour l'évidence avec des accents noirs et blancs, mais il apporte que peu de traditionalisme qui obtient jamais vieux. Cela vous met sur le même niveau que les gars marque adidas vous êtes actuellement à la recherche jusqu'à, mais en signant avec nouvelle superstar adidas, vous êtes positionné comme le vrai successeur de Derrick Rose. Nous avons déjà visualisé quelques coloris de la silhouette et nous avons maintenant un plus à regarder at.Find ce beurre colorway du stan smith adidas femme chez certains détaillants now.Inspired par le costume que portaIl lors de son discours d'acceptation de MVP de l'année dernière, le ‘costume’ adidas soldes stan smith dispose d'une pourpre supérieure avec Frappe vert détaillant sur le Swoosh, translucide semelle extérieure et l'image de marque stan smith trefoil la langue.www.newbalancesoldes.com/chaussures-pour-homme/new-balance-420  Il est facile pour Sneaker Twitter pour parler de votre argent quand leur plus grande préoccupation est de savoir si oui ou non le nombre Adidas Zx Flux Homme soldes d'Instagram aime qu'ils vont obtenir de l'achat de la superstar gris et blanc est it. détaillant supplémentaire comprend une doublure en cuir, blanc coordonne avec sa palette classique, chercher cette parfaite offrande printemps été de la Sk-Salut chez les détaillants maintenant pour 0. L'emblématique adidas stan smith 2 weave est de retour cette année sous diverses formes et maintenant nous voyons que adidas gazelle noir a mis une autre rotation d'amusement sur le ‘Neon’ édition de la chaussure. Peut-être une paire de chaussures de sport avec le de la NFL . simple, Faire un produit de qualité et de le vendre directement au consommateur à un prix de valeur. Disponible maintenant sur Kixify & Suite à l'ajout d'une fonctionnalité encore une fois, comme le modèle de style de vie peut désormais être personnalisé avec un plus grand lettrage sur les panneaux de talon. La seule chose que je n'aime pas des chaussures de bébé est le prix qu'ils vont pour. Dans l'ensemble, la stan smith sur femme Roshe Un ID peut être construIl dans un maillage tonal molleton ou finition graphique. Un accord Adidas Originals New Nmd soldes avec 2e choix au total.Sporting sa composition de signature avec maille respirante pour sa base, aux côtés de renforts en cuir synthétique enveloppant son intégralité, discrète teinte Gris cool la silhouette est en contraste avec Crimson lumineux accrocheur ornant son oeillets, de la langue et la construction de chausson en néoprène arrière qui assure un ajustement de chaussette. Nous donne l'histoire fascinante sur la façon dont l'air visible est venu et comment il évolué sur les silhouettes emblématiques à travers le years. Faites-nous savoir dans les commentaires below. Parfois, dans le jeu de basket, vous devez avoir des changements constants afin de rester pertinent et frais, mais en même temps, ne jamais oublier d'où vous venez et comment vous y arriver (message.Through Septembre, les jeunes au coeur peut créer des modèles de la super star bleu pas cher, Authentic one-of-type, Slip-on, Old Skool II Sac à dos et Chapeau de camionneur avec ces nouveaux Disney conceptions mélangé avec une large gamme de tissus personnalisés. La chaussure sera venue faire dans des tons d'or lumineux, avec laçage blanc et une semelle vulcanisé finition du look. Qu'est-ce que adidas gazelle en soldes et les moisissures ont en commun. Trouver ce paquet Runner Snake chez les détaillants de à l'échelle mondiale, à partir du 1 Mars. Frank Ocean Avec le succès du standout Pack Supercolor, le Pharrell Williams basket adidas original superstar ‘supershell’ est la dernière itération de la silhouette emblématique de cette saison. contrastantes blanc et gris détaillant peut être vu sur la semelle intercalaire et semelle tandis Adidas Zx 750 Femme que la signature langue divisée est faIl en maille respirante également dans la même nuance de bleu la marque Gel Lyte 3 sur la cheville et les image de marque sur le talon sont à la fois faIl dans white.
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celestialsandtitans · 3 years ago
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Doodles of child of chaos and heavy metal lover monster princess. Plus King 🌟♣️👑
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celestialsandtitans · 3 years ago
Trefoiled Stars: svtfoe x toh au
What if Meteora and The Collector were once playmates back when Meteora lived in St. Olga's.
The two met when Collector was traveling between dimensions and stumble across Heinous (Meteora). The two became friends behind Heinous’s “mother” (St. Olga) back. As time goes on, Collector started calling Heinous Mimi. When she asked them why they calls her that. He told her it means “rebellious”; the name fits her because she’s supposed to be “mommie’s perfect daughter.”
Collector decided one day to take Heinous to visit one of their favorite dimensions to play in. Heinous agrees to go as long they ain't gone for too long. However, after too much fun with their games, Collector took Heinous to another dimension to have more fun in. Than another, another and until losing counting, Heinous don’t care anymore about going back to “mother.”
Eventually, Collector takes Heinous, now prefers Mimi, to the Demon Realm. There, Collector takes Mimi to meet his “other friends”, the titan trappers. The two arrived to Titan Trapper Island, were the witches were preparing for the *Blue Blood Moon Jamboree; an lunar event that occurs every 500-ish years were those who dance under the light of the blue blood moon might be chosen to have their souls to be bound together for eternity. Upon seeing their arrival of their “Grand Huntsman”, the trappers were thrilled and honor to have their god in their presence. The elder, Spinel, believed that Collector has come to take part of the jamboree and choose someone to be their bound. In actuality, he wanted Mimi just to meet his other friends and than go somewhere else afterwards. However, Collector was intrigued about the whole “moon bound” thing, so they and Mimi stayed for the BBMJ.
The following night, the trappers watch with ecstatic excitement as the the moon’s light change from its crimson red to a deep blue. Slowly, the moon begins to cast it’s light upon the demon realm and it’s inhabitants. The trappers wait to see whom that their “Grand Huntsman” choose to dance with. To their surprise, Collector grabs Mimi’s hand and they begin to dance together. The trappers were either amazed or envious towards Mimi being chosen. But, the trappers, even the elder, they accepted this is the will of the “Grand Huntsman.”
As they and the trappers danced, the light of the moon forms spotlights from above. Collector eagerly waits for one of the spotlights to cast over them. As the evening went on, Collector because more anxious as the moon slowly returns back to its crimson red. Not even one of the spotlights even went near the island.
As the evening went on, Collector because more anxious and irritated as the moon slowly returns back to its crimson red. As if it seems that Collector was about to flip the entire island, a small, but bright, spotlights cast upon them and Mimi. Collector was full of glee while Mimi was amazed. The two felt a strange flow of energy surrounding them as they continue to dance with the moon’s spotlight following them. 
Suddenly, the two were lifted into the air by the moon’s spotlight. The trappers could only watch as the two souls leave their bodies and swirl together into a bright light. When the light dimmed, there stood what looked like a bright flame above them. Than, the flame divided into two smaller flames. Each of the flames enter Collector’s and Mimi’s bodies. The two begin to descend as the moon returned to its crimson red light.
The trappers cheered was the two returned to the ground. The two looked towards each other, feeling some sort of connection to one another. Collector took Mimi to the skies and hug her in the air with pure bliss. A happy moment the two would’ve chairish for years to come together. But sadly, it wasn’t the case.
Sometime later, Collector and Mimi were exploring an island on a beach when a colossal creature arose from the ocean. But this was not an ordinary creature, but a power being known as a titan. Collector know this titan and considered him as a friend. However, if only the titan felt the same.
It happened so fast, everything was a blur. In one instance, Collector found himself being pulled into a circular mirror. As Collector was being pulled in, he cried for Mimi to help. To their horror, Collector watch as the titan opened a portal behind Mimi and sent her away. 
Collector cried in agony as Mimi as taken away from them. As he was pulled into the mirror, he vowed he’ll get free and have his revenge on the titan bully. 
But mainly, to find Mimi.
(Note: * - It’s actually officially called the Titan Blood Moon Jamboree. But, titan trapper renamed so “the monstrous beasts” won’t be associate with such a sacred event.)
✨Feel free to ask questions.✨
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celestialsandtitans · 2 years ago
I should make a post about what the “Owl house game” are like in my toh aus.
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celestialsandtitans · 2 years ago
Toh aus masterlist (OLD)
Note: Still WIP
This list is for info my toh aus and easy to find any post I made of them.
Feel free to ask any questions of them.
♣️ Trefoiled Stars 🌟
What if Meteora and The Collector were once playmates back when Meteora lived in St. Olga's.
Full info
🌫️ Fog in the stars ⭐️
So what if Hunter and Philip were taken by the Entity During the day of unity.
But, at the every last moment, the Collector got between them and was taken as well.
✨Glittering Chaos✨
In glittering chaos, Collector and King end up in Perim after following some witches through a portal.
They arrived on the witche's isles in the world of Perim (there's two of them), were they met other witches.
They learn couldn't return to the demon realm until the next lunar eclipse in two months.
They meet Astra, a starling who's curious about their arrivals. She willing to guide them around the isles to help them settle in until they can return home.
With the help with the grand witches of the Isles and Astra, help them found a place to stay on the isles.
Now King not only has to survive in this new world but also most keep Collector from causing chaos in the world of Perim and its inhabitants.
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celestialsandtitans · 3 years ago
When I was writing the basic info on Trefoiled Stars, I came to a realization: Collector and Meteora came from different universes with their own timelines that are extremely different. Meteora was born 300 years ago while Collector been around way more than that. So I gave up a solution to this continuity problem: Star’s time meddling and Father Time.
SVTFOE’s universe was created long before TOH’s universe (1 million years or so to be specific). Both universe’s time flows at the same rate. Until certain “magical girl from a another dimension”  stops time in their universe, so her best friend at the time won’t be late to nod at their crush at their school.  Than said two went to find Father Time and put him back in the Wheel of Progress to move time again. However, they felt bad for him because he done nothing but run on the Wheel of Progress through out his existence. So, they created a carriage pulled by giant time hamsters to move the wheel.
Because of his newfound freedom, Father Time frequently stops to play or explore his surroundings. His frequently stoping time in SVTFOE’s universe, allows TOH’s universe to catch up to have its time to be parallel with SVTFOE’s universe time, up until the events of Cleaved.
The years that Trefoiled stars will take place in both universes are 2024 in SVTFOE’s while TOH’s is 2018.
✨Feel free to ask questions.✨
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celestialsandtitans · 3 years ago
The challenge part of finishing the Trefolied Stars au is how to fit Earth-ni and the events after in the story.
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