girlboylintjrwi · 2 months
need to talk about puffball.....
basically imagine like a weird large housecat sized sheep and it's super social like rats and stuff and people use the fur for like. wahtever people use sheep wool for. and they have to get sheered every summer and theyare actually a lot sma;ller than they look because they have so much fur
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The crow hopped along the edge of the roof, looking down at the fae below her.  “Hiii.”
Mian looked up, brushing dirt from his hands.  “Hello, little crow.  Causing trouble?”
A small laugh as Nabe jumped down to land next to him.  She tilted her head, looking at him.  “Plant.  Gar-den?”
The moth fairy nodded.  “It’s starting to warm up.  I figured it’s a nice break from working.”
Nabe agreed, gardens were nice!  “What plant?”
“This area will be my flower garden.”  He often used flower petals in his mask-making - and, of course, some flowers could be turned into dyes to make paints.
“Nabe help?”
“Of course!”  Mian tilted his head back, mouth opening in what was an approximation of a smile.
Or at least as close to a smile as a fairy could make.
Nabe, naturally, got to work - poking holes in the ground with her beak so Mian could plant the collection of seeds and bulbs he’d prepared.
Nabe - now in her human form - sat cross-legged on the ground, drinking from the small fairy-sized glass that had been offered to her as she looked at the garden she’d planted with Mian.
“How come you don’t sell your masks?  Nabe thinks you could make lots of money!”
Mian shook his head.  “Ah, people don’t really like them much…”
“They’re pretty!  And well made!”
He fidgeted in place.  “I- Thank you Nabe, but…”
“Nabe loves all of your masks!  They’re art!”
“People don’t want to deal with fairies, Nabe.  Most humans just think we’re overgrown bugs…”
“Nu-uh!  Nabe bets you could make a ton of friends if you traveled more!  People just aren’t used to you!”
He was silent, not sure what to say.  Nabe could be stubborn at times.  “I’ll consider it.”
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hishgraphics · 4 months
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Star Wars RPG: Dawn of the Rangers
S01E17 "Rangers Refreshed"
Location: New Republic Rangers HQ, Coruscant
After two days of rest, Captain Zor Draco (Martín), Gev Dyson (Edward), Olem (Eric) are summoned by Colonel Tyria Sarkin to the HQ's conference room on Level 3 of the Generis Arcology.
Sarkin introduces them to a new recruit, an Iotran New Republic Security Force officer named Kirino Mak (Carlos). She has been assigned to the team as a law enforcement agent.
The briefing begins. Sarkin recounts the team's experiences. They had been working for Agent Tailgunner at the Rangers branch at Karkbreath Peak on Vandor. The team was collecting (stealing?) materiel for Tailgunner. A Gozanti-class cruiser here. A flight of X-wings there.
Then their informant, old Mrs Stassie McPing, was assassinated by Tora Nuam for passing on an encrypted datacard with a warning about who they were working for. Nuam is their teammate Ordan Vallas' former flame. When they finally decrypted the datacard, via Zor's cousin Tarn Draco on Kitel Phard, they discovered that Tailgunner is one Beru Treedancer, working for the isolationist Imperial enclave known as the Pentastar Alignment of Powers.
Meanwhile, Republic Intelligence have no news of their vanished teammates Ordan Vallas, Pac Vesme and Captain Kin Asa Goddard. This sounds grim for the team.
According to Sarkin, the Pentastar Alignment is led by Moff Ardus Kaine who replaced Moff Tarkin as Oversector Outer Moff after the Battle of Yavin. A year ago, he gathered Imperial and corporate loyalists to unite on Entralla to form the PA. Information about them has been sparse since.
Gev proposed a straight up attack, but Sarkin tells him they don't have the resources and the New Republic takes ponderously long to decide.
Zor's proposed move is to scout for intel on Vandor. He refers to the Republic Sienar Systems star courier they found in a buried Sith Temple (under the old Jedi Temple) during the previous mission to repower Olem's lightsaber with a kyber crystal. That ship could have a cloaking shield they could use for effective intelligence gathering.
Sarkin tells them a 6-personnel tech team has been dispatched. One has been reportedly killed by a Sith War Droid. Another disappeared into a door in the Temple that itself disappeared. The remaining four are huddled together fearfully in the star courier cabin performing their analysis.
The Rangers' mission now is to go to the Sith Temple and protect the tech team long enough for them to assess the courier. But in the meantime, the team has been assigned a new ship down in the Hangar Bay in Level 10.
Before going there, Zor changes into his field uniform. They all meet the Quartermaster droid EV-44L4 for more gear. Kirino asks for a bomb defusing kit. Eve-Four is reluctant to release it, but she persuades the droid effectively.
They reach the Hangar Bay where two ships await in launch position. One is Kirino's Y-Wing fighter Blue One being tended to by R2-BA, her astromech droid.
The other is a dark grey Omicron-class attack shuttle with turquoise stripes across her three S-foils. They name her the Spotchka Starstreak. Everyone boards their crafts and prepares for launch. Gev wonders if the new team member will cut it. Zor replies, this is a good mission to test her skills.
When the Nikto crew chief signals them, they both take off. The two ships fly to their dark destination in formation.
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star-shine-s · 1 year
so i have some more (papa louie) ships + shipnames (for some, I'm not a miracle worker) i want you to rank bc I'm bored again
Shannon X Nevada (Nevannon...cute right?)
Tohru x Taylor (no ship name...my bad)
Timm x Johnny (almost said 'TreeDance' but i was like no...maybe Jimm?)
Tohru x Elle (no ship name for them but they look sooo cute together)
Penny x Mitch (Pitch? not pinch, because pinch hitwell is an actual dickhole)
Georgito x Doan (i totally didn't come up with the name 'CreamyMoney' for this ship I SWEAR)
Pally x Shannon (SALLY. I'M A GENIUS)
Mitch x Carlo Romano (still no ship name i just really see these two hangin' together idk)
anyways thats it for now [that's it? haha we're never done...I've got plenty more don't worry] hope these pique your interest...
1: 10/10 lesbians.
2: Cute! 9/10 I feel like their ship name would be strawberrygamer
3: 6/10 they seem like more friends to me
5: 8/10 cute
6: 5/10 I see them more as friends since penny and alberto are a confirmed couple
7: 7/10 sounds cool
8: 10/10 amazing
9: 7/10 I see them as good friends who would get high together
10: 100000/10 YES.
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“Hello!”  That crow has shown up again, perched on a tree branch.  Her soul stood out among the wildlife - marking her as something other.  Though today something else set her apart from the wildlife: a purple, patterned vest, perfectly sized to fit her.
Hriob wasn’t too fussed by her sudden appearance.  He still didn’t know much about the crow - who called herself Nabe, it seemed - but he had figured out that she somehow knew Lyth.  And that, apparently, his connection to his adoptive mother was enough to convince Nabe they were now friends.
“Hello, Nabe,” Hriob said, lifting his head to look at her.  “Staying out of trouble?”
“Yeah!”  She seemed proud of herself.  “And?  What doing?”
“I’m working on making a few final preparations for Samhain.”  He held an arm out, offering a place to perch.  “Though I still haven’t made a decision about a costume.”
“Costume?”  Nabe flew down to land on his arm as offered, sidling over to perch on his shoulder.  “Like.  Spook-o-ween?”
Hriob chuckled.  “It’s similar.”
“Oh!”  She wiggled excitedly!  “Nabe has!  Idea!”  Almost as soon as she was on his shoulder, she jumped off, landing on the ground and turning… human?
Hriob hadn’t seen her do that before, but it wasn’t that surprising, when he thought about it.
“Nabe was going to go visit a friend - the magic moth man - and borrow one of his masks for Spook-o-ween!  Maybe you can come with and borrow one too!”
“The magic moth man?” he repeated, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah!  He lives in a forest near Nabe’s home!  He makes all kinds of masks, and he and Nabe talk about art sometimes!”  She clapped her hands, eyes bright with excitement.  “And!  Nabe can take you to meet him, so you can be friends too!”  A short pause, before she added, “But you gotta do what Nabe says, ‘cause she’s heard that some fairies don’t like people?  So Nabe’s gotta protect you if you come meet him!”
“Your friend is a fairy?”  The thought intrigued him.  Hriob didn’t have much experience with interacting with other fae, he almost felt obligated to go along with it, just for the sake of learning more about his ‘cousins’.
He didn’t feel like bringing up that he was capable of handling himself.  If the forest Nabe spoke of was anything like his home - it was likely that having a guide around might be helpful.
“Yup!  He’s a, uh… Treedancer!  All pretty and pink and yellow!”  Nabe bounced up and down on her heels.  “So, are you gonna come?”
“Why not?  I couldn’t turn down a chance to meet another fae.”
Nabe did not have the ability to teleport of her own power.  Rather, from what Hriob could tell, she used a pendant she wore to communicate with someone who could - leading them to appear outside a small medical clinic that bore her name.
… Hriob was learning more and more about Nabe by the minute.
“This is Nabe’s home!”  She pointed at the clinic.  “Nabe and Elise live upstairs, but Nabe’s friend lives this way!”  Nabe grabbed his hand, tugging him along the road.
It was a fairly long trip out of town toward the forest - but Hriob managed to pass the time asking questions to learn a bit more about Nabe.  She called her pendant a ‘special rock’ that was connected to Elise - the woman who had raised her.  The clinic did, in fact, belong to Nabe - and she claimed to have medical degrees from ‘three different universes’.  Hriob also learned that Nabe was a crow before she developed the ability to assume human form.
Really, Nabe seemed to be a fascinating person in her own right, while also being someone surrounded by people who were just as extraordinary.
Eventually, they came to the edge of the forest, and Nabe took the lead - carefully navigating along between unusually tall and vibrant maple trees.  Though Nabe admitted that she usually just flew over the woods to her destination, she seemed to have a good idea of what it was like on the ground anyway.
Hriob could sense the magic in the forest.  But he could also sense they were being watched.  Though the fairy inhabitants didn’t show themselves, he could sense that they were (understandably) wary.
But, before long, they came to a small clearing.  Near which was a small cottage nestled among the roots of a tree.  Small was the emphasis here - the structure clearly wasn’t built with human proportions in mind, let alone someone as tall as Hriob.
“Mian!”  Nabe went up to the door and leaned down to knock on it.  “Nabe’s here!”
There was a short pause before the door opened - revealing this ‘Mian’.  He stood about half Nabe’s height, looking, for the most part, like a giant moth, standing up on its hindmost legs.  He wore a belt at his waist with a few masks hanging from it.  “Hello there, little crow,” his voice was warm, kind.  “What brings you here?”
Nabe took a few steps back, then sat cross-legged on the ground.  “Well!  Nabe was going to come visit to ask if she could borrow a mask for Spook-o-ween, but she met a friend who was also looking for Spook-o-ween costumes!”  She pointed at Hriob, beaming.  “So Nabe thought!  She should introduce you.”
Hriob gave a small nod, taking the cue from Nabe to sit down as well so the moth-fairy wouldn’t have to crane his neck so much to look at him.  “I have some fae heritage myself, so I will admit I was curious when Nabe mentioned you.  I hope it’s not much of an intrusion.”
“A-ah, well,” Mian was caught off guard, “Usually I approach someone else to offer a mask in exchange for their face.  Nabe’s been the only one to request my work directly.”  A short nod in her direction.  “And I am comfortable letting her borrow one, because I know she’s aware of how much work I put into my projects.”
“I’m sure we can work out some kind of deal,” Hriob said.  “Though I would like to see some examples of your work, if that’s alright?”
“O-oh, right!  Of course!” He pulled one of the masks from his belt, wings fluttering as he moved closer to Hriob.
The mask was porcelain - painted to the point that it looked almost identical to skin, resulting in an almost uncannily realistic appearance.  The mask was made to resemble an elf.
“I designed this one myself!  It took ages to gather the correct materials for it - realism is a bit… difficult at times, to get it right, you know?”  He put the mask up to his face - an illusion giving him the appearance of a much taller elven man.  “The clothing design, the minor details.  Even if it’s much harder to come up with it from scratch, the end result is my favorite guise.”  Mian reached up, taking the mask off once again, then flipping it over to show the back - carved in an intricate series of runes.  “It takes decades to master the craft, but I do consider this to be my masterpiece.”
Hriob’s mind was already buzzing with questions.  Wanting to know every detail of the process, to see if it were something he could recreate.  Wanting to get a closer look at the runes in the mask.  Wanting to know more about how the illusion worked, and how the material choice related to that.  “... Do you mind if I take a closer look?” he asked after a moment, reaching out his hand.  “It’s a stunning piece.”
Mian hesitated before handing it over.  “Do be careful.  Porcelain is difficult to work with.  I’d hate to have to replace it if it breaks.”
“You have my word.”
Hriob took the mask gingerly, turning it over in his hands.  It was exquisite craftsmanship - painstakingly detailed and using real hair, beads, and feathers for the hairstyle.  And the runes - though he didn’t recognize the symbols used in this world, he could still sense their meaning.
“Almost like some kind of code,” he muttered to himself.  That was it, really.  Every symbol, every line, every connection - effectively programming the illusory form as a part of the mask.  Sections dedicated beyond just the appearance - but also to tracking the motion of the wearer so that they could be seamlessly imitated in the illusory form.  And all of it could be powered with a nearly negligible amount of energy expended to do so.
The applications of this could surely go much further than simple disguises.  “Mian - can you tell me how you learned to make these?”
The fairy’s antennae twitched.  “Ah, yes!  It’s an ancient tradition passed down by our tribe.  I spent decades studying as an apprentice before I graduated.  The mask makers have always allowed us the ability to safely pass beyond our borders into the lands of humans.”  A small nod, as though he were proud of himself.  “I’ve worked hard to push my craft even further.  Collecting materials that haven’t been used before and learning how their properties affect the piece.”
“How important is material?”
“Absolutely crucial.  There are rare occasions where substitutions can be made, but for the most part, your base material heavily influences what the mask can become.  Not only that, but it affects the lifespan of the magic, as well.  Softer materials are easier to work with, but the runes will wear out faster - harder material can hold the enchantments longer, but are much less forgiving if an error is made.  And being able to fit all the runes necessary for the mask can often be difficult as well."
“I see.”  Though Hriob would have loved to keep the mask and study it further, he handed it back to Mian.  “I think I would like to commission one from you.  What would you ask in return?”
“Your face would be a nice addition to my collection.”
“Can I tempt you with knowledge instead?” Hriob asked - he was, after all, hesitant to agree to such terms.  “I know several different runic scripts myself, perhaps learning them could help with fitting your enchantments on the masks?”
Mian hummed thoughtfully.  “I would still love to have a mask of you, but I have to admit that’s a tempting offer.  If you are correct about the potential of other scripts, that could drastically change the process…”  The moth returned his mask back to its place on his belt.  “Very well.  I accept your offer - on the condition that you help to acquire any materials I may need to fulfill your request.”
“That seems reasonable.”  Hriob nodded in agreement.
“Great.  Let me just grab a few things from inside and we can get to work.”  He turned toward the door.  “Oh and Nabe?  Have you decided which mask you planned to borrow?”
“Nabe was thinking about it!  She likes the beast, but she knows that one is important to you, so she was trying to think of a different one.”
“I still have the old one laying around.  You can borrow that one.”  It didn’t have any magic left in it, but he knew that Nabe wouldn’t mind.
“So, can you tell me what you had in mind for the costume you wanted?”  Mian asked as he brought his sketchbook outside.  He gave Nabe a stylized mask similar to the other one on his belt before walking over to Hriob.  He sat down and turned to a blank page, poised to make his own sketches and notes.
“That I haven’t figured out yet,” Hriob admitted.  “As important as this is, I’ve had a lot to worry about as of late, and haven’t really had the time to figure out exactly what my plan for this year is.”  He shook his head.  “But costume choice is incredibly important.  I’ve gotten carried away when channeling the spirits of the season in the past, and I wind up in character - willingly or not.  So I am hoping to have a costume that isn’t likely to cause too many problems for people around me when I inevitably lose control.”
“A being with a calm persona?”  Mian tapped his chin thoughtfully.  “Perhaps some myth or legend?”
“Nabe read a book with a wizard in it!  He was a leader of a country, but it turned out he was just a stage magician and not actually magic,” Nabe chimed in.  “At the end he decides to go back to his old home in a giant balloon!”
Mian stared at his friend for a moment.  “Is that your idea?”
“Nabe thinks wizards are calm.”
Hriob tilted his head, deep in thought.  “That sounds… familiar, somehow.”  Was it something he’d read?  He couldn’t quite place it.
“I suppose that makes me the only one who doesn’t get it,” Mian observed.
“Nabe doesn’t think it exists in this world.”  A shrug.  “At least, Nabe hasn’t found any copies on Omnion.”
“Not very helpful, but alright.”  Mian wrote something in the corner of the page - something that more than likely translated to ‘wizard’.  “Do we have any other ideas, or are you going to go with that one?”
Silence, but neither Hriob nor Nabe seemed to be able to come up with any better solution.  Eventually, Hriob just gave a shrug.  “I suppose it’ll have to do.  I’m running out of options at this point.”
“Alright.  Can either of you describe this wizard?”
Between Hriob and Nabe, a design was eventually worked out.  A green vest and pants.  A white coat.  Shirt and tie.  How tall this wizard should be was a point of contention - but they eventually settled on letting the illusion stand at the same height as Hriob.  Though he did insist on preserving his wraps as a design element so that people would still be able to tell it was him - illusion or not.
Mian made a few further sketches, conceptualizing the mask itself in contrast to the illusion, then scribbled down a list of materials on another page - tearing it out and giving it to Hriob.  “Once I have everything I need, I’ll get to work right away.”
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entangledwitch · 5 months
I'm now offering tarot, rune, and playing card readings online! I have 19 years total experience with various types of divination and love to share the gift, so if you'd like a reading let's chat!
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aeriosadance · 5 years
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A job well done! Aeriosa’s safety director Colin Zacharias at Saxe Point Park where Aeriosa just completed 2 days of beautiful performances ‘Majestic Peaks’. Thank you Wendy and @townshiparts for having us!! #verticaldance #treedance #ropeandharnessdance #aerialdance #aeriosadance #aerialists #ropes #dancingintrees #ropedancers #walldancers #verticaldancenetwork #vancouverdancers #circusarts #vancouvercircusartists #esquimalt #saxepointpark #townshiparts #bcartscouncil #dancingintheair (at Esquimalt, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1A7tJ4orJP/?igshid=lay3gor2m3qs
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dancingtreeco · 5 years
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Which Aquamarine Tree of Life do you like best? With Moon swipe right Without Moon . . Comment below, check back later to see if your favorite won!💙🌳🥰 🌛🌕🌜 . . . . . . #trees #TreeofLifePendant #MarchBirthstone #Aquamarine #wireart #wiretrees #treesfortrees #reforestation #dancingtrees #dancingtreeco #dancingtreegifts #treedancers #treelover #treelovers #bluetrees #gemstonetreejewelry #treependant #treejewelry #marchpendant https://www.instagram.com/p/B8tn9Mtnbw2/?igshid=1he1eju8dxme6
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linandara · 6 years
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Starchart into the Unknown, 3 of 8, 40x50 cm . . . #art #artworks #painting #linandaras_art #VopreKin #paintingoftrees #treedance #картинанастену #pinturafantasia #turquoisecolor (at Newtown, Powys)
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The tree is doing it’s own little hula! #hulatree #tadbitblowy #blowyoutside #62indecember #treedance (at Downtown Tinley)
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theatre-interieur · 7 years
Psychedelic woods #danishlake #baladedanslesbois #treedance #psychedelicwoods (à Denmark)
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Nabe's soul is human. While at its core, her aura is a blue-ish periwinkle, the rest will notably change color to suit her moods. For those who can perceive auras - this makes her very easy to read.
Periwinkle is associated with friendship - and it matches Nabe's upbeat yet childish personality.
Elise's aura is bright and vibrant - as befitting a deity. Its color - almost mint green - is exceptionally pure. While not quite classified as a "stain," it's still a side effect of her dealings with Life Magic.
It's no surprise that someone who devotes themselves so fully to healing would burn with a natural green in their aura - a color frequently associated with healing magic.
Mian's aura is complex and ever shifting. A shapeshifter by birth and illusionist by nature - his soul shows tones of cobalt, violet, and purple. A fairy's soul can seem nebulous and undefined to the untrained eye - and Mian is no different.
A craftsman, whose soul shimmers in hues associated with creativity. Mian's aura reveals a lot more about him than meets the eye.
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zbib · 8 years
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#tree #squaregardette #paris #winter #treedance (à Paris, France)
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aucourag · 8 years
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写真日記. . . . . . . #createcommune #ofhumans #agameoftones #postmypicsticks #tuesdaymorning #tuesdaze #shashinnikki #写真日記 #createtoinspire #createexploretakeover #createyourhype #potd #instadaily #onewithnature #icywon #instamood #feels #portraitphotography #humanscreative #createyourlife #photodiary #tranquility #treedance #morningpost
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entangledwitch · 5 months
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Recent rekindling of love's hope and childlike wonder has brought us to great emotional fulfillment, the granting of a long-held wish. This very fulfillment, however, leads us into a new challenge - we are soon to encounter an emotional block that will challenge us to grow. A difficult ending in our inner circles is soon to birth a rocky new beginning that tests and cements our recent learning, and it may hurt the heart for a short time. We are moving from action in our passions in the outer world around us to inward integration of that action's meaning and results. The lesson now is to shift gears and stand firm in the strength of the Oak, a heart embodying the power of immovable form rather than unbridled force. Communication is key! Mercury retrograde is trying ro teach us to take extra care in all our communications, so work to find balance and health in the throat center at this time. Have patience and seek the words to say what you really mean. The heart will heal again if we find steadiness.
Now offering online readings!
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aeriosadance · 5 years
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Last chance to see ‘Majestic Peaks' TONIGHT August 10th 6:30pm, and the very last performance at 7:30pm. Aeriosa at the oceanfront of the West Coast in Saxe Point Park, Esquimalt. Vancouver Island, British Columbia Truly a memorable experience for all ages. Make plans to join us for a spectacular evening! More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/347601545912149 #verticaldance #treedance #ropeandharnessdance #aerialdance #aeriosadance #aerialists #ropes #dancingintrees #ropedancers #walldancers #verticaldancenetwork #vancouverdancers #circusarts #vancouvercircusartists #esquimalt #saxepointpark #townshiparts #bcartscouncil #dancingintheair #yyjarts #yyjevents #vancouverisland #aeriosamajesticpeaks #victoriabc #beautifulbc #thingstodoinvictoria #saxepoint #waterfrontpark #vancouverdanceartists #vancouververticaldance (at Saxe Point Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0-5pOFouv8/?igshid=2bpd4na02w5j
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