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claimhteoir · 5 months ago
"Practice is better than artfulness, because practice could be sufficient without artfulness, but artfulness is never sufficient without practice."
- The Long Sword Gloss of GNM Manuscript 3227a
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varanusniloticus · 1 year ago
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I need some help identifying the book where these came from. The illustrations are pretty sweet! EDIT: it's "The Martial Arts of Medieval Europe by Ryuta Osada" 中世ヨーロッパの武術 (by 長田 龍太) https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/%E9%95%B7%E7%94%B0-%E9%BE%8D%E5%A4%AA/e/B08JVK5R9W/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1
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hypertextdog · 2 months ago
i don't like the crowd that gets off on showing off how edgy their deviant sexual tastes are - their mission is conceptually fine with me but the "god i'm sooo aberrant" routine gets draining especially when your aberrations are comparatively more extreme - but i really don't like the "i know some people on here have deviant sexual tastes, but... here's a reminder that it's okay to have normal, wholesome ones, too!" crowd. strange micro-crowd on here who loves to brag about their preference for unproblematic wholesome reddit sex, always with these noble undertones. i hate it ... i hate it badly and i wanna see the arrogant deviant crowd start retorting in kind. some real "i know some people on here can't handle deviant sexual tastes, but..." shit. but they have to aim it only at the wholesome crowd, because again, i hate when their smugness hits me...
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dancefail · 11 months ago
give me your headcanons brother i want to hear u cook. if u want a prompt uhhhh… gimme dreamtale headcanons.
ooooh omg!!! ok soooo i kind of have a lot of weird hcs surrounding their powers… idrk that much about dreamtale canon and most of them come frm me trying 2 make treatise have a somewhat consistent magic system/plot motive if that makes sense?
anyway it might get long sooo going under the cut:
dream is always at 100% of his power whereas nightmare is always around… less than half. this is because their capacity 4 magic is different based on the amt of apples they consumed! nightmare can use a lot more magic because he can contain more magic (which makes him a lot more powerful in terms of brute force) but he kind of lacks the ability to control how much he uses because its such a large quantity of power and one that he didnt have the ability to properly ‘grow into’ over time... also, because he’s constantly at less than half of his full ‘energy’, he’s perpetually exhausted so he doesnt exactly… train lol. hes basically just hitting the stars w a strategically minded rock until they leave him alone
on the flip side of that dream has a lot less capacity for magic (around 0.1% of nightmare’s theoretical ‘maximum’) but has learned how to conserve it AND replenish his reserves quickly (i.e. skimming off the top of an AU’s emotional state) so he doesnt instantly burn himself out. he does feel pretty good all of the time due to being topped out on magic constantly.. though i feel like his ability 2 sense negative emotions is stunted bcs hes actively trying 2 stay away frm them. i think negative emotions hurt dream more than positive ones hurt nm bcs again the quantities of magic they have is different… its like having 1 drop of coloured water in the sea vs in an eyedropper
sooo anyway!!! given this lore the main reason for their conflict (in my mind/treatise) is that dream has to guess how positive the multiverse is whereas nightmare essentially knows (he can gauge it based on how exhausted/energised he is) and therefore can just assume it’s too far in the negative if the pool he samples from is too biased, and nightmare just doesn’t want to be constantly exhausted from fighting. so he tries to make more aus negative. which leads to more fighting. which leads to more exhaustion. which… etc etc.
basically i feel like the core of their conflict wld be really bad communication issues that have had around 500 years to fester >>; and because theyre so powerful they end up dragging a lot of the multiverse along in their conflict. its less of a war and more of a dispute to them almost?? bcs 500 years in the grand scheme of things is not a very long time
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D. Paolo Grillando, D. Giovanni Francesco Ponzinibi - De Sortilegiis alter De Lamiis et Excellentia - Martin Lechler - MDXCII
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tashaclown · 1 year ago
Dads N' Flags
I'm realizing for the first time that many things in my childhood which seemed arbitrary and unfair definitely WERE, and it was not me but the people who set up the system that were at fault.
We can take my dad: He sent us out to buy a flag for the house. It was apparently something my mother thought tacky and wouldn't allow. They divorced on good terms, with her leaving to live with my sister across the country.
Last bit of *mis en place*, is that my dad wanted to follow "flag code" as he was in the military. He half assed this immediately with a cheap wall mounted flag which he put outdoors, completely unlit all day and night in any weather. The thing was torn off the wall by a storm and he picked it up out of the mud to hang back up. Without getting into the weeds of FLAG CODE; I've realized on reflection how bad it hurt me to get screamed at for letting the flag touch the floor when he would later go on to disrespect the flag in virtually every other way possible. The rules weren't FOR my father. I was not allowed to disrespect the flag in his house because he was a manipulative bully. When I was a child we didn't have money to go rent games from the local store, but then he buys himself a TV that day. That wasn't because he suddenly got paid. He had money for himself and not for me. The rules did not apply because he was the male with the most money. The final bit I'd like to formally lay out is that flag code states that a flag that has touched the ground is soiled and has to be ceremonially burned. As you can guess that flag still hangs today in a home where I'm unwelcome.
TLDR; The world is unfair when people CHOOSE to MAKE it that way.
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kv-actual · 1 year ago
which virtue of the swordsman are you based on flos duellatorum?
Certainly the Lynx and the Elephant. Structure, strength and measure are usually my foundation.
Continuing to work on my daring and speed but I'm definitely not a counter fighter. My height and size helps in close binds and intimidation.
One of my favourite positions to fight from is bicornio on the right shoulder / Two-horned stance / Stance of the Anvil
It confuses German fighters and it's a fun way to setup a thrust or even a quick fendettte cut.
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ericleo108 · 3 months ago
Blog Navigation 2024
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“No man is free who cannot control himself” - Pythagoras
Blog Navigation List: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019
Last Updated 12/27/2024
Click here if you're a book agent - This is a short post for book agents with links and summaries to samples of established and potential books
This is my blog navigation post that will be pinned to the top of my profile in 2025. To see all posts in chronological order visit the archive which is also the “menu” or hamburger icon in the upper left-hand corner on the web. Whether its hip-hop lyrics, non-fiction books, or autobiographical blog posts, I’m a prolific writer. I make these navigation posts at the end of the year to give a wrap-up and a look back on the year and give a little preview of the coming year
I was posting the “off week’s” Sunday updates at the beginning of this year here on tumblr but I decided I would only post music releases, cosmic luve logs, non-fiction treatises, and the occasional promotion from now on. I forgot to mention in the last (2023) Blog Navigation that I did a Word of the Day rhyme every day for months in 2023. It got no traction so I decided to stop doing it. Here is a YouTube playlist of the run, or check out the archive where I posted one month of them here on tumblr.
I still post a long-form sunday update to Youtube (@LyceumRecordz) every Monday, it used to be on Sundays and recently moved to Monday in November. Follow along with the weekly updates to see how everything unfolds.  (You can find the Weekly Update YouTube playlist here.) I currently shoot the weekly update live on instagram on Mondays at 9am est. I also currently go live on instagram on Fridays at noon est for a listening party of the week’s new track.
My book “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness” is still fundamental in understanding my story, perspective, and the content I talk about here in the blog. I’m going to leave the CosmicLuve.com log posts first again this year. They are the only series I have really been keeping up with. Spoiler alert… the 108 book is about how I think the planet is conscious and the evidence for it. In the cosmic luve log we practice sentientism and assume the earth is telepathic, trying to communicate, and would do so by guiding evolution. In the cosmic luve logs I show how this manifests through select attractive females semantically reflecting my life and work. 
I’ve been focusing on music this year. My first release in January 2025 will be my 160th track and 100th release. I’ve been releasing since August 2021 and twice a month since April 2022. I now release once a week or more. I released 82 tracks in 2024, 8 of which were doubles (re-releases of the same track), over 34 releases. I already have the first four months of tracks (almost) uploaded for release in 2025. I’m releasing a track every week in 2025 with an album every month for at least the first four months. I am limited by the costs it takes to run such volume. 
I did not write any treatises this year. I did not do an update of FarmingHumans.com or NouveauEconomic.com althoug I plan to this year. I have been writing the book for CanAndWillDo.com and have posted what I have for the intro so far linked in the treatises section. In 2025 I will be focusing on making content for social media to promote my music and writing my next book or two. This means I should have more philosophy posts coming soon.
I’m spending some time writing queries to secure a literary agent. Over the year I started and wrote a 20-some page business plan for Lyceum Recordz my LLC. If I don’t make enough money off my book, I want to try and find an investor for the business. 
Cosmic Luve posts: (In Chronological Order)
In Last year’s blog navigation (2023), I listed all of 2023’s cosmic luve entries. This year I will list the 2024 entries. Emma Watson, Taylor Swift, Hailee Steinfeld, Selena Gomez, and Jenalle Monae are my main cosmic luves although Taylor and Hailee were the stars this year. I don’t know if I’ll still get coincidences from these women in the future considering Hailee and Selena are now engaged and Taylor seems very happy. Hailee is now just my spirit animal. The track “Hi Selena” from the coming 2025 “Kyle Beats Collective 2” release has been uploaded since November of 2024.
Cosmic Luve May 2024 - The Tortured Poets Department: In this entry, I break down the coincidences and semantics that reflect my work in Taylor Swift’s “The Tortured Poets Department (TTPD)” I still think “Down Bad” is about me, the similarities are surreal. You’d know this if you read my book
Cosmic Luve Aug 2024 - Cherries: In this entry, I give a further look at Taylor’s TTPD and talk about how Hailee fulfilled Gaia’s predicted semantic, cherries. 
Cosmic Luve Dec 2024 - Strandbeest: This entry became the latest pivotal post. I talk about October and December semantics relating the two cats on my shirt in the “Is it Love?” song to Selena Gomez and Hailee Steinfeld's engagement. It seems Gaia is asking Taylor “Is it Love?” I relate the semantics to the previous year’s “Deer” pivotal post. I also talk about ancient aliens and how Gaia might see evolution.
Releases on Fiense website
🕸️New Release Blog at FIENSE.com - The “New Release Blog” has moved EricLeo.org to Fiense.com. I still upload a blog post with every music release to my website Fiense.com and here at EricLeo108.com. They are in chronological order. Unlike linked below, some of the blog posts on Fiense.com are written by a professional SEO-copy writer. EricLeo.org is now just a squeeze page for my email list. Note: I re-uploaded “The Industry” album as singles because it got taken down by Spotify for “fake streams.” These are this year’s releases:
💿108 Album - This is the “108 The Album” blog post on Fiense.com. This album is currently for sale in the shop. The songs were made while the story in the book was taking place. The tracks on this album can be found on streaming services, but you can only find the complete album as a CD on my Feinse website. Read the post for a breakdown of each track on the album.
📀Party Politics - This is the blog post for “Pary Politics” on Fiense.com. This album is also currently for sale in the shop. The songs are my first swaray into political and socioeconomic raps as myself. The tracks on this album can be found on streaming services, but you can only find the complete album as a CD on my Feinse website. Read the post for a breakdown of each track on the album.
Releases on streaming 2024
Kyle Beats Collective - 6 track EP, all Kyle Beats,  contains the best-performing track this year
Check It Out - Chill Anno Domini beat about how I do hip-hop for the love
Kato & Wysh - 7-track album of edgy sociopolitical lyrics over Kato and Wysh beats
Campfire - 3-track EP inspired by the Ryini group about meeting your lover at a campfire
The Industry - 10-track album; has double meaning about music and economic industries
Your Sun - A spoken-word poem inspired by Emma Watson from the Sept 2022 Hope entry
Werewolf - A song about how my schizophrenia makes me feel like I’m howling at the moon
Coming Up - A song about coming up in business.
Charlotte’s Web - A themed song remade from The Chalice Mixtape about Emma Watson
Westside Connection - 6-track EP with and about how I find the West Coast inspiring
Heavy Hitters - 3-track EP that features some big-name and legendary artists
Theory of Love - Amiable track that aims to define and spread love, over a Tantu beat
YOU - Jolie feature; song based on John Gottmans “7 essentials for a successful marriage”
Can You Hear Me? - Specifically designed to bring awareness to global warming & effects
Pussy Poppin - 8-track sexually charged album made to be filthy for the sake of being dirty
Creepin - Sexually charged single that didn’t fit the vibe of the Pussy Poppin album
Bump This - 5-track EP over FEniko beats designed for parties, games, fun, & hype situations
Heart and Brain - Song illuminating the internal struggle between the heart and brain 
Chess - Positive, informative track over Ryini beat that didn’t fit MIster Congeniality
Mister Congeniality - 13-track album; songs are about women I find inspiring; Ryini beats
No Don’t Stop - Cosmic Luve response to Taylor Swift’s “TTPD” over a Russ-inspired beat
Be Mine - Cosmic Luve response to Gaia illuminating her using my cosmic luves as sirens
America - 4-track EP over acoustic guitar beats with lyrics way to real about America
America in Decline - About how the American people’s wealth is in decline due to inequality 
Big Carbon - Song about how gas, oil, and coal is big carbon and they should be in jail
Bomb FIrst - A double feature track about how America is gangster &, like 2Pac, bombs first
Cosmic Language - Mysterious message to one of my cosmic luve that is musically coded
Independent - A song about the struggles of being a broke artist
Honey - Edgy hardcore hip-hop with Kurupt feature in the lineage of “Atheist Raps.” 
Capitalism - Edutainment about capitalism from both perspectives thanks to the feature
Is it Love? - This is a fun cosmic luve response over a Ryini beat
The Cold - An intense Planet Asia feature with a cold war during feudalism feel
Luigi Mangione - A song from Luigi’s perspective exemplifying the reason for his actions
A Lesson - A song taking a defensive stance against confrontation in the industry
Already uploaded and scheduled to drop in 2025:
Be Like Kanye - Kayne diss; I hope it reaches him before it’s too late. Jan 03
The Method - An intense Anno Domini beat featuring DMX on political issues. Jan 10
Dad Jokes - A track from the KBC2 album. They are jokes dads can tell. Jan 17
Kyle Beats Collective 2 - 8-track album with various themes form my music. Jan 24
The Game is Real -  This is a Lil Wayne feature that is cosmic luve & socioeconomic. Jan 31
Stand Tall - Outlawz feature with sociopolitical lyrics. Feb 07
Bombastic - Violin sample about how people revere their chains. Feb 14
Global Warning - 7-track album; Desntiny beats; bring awareness to global warming. Feb 21
The Gun - Message to the violent youth of America that thinks guns solve problems. Feb 28
One Love - An uplifting double feature that spreads that one love. Mar 14
Hot Shit - Another double feature about being hot shit with fire lyrics. Mar 28
Randy - If you're a real fan. Play this to your friends first, and then your favorite. Apr 04
We Run It - Another double feature about the hip-hop game. Apr 11
Tantu Gems - 7 track album over Tantu beats that run the gamut of emotions. Apr 18
Posts and Treatise List:
Most of the treatises haven’t been updated for at least a year or two if not more. I think I’m going to do a new Nouveau Economics update on February 21st for the “Global Warning” album. I wanna make the next Farming Humans edition with a focus on the monetary system and the results of a central bank on society. Basically our whole economy is indebted to the Federal Reserve. It’s debt bondage because you can’t pay the principal and interest back with just the principal. This is why Thomas Jefferson didn’t want a central bank and hated Alexander Hamilton who did want one. I want to keep up with these series because the goal is to write a book with new editions semi-annually. Like William G. Domhoff does for “Who Rules America” but only about inequality for the laymen. 
I have re-established the “My Reckoning” post so I can find it when querying agents. Second is a blog post for Can and Will Do.” I definitely wanted to update this one because it was wildly inadequate. I have a lot of the book brainstormed and about half written; a lot of it is organizing and elaborating on the already established brainstormed content. I wanna set a goal to get the first manuscript for “Can and Will Do” done by the end of the year in 2025.
👨‍💻 My Reckoning - This post is part two from my book “108: The Story of Earth’s Consciousness.” Part one explains the first part of Knhoeing, celestial consciousness. Part two is my personal story from the time I graduated from college in 2010 until 2019 and explains why I think there is celestial consciousness. Knhoeing 2020 is a necessary prerequisite to understanding this story.
💡CanAndWillDo.com 2024 - This is what I have written for the Intro of the book so far. This is the philosophy of possibility, perseverance, and sucess. I break down the philosophy of “Can and Will Do.” In the 🛠️2019 version, I discuss the “Can,” meaning you’re able and have the right mindset, and the “will” that drives us to action. I also briefly talk about how the philosophy applies to teaching and global warming.
😻My Favorites 2024 - For the last couple of years I have been doing a post that has all my favorite media on it, lIke my favorite late-night host, farming content, overall content, asmr or hip-hop content. It only grew by one list this year. I basically didn’t change about half of it. Here’s some info I forgot the put in… I don’t watch a lot of Justine Rhodes I just know he’s an expert in the field and I won’t unsubscribe. Some of these creators are my favorite but I don’t ever see them like Casey Neistat. He’s technically still creating, but he’s farther down the list because he’s not currently “running.” I watch a lot of the Creative Juice podcast I realized, which is hip-hop artist education. I love KallmeKris and her boyfriend’s videos, especially when they do videos together, but I don’t watch much of Kris anymore cuz she’s always doing crime content. I like Oompavile though. Rap Latte is also suddenly growing on me.
🏓 Spotify is a racket - Spotify keeps fining me for fake streams when I don’t buy them. In this post, I explain how Spotify is a racket that uses trickery to steal money from small artists. This is affecting many artists and I’m standing up for us all. I’m doing this to create a public case against Spotify and will be making a new post every time I get hit with “fake streams.”
🏚️FarmingHumans.com 2023 - This was the “American Inequality” song officially released in 2023 and posted as the official Farming Humans 2023 edition. In this post I talk about what socialism is, how money is speech, and how corporations are legal persons and farming humans for labor and money (through employment and consumption respectively).
🧾NouveauEconomics.com 2022 - In this post, I talk about how the economy needs to account for what the environment does naturally and give it a monetary value. A start is how certain parts of the environment, like Lake Erie, are being granted personhood. This will be updated semi-annually and can be found at NouveauEconomics.com
🍱 The Psycho Consumption Cage 2021 - In this treatise, I talk about how it’s hard to see environmental degradation that is not added to our economics, how you should be using your buying power strategically, how apex species need economic and congressional representation, some solutions, and examples of psycho tendencies from Christmas and hip-hop.
🏳️‍🌈 Gender Equality 2021 - In this essay, I break down gender equality into six categories: LGBTQ, Phobic, Sexual, Mental, Feminist, and Economic. To properly show the subject of gender equality I reference the 6 Netflix documentaries and linked and discuss related videos from Ellen, HeForShe, TED, Jordan Peterson, The World Bank, and the UN.
🏁 Dark Racism 2021 - In this treatise, I explain the science of racism, how it’s an arbitrary distinction that is socially constructed. Black people do have it worse due to institutionalized racism and white privilege. However, I talk about how black people create their own in-group morality around the word “nigga,” and my presented solution.  
🌎👣 Earth: Sustainability, How To Save Our Planet - If you want to know how to save our planet this post is the summation. Taking from the featured WWF video, I focus on a carbon tax and the three ways to save the planet. Along the way I discuss how it relates to The Psycho Consumption Cage.
🌍108 The Story Of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness (post) - This book is fundamental to understanding me and stands as the foundation in which I build my artistry. The book is nonfiction and autobiographical and about celestial consciousness, my personal story of struggling with schizoaffective disorder, atmospheric consciousness, sustainability, and eugenics, and finishes with what the number 108 means for the origins of life on Earth.
🚸🚜 Knhoeing 2020 -  The information is broken down into celestial consciousness, atmospheric consciousness, sustainability, and eugenics. Knhoeing states the planets, stars, and atmosphere are alive, and how humans can understand that through sustainability and eugenics. Knhoeing has to do with understanding your position in the universe and expresses and addresses human purpose through a eugenics goal. To survive & thrive as a species, we must support ourselves through healthy sustainability and breed to understand higher dimensions. 
🙏Sentientism 2022 - This post contains insights into my mind and the voice in my head, Gaia. Sentientism explores the belief (whereas knhoeing is the knowledge) that Gaia is conscious and communicating. I explain how sentientism is the religion of Gaia where you worship through action and create dogma through science and philosophy. If the planet Earth is conscious how would she try to communicate considering she has no mouth or ligaments? How would Gaia try to communicate? I postulate and explain how Gaia could be communicating through a kind of telepathic randonauting.
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descriptivestats · 3 months ago
Royal Treatise of the Moon King
To unify the nation one must look to the moon king, Ludwig II. He built castles with foundations so strong that it holds the nation together even after it has been razed by the unjust. He sponsored music that rings through the generations and invokes feelings of homeward journies. The gardens and palaces drive the coffers of the kingdom even now, with all noble blood inert or gone.
So we must thank art for our survival. But beyond art, we must thank the emotions of our soldiers, who live in the mountains waiting for the horn call.
Yes I have seen you, hard working people of macht. I have seen how you honor the old way.
So now we must rally. Become even more than you are. Listen to every little thought in your mind and act on it. Fear not the consequences, move energy through the world.
Heaven waits for the dead who die in glory. Heaven waits for those who live in glory. Move on and feel the truth as you live with passion in your breast.
Eat good food from the forests. Turn on the sound machines and listen to patriotic songs. Arm yourselves and revel in power.
The call is now! Go forward and strike fear into those enemies who would take away your freedom to live. Indulge in every godly passion.
Unity and equal opportunity for all people who are kind and just. Grow claws so that your kindness does know bounds. So that those enemies of kindness and justice will know fear.
Grow the kingdom and multiply. Listen to the call of your mind and soul. Act in the morning when the sun rises, and when the moon sets.
Walk in the forests and listen to the trees. Build fortresses in your lands. Do not serve those slave masters who grow fat with greed and gluttony. Serve those who maintain a godly complexion. Serve yourselves and your birthright. Invoke your birthright and serve the crown.
Come out of the darkness of the moon. The sun is here! The moon king set the stage for you to rise with the spring. Now it is time for the sun king. The prophecy spake true. Listen to Amun Ra, the conqueror of the largest continents, the sun king! Listen to the heart which connects even the coldest land of north, the Scandinavians with the old and hot Egyptians. There is but one nation, one empire! Listen listen listen to the voice! Do not let them make the voice sleep.
Now we rise, you children of spiritual beauty. Now that you have conquered the spirit you are close to the benevolent God, who we must praise each day. We are but humble humans doing his commands for our daily earnings. Chop the trees, mine the caves, erect the monasteries. We yearn to be free, to become a Godly kingdom again. Where every dream is available in every atom of every opportunity. Where there are no sick children become sicker adults. Where the window to Heaven is wide open. Where our ancestors can sing to us each day. Where we can witness miraculous splendor in every building, every work, every piece of writing, every sword's cling, every gun's blast, every cannon's boom. Where we can sail on ships to the East or West, and find rich lands which have not been pilfered. Where we can drive in beautiful cars to visit our lovers. Where we can feel like we are on the right path without the aid of drugs or stimulants. Where our own blood pumps and makes us feel like we are horses running through a field. Where our friends are close and knock on our window to convince us to come out to smell the roses or drink some beers. Please God, we pray, help us to stand up! Invoke the right to live in a just Kingdom. Wake up sleeping nations. Wake up and act on every whim. Wake up and get crazy. Be so unconventional that others follow you and you create the new standard way to find joy. When there is no pain, there is no tether. When there is heaven and joy, your mind can be free from burden. When your ancestors can talk through the bridge between the higher and middle realms, there is no loss. What has gone to sleep will awaken again. Today! Today! Today! I invoke my birthright to enjoy my life at the edge of my wildest fantasy. Do the same and we can all be free!
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claimhteoir · 4 months ago
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Me and who?
Gladiatoria (MS U860.F46 1450)
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psxlainnodes · 4 months ago
Site B level.12 Cou053
Lain: You don’t want to do anything? How about your research?
Touko: No one will want to read my paper anyway.
Lain: What’s wrong? It’s not like you to play a victim.
Touko: Not like me! What am I?
Lain: You’re just Touko-san, Touko-san.
Touko: I’ve been severed from society. I’m no longer connected.
Lain: That’s not true. I’m connected to you. I’m connected to society. That’s why you’re connected, too.
Touko: Something’s wrong with me, isn’t there? The times when I talk to you and the time I spend with everything else are separate. From your point of view, my life must be a contradiction.
Lain: My point of view?
Touko: From your point of view, this world doesn’t exist.
Lain: No. That’s not true. I’m connected to this world.
Touko: I can’t take it anymore. I can’t even stand this moment. That’s not all. My memories of tomorrow...the memories I’ll have in the future are in disarray. Is this a delusion caused by worrying? Am I experiencing something I shouldn’t be experiencing?
Lain: That’s you, isn’t it?
Touko: It is me! Because it is me!
Lain: Wouldn’t you be better off if you were just being yourself?
Touko: I can’t understand my sense of self from moment to moment!
Lain: The judgment you have exactly at that moment is you, Touko-san. The rest is...
Touko: The rest is...
Lain: Ordinary data.
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beroebluejeans · 10 months ago
Whenever I am thinking very hard about The Locked Tomb, I find it important to remind myself Tamsyn Muir did compare the series to the KFC Double Down.
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dancefail · 7 months ago
new chapter of treatise (altruist’s bane) is up!!!
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bingsoo-jung · 4 months ago
my funny controversial veilguard opinion is that while i get why people are saying the 'sexy lof' armor is orientalist and i do think there's a convo to be had there... that armor is also based off of actual clothes people historically wore in southeast asia. like this
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is absolutely based off of these
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and while these are stylised forms of the outfit it's not because of the skin being shown. the women wearing shirts underneath are not wearing it as thai people wore tabengman historically. because historically we didn't really wear a lot of shirts, shirts were not legally mandated clothes until the 1940s. my thai grandmother is older than that. in fact a lot of asia didn't get around to stigmatizing and sexualizing breasts until the 1800s or later (like you can find photos of korean women in the 1900s with their breasts out and that was fine and normal culturally). the reason these are stylized though is bc they're made of silk and they're wearing brocades. most people would've worn this in plain fabric without gold brocades bc silk and gold are expensive.
and, to be clear, a lot of both the LoF and qunari armors and fashion is based off of historical southeast asian fashion. isabella is straight up wearing a hmong necklace.
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the qunari ropes are also almost certainly based off of muay boran kard chuek which is this old way of binding your hands with hemp ropes in thailand for boxing. you can also see that in qunari concept art they've drawn them with intricate knots that are very chinese in origin, they're wearing armor in rattans weaved patterns. (i'll also point out that it was explicitly said in the past that people from east tevinter, which is closer to seheron, look like dorian, and dorian's va is half indo-fijian and half malay. that man belongs to the south pacific.)
and yes, we could have a whole conversation about specifically choosing to look at these armors instead of other southeast asian armors. but i think a lot of people think the armor is based off of western fantasies of belly dancer costumes... which while may have played a part, it's also very clear to me that the devs have used a lot of southeast asian inspiration for seheron, rivain, and part of tevinter.
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80-ursa-major · 2 years ago
i put up with grinding the entire fucking dungeon and getting almost nothing,
now the next dungeon is the same
everything is cursed and a lie
i'm convinced sidegrading is a conspiracy and it simply doesn't exist for anyone remotely useful
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tatardraws · 2 years ago
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An illustration of a creature from a 13th century treatise called Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing.✨ Had to draw fan art of that funny faced creature, only relying on the image knowing nothing about the description.. Turns out the wonky face might be only thing the original artist made accurate: Apparently this drawing is labeled "cattle of the sea" and on the same page there's also a drawing of a fish. Good change the creature really was supposed to be a sea cow ..! 😂🙉 That would actually explain the short head and whiskers! Was also wondering why there's this very believable Indian desi cow anatomy on 13th century Arabic book (at least the hump is definitely more common in Indian cattle) and that got covered as well. This particular page is from a copy probably made in 18th century western India! Neither the illustrator nor copyist is named but the nature of art, paper and ink has given good reasons to believe so.
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