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treasurechestrpmemes · 11 months ago
100 Phobias! Below are 100 Phobias! Bold what Phobias your Muse could have. italice things that make your Muse uncomfortable and scared, but would not count as a phobia. Explain your muses stand on the phobia: How do they live with it? When do they meet that phobia in their daily life? Is there a reason for this phobia? Original By @treasurechestrpmemes ! Tagged By: Tagging:
Achluophobia: Fear of darkness
Acrophobia: Fear of heights
Aerophobia: Fear of flying
Algophobia: Fear of pain
Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces or crowds
Aichmophobia: Fear of needles or pointed objects
Amaxophobia: Fear of riding in a car
Anemophobia: Fear of air
Angrophobia: Fear of anger
Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers
Anthropophobia: Fear of people or society
Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched
Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders
Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers
Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning
Astrophobia: Fear of outer space
Ataxophobia: Fear of disorder or untidiness
Atelophobia: Fear of imperfection
Atychiphobia: Fear of failure
Automatonophobia: Fear of human-like figures
Autophobia: Fear of being alone
Bacteriophobia: Fear of bacteria
Barophobia: Fear of gravity
Batrachophobia: Fear of amphibians
Belonephobia: Fear of pins and needles
Bibliophobia: Fear of books
Botanophobia: Fear of plants
Catagelophobia:Fear of being ridiculed
Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors
Chionophobia: Fear of snow
Chrometophobia: Fear of spending money
Chromophobia: Fear of colors
Chronomentrophobia: Fear of clocks
Chronophobia: Fear of time
Cibophobia: Fear of food
Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces
Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns
Cyberphobia: Fear of computers
Cynophobia: Fear of dogs
Daemonophobia: Fear of demons
Decidophobia: Fear of making decisions
Dendrophobia: Fear of trees
Dentophobia: Fear of dentists
Domatophobia: Fear of houses
Dystychiphobia: Fear of accidents
Ecophobia:Fear of the home
Elurophobia: Fear of cats
Emetophobia: Fear of vomiting
Entomophobia: Fear of insects
Equinophobia: Fear of horses
Genuphobia: Fear of knees
Glossophobia: Fear of speaking in public
Haphephobia: Fear of touch
Heliophobia: Fear of the sun
Hemophobia: Fear of blood
Herpetophobia: Fear of reptiles
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: Fear of long words
Hydrophobia: Fear of water
Hypochondria: Fear of illness
Iatrophobia:Fear of doctors
Insectophobia:Fear of insects
Leukophobia: Fear of the color white
Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
Lockiophobia:Fear of childbirth
Megalophobia: Fear of large things
Melanophobia: Fear of the color black
Microphobia: Fear of small things
Mysophobia: Fear of dirt and germs
Necrophobia:Fear of death or dead things
Noctiphobia: Fear of the night
Nomophobia: Fear of being without your mobile phone
Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals
Nyctophobia: Fear of the dark
Ombrophobia: Fear of rain
Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes
Ornithophobia: Fear of birds
Pathophobia: Fear of disease
Pedophobia:Fear of children
Philematophobia: Fear of kissing
Philophobia: Fear of love
Phobophobia: Fear of phobias
Porphyrophobia: Fear of the color purple
Pteromerhanophobia: Fear of flying
Pyrophobia: Fear of fire
Scolionophobia: Fear of school
Scoptophobia: Fear of being stared at
Selenophobia: Fear of the moon
Sociophobia: Fear of social evaluation
Somniphobia:Fear of sleep
Tachophobia: Fear of speed
Technophobia: Fear of technology
Thalassophobia: Fear of the ocean
Tonitrophobia: Fear of thunder
Trypanophobia: Fear of needles/injections
Trypophobia: Fear of holes
Verminophobia: Fear of germs
Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft
Xenophobia: Fear of strangers or foreigners
Zoophobia: Fear of animals
Zuigerphobia: Fear of vacuum cleaners
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the27percent · 12 hours ago
rules: list the things your muse carries in their pockets or bags in their everyday life. (optional: explain their significance.) repost, don’t reblog.original meme from @treasurechestrpmemes​.
a silver celestial ball - much more than it looks kind of serves a s away to examine different places that they are going to. a gift from a friend from years ago that atieno has been using to plan their next trips. it has rings that they like to fidget with around it as they are examining their next steps.
misc chewy gum or candies. it's a bit random for them to have this own them, but sometimes it's just nice for them to chew on something pleasant tasting despite not really needing to do so.
a small knife. something convenient easy to pull out and use if necessary, easy to slip into spaces. they have to have a mundane option before they immediate ramp up the stacks with what they are really capable of.
a swiss army knife like contraption: it's not the same as the original thing, especially since it was made within space, but it's quite adaptable and helps them get out of a lot of sticky situations in more 'mundane' ways.
a weird little straw, or what could resemble a vape but isn't: they just like the sensation of honestly taking a drag even when they are not actually taking a drag. they don't know how they got attached to this gesture, but it's something they only indulge in when they know they are alone. otherwise, they would just let out breaths of amorphous darkness to relieve of some the same urge.
black and blue journal. mostly a place to articulate some of the thoughts that they have around their journeys
communicator type thing.. it's not.. a phone. but it operates like one as far as they are concerned so they make do in order to keep contact with people that they know. no they will not reveal where or how they got this, because the whole thing about trying to commodify what they got [the sheer scale alone of what it can handle is unique] .. they aren't about to have that kind of competition going on their behalf, no.
an older book. atieno likes having an older book to read about while waiting for something. perhaps its a place where they've been, people they used to know, memories that they recall differently, old literature and poetry. the subject changes, but they do like revisiting different areas of interest over the years.
media player with headphones. they had tried a few different models over the years and met someone who could accommodate means of translating different modes, maintaining some of this sound quality. genres they listen to include rock, hip hop, jazz (all varieties, but they do have a personal connection for the more far-reaching approaches). soul, they like exploring the depths of music and the history that comes with it.
a headwrap: convenient way to tie up their hair when they go to bed somewhere. they have to keep that thing on them. they may have a more decorative type headwrap they wear for specific occasions and locations.
miscellaneous metallic materials. atieno has been known to gather dense and difficult materials to work with in their travels and use that to craft things. sometimes for themselves, sometimes for others. it's a good way to keep up with the practice of shaping form on a more immediate level.
a change of clothes. the nature of the extra outfit tends to alter, but it may be a duplicate of their usual leather and shirts outfits, it may be a more simple button-down and pants combo. just in case they end up in a different environment at a certain moment.
tagging by: @dayzarisn
tagging: @far-tek @aglobhadh, @themckaytriarchy
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zealctry · 1 year ago
Dashgame: Never Have I Ever !
RULES: Your Muse and all the Muses they interact with are in a pub somewhere across Space, Dimension and Time. Answer the first 'Never Have I Ever' In Character. At the end of that, let your Muse ask a new ‘Never Have I Ever’ question for the tagged people to answer themself. After those tagged people answered your prompt, they state their own 'Never Have I Ever' and tag you back along with other Muses. Rinse, lather, repeat. original by @treasurechestrpmemes
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“ –never have I ever hurt another person willfully. ”
Hidan’s gaze had, within the last handful of seconds, wandered into the distance, drifting with no particular purpose, like a leaf blow in the wind. it snaps back, however, upon hearing that particularly hilarious tidbit. he cannot help himself ( could, but doesn’t care enough to ) from bursting into laughter. a loud, ringing sound, filled with much more mirth than it ( by society’s standards ) had a right to be.
( she’s playing saint, and he finds it funny. whether or not the words are true remains an open question. people talk a lot, but not all words are genuine. people talk a lot, but they are very good at deluding even their own selves. oh well. illusion delusion is the first of all pleasures, and all that rot. )
he picks the glass between long fingers and downs it in one swig. easily.  then reaches dutifully for the bottle, and pours himself another drink, gaze unwavering and unblinking. ( downs that one, too, a smooth shot, the liquid trailing fire down his throat. just for the hell of it. just to make a point. )
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the click of his tongue is not as much satisfied as it is mocking.
“ never have I ever fantasized about murder. ”
( oh. and he proudly takes that shot, too. )
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tagged by: @hunting-songs xoxo a good bean, love you tagging: @cainiine / @helllords (choose someone fun for the latter account~), @sortilegum / @deviatory (Mal? Vin?), @distortedkilling, @kiigan (modern verse for funsies), @longerhuman, @mxldito, @bedlamology (Loni), @hemat1c (Jiwoon), @senjufound (Madara), @langdhon, @softersinned & anyone else who I am too shy to tag or is currently inactive but feels it for later.
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kiigan · 1 year ago
Dashgame: Never Have I Ever !
RULES: Your Muse and all the Muses they interact with are in a pub somewhere across Space, Dimension and Time. Answer the first 'Never Have I Ever' In Character. At the end of that, let your Muse ask a new ‘Never Have I Ever’ question for the tagged people to answer themself. After those tagged people answered your prompt, they state their own 'Never Have I Ever' and tag you back along with other Muses. Rinse, lather, repeat. original by @treasurechestrpmemes
“ Never have I ever fantasized about murder. ”
ㅤGo out for drinks with Hidan, they said. It will be fun, they said, You won't be semi-overtly discussing homicide, they said. ...Or, well. Nobody said that, certainly not the last part, yet the point being: Itachi finds his eyes widening slightly in bewilderment.
ㅤIn all fairness, and in the world and times we live in, hyperbolic statements come too easily. I literally [this and that]; Itachi also the one person who deadpans, no, you did not literally did that, you don't know what literally means, stop using that word in every sentence. A whole different story for a whole other day, or perhaps for after a few more shots.
«Does it count when we're stuck in traffic and wishing to nuke the whole avenue?»
ㅤBecause, then, yes, he's guilty as charged. As possibly is every other human being who ever met the tragedy that is rush hour at evening. Now, beyond that... there's also stuff like spam emails, books that get printed with typos in the text, autocorrect in chatboxes that was never asked for. And who never thought about a few political leaders of some of the most influential countries and believed this world would be better off without them?
ㅤAnd... there's the sheer, raw enticement of the act when considered in the absence of moral values, Itachi supposes. The striking realization that humans are such fragile creatures, that it's so remarkably easy to make the transition from alive to dead. All it takes is a cut in the right spot, or a few grams of certain substances, or a few seconds of oxygen deprivation. It's as topic as terrifying as it is fascinating. L'appel du vide. Taken together, he reckons it's justification enough to take the glass and drain it in one go.
And now to give back.
«Never have I ever had an unrequited crush.»
tagged by: @zealctry ♡ tagging: if you're reading this you're tagged by default~ also if anyone wants to take this as a starter and continue it, feel free to!
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hunting-songs · 8 months ago
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Your Muses Personal Weaponery. Rules: List and describe your Muses personal Weaponery! Helping Questions: Does your Muse has a personal weapon /  Weaponery that is just their Trademark? What is it? Where did they got it? Is the story of how they got it connected with pride (a old family heirloom for example) or with shame (stolen it and lives with the shame?) or any other emotion? Is the weapon in any kind personalized (colour shape, form, making a certaine sound)? Are they able to fight with it or not? Have they been trained with it or did they have to learn fighting with it on their own? How does your Muse feel about  using that Weapon? How do they feel about using Weapons and fighting in general? Please Repost and not Reblog. Original By @treasurechestrpmemes .
Senritsu is against using weapons (and violence in general) and she had developted her Hatsu (as much unknowingly as knowingly) to mirror this opinion. She will protetc herself, but she does not want to hurt anyone. Her ability is stunning everyone around her to up to ten minutes, which gives her enough time to avoid a battle or using violence.However, her hatsu is the end of her development and when she was younger Senritsu was very much more prone to the use of violence to protect herself than she is now and with time her tools went from something that is only a weapon and could shatter a skull like glass (the slingshot) to something that could break bones but is also very much just a tool for traveling (the wanderstaff) to just a tool for craftman work that could be used as a weapon but is mostly just a thing for intimidation if needed.
Slingshot: Until she was fifteen Senritsu had carried a slingshot and a bag of small metalballs. Growing up as a part of a group of Traveling People that not only worked as robbers and thief but were frequently the victim of racism, she needed to be able to defend herself as a person who would in most cases always be smaller and weaker. Accordingly the slingshot made sure she not only was always on the distance to danger but also was a lot of stronger than a fist. Senritsus munition were small metalballs (or stones if she ran out of munition), half of them solid and another half with a hole through them so they would emit a highpitched whistle when shot. The slingshot is long thrown away, but Senritsu still has one of the small singing-balls in her wallet and uses it as a makeshift-whistle to make a highpitched tune when blowing through it. Basho hates it, because she used the makeshift whistle to wake him up a few times when Linssens alarm did not worked. Wander-stick: The core of the traditional Charlottenburger (the baggage of a craftman on the Tippelei / Waltz) is a short wanderstaff made from hazelwood around which the cloth is bound before a belt is wrapped around the staffs ends so the baggage can be carried around one shoulder on the back. While the staff is as its name is saying just a tool for wandering, it can be used to keep a attacker on distance or knock them out when needed. She did that during the Hunter-Exam. Senritsu nowdays simply has the wanderstaff as the core of her Charlottenburger to give stability to the package. The Hunter she is uses her Hatsu to avoid conflicts.
Wood-Carving-Knife: As a craftman and adventuerer Senritsu carries the knife with herself in case she needs to cut wood for a campfire or work on wood for a instrument. Or in case she is cornered in the Mafia and needs to show that she can defend herself. Naturally the knife is only for show, as with her Aura she easily can enhance her body to break bones with her bare hands, so the knife is only there to be shown as a warning. Due to the knifes old age and metal, the blade looks black .As a woodcarving knife it is really not the best for stabbing into flesh and is better in cutting wood. Tagged By: A little wildbirdie ! Tagging: @stanislawkowalski @gyofukuki @bewitchingbaker @skarletchains @kylo-wrecked @kiigan @muddsludge @zealctry @distortedkilling @lightfaithed @saiakv ...AND YOU !
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year ago
YOUR MUSE'S INVENTORY. [original meme from @treasurechestrpmemes​.]
rules: list the things your muse carries in their pockets or bags in their every day life. (optional: explain their significance.) repost, don’t reblog.
The Nurse Shark || Beth Riley
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I. Phone ~ Perpetually at 6-15% battery yet never actually runs out of power. She has the standard apps on it, plus ones she uses for work reference: NDR, PDR, CCN, Epocrates Essentials, Medscape, Pedi-Stat, and so on. Beth does have an Instagram account but rarely uses it. She also has a YouTube channel where she doles out advice on occasion. She isn't fond of social media. She does, however, enjoy having portable music. Her Hanai-Sister Jay is her ICE contact, and the first number on speed dial. The next 7 numbers are various take out places with delivery options.
II. Bone athame ~ This is probably Beth's most important item, one she never forgoes. Over eight inches in length, carved with sigils and symbols of her craft, this is her most unique foci, and also her most personal as it is made from her own bone, stained with her own blood. It was created during her initiation into her tradition with all the seriousness one can imagine. The ordeal was gruelling and is not something she really talks about. Typically if someone sees it, either their circumstances are dire or they've made a very final mistake. If Beth can't wear it openly or tuck it into her bag, she does have a space for it that isn't for the squeamish. Best not to ask questions.
III. A full advanced trauma and surgical kit ~ literally everything she would need to preform surgery in the most inconvenient place possible. And while the kit might actually weigh a full third or so of her body weight, there's still a coincidental effect overhanging it. She received it as a gift from her Hanai-Sister. Beth keeps everything fully stocked with fresh supplies.
IV. Leatherman Raptor ~ Sometimes you need the right tool and quickly. Can't waste time searching through your bag. Which is where the raptor comes in handy for Beth. The multi-tool combines stainless steel folding medical shears, a strap cutter, a ring cutter, a ruler, an oxygen tank wrench, and a carbide glass breaker, for mobile/crash emergencies. V. Her brother's zippo/matches ~ For reasons, sometimes a girl needs fire. VI. Coffee ~ Not exactly carried in her bag, Beth typically is never seen out of her house without roughly 30 ounces of Kona coffee, often time a quad shot vanilla coconut milk or soy latte.
VII. Snacks ~ nuts, seeds, granola, shelf-stable applesauce or pudding, maybe pop-tarts or whatever small and quick thing she can get her hands on. Great for a quick boost to one's blood sugar, and often time the only meal she can manage to get in a typical day.
VIII. Burt's Bees Lip Balm ~ Beth keeps two tubes of it with her all the times, a coconut & pear clear balm, and a tinted lip balm usually hibiscus or red dahlia shares.
IX. A novel or two ~ whatever book Beth is reading at the time. She prefers actual books with pages. She has no preference between paper or hard back.
X. A spare pair of slippahs ~ You never know when you're going to have a flip-flop incident, so it's better to be prepared just in case.
XI. A few travel sized toiletries ~ clean pair of underwear {or bikini bottoms}, toothbrush and paste, hair brush, deodorant. Shampoo and conditioner, moisturiser, soap, lotion, her favourite essential oil perfume, dental floss. XII. Wallet ~ ID, credit cards, debit card, somewhere in the neighbourhood of one hundred dollars in various paper money, half used subway passes, upwards of four half used loyalty cards for Jay's coffee shop, spare car key, spare house key. And three non-slip, tangle free hair elastics {rubber bands}. XIV. Almost comically oversized sunglasses ~ {which can, if need be, slip over her regular reading glasses. Beth does not like contacts. XV. Her work keys/hospital credentials. Because she works. And stuff.
tagged by: the ever lovely Bun who pretends to be in charge of @hxllblazer tagging: Heave-ho, all together {but particularly @kylo-wrecked and @nightmarefuele}
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hxllblazer-a2 · 1 year ago
YOUR MUSE'S INVENTORY. [original meme from @treasurechestrpmemes​.]
rules: list the things your muse carries in their pockets or bags in their every day life. (optional: explain their significance.) repost, don’t reblog.
Phone--He doesn't know how to use it properly and half the time probably wouldn't even answer it if you called.
Pocket knife--Doesn't go anywhere without his lucky knife that totally wasn't stolen from an ex.
Unknown amount of backup pocket knives--Sometimes one doesn't get the job done. Sometimes you need another because you don't have time to clean up the blood from your little ritual bullshit.
Lighter--Sometimes for smoking. Sometimes for arson.
Unknown amount of backup lighters--Don't wanna be left hanging when your zippo's ran out.
Carton of Silk Cuts--Favorite brand, favorite smell, if he doesn't have a carton on hand then something's terribly wrong.
Empty carton of Silk Cuts--Listen he's just the way he is.
A jar of holy water--You're not even sure where he got it from. He's not too sure either, but there's always one when he needs it.
2 bottles of Jack Daniels--Half gallon bottles too. He will not be discussing where the hell he's been keeping these.
Crucifix--At this point you're probably sure his coat is just absolute bullshit.
Unknown miscellaneous list of items including but not limited to: small objects that totally were legally acquired, bags of questionable contents, a thumb, and random hellish bits and bobs--He will not elaborate on why.
tagged by: @hexsreality tagging: @frrutherford @kurjaks @141s @boosterrs @brooklynislandgirl
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wallcrawld · 2 years ago
MUSE'S INVENTORY. [ original meme from @treasurechestrpmemes​. ]
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rules: list what your muse carries in their pockets or bags in their everyday life. ( optional: explain their significance .) repost, don’t reblog.
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mets keychain — having grown up going to baseball games every year with his uncle ben, pete is a lifelong mets fan. he keeps all of his keys on a mets keychain which may or may not have a spider-man charm on it as well
earbuds — peter still has the earbuds with a cord attached, he likes the security of having them actually be attached to something as he struggles to trust bluetooth ones to stay in his big ears
gum wrappers/straw wrappers/assorted trash - as an official member of the online group 'new yorkers against littering', peter usually has some kind of small piece of trash stuffed into his pockets that he told himself he'd throw away when he saw a trash can and then promptly forgot about
student i.d. — for empire state university ( ESU ). it's used to get into labs/buildings after hours
wallet — thin leather brown wallet. he keeps an old photo of him, may, and ben in it. never enough cash in it. he has an "official spider-man fan club member" card hidden deep within it
daily bugle key fob — programmed it himself. after getting tired of having to get someone let him into the upstairs offices of the building every single time he wanted to drop photos off ( because jonah refused to give him one as he "wasn't a full-time employee" ), peter made one. he got some grief for it but it became pretty evident real quick that it was saving everyone a lot of hassle
bobby pins — with great power comes great responsibility and sometimes, a great need to get through a locked door without breaking it down. he's picked up the skill of how to lock pick after years of watching thieves and with a little bit of advice from none other than black cat. these have been a point of contention in his romantic relationships when discovered as, traditionally, there doesn't appear to be a reason for him to need them. he's used the explanation that they work great to unscrew the panels of his camera when he's without any real tools, which is true, just not the full truth
spider-tracers — a must-have for patrol. small electronic tracers in the shape of a spider that peter can use to track objects, people, or anything else
peter has a backpack problem and by that i mean that he can not hold onto a backpack for very long. he goes through them frequently as they often get dropped and left in various places around the city, nowhere to be found when he goes back for them. he does, however, tend to go for the same style. it's almost always a medium-sized dusty red backpack and every time, without fail, it ends up scratched and a little busted. he keeps little pins and stickers on it, some pertaining to his interests ( science puns + star wars references ) while others are for causes that he supports. if he's on patrol and not wearing his backpack, he'll usually make himself one out of webbing.
camera — originally this is a canon ftb which is a 35mm film camera ! peter loves the look of film and the amount of control that comes with it but while it's great for photography in a slow, controlled environment, it doesn't quite get the job done when it comes to selling action shots of spidey. after saving up for months, he ends up splurging on a used nikon d500 which he cleans up so that it's in perfect condition. it sets his bank account back enough that he's pretty much on a "rice and beans only" diet for a hot minute but it's totally worth it
backup web shooters — if there's anything he's learned in his time hero-ing, it's that gear fails and breaks, usually when you need it most. he keeps an older, spare set of web shooters in his backpack at all times
spidey suit — if he's not wearing it, he's still got it with him. it's rare that peter goes anywhere without the spider-man suit as it's always when he least expects it that he needs it most
change of clothes — this one is only if he's actively on patrol. he'll stuff a change of clothes into his bag in the event that he needs to de-spidey quickly for any reason, usually this is just the clothes he was wearing over the suit before he changed
physics textbook + science journals — reading material ! peter's been subscribed to the american science journal for as long as he can remember, he's always got the latest issue on him. he keeps a textbook or two on him for uni work, forever trying to find the time to cram his homework into his schedule
steam deck — yet another item in the line of purchases that put him on a rice and beans only diet, peter eventually upgrades his psp to a steam deck which he'll play on patrol, in between crimes
handheld police scanner — can't fight crime if you don't know where the crime's at ! his phone is also programmed with an app that works in the same way, but it's always good to have a backup
snacks — a constantly rotating supply of chips, treats, and goodies for on the go. his diet is relatively terrible but if he wants to feel healthy he'll reach for the trail mix. sometimes he carries around canned food to donate or give away to displaced people in need of it.
tagged: @cybersbyte THANK YOU !! tagging: @proditeur, @vicioushope, @lapinecide, @aercnaut, @masteredlegacy, @magizat, @kryptonfuture, @crowshoots, @jadeslayed, and you !!
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spinxeret · 2 years ago
Clothes Make  People
RULES: Share 1-5 Outfits that  your Muse wears! They can be for example Workingcloth, Every-Day-Cloth, a Uniform, Formal Attire, a Off-Duty-Outfit or depending on Weather|Season or AU-Universes! Briefly explain the Outfit and use Photographs, Drawings or Edits as Examples! Repost, Don´t Reblog! Original @treasurechestrpmemes !
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Tagged By: Nobody Tagging: @radioactivedadbod , @talesfromthevoiid (Bruce), @redhead-reporter , @spybiote , @crisispider / @bbspider , @eideticspider, and YOU
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buglesbettyarc · 1 year ago
YOUR MUSE'S INVENTORY. [original meme from @treasurechestrpmemes​.]
rules: list the things your muse carries in their pockets or bags in their every day life. (optional: explain their significance.) repost, don’t reblog.
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Most days she uses a canvas messenger bag with a couple pins across it, including a pronoun and a pride one but most are just ones she's picked up because they made her laugh.
Phone, who doesn't these days. Despite her preferences Betty's always has the volume up so she can hear her notifications. Most people will get a personalised ringtone, especially colleagues so she can figure how important getting to the message is. She also has apps for following emergency services calls.
Wallet, chunky folding wallet with 12 card holding bits a couple contain her business card then her ID, credit card, bugle ID, press pass and then some loyalty cards for a couple of shops.
Three pens, in case one runs out or she loses one there is still a spare. She has a preference for rollerball pens but will pack a bic in emergencies
Three notebooks, of varying sizes. The smallest is just for nothing down any thoughts or ideas she has throughout the days, the next she uses to record facts about people she knows and then the largest is her actual work notebook.
ipod nano (4th generation). She's had it for years it still works and she doesn't understand why she would get rid of it when she has most of the music she wants to listen to in a day anyway.
Over ear headphones, not the big chunky ones and they fold as well.
Paracetemol, no significance just useful.
Recorder, just for work. She is very careful about turning it off and she keeps it in a case as well to make sure if it does turn on anything would be muffled.
tagged by: @hexsreality tagging: @tracksdown @diaboluse @clochanam @spinxeret @astremourante @serendpitous (for brooke?) @nursc @lvebug @arachnidiots (for liam?)
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treasurechestrpmemes · 11 months ago
Your Muse’s Handwriting! Go here and select a handwriting style that most closely resembles your Muse’s! Describe how they learned how to write and how their distinctive writingstyle changed through their life! Original By @treasurechestrpmemes ! Tagged By: Tagging:
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mxldito · 11 months ago
Dashgame:Never Have I Ever !
RULES: Your Muse and all the Muses they interact with are in a pub somewhere across Space, Dimension and Time. Answer the first 'Never Have I Ever' In Character. At the end of that, let your Muse ask a new ‘Never Have I Ever’ question for the tagged people to answer themself. After those tagged people answered your prompt, they state their own 'Never Have I Ever' and tag you back along with other Muses. Rinse, lather, repeat. original by @treasurechestrpmemes
“ never have I ever fantasized about murder.”
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Coyote gave a wheezing laugh, "Oh, come on. You're throwing me softballs over here. Yeah, I've fantasized about murder. Who hasn't at one point or another? I think the real meat of the matter is intent. Fantasy don't mean you've got the malice or, much less the intent. Pluck somebody off the street and ask 'Have you ever fantasized about killing your shithead boss?' How many would answer 'yes' if it wasn't frowned upon to be honest?"
"You know, sometimes people tell me 'You seem so lucid! You're hardly Malkavian!' Baby, I'm hardly there! I'm up here." They tapped their temple with their fingernail, "I sit in a single steel chair in front of that fantasy. I make them up, I watch those upcoming, I play back the old ones, I watch the ones made by others. Kill my old boss, kill our aunt, kill her husband, kill the Prince, kill a pretty boy while he sleeps in his bed, kill, kill. I can go on but you probably get it."
Dull eyes scanning around at the faces in the pub, they shrug. "Never have I ever taken something, or someone, that wasn't mine."
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tagged by: @zealctry (Thank you :3) tagging: @strxngthofgod @bluefeathrs @r3dblccd @bizkits-n-korn and you!!!
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sarcasticmercy · 1 year ago
Dashgame: Never Have I Ever ! Rules: Your Muse and all the Muses they interact with are in a pub somewhere across Space, Dimension and Time. Answer the first 'Never Have I Ever' In Character. At the end of that let your Muse ask a new ‘Never Have I Ever’ question for the tagged people to answer themself. After those tagged people answered your prompt, they state their own 'Never Have I Ever' and tag you back along with other Muses. Rinse, lather, repeat. Original By @treasurechestrpmemes
How far back did these games cover? Did they truly mean never, or did they mean not in recent memory? It didn't seem as if anyone had decided they were going to drink if they had done it. That was good, at least. He might have preferred to just drink rather than explain. He probably would anyway- it would make this game much more bearable.
"... I wouldn't nowadays." It was good enough. No need to get long winded about it. No need to explain the reasons. He raised his drink, took a swig. Right, he had to put something forth now.
"Never have I ever smoked."
Tagged by: @nephytale Tagging: @ikkaku-of-heart, @intothewildsea, @belovedcorvid, @ryathenaughtykitsune
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nephytale · 1 year ago
Dashgame: Never Have I Ever !
Rules: Your Muse and all the Muses they interact with are in a pub somewhere across Space, Dimension and Time. Answer the first 'Never Have I Ever' In Character. At the end of that let your Muse ask a new ‘Never Have I Ever’ question for the tagged people to answer themself. After those tagged people answered your prompt, they state their own 'Never Have I Ever' and tag you back along with other Muses. Rinse, lather, repeat.
Original By @treasurechestrpmemes
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"Mhm…" The wine in her glass moved gracefully as she moved the glass delicately. The redhead turned for a moment to look at her twin brother, she smiled, then simply closed her eyes, really enjoying the atmosphere that had been generated in that place "I sleep very few hours a day due to my genetics, and the few hours that I sleep, I really do well, it's a little difficult to wake me up. So luckily, I've never suffered from sleepwalking" Ryoko's voice was soft, calm, and well placed in her throat, which made her have a good presence.
"Neither do I" Kosei, her brother shrugged, disinterested, which made Ryoko unable to help but laugh.
"You have! Do I remind you of that time where you showed up at the infirmary and asked Nozomi that she had to give you a cure against the orange elephants that were singing in our garden?" There was widespread laughter.
Kosei simply responded by drinking from his glass "Thank you for reminding me…" There was a certain annoyed but loving tone to his sister in his voice.
"Let's see… then…" Ryoko thought, while a mischievous smile appeared on her face "Never have I ever… gone more than three days without bathing"
Tagged by: @hunting-songs
Tagging: @cc-one-piece-grand-ocs (Kaito) @opscurus @shinuchi-ulti @sarcasticmercy @themultiversemercs
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sensesdialed · 2 years ago
YOUR MUSE'S INVENTORY. [original meme from @treasurechestrpmemes​.]
rules: list the things your muse carries in their pockets or bags in their every day life. ( optional: explain their significance. ) repost, don’t reblog.
phone. simple case, CRACKED to hell and back, screen protector prevents it from falling apart but the vigilante lifestyle still hasn't done it much favors. always running out of battery, with how often he forgets to charge it and his hectic schedule.
tangled earbuds. still kicking despite looking as if they're falling apart. wire frayed at the edges, always tangles up in his pockets. used to listen to music on the go or as an alternative for when he doesn't have his noise cancelling headphones.
apartment key. regular key ( to apartment 4b ), kept on a small keychain with a couple local rewards/punch cards and a little spidey keychan.
student id. attends empire state university, not the BEST photo of him ( out of the suit, he's always been better behind the camera ), but it's an id, what can he do?
wallet. he's had it for years, doesn't hold much— just his card, some cash, his daily bugle employee i.d., and a small photo of himself, ben, and may that he's kept on him since it was one of the few he could save.
a few old receipts. lost in his pockets, he doesn't remember them until they fall out in the laundry, mostly for the café he frequents ( the one where mj works and spends time with ned when they aren't at college... )
BAG. — simple backpack, but with a good amount of space and pockets. tends not to customize it because of his tendency to LOSE backpacks in the past ( he tries to be more careful about it these days ), but he can't help adding a couple pins as he gets some.
web-shooters. if not already around his wrists, they are always easy to access— in case of emergency!
suit and mask. shoved at the bottom of his bag usually, it's more difficult to remove. though, he always sneaks off to a secluded place to do so. tries his best to carry it on him at most times... again, in case of emergency.
laptop. a little battered, but otherwise intact and functioning fine. covered in stickers from over the years. usually brought with charger.
flash drive. "it's for schoolwork," he says, like a liar. instead, it contains any spider-man related files he is sure to store in a safe space. suit and equipment blueprints, upgrade ideas, prototype logs, collected files on certain opponents, anything he needs to work on improving spidey things.
noise-cancelling headphones. for sensory overloads, though he likes to use them to do things like study or listen to music as well.
spare snacks. nothing fancy, usually just a bag of chips or a granola bar when he remembers to throw them in— a good emergency option for when he FORGETS to eat and his enhanced metabolism gets to him.
web fluid. although he keeps a few cartridges attached to his person, he keeps at least one spare jar in his bag at all times in case of quick refills before or after patrols.
textbooks / calculator. carried only on needed class days. the calculator is the one he's had since high school ( with pencil doodles on the inside of the cover, courtesy of mj ), and the physical textbooks are usually rented unless he's really into the subject.
camera. dslr, used primarily for his photography job at the bugle ( his photos often ending up in jameson's recorded content / social media ) but also hobby purposes that peter gets back into when he very sparingly has the time.
tagged: @cybersbyte, thank u! <;3 tagging: @cureruin , @deathsbecome , @mu1tiverse ( your choice! ), @gateway31 , @twntyninenine , @luxcruor ( gwen! ), @sparkveins, @publicabsent & whoever wants to!
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hunting-songs · 1 year ago
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Dashgame: Never Have I Ever !
Rules: Your Muse and all the Muses they interact with are in a pub somewhere across Space, Dimension and Time. Answer the first 'Never Have I Ever' In Character. At the end of that let your Muse ask a new ‘Never Have I Ever’ question for the tagged people to answer themself. After those tagged people answered your prompt, they state their own 'Never Have I Ever' and tag you back along with other Muses. Rinse, lather, repeat. Original By @treasurechestrpmemes
“ never have I ever fantasized about murder.”
This time Senritsu took not a sip from her drink, but instead her short, gnarled finger stayed pressed on the edge of her glass,slowly circeling around it over and over again while a highpitched sound started to dance through the air. "Roar, little lion, roar.", she hummed melodically, with her chin leaned on her other hand coyly and a small smile curling around her stark frontteeth. The smile was amused while she listened to the others laughter and mocking noises. The smile was amused, because this was not the first time Senritsu sat infront of a murderer. The smile was amused because Senritsu had sat infront of a lot of dangerouse murderers in her line of work and she still lived. "But its still not impressive. It is very easy to think about hurting other people and even easier to do just that. Toddlers can do that, especially when they want anothers plaything in the sandbox.", her short finger continued to dance along the edge of the glass, the highpitched sound warbled through the air like a song: "I would say I am proud that I have a better impulse-control than a toddler, if that would be something to be proud of in the first place." Laughig in all good humor she nimbly took her drink and raised her glass towards Hidan, winking friendly: "But if its those kind of topics you enjoy, why not- Never have I ever witnissed a execution." This time the musician emptied her glass.
Tagged By: @zealctry ! Woohoo ! Tagging: @nephytale @skarletchains @bewitchingbaker @gyofukuki @jxgi @uzumakiuser @rake-rake @distortedkilling @swxpped @muddsludge @curseisms @saiakv @huntcrpcdia ...and YOU !
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