#treasure asahi fanfiction
hajwyjk · 5 months
— the boy i met in osaka
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☆彡 hamada asahi from treasure
★彡 friends to lovers ! au
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Chapter One
I remember I was fifteen, my parents and I went to a trip to Japan during the summer to visit my father's side of the family. I didn't have any friends there so I just expected to see my relatives.
I couldn't really bond with my cousins because they were either ten years older or younger than me. I just hang out with myself, my music and my journal. For me it wasn't a problem or a sad thing being alone, I really found it peaceful and calming. Though, for my parents, they thought I needed some socializing.
One day, my dad invited some of his closest friends and we had a barbecue party. One of his friends had a son, a year older than me but at least we were closer in age.
I wasn't really good at meeting new people and I didn't really interact much with boys.
His name was Hamada Asahi and he was the boy I met in Osaka.
He wore the most simple outfit, he was wearing a white shirt tucked into his loose beige pants and a brown belt that secured it. He looked cute and as a normal fifteen year old, I developed a crush.
I noticed he was shy since he only had a neutral expression and he was only focused on his phone.
I didn't know what came over me but I had the courage to come up to him and start a conversation, I wanted to be out of my comfort zone for a change.
"Hi," I only manage to say, standing in front of him.
He looked up and just nodded his head and went back to his phone.
Okay, let's try this again.
"My name is Hana," I introduced myself. "What's your name?"
He pointed at himself and I nodded showing him a small smile.
"Asahi," he said and awkwardly looked away.
"Can I sit here?" I asked and pointed the spot next to him.
"Yeah, sure."
I sat next to him and brought out my journal, he went back to playing games on his phone and just started scribbling and doodling to pass the time.
I noticed that he kept turning to my side and his little actions made me smile.
"You draw?" he asked, looking at my journal.
"Oh this, I try," I replied. "I'm not an artist though."
"But this is nice," he complimented and that made me smile."
"Thanks," I said. "How about you? Do you draw?"
"Yeah," he said shyly.
"Oh, then how about you draw something here?" I said as I gave him my journal.
He was slightly taken aback but took the notebook nonetheless.
"Are you sure? This notebook looks very personal,"
It is personal but somehow I don't mind it.
"Yeah, I would like to see you draw," I insisted.
"Okay then," he finally gave in and took the pencil from me.
His fingertips slightly brushed my hand and it gave me butterflies, I started blushing but he didn't noticed it because he was focused on drawing. I was in awe of how he was so into what he was doing, first I was watching the picture he was drawing then I slowly let my stare up into his face.
I found it so cute with his eyebrows furrowed and his pouty lips, it made me crack a smile.
I think I might have a small crush on him ...
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➸ next chapter
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jinisnuggets · 6 months
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Empty for now....
Empty for now....
The New Neighbor
❒ Fluff
Empty for now....
Empty for now....
Empty for now....
Empty for now....
It's Hard to Find Someone True
❒ Fluff, Angst
One Singular Night
❒ Smut
A New Side of Me
❒ Smut
Empty for now....
Unnoticeable Love
❒ Fluff, Angst
Empty for now....
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sointoyiyun · 1 year
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♫ Not Just A Fantasy | 朝光 ♫ - ~ 好きでしたか? ~ (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1379751606-%E2%99%AB-not-just-a-fantasy-%E6%9C%9D%E5%85%89-%E2%99%AB-%7E-%E5%A5%BD%E3%81%8D%E3%81%A7%E3%81%97%E3%81%9F%E3%81%8B-%7E?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=SoIntoYiyun&wp_originator=RzkY0T%2FsoCXS92TPikxviXIc1OahpRgIRZHKLl6DhelHi2XkhxjpRCGUoACuRhh1EC0O90Vvi1Gb1RCrrNaCf4BXdhMFp1jUHsUQATj7Oe%2B%2Bjyhtv%2B8RLZ2Q0TsDdFtj Asahi, your boyfriend, has been staying in his studio a lot lately. Reminiscent memories play in your mind while your boyfriend focuses purely on his work. So it's just another late night in the studio, right?
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sandwichrin · 2 years
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 41)
Chapter 41 - Our Date!
Word count: 5.4k words
Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance, slight Angst.
A/N: Hello hello ^^ Our couple is finally going out on their first official date! Also, I think this could be the longest chapter by far I’ve written over these past few months fhdhdh literally 14 pages worth in my laptop >< anyways, enjoy! Love you all <3<3
It has been over a month since the Treasure members knew of you and Junkyu being a couple, and now that everyone knows, the both of you had no problem showcasing your affection for each other.
If anything, the boys would frequently see you hanging out at their Dorm 1, with you spending time in Junkyu’s room (mostly napping with him but surely the rest of the boys don’t know that– they kept teasing Junkyu about ‘bringing a girl over’) and sometimes you would come over to cook meals for them; to which the rest of the Treasure boys from Dorm 2 and 3 would come over to join.
The Treasure boys enjoyed having you committed to them, it was almost like having  a sister/mother figure at times, they were seeing more of you, and they had nothing to complain about it.
It was a Tuesday when the boys were gathered in one of the company’s main recording rooms, taking turns to record their parts for one of the songs Asahi had produced for their upcoming album.
“Should I do it again? It doesn’t sound right, no?” Junghwan asks from inside the recording area, signaling to Asahi who was sitting outside the glass window, directing the recording session of course.
“I think you did it really well on your first try already,” Asahi states, a serious expression on his face. “But we can do it one more time if you want to,”
“I think I’ll just do another time,” Junghwan grins as he fixes the headphones on his head, getting ready to record again.
Jihoon, who had been watching on the side, cheered for the maknae, “YES SO JUNGHWAN YOU CAN DO THIS!”
Asahi turns to his hyung, holding a finger to his ear, “You’re too loud, hyung. It’s not like he can hear you. I turned off the mic here, see,” he points to the mic button in front of him.
“I know. I just wanted to mess with you,” Jihoon grins at Asahi, earning him a smirk from the handsome Japanese fellow before he returns to being serious with the recordings again.
Jihoon walks away from them, not wanting to bother them any further, thinking that he might as well just join the rest who were lounging on the long sofa near the room’s entrance.
Jeongwoo was already asleep, probably tired out from school today. He still hasn’t recorded his part too, in which Asahi would probably let the younger boy record last since he’d probably let Jeongwoo nap a little longer to let him get the needed rest.
Jihoon squeezed himself into the space between Junkyu and Hyunsuk, sitting himself comfortably between them.
“Aigoo, why are you squeezing through here Jihoon-aa? There’s much more space on that side,” Hyunsuk complained as he fixed his sitting posture now that Jihoon was crowding his space.
“Yeahh, go sit somewhere else, hyung! There, there. There’s no one sitting beside Yedam there,” Junkyu pointed out to Yedam who was sitting alone at the end of the sofa, his head low as he worked on the lyrics he had been fixing for another one of their other songs.
“No, I wanna sit here. Exactly here.” Jihoon argues, a teasing smile on his face.
Junkyu grimaced at his hyung and moved closer towards Jeongwoo who was still napping soundly.
Junghwan stepped out of the recording area and thanked his Asahi-hyung before approaching his leaders.
“Hyung, since I’m done with my part, can I go join the rest at the cafeteria?” Junghwan asks, his cute smile showing in spite of his thick voice.
“Sure, sure. While you’re there, tell the rest to stop hanging out over there. They’ve been there for almost an hour now,” Jihoon answered him.
Hyunsuk however sits up straight when he hears this, “Nah, just let them stay there. They’ve had busy schedules for a while now. Besides, they did their part already,”
“Okay then, if you say so hyung,” Jihoon shrugs. “Okay then kiddo, you can run off now,” he says as he shoos the maknae away.
Junghwan gave his hyungs an appreciative grin before he turned to dash off from the room.
“Okay, next, Yedamie!” Asahi called out towards the guy sitting at the end of the sofa.
“Hang on, hang on. I have a verse stuck in my mind right now,” the focused boy replied, his head still low as his hands scribbled on the paper in his hand– to which he shakes his head in disapproval before he scribbles something again as his mouth hums an inaudible tune.
Asahi leans back into his cushiony chair and nods even though he knew Yedam wasn’t looking at him.
“Okay then. We’ll just take a short break first,” Asahi said.
“I can do my part first if you’re fine with it,” Junkyu offered.
“Nah, it’s fine. We need a break anyway.” Asahi says, a short sigh escaping his breath, grateful that the song recording was almost at its end.
“Aigoo, are you that excited to leave work and meet your girlfriend already Kyu-aa?” Jihoon smirked as he elbowed his best friend beside him.
“What are you saying? I’m heading back to the dorms with you guys later on,” Junkyu responds as he turns to look at Jihoon.
“Yeah sure, as if we don’t know either one of you would scurry off to meet one another right after dinner or sometime before that,”
“Heyy what are you, a stalker now?” Junkyu pouts at his hyung, weirded by the fact that his hyung here knows his daily routine of meeting you now. Was it that obvious that I couldn’t stand the idea of not meeting Y/n??
Jihoon leans close towards Junkyu, a teasing grin on his face, “What can I say? I am obsessed with the both of you. Might as well just be a sasaeng fan for the both of you–”
“Aigoo Jihoon-aa, enough teasing the poor boy,” Hyunsuk interrupts. “I don’t want you turning into a person that disrespects people’s privacy, you know.”
Jihoon scoots further from his best friend and instead leans in towards Hyunsuk now. “Alright, alright. I’ll stop here. We don’t want our Junkyu to cry now, do we?”
Yedam raised his head to look at his hyungs. “You hyungs seem to be having fun,” he grins.
“Oh? Are you done with your lyrics Damie?” Hyunsuk asks, turning his head to look at the younger boy.
“Yeah.” Yedam gets up from his spot and stretches his arms upwards, doing some other stretching movements to refresh his body again after sitting for quite some time.
“It’s okay Yedam, we can start a bit later. We still have time,” Asahi assured him, not wanting Yedam to feel pressured into recording his part right away, especially since he’s been working hard on his songs too.
“Alrighty. Thanks, hyung,” Yedam smiled at Asahi.
“Well then,” Jihoon voices out, “Since we’re not here to tease Junkyu, I’ll change the topic then.You all have any plans for this coming weekend?”
“Oh? Why the sudden question?” Hyunsuk asks back.
“I mean, I don’t think we should just stay at home, no? It’s our final weekend before we start preparing for our comeback.”
“Oh, right! We’re shooting some videos too next week,” Yedam remembered.
“Exactly.” Jihoon nods, his arms crossing over his chest now. “So? Let’s go out and enjoy ourselves, shall we?” he smiles at the rest of his friends in the room, to which they reacted with thoughtful expressions on their faces, taking his suggestion into consideration it seems.
“I don’t know…shouldn’t we rest more since our schedules will be packed after this?” Junkyu wondered aloud.
“Eyy, but think about it Junkyu-aa. You’d be so busy with schedules you wouldn’t have time to even go on late night walks,” Jihoon stated.
“Huh? But I rarely go on night walks,”
“It’s just an example,” Jihoon sighs. “Besides, since you have a girlfriend now, why don’t you take her out on a date or something. You won’t be seeing her every day anymore once we get busy you know,” Jihoon added, reminding Junkyu that his daily routine of meeting you won’t be easy now.
Junkyu kept quiet for a while, taking in what his hyung said. 
“Well if Junkyu-hyung is going on a date with Y/n, then the rest of us should go someplace we can have fun too then,” Yedam chimes in, breaking the silence. “Let’s go to a park or something!” 
“Yes!! That’s the spirit!” Jihoon cheers excitedly. He glances over Jeongwoo who was still napping soundly on the end of the sofa. “Aigoo, poor kid. He must’ve been really tired from today. I heard he had a dance performance unit to perform with his class,”
“Yeah, and we’re getting ready for our comeback too. Must be a lot for him too,” Yedam said as he walked over towards the sleeping boy, his hand gently ruffling Jeongwoo’s hair, feeling soft for their second maknae.
“So…are you taking Y/n out this weekend?” Hyunsuk spoke, surprising the rest since he had been quiet for a couple minutes.
“Me?” Junkyu asked back, realising that this was a dumb question on his part because obviously Hyunsuk-hyung was talking to him.
“No, Asahi. Duhh, of course Hyunsuk-hyung was asking you, silly,” Jihoon giggled.
“I..guess? I mean, we always stay in on the weekends. So maybe going out isn’t a bad idea,” Junkyu shrugs at his hyung’s question, even though he knows that he’s always liked spending time just staying over at your place and just watching something on your TV and ordering in takeouts.
“Nice! That’s our romantic hyung!” Yedam said happily. “So? Where are you taking her?”
“I don’t know yet…” 
“Okay okay don’t worry, we’ll help you choose something. Gosh, it’s at times like this I wish Jaehyuk is with us. Or Yoshi. Those two have some romance-kicking ideas all the time I tell you,” Jihoon said.
“I thought Doyoung was the romantic in our group,” Junkyu tilts his head.
“Hey, have faith in your other members too! Besides, if you go about it with Doyoung’s way, you might end up proposing to Y/n instead of asking her out on a date,” Jihoon retorts, earning laughs from Yedam and Asahi.
Junkyu pouts, not enjoying being the only one teased in the room.
“Why not take her out to that bear museum? You guys could take pictures outside the place and then I don’t know, go for ice cream after,” Asahi throws in his idea, focusing them back on their conversation.
“Or hey, you can take Y/n to Lotte World! They let you rent school uniforms there, right? We’ve never seen Y/n in a school uniform before, wouldn’t you want to see her in a cute uniform, hyung?” Yedam suggested, making Junkyu blush. “Besides, Y/n has never been to Lotte World. I remember talking about it and she told me she’s never been there,”
“Tsk tsk, poor girl. All that prettiness and cuteness and yet she has never been to Lotte World, never worn those cute uniforms like the rest of the girls we know,” Jihoon tutted, shaking his head.
“Hey, she’s only moved to the city from Haenam a few years ago, cut her some slack,” Hyunsuk said, defending you. 
“Also Junkyu, if you do take Y/n to Lotte World, don’t tell these people here what you both will be doing or don’t show us pictures. We already know who’d be fawning over your girlfriend and teasing her once she puts on those pink uniforms,” Hyunsuk adds, to which Jihoon responds with a playful wink. He then lets out a yelp shortly after Hyunsuk pinches his cheek. “Especially this tease machine here,”
“Hahahaha tease machine! Good one, hyung,” Asahi laughs.
“Hmm…what about you hyung? Any date ideas?” Junkyu asked his Hyunsuk-hyung this time since he would trust Hyunsuk to have a good idea too, considering he did like you for a while before this. Surely his hyung had pictured taking you out too, no?
“Oh? You’re asking me?” Hyunsuk points to himself, surprised Junkyu would even ask him. But of course, he knew the type of date you would be into. He’s been close with you for some time now, and to be honest, there was a time he had planned on bringing you out on dates but he never got the chance ever since he knew Junkyu liked you too.
Junkyu nods, waiting for his hyung to share his idea.
“Well, if it’s me…” he stopped, correcting himself quickly, “I mean– if you’re talking about Y/n, I think I would– well, you could bring her out for a quick lunch at a small shop, talk over stuff and maybe crack in some jokes, just make her laugh and all that. And then…bring her to the movies and you both can make quiet commentaries with each other while you watch the movie. Share some movie snacks and drink, and then after the movies maybe you’d like to have a stroll with her, taking in your surroundings and then stop by for some dinner at a pretty place before walking her home,”
Hyunsuk felt his heart ache slightly picturing you and Junkyu holding hands, laughing together– he imagined the both of you walking back to the apartments and him leaning in to kiss you good night–
Hyunsuk shook the thought of you and his friend out from his mind. “Well, I guess that’s all I have for a date idea. It’s simple but I think it suits Y/n in some sense.”
“Wow…” Yedam breathes out. He clapped his hands few times, “That actually sounds good too, hyung. I could literally picture Junkyu-hyung and Y/n going on that kind of date.”
“Hmm and you said we need Yoshi-hyung and Jaehyuk to give us romantic ideas. We have a romance king here too,” Asahi smiles at Hyunsuk, to which Hyunsuk shakes his head in disapproval of the title Asahi gave him.
“Hmm…I think I might have some rough ideas now on how I can take Y/n out on our date this coming weekend. Thank you all for your ideas,” Junkyu replied gratefully to his friends. He felt motivated to plan out his date more confidently now.
“Aw hey, why isn’t anyone asking for my idea,” Jihoon whined since he had been waiting for someone to ask him as well.
“Aigoo hyung. You might end up suggesting a date that would embarrass Y/n. We all know how you like to tease her. Taking up your idea might not really be a good idea, you know,” Yedam responds to his hyung’s whine.
“Heyyy I don’t tease her that much! Junkyu, hear my idea out, come on,”
Junkyu grins and shakes his head, enjoying the fact that they were all teasing Jihoon now. “No no. I don’t trust your ideas enough hyung,”
“Aw come onnnn. Hyunsuk-hyung, tell them that I have great ideas too,” 
Hyunsuk smiles and shakes his head as well. “I don’t know, Hoon-aa. You might be the one causing Junkyu to embarrass himself in front of Y/n too,” he said, joining in on the teasing now.
“No way! Listen up first–” Jihoon continued in a whiny tone.
Y/n’s Apartment (Night time)
“Hm? A date?” you asked Junkyu when he suddenly brought the topic up as you were pouring the hot water into the teapot on your dining table, Junkyu seated opposite your stance.
“Yeah, I figured that since I’ll be super busy starting next week, maybe it’s nice if we could go out together, you know?” Junkyu answered you, mentally facepalming himself for saying that he was the one that figured for the both of you to go out– when in reality it was his friends that had suggested it.
“Hmm,” you hummed as you thought of this ‘date’ he mentioned.
You placed the kettle back onto the stovetop before grabbing the jar of sugar and returning back to the table. You scooped two spoons into the teapot, glancing up to look at Junkyu, him nodding back at you– indicating that the amount was good enough for the tea.
Placing the jar aside and proceeding to stir the tea, you spoke, “Well if we’re going out, I think Saturday would be a nice day then,”
“Oh? Do you have plans on Sunday?” Junkyu asked.
“Sort of, I’m planning to meet someone and just spend the whole day with him,” you shrugged.
“Huh?? Who is this ‘him’??” Junkyu suddenly panicked at the thought of you spending time with a nameless man; one he doesn’t know of.
You raised your eyebrows at his reaction. “Why? You don’t like it when I spend time with this guy?”
“I didn’t say that,” he huffs, slight dissatisfaction showing on his face. “I just don’t know who this ‘guy’ you’re suddenly mentioning of now,”
You smiled a little. How is it that your boyfriend is this gullible? He’s a smart guy, definitely, but you couldn’t help but enjoy teasing him like this. Ah, have I started becoming more like Jihoon now? You realised that you’ve been teasing Junkyu a lot nowadays. 
Huh, must be Jihoon’s traits rubbing off on you, you thought.
“Y/n,” Junkyu called out to your name, just before you end up over-filling the mug in front of you.
“Oh, sorry. I was…distracted.” you said as you shake your head. You handed him the mug filled with the tea and poured yourself another mug as well.
After you finally sat down in front of him, Junkyu stared at you seriously, still waiting for you to answer his question from before.
“You still haven’t answer me though,”
You simply smiled at him, taking a sip from your mug.
“Oh, so he’s a secret friend?”
You shrug in response, only making Junkyu more curious on who this person you’re referring to is.
“It’s fine. I don’t want to force you into telling me things you don’t want to so…” he said, trying to sound genuine about it but you could tell he was upset as he was sipping his tea aggressively.
You couldn’t watch him get teased like this anymore. You started giggling, him looking at you with a confused expression now.
“Oh Junkyu…I was just messing with you!” you said in between giggles.
 “Obviously, I planned on meeting you and spending the day with you! You’re gonna be busy soon so I might as well take all of the time you have and make you spend it with me,” you smirked. “Sounds a bit selfish of me, but then again, I don’t think I’m a good sharer,”
Junkyu placed his mug onto the table, his nostrils slightly flaring after listening to what you said. “Yahhhh don’t do that! I was worried that you were–”
You didn’t let him finish his sentence, “Okay, okay. That was my bad,” you giggled. “Now now, let’s get back to our date topic again,” you said as you reached your hand out to hold his on the table.
Junkyu pouts, intertwining his fingers with yours, gently running his thumb against your fingers.
You smiled gently at him. “Do you have a place in mind?”
Junkyu raised his head to look at you, your soft gaze making his chest feel warm all over. “Well…I was thinking of taking you out for some arcade games, some dessert and then I kind of booked us a spot at this one dinnerplace…It’s not fancy but–”
“Sounds lovely,” you interrupt him before he could think negatively of his own idea. “I’ll dress up nicely,” you smiled happily, giving his hand a squeeze.
Junkyu too, smiled wider at the thought of the both finally going out on your first real date on the coming weekend. “Okay, I’ll do my best to look good too!”
“Please,” you scoffed. “You always look good. Let’s not steal the spotlight from me,” 
Junkyu grinned at what you said. He pulled you closer and plants a soft peck on your hand, his thumb grazing your knuckles gently after.
You blushed at this. “Y-yah, you’ve gotten quite daring in showing your affection nowadays,” 
“I can’t help it! You…you just make me feel so warm and happy. I genuinely, really love being with you, Y/n…” he said, his face flushing as he admits this.
You rolled your eyes at him, although you could hear your heart beating fast from what he said. “Sure, Junkyu, sure,” You grabbed your mug and took another long sip from it before turning to look at him again, “You’re such a cute dork, Junkyu. It pains me to be so smitten by you.” 
Saturday (Y/n and Junkyu’s date - IKEA)
“I’m so sorry we had to change our plans, Junkyu,” you apologised for the third time, now that the both of you have stepped into the main entrance of the IKEA store. You had apologised to him first when he came over to your apartment unit to pick you up for your date, apologised the second time when you showed him the broken pieces of wood beneath your furniture in your bedroom, telling him that you might have to take some time of your date to go find a replacement for the piece of wood that broke.
But you didn’t expect him to bring you to IKEA straight away. You were expecting to find just some second-hand item to help replace the broken piece, that’s all.
“No, it’s okay! This is important, so we should get it settled first,” he assured you.
“Okay but…” your voice falters as your eyes scan the crowd in front of you. “...you didn’t have to take me to IKEA directly…”
Junkyu was already holding onto your hand, his grip tight. “W-well…I didn’t expect it to be this crowded either.” he gulped. “I mean, besides that, we need to get you a new bed! I can’t have my girlfriend sleeping on the floor!”
“Junkyu you do know I have a sofa right…”
“Nooo! I’m not having my girl sleeping on the couch! You’re my sleeping beauty, so I can’t be finding you on the sofa. That wouldn’t be like in the storybooks,”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Have you been taking pick-up line classes with Doyoung again?”
Junkyu blushed, embarrassed. “H-hey, Doyoung told me that you’re a princess and that I should do my best to cater to you always,”
You smirk at his explanation, despite the cringe you felt when he mentioned Doyoung telling him that you’re a princess. I swear, that man is really the king of flirts, you shook your head at the thought.
The both of you started walking slowly within the crowds, wanting to find the bedroom section.
You were glad that despite the both of you dressing up nicely today, Junkyu managed to conceal his identity a little, what with the black cap he wore over his head, his clothes weren’t too fancy too, you thought. He could pull off as a regular college student from this point of view, you thought.
Coincidentally, the both of you were similarly colour-coded though. The both of you had worn a white undershirt (Junkyu’s was round neck, which was barely visible as it was covered by his black knitted sweater, whereas you had worn a collared white shirt, an oversized black sweater with a pokemon character printed on the center of its front), the both of you wore dark navy blue for your bottoms (Junkyu wearing dark navy blue jeans with his white sneakers, in contrast to his black sweater and cap. You wore a navy blue plain skater skirt that rested up to your mid-thigh, paired with your tall black boots that covered your shins). If anything, the both of you looked like those typical lovey-dovey college couples that dress up matchingly for dates. 
Which isn’t bad at all, considering the both of you really blend into the crowd like any other young couples in the place.
The both of you continued moving amongst the crowd, going up the escalator, the crowd finally breaking up since everyone started to part their ways to different departments of the store.
“We’re almost there now,” you heard Junkyu breathe out softly as he guides you. His hands still held onto yours, even though his body was slightly walking ahead of you.
You smiled to yourself, watching Junkyu’s broad back facing you, him leading you towards the bedroom section on the floor. You followed closely behind him, avoiding to bump into people who were walking the opposite direction of the both of you.
So this is how it’s like, shopping with your boyfriend, you thought. 
You couldn’t help but to feel giddy and warm all over with just the thought of going out with Junkyu. This is the first time you both went out together in public together. The first time you both went to someplace where it’s not just the both of you or with the other members around.
You love him. You love him so much that he literally makes your heart race with just simple gestures– like how he’s holding your hand and carefully guiding you around like as if you might get lost if he lets go of you.
“We’re here,” he said, turning around to face you, his cute smile beaming at you.
You stopped in your steps, as so you wouldn’t bump into him. You looked over the side of his arm and saw the various bedroom sets displayed in front of you.
“Wow! The designs here are so pretty!” you couldn’t help but to exclaim excitedly, “They’re like real-life bedrooms!”
Junkyu lets go of your hand, proceeding to wrap his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close to him.
He lowers his head, nuzzling his nose against your cheek, “Let’s go pick my baby a new bed, hm? You can pick whichever you want, it’s my treat,” he said softly, his close proximity making you blush.
“Y-yah! What? You think I can’t afford my own bed?” you stammered.
Junkyu was already standing straight now, looking down at you from his height beside you. He gives you a sheepish grin, “Of course! But today is all about you, Y/n. I want to give you everything nice, you deserve it. My baby deserves it all,” 
This man! Since when did he start being the expert with flattery?? You could feel your skin feeling hot from the intense blushing you’ve been trying to hold in.
You took a deep breath, not wanting to make it obvious that Junkyu had this much effect on you just from these small actions he’s been doing. “G-gosh…if you keep giving me everything nice, I might end up not being able to give you anything good enough in return,” you mumbled, not looking at him.
“You don’t have to give me anything, Y/n. You’re already everything I ever wanted,” he said, smiling softly at you.
Bruh you could’ve cried just hearing him saying all these sweet things. Junkyu was swooning you so much, and it’s only been your first official date with him.
You looked away from Junkyu, your eyes roaming around the area you both were in. “W-wow! Look at that bed! It’s so pretty, l-let’s go look at it!” you said as you pulled him along with you towards the random bed that caught your eye.
Junkyu and Y/n (IKEA / Bedroom Section)
“Ah, what about this one?” Junkyu pointed out at a simple double-wood bedframe in front of him.
You were panting behind him, finally catching up with him. “Slow down, Kyu-aa! You’re moving around too fast,” 
He gives you an apologetic smile, “I’m sorry,”
“Sure,” you said, catching your breath as you approached him.
You had thought that the quest of finding you a bed was easier than this. At the beginning of your IKEA ‘date’, you were the one that was ahead of Junkyu, showing him 2-3 beds that you thought would fit your room well.
But it seems like Junkyu was the one that had gotten more invested in picking your bed for you. This was the 10th bed you both had stopped by, and you certainly don’t plan to spend your whole day just getting to know the different type of beds they offer at this place.
Junkyu sat down on the bed, patting it a few times, before turning to you to say, “Come sit here, I think this bed would suit you well,”
“This better be the bed we’re bringing home, Junkyu. I might throw up if we’re looking through any more,” 
You tilt your head as you noticed something. “Wait a minute, this is a queen-sized bed, Junkyu. I told you, we’re looking for a super-single sized.”
“No way, it’s almost the same size too, only slightly bigger. You should get this one.” he convinced you. “And this one seems sturdy too, so it’ll probably last longer than the one you had– even if you had the old bed’s base replaced,” 
You rolled your eyes. “Fine. I guess we could take this one,”
Junkyu smiled at your decision. “Yay! Now come sit! You should test out this mattress too,” he said, patting the spot beside him.
“Wh-what? N-no Junkyu, we’re only getting a bed, a bed frame. Why are we testing out the mattresses too?” 
“But your old mattress wouldn’t fit into this new bedframe…It would be too small wouldn’t it?” 
You pursed your lips. He has a point. You let out a sigh, “Okay then. Scoot over, let me—”
“Ah! Excuse me! So sorry!” A guy accidentally bumps his elbow against your back as he tried to chase after his girlfriend, causing you to trip forward and falling ahead in front of you.
“Hey! Watch where you’re going!” you barked at the guy, but he seemed to ignore the fact that he had made you fell over.
“Uhh, Y-y/n…”Junkyu’s voice muttered softly in front of you.
“Yeah? What is it–” you stopped talking when you noticed the position you were in.
It seems that you have tripped forward onto the bed (which is good, at least you didn’t break any nails or anything right?), and somehow ended up falling on top of Junkyu, though your arms had broken your fall, making you hover on top of him instead and not landing directly on top of him.
But that’s not the point! No matter how you look at it, it seems as if you were trapping Junkyu in between your arms.
You froze in your position. 
What is this??
You were too embarrassed to move. You could sense people around the place glancing over the both of you, whispering judgements about how shameful this couple’s behaviour is.
Junkyu stayed still, his figure laying down on the soft mattress, with you still hovering on top of him.
“Y/n…hey, you okay?” he asked, noticing that you had gone pale, and somehow you had somehow frozen in fear or something.
“Hey…it’s okay. It’s okay, everything’s fine,” he whispered softly. He lifts his hand to caress your cheek. “It’s okay, Y/n. We just have to get up, and everything will be fine, okay?”
You blinked a couple times, feeling Junkyu’s warm touch on your cheek. Oh, right. Your mind had somehow drifted off someplace else.
You nod back at him, backing away, letting him sit up from his current position.
His thighs were still trapped in between your knees since you haven’t fully backed yourself off the bed.
Junkyu fixed his cap and nods at you, giving you a gentle smile. “Okay, so we’ll get this bed then?”
You blushed. “S-sure. The mattress seems good, no?” you try to keep your composure as you backed away further, trying to get yourself off the bed now.
“Yup! I told you, this one is good for you!” Junkyu smiles happily now, feeling proud that you agreed to his pick.
“Yeah..” you smiled shyly in return. 
You noticed that people were no longer paying attention to the both of you, making you feel relieved. 
Junkyu places his hand on your head. “Okay then, let’s just get the code for the bed—”
“OH COME ON. GET A ROOM YOU TWO!” a familiar voice said, making the both of you turn around to see who it was.
Surely enough, it was none other than Yedam, a cheeky grin on his face as he held up his phone in your direction.
“Oh my god,” you said as you cover your face with your hands.
To be continued…
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signya-stuff · 3 years
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· pansexuais também amam – minnie + asahi;
♡ 15/07
♡ em caso de inspiração dê os devidos créditos!
♡ para doação
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kaffeinic · 3 years
Treasure Receipts
🔒: Private
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zeawoo · 3 years
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coming soon!
— [16:47] (fluff, established relationship)
coming soon!
— Why? (angst, established relationship)
— Violets (angst, second part to Why?)
coming soon!
coming soon!
coming soon!
— I love you 3000 (fluff, songfic)
coming soon!
— YOUNG-LUV.COM (fluff, e2l, snowboarder!ruto)
coming soon!
coming soon!
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hiraethhoshi · 3 years
i write what i want to read, but i do hope you like what you read here as well.
⌔ ⌔ ⌔
choi hyunsuk
in progress...
park jihoon
in progress...
kanemoto yoshinori
in progress...
kim junkyu
in progress...
takata mashiho
in progress...
yoon jaehyuk
in progress...
hamada asahi
in progress...
⌔ ⌔ ⌔
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changbinport · 4 years
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[♡] fanboylizar · treasure
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coconutshvings · 4 years
Stress Mess |B. Yedam|
Group: Treaure
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of insecurities??
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No matter how much you breathed you couldn’t face it, you couldn’t push yourself to be prepared for this even if three grades before are what were meant to do it. Now that it was here, being here, right In front of you. ‘It’ was Highschool, your last year, Senior year.
You felt like everything started and ended here, many say that highschool is the start of the rest of your life and you agreed, well most people agreed, not Your Boyfriend Yedam , he felt that only if you let it that it would be. He had an easier way of thinking , in some way you were bound to succeed and make it because of how determine you were something would come good for you.
You didn’t just want good you wanted great , the best possible level of academic success you could achieve on your knowledge, no problem. The stress that you put on yourself was though , it was Yedam’s as well . He hated when you talked down on yourself as if you’d just lose it all together he saw the great benefit of your intelligence more than you did and he wished very often that’d you’d see the same so that you wouldn’t stress so yourself out so much .
Every day , every hour that you spent in school , the place that you felt prisoner to and like it’d give you your life sentence, it was a little hard to breathe . Except in one place, it was always fresh and beautiful it looked so put together contrary to all of what you felt about yourself at times which is why you loved it and Yedam for showing it to you.
The school’s greenhouse next to the school , almost every day you’d spend your lunch or free period there working on some different project or assignment to get ahead if you could. Which brought you to your current moment in the beautiful sanctuary.
With one leg crossed over the other you sat with your binder of notes beside you peering down at it as you sat on the somewhat comfortable bench in front of the rose bush.
“The key points on an essay that should never be missing are-“ You mumbled to yourself .
“You’re seriously studying that Again, I thought you were sure you had it down.”
You hadn’t heard , him usually you’d hear the pads of his shoes hitting the pavement as he ran to the greenhouse to meet wit you sometimes if he could catch you there, it was Yedam . You didn’t look up but you smiled and you knew he’d seen it as he sat next to you and your binder he leaned over kissing the very top of your forehead. It was a warm feeling always because he was so sweet and his kisses always showed that.
“Never hurts to double check , you know that don’t you , honey?” You teased releasing your eyes so that they’d look into his for a moment .
“You’ve got this already, I know it and you should to, you’re just that amazing with your memory.” He said in a savory voice lifting his hand to Rest on your own which definitely made you break eye contact with your book and focus on him. He was such a great boyfriend, he deserved it.
You sighed with a smile “How was practice for the showcase, still worried about being shakey on that note? Because you’ve got it already I’m telling you.” You assured your boyfriend.
He shook his head slightly with a smile “I don’t care about the note right now, and I don’t want you to care about these notes, just for a moment.” You scrunched your brows together confused as Yedam picked up your binder setting it on the opposite of himself and scooting closer to you providing more warmth that you didn’t mind at all. His arm softly draped around your shoulder and you got more comfortable by his side looking into his eyes with love written in your smiles as you gazed at each other before you laid your head on his shoulder and his head rested on yours .
“Other than the moment I showed you this place, I haven’t seen you ever be here and admire it.”
You nodded under him in agreement “I can’t remember when I have either.” You sort of felt bad because you knew he showed you the greenhouse so that’d you’d have a bit of peace for your mind and you did, but did you truly take it all in’ all it’s beauty? You weren’t sure.
“Take it in.” Is all he replied and so you did.
The different greens in leaves, the thorns on certain branches, different sizes of the plant pots, the tools for maintenance hanging near by , the tulips drizzling down certain walls, the smell of fresh dirt, it was so peaceful. Just you two and your greenhouse. That’s how it felt , like it was only yours and his, at ease.
You closed your eyes inhaling and exhaling. Yedam shifted a bit so that part of his lips were against the skin of your forehead. “This is your peaceful place, set everything else aside for a bit when you’re here.” He said softly , he knew you were listening you always did even if you were focused on work, another way he knew you’d succeed, great multitasking skills.
“You’re going to do great in life, don’t keep telling yourself different, it won’t stop you but it will make the journey harder. I know you can do it.”
His words echoed through your head. He was right, you could make it, it was a mind trick due to insecurity that told you that you couldn’t, Yedam had never lied to you so you knew he wouldn’t , not about this or anything else. Not about this moment.
He truly believed in you so you had to follow. It meant more if you believed in yourself but you felt good knowing that he was behind you one hundred percent so strongly.
You’d make it.
My first Treasure Request !! I hope all who read enjoy it , especially, who requested the imagine I hope you loved 😊💌
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hajwyjk · 5 months
★彡 treasure !
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— choi hyunsuk !
— park jihoon !
— kanemoto yoshinori !
— kim junkyu !
— yoon jaehyuk !
— hamada asahi !
ೃ⁀➷ the boy i met in osaka
— kim doyoung !
— watanabe haruto !
— park jeongwoo !
— so junghwan !
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jinisnuggets · 8 months
Another Treasure story??
Maybe Asahi or Junkyu :D
Treasure au would be cute, like a student/highschool au, like maybe member and reader met at school? Maybe it could be a part one? I know you said you're not good with series but you can do this whenever you feel like it :)
Hello 🤗 good to see you again, I've had a few ideas written down for treasure that I just haven't come around to doing, I'd definitely love to write a series one day and upload it I'll just need some time to write everything in advance so I post it all at once by schedule.
This is definitely a good Idea I'd just need to plan it beforehand and stuff before actually starting to write it, please give me some time and I'd really appreciate it 🫶
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ᵇʳⁱᵉᶠ ⁱⁿᵗʳᵒᵈᵘᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿ ᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ᵇˡᵒᵍ
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i-am-teume · 1 year
A TREASURE alternate universe (AU) where Asahi has a cousin, who is half-Japanese/half-Filipino, that he is close to named Akira. This is a slice of life look of Akira's relationship with TREASURE. While some events may follow canon, this work is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. Any similarities with the real people based off of these stories are purely coincidence.
Chapter 1
The name Asahi is primarily a male name of Japanese origin that means Morning, Sunlight.
In Thai, Akira or Arkira (Thai: อาคิรา, อาคีรา, อาคีระ) is a unisex name meaning 'the sun' or 'sunlight'.
Akira leans over her desk while writing potential song lyrics in her notebook when her phone rings. She pauses and stares at her phone which indicates 🤖 was trying to FaceTime her. She taps her pen against the table and her brows furrow as she mulls over answering it before swiping to the right. She answers in Japanese, “Moshi moshi?”
She sees her cousin in his studio with two of his members eating snacks at the coffee table; seems like they called her from his mac. A chorus of greetings accompany them waving at her from the table.
“Ki-chaaaan!” "Noona!" "Nee-chan!"
Akira grins and waves at Jeongwoo and Haruto, “Ru-chan, how are you? I have something for Ai-chan that I'll give to you once you get here.” Haruto smiles and nods at her.
“Ki-chan...” Asahi looks at her with a pained look on his face, “I think I need you to teach us more Tagalog words.” Jeongwoo frantically nods across him. She rolls her eyes and tells him they don't need any more and just needs to practice sounding out the ones she sent over the previous week. He pouts at her statement, and she threatens to end the call if he doesn’t quit being a baby.
“Ok, let's start with the very basics from the list like kumusta ka or salamat for the others, you already know this Hi-kun.” They start sounding out the greetings and phrases when Jeongwoo groans, “Will I remember how to say all of this when we get there?” and Akira smiles at him and replies in English, “Don't worry Woo, you can always use English there; it's an official language in The Philippines after all.”
The door suddenly opens, and Yoshi enters the studio, telling the occupants that practice will start in 30 minutes.
“Yoshi-kun!!!! Have you practiced your Tagalog yet?” she beams at him while waving.
Yoshi smiles at the monitor and greets her gently before shaking his head saying they’ve been busy with rehearsals, so he never got the chance. Akira smirks and beckons for him to join them before they need to leave for practice, “You need to get them right to get your fans’ hearts fluttering.” Asahi moves to his desk chair and Yoshi takes his place on the couch. Asahi complains on why she's all sunshine and flowers when it comes to Yoshi and she rolls her eyes at him while telling him no one can beat the anime prince as her favorite. Yoshi just laughs as he replies to her, "I thought Kyu was your favorite? He was your YGTB crush after all." Akira quickly shuts him down - I'm already over it - while the others laugh. She clears her throat and steers them back to the Tagalog lessons.
While they were repeating kumusta ka and mahal kita between conversations around their itinerary, Akira starts thinking of their upcoming visit to Manila and Bangkok when Akira pauses and excitedly asked them if they asked their Lisa-sunbaenim for help with Thai words and Asahi scoffs saying she was too busy for that; there was another Thai staff who helped them out. Akira deflates and turns back to doodle on her notebook while Haruto continues to practice saying maganda. "Now, who's being a baby Ki-chan? For someone older than me, you can be immature at times."
Akira dramatically gasps, "How dare you Hi-kun! I'm only 356 days older than you, we're practically the same age and you're calling me immature? Have you looked at yourself lately, you little shit?" She finishes her rant off in English while Asahi clearly struggles to hold in his laughter with the way his dimples are showing.
Somebody laughs from the door and Akira can see a black-haired head peeping from the studio door.
"Speak of the devil and the even more annoying little shit appears," Akira comments in English while glowering at Jihoon through the screen.
He comes in and shrugs as if to say he doesn't care and grins at Akira. “I need to get my members now or else they will be late for practice.” Asahi turns and tells her he'll call her back when he can. Akira absentmindedly throws out a mata na and ends the call but not before hearing Jihoon call out to her “Don’t miss me too much Ki-chan!” Akira mutters buang under her breath and rips off the page that she was doodling on.
A month and a half later, Akira finds herself following a staff member who was leading her through the hallways of the Mall of Asia arena. She sees one of the managers standing outside who spots her, waves and he immediately goes into the green room to get Asahi as they agreed she wanted to see him alone first. 
She sees Asahi step out first before he does and she runs up with her arms open and collides into him. They bump each other's heads but it doesn't matter when Akira starts tearing up as she clung to him and Asahi starts patting her head like he used to when they were little. He tells her hisa shiburi and she nods her head in reply as she buries her face on his shoulder.
Jihoon, Junkyu and Yoshi observe them from the doorway as the Hamadas whisper and nod at each other and Yoshi comments in Korean, “They really are like twins. She's almost the same height as him, I didn't realize that.” Junkyu nods in agreement while Jihoon replies to Yoshi, “Didn't think she'd be this much of a crybaby though with how tough she acts online.” Junkyu responds that he doesn't think it's an act and that she's just soft for their Hi-kun. They all hum in agreement at that when suddenly an excited ball of energy rushes past them and joins the duo in their hug. 
“Ki-chan!!! We finally meet in person and you're so pretty! I know our Hi-kun is handsome and it's creepy how you both look so much alike but you're on another level darling, it must be your Philippine genes! Did you have a safe flight coming here? Were there problems getting into the venue?” Hyunsuk rattles off in a mix of Korean and English.
The 00-liners could hear Akira burst out laughing as she responded to Hyunsuk with a squealed Darling! and a tight hug. She then spots the three observing and her eyes narrow and places her hands on her hips as she sees Jihoon but then she throws him a wink. Yoshi laughs and says, “There's our spitfire.” Jihoon grins and waves at her while Junkyu hides a smile behind his hand.
Language Notes:
moshi moshi - hello (used primarily to answer the phone in Japanese)
kumusta ka - how are you
salamat - thank you
mahal kita - i love you
sunbaenim - senior
maganda - beautiful
mata na - later (kansai dialect)
buang - crazy
hisa shiburi - it's been a while
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footballerindreams · 4 years
Responsible - Chapter 1
First of all, I would like to dedicate this fic to my Ya! Chingu-ya @straykidsftw​ (who is also @atzbabyy​ and @inctlife​ ! Follow and read her fics!)
My Friend, thank you for putting up with me and for posting most of my requests. I return I gift this fic to you. I know you like Treasure and you’re the reason too why I started to like them. I hope you will like this.
This fic is on the future setting where all the members are already of legal age (that means Jung Hwan is already 20 here).
Warnings: so far none. But no smut (I assure you).
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Treasure, a successful KPop group with 12 , 8 Koreans and 4 Japanese. Known for their heart fluttering performances, fine vocals and rap bars, not to mention their overflowing visuals. These men were able to capture the hearts of so many fans, be it boys, girls, in between, younger and older.
But off cameras these boys heart were captured as well. One of them is Haruto, the youngest of the Japanese members and main rapper of the group.
He was on vacation with Mashiho in Tokyo when he met the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, Gemma. The lady was also on vacation and happened to stumble each other on Shibuya crossing. She was on a hurry walking in between the thick crowd of pedestrians when she stumbled down when someone pushed her. Haruto and Mashiho were walking on the opposite direction and saw what happened and help her. With a sprained ankle they took her in the nearest hospital.
“Are you okay?” Haruto asked shyly.
“Yeah. You even bothered. Thank you so much for helping me.” She replied.
Luckily, it was not a major injury and Gemma can go home, or should we say go back to where she stays at the moment.
“Come on Ruto.” Mashiho nudged him with his elbows and Haruto, being shy, tried to offered to take her back to her hotel, which Gemma gladly accepted. Haruto smiled.
Haruto took Gemma to her hotel (Mashiho went home first because he needs to do something, which was more like leaving Haruto to fend for himself and muster up the courage to know the lady better.)
“So, how did it go?” Mashiho asked when Haruto arrived in his house.
“I just took her to her hotel and then left.” Haruto replied.
Mashiho smacked his head. “Just that? No ‘Can I take you on the date or something?’” and the younger man shook his head.
“You got her number, at least, didn’t you?”
“Ugh Watanabe Haruto! You are hopeless. If you will find her again, it will be because of destiny.” Mashiho said then sighed as he turns around to go back to his room to sleep.
And what a destiny it was.
They met again.
Now this time, in Seoul.
Treasure just got a lunch break from practice for their upcoming comeback and decided to eat at their favorite gimbap restaurant. That is when Haruto saw her walking out of a building adjacent to where they will eat.
The lady turned around and said, “Oh. It’s you. What are you doing here?”
Haruto rubbed his nape being shy and all, “Uhm. My friends and I will eat here…and uhm…what about you? What are you doing here?”
“I’m teaching English for kids in this school.” She pointed at the building. “Oh. We never introduced ourselves by the way, I’m Gemma.” And she reaches out her hand and Haruto took it, a bit nervous.
“Well Haruto, it is nice to see you again. I must go back inside for my next class. Bye.” And she waved goodbye and the Japanese man waved back at her.
As he enters the restaurant, he saw all the eyes of his members looking at him.
“Well, looks like lover boy has found true love.” Jihoon started.
“It’s not what it looks like, hyung.” He said in his defense.
“Oh come on. We can see you’re whipped while talking to her.” Jeongwoo added.
“I am not!” Haruto said almost threatening his own bestfriend.
“Haruto. What did I told you about destiny?” Mashiho intervened.
“What do you mean ‘destiny’?” Jihoon asked.
“Oh. I haven’t told you yet.” Mashiho was grinning cutely ready to bring down his dongsaeng.
“Hyung! Don’t” Haruto tried to stop his hyung.
“They already meet in Tokyo during vacation. He even took her to her hotel---” and Haruto covered Mashiho’s mouth but it’s too late.
All his members were gawking and jaw dropped then started wolf whistling to him.
After the teasing, their orders came and they ate gladly.
Haruto was silently eating when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked to his side to see his Hyunsuk-hyung.
“Ruto, it’s okay to fall in love. But be responsible, okay?”
Haruto nodded as a promise. “Okay, hyung.”
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fangirlissyang · 4 years
So I'm posting this here, my story fanfiction of Hamada Asahi
Chapter 1: The Room
"So how's your day"
I don't know why that is the norm query, can it be "how's your week, months or your year??"
I am living a run of the mill kind of life, the wake up-go to work-home- sleep, that sort.
Except of course, I just lost my younger brother to some untoward illness, just a few years after I lost my mom.
Imagine a customary life since I was young and then BOOM! Something like that came and the rest is history, I mean other thing happened after that and now, I AM LOST.
"I just did my grocery, usual. And I now I'm in front of my apartment"
I was talking to Chase on the phone, Chasity or Chase is the only friend I got out of this chaos, the one who never left and keep bugging me to death.
There's a long pause and I know whenever she does that, I just know.
"C'mon Chasity, no good news for today, I'm sorry"
Yes, aside from my sibs and my dad, they're waiting for something new from me, like maybe a huge career leap or worse, LOVE LIFE.
But nothing, because I feel nothing and I am quite comfortable with this kind of life, sadly YES
I said goodbye to Chase over the phone, because someone is actually talking to me.
That lady living on the floor below to mine
"Someone is moving in, to that EERIE room next to yours"
I just nodded and smiled and walked through the entrance of the apartment
Not actually eerie as in with ghost or something. It's a special room, special means there's a lone access to the basement parking (yes, with an elevator!), huge space (I don't know why there's my unit next to that, maybe it's sorta for the helper or something of the fat-cat who used to live there) and the rest is complete secret, maybe there's a swimming pool there too or maybe a garden, no one knows.
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
"When a long night comes, I get lost again
I don't have you
I never witnessed my dreams
Where there is no place to wake me
I'm stopping and waiting for you"
"So you're back in kdrama land?"
Chase came crashing my place that night; she offered to buy dinner so I agreed.
I don't do visitors; I just want peace and more time with Thisbe and Clio, my pups.
"Who says I'm done with Kdrama?"
I am not, kdrama and fangirl-ing is a part of my existence.
Only on the fangirl part, if then I squeal while I watch my fave idol group and worship their godly faces, collect merchs, go to concerts and all those craziness that once feed my soul.
Now I don't anymore.
I lost all the colors and all, that's what Chase will always tell me.
"So care to join me on weekends? Concert, VIP ticket"
I stopped playing with Clio, glance at Chasity and gave her that knowing look.
I am not ready to go back yet. 
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sandwichrin · 3 years
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 23)
Chapter 23 - Pure Drama
Word count: 4.1k words
Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance.
A/N: Surprise! Here’s the next chapter! And uhh, like the title of the chapter itself-- this chapter is literally pure drama :’)
Treasure and Y/n’s Apartment Block (Lobby)
“Y/n! Heyyyy it’s been a while!” the familiar cheerful voice said, making you turn around.
“Ah, Hyunsuk! Hi!” You greeted him back with a smile. “Getting your mail?” You asked him.
Hyunsuk shook his head, “Nope. I’m going to the office to retrieve my parcel from them.”
“I see. I’m heading there too, actually. An old friend of mine sent me some snacks from our hometown,”
“Nice! Let’s head there together!” Hyunsuk said happily, making you grin from his excited behaviour.
The both of you walked side by side, making small talk with each other.
Once you’ve both arrived in the building’s office which was located right beside the main entrance of the building itself, Hyunsuk hurried in front of you to help open the door for you.
You giggled at him, “Wow, I didn’t know you’re this much of a gentleman,”
“But of course.” Hyunsuk grinned.
You entered the office first, Hyunsuk following behind you now. The moment you approached the counter located in the office; you informed the staff on duty that you wanted to take your parcel.
“I’m here to pick up my parcel? I think it arrived yesterday. The name’s (insert y/n’s full name).” you glanced over at Hyunsuk who was standing beside you before adding, “Oh, and another one is under the name of Choi Hyunsuk.”
Hyunsuk smiles at you and pats your head. “Thanks.”
“No problem,”
The both of you waited for a minute or two before finally receiving both your parcels. After collecting the parcels, the both of you thanked the staff and left the office together.
“Your parcel seems kind of big, y/n. You sure you can carry it?”
“Yeah, I’m good. It’s big but it’s not heavy. They’re all just snacks anyways,” you assured him.
Hyunsuk nodded at you, holding his medium-sized box in one hand. He helped press the elevator button for the both of you.
Entering the elevator doors, Hyunsuk helped press the buttons to both your floors as well.
“Thanks Hyunsuk. You’re a lot of help,” you complimented him.
“Yeah, sure. No biggie.”
While waiting for the elevator to reach your floor, Hyunsuk suddenly had an idea.
“Hey, y/n,”
“Have you had lunch?”
“Well…I’m ordering some takeout later. Why?” You turned to face him now.
“Ah, it’s just.” Hyunsuk paused. “The boys and I are all having lunch at my dorm.”
“Ahh I see. Sounds fun!” You smiled at him.
“Well I was wondering…if you’d like to join us?”
“Oh? Is that really okay?”
“Why wouldn’t it be okay?” Hyunsuk snickered at your question. “It’s been a while since we all hung out together, I’m sure the boys would be happy to have you join us,”
“Hmm.” You thought to yourself for a while.
Ding! The elevator reached your floor.
“Oh, it’s my floor.”
Hyunsuk pressed on the button to keep the doors open for you.
“Thanks,” you said to him. “I uh…I’d love to join you guys,” you added.
“Ah, but can we stop over at my place for a bit?” You said, giving him an apologetic smile.
 Treasure’s Dorm #1 (Main Entrance/Living Room)
“Just wait til the boys see you, they’d be so happy,” Hyunsuk said to you as he closed the door behind the both of you, his cute smile beaming at you.
You nodded back at him as you took your shoes off at the entrance.
“I’m back! Where is everyone??” Hyunsuk called out as he entered the living room.
“I’m in the kitchen, hyung!” you both heard Doyoung answer from the kitchen.
You followed Hyunsuk into the living room and there you saw Asahi, Haruto and Junghwan sitting around chatting with each other.
“Heyy, where’s Yoshi?” Hyunsuk asked the maknaes with you still following close behind him.
“Yoshi-hyung went to help clean Jeongwoo and Jaehyuk because they kept making snow in the kitchen using flour,” Asahi answered him.
“Ahh, that seems like something they’d do,” Hyunsuk snickered.
Junghwan stopped looking at his phone to look at Hyunsuk, and that’s when he noticed you.
“Noona!” Junghwan immediately got up from the floor, rushing towards you.
You lift a finger to your mouth, signalling him not to be too loud since you were planning to surprise the rest who hasn’t known you’re here.
Junghwan nodded and pointed at the paper bag in your hand. “What’s that?” he whispered.
“It’s Junkyu’s shirt that I used last time,” you replied.
Junghwan was about to talk to you further but then Hyunsuk had already excitedly pulled you with him towards the kitchen.
The moment the both of you had approached the kitchen’s doorframe, you could already see your other friends’ faces and you were happy to see them since you haven’t seen them for days. Well, most of them.
You smiled at them but then none of them returned your smile, making you wonder what they were so immersed with.
You recognised the person that was speaking in front of you, the guy that you had sort of missed these couple of days—especially since that weird incident that happened between him and Chani which had resulted in you rarely seeing him around you anymore.
Your grip on the paper bag in your hand tightened, you felt hopeful now that you’re finally seeing him again.
Now, of course you didn’t know the whole dispute that begun in the kitchen at the time—where Junkyu was being all bitter about Chani leeching on to you but instead of lashing out about Chani, he had made the mistake of venting his feeling of annoyance towards you.
And so, the timing when you entered the kitchen was when Junkyu was already saying this:
“…doesn’t care anything about us. We’re always looking out for her, but what do we get in return??”
You tilt your head, wondering who he was talking about. Hyunsuk, who was beside you also seemed confuse as to why everyone looked so tense in the kitchen.
You were about to step further into the kitchen when suddenly, Junkyu said—
“Y/n is annoying,”
You immediately stopped your foot from advancing. Your eyes lift up to see Yedam, Jihoon, Doyoung and Mashiho all staring at you, fear clearly showing on their faces because this time, they all realised you were directly behind Junkyu. Which meant…you clearly heard what he had said.
Suddenly, you saw Jihoon bursting out in laughter. “HAHAHAHAA very funny Junkyu! Look at you! What a horrible joke to make!” he laughed.
You took a deep breath, thinking maybe they were pulling a prank on you.
You opened your mouth to say something, but before you could say anything, Junkyu had already spoken up again—
“No, I wasn’t kidding! Y/n really is annoying. She’s a bother—”
“HYUNG STOP!” Yedam yelled, noticing how your expression changed drastically the moment you heard Junkyu’s words this time.
Hyunsuk immediately placed his hand on your shoulder, feeling shocked. But right now, he was more worried about you because you heard it all.
The air felt heavy in the kitchen…everyone going silent for a few seconds.
And then slowly, Junkyu turned around, his eyes meeting yours.
“Y-y/n…” he said, his voice slightly shaking now.
You stood there quietly, your fingers fiddling with the paper bag in your hand.
You blinked a couple times, your gaze slowly avoiding his. What is this feeling you’re having right now? Why does your chest hurt so bad?
Junkyu could hear his own heartbeat sounds ringing in his ears. He felt bad. He felt really bad. He saw how you slowly looked away from him, making him feel even worst.
Junkyu couldn’t handle the heavy tension going on in the kitchen so he immediately dashes out of the kitchen, leaving everyone else behind him.
You felt his presence leave you, as he passes by you. You bit your lower lip, holding in the tears that were forming in your eyes now.
Everyone else exchanged glances with one another, wondering what they should do now.
Mashiho switched off the stove, knowing that he should at least save their meals from getting burnt since he had a feeling that what had happened would take up some time to be solved.
Yedam lets out a heavy sigh, deciding to approach you since you wouldn’t stop staring at the paper bag in your hands now.
“Damn,” Jihoon muttered to himself as he tossed the knife that he had been holding since just now. He shook his head as he made his way to leave the kitchen.
As he passed by Hyunsuk, his hyung raised a hand, implying him to stop.
“What is it, hyung?” Jihoon said in an exasperated tone.
“Go easy on him,” Hyunsuk adviced, knowing that Jihoon would definitely go to console his best friend.
“Hm.” Jihoon hummed as he nods. He leaves the kitchen, not sparing a glance at you.
 Treasure Dorm #1 (Junkyu’s Room)
Junkyu closed the door behind him. He started breathing raggedly, his breaths uncontrollable by now. Is he having a panic attack right now?
He tried to walk towards his bed, but instead, his legs failed him. He ended up kneeling on the floor instead, trying to catch his breath.
He kept imagining the pained look you gave him earlier. He knew, he had hurt you. He had hurt you bad. He messed up badly this time.
Junkyu clenched his fists, his chest hurting, his head throbbing. He felt pain all over. Why? Why did he have to utter all those nonsense about you? He didn’t mean all of it. He really didn’t. He cares about you.
Junkyu lets out a soft sob, unable to hold his tears this time. He felt his tears streaming down his cheeks by now.
“Junkyu!” He heard Jihoon’s voice calling his name.
Jihoon hurriedly closed the door behind him, quickly approaching his best friend who was close to collapsing onto the floor.
Jihoon wrapped his arms around Junkyu, pulling his best friend up to his feet, dragging him over towards the bed.
Once he had made sure Junkyu was already sitting comfortably on the bed, Jihoon sat down on the floor, facing Junkyu.
Junkyu covered his face with his hands, softly sobbing into them.
“Stop. Please, stop. I know. I know,” he said, his sobs getting louder.
Jihoon placed his hand onto Junkyu’s knee, patting it gently. He couldn’t bear watching Junkyu cry like this. It’s rare enough to see Junkyu cry about something but right now, seeing him as a sobbing mess, Jihoon couldn’t help but sympathise him.
“I hurt her, hyung. I hurt her. I’m a horrible person!” Junkyu tried to speak up this time, his sobs a little under control now.
Jihoon shook his head. “No, no Junkyu. You’re not a bad person. You slipped, that’s all. Okay? You didn’t mean what you said, did you?”
Junkyu wiped the tear streaks on his face with the back of his hand. He shook his head furiously, “No way! I don’t! I really don’t. I just—I was just upset when Yedam said Chani and y/n looked like a couple…I…I don’t want to have to picture them being together, hyung!”
“I know, I know…” Jihoon answered softly, his hand still patting Junkyu’s knee gently.
“Hyung….how do I fix this…? Y/n must hate me right now,”
“No…she wouldn’t, okay? Y/n is a nice person, she wouldn’t hate you in one day,” Jihoon assured his best friend.
Junkyu shook his head again. “No! She would, she deserves to hate me!”
Junkyu took a deep breath, trying to control his own ragged breathing.
Pushing his hair to the back with one hand, Junkyu continued, “I told you…I told you, didn’t I? That liking her would bring us something like this,”
“Junkyu, there’s nothing wrong with you liking y/n, okay?”
“No, hyung! You know this. You can see it too, right?”
Junkyu lets out another heavy sigh.
“Yah…Kim Junkyu…it’s all gonna be alright, get it?”
Junkyu kept quiet for a while, sniffling once or twice. He contemplated for a while before asking his hyung another question.
“You said last time that you had a feeling that someone would like y/n among us, and you said that you knew who it was going to be, right??”
Jihoon nodded, remembering the talk they had after you all had that first lunch-meet with y/n.
“That person…who was it?” Junkyu’s eyes were now staring into Jihoon’s.
“I—” Jihoon lets out a sigh. “What are you talking about? Of course it’s you! Why do you think I keep pushing you to talk to her? Why do I keep teasing you about y/n? I even made sure y/n sits opposite you most of the time whenever we eat together, just so you both could stare at each other’s faces,”
Junkyu wiped his tear-stained eyes again. “W-what?” he sniffled.
“Duh! The moment we first met y/n, I had a feeling you both were attracted to each other. You both just needed a little push, that’s all.” Jihoon was no longer patting his best friend’s knee now, seeing that he had stopped crying.
“Aigoo! Look at you, crying like this. Yah, how are you going to face y/n later?” Jihoon chuckled softly, teasing Junkyu.
“Y-yah. I’m still handsome,”
“Pfft, yeah sure. Tell that to your red nose and puffy eyes,”
Junkyu swallowed the invisible lump in his throat, a small smile creeping on his lips as he succumbed to Jihoon’s teasing.
Jihoon lets out a sigh.
“Hyung…can I ask you a question?”
“Hm? What is it?”
“You see it too, right?
“See what?”
Junkyu clicked his tongue. “Tsk, you know, hyung. I know, you know.”
“Junkyu I don’t have time for your out-of-the-world curiosity,” Jihoon said as he shook his head.
“Aw come on hyung. You know. You know…that I’m not the only one who likes y/n, right?”
“Duhh, of course! It’s you and that Chani kid,”
Junkyu shook his head again. “No. Someone else. Someone else in our group.”
Jihoon’s eyes widened. “W-what?”
And as if on cue, Junkyu’s bedroom door opened.
Both of them turned to see—Hyunsuk entering, closing the door right after.
“Hyunsuk-hyung.” Both Junkyu and Jihoon said at the same time.
 Treasure Dorm #1 (Kitchen)
When Jihoon left the kitchen to go console Junkyu who had stormed off, Yedam and Hyunsuk stayed by your side to make sure you were okay.
You were still staring at the paper bag in your hand.
You had planned to return Junkyu’s shirt today, and maybe talk to him. It’s funny how you sort of miss him, when in reality, the both of you usually only made small talk with each other.
“Y/n, I…” Yedam tried to speak, but then he stopped. He shook his head. He wouldn’t know how to fix this right now. All that he knew was that you must have felt sad after hearing what his hyung said earlier.
Hyunsuk pulled you closer to him, wrapping one arm around you, causing you to lean your head against his shoulder.
“I’m so sorry y/n” he whispered to you.
Yedam stood still beside the both of you, his face still showing concern over you. He should have stopped Junkyu much earlier, he thought.
Doyoung and Mashiho, who were still near the kitchen stove too, watched over you, not continuing their cooking.
You tried your best to not feel sad, you didn’t want your friends to worry over you too much. But how? You still felt the sharp pain in your chest, and you know it’s not a heart attack that you’re having right now.
You let yourself lean comfortably in Hyunsuk’s arm that was wrapped around you, and without realising, a tear flowed down your cheek.
“Y/n,” Yedam said in a sad tone when he noticed you crying.
Hyunsuk immediately wrapped both his arms around you, hugging you close to him. “Shh, shh, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry y/n,”
You closed your eyes and you felt your tears wetting your cheeks even more now. Crap. You’re crying now.
Yedam looked around the room, noticing that both Doyoung and Mashiho were looking super sad as they watched you silently crying in Hyunsuk’s arms.
“I…I just…” You said softly.
“Hm? What is it, y/n?” Hyunsuk leaned close to you, wanting to hear what you were saying clearly.
“I just…” you stopped to swallow a silent sob before continuing, “I just wanted to see him…I just wanted to return his shirt, that’s all. I didn’t know…that all these while I was annoying him,” your voice straining as you said the final words that pained you.
Hyunsuk and Yedam exchanged glances with each other.
After a few minutes of silently sobbing, you slowly lifted your head from Hyunsuk’s embrace, making him releasing his arms from you gently.
You wiped your tears and took a deep breath. “Hyunsuk,”
“Could you help me return this to him?” you asked, as you pushed the paper bag in your hand to his.
“Anytime works. I…I don’t think I should see him for now. He’s…clearly annoyed with me being here,” you said half-jokingly. You tried to giggle when you said this, but it only made you sound even sadder than you look right now.
Hyunsuk held onto the bag that you gave him. “Sure. I’ll give it to him. Don’t worry, he’s not annoyed with you, I’m sure of that,” he said, trying to assure you.
You chuckled softly. “Clearly he is, but it’s okay.”
You took a deep breath and pushed your hair behind your ears. Forcing yourself to smile at your friends, you tried your best to sound okay when you said, “So, you both making lunch today?” You asked Doyoung and Mashiho that had been staring at you.
“Uhh, ah yeah. We’re making kimchi jjigae…” Doyoung answered you.
“Smells good,”
“Thanks,” Doyoung said as he nodded slightly towards you.
Mashiho turned towards the stove again, “We’ll resume cooking, alright? And then we’ll all eat together.” Mashiho turned to look at you, flashing his warm smile at you.
You smiled a small smile and nodded.
“Yedamie, you take y/n to the living room, okay? Let her rest up there. I’m gonna go check on Junkyu for a bit,” Hyunsuk said to Yedam.
“Okay, hyung.”
Hyunsuk leaned down close to you, his face levelling with yours. He stroked your cheek with one hand and said to you gently, “I’m gonna go first, okay? Don’t cry no more. It’s gonna be okay.”
You stared into his eyes for a couple seconds before nodding slowly.
And with that, Hyunsuk left the kitchen, your paper bag consisting of Junkyu’s shirt in his hand.
Yedam linked his arm around yours, “Come on y/n. Let’s rest up in the living room, okay?”
Treasure Dorm #1 (Living Room)
Now, bringing you to the living room isn’t really the best idea as of the moment—
Well, you see, the moment Yedam and you approached the rest of the kids who were in the living room, they were all shocked to see your tear-stained face and flushed complexion.
Unlike the rest who were busy gaping over what they were seeing, Junghwan immediately got up on his feet and rushed over to you.
“Noona! What happened? Why…? Did you cry earlier??”
“Shh, let y/n sit first,” Yedam said softly to the maknae.
Haruto got up from his seat on the sofa and pointed towards the seat, telling you to sit there.
You were still in a daze after your crying earlier so you simply complied with whatever they told you to do.
Finally sitting down, you leaned back against the cushion behind you.
Yoshi, who was sitting closely beside Jeongwoo and Jaehyuk after helping them clean up earlier, decided to go to the kitchen to get you some water since you looked restless at the moment.
Asahi, who was seated beside you right now, turned to look at you—his usual expressionless face showing.
“So…what exactly happened…” Jeongwoo said slowly.
Yedam sat down on the floor, close to the boy asking the question and lets out a sigh.
“Something…happened in the kitchen.”
“Just…something.” Yedam answered simply.
“That’s not very helpful Yedam,” Jaehyuk said this time. “How are we supposed to know what happened if you don’t tell us,”
You bit your lower lip as you felt it quivering again. It’s all happening again. You could still hear Junkyu’s voice in the back of your head, even when you’re shutting your eyes right now.
“Y/n is annoying.”
Your chest felt tight once again. You opened your eyes and sat up straight, surprising the rest who were still prodding Yedam to tell them what happened.
You stood up from the sofa and looked around you. The faces of your friends showing a mixture of concern and confusion.
You shook your head. “I…I think I’ll leave now,”
You were about to leave but then Yedam quickly grabs your hand. “Y/n? Aren’t you joining us for lunch?”
You shook your head slowly. “Maybe next time, okay?” you said, your voice shaking now. You looked at Yedam, your eyes glossy with tears that you were trying to hold back.
“It’s okay! I’m okay!” You said as you faked a laugh.
Yedam hesitantly lets go of your hand. He didn’t want you to go. But he also didn’t want to force you.
You quickly walked towards the house entrance, not looking back and immediately grabbing your shoes in your hand, as you leave the front door.
Yedam lets out a heavy sigh once you were gone from their sight.
“Hyung, what happened…?” Haruto asked this time.
Yedam sighs again before saying, “I’ll tell you all about it in a bit. I need to go tell Hyunsuk-hyung that Y/n left,”
 Treasure’s Dorm #1 (Front door)
The moment you stepped out of their dorm, the door shutting behind you, you walked as fast as you could, hoping that you’ll be far enough from them for now.
It was at least few metres away from their dorm’s door that you stopped to lean your side against the wall of the corridor to control your breathing.
You felt out of breath because you had been holding in your tears, and now…it’s just hurting you.
Slowly, your shoulder still resting against the wall, you slide down to your feet. By now you’re already kneeling on the floor with your palm holding onto the wall for support.
A loud sob escaped your lips. Ah crap. Now you’re starting to cry out the tears you’ve been holding in. And you’re doing it in public too.
But could you blame yourself for being this sad and dramatic?
“Y/n is annoying.”
You shook your head, trying to stop yourself from hearing to those words over again.
Is this your first time being called annoying? Maybe. But would you care if anyone called you annoying? No.
Then why was this hurting you too much?
Was it because you thought that Junkyu and you were finally becoming friends?
You thought the both of you were already clicking. You thought….that maybe, Junkyu had liked being friends with you. He was more open with you recently…then why? Why did he say that about you?
You thought…ah, that’s right.
You thought.
You kept thinking that everything was working out fine with you both. You’ve never clearly thought if Junkyu himself was enjoying being friends with you.
You swallowed your sob, wiping your tears with the back of your hand.
“Silly me. He’s clearly annoyed with me all this while. He’s just too nice to say it to my face,” you muttered to yourself.
You blinked and again you felt your tears wet your cheeks.
You’re starting to feel annoyed with yourself too by now, considering you wouldn’t stop crying.
Why are you this sad?? You shook your head softly. Could it be…that you have some feelings for him? Have you caught feelings for Junkyu and yet you never realised it?
You pushed your hair back and took a deep breath, trying to stop yourself from crying again.
Slowly, you got up on your feet and tried to stand up properly now.
You should just hurry and return to your apartment unit, you thought. Maybe make yourself a cup of warm drink and just calm yourself down.
And just as you stepped forward, you suddenly felt a pair of arms pulling you from behind.
The arms hugged your waist tightly, and you felt the back of your head resting against someone’s chest.
The familiar voice said to you softly, “You’re not annoying. You were never annoying. He’s stupid to think of you that way.”
You then felt yourself being hugged closer by the boy behind you. “You…you’re so nice to us. You don’t deserve to be told as annoying at all,” he added, sounding upset.
 To be continued…
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