#travis Alexander
clawzinc · 6 months
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circularsidewalks · 1 year
Jodi: Because I suck Jodi: the sexual part for me was an unevolved way of trying to be more loved. I knew you weren’t in love with me. I knew you cared, but that it wasn’t that kind of love. So when we made love, I was able to actually convince myself, yes lie to myself. It really felt for that space of time that it was something bigger and better. But that’s the intoxication felt from sex. And you made it so good. You became another person. It’s like you nearly worshipped me. I felt sooo so so loved when we did that. It became absolutely addicting. Jodi: But you weren’t just a piece of meat. Jodi: Either way, that doesn’t speak for the way I’ve treated you outside of your bedroom. Travis: no ill admit you were noble in the sack Travis: but its because it seved you to be Jodi: I know. The better I was, the more you wanted me, and the more you wanted me, the more we got to be together. Jodi: I was a whore for you because I was whore for that feeling. Jodi: I was whore in general and I still am. Travis: and you like being a whoe Travis: whore Travis: unless you could get something sexual from me Travis: but outside of that nothing else about is worth anything to you Travis: and how do I know Travis: because your actions speak it loud and clear Travis: and you have nothing to say in eply Jodi: Everything I feel moved to say wouldn’t hold an ounce of weight with you.
Gmail chat between Jodi and Travis, May 26th, 2008
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urfav-r0ckst4r · 2 years
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1thinkthatiwoulddie · 6 months
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“ he makes me sick, and he makes me happy. He makes me sad, and miserable, and he makes me feel uplifted and beautiful. “ ―୨୧⋆ ˚
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canadaloveselenasblog · 3 months
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drivebyangel · 11 months
Jodi Arias responded to
my Match.com ad
after 2013 we’ll begin to forget her
and in five years
the next generation
won’t recognize the name
any more than they recognize Love Canal
but she was the one who stabbed her boyfriend
so many times
strangled him
shot him
he was a monster in a horror film
and she couldn’t rest until she was sure
he was dead.
In response to my ad
she wrote:
Yes, I have some baggage, but don’t we all?
No, I don’t know how long I’ll live, but does anyone?
Sure, I talk in platitudes, but who is capable of original thought these days?
Yes, we may have to suffer a commuter marriage, but many people do.
I’m going through a hard patch right now, “twenty miles of bad road,” but again…
I thought:
all those things are true
Jodi is a modern woman
and a philosopher to boot
she’s squared away
and life with her would not be boring.
— Mitchell Grabois, 9/8/2014
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beamergirll11 · 2 months
Travis Alexander Was Not A Good Person
I wanted to say this somewhere after watching and reading so much about her case I can’t shake it. This may be awful of me to say but I don’t believe Travis was a good person. We saw firsthand his abuse heck there was proof. The whole p3do thing honestly sounds believable some of the audio we were able to hear makes him sound a little creepy. I feel like Jodi went crazy because of him and maybe from the very beginning had some screws lose. Jodi should have gotten help or just simply treated better.
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oldnetreasures · 1 year
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Can someone unpack this for me?
Jodi Arias murdered Travis Alexander because he would not commit to her. She was infatuated with him and would have happily spent the rest of her life by his side. This murder was the result of a scorned woman seeking revenge, she was not a vigilante. Give your support to the women and men who have murdered predators because they wanted to protect others.
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This man is just one example of someone who took the law into his own hands for the right reasons.
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midwestcore · 1 year
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new photo of jodi, taken circa 2017 but never posted until recently, found on justice4jodi on instagram.
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clawzinc · 6 months
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circularsidewalks · 1 year
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He's so crazyyyyyyy
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The HOT K!ller
This girl and her ways , this woman stabbed her partner 17 times I think, she was that girl she met him at conference many years earlier about two years earlier or three years earlier, the speaker there and she was charmed about how good he was impressed and it made her want to join Mormons which were big in Arizona, she had many relationships before and suffered with borderline personality disorder attractive,, she doesn’t admit to killing I don’t know even if she admitted it she said other people were there she’s changed the story anyway a few times which don’t doesn’t fit at all, when you look at certain way you can get away with murder clips of her being really narcissistic online and wanting her make up ready before she talks to interviewers but that’s all Jodie,,, but after she done the kill she literally died her hair and made herself look completely different. She died her hair and looked like a mousey librarian and she looked in these pictures and she would do such a horrendous act. What was that? His friends were not keen she was extremely jealous, but Travis did mess her about. I will not mess that part of the story out. He messed her about by not being, faithful but then wanting faithfulness from her and then wanting a relationship but no one to marry her and then choosing other woman to make her jealous which drove her crazy. She didn’t know where she stood with him and he was getting older and was needing to get married and he had other relationships of other girls in the church, but it was weird that he was not married in his church by his age, a lot of people did say that, he’s had a couple of lifetime movies made about her as well in which they show her devious ways and side but a lot of people have empathy for it’s called the halo first horns effect. I think where if somebody looks a certain way if they’re attractive in a traditionally attractive kind way then you think of them more as a nice person where is someone let’s say who isn’t traditionally attractive you would see as more devil like this is probably why, people have a fascination with serial killers specially like people like Ted Bundy this girl Jodie because of how they, but don’t be deceived at attractiveness is not worth the deception of what these people do to you, believe me I have borderline personality disorder, get this regulated all the time by other people and they hurt us and then they act like they’ve done nothing wrong so they fuck with their heads or heads cause they know that they, travis is party to blame with that we fucking with our head with other girls because he knew that she really loved him and wanted to be with him and wanted to settle down with him. Some people just tired of that and like I’m not gonna take it anymore, it drove me to my limit, I would say I’m in a similar situation not the killing but the BPD and the autism and people not understanding the deep level of it. They’re also shallow and surface level especially in the drug world and this woman has literally drove me insane I can’t stand her. She doesn’t like me. She’s really rude to me. She doesn’t understand that the reason she says I need to open up more but then she’ll ridicule me and bully me and I hate it but won’t admit it. She’s a really nasty character I think and I really don’t like having anything to do with her anymore because it is drove me to my wits end, and I’m literally literally sat here crying now about all of it because it is driving me mad. It’s now to the point where, I have to get my partner to deal with any sort of situation with that because it will drive me up the wall.
Personality disorders have a low tolerance, distress and anxiety. Depression depression seems more common in the antisocial type and anxiety seems more common in the borderline types hard. they with severe self-esteem issues, is an antisocial person although it can be covering they suffer more with the depression side of it and also can be asexual a lot of the time. It is interesting to look at Jodie looks and then her looks changed when she became on trial., but I will always have sympathy for my fellow. We always get portrayed so bad BPD people..
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Murder of Travis Alexander
Travis Victor Alexander was born on July 28, 1977.  Alexander and Arias began dating in February 2007. Arias moved to Mesa to live closer to Alexander. In April 2008, she moved to Yreka, California, and lived there with her grandparents.    Alexander and Arias dated intermittently for a year and a half, often in a long-distance relationship, taking turns traveling between their respective Arizona and California homes. Alexander's friends who knew Arias and observed them together tended to have a negative opinion of her, stating that the relationship was unusually tumultuous and that Arias' behavior was worrying
In early 2008, Alexander told acquaintances that Arias would join him for a work-related trip to Cancún, Mexico scheduled for June 15. In April, Alexander asked to change his travel companion to another female friend, Marie Hall. On May 28, a burglary occurred at the residence of Arias' grandparents, with whom Arias was living. Among the missing objects was a handgun chambered in .25 caliber, which was never recovered. This later became significant as a shell case from a spent .25 caliber round was found near Alexander's body at the murder scene.
On June 2 between 1:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m., Arias called Alexander four times but did not appear to reach him, as the longest of the calls' durations was 17 seconds. After 3:00 a.m., Alexander called Arias twice, the first time for 18 minutes, the second time for 41 minutes. At 4:03 a.m., Arias called Alexander again, and the call lasted two minutes, 48 seconds. Neither these calls nor their transcripts were presented in Arias' trial. At 5:39 a.m., Arias drove south to rent a car for a long trip to Utah, as evidenced by a gasoline purchase in Yreka. On June 2 at 8:04 a.m., Arias rented a car in Redding, California and indicated that she would return the car to the same location. Arias visited friends in southern California on her way to Utah for a PPL work conference and to meet with Ryan Burns, a PPL co-worker. By late evening on June 3, Arias had apparently set out for Salt Lake City.
Alexander missed an important conference call on the evening of June 4. The following day, Arias met Burns in the Salt Lake City suburb of West Jordan and attended business meetings for the conference. Burns later said that he noticed that Arias' formerly blond hair was now dark brown and that she had cuts on her hands. On June 6, she left Salt Lake City and drove west toward California. She called Alexander several times and left several voicemail messages for him. She also accessed his cell-phone voicemail system. When Arias returned the car on June 7, it had been driven about 2,800 miles (4,500 km). The rental clerk testified that the car was missing its floor mats and had red stains on its front and rear seats. However, it could not be verified that the car had floor mats when Arias had picked it up, and the red stains could not be analysed as the car was cleaned before police could examine it.
On June 9, having been unable to reach Alexander, a concerned group of friends went to his home. His roommates had not seen him for several days, but they believed that he was out of town and thus did not suspect that anything was amiss. After finding a key to Alexander's bedroom, the group entered and found large pools of blood in the hallway to the master bathroom and Alexander's body in the shower. In the 9-1-1 call (not heard by the jury), the dispatcher asked whether Alexander had been suicidal or if anyone was angry enough to hurt him. Alexander's friends mentioned Arias by name as a possible suspect, stating that Alexander had told them that she had been stalking him, accessing his Facebook account and slashing his car's tires.
While searching Alexander's home, police found his recently purchased digital camera damaged in the washing machine. Police were able to recover deleted images showing Arias and Alexander in sexually suggestive poses taken at approximately 1:40 p.m. on June 4. The final photograph of Alexander alive, showing him in the shower, was taken at 5:29 p.m. that day. Photos taken moments later show an individual believed to be Alexander "profusely bleeding" on the bathroom floor. A bloody palm print was discovered along the wall in the bathroom hallway; it contained DNA from both Arias and Alexander.
On July 9, 2008, Arias was indicted by a grand jury in Maricopa County, Arizona for the first-degree murder of Alexander.
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restmychemistry88 · 2 years
Travis Alexander
* Was his death karmic?
When looking at the birth chart of Travis Alexander, he had north node in the 6th house, opposing his south node in the 12th house. The 6th house rules routine, service, and health and wellness. His mission in this life was to focus on order rather than chaos — as he did in his past life [focus on chaos]. Travis Alexander met Jodi, a chaotic character, who was possibly a lesson for him — a lesson to leave the chaos, focus on himself, and good things may have came in abundance. However, Travis was unable to do any of those things, he was stuck on Jodi, trapped to his lustful desires, and there’s nothing orderly about being lustful. Travis knew that Jodi was chaos, he knew she was trouble, he could’ve left, but he didn’t. And what did that end for Travis? Death. If he wasn’t going to learn a major lesson through Jodi, justice prevails and his life ends, as he will be reborn again… with the same task in the next life.
Travis had Pluto in Libra conjunct North Node in Libra in the 6th house at an orb of 7.05°. This further proves my statement at how crucial it was for Travis to learn the lesson of the 6th house. Pluto is known to rule the dark side of life, such as death. When conjunct with the North Node, it’s karmic for Travis to learn in this life, maybe this was a lesson he had in the past life that he wasn’t able to learn from — is Travis just a weak soul?
“The negative thing about this aspect is that it causes inner tension and feelings of obsession because strong forces drag and pull in a different direction than towards the focal point of life. These people often have the feeling that they are the prisoners of misconceptions.”
- Astro - Seek
Jodi was the direction that took him the wrong way, Jodi was his karma. I believe that Jodi Arias’ instincts of sociopathy, manipulation and murder were the instincts of karma. In the eyes of a human, the surface is only seen; it only looks like Jodi was just this evil monster, who obsessed over Travis and murdered him because of her disgusting nature. Yes, of course that’s true, Jodi is clearly mentally unwell and had an infatuation with Travis which led him to his death. However, people come and go from our lives and they teach us lessons, whether they be big or small, a lesson is simply a lesson. Jodi came into Travis’ life because he needed to learn something, and with Travis’ stubbornness and degenerative needs for sexual fulfillment, Jodi did what she practically had to.
The 8th house is known to rule sex, and everything that goes a long with it. However, the 12th house rules the bed, dreams, etc. Sex can be manifested by the 12th house’s rulerships. Travis had south node in the 12th house, he was comfortable living a life of dreams, chaotic activity and sex. Ultimately, he indulged in much of that in one of his past lives, and order is what was needed in the now non-existing life of Travis Alexander.
When looking at Jodi Arias’ and Travis Alexander’s synastry chart, one can notice his Saturn is conjunct with her North Node right on the cusp of Travis’ 5th house. The 5th house rules the fun and pleasures in life, for Travis, Jodi was a fun little secret he had all to himself, one that gave him utmost pleasure. Yet, in Jodi’s chart, she had the conjunction in her 4th house (which rules all family matters) Jodi wanted a family, a life, with Travis. Kind of ironic how they dated for 5 months (correlating to the 5th house and the aspect) and then everything went downhill. “With Saturn conjunct North Node synastry, the Saturn person tends to introduce discipline and structure to the Nodal person. This can be a positive or a negative relationship… While this is a difficult aspect because the North Node person must be ready to accept these lessons.”
- teaandrosemary
Basically, it goes on to say that a conjunction between such a karmic planet and point in a synastry chart can only mean important karmic lessons in the relationship. Travis was meant to teach Jodi “discipline and structure”, if Jodi actually changed from her mentally unstable, chaotic behaviours into an orderly, disciplined being, the relationship could’ve possibly formed into something beautiful. Clearly, Travis’ own issues with his life lessons left nothing for Jodi to learn.
Now, Travis is dead and Jodi is stuck in prison for the rest of her life, all because of the important relationship that could’ve taught so much between the two partners, went completely in the wrong direction. Jodi and Travis were truly meant for each other, even if so many people think she was an evil witch who creeped into his life, it doesn’t change the truth.
Any thoughts that will add to this or critique are welcome
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canadaloveselenasblog · 9 months
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she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder ,, I was diagnosed with the same mental illness! we lie so much we lie better then a rug! Plus! when we feel rejected or played we go into HATRED delusion! we justifies our action! we believe it to no end! try to never reject a borderline! we are extremely childish too! ever see a five year old cry when the mother doesnT give them what they want they go into a crying spin but when you see a grownup doing this, it is scary as heck! trust me it takes one to know one! We Do NOT do well with rejection but everyone is different! I have had boyfriends lots of them and I have been rejected by men before and I would never imagine myself doing a murder over it! but I go off the rock too!Show less
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