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sdpubliclibrary · 4 months ago
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My Evil Twin Sister
No. 2
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bnhavacation · 2 years ago
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Attention passengers! This is your last chance to book your vacation with the WYWH travel agency!
Leftovers will be open until June 10th, but supplies are limited and some items will sell out fast, so don't wait!
Pre-order customers, don't forget to check your email 😉
Please note we will only accept payment via stripe and not paypal 📍Reblogs and shares appreciated!
@bnha-community-board @bnhafandomcalendar @bnhabulletin @bokunozines @bnhafandomevents @faneventshub @atozines @zineforall @zine-scene @zinefeed @fandomzines​ @uahigh-newsletter
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oleandrsstudio · 2 years ago
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Today’s #zine #review is of “Bookstores on Road Trip US West Coast” by Cammy!
This zine is so beautiful! It’s the size of two printer papers, folded like a map. It documents Cammy’s experiences at different bookstores in California, Oregon, and Washington. Cammy is Japanese, so the zine is written in both English and Japanese. I love the little illustrations Cammy includes: books, bookmarks, maps of the stores... If I ever go on a road trip to that area, I want to bring this zine with me.
#minizine #travelzine
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kira-desomma · 6 years ago
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Deer friend zine in progress, outgoing mail art, and finally a call to anyone who wants something in the post! #penpalswanted #zine #perzine #illustration #artzine #travelzine https://www.instagram.com/p/BxM01XZFZKv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jknpo2o9mlkj
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gutrot · 2 years ago
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Neon reprint of Hogwash in hand @bostonartbookfair this weekend. Come snag one for 5 bones. #Gutrot #zine #selfpublish #sketchzine #travelzine #bostonartbookfair2022 #BosABF2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/CklM5YZuxlc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mooncheez · 2 years ago
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15 // Shell 🥚🦕✨ — Another for the Taiwan zine! I had a lot of fun with making this, tried not to overthink it ☺️
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somethinglacking · 7 years ago
Sticky Danger- Saeyoung x MC
I’m so excited to share a preview of one of my works for the @mysmetravelzine Cockpit! It’s been truly a wonderful experience working on the Zine together with such amazing talent and now friends. <3  This story will be accompanied by artwork done by the lovely @sakurakimura-art If you’d like to PRE-ORDER  The SFW or   NSFW COCKPIT - my writing is featured  https://tictail.com/mysmetravelzine
He could taste the sweetness of the popsicles on her lips. Saeyoung moved his treat up and across her cheek as his tongue swept across her lips, making her gasp as the chill of the treat touched her sun-heated skin. MC opened her mouth, allowing Saeyoung to slide his tongue across hers in a delicate massage, tasting the remains of their popsicles even more. She felt the juice from her popsicle start to run down her hand as Saeyoung broke the kiss, licking the patch of sweetness on her cheek. The girl flushed, eyeing around them to make sure nobody could spot them.  "Saeyoung, it's melting," MC spoke up as the drops of her popsicle ran down her arm.  "I'll just have to clean you up, my love," Saeyoung whispered,
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eilieastara · 6 years ago
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The Cover and title page to the zine, it is COMPLETE. I love (and am so grateful) that things turned out well and it ended up being a complete story hahah 😂💖 . . . . . . . . . . . #inktober2018 #inktober #ink #inkdrawing #sketch #sketchbook #sketchoftheday #drawing #cartoon #myself #sketchaday #ink #travel #journal #journaling #zine #travelzine #adventures #seasonschange #journey #adventure #newbeginnings #adulting #adulthood #move #moving #boxes #cats #roadtrip (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/eileenmarieart/p/BqDhYW0BbSS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wx8ophwyd9r9
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excursiongear · 5 years ago
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Beautiful, low-key, and sprawling Nijo Castle is a great place for a tranquil visit... . . #travel #nijocastle #kyoto #japan #explorejapan #bluesky #clouds #castle #entrance #ornate #architecture #kayakpicks #travelz #hottravelz #travelzones #travelzine #travelza #travelzwander #travelzen #travelzim #travelzip #travelzlist #travelzopia #travelzoom #travelzgenie #travelzvive #globaltravelz #travelzaz #travelzagency #explorejapan #visitjapan (at Nijō Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Ml7muluYs/?igshid=12ran197c02wp
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pocahontas0316 · 8 years ago
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I’m currently working on a Travel Zine specifically for solo female travelers of color. It started out with my own stories but in so writing out my adventures and the struggles of being a brown girl trying to travel outside of LA County, I realized that this zine needed to be so much bigger than just my story. It NEEDS to be something that inspires others to believe they can break out the norm too.
When I left on my first solo trip to Portland, I had a huge lack of support either because people thought it was unsafe and dumb of me to travel alone or because people couldn’t understand why I would even want to travel alone. At the time, my belief in myself was so powerful, their doubt meant nothing to me, but while working on the zine I realized that being a brown girl, coming from the hood, traveling alone is such an abstract idea. Growing up I never imagined I would go any further than the Hoover Dam.
So I’m dedicating this zine to my niece and all the little brown girls out their who need to know know that they can travel the world and they don’t need a man to hold their hand while they are doing it!. Its for all the little brown girls who come from neighborhoods just like mine && think that traveling is something that only rich white kids get to do.
&& I’m inviting you all to help me !.
Please share your
-train tickets/plane tickets
-museum stubs
-traveling tips ; staying safe, packing, planning, saving, etc .
-traveling horror stories
&& what not. All things travel related !!.
DEADLINE ; September 15th 2017 !!
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chloehenderson · 6 years ago
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I'm back from @oscillationsexhibition at @munichjewelleryweek and I'm meeting my post-travel blues my making a zine! As MJW looks like it's going to be an exciting part of my calendar each year, I thought it would be a great idea to document my trips in a zine! So stay tuned to see this little cut and paste wonder turn into a series of travel zines 🧡 As I'm working on this I'm also writing up my blog posts about my trip, and sketching up all the ideas that I was inspired with on my journey... so keep an eye out for all of that coming soon!!! 💙💙💙 . . . #oscillations #jewelleryexhibiton #artexhibition #MJW19 #MJW #Schmuck #Schmuck19 #MunichJewelleryWeek #theumbrellashow #itsrainingjewels #thechimeraartist #chimera #zinemaking #zines #zinelife #zinester #zine #travelzine #journey #document #sketchbook #collage #jewellery (at Birmingham, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvSBOwdF3_A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sq6x7p7xdhsh
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bnhavacation · 2 years ago
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Pack your bags and mark your calendars! Tomorrow, May 6th is the long-awaited departure date for our Leftovers sale 🌺
📍Reblogs and shares appreciated!
@bnha-community-board @bnhafandomcalendar @bnhabulletin @bokunozines @bnhafandomevents @faneventshub @atozines @zineforall @zine-scene @zinefeed @fandomzines​ @uahigh-newsletter
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kira-desomma · 6 years ago
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Hard at work on my #zine!! #perzine #cartoon #sigil #poetryzine #illustration #travelzine https://www.instagram.com/p/BxSqjl2l0Rl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15dvi5teowo40
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yukina-chi · 6 years ago
Yaaaay 🤗🤗🤗
Lift Off!
Hello everyone! We’ve sent out the first batch of zines! Thank you so much for your patience and continued support!
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We will also be sending out the tracking numbers in tictail soon! The systems are still updating so don’t panic if it says your item is “not found”! We are constantly checking with the post office as well :) Thank you so much!
- Bon Voyage Mods
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countessofbiscuit · 5 years ago
*shakes my tin cup like a victorian street urchin* please ma’am spare some rexsoka porn for a poor lass down on her luck?
hope this fills your boots, anon <ladles out some sad smut> it’s all i’ve got ;__;
Some Diversion
(ao3 + art that inspired this by @redsong) (3k, Explicit) 
People were always more receptive when you told them you were honeymooners. Even in a motel that probably couldn’t pony up for a classified ad in the planet’s second-best travelzine.
“Oh!” chirped the concierge, a glum theelin, skin faded by spice. “Congratulations.”
It helped that she and Rex looked odd and threadbare themselves, having stuffed beskar in the backpack and left plates in the ship. Rex stepped an inch closer to put a hand around Ahsoka’s bare midriff, playing along. Her eyes welled up at the gesture. She smiled through it, selling the charade with a wave of her hand under the counter. The concierge became extremely obliging: happy to offer a quiet en-suite near the rear exit, uninterested in payment until checkout, and supremely sorry they didn’t keep bubblezap on the premises.
Ahsoka was just grateful the farce couldn’t follow them to their room.
It’d be a cruel facsimile of previous missions, and of dreams whispered in the dark, now that they could actually do it: get hitched and cut loose. But somehow, with that face and that other chip in his arm—the identifier, a detainable offense to remove even under the Republic—Rex was less free than he’d ever been. He’d jumped the fence. At least in the Grand Army he could leave the wire now and then.
No—Rex hadn’t jumped, Ahsoka reminded herself: she’d flung him over it. And she was finding her actions harder to justify, when he’d been nothing but a studied blank these past few days, clearly at pains to hide himself from her, Force or no Force. White noise had more personality.
She struggled anew when he tossed her poncho aside, leaving him in just his blacks, stamped with that bendu they couldn’t unpick or peel off. Sleek and broad-shouldered and solidly familiar in all his Rex-ness. It reduced her choice to something carnal, and her stomach roiled with shame. Ahsoka gripped the windowsill, unable to even face him in this small room made smaller by the hutt-sized bed.
“I’m taking a shower,” he declared behind her.
Ahsoka stood at the window and stared at their y-wing in the shiplot until her eyes crossed. In just her sparring bra and leggings, she probably looked like some sorry tailhead picked up the station who was already regretting her companion for the night.
Her regrets were abundant, certainly, but how could Rex be one?
The sonic hum ceased, eventually, followed by a rationed burst of water in the sink. Rex padded and rustled around the room. Ahsoka remained fixed to the window. She couldn’t bear to turn around and acknowledge the old sham that had never been so awkward. Faking wedded bliss was once a promise of things to come, not a reminder of everything that had gone wrong.
When Rex’s thighs pressed against hers from behind, Ahsoka nearly crashed into the ceiling.
“Soka,” he mumbled. He circled an arm around her waist, anchoring her, and thunked his forehead against her rear lek. The intimacy washed over Ahsoka like a warm bath. They hadn’t been this close since burying the last of the men they'd been able to reach; her head had bonked his as they arranged Fetch’s broken limbs, their tears that wouldn’t run dry mingling in dots on Fetch’s dusty armor.
“You don’t have to, Rex,” Ahsoka heaved, forcing the words out.
“Pretend—pretend like we used to.”
He went very still, catching his next breath before it swept down her skin. “I was never pretending. Were you?”
She swallowed. “No.”
“Good. Didn’t think so.” His voice was husky. His cock was impossible to ignore. Hard and free, lengthening between her thighs where she stood quivering. “And I’m not pretending now,” he said, jerking up to jerk the blind down.
Ahsoka jolted. Rex still wanted her. Even if just to scratch an itch. Even if just to spend one more night in the slipstream of normalcy, before it dissipated forever. The thought was heady, a faceful of exhaled spice. His nakedness against her skin smouldered. This was the first thing that felt real, that felt normal, in days.
She reached for Rex’s hand and slipped it into her bra. Her nipple tightened at the contact, sparking something in her belly. When he palmed her with interest, she tugged the zip down at the front, freeing her breasts, and Rex shucked her bra from her arms.
Ahsoka shoved his other hand down the front band of her leggings. “Touch me, Rex,” she croaked, arching into him.
He obliged. His fingers spread her fine folds, thin from neglect and starved of blood. Ahsoka opened her thighs further, allowing him the full use of his broad hands. His slow, two-fingered strokes against her besh pulled her pleasure down until it pooled like hot oil that threatened to leak. Her arms, propped atop the windowsill, felt spongy and not equal to his skill. These were the same deft fingers that could shoot straight two seconds post-op, when he was still half-under—fingers that could take life and make it worth living. Rex had mastered this terrain a long time ago. He’d know exactly what to do next: two knotted joints would slide into her—
Rex backed off, to her thin moan of protest. “These need a wash,” he said. He squatted and rolled her leggings down to her ankles.
Ahsoka huffed at his martial fastidiousness. “So do I.” She’d only seen wet wipes since a sink in Sundari. But she’d always been an impatient, hitched-skirt of a lover, either by nature or necessity. Hard to know, anymore.
Her right foot was barely free from the fabric when Rex thrust two fingers into her slit. Ahsoka wobbled and choked on a squeal. The first gasp of the little death that was building in her core.
“You’ll just make another mess.” Rex curled his fingers against her ring, making her vision tremble, loosening her body’s grip around his knuckles until it proved his point. Her slick leaked out, wetting her upper thighs. She flopped forward onto her elbows and let her head hang heavy, to watch his face and watch the blue bleed into paleness down his brown skin.
“What are you going to do with my mess?” she panted.
“What I always do.” He brushed the back of his hand up her thighs, catching some of the slick and bringing it to his mouth. “Clean it up.”
It was definitely meant in tired jest. A natural answer in the easy back-and-forth they fell into before a fuck. But it hit different, now—now that she was standing over leggings still stained with moondirt and blood not her own. Ahsoka slumped forward, away from his hand. Had Rex not been clone-quick and stood to catch her, she’d have fallen to her knees against the wall, faceplanting into the grotty wallpaper where she belonged.
“Hey, hey, hey … ” He may have been trying for comfort, but his voice struck flat, like a flint against her heart; Ahsoka’s face flushed hot with tears. “Don’t think about it, Soka. Fuck, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I shouldn't have—stop blaming yourself.”
They’d already had this conversation—a few times before they’d even dug the first grave. I’d have done the same, he kept saying. But that was an empty reply to a question Ahsoka hadn’t asked, assuming her hypothetical boots in the situation. What would he, Captain Rex, brother and commander to those men, have chosen, if she hadn’t selfishly chosen for him?
And he refused tell her. Because he had his own guilt to bear. Because there was no easy refrain for the truth that would alienate the one person he had left: After what you did, I would have chosen my brothers. I should have chosen Jesse. Even in madness. Even in death.
Ahsoka sobbed, held in Rex’s silent, naked embrace. She was a juggle of raw emotions—guilt, devotion, shame, desire—each clamoring for primacy; some needed to fall naturally, or she’d be crushed trying to hold them all.
Her Force-blessed privilege had told her, you can fix this. She’d been so very wrong, and she’d taken everything from Rex in her blind panic of an attempt. But she could still give him this, at least: her body and small comforts.
Ahsoka breathed deeply through her nose, making a show of regaining composure. Rex's hands gripped his elbows around her. She unfastened one to guide it down to her besh again. “Please keep going,” she said hoarsely, nuzzling her montral against his cheek in encouragement.
His fingers weren’t eager. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”
“We’ll sleep better,” she countered. They hadn’t slept at all since passing out in their respective seats at the edge of a waystation’s artificial atmosphere. Too many unknowns, too much distance to cover. Surely this would ease some of the anxious wakefulness parked behind her eyes. Ahsoka reached back and found his halfie. It answered to the heel of her hand. “And you started it.”
Rex groaned into her lek, gripping her crotch. “Cockheaded shiny mistake.”
“Finish the drill." She bucked into him. “Please just fuck me out of my head.”
With a pained sound, he began stroking the length of her crotch, like he wanted to tease her in half. Her slit burned for lack of him. With every pass of his fingers, her core clenched as if to suck them in. Ahsoka tugged harder on his cock.
Rex tried to spin her around, weary of this mutual reacharound, but Ahsoka squared herself firmly. “No—from behind.”
His brothers had always held flashes of Rex in the twitch of their smiles, in the warmth of their eyes and the quirk of their earnest brows. Now she was sure it would torment her in reverse. She couldn’t meet his face right now. They were all carved into the features of each other. But saying as much would magnify his survivor’s guilt, adding a mirror to his own, until Rex was trapped in his own reflection.
“If you’re sure,” said the man who knew all her preferences, and doubted the choice of this one.
Ahsoka had all the vanity of a secondhand binary droid. That Rex also knew. She couldn’t quibble convincingly about her red eyes or puffy face. “I’m sure. I want you like this,” Ahsoka repeated, plaintively, rising on her toes in invitation to present her ass. “The harder the better. Like that night in Iziz—on the balcony.”
Rex paused, quickly fetching the memory. “You were in heat, then.” Read: it was easier to thrust like an animal because your besh was too loopy to bite back. A jealous urge to drive everyone else from her head had probably helped, too. It was the first time he’d ever marked her.
“Yeah, and I still can’t think of Onderon without getting wet. So just … take me back there.”
“Alright,” he said. “Into the glass you go. Hold on.”
Ahsoka shuddered at the gruffness in his voice. But Rex proposed himself gently, holding his stout head to her folds. She eased back to push her slit around it and stuff it through her ring. She groaned heavily around the space his cock took up. Then Rex plunged in, giving her the rest, until Ahsoka felt gluttonously full.
He hissed. “Stars almighty. Fuck.” He held still for a beat, as if to recalibrate his sensor array in the vacuum of her body. “You’re tighter than baby’s first blacks.” Like he had any reason to act surprised. But it was calming, in a crude way. One charade supplanted another, like this. They weren’t newlyweds: he was just some washed-up veteran looking for a good time, and she was a local dropout, cashing in on mundane speciesism to cover the debt.
Ahsoka latched onto the conceit and relaxed into the lewd delight of his nakedness flush against her. Of him inside her. “My tail—” She tilted her head back, to offer Rex the forbidden thing his eyes had lingered on since she’d rocked up again, taller and longer and fuller in interesting places. “Take it, Rex. Pull it.”
He didn’t need telling twice. Rex swept his palm along the underside, stopping finally to grab the midsection, just above the flare of her fattier tail. Ahsoka trembled when he squeezed, her nerves clattering between alarm and arousal. A tog who submitted to tailgrips was considered as base as a twi who invited lekjobs. But she had nothing to be missish about anymore, and certainly not with him.
And to be in thrall to Rex, her captain, this best of soldiers, was still a fucking thrill.
The ache of Rex’s grip warred with the pleasure of his hood sliding inside her walls—back and forth, back and forth, until he reached her ring, gauging the give he had to work with.
Holding fast, hand on lek and hip, Rex plowed into her.
Ahsoka cried out, rebracing her arms against the sill to counter him. She slickened further to the sound of smacking skin. What ass she had rippled with every punch of his thighs, and she hoped he was eating up the view.
A purr curled under Ahsoka's breath, sharpening into a growl at the strange clench around her headtail. If her adrenal system got too offended by the intensity of their fuck, she’d be drooling venom into the carpet and would have to sleep on the floor, away from him, for fear of a feral dream. She’d been gagged in Iziz.
“Drop my tail, Rex,” Ahsoka panted. “But don’t fucking stop.”
He let go, but his pace ebbed. Never would take her every order. “You alright?” he asked.
“Yes, yes,” she growled. “Mouth was going cottony.” Ahsoka rocked into him, testing her grip against his shaft. The window of opportunity was narrowing. “Harder,” she urged.
Rex held her hips to better his leverage. He thrust, again and again. Ahsoka tightened around him, his movement tugging her tacky cunt and plucking at her bliss. He took her with him as often as not.
Dropping to her elbows, Ahsoka dunked her head again to get an eyeful of his effort. Rex’s legs were sturdy and strong, flecked with fair hairs, knees pistoning his handsome, muscled thighs. Where they met, his sack hung gravid; it was ready to fill her, slapping her wet folds as they careened together. Her lekku tossed wildly, tits jiggling in time. She’d have to wait for her next heat for a real socking, but this was all Ahsoka needed, now. A vestibular riot. A rave of simple physicality.
Rex made a sound like straining plasteel. “‘m close—so close.”
Everything—all the sucking and jerking and grunting—coalesced in a ferment of pleasure, contracting around knowledge that Rex was the cause of it. Her brave, bright knight, a golden heart and warm smile at the end of so many shit days.
“Fuck—gods beyond, I’m gonna—Soka, I’m—” he groaned and spasmed hard. One shuddering arm landed beside her face.
A heat flooded through Ahsoka. She had to tell him—she had to warn him over the roar of climax in her own head. “Hold on, Rex—oh! Rex—” Her orgasm punched down. She lurched under it and into the curl of Rex’s arm, her senses whiting out.
There was really little danger of flying off in telekinetic euphoria. She and the Force hadn’t communed beyond the basics in days—suited her just fine, there wasn’t much to hear now, and the void was worse than anything. And she was beyond exhausted.
She remained rooted to Rex, held underneath him, sagging soggily. More comfortable than she’d been in weeks. Rex could probably maintain the hold for the next few inescapable minutes. But it was awkward.
So he shimmied them backwards to the bed, where he sank onto the mattress, bringing Ahsoka down with him, hugging her to his bare chest. He couldn’t do otherwise. Her besh had him in a primal lock, eager to relieve a togrutan penis of its seed; it regarded the presence a much broader human appendage as an affront. Ahsoka relished the fullness, but she’d long since been made aware that this aftermath sucked major dick, and no, that wasn’t just a turn of phrase. Untold millennia of reproductive evolution simply refused to recognize Rex’s frequent caller card—or accept that it’d have better luck sucking glue through a curly straw than getting viable swimmers out of a clone.
So they sat, waiting it out. Rex knew the drill.
Once or twice, Ahsoka’s lungs ballooned to speak, but she didn’t have any idea what would come out. Her lek was tucked into his neck. His carotid pulse thumped into her tips, and his strong heart beat solidly against her back. We’re still alive, she might have marvelled, had she not paid for it so heavily: a destroyer of men, whose valiant hearts lay dead as moondust.
At last, Rex sighed broadly, clearing himself out to say something. It took some time before he did, Ahsoka dreading all the while that they’d fucked an inch forward, only to fall a klick back.
“I forgive you, you know,” he said, factually. Like a reporter beginning a transcript of bad news. “For trying to save me. For not letting me march away.” The words were like the stubble on his cheek. Raspy. A little harsh. Trying, in particular, cut her deeply—and not just as someone who still half-believed herself a Jedi. Rex deemed her actions a failure … or unfinished, at best.
But Ahsoka had heard the words correctly, and there was no lie in them. Rex went further. “I’ve got … there’s a lot of work to do.”
There was a chink in the blastdoors. Held open in the way he rephrased what was on his mind. Ahsoka felt a draft of hope. “I’m here to help, Captain,” she said, completing a circle of intimacy as she took his hand. “If you want me.”
Rex twisted to look at her. She let him find her eyes. “I do,” he said. He squeezed her fingers and closed a bleeding circuit of faith with a kiss.
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eilieastara · 6 years ago
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DAY THIRTY ONE: Our first night was Halloween, and that is kind of rad! 🎃👻 . . . . . . . . . . . #inktober2018 #inktober #ink #inkdrawing #sketch #sketchbook #sketchoftheday #drawing #cartoon #myself #sketchaday #ink #travel #journal #journaling #zine #travelzine #adventures #seasonschange #journey #adventure #newbeginnings #lease #adulting #adulthood #halloween #halloweencostumes #apartment (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/eileenmarieart/p/BqBCu-mh-gC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18by8ubmbg1kt
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