#travel sud ouest france
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theaddressvip · 2 years ago
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Croatie - Dubrovnik - À louer - Maison de luxe - 5 suites - Piscine - Accès mer - Sauna - Ascenseur - Vue mer - Wifi - Terrasse Prix et disponibilités sur demande Contact : Tel / whatsapp : +33(0)650803000 Tel fixe : +33(0)176545631 Email : [email protected] Suivez nous sur Facebook : https://m.facebook.com/europeanpropertyfindergroup/ You tube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeNkiNv7bbgeAc_JX1qNfgg Instagram : www.instagram.com/theaddress.vip Website : www.theaddress.vip Contactez nous pour toutes vos demandes de vente / achat, location et location saisonnière en France (Paris, Cannes, Saint Tropez, Corse, Normandie, Sud Ouest, Provence, Alpes, Bretagne), dans les caraïbes (Saint Barth, Saint Martin, Martinique, Guadeloupe, République dominicaine...), en Suisse, Espagne, Italie, Grèce, Maroc, Mexique, Floride, Dubaï... #croatia #dubrovnik #adriatic #beach #immobilier #europeanpropertyfindergroup #realestate #instagram #instagood #instalike #instagay #pictures #like #followforfollowback #travel #europe #visit #luxuryhomes #luxurylifestyle (à Dubrovnik, Croacia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTO4XUgRrJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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greenbagjosh · 2 years ago
Wednesday 13 November 2002 - the old way past Thun and Spiez across the Berner Oberland - nice day to visit Brig and Sion - exploring Gaillard - evening stroll through Frauenfeld TG
13 November 2002
EN  Hi everyone.  Twenty years ago today, I took a train tour of the southwest part of Switzerland from Zürich, about as southwest as possible without use of the Glacier trains (Zermatt to Chur), went through the predecessor of the Lötschberg Base Tunnel, Brig, Sion, Geneva, Gaillard in France, and back through Frauenfeld and Zürich.  I covered much ground by rail that day.
DE  Hallo allerseits. Heute vor 20 Jahren unternahm ich von Zürich aus eine Zugfahrt durch die Südwestschweiz, möglichst südwestlich ohne Benutzung der Gletscherzüge (Zermatt bis Chur), ging durch den Vorgänger des Lötschberg-Basistunnels, Brig, Sion, Genf, Gaillard in Frankreich und zurück über Frauenfeld und Zürich. Ich habe an diesem Tag viel mit der Bahn zurückgelegt.  
DK  Hej allesammen. For tyve år siden i dag tog jeg en togtur i den sydvestlige del af Schweiz fra Zürich, omtrent så sydvest som muligt uden brug af Glacier-togene (Zermatt til Chur), gik gennem forgængeren til Lötschberg Base Tunnel, Brig, Sion, Genève, Gaillard i Frankrig og tilbage gennem Frauenfeld og Zürich. Jeg dækkede meget jord med jernbane den dag.
SE  Hej allihopa. För tjugo år sedan idag tog jag en tågtur i den sydvästra delen av Schweiz från Zürich, ungefär så sydväst som möjligt utan användning av Glacier-tågen (Zermatt till Chur), gick genom f��regångaren till Lötschberg Base Tunnel, Brig, Sion, Genève, Gaillard i Frankrike och tillbaka genom Frauenfeld och Zürich. Jag täckte mycket mark med järnväg den dagen.
FR  Salut tout le monde. Il y a vingt ans aujourd'hui, j'ai fait un tour en train de la partie sud-ouest de la Suisse depuis Zurich, à peu près aussi au sud-ouest que possible sans utiliser les trains Glacier (Zermatt à Coire), j'ai traversé le prédécesseur du tunnel de base du Lötschberg, Brigue, Sion, Genève, Gaillard en France, et retour par Frauenfeld et Zürich. J'ai parcouru beaucoup de terrain en train ce jour-là.
Guten Morgen!  Good morning!  Bonjour! Wednesday 13th November 2002, I would kind of make a tour of the southwest of Switzerland, crossing the so-called Röstigraben and back, and come back to see Frauenfeld in Thurgau, before returning to Zürich.  The weather would be quite nice for a November day.  
I woke up about 5:30 AM, took a shower, and went down at 6 AM for breakfast.  About 6:30 AM I walked to the northern end of the hostel and crossed the street to the trolleybus stop for line 33.  The bus 33 came in about ten minutes and I was at Morgental about 6:45 AM.  Then I walked around the corner and boarded the tram line 7.  I did not get to HB until 7:10 AM.  Paradeplatz and Bahnhofvorplatz were not particularly congested, but Rennweg was a bit of a slow spot.  
About 7:20 AM I boarded an Intercity train for Bern with intent to transfer to another train to Brig in the canton of Valais, or Wallis as it is called in German.  The IC train was a Dosto, a double level train, from 2000.  The train arrived at Bern about 8:10 AM.  The train to Brig was a single level train, and arrived in Bern about 8:25 AM.  I boarded it, and it departed at 8:30 AM.  It stopped at Thun and Spiez, as opposed to Interlaken and Lauterbrunnen, before proceeding to the entry to the old Lötschberg tunnel.  There was a plan to build a tunnel that was lower in elevation, but that did not start until 2007.  That made the journey take about two and a half hours before the train arrived in Brig, after passing by Visp, about 11 AM.  That would be just before lunchtime.  
Brig is the last stop for regular rail travel, especially with the Swiss Pass, in Switzerland, before taking the Glacier Train to Chur.  An extra fare is required for the Glacier Train.  When the Eurail Pass was valid, that also was true.  From Brig, most other trains went to Iselle, Domodossola and Milan and beyond.  I had been to Brig in April 2001, while on the way to Milan, but just to wait to change locomotives.  This time, I would properly explore Brig.
I walked from the Brig rail station to Ueberlandstrasse to Glismattenstrasse, and then Gliserallee, back into downtown.  The weather in Brig was sunny, temperatures in the low 50s, about 10 to 12 Celsius.  In a way, downtown Brig kind of looked like downtown Lugano but with a more German style, and much less traffic.
I was about ready to leave Brig for Geneva, but needed some food.  I went to the Migros next to the rail station and bought some food and soft drinks as I did not want to have beer just yet.  Then I boarded the train to Geneva, which was just a simple mid-1990s single level Intercity train.  The train had German-language next stop announcements up to and including Visp, Leuk and Siders, the German name for Sierre.  I was listening to the Nick Straker Band play on SRF3, then called DRS3, and then towards the end of the song, the annoucement that the train was arriving in Siders / Sierre was on the loudspeakers.  At this stage, we were close to crossing the Röstigraben westward towards Sion, Lausanne and Geneva.  One last song I remembered on that ride, was hearing "Häbs güet" by a then-unknown band from the canton of Bern, called Plüsch, which means plush, as in a stuffed animal or similar.  
After crossing the Röstigraben in Siders, the train went along to Sion, the cantonal capital of Valais.  It is called Setten in German.  I decided to alight from the train and then explore a little bit of Sion.  I went north along Avenue de la Gare for ten minutes and went back to the station.  I think it would have been 2 PM, before I boarded the next train to Geneva.  The train stopped in Martigny, the last stop on that route in Valais, then St. Maurice in Vaud, Montreux, Vevey, Lausanne, Morges, Nyon and Genève, but not Sécheron near Parc Mon Repos.  The train arrived about 3:30 PM, and then clouds started to appear, but it was not so bad.  I bought a day pass for the TPG, or the transport agency for Geneva.  I could take the tram to the stop Moillesullaz and walk across the border into France at Gaillard.  I had to take a tram from the rail station to Bel Air, and transfer to the line 12.  At Moillesullaz in the Graveson district of Thônex GE, there is a tram turnaround loop, and the crossing is only fifty feet away.  The douanniers were concerned mainly with the auto travellers and less with pedestrians.  I was able to walk on D-1205 / Rue de Genève, up to the intersection of Rue Marcel Degerine.  This was about the same location as the Appart-City Gaillard which I stayed at from 6th to 8th December 2016 (the same time that I did my first "Oh li'l Gizzy, whatcha doin'?" video in Annecy).  At the SPAR grocery store nearby, I bought some Pétrole Hahn shampoo to take back home.  That was the same shampoo that I first used on 26th March 2000 while visiting Paris.
I walked back to the Moillesullaz tram stop.  I did not have much to declare, and I had only enough shampoo for my personal use.  I boarded the line 12 for Bel Air Cité, walked to the flower clock and also was able to see the Jet d'eau before it was shut off for the season.  Then I took another tram back to the rail station.  The sun was about to set, I think around 5 PM, and the streetlights were just turning on.  I went back to the rail station and boarded a 5:30 PM train for Zürich via Biel (crossing the Röstigraben once more), Olten and Aarau, before terminating at Zürich HB.  The ride took about two hours, arriving around 7:45 PM in Zürich HB.  I found a train to Winterthur and another to Frauenfeld in Thurgau.  I had previously only visited Thurgau by riding through St. Gallen into Winterthur.  I was on an Interregio train to Frauenfeld which would terminate at Kreuzfeld at the border with Germany, next to Konstanz.  Frauenfeld was not a large city, so there was not much to see, especially about 9 PM.  The local S15 train was still running, and I rode it one way past the castle Schloss Frauenfeld to Marktplatz, but walked back from Marktplatz.  There was one traffic signal to note there, at Marktstrasse and St. Galler Strasse, as if it were the only one in the entire canton of Thurgau, it turns out that it is not the only one.
I boarded the train back to Zürich via Winterthur, about 9:40 PM.  The tram line 7 was still running to Morgental, and trolleybus 33 still as well.  I took those back to the hostel, went to bed and slept until the next morning.  Please join me when I visit Chur, have some ice cream for half price as it is off season, take a ride to the Escher Wyss Platz and see the location of the Hardhof, then we have supper at the Zeughauskeller.  Hope you will join me then!
Gute Nacht!  Good night!  Bonne nuit!
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justforbooks · 4 years ago
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Marcel Bloch, commonly known as Marcel Dassault, was born on 22 January 1892. He was a French industrialist who spent his career in aircraft manufacturing.
Bloch was born in Paris. His parents were Jewish. He was educated at Lycée Condorcet in Paris. After studies in Electrical Engineering he graduated from the Breguet School and Supaéro. At the latter school Bloch was classmates with a Russian student named Mikhail Gurevich who would later be instrumental in the creation of the MiG aircraft series.
Bloch worked at the French Aeronautics Research Laboratory at Chalais-Meudon during World War I and invented a type of aircraft propeller subsequently used by the French army during the conflict. In 1916, with Henry Potez and Louis Coroller, he formed a company, the Société d'Études Aéronautiques to produce the SEA series of fighters.
In 1928 Bloch founded the aircraft company Société des Avions Marcel Bloch, which produced its first aircraft in 1930.
In 1935 Bloch and Henry Potez entered into an agreement to buy Société Aérienne Bordelaise (SAB). In 1936 the company was nationalized as the Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Sud Ouest (SNCASO). Bloch agreed to become the delegated administrator of the Minister for Air.
During the occupation of France by Nazi Germany during World War II, France’s aviation industry was virtually disbanded, other than the compulsory manufacturing, assembly and servicing of German designs. In October 1940, Bloch refused to collaborate with the Germans occupiers at Bordeaux-Aéronautique and was imprisoned by the Vichy government. In 1944 the Nazis deported Bloch to the Buchenwald concentration camp, as punishment for refusing to co-operate with their regime. He was tortured and beaten and held in solitary confinement. In the meantime his wife was interned near Paris. Bloch was detained at Buchenwald until it was liberated on 11 April 1945. By the time of his return to Paris he was crippled to such an extent that he could barely walk. He was advised by his doctors to settle his affairs, as they did not expect him to recover his health.
After the war he changed his name from Bloch to Bloch-Dassault and in 1949 to Dassault. Dassault was the nom de guerre used by his brother, General Darius Paul Bloch, when he served in the French resistance, and is derived from char d'assaut, French for "battle tank". In 1971 Dassault acquired Breguet, forming Avions Marcel Dassault-Breguet Aviation (AMD-BA).
In The Adventures of Tintin book Flight 714 to Sydney, Dassault is parodied as the aircraft construction tycoon Laszlo Carreidas - "the millionaire who never laughs", who offers Tintin, Captain Haddock and Professor Calculus his personal jet, the Carreidas 160, to travel to Sydney.
Marcel Dassault died in Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1986 and was buried in the Passy Cemetery in the 16th arrondissement of Paris.
In 1973, Dassault was inducted into the International Air & Space Hall of Fame.
Serge Dassault, Marcel's son, became CEO of Avions Marcel Dassault, which was restructured as Groupe Industriel Marcel Dassault, reflecting its broader interests. In 1990, the aviation division was renamed Dassault Aviation.
In 1991, the rond-point des Champs-Elysées was renamed the “rond-point des Champs-Elysées-Marcel Dassault” in his honor.
Dassault Aviation Products
Breguet family See main article: Dassault Breguet
MD 315 Flamant, 1947
MD 450 Ouragan, 1951
Mystère, 1951
MMD 550 Mystère-Delta, 1954 prototype
Étendard, 1956
Cavalier MD 610 – VSTOL concept, 1959
Mirage III, 1956
Mirage IV (strategic bomber), 1959
MD 410 Spirale, 1960
Balzac V, 1962 VSTOL
Mirage IIIV, (1965–1966)
Atlantique (ATL 1, originally a Breguet product), 1965
Mirage F2, 1966 (Prototype)
Mirage F1, 1966
Mirage 5, 1967
Mirage G, 1967
Milan, 1968
Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet (Joint venture with Dornier) 1973
SEPECAT Jaguar (50/50 joint venture with BAC) begun within Breguet, 1973
Falcon Guardian 1, 1977
Mirage 2000, 1978
Mirage 4000, 1979 (Prototype)
Mirage 50, 1979
Falcon Guardian 2, 1981
Mirage III NG, 1982
Atlantique 2 (ATL 2), 1982
Rafale, 1986
nEUROn, (experimental, first flight 2012)
New Generation Fighter (Rafale replacement)
MD 452 Mystère I, II, 1951
MD 453 Mystère III, 1951 (a one-off MD-452 nightfighter)
MD 454 Mystère IV, 1952
Super Mystère, 1955
Étendard II, 1956
Étendard IV, 1958
Super Étendard, 1974
Mirage G, 1967
Mirage G-4/G-8, 1971
Mirage 2000N/2000D 1986
Falcon family
Breguet family See main article: Dassault Breguet
Mercure – The only commercial airliner that ever flew made directly by Dassault Aviation. Designed to compete with Boeing 737. Only 12 units ever built.
MD 320 Hirondelle – Only 1 prototype was built.
Communauté – Only 1 prototype was built.
Mystere 30 – 30/40 passenger regional jet not brought into production.
Falcon 10 (Falcon 100 Upgraded Version)
Falcon 20 (Falcon 200 Upgraded Version)
Falcon 30
Falcon 50
Falcon 900
Falcon 2000
Falcon 6X
Falcon 7X (originally Falcon FNX)
Falcon 8X
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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gfrbart · 4 years ago
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Au Jardin Partagés à Casteljaloux dans le sud-ouest, Lot-et-Garonne #couleurs #colores #naturaleza #nature #jardin #casteljaloux #lotetgaronne #nouvelleaquitaine #sudouest #francia🇫🇷 #france #viajem #viaje #voyage #travelphotography #travelgram #travel #gonzo #gonzojournalism (à Casteljaloux, Aquitaine, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ4DvvALWVp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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luciepainchault-blog · 8 years ago
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Good night on Arcachon. Plage de la lagune
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latribune · 2 years ago
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alabamahunter512 · 3 years ago
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pattatie · 3 years ago
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DONJON2022 - #73 - Montricoux by quadralectics Le Donjon des Templiers Le donjon bien plus haut qu’il ne l’est actuellement, comprenait une salle basse voûtée, sans autre ouverture à l’origine que d’étroites meurtrières sur la façade sud. Au-dessus, il y avait trois étages et une plate-forme crénelée. Aux angles s’élevaient quatre tourelles en encorbellement également crénelées; dans celle du nord-ouest se trouve l’escalier à vis qui desservait les différents étages; on pouvait y accéder par une porte donnant dans le château et par une galerie boisée à l’intérieur de la salle basse, au niveau du premier étage. La construction du donjon fut achevée en 1287. Après avoir résisté à divers assauts durant les guerres de Religion, le donjon Symbole de l’autorité seigneuriale sera malheureusement mutilé à la Révolution de 1789 par la population. Il resta longtemps en l’état de ruines, avant que ses murs ne furent arasés et qu’une toiture ne soit mise en place pour protéger l’édifice des intempéries. Le château Contrairement au donjon, le château primitif celui qui avait été construit du temps des Templiers, ne résista pas aux assaillants Calvinistes de 1558 et fut ravagé par un incendie. C’est en 1730, que Pierre-Hyppolite de Maurez de Malartic, entreprit de faire reconstruire le château qui sera achevé sous le règne de son fils Amable-Gabriel-Louis-François de Maurez de Malartic alors premier président du Conseil souverain du Roussillon. Après avoir appartenu à de nombreux propriétaires, le château de Montricoux appartient à la famille Namy depuis plus de 30 ans et abrite un magnifique musée qui renferme une somptueuse collection des œuvres de l’Artiste-Peintre Marcel-Lenoir. www.montricoux.fr/patrimoine/ --- Montricoux (Occitan: Montricós) is a commune in the Tarn-et-Garonne department in the Occitanie region in southern France. It is located along the banks of the Aveyron, between Nègrepelisse and Bruniquel. The written history of the commune dates back to the eighth century. The Château de Montricoux, built by the Knights Templar, now houses the Marcel-Lenoir Museum, which preserves 130 drawings, pastels, watercolors, oils, and frescoes by this artist, a resident of the town. Geography On the right bank of the Aveyron, Montricoux, with an area of 2644 hectares, lies in lower Quercy where the river leaves the limestone gorges of the Massif Central for the plain. Thus its nickname, “Portes des Gorges de l’Aveyron”, (Gates of the Aveyron Gorges). Etymology The first known name of Montricoux was “Mormacus” then “Mons-Riculfi“ which in langue d’Oc became “Mont-Ricolf” and later “Mont-Ricos”, which means “rough, harsh mountain.” History The nearby site archaeological site of Fontalès in Saint Antonin dates to the end of the Upper Paleolithic (Magdalenian). Flints from northwestern France and the ]Périgord have been found in Montricoux and a number of other sites in the Aveyron valley, providing evidence for the travel of ancient nomads through the region. Stone axes have been found in nearby St Laurent, and these and the cave dwellings, flints, dolmens and a tumulus known as the Tombeau du Géant (Giant’s Tomb) in the nearby forest of Bretou indicate a human presence since very early times. An Iron Age tumulus has been discovered in a Montricoux locality named "Quartou” and a line of dolmens, possibly Bronze Age, stretches from Montricoux to Puylaroque. The town was known as Mormacus in this period, and archaeologists have found Roman coins there stamped with this name. It was still known as Mormac in 767 when King Pepin the Short, honoring a vow made before his victory over Waiofar the Duke of Aquitaine, donated the land and the monastery of Saint Antonin to the monks who lived there. The 13th-century keep of the Chateau de Montricoux dominates the cityscape of Montricoux. The Vaour commandery of the Knights Templar built it on land they had obtained in 1181 in a land swap with the monks of Saint Antonin. Article 13 of the city charter of January 6 1277 forbade the townspeople from fishing in their pond, which has since disappeared as the river receded. Castle window Philip IV of France ordered the mass arrest of the Knights Templar in 1307. He gave their castle in Montricoux to his squire, Esquieu de Floyran, who had denounced the Templars as heretics. De Florian lost the château in 1322 to the Hospitaliers. On 22 March 1312 Clement V’s Papal bull Vox in excelso abolished the Templars. The May 1312 bull Ad Providam allocated all Templar assets to the Knights Hospitaller. Unlike many neighboring towns, Montricoux remained Catholic during the French Wars of Religion. Nearby Montauban in particular had a long history of religious dissidence. The first Calvinist attack in 1561 did little damage to Montricoux, but later attacks destroyed part of the town and almost all of the château burned down, except for the keep. The de Malartic family rebuilt the château in the early 18th century. Louis XIII visited Montricoux in 1626 during the sieges of St Antonin and Nègrepelisse Louis had taken St Antonin in 1622, and demolished its walls and much of the city. It avoided a massacre such as Nègrepelisse had suffered only by paying a hefty ransom. Before that he had laid siege to nearby Montauban from August to November 1621 but had had to abandon that effort when many of his men fell ill. Saint-Pierre The church of Saint Pierre until 1790 belonged to the Order of Saint-Jean-de-Jérusalem. The entrance porch, built in the same style as the 13th century abbey of Beaulieu, is the oldest part of the church. Steeple The steeple dates from 1549. Like those at Nègrepelisse, Caussade, and the Basilica of Saint Sernin, it is of "Toulouse style", an octagonal brick tower with miter windows on a square stone socle, flanked by a turret. Gargoyles on each corner serve as downspouts. Timbered houses Today the streets of Montricoux offer many fine examples of timber framing, many of them dating from a period of rebuilding after the Hundred Years’ War. Members of the maquis, the decentralized French Resistance movement in World War II, were captured in Montricoux and hanged on July 23 1944 by German soldiers. The Germans had intended to leave the bodies on display but yielded to the protestations of a local pharmacist. https://flic.kr/p/2no7j6g
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juliainfrance · 3 years ago
Media in France
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photo from (https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/09/despite-new-law-google-refuses-to-pay-to-link-to-french-news-sites/)
The first tv channel in France was launched in 1931. They currently have 3 categories: public which are financed by taxes, private channels financed by advertising/commercials, and private pay-TV which are subscription based, similar to something like HBO. France TV owns all of the public TV channels along with many radio channels and websites. Vivendi is also popular in France, which owns Canal+, a popular subscription-based television. RTL Group is another popular media outlet with 8 TV channels, 3 radio stations, a print press, magazines, and more. In 2010, the print media took a “major turn in the nation's daily newspaper ownership: Many national dailies were purchased by French businessmen, moguls or holdings” (Lardeau,2022). Rich businessmen bought the French Press Le Monde which took journalistic power to run the newspapers. This happened with many other magazines which took control away from journalists. 
Traditionally, the press covers 3 segments in the newspapers and news media in France. They cover national general and political news, regional daily news, and the periodical press which are weekly news magazines of specialized topics. Like most countries, the newspapers and general printed press have been declining in France because of the internet. However there are still many platforms that both print and have an online presence. The most popula is Le Figaro which is a general news platform of the “right-of-centre-Liveral conservatism” which sells over 300,000 copies a day. Right behind that is Le Monde which is general news of “centre-Social Liveral” which sells over 250,000 and third is L’Equipe which is a sports platform that sells over 230,000 copies a day. 
France has an anti-concentration law which means printed media can not be limited or concentration blocked. Because of this, specific media usually dominates specific regions. Most outlets belong to three big publishing groups: Legardere, Prisma Presse, and Mondadori. To be more specific, EBRA dominates the north east of France, La Depeche and Sud-Ouest dominates the South West, Ouest-France dominates the West region in competition with Le Télégramme de Brest and La voix dominates the North and Centre-France.
To move more into online media, it is easily more popular than printed media now. According to Mediametrie data, “in October 2017, 51.9 million people (82.9 percent of 2 years and more people) accessed the Internet once a month. Among them 42.2 million connected to the Internet each day, 30.3 million of them via mobile phone” (Lardeau,2022). Google and Facebook are the most popular sites used in France. Popular media groups include Figaro CCM Benchmark (delivers soft news such as entertainment, weather, jobs), Lefigaro.fr (news), Prisma Media (news), and Wededia (video games, movies, fashion, travel). France uses similar social media apps as we do such as Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. 
When it comes to trusting the media, the majority of France’s citizens don't. France’s trust in the media is pretty rocky to say the least. France has one of the lowest levels of trust in the media throughout Europe. According to a survey from the Pew Research Center on Europe countries trust in the media, France came in last place out of the countries surveyed (Sweden, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, UK, Denmark, Italy, France). 76% of people in France said that they didn't believe the news to be that important in society. Only 4% of people said they have a lot of trust. 
France does have freedom of press under their constitution. Under Article 11 of the 1789 Delcaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen states, “The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law”. In 1881 the principle of free press was included in the French Constitution which gave freedom of opinion and the right to publish freely without restraint from state authority. However, this law was overturned and pushed for more commercial regulation. Laws in 1944-1947 heavily affected these laws. These rules put in place were set to protect the press from economic pressures and promote diversity. These ordinances banned monopolies and mergers. However, this has been eased considering that most regions have a dominant media outlet like I mentioned earlier. In 1989 the Council for Audiovisual was instituted to guarantee broadcasting communication freedom and ensuring diversity in opinions shared equally. 
President of France, Emmanuel Macron uses social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. He has 2.2 Million followers on Instagram, 7.6 Million followers on Twitter, and 4.2 Million followers on Facebook. He uses these platforms to promote current events. Right now he’s promoting covid-19 safety, particularly vaccines. His profile picture for all 3 profiles is him sporting a mask and his header is the phrase “Tous vaccines, tous proteges” which translates to “all vaccinated, all protected”. He also uses his platforms to show his connections with his community and talks about other issues such as climate change, foreign policy, history, and more. Currently, he doesn't hold many press conferences. Instead, he communicates heavily through social media. He has been known for calling out journalists who he believes speak illy or falsely of him. In September 2020, an article titled “Emmanuel Macron in Tirade against French Journalist over ‘Mean’ Article”, Arab News discusses how Macron faced accusations of limiting freedom of press after he attacked Le Figaro journalist, Georges Malbrunot, for an article he believed was “unprofessional and mean”. Malbrunot was a Middle East journalist who was yelled at by Macron saying, “What you have done… is irresponsible. You have always heard me defend journalists, I always will. But I tell you frankly, what you did was serious, unprofessional and mean”(Arab News, 2020) and continued to rant at the journalist. Malbrunot wrote an article about the President and his problems with Lebanese politicians who resist reform. Ironically, right before he yelled at Malbrunot, Macron defended the importance of freedom of expression.
Populist leader Marine Le Pen has used social media to her advantage to promote her heavily right winged movement and campaign. In “Trolling Ourselves to Death? Social Media and Post Truth Politics” Jason Hanson writes how the National Front run by Marine Le Pen has, “amassed a legion of far-right cyber activists and dutiful far right trolls, who fought, though ultimately failed, to bring Marine Le Pen to power in 2017… however, were it not for social media, which enabled otherwise isolated xenophobes and right-wing populists to gather online and build a sense of ultra-nationalist solidarity” (Hanson, 222).  Le Pen used the media to bring a group of priorly- silenced individuals together and gave them a platform to raise their voice on issues that they may have been too scared to speak of prior. Le Pen has used that momentum during her campaign to show France the support that she has against mainstream media, the elites, immigration, etc. She even used her online supporters to “spread fake news claiming that Macron held a secret bank account in the Bahamas” (Hanson, 222), which Macron then had to file a defamation suit against Le Pen, and won. This was the start of accepting the spread of fake news on the right, and Le Pen was their leader. Le Pen also has a blog that she used often in her campaign in 2017, where she posted her policy ideas and even pictures of her cats.
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theaddressvip · 2 years ago
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Floride - Hollywood - Location Saisonnière - Appartement - 2 chambres - 6 personnes - 2 salles de bain - 145 m2 - Terrasse - Accès à la plage - Climatisation - Piscine - Concierge - Salle de sport - Vue mer Prix et disponibilités sur demande Contact : Tel / whatsapp : +33(0)650803000 Tel fixe : +33(0)176545631 Email : [email protected] Suivez nous sur Facebook : https://m.facebook.com/europeanpropertyfindergroup/ You tube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeNkiNv7bbgeAc_JX1qNfgg Instagram : www.instagram.com/theaddress.vip Website : www.theaddress.vip Contactez nous pour toutes vos demandes de vente / achat, location et location saisonnière en France (Paris, Cannes, Saint Tropez, Corse, Normandie, Sud Ouest, Provence, Alpes, Bretagne), dans les caraïbes (Saint Barth, Saint Martin, Martinique, Guadeloupe, République dominicaine...), en Suisse, Espagne, Italie, Grèce, Maroc, Mexique, Floride, Dubaï... #florida #floride #usa #estadosunidos #usatravel #immobilier #realestate #travel #europeanpropertyfindergroup #voyage #vacances #instagram #instagood #instalike #instagay #picoftheday (à Miami Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpoNyQpJ54u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lechameaubleu-blog · 5 years ago
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Petit toast de foie gras avec pain d épices au floc de gascogne. Délicieux à souhait. Venez donc aux marchés gourmands pour découvrir les bons produits du sud ouest... Pendant ce temps on se régale... 😂 #voyage #trip #travel #lotetgaronneaime #lotetgaronne #france #tarnetgaronne #gers #lesmarchesflottants #paris (à Notre Dame) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2pNNphoDI1/?igshid=6k47n1m4fwd7
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jmneuy · 6 years ago
getting around france: trains
French trains:
TGV train: France's intercity high-speed rail service, operated by the SNCF, the state-owned national rail operator. 
OuiGo https://en.oui.sncf/en/destinations/france
Traveling by train in France is a comfortable and environmentally sustainable way to see the country. Since many train stations have car-hire agencies, it's easy to combine rail travel with rural exploration by car. The jewel in the crown of France's public-transport system – alongside the Paris métro – is its extensive rail network, almost all of it run by SNCF. Although it employs the most advanced rail technology, the network's layout reflects the country's centuries-old Paris-centric nature: most of the principal rail lines radiate out from Paris like the spokes of a wheel, the result being that services between provincial towns situated on different spokes can be infrequent and slow.
Up-to-the-minute information on perturbations (service disruptions), for example because of strikes, can be found on www.infolignes.com.
Since its inauguration in the 1980s, the pride and joy of SNCF is the TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse; www.tgv.com), pronounced 'teh zheh veh', which zips passengers along at speeds of up to 320km/ h.
The main TGV lines (or LGVs, short for lignes à grande vitesse, ie high-speed rail lines) head north, east, southeast and southwest from Paris (trains use slower local tracks to get to destinations off the main line): TGV Nord, Thalys and Eurostar Link Paris Gare du Nord with Arras, Lille, Calais, Brussels (Bruxelles-Midi), Amsterdam, Cologne and, via the Channel Tunnel, Ashford, Ebbsfleet and London St Pancras.
LGV Est Européene (www.lgv-est.com) Connects Paris Gare de l'Est with Reims, Nancy, Metz, Strasbourg, Zurich and Germany, including Frankfurt and Stuttgart. The super-high-speed track stretches as far east as Strasbourg.
TGV Sud-Est and TGV Midi-Méditerranée Link Paris Gare de Lyon with the southeast, including Dijon, Lyon, Geneva, the Alps, Avignon, Marseille, Nice and Montpellier.
TGV Atlantique Sud-Ouest and TGV Atlantique Ouest Link Paris Gare Montparnasse with western and southwestern France, including Brittany (Rennes, Brest, Quimper), Tours, Nantes, Poitiers, La Rochelle, Bordeaux, Biarritz and Toulouse.
LGV Rhin-Rhône High-speed rail route bypasses Paris altogether in its bid to better link the provinces. Six services a day speed between Strasbourg and Lyon, with most continuing south to Marseille or Montpellier on the Mediterranean.
TGV tracks are interconnected, making it possible to go directly from, for example, Lyon to Nantes or Bordeaux to Lille without having to switch trains in Paris or transfer from one of Paris' six main train stations to another. Stops on the link-up, which runs east and south of Paris, include Charles de Gaulle airport and Disneyland Resort Paris.
⚠️Long-distance trains sometimes split at a station – that is, each half of the train heads off for a different destination. Check the destination panel on your car as you board or you could wine up very far from where you intended to go.
Other types:
Teoz (corailteoz.com) Especially comfortable trains that run southward from Paris Gare d”Austerlitz to Clermont-Ferrand, Limoges, Cahors, Toulouse, Montpellier, Perpignan, Marseille, Nice.
TER (Train Express Regional; ter-sncf.com) A train that is not a TGV is often referred to as a corail, a classique or, for intraregional services a TER.
Transilien (transilien.com) SNCF services in the Ile de France area in & around Paris.
Tickets & Reservations
Lg stations often have separate ticket windows for international, grandes lignes (long-haul) and banlieue (suburban) lines, and for people whose train is about to leave (depart immediat or depart dans l’heure). Nearly ever SNCF station has at least one borne libre-service (self-service terminal)
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nigeriasoccernet · 5 years ago
Super Eagles Winger Misses Bordeaux Training For Third Consecutive Day Amid Transfer Speculation
Super Eagles star Samuel Kalu has emerged as a doubt for Bordeaux's first match of 2020 against Le Mans amid speculation over his future. The former Gent and AS Trencin star has been linked with a departure from Bordeaux when the transfer window opens for business next month, with Real Betis and Hertha Berlin mentioned as possible destinations.According to regional newspaper Sud Ouest, Kalu did not participate in training on Monday morning,  the third consecutive day he has not been involved in the workout.It has been suggested that the Nigeria international is still recovering from an undisclosed illness.The future of Kalu at Bordeaux has been covered in mist after losing his place in the starting line-up, making only four starts in their last ten games before the break.On a positive note, another Bordeaux player attracting interest from abroad, Josh Maja has returned to full training after he was left out of the traveling party to Rennes due to fitness issues.The Bordeaux vs Le Mans Coupe de France match will hold at the  Stade Matmut-Atlantique (Bordeaux) on January 3, starting from 2055 hours. source: https://nigeriasoccernet.com/
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luciepainchault-blog · 8 years ago
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Dune du pyla … un monde à part
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wikitopx · 5 years ago
In Aquitaine’s Lot-et-Garonne Department, Agen is a conventional town that doesn’t concern itself much with tourism.
But that isn’t to say there’s nothing to see or do. The Fine Arts Museum is a game for anyone in the area, and the Canal de Garonne promises to ride a bike or take a boat along a lush valley next to the gardens and with the tall wooden hills that make up. background. And if you’re visiting with the family you won’t run out of places to go, with a theme park, tree-climbing center, caves and a child-friendly Roman site all effortlessly close. Discover the best things to do in Agen.
1. Musée des Beaux-Arts
Agen’s fine arts museum has an uplifting painting in a complex of four historic mansions from the 1500s and 1600s. Geeks in history will get goosebumps in archeology, where you can earn over 1,600 items from Lebanon and Syria, among coins, statues, and children. Crusade.
Art galleries are particularly rich for a provincial museum, hanging works by Goya, Tintoretto, Camille Corot, and Alfred Sisley to name a few. But the splendid houses containing these exhibits will also capture your imagination with spiral staircases, spacious fireplaces, patios and furniture in 26 rooms.
2. Agen Cathedral
This 12th-century Romanesque and Gothic church became Agen’s cathedral in 1801 after the former Cathedral of Saint-Étienne had been destroyed in the Revolution. In 1998 it became a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of its location on the ancient Way of St James pilgrimage route.
The oldest portion is the apse, which goes back to the church’s origins in the 1100s. On the ceiling here are paintings of the apostles, missionaries and ancient kings of Israel and Judah.
Take a peek at the Stolz organ, which was installed in 1858 and is the largest organ in the department. The rumor is that Empress Eugénie donated it to the cathedral.
3. Boulevard Piéton
Agen slopes four boulevards once famous for traffic, especially on Saturday afternoons. But mirroring public works that have improved many French cities, a large tranche of the east-west Boulevard de la République was pedestrianized in 2011. This artery had originally been plotted when Agen was modernized in the 19th century.
Now known as Piéton Boulevard, the Pedestrian Boulevard, it was the most livable street in the city and the first port for any shopping trip in Agen. When the mercury rises in summer there are fountains and foggers to cool the air.
4. Agen Aqueduct
Crossing the Garonne is a startling feat of 19th-century engineering. The Agen Aqueduct Canal Canal des Deux Mers crosses the river and when it was completed in 1849, it was the longest channel in the country, at a height of more than half a kilometer.
The structure is composed of white Quercy limestone and has 23 arches, each 20 meters across. Also groundbreaking for its timing is the width of the canal, at an elevation of eight meters that can allow the two ships to travel in different directions.
5. Walibi Sud-Ouest
The premier theme park in the region caters to the youngest members of the family up to around the age of 13. The park is located in a 30-hectare parkland surrounding a real 18th-century castle, now a tender backdrop for one of the park's six restaurants.
Older children will go straight to Boomerang, the fastest roller coaster Park park at a speed of 90km / h. You can have five main rides to choose from, and while all this entices the crowds in the middle of summer, you can cut the queue by paying a little extra for the “Fast Pass”.
6. SU Agen
The town's rugby team is an Agen organization, and appears among the two leading French professional divisions: They are too good for Pro D2 but still cannot stay in the Top 14 for more than a final season for several years.
SU Agen has a big history though, having won the title eight times and given a start to a long line of world-class players like the current French international scrum-half Maxime Machenaud and full-back Brice Dulin. The matches are played at the Stade Armandie 14,000 capacity at about every two weeks.
7. Église Notre-Dame de Moirax
A few minutes south of Agen and you will reach the village of Moirax, home to an incredible Roman church, once part of Cluniac Monastery. One of the most remarkable things about the site is that you’ll have it all to yourself.
There, there is nothing like the perfect recluse to wonder about the architecture of the 11th century that has hardly been touched since it was built, for the sympathetic restoration of the years. 1800.
If you’re clued up on bible stories you can interpret the thousand-year-old sculpted capitals, conveying the Temptation, St Michael slaying the dragon as well as general motifs like cats, birds, and foliage.
8. Villascopia
An archeological site with a spiral, Villascopia at Castelculier is an attraction on the ruins of a 4th-century Gallo-Roman house. But instead of presenting dusty platforms, the ruins are presented in 3D with tricks borrowed from theater and film businesses.
You will be immersed in the grandeur of a Roman spa, on a tour that takes you from the bathroom through frigidarium, tepidarium, and caldarium accompanied by the sounds and some sounds and smells that you have experienced.
And for the extra depth, you can browse all the intriguing objects dug up at Castelculier, like mosaics, sculptures, and ceramics.
9. Parc Naturel de Passeligne
Where Agen residents come to charge their batteries, the 60-hectare Nat Natelel de Passeligne amusement park is in the southern part of the city. There are two large lakes in the park: Passeligne and Pélissier, where there are large reserves of carp, perch and black sea bass for fishermen.
Young people can burn off the excess energy in three large playgrounds, each for a different age group and are carefully planned to help develop motor skills. Older children wanted to miss Chambre de Verdure, where there was a hilarious extension cord.
10. Les Montreur d’Images
If you’re a cinephile and have spent time in France you’ll know the value of a cinema that shows movies in their original language with French subtitles, instead of dubbing straight into French audio.
They are mostly independent theaters like this, which manage a top-notch show of French and foreign films, from new titles to classics by people like Wim Wender, Kurosawa, and Nicolas Winding Refn. The location is extremely stylish to boot, with a cafe and two luxurious auditoriums.
It’s a great option if you’re out on a limb in Agen.
More ideals for you: Top 10 things to do in Arras, France
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-agen-707681.html
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La Team #gite77ury profite encore de quelques jours de congés dans le Sud Ouest et sera bientôt de retour en Seine et Marne It’s still time for holidays in south west France 🇫🇷 🌊🏄 C’est le moment de réserver votre séjour d’automne 🍂🍁 It’s time for booking your climbing autumn trip in Fontainebleau forest 🌳 Dernière dispo de septembre du 22 au 29 , la semaine est à 450 € Last availability September 22 - 29 the week 450 € La Martinière, un gîte parfaitement équipé pour 6 personnes . A 6 persons furnished cottage Bienvenue ☀️😊 Welcome #Gite77ury partenaire officiel de #FontainebleauTourisme et des #Gitesdefrance #ParisWhatelse #PaysdeFontainebleau #dansle77 La Martinière Ury Climbing Cottage 8, rue de Malesherbes 77760 URY France 🇫🇷 +33 608 993 409 [email protected] 🏡🐶🧗‍♂️🏇🏻🌈🛏🛏🛏🛏🛏 La Martinière #giterural #cottage 3 épis #gayfriendly house #meubledetourisme ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 6 personnes au cœur d'#Ury village du Gatinais , accès direct A6, à 10 minutes de #Fontainebleau , #ForetdeFontainebleau #instaclimb #climbers #boulders #travellers #seineetmarne #seineetmarnetourisme #pariswhatelse #climbing #bouldering #horseriding #escalade #nature #culture à 70 kilomètres de Paris #letsguide Ouvert toute l'année , animaux bienvenus dans cette location de charme www.facebook.com/Gite77ury https://www.instagram.com/stefgite77ury/ www.gite77ury.com https://www.cybevasion.fr/gi9990Infos (à Biarritz, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnWj0HIDdz9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f9xg0jkqm6rf
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