#travel insurance review
insurancete · 1 year
SquareMouth Travel Insurance Review
SquareMouth Travel Insurance Review SquareMouth Travel Insurance ReviewDefinition :  The American company Squaremouth operates a comparison service for travel insurance online. Users can use it to compare and buy travel insurance policies from different suppliers. By giving users a platform to compare policies, advantages, and costs from various insurance providers, Squaremouth strives to make…
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tracyrineyy6 · 1 year
Why should You Buy Google 5 Star Review
Having a strong online presence can make or break your success. And when it comes to online reputation, customer reviews play a crucial role. That’s why many businesses and individuals are turning to the practice of buy Google 5 star reviews. We will explore the benefits of buying Google 5 star reviews.
Let’s talk about what Google 5 star reviews are. They are simply reviews left by customers on a business’s Google My Business page, rating their experience with the business on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. These ratings or reviews are public and can be seen by anyone who searches for the business on Google. The more positive reviews a business has, the higher their rating will be, which can improve their visibility in Google search results.
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Life Insurance Canada Reviews
Life Insurance Canada Reviews provides comprehensive evaluations of leading life insurance providers across Canada. From coverage options to customer service, we deliver unbiased insights to help you make informed decisions. Explore our reviews to find the best life insurance Canada quotes tailored to your needs and budget.
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bengarvesfilmandphoto · 6 months
Choosing the Best NYC Event Photographer: Insights and Tips
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insurancepolicyhub · 11 months
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todaynewsonline · 1 year
Best Insurance for Travel to Europe
Best Insurance for Travel to Europe:- Traveling to Europe can be an exciting and unforgettable experience. From historical landmarks to picturesque landscapes, Europe offers a diverse range of cultures and adventures for travelers to explore. However, no matter how meticulously you plan your trip, unexpected situations can arise, which is why having the best insurance for travel to Europe is…
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nonbinannytranny · 2 years
if you’re considering gender affirming care go through planned parenthood. i shit you not they do not make you go through all the bullshit (hopefully not but may be depending where you are) the only things i had to wait for with them were a wait list (a week) and for the pharmacy to fill (took so long my doc at PP just gave me what they had in stock because they care).
again take care and have extra precaution in areas that are more conservative, but if you travel to your nearest city you should be safer.
i did not need a note from my psychiatrist, instead they sat me with a social worker to ask some questions. it ended up not at all being about if i’m “trans enough” but just how i’m feeling, my experience, allergies and medical history. then they sent me to the doctor who reviewed and assessed health risks and gave me informed consent.
i was then trained by a member of staff to administer my own injections, and was given a choice between every method of testosterone (if i went with the gel, there would be a six hour period after applying each week i can’t touch my cats and they are absolute WHORES who love snuggles and i didn’t want them to transition too, so if that’s important to you, take it into consideration)
it was so much easier than going through a GP, who tended to shrug off everything i said, and wanted to take as much time as possible while i’m suffering with dysphoria. i fully reccommend going through planned parenthood because it is discreet, has options for payment with and without insurance, and will absolutely refer to you with the correct pronouns and name every. time.
and this is not an ad. i’m just sitting here before my third dose feeling thankful.
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feminist-space · 1 year
"Long COVID has destroyed my life
I would love nothing more than to “finally ignore COVID,” as the headline to Dr. Ashish Jha’s July 31 op-ed reads (“With a few basic steps, most of us can finally ignore COVID”). As a healthy, vaccinated, and recently boosted 35-year-old, I did what he said: I ignored COVID-19 on a weekend trip with friends in September 2022. But the infection I got as a result has all but destroyed my life.
A week after my infection, I began to experience intense fatigue, overwhelming headaches, and cognitive challenges that continue to this day. These symptoms are debilitating: I can no longer work, socialize, or travel. My finances are dire. And if I am unable to avoid another infection, my condition may deteriorate even further.
Jha wrote of long COVID “treatments” being promising. Perhaps he could clarify what treatments he is referring to, because my doctors say that there are no approved treatments for long COVID.
A recent study funded by the NIH’s RECOVER initiative showed that 10 percent of adults infected with COVID still have symptoms six months later, even with vaccination. By downplaying the prevalence and debilitating outcomes of even moderate long COVID, Jha is signing thousands of people up to the misery and despair with which I live every day.
Ezra J. Spier
Oakland, Calif.
Another view from infectious disease doctors
As infectious disease doctors, we disagree with Dr. Jha’s contention that it is time to ignore COVID-19.
Yes, being vaccinated and taking Paxlovid thankfully decrease the risk of severe disease. But only 43 percent of people age 65 and over and only 17 percent of all Americans had received an updated COVID vaccination by May 2023, and access to Paxlovid treatment is inequitable by race and insurance status.
Long-term complications of COVID can be devastating, including after second infections.
More than half a million Americans have died since the summer of 2021, when sufficient vaccine doses were available: COVID death rates in the United States continue to be double those of Canada. Termination of free tests and “commercialization” of medications as implemented by the federal government will only widen our country’s grisly COVID-related health disparities.
Inevitably, ignoring COVID leads to ignoring the slow-motion epidemic of long COVID. Standing up against such neglect, leaders like Boston Mayor Michelle Wu and Governor Maura Healey can promote meaningful measures to protect our communities: air purification in all schools and public spaces; free COVID-preventive masks (KN95 or N95, not surgical masks); tests, vaccines, and Paxlovid for all who cannot afford to buy them; and concern for and support of long COVID victims.
Dr. Julia Koehler
Dr. Regina LaRocque
We remain vulnerable to long COVID
Ashish Jha’s position as former White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator is a conflict of interest masquerading as a qualification for his op-ed. Researchers who study long COVID stated in a recent paper in Nature Reviews Immunology that “the oncoming burden of long COVID faced by patients, health-care providers, governments and economies is so large as to be unfathomable.” Rapid tests, which are less accurate with recent strains while PCR tests are less available, and low death rates give a false sense of security.
I agree that despite progress, more buildings need the air filtration and ventilation that would make public life safer. But Jha omits our vulnerability to long COVID after even mild infections, its devastating effects, and higher death rates for hospital-acquired COVID-19, combined with a lack of collective protection in health care settings with unmasked, untested people who prefer to ignore COVID-19.
Aside from advocating vaccines, he describes an everyone-for-themselves approach, not mentioning responsibility to protect others or access to essentials.
Jha dines in a restaurant with his friends while patients even in leading cancer hospitals are forced into Russian roulette, thanks to this approach.
Kathryn Nichols
Vigilance is necessary to prevent long COVID
While I understand the desire to promote optimism amid the ongoing pandemic, I am deeply concerned about the potential consequences of downplaying the importance of COVID precautions and the significant risk of long COVID. As a person living with long COVID for the last 16 months despite being vaccinated and boosted, I have experienced post-exertional malaise, fatigue, headaches, joint and muscle pain, cognitive dysfunction, and more symptoms that have continued to today. I have tried numerous medicines, supplements, and even participated in a clinical trial, only to find limited relief from the persistent effects of this virus.
Such a stance overlooks the reality that millions more people could end up with long COVID if we fail to remain vigilant in our efforts to combat the virus. Long COVID is a devastating consequence of this virus, and we cannot rely solely on vaccinations to end the pandemic. Even with widespread vaccination, the risk of contracting long COVID remains high. A recent study funded by the NIH’s RECOVER initiative showed that 10 percent of adults infected with COVID still have symptoms six months later. Minimizing the significance of long COVID not only neglects the suffering of long-haulers but also risks undermining public health efforts to control the spread of the virus.
By raising awareness about the risk of long COVID, media outlets can play a pivotal role in educating the public and promoting continued vigilance. Responsible reporting on the enduring impact of long COVID can serve as a reminder that the pandemic is far from over and that we must remain committed to taking necessary precautions to protect ourselves and others. Highlighting the struggles of long COVID survivors and the lack of proven treatments can spur further research and medical advancements in addressing this condition. Empathy and support for those living with long COVID are essential in paving the way for better understanding, compassionate care, and better health outcomes for everyone as COVID rates increase again this summer.
Travis Hardy
Norwalk, Conn.
Link https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/08/05/opinion/cant-ignore-long-covid-jha/
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - May 29, 2023
Rwanda’s life expectancy has increased by 20 years in the last 20 years
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What did Rwanda change? Three developments stand out: low-cost community-based health insurance plans, national investments in rural health posts, and ramped-up foreign collaborations. In 2020, more than 90 percent of Rwanda’s people had some kind of health insurance. This stands out relative to other low-income countries, where on average 31 percent of people have health insurance.
2. Brandon School Division rejects call to remove library books on sexuality, gender identity
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Loud cheers erupted inside a packed high school gymnasium after the Brandon School Division rejected a call to remove books dealing with sexuality and gender identity from libraries. Hundreds of people in Manitoba's second-largest city showed up for the marathon school division meeting, which ran into the early morning hours.
The trustees ultimately voted 6-1 to reject a proposal to create a committee of trustees and parents to review books available in division schools.
3. Lotto winner pledges to fund classrooms in his native Mali
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Happiness for one lucky North Carolina resident comes not from newfound wealth from a lottery win, but using those winnings to help schoolchildren -- in this case, from Mali.
Souleymane Sana of North Carolina won $100,000 from a scratch-off ticket. Relocating to the United States from Mali -- a war-torn county in West Africa -- Sana is using his earnings to create a non-profit to help school kids from his hometown.
4. Mountain gorillas rebound thanks to Ugandan veterinarian
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In 2018, as their population topped 1,000, they were removed from the critically endangered list and their status upgraded to just endangered. That positive step was due, in no small part, to Ugandan veterinarian Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka. 
Her working home is Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, home to roughly half of the world's mountain gorillas. But early on she also realized that to help the animals and keep them free from disease and poaching, she needed to also help their human neighbours, launching successful initiatives to improve the health and well-being of the people living around the park. 
5. Imports of ivory from hippos, orcas and walruses to be banned in UK
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Ivory imports from hippopotamuses, orcas and walruses will be banned under new legislation to protect the endangered species from poaching.
The Ivory Act, passed in 2018, targeted materials from elephants, but a loophole meant that animals other than elephants, including hippos, were being targeted for their ivory.
6. Solar power due to overtake oil production investment for first time in 2023
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Investment in clean energy will extend its lead over spending on fossil fuels in 2023, the International Energy Agency said on Thursday, with solar projects expected to outpace outlays on oil production for the first time.
Annual investment in renewable energy is up by nearly a quarter since 2021 compared to a 15% rise for fossil fuels, the Paris-based energy watchdog said in its World Energy Investment report.
7. Paralyzed man walks naturally, thanks to wireless ‘bridge’ between brain and spine
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Gert-Jan Oskam lost the ability to walk in 2011 when he injured his spine in a cycling accident in China. Six years later, the Dutch man managed to take a few short steps thanks to a small array of electrodes implanted on top of his spinal cord that delivered nerve-stimulating pulses of electricity.
Today in Nature, an international team of researchers reports giving Oskam a better fix, a way to digitally bridge the communication gap between his brain and lower body. Brain waves signaling Oskam’s desire to walk travel from a device implanted in his skull to the spinal stimulator, rerouting the signal around the damaged tissue and delivering pulses of electricity to the spinal cord to facilitate the movement. Oskam can now walk more fluidly, navigate obstacles, and climb stairs.
That's it for this week :)
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Hey! A trans minor here. I want to ask how should I proceed as a trans minor in Florida? I can’t move and my mother doesn’t take me being trans seriously. She says she supportive but I don’t think she is. I’m worried about all these bills coming into place and how they will affect me. I’m a FTgender fluid. Do you have any advice? Also, I play the flute :) it’s nice to see trans instrument players
Ayyy, trans orchestra forming!
So, I won't insult your intelligence by pretending things aren't about to get bad. But maybe I can help you understand the risks and how to keep yourself safe and sane.
An assumption: I don't know if you want to pursue physical transition and that is a convo 100% between you, your mom, and your healthcare providers, so I'm providing it as a neutral option for information purposes.
Also: The bills I mentioned have not passed yet, but they are sitting on the governor's desk. He will most likely sign them, meaning they'll take effect July 1, 2023.
Staying with your family
SB254 is the bill that affects you the most. It's the "kidnapping" bill. Yeah. :/
I don't know what your family situation is like, but if you have family members who oppose your mother's even lukewarm support, that could be enough for the state to remove you from her custody and turn you over to them. It would be up to you and your mom to figure out how to avoid/appease these family members so they don't think you are "at risk" of physical transition.
Gender-affirming care
SB254 also completely locks you out of puberty blockers, HRT, and surgery (the latter 2 in the past are sometimes pursued by older youth with parental consent) in this state. If you want to pursue any of this care, talk with your mother about getting it in another state. You will have to physically travel, because telemed for gender affirming care is also being banned due to new consent form requirements.
Once you are 18, you can pursue physical transition, if that's something you're interested in, but be aware that there are soon going to be so many obstacles to adult care, that it might as well be a transition ban for everyone. But if you're close to 18 and think HRT is for you, review the map for informed consent care. But be prepared for a long search and your insurance not covering things.
That said, if you need a therapist now, I think you may still be good here. Be very careful that you don't end up with someone who wants to use conversion therapy tactics -- these are typically going to be religious-based providers. Talking with other trans kids in your town might help you find a good provider.
Remember, if you don't like a therapist, you can stop going to them; shop around for one that makes you feel safe and makes you feel like they help you with the stress in your life.
Bathroom ban
HB 1521 does a few things:
Bans multi-stall gender neutral bathrooms (single stall is fine)
Requires schools to have bathroom policies
Empowers cis people to confront trans folks in a govt owned/leased bathroom/changing room and force them to leave, otherwise they are subject to a fine and/or jail
This is effectively a bounty bill. Examples of bathrooms where this bill will apply include schools, airports, stadiums, courthouses, etc. It isn't every public bathroom, but it is a lot.
People who are gender nonconforming or are being stalked/harassed by cis folks who know their trans status are most at risk here.
It is up to you how much you want to weigh your self-expression against your physical safety.
As a minor, you don't have a lot of rights, so I advise you choose your battles carefully and always have trusted adults to have your back. Being FTGenderfluid, a lot of how you dress might fly under the radar, but I'd avoid being too heavily masc for now.
Keeping safe & sane
Unfortunately, a lot of support you'd normally find at school is going to be unavailable from now on. But some ways to lessen your stress:
Get a job (if you are old enough). I know, I know, but money makes a lot of life easier, from buying little treats now to stockpiling for things you may want once you turn 18.
Be honest with the reality that you might have to be in the closet a lot, and brainstorm safe outlets for your gender expression. I know at your age, I dressed how I wanted at home and used roleplaying games to explore and express my gender.
Hang out with queer youth, especially in person. You might have a local organization that has events and support groups. It helps a lot to share your feelings with other kids going through the same.
Start following trans political commentators. Erin is a good follow on Substack - she makes it easy to understand all the legal stuff going on.
Consume happy queer stories, by queer authors. It will help counter all the doom scolling. I've been watching Dead End: Paranormal Park (it is a comic and a show), which features a trans masc protagonist.
Cultivate your relationship with your mom. Gently, but firmly set boundaries with her if she gives you guff for, I dunno, wearing boys jeans or whatever. But also be aware she probably has a lot of misinformation about trans people, so you will need to gently pick that apart and see how you can educate her. Trusted adults she also trusts can also help you here.
Build your network. The friends your age you make today could be roommates or coworkers tomorrow. Be social, it will also be good for your mental health.
Be kind to yourself. Things look bleak, but there are states in the US that are actually strengthening trans rights. There continue to be options, you just might need to spend time and resources achieving them.
I hope that helps, and a big hug from a trans adult who grew up in the closet. <3
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On 17th October 1821 Alexander Gardner, renowned photographer of the American Civil War was born in Paisley.
Gardner became an apprentice jeweller at the age of 14, lasting seven years. He had a Church of Scotland upbringing and was influenced by the work of Robert Owen, Welsh socialist and father of the cooperative movement. By the time he reached adulthood he and his brother James had the idea to create a cooperative in the United States that would incorporate socialist values, they travelled to Iowa with this in mind in 1850, Alexander returned to Scotland to raise money for the project and purchased the Glasgow Sentinel, quickly turning it into the second largest newspaper in the city.
On his return to the United States in 1851, Gardner paid a visit to the Great Exhibition in Hyde Park, New York, where he saw the photographs of Mathew Brady for the first time. Shortly afterward, Gardner began reviewing exhibitions of photographs in the Glasgow Sentinel, as well as experimenting with photography on his own.
In 1856, Gardner decided to over permanently to America, eventually settling in New York. He soon found employment with Mathew Brady as a photographer. At first, Gardner specialized in making large photographic prints, called Imperial photographs, but as Brady’s eyesight began to fail, Gardner took on more and more responsibilities. In 1858, Brady put him in charge of the entire gallery.
Two years later, Gardner opened a portrait studio for Brady in Washington, D.C. It was so successful that it helped to support Brady’s more extravagant New York studio.
When the American Civil War erupted in 1861, Gardner assisted Brady in his effort to make a complete photographic record of the conflict. Brady, however, refused to give Gardner public credit for his work. Gardner therefore left Brady in 1863, opened a portrait gallery in Washington, and continued to photograph the hostilities on his own. His photographs President Lincoln on the Battlefield of Antietam as seen in the photos and other portraits of Lincoln are among the best-known photographs of the war period.
Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book of the Civil War, a two-volume collection of 100 original prints, was published in 1866. When Brady petitioned Congress to buy his photographs of the war, Gardner presented a rival petition, claiming that it was he, not Brady, who had originated the idea of providing the nation with a photographic history of the conflict. Congress eventually bought both collections.
In 1867 Gardner became the official photographer for the Union Pacific Railroad. Primarily active in Kansas, he photographed the building of the railroad and the new settlements that grew up near it. He also compiled valuable photographic documentation of the Plains Indians of North America.
Returning to Washington, he gradually lost interest in photography and devoted the rest of his life to philanthropy.
In 1871, Gardner gave up photography entirely to start an insurance company. He lived in Washington until his death in 1882. Regarding his work he said, “It is designed to speak for itself. As mementos of the fearful struggle through which the country has just passed, it is confidently hoped that it will possess an enduring interest.”
The first pic is of Alexander Gardner, next is Ta-Tan-Kah-Sa-Pah (Black Bull) of the Brule-Sioux tribe, North Dakota, President Lincoln on Battle-Field of Antietam and Abraham Lincoln and his son Thomas, then Lewis Payne, one of the men involved in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and finally the Leavenworth, Lawrence, and Galveston Railroad Bridge across the Kaw River at Lawrence, Kansas, in 1867
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insurancepolicyhub · 11 months
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springdandelixn · 2 years
I've chosen you to play Would You Rather....
Boss!Vision giving you your performance review
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Professor!Jorah keeping you after class for tutoring
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You know me, I can never choose one but here's the first Haha
A Sweet Surprise
Warnings: noncon and somnophilia undertones, implied use of drugs, involvements of alcohol, plus sexy blue eyes that like to stare. Story is dark so please heed the warnings.
Your comments are welcomed, as always. And I hope you enjoy! 💛
p.s. It got longer than expected haha and Vision’s human name is Victor Shade.
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Click. Clack. Click. Clack.
Your fingers fumble with the hem of your skirt as your eyes follow the motions of the metallic orbs atop Mr. Shade’s desk. Back and forth, they swing, and the sound they make, along with the clinking of the keyboard, only adds to the tension that slowly builds within rather than calm you down, which you assumed it should be doing. 
Six months have passed by in a blur, consisting of endless data entries and the exchange of emails and phone calls from the company’s business partners. And now, here you sit in front of your boss, after working hours, waiting for his feedback on the performance evaluation they’ve conducted on you. 
You know to yourself that you’ve done all they’ve asked. You believe yourself to be a diligent employee, an obedient one. Always grateful for the opportunity they have given you despite having no experience in the administrative field and never being one to complain of the workload dropped on your shoulders. 
After almost a year of slaving yourself away in retail, you desperately needed a new job and out of all the companies you applied for, Crimson Travel Insurance was the one who responded. 
You were slightly filled with worry as you discussed your bare-bones resume during the interview, but Mr. Shade seemed impressed with your enthusiasm to learn the ins and outs of the company. The smile on his face never left your sight, and you hoped it was a sign that they would take you in regardless of your lack. 
You were employed within two weeks. Adjusting to the new work environment was a stretch. You won’t be seeing your friends often like before but the pay was enough motivation for you to push on to your tasks, and soon after, the friendliness and helpfulness of your colleagues, especially Wanda, bled into you that you never wanted anything more. 
Except right now. 
You hope that your boss would acknowledge your efforts and hard work and that he would see you as an invaluable asset to his company. But the silence that continues to stretch between the two of you, only those stupid metal balls hitting each other and echoing in the vast office, makes you think otherwise. 
Click. Clack. Click.
He says your name and you immediately sit up straight, eyes looking forward to face him before drifting down to the folder in his hand, deft fingers flipping through the sheets within. 
“You’ve only been with us for half a year and I must admit that I was quite worried when I hired you.” He starts and you feel your heart pounding hard against your chest. “With your lack of experience and all.”
You swallow thickly. Unsure how to take his words. The threat of being unemployed once more lingers. He��s going to fire me.
“But even with your dearth, you have completely exceeded my expectations.”
You gape at him. “Sir?” The words seem to fumble in your mouth but you take a slow breath before adding, “what do you mean?”
“If the projected numbers are right, it says here that our sales have increased by twenty percent in a span of four months.” There’s amusement evident on his lips as he stands from his seat, rounding the sleek desk before leaning against the edge, and looking down at you. “That’s four times more than what we had last year.” 
The folder in his hands now rests on your lap and you dare to look down, scanning the graphs and charts that fill the sheets. He’s not lying. You blink in surprise before looking up at him once more. 
“Mr. Laufeyson has even called me personally to thank you for assisting them when they had questions about our packages.” He continues to explain. “Every email and call answered, and your diligence has helped them sell more of our product along with theirs.”
“I—” You fluster, looking back at the papers on your lap. “I was simply doing my job, sir.” You look up and then flinch when he’s suddenly at your side, hand resting on the back of your seat, leaning in closer. 
“Exactly! You were doing your job; frankly, it has done wonders for the company.” There’s a grin on his lips and you slightly tense up when you feel his hand rest on your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze before he parts and walks back behind his desk. “And because of that, I’ve decided to give you a promotion.”
“A—a promotion?” You blink. Surprised.
“Senior Operations Coordinator.” 
A promotion? You can’t believe it. You smile as his words slowly sink in, that your hard work has been recognized and has finally paid off. But just as soon as your joy surfaced, it dies down just as fast as the thought of Wanda comes to your head. 
She’s been in the company for two years running, maybe even more, and you’ve heard nothing come out of her mouth than wanting the senior position. She’s kind, although strict, but she was patient enough to teach you everything you know. And you can’t imagine how heartbroken she would be once she finds out she’ll be working for you. 
Still, you feel thankful though you can’t help but ask, “But what about Wanda, sir?” 
There’s a questioning look in his eyes when he faces you. “ What about Ms. Maximoff?”
“Well—” You’re flustered once again, casting your eyes down to your hands to avoid the strength of his gaze. “She’s been here longer than I have and she’s probably more qualified to take on the role.” You try to reason. You’re new and the last thing you want is to have enemies. 
“If she wanted to be promoted, she should have worked harder.” Annoyance is evident in your boss’ voice. “But the feedback I’ve got in her evaluation wasn’t that savory and I don’t want slackers within my ranks.” 
You’re unsure if he’s supposed to disclose such information but you think better of yourself and decide to remain silent. 
“Do you not want what I offer?” He asks, his voice softer this time that you dare chance a peek at him. 
“It is a very generous offer, sir.” You try to smile. “But—”
“But why won’t you take it? Do you not believe in your capabilities?”
“I do.” You try to argue. “But—”
He doesn’t let you finish, flinching when he claps his hands once in finality, the grin back on his face. “Then it’s settled. Starting next week, we shall make the proper arrangements and announce the good news to everyone.” He then bends down behind his desk, hearing a cabinet open then close, your eyes widening in surprise when he holds up a bottle of champagne. “We should celebrate!”
“Oh, I’m not much of a drinker.” You try to object but he’s already popped off the cork, picking up a flute from the shelf behind him and filling it halfway. He holds it out to you but you hesitate to take it. “I really can’t, sir. We’re still in the office.”
“Which is closed.” He rebuttals, setting the glass in front of you on his desk and turning back to the shelf to fill a tumbler with amber liquid. “It’s just you and me left in the building. And I promise not to tell.” You want to cringe at the wink sends your way but keep your face neutral as you watch him walk back to you. 
The smile on his face then fades when he looks at you and then at the untouched champagne glass. 
“Sir, I really can’t—”
“You’d deny your boss his request?” Your back stiffens at the sharpness of his tone, blue eyes piercing you and you grab the glass quickly for fear of angering him further. You stare at the bubbly liquid from the rim if only to avoid facing your boss. “Good girl.” You hear his smirk, a small frown forming on your lips at the unexpected pet name. 
“Cheers.” He says, clinking his own glass with yours but you can’t find it in you to break company rules. 
Under any circumstances, employees must not be under the influence of any form of an intoxicant (alcohol, drugs, etc.) while inside company premises. 
“Drink.” You visibly flinch at the authority in his voice and immediately lift the glass to your lips, taking a small sip. But your eyes grow wide when you feel him tip the base of the glass higher, almost choking on the drink as he forces you to consume all of it. 
You pull the glass away and take a deep breath when you finish, placing the glass back on the table with a loud thud. Your cheeks flush and you frown when you look up at Mr. Shade, feeling sheepish when you see him smirking down at you, unseemingly bothered at his display of dominance.
You shake your head in protest but he’s already refilling the glass, adding more of the champagne this time and taking the stem, holding it out to you. You stare at the glass and take it with reluctance. As much as his insistence makes you feel awkward, you don’t want to find yourself on his bad side after he’s just given you such a generous offer. 
“Another.” He echoes, his words softer this time.
You do as he bids, closing your eyes before downing the champagne in one go to avoid him from repeating his crass actions. But your head suddenly spins and you almost miss the table when you try to put the glass down. 
“Whoa. Easy there, lightweight.” He chuckles, taking the glass from your hold before lifting your hand to press against your temple, closing your eyes once more, you lean against your seat as you try to recenter yourself. “Maybe another was a bad idea.” But you hear no remorse in his words, only amusement. 
“Thank you again, Mr. Shade.” You say as you blink, hands pressing down on the arms of the chair as you try to push yourself up. “But I think I should be going.” You’re seemingly out of breath when you speak, your head continuously swimming as you try to take a step toward the door. 
“Please, call me Vision.” You hear Mr. Shade speak, only making out the first words but the rest sound muffled. You reach up once more to clutch the side of your head, your steps going wobbly each time you force a foot forward. You can’t be drunk with just two glasses. You’ve had champagne before and you’ve been having sips of hard liquor since you were sixteen. 
Champagne can’t be strong right? You try to think but your brain gets muddled, leaving you with blank thoughts. You’re confused, questions linger to the unease that washes over you. You startle when you feel his hand wrap around yours, looking up at him with hooded eyes but saying nothing as you allow him to guide you on your way out. 
You must have looked pathetic from the clumsiness he’s witnessed from you. 
As you take another step, your knees buckle and you don’t even get the chance to react as you await for your body to hit the ground. But the floor never meets you as you feel arms catching you underneath, a soft whine escaping your lips when you’re unexpectedly lifted from your feet.
You feel something soft underneath you and your breath hitches from Mr. Shade’s sudden closeness. You want to move away but your body feels so heavy that you don’t even think you could lift a finger even if you tried. 
“Stay still.” He whispers against your ear and you frown when you feel his fingers ghost against your arm, the hair of your body standing from his actions. 
“That’s it. Good girl. Let me take care of you,” The sound of his voice so close makes your spine shiver, whimpering once more when you feel his other hand caress your thigh, your skirt hiking up to your waist and you try to move your hand to push him away, struggling to cling on the last strand of your consciousness, but your body won’t cooperate. 
The last thing you feel is his fingers dancing along the inseam of your panties, his hand cupping your sex, pressing down on your heat before you’re completely consumed by darkness. 
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darkmaga-retard · 9 days
Mrs. Evil Queen
Sep 17, 2024
Clinton has lied so many times on so many subjects that she makes husband Bill (“I did not have sexual relations with that woman”) look like an honest man.
Secrecy about her own health put her in the news a few days ago. But one clue to her character — and her elitism — was offered when she was first lady. Then-President Bill Clinton put her in charge of restructuring health insurance. At her orders, even discussions among experts of what to do were kept secret. The idea went nowhere in large measure because Hillary Clinton wanted us all to buy into it on faith.
Many of the people who will vote for Clinton in November hadn’t been born when she began making headlines for her lies and her shady deals. So let’s review:
* Just weeks after Bill Clinton became president in 1993, all seven employees of the White House travel office were fired. They were accused of wrongdoing, including embezzlement. Only one was indicted, and a jury found him not guilty. Clinton testified under oath that she had nothing to do with the firings, which cleared the way for people loyal to the Clintons to be hired. An investigation revealed Clinton herself ordered the firings.
* In July 1993, Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster committed suicide in a park just outside Washington. Foster had been involved in the travel office affair, as well as other controversies involving the Clintons. Knowing an FBI investigation of Foster’s death was underway, Hillary’s chief of staff went into Foster’s office and removed several files. Some of the documents were not recovered until two years later.
* Also during Bill Clinton’s presidency, the Filegate scandal erupted. Craig Livingstone, the White House director of personnel security, illegally gained access to FBI files on hundreds of people, many of them political enemies of the Clintons. At the time, Hillary called it “a completely honest bureaucratic snafu.”
* You don’t remember Hillary Clinton criticizing the Internal Revenue Service after it was reported the agency harassed conservative groups, do you? There’s a reason: Many conservatives, as well as nonpartisan critics of the Clintons, suffered repeated IRS audits while Bill was president. Among those targeted were four women who had accused him of sexual assaults, according to various sources including The Christian Science Monitor. https://www.newsandsentinel.com/opinion/local-columns/2016/10/hillary-clintons-long-list-of-lies/
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jordanandegypt · 14 days
Hello Jordan.
September 13, 2024
(Warning - this is a little map-heavy! Y'all know how I LOVE maps!!)
Greetings from Amman, Jordan!!  Salam! We have connected with our friends and met our delightful guide, Nader.  Let the trip begin!!!!
We escaped Zürich without eating cheese fondu, buying chocolate or a Swiss watch.  Yes, we have NO proof that we were ever there. Well. we did buy some grandkid stuff and we had a lovely visit, albeit much too short.   And before we leave that topic, I have a correction.  As we walked about this lovely town of Zurich we encountered some super busy multi lane roads and there, my friends, we found the walk/don’t walk signs.  So they do indeed have them despite my reporting that they did not. But they appear to be few and far between.
On Thursday, Sept 12, we flew from Zürich Switzerland to Athen, Greece. 
This morning we flew from Athens to here.  WHY? - you ask.  Money my friends - Money.  Getting to Amman from a lot of places is not easy and not cheap.  I was looking for non-stop flights that were reasonable priced and had the timing I could work with and after much research - (OMG - you cannot believe how much time to put into this silly endeavor) I landed on taking two days and doing these short flights with an overnight in Athens.  Now - the flights were on small planes - and one option I had was to pay an additional $7.00 as insurance against the airlines going bankrupt.🥴. I took that option FYI!
But it all worked out perfectly.  We left Zürich in the AM and arrived in Athens in the early afternoon. The little place we stayed picked us up then arranged for us to be picked up for dinner on the beach.  SWEET!!!!
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And MAYBE the Greek Salad and grilled fish was delicious because we were in Greece or because we could hear the Mediterranean lapping right there  - but whatever the reason, dinner was delicious. (Our younger son, Logan, BTW - pointed out that all salads in Greece would be technically Greek salads - but this is not going to bring me down!)
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Today we got to Athen’s airport WAY TOO early but so what.  We had a coffee and before we knew it we boarded our flight on Royal Jordanian.  Now - let me say - WOW!!  The cleanest roomiest seats ever and we were traveling coach.  With the exception of one little issue - my gluten free meal was absent - but they scrounged around and I did not go hungry.  “Come ON!” To quote my youngest granddaughter.   I will say not exactly gourmet - but you be the judge.
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But would I fly Royal Jordanian again?  Why, yes I would.  A crappy lunch on this lovely airplane with attentive flight attendants was just a little blip.
Another reason I wanted to go through Greece was to adjust myself to being completely unable to read signs.  While in Greece there were somethings I could make a guess on and somethings I could not  - like the sign below.
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But once we got to Amman I figured I wouldn’t have a clue about anything - and it appears I am correct.
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So, somehow I thought easing myself into that would be a good idea.  BUT clearly the answer is NOPE!  So really the reason for Athen was money...
Anyway - Jordan:
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Michigan is about 2.5 times bigger than Jordan but Jordan has more than 11 million+ people, about  1 million more than live in Michigan.  And of that 11 million people 5 million live in Amman - the capital of Jordan.  A peek out of our hotel window lets you know this is a HUGE city!
A quick review on the location of Jordan.
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Jordan is bordered by Syria to the north, Iraq to the east, Saudi Arabia to the south, and Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories to the west.   For those of you who were flipping out about us coming here (MOM!), we are indeed close to the Israel/Hamas conflict.  Amman and Jerusalem are just a little more than 60 miles apart.  
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But we are visiting this beautiful city and then going north to Jerash.  After Jerash we will be heading south to Petra and we will certainly be close to Israel - but no worries.  You wouldn’t want us to come this far and not get to see Mujib Valley , the Grand Canyon of Jordan.  Hopefully, we will get a look at the Dead Sea as well.
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When we arrived we had to buy a Visa and it was exactly as we had been told - EASY- PEASY!!  We stood in a short line - forked over our passports and 40 Jordanian dinars (that I got before we left Saline) and we got a single entry Visa and a welcome to “The Hashemitec Kingdom of Jordan.”  “Enjoy your time here!”
I’m so excited to learn about Jordan, the people, the geography, the history, their politics and more.  Already I learned that 85% of the land is desert and that water is scarce and they have NO OIL.  I admit I was surprised!  I discovered that it is a Sunni Muslim majority religion country (95% according to Wiki)  and I expect to learn more about this.
So the learning begins in earnest tomorrow and I’m going to bed.  We are now in Arabic Standard Time and we are 7 hours ahead of Michigan.  This adjustment is - like the VISA procurement - EASY-PEASY!
Tesbah ala khir. (Good Night in Arabic - and this is NOT easy-peasy). Also just for a little smile - my autocorrect changed that Arabic phrase to "Teabag la Kir" - which I'm pretty sure means nothing.
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shainachantake2 · 9 months
More shenanigans.
My sister announced to me in December that she's trying to have a baby. She went off the pill in September. Finally she took a pregnancy test on Xmas eve and got a blazing positive because she is already 7 weeks. Meaning it only took her 2 cycles to get pregnant, and she already likely knew she was pregnant when she told me she had started trying. Which, fine. But did it have to be shown to me in a cutesy selfie way posing with the bfp? No. Also, again, this is the first time she's contacted me directly except to tell me in September that she mistakenly sent a present for Z to the wrong address.
She then promptly ignored the newsletter with pictures I make every year to send to everyone to shut them up. Until a week and a half later, when she could make it about herself I guess?
She announced in the reply that she's going to come to the family reunion. We're not going because honestly I'm tired of these things, it also is the first week of school after Pesach. So she said she'd like to come visit us as well for a day or 2. 😨 Let's review.... She's 28 weeks pregnant at that point, flying 6 hours to our country, spending 2 nights here, then flying out to Holland, spending 4 nights there, then flying back to the US or taking a 5 hour roadtrip to my parents house? Whaaat??
Anyway I told her no because it's too disruptive and complicated having her come on the Monday night after Z starts school again. At which point she says oh, why don't I come the week before that, and then go to Germany and then the reunion? 😰 Yeah because having a 6 months pregnant goy come stay at our house 2 days after Pesach is totally not unreasonable.
Also I really wonder if she's thought this through... Does she have travel insurance for when she changes her mind? Like, people often don't feel up for these huge trips during pregnancy. Or they have complications that don't allow them to travel. And does she realise she needs health insurance for all of these countries she's visiting?
Anyway thankfully she took my second "no" at face value. But still freaking tired of it all.
On the other hand, I don't want to point this out to her, because I'm sick and tired of being the "know-it-all big sister". If she wants to take this risk, whatever. I don't even really want to see her to begin with, because best case scenario we're pregnant again via IVF, or worst case scenario [I'm not even going to say it], and she has a terrible track record when it comes to miscarriages so I'm not willing to disclose anything to her. She also sometimes treats me like utter dog crap. She's actually apologised for it when we were both at university, and she said she didn't know why she does it but she just feels like pressing all my buttons and thinks it's fun to make me angry/upset. ??? Did she stop doing it after that? Noooope.
Also let's not forget she never calls my daughters and Z barely remembers who she is, she really hurt her a few times when she was little by not answering when Z wanted to send her drawings. Like no. How much abuse are we meant to take?
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