#traumatized slow burn revenge plan having middle aged accountant ass 12 year old)
I feel like my third eye just opened up, because I think I might have had why some people in the comments of my fic are shipping Yorick with Rhaenyra dawn on me.
I need to ramble, so there's a read more if anyone wants to see that
I feel in my heart & soul that this is a phenomenon that only exists because of how Yorick is having to survive living in King’s Landing with his Targaryen family. And for all I know it may even continue to be a ship even after his actual betrothal gets announced in chapter 9 (in the vein of he replaces Daemon as her second husband or he replaces Harwin as her baby daddy type wishful thinking); & if it does it will die the fuck out as soon as Yorick becomes Lord of Runestone. He may even get turned on at that point, idk.
But what the point is, is that Yorick generally being the introverted, anxious, emotional protector of the sibling group is kind of compounding with how he (as a child & before having the freedom to fully snap) deals with his cousin's very conditional friendship in the face of Viserys's projecting. In order to not be totally isolated/still have friends he has to, metaphorically, roll over and submit to Rhaenyra's belief that she's the only one who gets wronged by Viserys with his Entire Delusions or lie to her about/covering up his abuse by Daemon. And yes, it's not just about survival/wanting friends, because he does truly love Rhaenyra (platonically) & like being as close to her as he is, but there is a lot of her being in charge of the terms of the friendship/Yorick just kind of going along with whatever is going on with her. And if you're coming to my fic, seeing the tags where I am openly critical of 2 major Team Black characters, & then saying you want Yornyra to be the end game, you probably like it because Yorick is, for now, just the smart & politically astute accessory who is submissive to his cousin. He does not stay that way though. He never gets tired of being nice, but he does snap & go apeshit.
Either way, it'll be interesting to see the reactions of those particular readers when Yorick takes his turns away from his Targaryen family/stops letting Rhaenyra walk all over him.
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