#traumatic brain injury
nightmaretour · 2 months
"Brain damage" only sounds like a harsh and offensive way to describe brain injuries because people constantly use it as an insult. It's a totally neutral descriptor of what it is. I have brain damage. My brain is damaged. It's not ableist to call it that, it's ableist to call people you don't like brain damaged because you think it's an inherently bad thing to be.
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(Yes abled bodied neurodivergents, that includes you)
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chaoticautie · 1 year
As someone who is somewhat of a “veteran” of the online ND community, I’m disappointed in the lack of positivity and love for lesser known diverse cognitive conditions, and the opposing abundance of posts about “cures” or outdated criteria or treatments for those conditions. So, without further ado, I want to say hello to anyone with any of the disorders I’m listing, and give them the love and support that hardly anyone else in our community has… Shoutout to:
People with Down syndrome
People with Fragile X
People with William’s syndrome
People with dyslexia
People with dyspraxia
People with dyscalculia
People with dysgraphia
People with Prader-Willi syndrome
People with PANS or PANDAS
People with aphasia
People with a TBI (traumatic brain injury)
People with chronic/early onset mental illnesses
People with cerebral palsy
People with FASD or were otherwise disabled via other substances in utero
And many, many more I may have forgotten to list (but still support and love, I will add more to my list)
You are all beautiful and wonderful, and you all deserve so more love, appreciation, acceptance and support. You are just as neurodiverse as the rest of us, and your voices deserve to be heard and amplified.
I love you all ❤️
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positivelyqueer · 7 months
give love to people with traumatic brain injury, acquired brain injury, stroke, neurological condition, worsening mental health, trauma, PTSD and all other brain based conditions that make you feel conflicted about your identity. About whether or not you’re the ‘same person’ you were before your injury or illness. People constant evolve and change but can be more difficult when changes more sudden, pronounced, and noticed by others. I hope you are doing well and are able to find some peace, support and love.
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anexperimentallife · 5 months
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tatertotpotdish · 1 month
getting a lot of shit for a comment i made that my very disabled husband enjoys gardening. "well if he can garden he can work! lazy fucking leech!"
he can garden because i've put the work in to make it possible for him to garden. there is a chair that lives by the raspberry patch so he can sit down while he picks berries. i've single handedly dug ditches and leveled ground to build raised beds that he can sit on when he weeds. i'm not a huge fan of the beds i've built now that i've fenced it all in (thankfully i've only built four) so i'm switching them out for livestock tanks. those tanks i'm going to place so his walker will fit through them to plan for his body further deteriorating as he ages.
it takes him hours to do tasks that i take for granted. when i'm tilling up the in-ground beds he goes behind me on his hands and knees-VERY slowly-taking out clumps of grass and weeds (because he can't bend over.) he waters my rose garden every morning. after that he has to sit for two hours to recuperate.
he helps me harvest-by sitting on the raised beds. i built them out of cinder blocks so he has space to sit. moving to livestock tanks, he'll be able to sit on his walker to harvest.
when he helps me process our harvests to be canned or frozen, he sits on a bar stool for as long as he can. eventually his back cramps up and he has to go lay down. and his "help" is primarily putting things in bags and drying off blanched vegetables because the nerve damage in his hands he can't uniformly cut things or funnel stuff into the canning jars.
disabled people CAN and DO have labor intensive hobbies BECAUSE people have taken the time to make it possible for them to do. i saw a comment that disabled folks that claim to like to hike are "lying leeches." we're about to go to mammoth cave-with his walker-and walk the trails that are specifically built for wheelchair users. when we get home he'll probably sleep for three days.
but sure. because i took the time to completely build an area for him to engage in a meaningful hobby, he can totally go out into a world that will absolutely refuse to accommodate his mobility issues, his nerve damage that ruined his fine motor skills, his traumatic brain injury that prevents him from being able to function in the general public. disabled people deserve whole lives. WHOLE LIVES. including the shit you think they don't deserve to do.
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longreads · 2 months
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What do you do when they tell you that you'll never race again? You run farther than you ever have before. Our latest Atavist Magazine excerpt highlights Todd Barcelona's recovery from a traumatic brain injury.
On the afternoon that changed his life, Todd was driving home from work in his sky blue 1994 GMC Sierra truck. He had purchased it used and lowered the suspension so it sat closer to the ground. It did not have airbags.
Todd approached the intersection of Austin Peay Highway and Old Brownsville Road heading north. A Shell gas station, fields of crops, and stands of trees filled his view. The light ahead turned yellow, and he continued through the intersection. A gray Honda Accord driving south made a left at the light at the same time, failing to yield the right of way. It smashed into Todd’s truck almost head-on.
Visit Longreads to read the full excerpt.
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technicolortrenchcoat · 3 months
I don't think people without memory loss realize how truly devastating it is and how it changes everything about how you live
They don't realize that the memory loss can be as disabling as to require you to keep a chart of daily activities to check off because you literally cant remember if you did them.
They don't realize that you literally cant graduate from higher education, you cant remember things for long enough.
They don't realize how hard it is to find employment when remembering new instructions is difficult.
They don't realize that you're taking photos and videos and collecting mementos and trinkets and hoarding them because without them the memories literally do not exist for you.
They don't realize that you are grieving every moment that you want to remember, as you are living it, because you know you wont remember it. You know you wont be able to go back to it the way other people can.
They don't realize it even chases you into your sleep. I have the same recurring nightmare every night, and have for years, and it's about losing my memories. Never being able to get them back.
I don't think people without memory loss realize how truly devastating it is and how it changes everything about how you live
even your dreams
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s1yeye · 1 year
people seem forget nonverbal semiverbal speech unreliable speech loss all can be caused by things not autism outside of autism. kuru i me is not nonverbal semiverbal self, but body have somewhat frequent speech loss, and many alters (like self) speak weird funny or not speak at all. is mostly part of us our schizophrenia and brain damage and ID. we autism autistic too, but autism tend cause more words speak hyperverbal lot lot lots words spill out ramble off, rather than hard to speak hard make sentence hard words or no at all.
this post, want say hello and i see you to others with schizospec or brain damage or ID who not speak or struggle speak some way because of it. you welcome here, is your community too. ^_^
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gayaest · 1 year
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Next of the first years for my paravolley AU is: Tsukishima 🏐🤍
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nightmaretour · 2 months
Every time someone describes brain injuries as an exclusively invisible illness I turn up and run them over with my mobility scooter
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incognitopolls · 1 year
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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victusinveritas · 1 year
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Head in ruins, Tania Font
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anexperimentallife · 2 months
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pr0cyonid · 1 month
It took 10 years for a neurologist to finally fix the headaches from my car accident.
10 years to find out that the problem wasn't my break - it was my neck.
10 years to find out I'm hypermobile and dozens of specialists and brain scans were pointless and useless.
I feel like I have my life back, but I can't help feeling like I missed so much time being sick.
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lifewithchronicpain · 6 months
Apparently rest is actively harmful for healing from a concussion. You actually heal better with targeted therapy. But many doctors have not updated the advice they give and continue to just recommend rest.
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kittentism · 3 months
love msn / hsn spaces , love i/dd spaces , love nonverbal / nonspeaking spaces , love tbi spaces . these spaces help kitty understand self , help kitty be kinder to self , help kitty advocate for self .
know not perfect person to be in spaces , know not understand things well and know will say wrong thing but still love spaces even if scary to me . still love spaces that help kitty realize not exaggerating , not being paranoid , not struggle because personal failure . spaces that help kitty find voice to say have issue and need help and need acknowledgement despite years and years of told just " attention seeking "
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