heyftinally · 1 month
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Glad we cleared that up.
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retropineapple · 4 months
In response to a transphobic post that I found,that was made by a fellow member of the LGBTQ+ community.
Just because the term nonbinary was created in 2000 that doesn't mean that nonbinary people didn't exist before then.
Trans people were at Stonewall,although it is true that the terms transexual and transvestite were used then(I'm not sure as to whether or not transgender was used then). And yes,these trans/transexual people we're usually gay as well. Also,trans is often used as an umbrella term for transgender,transexual,and transvestite people,and nonbinary people (as we aren't the same gender we were assigned at birth).
It is true that the Stonewall riots aren't the only reason we have Pride, it was,and in many ways still is,a demonstration for equal rights.
Memorializing "...queer,trans,black, indigenous and people of color(QTBIPOC) activists at the forefront of the 20th century lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, plus (LGBTQ+) movement." doesn't mean that we stop memorializing the white people at the forefront of the 20th century of LGBTG+ movement that didn't use the term queer for themselves and were cisgender or didn't use the term trans/transgender.
People may night ID as just queer or use the term queer, but queer is an all-encompassing and all-inclusive term. It describes anyone and everyone that has an identity that challenges the heteronormative standard. The standard that a person will be with one person of the "opposite" sex/gender;the standard that a person will develop both sexual and romantic attraction to people;the standard that a person's gender matches their sex;ECT.
It is also true that Intersex people are often only brought be people in the queer/LGBTQ+ people as a sort of gotch'ya. Specifically Trans people and Trans allies bring up Intersex people to tell transphobes that sex and gender are more complicated than they think. And it's not right,we shouldn't bring up Intersex people as a stepping stool for our rights and acceptance. Intersex people deserve their rights too. Obviously not all trans people and allies do this,but it is a problem.
Pride is and has always included lesbians,gay men,and bisexuals,saying otherwise is ridiculous. Trans people aren't the end of the queer/LGBTQ+ community, we've always been a part of the community, we've always existed,and we aren't going anywhere.
Lesbians,gay men,and bisexuals have NEVER been an afterthought in the community, they're focused on the most,and have the most representation. More rights and representation for other queer people doesn't mean less for others.
Transphobia is always misinformed and harmful, but your transphobic message is even more so because it comes from a fellow member of the community who should know and be better.
The first rainbow flag, designed by Gilbert Baker, does cover everyone,and here you are trying to pull it away from trans people and other "niche demographics". The message of the flag was inclusion,but it seems you don't understand that.
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the-jazzy-cool-cat · 2 years
You know People who say "people who critic JK Rowling need to grow up" dont understand that just because she has a tragic past and has trauma and depresion doesn't mean she has the right to hurt others.
That trans people are a minority, that they get murdered everday, that she is triying to take human beings rights away from them just because she disagrees with them.
They don't understand that she only has empathy for very epecific mental ilneses like depresion and eating disorders while claiming all other mental ilneses make you evil, even tho people who sufer from mental ilneses such as, bipolar disorder, schidsofrenia , pshycosis and many others are sufering every day , getting abused by their own family menbers and the hospitals they pot them in ( depending on the hospital, this only happend's sometimes, there very good hospitals out ther, this is not the norm), getting denied terapy and medication and killing themselfs bicause of it.
Or how she made big people out to be evil or gross and ugly when in the era the book publish fatphobia was already super serius, she probably caused a lot of plush size students tu be heavily bullied in meany schools with her books.
They don't understand that not everyone who critics someone is a " hater" who wants to see her fail, or that hates her for being human and making mistakes.
Whe want her to apologise and become a better person, but every time someone dares to say anything she did wrong, she just makes up excuses.
She just yells, "i don't care!!"
JK Rowling needs to grow the fuck up.
Just because you like Harry Potter doesn't mean you have to pretend the autor can do no wrong and that the books are perfect.
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owca-agent-doe · 4 months
Greetings, Dwampybras!
Welcome to the first ever created tumblr community on all things Dwampyverse.
Below the cut are some community rules and guidelines to help keep this community fun and safe. If haven't already, please take the time to read.
Please note these are subject to change and/or update.
General rules:
🔨 - Like all communities on Tumblr, this community feature is still in its beta phase.
👩‍✈️ - We will have zero tolerance for racism, ableism, homophopia, transphopia, and/or any phobias that might be hurtful to others.
💬 - Please keep chatter and humor at least PG-13. Even if most of us fans are already grown up adults, there are still the presence of miners.
⚠️ - Please understand that none of the staff in this group can not be held responsible for activity that happens outside the group such as discord or user's personal blog.
If from this group that you join another group, social network, chatroom, Discord, etc, The staff of that respective server/platform will then hold responsibility.
However, if it ever comes a time where a user outside the group causes trouble and can be a proven potential to bring the trouble to the group, please notify one of us! Prevention is never too safe.
🚫 - No Generative Ai (art, voice, chat, etc) . I'm favoring the popular stance on it.
🧠 - Use common sense. If behavior is typically frowned upon in most communities, please don't bring it here!
Fandom Related Rules
⚠️ - Please keep "Act Your Age" content to a very low minimum. Too many people in the fandom hate it. Its easier to avoid the subject.
⛔ Please no Ferbnessa content. This one doesnt need explanation.
⚠️ -Perryshmirtz content is ok as it is a recognized subset in the fandom, but please keep it to the same level as the show.
🫂 -AUs and self inserts are welcomed as long as content doesn't break the other rules! Please do not harass other users simply because you don't like their ideas.
❓ - If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
💖 -Ultimately, be respectful, be civil! Have fun
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So I decided to make an ask blog!
This blog is owned by lute and Adam.
If you wanna ask Adam something it might take longer for a response bc I have to send it to my friend.
You should get a response pretty quick bc I have nothing better to do.
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transmechanicus · 2 years
Stepped in frigid cold slush puddle as deep as my calf with both feet, the transphopia…
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Also counts for requests/asks
- Be nice and patient with me. i'm often quit busy
HEAVY TOPICS (example; SH)
TW me for any heavy ideas such as SH, suicide and more.
I won't write R@p3 or SA cause it makes me HELLA uncomfortable (please respect that). I will block if I get any request of asking me to write it, but I guess mentioning it as in a character saying they got SA or R@p3d is tolerated for now. (+ the heavy topic rule)
I won't tolerate anything that contains homophonic, such as transphobic topics! Keep that in mind, or I block.
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silverthewerewolf · 2 months
Saw a post the other day can't remember most of it but one comment really stuck in the brain someone saying that they as a non binary person in the UK don't think the rampant transphopia is that bad/wide spread and it stuck cos what UK do they live in cos i live in the one where according to the gov all non binary folk are fake like we literally aren't legally recognised we literally have 0 rights here how do you live here and not know that tis why id usually let the host deal with the GIC stuff i never would have made it through the first 3 year assessment period just truly baffling
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cushydoo · 7 months
im sad and feel very lonely, and now the femcel forum site i like to check out when im feeling like this is just full of trolling and transphopia
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Oh, I can give a title to a post?
I'll make a pinned post for now and see where I'll go from here.
So ... I'm an adult, she/her or they/them, asexual. I'm from Austria, so I speak german (and english).
I don't do any type of social media, so I might be a bit awkward. I have been lurking for a while, but actually participating is a bit different.
I want this blog to be free of queerphobia (and if I want to reblog a discussion about e.g. transphopia, it will be tagged). I want this blog to be safe for queer people and I apologize in advance for the times I'll mess up (and you can tell me when I do. I won't be mad). I also want to tag properly so filters will work.
Ifyou want to learn german, you can ask me stuff. If you want to know things aout Austria, you can ask me. You can ask me chemistry things (I study that) and if you are respectful you may also ask me about National-Sozialism (Nazis) in Austria from after-WW1 until today and my family stories. I am willing to share my stories and my knowledge, but if you are not respectful (and/or I get the feeling that you are a Neonazi and co. I will block you and not answer).
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grouchythefish · 3 years
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Rhys trans.
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sun-kissed-star · 6 years
being mad doesn’t always excuse doing shitty things!! there are healthier coping mechanisms than just not being a decent human being! thanks for coming to my ted talk
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cherryphobe · 6 years
cw for transphobia
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this random ass girl in my city added me bc we’re both part of a local LGBTQ group & I’m still pretty enraged that she had the nerve to think I’d want her TERF ass within 100 miles of me at any given time!!! choke & die honey!
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doppo-hot · 3 years
Heyo, I’m the trans girl who was getting rubbed the wrong way about your transwomen headcanons, sorry if I did kinda come off as rude, it’s just that a lot of enbys (especially on Twitter) always headcanon male characters as transwomen to make them lesbians instead of gay and it always rubbed me the wrong way, but I really am sorry if I said something I shouldn’t have, but it doesn’t kinda make me feel like you’re making a joke out of us
Oh no it's alright!! There's nothing wrong with you feeling uncomfortable with something like this or anything, and i don't think you were rude about it or anything. It's just a tough thing to talk about in general without it feeling emotionally charged. For me it kinda came to be bc hypmic is such a male dominated cast that it started to make me uncomfortable, so when i started to think "what if" i ended up getting really attached to the idea, if that makes any sense. I usually try and avoid the making male characters trans women thing, i think it requires a lot more context to do it that way and I realize it can come off as insensitive. Honestly I am so far removed from the twitter scene, so I have no clue about that added layer, but I'm sorry to hear that you have to deal with that.
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I feel like transphobic lesbians won't listen to you saying it's transphobic to say trans women can't be lesbians. Call it lesbophobic instead. Throw that shi r right back in their face.
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whereisash · 4 years
Hello guys! How are you? Good? That's great! I'm posting this today because I'm deactivating my account later, there are so many reasons why, and honestly, it's because I'm done. I feel like I've hurt so many people, and have made them feel like shit. Plus other problems of my own, I've been getting a ton of suicidal thoughts lately, my dad has been transphobic towards me and other people I support, and I feel like I'm trying so hard, but I fail every time. I really am trying to become a better person, I want to put a smile on my face and help everyone so they can smile, but it's tough, yk? Oh, it's my birthday soon, so that'll be fun...I guess, I still never said my age on this app, so I guess it's a guessing game for them, but it won't really matter. I don't want to hurt people, not anymore, so might as well deactivate my account. It was fun chatting with you guys, and meeting new friends... Though I don't really think anybody is really my friend.... This is a early goodbye.
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