#transphobe mention cw
wajjs · 1 month
to sum up SOME of the things happening in Argentina:
There's a nation wide manhunt for Loan, a toddler that disappeared in Corrientes (province that has borders with Paraguay, Brasil and Uruguay, three neighboring countries). Foul play has been suspected from day one. The family is believed to be involved by some people. The most popular on going theory is that he was sold to an international pedophile ring dedicated to buying kids from Latin American countries and selling them to people in power in the USA and aligned countries.
The court case connected to Tehuel, a trans young man that disappeared while going to a job opportunity he was offered by a local semi-political figure he was supposed to be able to trust, has been reopened. It is heavily theorized that this political figure, plus his partner and an accomplice, tortured and killed Tehuel for being trans. (There is a strong online theory that they fed him to the pigs after to get rid of his remains. Another popular theory is that they sold him to a human trafficking ring.)
The ex first lady, Fabiola Yañez, and ex president, Alberto Fernández, are in an ongoing legal battle after she was more or less forced to come forward and press charges against him for physical and psychological abuse. A lot of it was perpetrated while he was in office during the pandemic. He kept her locked up, isolated, and publicly blamed her for the things that went wrong during his presidential mandate. Unfortunately the media is having a field day with the pictures of Fabiola beaten up, basically showing off her bruised face and body while zooming in on the injuries. Fabiola had to come out and ask them to please stop showing those pictures as they are effectively re traumatizing her and her son.
Current president, Javier Milei, has effectively altered the employment contract law, taking away things that were meant to protect workers from corporate/employer greed and abuse. He has also effectively closed down the statal, official, ways to get in contact with authorities in case of gender based discrimination and abuse.
Current ruling political party (far right) is pushing forward a denial of facts and attempt at retelling our history by more or less saying that the last military dictatorship wasn't that bad, trying to pardon their sentences (even though the ones in charge of kidnapping, torturing, and disappearing people are living well while serving their sentences). A delegation met with one of the most heinous figure heads of the last dictatorship. A person from said delegation alleged it's old history and that people born during the 90s don't know and don't care about it.
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troythecatfish · 6 months
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earhartsease · 1 year
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finleyforevermore · 6 months
Dear Nex,
You're never going to see this. I know. I felt the need to write this for you anyway.
Maybe my input isn't needed because I'm cis, but I hope you and everyone else who sees this knows in spite of my gender identity and the privilege I have as a cis male that I'm aware that I have, I mean every word that I say. I never wanted to be privileged. I don't want to be privileged. I'm so incredibly sorry that I'm privileged. I know it's not right. I know it's not fair. If my input isn't needed, so be it. But I'm going to share it anyway.
My sorrow and rage and pain has not at all subsided since February 20, when I learned of your death. You've been in the back of my mind ever since. The grief and anger hasn't gone away. What your friends said about you and your family as well, shows that you were such a wonderful person. I wonder if you had social media. I would've loved to be your friend if you had Tumblr.
I find myself enjoying sunny weather and thinking "Nex would've liked this". I look at my friends' pet cats and think about Zeus. When listening to rock I wonder if you liked the song I listen to.
You were mistreated by your peers in life, because of your laugh, which I'm sure was wonderful, and the way you dressed. Being yourself cost you your life. And now even in death people refuse to respect you. Transphobes running rampant, calling you your deadname, someone here on Tumblr celebrating your death, labeled as filth. And now? Now your cause of death has been labeled as suicide. Even though absolutely none of it makes sense, and nothing adds up. It just doesn't make sense. And even if somehow you did commit suicide, the day before you did you were physically assaulted by your peers for getting fed up with being mocked. You were bullied before that too. Bullied relentlessly and mercilessly just for being you. The blood is still on their hands.
I'm utterly disgusted by the medical examiner, the state of Oklahoma, the transphobes, even myself sometimes for being so privileged because of my gender identity. I shouldn't be privileged for being cis. We should all be accepted and treated fairly and with care and love and respect. If only things were that ideal..
I'm crying now even as I write this. I so desperately wish that everything was different. That you weren't killed. That you could continue to hang out with your friends and be a kid. Making new recipes. Playing with Zeus. Playing your favorite songs. Making music, if you liked doing that.
Recently my faith and belief in God has been tested. But if there's an afterlife, a Heaven up there, I hope you're having fun and enjoying yourself up there. When I die and reach Heaven, I'll be sure to visit you.
On the other hand, if there's not a Heaven, I hope you're enjoying your eternal rest. Whatever being dead is like without an afterlife, I hope you're ok.
But until then I'm going to try my damndest to ensure your memory stays alive. Posting about you on social media and reblogging posts about you like wildfire so people never forget. I'm not going to let anyone forget you, Nex. I promise you. Me and all of the other people grieving here on Tumblr will continue to say your name, whether our shouts fall on deaf ears or not. We're never going to be silenced.
I raise my cup to you, Nex. You will be avenged. Justice will be served.
I didn't know you and I never will. You never knew me and you never will. But all the same, even if we're eternally strangers, I love you, Nex Benedict. I'm sorry the school failed you, I'm sorry the ambulance failed you, I'm sorry Oklahoma failed you, I'm sorry the world failed you. And perhaps I failed you somehow. And I'm so unbelievably sorry if I did. But I hope keeping your memory alive, and saying your name, and seeking justice can make up for it.
Until we're angels in Heaven once more.
Love, truly,
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bubonickitten · 7 months
Another thing I think is worth discussing:
Transphobic and other anti-LGBTQ+ violence perpetuated by, against, and among youth isn't just a matter of punishing the aggressors for their actions.
Adults throughout the U.S. -- school administrators, school boards, lawmakers, etc. -- have actively and willfully created an environment where LGBTQ+ (particularly trans and nonbinary) youth are dehumanized by not only institutions and the adults that run them, but by their peers.
They effectively deny kids the right to do something as basic as use the bathroom. They ban teachers from using the names and pronouns of trans/nb youth. They create policies requiring schools to notify parents when kids express LGBTQ+ identity (which puts those kids at risk of isolation, abuse, and "conversion" attempts if their families are transphobic or homophobic). They challenge and ban books by and/or about LGBTQ+ people (again: especially trans/nonbinary people), invoking "parents' rights." This not only infringes on (most importantly imo) kids' basic right to read, but also infringes on other parents' rights, dictating how they raise their children by removing anything they deem "inappropriate" from school libraries and curricula.
They have sent a message to LGBTQ+ youth themselves through these actions -- "you are unwanted; you are unwelcome; we do not see you as children worthy of an education and basic human decency, but as boogeymen and the embodiment of the types of people we hate." This erodes the mental health of and contributes to the already disproportionately high rates of self-harm and suicide among LGBTQ+ youth.
But these adults have also sent a corresponding message to straight, cisgender youth that their LGBTQ+ peers are to be silenced, denied humanity, and eliminated from any space they occupy at any cost (whether that means bullying them into the closet and locking the door, or using violence or ostracism to silence the ones who cannot or do not hide their identities).
There's also a broader discussion to be had about how the criminal justice system deals with violence perpetrated by minors: punitive vs. rehabilitative approaches; accounting for the developmental stage of the minor(s) in question while still centering and ensuring justice for the victim(s); discriminatory practices in conviction and sentencing (as well as whether someone is tried as a juvenile or an adult), particularly with regards to race and class.
But, point is, I don't think we can stop anti-LGBTQ+ and other hate-based violence and bullying by focusing on the individual perpetrators involved in each instance, or addressing it on a case-by-case basis. The adults in charge are (whether implicitly or explicitly) sending the message that all LGBTQ+ people, including LGBTQ+ kids, are -- in the words of Oklahoma State Senator Tom Woods referring to Nex Benedict -- "filth". At the end of the day, these are grown adults bullying and abusing literal children. They can't absolve themselves of responsibility when those kids' peers mirror that hate.
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A totally level headed TERF having a very normal reaction to finding out that Lesboys exists /j
This chucklefuck really saw the words boy and lesbian fused together and went into a transphobic rage under the assumption that only straight “moids” are using this term when 99.9 percent of the time it’s a label used by butches and transmasc, especially trans men (Aka people that TERFs perceive as “women”).
Honestly grow the fuck up and touch grass you fucking femcel.
Edit: It’s also soo funny to think that this TERF thinks this is a “direct targeted attack” against “REAL HOMOSEXUAL FEEEEEEMALES” when veldigirls/turigirls exist, like oh my fucking sky land sea SHUT UP! Not everything trans people do is a attack against cis women, get over yourselves 😒
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xxduncandonutxx · 10 months
I'm just gonna say this since, it needs to be said
Stilbie should not have room to talk about what is fetishizing trans people and lesbians and what is not. Considering that Stilbie MAY be a cis-man considering he uses he/him pronouns but I'm unsure if he is cis or not since he doesn't really state his gender.
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and Stilbie shouldn't be talking that "This is fetishizing lesbians" when he himself is NOT a lesbian.. I can't really talk myself about the issue since I am not a lesbian, I'm panromantic/sexual, poly and genderfluid but I can talk about the Sally May merch since I am someone who falls under the trans umbrella. /gen
I do not THINK that this is fetishizing a transwoman, I'm saying this because Morgana (a transwoman herself) and voiced Sallie had actually APPROVE of Vivziepop and the artist to include Sallie May as part of the pin-up line and my girlfriend, who is also a transwoman doesn't SEE IT as "fetish".
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Plus, Vivziepop isn't just selling "fetishizing" trans merch, she is also selling non-sexual stuff of her too.
And from how many there is, there is like 11 non-sexual pieces of Sallie May merch compare to the seven sexual pieces.
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Also, the artist for this pieces confirmed that they DID got in touch with the voice-actress before making these too.
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Of cOURSE, I don't want people to claim that I'm "a Vivziepop stan" because I ain't, I too dislike Viv and had made plenty of posts critiquing her and HH/HB. /gen
And a while ago, I made a post calling out her alleged transphobic discord messages towards transmen but this here is NOT fetishizing transwoman, and before ya'll say "bUT THE BULGE, TEH BULGE!!111!!!". News flash, Not every trans person go through top or bottom surgery or even can afford said surgery. Some would choose to not get the surgery while others choose to do it, which I'm not gonna judge since it's their body and they can do whatever they want with it.....as long as it ain't problematic like getting a nazi tattoo. If you are a lesbian, please reblog or comment your opinion on the Chaggie merch that Stilbie shown/claim were fetishizing Lesbians.. do you think it is or no? /genq
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babyqueersstuff · 7 months
okay for some reason im only just now hearing about Nex Benedict??? (i believe thats how you spell their last name)
its so fucking sick and twisted. not only the fact that there are people out there who view them as filth, but also the fact that
that could've been me.
that queer sixteen year old, who's six feet under right now?
that. could've. been. me.
in a chick fil a bathroom, minding my own business. at my youth group. just trying to exist.
someone, someone who knows me well enough to know that im queer, could've cornered me, and bashed my fucking skull in.
there are people out there who hate me. who hate US. and they want us dead.
they were just a young person. just like me. we could've known each other, in a different life. i'd like to think we might've even been friends, y'know?
idk. im so tired of this. we're just trying to exist. and they hate us. we aren't people to them, we're scum to be eradicated.
i keep wishing for a better world for us, and then shit like this happens. and it makes me think that we won't ever get there.
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go-to-the-mirror · 5 months
the actual hatred some people have for addicts is fucking disgusting
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wild-at-mind · 6 months
I honestly thought I didn't really have much chest dysphoria (small chested) but it's been several days since I put binding tape on as I had been careless removing it and scabbed the skin, and it feels terrible. I have a day's break every week or so which is just about doable but not this. Good thing my skin is better
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possumsinpeoplesuits · 7 months
Look, guys, I know we're all angry right now, but do you know how many people each year are killed by cars covered in hammers that explode more than a few times and make hammers go flying everywhere? How do you think the families of those people who're killed by cars covered in hammers that explode more than a few times and make hammers go flying everywhere feel when you make light of their very real loss?
We can't just assume a threat about a totally real cause of death for almost 0 people is made as a joke, guys, we have to immediately take it seriously and report it to the FBI's cars covered in hammers that explode more than a few times and make hammers go flying everywhere task force (The CCIHTEMTAFTAMHGFETF for short) to be immediately unpersoned and made into the filling for those 2 for 0.99 Jack in the Box tacos.
If we bend the totally existent rules and don't treat a harassed minority as if her every word and action is done out of pure unadulterated malfeasance, what do you think will happen? That's right, everyone else will think that it's just okay to have cars covered in hammers that explode more than a few times and make hammers go everywhere, and the CCIHTEMTAFTAMHGFETF would be overwhelmed.
So, please. Take a moment to think on who's the real victim here, a minority targeted by repeated harassment for years, or the brave CEO who's dealing with the psychological stress of learning that someone wants him to be near a car covered in hammers that explodes more than a few times and makes hammers go flying everywhere?
If we don't stand with this poor man through this, people might think it's okay to be trans I MEAN MAKE TOTALLY REAL THREATS AGAI-
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babbelswoofominides · 14 days
I think purity culture has ruined fandoms: everyone is so ansty to prove how pure they are that they attack and harass people horribly and call it "activism". Be it people attacking teenagers in the Marauders fandom because there's this new rule you can't even write the words Harry Potter without summoning a hoard of naysayers who accuse you of endorsing holocaust or some shit just for liking something linked with Miss Black Mold, or be it people harassing SA victims who still dare say they find solace in their old NCG's fandoms, in the stories they loved and made theirs from their childhoods or as adults. This uglyness that runs into tumblr and is infecting every fandom, every social media actually, is so fucking gross. Putting the blame of the evils of consumerism or rich people onto the single person reeks of late stage activism. No one knows what to do anymore, so we start eating each others, and then purity culture morphs into these extreme forms of harassment, that are becoming more and more normal by the day.
I'm starting to get tired of the internet as a whole.
#rant#fandoms#ng#cw sa mention#yes this is about harry potter#yes even coraline or good omens or sandman or whatever#the C in NG stands for Creep#I've been angry at this stupid culture for years and now I'm getting so sick of it#I'm blocking anyone who says you endorse this or that for just still *liking* your childhood book or whatever#if you care so much about a cause make a donation or an informative post- be proactive and constructive- BUT ->#if you take these causes as an excuse to be a fucking bully you're just a fucking pathetic excuse of a bully for sending hate and d. threat#rowling#hp#y'all wanna close yourself in the bubble of persecution where “no one is doing anything about this! I'm the only one doing something!” ?#and use this last-hero-left-on-Earth-syndrome to start harassing heavily anyone who doesn't agree (for ex) that liking HP=being transphobic#well drown in your own hate with your own peers-I'm done listening to these people or trying to be lenient and understand their pov#no matter how good your cause is-if you back it up with hate and bullying and psychopathy you're only hurting the cause-not even helping it#I'm still laughing at that person who said that going around with a ratty 10 years old HP keychain means you're “advertising” the HP books#because someone could see your keychain and get inspired to buy HP merch or the books giving Rowling money-same with tattoos#this level of craziness is... something else#edit: in the year of the lord 2024 I finally learnt how to make my stupid rants unrebloggable#amazing#I finally have the possibility to rant a bit and then it doesn't risk going around accidentally lol#without making it private and then losing it in the sea of posts
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Just now, I made a quick little digital art sketch-doodle drawing or something on my phone's IbisPaintX App while watching a random YouTube video where some dude on his Channel talks about fictional media or whatever(I hate how much I enjoy video essays and calmer-toned rants)and I had gotten inspired by a random GachaTuber who is attempting to create more 2000s moe style anime stuff which I am sorta growing fond of specifically. I was looking up random tutorials too to freshen up some rusty basic skills I could learn again and I decided I wanted to draw a cute/kawaii feminine boy neko/cat person I guess lmfao. While I was drawing however, I guess the subject matter made me think about how when I look up stuff relating to men who are feminine, so much of it(and please forgive me if I'm mistaken)seems so...Idk sexual in undertones if not upfront??I don't wanna sound like a prude or anything, as long as you're not doing anything immoral I really don't care, it's just that it kinda sucks because it seems like so many people treat it like some sort of fetish instead of a way boys can express themselves. I've also heard that the original terms such as the t-word(tr*p) or the FB word(F*mboy) had come from really gross degrading porn categories that had seemingly took a part in the violence against and suffering of trans women/trans girls or atleast trans fems. I sorta want to make a character that's still super cutesy and kind and gentle, but at the same time isn't super sexual inherently you know? Hope there's no hard feelings or anything, sorry if I'm not explaining stuff correctly QwQ.
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mr-mr-mr-mr-mr · 3 months
After minutes of Loomis trying to get it out, he still hadn't cleared it up at all for his friend.
“Do you want me to keep calling you Loomis-?” Vincent asked, confused.
“Yeah-! Yeah... Man, I hate this-”
That escaped Lom's mouth before he really wanted it to, if he did at all.
“I’ve never- just sat down and came out to someone, you know?”
Vin was so confused.
He thought. Hard.
'I cannot be this stupid can I?'
'Holy fuck maybe I am that stupid.'
The ‘T’ in LGBT.
“Are you trans?”
Loomis cringed at the word. He also didn’t know if he was reading Vin's tone right, or if his own stress was twisting it.
Mind was reeling with what might happen in the next thirty seconds, a dozen possibilities at least.
He shifted his feet subtly. In case he had to move.
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He started to look like Vin again. The guy Loomis had danced with, not a threat.
“No! You- I just was not,”
Loomis lifted his mug again, laughing incredulously.
“That was.. a response I wasn’t planning for,”
'Of course, I shouldn’t have assumed he was clueless, or transphobic, just- Good lord. He’s chill. He’s fine with it,'
“What response were you expecting?” Vincent asked, cautious.
Stirred the coffee cup again.
“Oh, mate, nothing personal,”
Lom put his other hand up, palm facing Vin. Still kind of winding down.
“Just like ninety-nine point nine percent of people wouldn’t have been so nonchalant,"
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siren-mic · 11 months
You know it's time to get a new friend group when they think that people shouldn't headcanon characters as self-harming because they think it might cause people to copy them.
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dddemigirl · 2 years
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This has probably been shared here before
Oh well
Trans lives are more important than Harry Potter. Not to mention the antisemitism and racism also in these books/movies…
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