alexohagan · 2 years
Time for the yearly update. As with most guys post 5 years on T, not many changes to report other than more body hair and less head hair. Yup the time has come when the balding genetics kick in and my once thick head of hair is slowly fading away. I’m quite gutted about it, as I am sure most guys are. Alas, there is not much I can do about it, I’m trying the old minoxidil just in case but I don’t hold out much hope.
Life in general is pretty good, I have nearly everything younger me wanted. A loving, kind and loyal partner who also happens to be an insanely hot firefighter! The black Labrador of my childhood dreams, a job I am passionate about and enjoy. Loving friends and family. I miss my mum, more than ever and there are issues with my dad but all in all I cannot complain.
I met a lovely woman at work today and we had a good chat about the transitioning (I mainly didn’t stop talking, and she kindly listened) I forgot how good it was to talk about it and remember how I used to feel pre T, pre even knowing I was trans! Reading some of my early posts, I am so happy that I genuinely feel like a different person, in a good way. I still feel like I’m finding myself and working on myself, but I don’t think that ever stops.
I’m 30 this year and I’m quite looking forward to it, I want to find peace and happiness and I want to take better care of myself. I have been unkind to my body and mind in many ways over the years but for the most part it is doing it’s best at keeping things going so I want to help it out.
Anyhoo, here are some recent photos of me.
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alexohagan · 3 months
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It’s been a while but life goes on.
I am so greatful for falling in love with the gym and with myself and fully taking care of me.
Life update to future me. 7 months since the love of your life left. It’s been tough, one of the toughest things I have ever experienced but I’m freaking proud of where I am. Even though you may not be fully over her you have done everything you said you were going to accomplish and more.
And here is a quick comparison to where I was at 7 months ago. Onwards and fucking upwards.
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alexohagan · 3 years
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A little photo dump as it has been a good long while. Grateful as ever for being able to transition. Life has its ups and downs but I can honestly say you will never be happy unless you live your life authentically and I’m so glad I did.
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alexohagan · 5 years
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Crazy what a bit of the right hormones, knowing who you are and trying to be as true to yourself as you can be can do ☺️
I will never stop being grateful for being able to transition ❤️
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alexohagan · 5 years
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Almost 2 years post op vs 2 months post op
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3 years on T & almost 2 years post op
Pre T & pre surgery.
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alexohagan · 5 years
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Dem beard gains though 🧔🏻🙌🏻
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alexohagan · 5 years
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In August this year I will be 3 years on T and in November I will be 2 years post op.
Really enjoying the gym and climbing weekly it has helped me go from 90kg to 74kg ☺️
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alexohagan · 5 years
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Hey beardgains 🧔🏻
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alexohagan · 5 years
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Here’s a picture of the left side of my face over the past two and a half years 🧔🏻
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alexohagan · 6 years
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Oh hey tumblr, I’m doing well 🙌🏻 Enjoying the gym and face fluff 😊 enjoying actually feeling like my old happy, genuinely positive self for the first time since I was 11
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alexohagan · 7 years
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4 months post op 🙌🏻
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alexohagan · 7 years
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7 days post op top surgery with Andrew Yelland
I’m feeling pretty good, more sore the past two days but I think it’s from laughing so much during a catch up with old friends.
I get my dressings off on Thursday and I’m so excited to see my new chest. A little nervous that it has all somehow gone wrong but otherwise excited haha. Also I can’t wait for a bloody shower!
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alexohagan · 7 years
How my pre op went with Andrew Yelland
I felt it went well, all be it a tad quicker/rushed than I thought it would be.
As in my previous post I arrived very early and was very tired, I got taken in by Mr Yelland at about 8:35. He quickly went through what will happen on the day of sx then asked me to pop behind the curtain and take my top and binder off. He was talking about a Lancashire rose or something (I’m from Lancashire but I was too nervous to pay attention) I think the nurse was just surprised how quickly I whipped my top off 😆
He took two pictures (kinda without prepping me for it, but I knew he would from previous guys posts) confirmed I would defo need double incision, which is what I wanted. Then a very quick feel of my left chest (I have a tattoo on my side that extends to where he will make his incision) he said I might loose a smidge of it but I expected that. He also meantioned that I have slightly more tissue under my arms so will take my incisions back further to compensate for this and prevent dog ears.
It was then top back on and back to his desk where he drew a basic version of the sx, where he makes his incision and what he does with the nips. I was happy with all of this. He then got out the consent forms which in a rush I didn’t throughly read though 🙈 but he did explain the basic ins and outs to what I was signing. He discussed the complications of the sx and the anesthesia. Then we discussed my job (veterinary nurse) and I asked him about a drs note asking for 6 weeks strict desk work only. He said he would be able to issue this in person at my post op app. I do really wish I could of had my girlfriend with me (it’s my fault she couldn’t come) because I certainly didn’t take in over half of what he said.
Next it was down the the nurses for my pre op tests. I filled in my basic info whilst waiting for them. Then it was MRSA swabs (nose, armpit and groin) I got to do the the nose and groin ones. Then blood pressure, temp, bloods and urine. She went through what would happen on the day of sx, I bought my post op binders (2 for £15) I got my special sponges to shower with pre op and my info pack. The nurse was mildly intense and kinda just listed everything in a very monotone voice with little smiling. However I was the first patient of the day and by the end of the consult she had warmed up a bit. I know what it’s like rhyming off the nessecery spiel, I just hope I smile and reassure more when I do it.
All done and dusted within and hour and I was free to go 😊 I’m happy with my experience and I can’t wait to have sx with the team hopefully I will be a little more relaxed.
I then drove to Brighton beach and had a little wander. I bloody loved it and it made me want to watch sugar rush all over again. I used to bloody love that show.
Anyhoo I’m off to New Zealand for 3 weeks and get back 1 day before sx lol. Wish me luck if you managed to make it to the end of this post.
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alexohagan · 7 years
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lil 6 month comparison. Hips are certainly there but I think they have gotten a tad smaller?
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alexohagan · 7 years
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Well it's official. I am 1 year on T! It is crazy to think it has been a whole year. It feels like 5 minutes ago but also like a lifetime ago. I didn't set out with major expectations when I started T because I didn't want to be disappointed but I am happy with what has changed so far. The rest really is up to me if I ever want to be like my #goals. However T is still chipping away to reveal the man that is inside, hey one day I may even have that epic beard on the pic 😂
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alexohagan · 7 years
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Almost at 12 months on T
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