alexohagan · 3 months
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alexohagan · 3 months
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It’s been a while but life goes on.
I am so greatful for falling in love with the gym and with myself and fully taking care of me.
Life update to future me. 7 months since the love of your life left. It’s been tough, one of the toughest things I have ever experienced but I’m freaking proud of where I am. Even though you may not be fully over her you have done everything you said you were going to accomplish and more.
And here is a quick comparison to where I was at 7 months ago. Onwards and fucking upwards.
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alexohagan · 2 years
Time for the yearly update. As with most guys post 5 years on T, not many changes to report other than more body hair and less head hair. Yup the time has come when the balding genetics kick in and my once thick head of hair is slowly fading away. I’m quite gutted about it, as I am sure most guys are. Alas, there is not much I can do about it, I’m trying the old minoxidil just in case but I don’t hold out much hope.
Life in general is pretty good, I have nearly everything younger me wanted. A loving, kind and loyal partner who also happens to be an insanely hot firefighter! The black Labrador of my childhood dreams, a job I am passionate about and enjoy. Loving friends and family. I miss my mum, more than ever and there are issues with my dad but all in all I cannot complain.
I met a lovely woman at work today and we had a good chat about the transitioning (I mainly didn’t stop talking, and she kindly listened) I forgot how good it was to talk about it and remember how I used to feel pre T, pre even knowing I was trans! Reading some of my early posts, I am so happy that I genuinely feel like a different person, in a good way. I still feel like I’m finding myself and working on myself, but I don’t think that ever stops.
I’m 30 this year and I’m quite looking forward to it, I want to find peace and happiness and I want to take better care of myself. I have been unkind to my body and mind in many ways over the years but for the most part it is doing it’s best at keeping things going so I want to help it out.
Anyhoo, here are some recent photos of me.
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alexohagan · 3 years
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A little photo dump as it has been a good long while. Grateful as ever for being able to transition. Life has its ups and downs but I can honestly say you will never be happy unless you live your life authentically and I’m so glad I did.
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alexohagan · 4 years
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alexohagan · 5 years
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Inspired by @mattyboy__matt ! A beautiful shot (no pun intended) of self injecting. Hormones are something so many people take for granted, so thank you for sharing such a vulnerable moment :)
#queerart #procreate #illustration https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ueeE1DpbK/?igshid=ur3wlij03msc
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alexohagan · 5 years
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So I’ve been debating doing this for a while but lately I’ve felt weird about taking pictures of myself. I don’t like to seem “show-offy” because that’s not the kinda guy I am. Lately everytime I put on a pair of jeans and look in the mirror, I’m reminded of how far I’ve come. I remember how jean shopping was the worst because I’d see pictures of all the models and think, “Why am I even buying these jeans? They don’t fit me right and I’ll never look like that.” Of course jean shopping was just a number on the monster list of things I felt weren’t right as I started puberty. I would give anything to send this picture of me now to little 8th grade me shopping for guitars. Just having this to look forward to during such a dark time in my life would mean more than words could express. Perhaps my dark times wouldn’t have been so awful. I know trans people come in all different body types, and we are all beautiful, but if this is what you’re hoping to go for, it is achievable for us. If there are any others out there mad at their bodies and the world, I can tell you now, it gets so much better. I promise.
Feel free to shoot me any messages. I love to help anyone any way I can.
Approx: 7 and a half years on T Chest Surgery: Dr. Garramone in 2016
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alexohagan · 5 years
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Crazy what a bit of the right hormones, knowing who you are and trying to be as true to yourself as you can be can do ☺️
I will never stop being grateful for being able to transition ❤️
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alexohagan · 5 years
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Baron Magazine
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alexohagan · 5 years
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Part of my Queer Creature Collective for my MA degree show at Norwich University of the Arts. It was amazing to get to do such a major project on something so personal to me.
UPDATE: These are now available on Redbubble!
[Image descriptions:
1: Black fawn among yellow carnations with gradient to purple. Banner reads: “Binary is Bullshit.”
2: Mandarin duck among grass. Green banner reads: “My pronouns aren’t inconvenient, you’re just a dick.” 
3: Grumpy hedgehog curled into a ball and glaring, wearing a tiny pink hat with a blue ribbon. Pink and blue banner reads: Gender sucks, that’s it, I quit!”
4: Purple platypus swimming through green banner. Banner reads: “respect my identity, you ass-biscuit.” 
5: Clownfish among anemones. Bubbles read: “Gender is fluid, you uninspired walnut.”
6: Starry-eyed orange fox. Blue banners read: “Transphobia is tedious.”
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alexohagan · 5 years
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Sometimes I spontaneously cut my hair off😃
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alexohagan · 5 years
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Almost 2 years post op vs 2 months post op
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3 years on T & almost 2 years post op
Pre T & pre surgery.
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alexohagan · 5 years
Phallo | Sensation Recovery Over Four Years
Phalloplasty, in being such a complicated procedure, comes with a lot of possible complications. A major concern for a lot of transgender people considering this surgery is the risk of loss of sensation. Losing sensation was certainly something I feared. However, thankfully, my fears have not been realised. In the following blog, I map out my phalloplasty sensation progress over the four years since I had my first stage phalloplasty.
Read the full blog here
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alexohagan · 5 years
That moment when....
As a gay transman, you can’t decide whether you like a guy for him or you you want to be him.
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alexohagan · 5 years
Waking up on a chilly autumn morning with the rain and leaves dancing on your bedroom window, while taking your first sip of coffee, is the best feeling ever.
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alexohagan · 5 years
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Vintage LGBT Badges
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alexohagan · 5 years
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Dem beard gains though 🧔🏻🙌🏻
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