#translations were likely not correct whatsoever.
sweet-milky-tea705 · 10 months
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parasolyaa · 1 month
Mischa Bachinski is a completely wrong spelling of his name. Misha Bachynskyi is the correct form.
To put it simple, it just doesn’t make sense in Ukrainian language at all. Instead of the soft “sh” (ш) that is supposed to be in the name Misha (Міша), for some reason there is “sch” (щ), which not only is less appealing to the ear, but also the name Mischa (Міща) does not exist. Could it have been just made up on purpose? Theoretically yes, but I feel icky about foreigners making up a name that sounds so ridiculous and has no background whatsoever. Besides, it is pretty obvious that they were going for the name Міша, but messed up the transcript. The surname ending -ski is an outdated Russian-sounding version, -skyi is a much more accurate one for a Ukrainian surname. The Ukrainian letter "и" never translates as "i", only as "y".
Talias name was completely butchered too, more here (there's actually a wholeass rabbithole from there on). The name of the city where she comes from is spelled wrong (it's supposed to be Kyiv, not Kiev), and so is Misha's (it's Odesa, not Odessa), also it’s Chornobyl, not Chernobyl. Characters frequently say "the Ukraine", even though the name of the country is supposed to be said without the adjective. Basically, not a single Ukrainian name was spelled correctly, and many things about Ukraine also were completely messed up.
And these are not just wrong spellings! These are the remnants of Russian oppression, specifically in Soviet times, when all non-Russian names had to be transcripted from Russian, all non-Russian languages were stripped of their originality, forcefully made to sound more Russian, and advocating for the use of your language could get you deported or killed (and now the same thing is happening the occupied territories of Ukraine, Sakartvelo, Chechnya etc.). Using the correct version of Ukrainian names is at least a sign of respect and recognition.
I am not saying that back in 2008 when the musical was made the authors deliberately decided on using the Russian forms of city names and, well, people names. Back at the time the voices of people advocating for correct forms were not heard, and this didn’t seem like a big deal. But in the context of the modern world it is very important, specifically because there is a literal full-scale genocidal war in Ukraine right now. As a Ukrainian, the nuance of those names and spelling matters a lot to me, and it is the same way for other Ukrainian fans I’ve met. Some didn’t want to get into the musical specifically because of these issues, plus the fact that Misha is kind of a harmful stereotype for Slavic people in general, which is yet another topic to explore at some point in the future. And he is still the BEST representation we’ve got and I love him dearly.
I believe that using a correct form of his name is a battle worth fighting
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altf4d3lete · 17 days
I'm always suspicious when it comes to lesbian content and streaming services, especially because shows with lesbian characters are usually not promoted or cancelled, while shows with gay male characters are constantly considered successes and renewed, like Heartstopp3r (even though I have a gay friend who insists that Heartstopp3r is for teen girls, not for gay young men like him). That said, there should be a reason why MGM deliberately chose a writer who has a stream of successful novels with lesbian characters to write this novelization. What do you think?
Alrighty anon. I have like two thoughts on this. MGM are the people who created Wednesday, then sold it to Netflix. Here’s what I think is going on.
1. This is the way MGM intended the series to happen. The author used the original scripts before Netflix got their hands on them, and this is how season one was supposed to go down before Netflix essentially turned it into a YA love triangle nonsense.
2. Netflix wanted to have some course correction of some sort and take out the romance that everyone hated so much and instead put in some wenclair crumbs for the queer fans. Everyone knows that the majority of the fanbase prefers wenclair, and Netflix isn’t stupid. Something like this will (and most likely is) getting them a lot of money.
Whether wenclair will be translated to the screen or not, I’m not sure. My guess is they will leave the series open-ended with hints towards wenclair, if nothing else. But to be completely honest, my bet is with the first option. That this is how the series was intended and it was written using the original scripts. I can’t see why else some of the lines would have been changed in the way that they were. It’s possible that the intended love triangle was supposed to be between Enid and Tyler, because in the book Wednesday shows no regard for Xavier whatsoever. But that’s just my opinion. Of course we have no clue what goes on behind the scenes.
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Fun BSD French translation details and choices - Episode 43 (by someone who does not understand Japanese but thinks the differences with the English translation/subtitles are fun)
General notes:
They made Fukuzawa clearly explain that the "angels" were referring to devas, divine beings in Buddhism, instead of glossing over it and just calling them "angels".
Ango only uses polite forms when talking to Atsushi, using "vous" instead of "tu", despite him being older than him, because he is a professional.
They used the French translation of Gogol's name, so it's Nicolas Gogol (or just Nicolas as per anime standards) now
In the video, Gogol counted his notes to the ADA by going primo, deuzio, trimo and quartimo, which are fun little expressions used to mean "firstly, secondly," etc., but as some may guess, are all bullshit words that ~feel~ like primo does using regular number names (the correct words are primo, secundo, tertio, quarto). He finishes the video by saying he "forgot his quartimo!!!" and it sounded very silly.
No "warm, moist hell" for us, but "this apathetic hell" instead. I have no idea why, and as far as I can see/deduce, out of the 9 languages this scene was subtitled in on CrunchyRoll, French is the only one to change this written line?? Did the actor refuse to say the words what is it
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Today's quote:
this dub performance that I hope gets across because I loved the acting, he sounds unhinged in a different way than the original dub does gjdhasdg
VF: Est-ce que tu aimes les oiseaux, petit tigre? 🤩 Moi, j'adore les oiseaux! 😍✨ Ils sont libres et ils fendent le ciel en se moquant bien des lois de la gravité. C'est ça que je recherche, tu comprends?! C'est pour cette raison que j'ai rejoins les Anges! 🤩 (Do you like birds, little tiger? 🤩 Me, I love birds! 😍✨ They're free and rip through the skies while laughing in the face of gravity. This is what I'm looking for, do you understand?! This is why I joined the Angels! 🤩) Eng subs: Do you like birds? 😳 I love them. 😍❤💕💞 They fly, unbound whatsoever by gravity. Total freedom. That's my wish. That's why I joined Decay of Angels.
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hiemaldesirae · 3 months
The Hazbin Graduate's Guide to Homicide [4]
To my generous patron X, I'm still not quite sure how I feel about this... impromptu academic journey. Though I thank you dearly (and cannot ever fully repay you) for giving me the opportunity to study such unique and diverse methods of... disposal, shall we say, it is a double edged sword of sorts. I have made a few friends- two of whom I would consider close, though I doubt I have much experience in the lane of 'close' friends- and yet more enemies, one of which is particularly aggravated by me for reasons I simply cannot fathom. I'm choosing to believe right now that it is because she is immune to any form of good comedy (a politer way of saying that the girl simply has no sense of humor whatsoever and should possibly schedule an appointment with Professor Beelzebub to see if there's something to be done in regards to her vehement refusal to let any joy in life into her heart). In any case, X, I will take this chance to reassure you that I am learning more than I ever thought I would have in the hands-on and rigorous academic processes of Hazbin Institute, and that the people I have met during my stay all total to a very enjoyable stay thus far. I will, of course, keep you updated on the various comings-and-goings of my studies and how my thesis is being planned out, as well as the various roadblocks I have no doubt I'll be facing. Once more, thank you for your thoughtful sponsorship. I do hope that my results are to your liking.
Yours sincerely, A.H.
P.S. A note to all the lovely readers, I've made a few updates in the previous installments of this series. Alastor is now rooming with Charlie and throwaway lines have been corrected to not mention the names of plot-relevant characters. Also, as a content warning, there is some slightly transphobic rhetoric used (I tried to limit it as much as I could but there really wasn't a way for me to word it properly while trying to express the idea.) If you don't want to see that, then feel free to skip to the end of Vox and Alastor's conversation in the Jade Forest. Please enjoy this new upload of the Hazbin Institute for Homicide Practitioners!
[ 1 ] / [ 2 ] / [ 3 ] <- more murder academy radiostatic
Though it may come as a surprise to those who knew him in a broader sense, Alastor wouldn't consider himself particularly well versed in the art of cooking (though he knew several people who would immediately jump to say otherwise). In his mind, cooking had always been more of a pasttime for him: a hobby to spend time bonding with his mother during and hide from his father's harsh words and harsher actions.
That was why Alastor's impromptu (not actually impromptu, he simply referred to it as such because he hadn't spent days agonizing over it like he would on other choices) decision to take up work in the Institution's kitchen was so out of character for him.
However- however out of character it seemed on the surface, Alastor was also quite the frugal spender. Though the funds entrusted to him by his sponsor were more than enough to supply him with everything he needed through the academic year and then some, Alastor was a man who had lived his childhood and early pre-teenaged years through the desolation of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, barely managing to scrape by thanks to his mother's innovation and resilience.
This upbringing, in turn, translated to a refusal to spend more than what was needed for a modest life, and a need to save every last penny that came his way. Plus, given the current path his thesis looked to be taking, Alastor had decided some weeks ago that it was much better to have excess funds left over than to have to struggle his way through the bayou once more.
Besides, this way, he got to learn more recipes to show to his Maman once he got back home.
The main chef of the kitchen was named Vortex, and from the interactions Alastor had witnessed while coming in and out of the back kitchen, he was involved with Professor Beelzebub in some sort of way. Whether they were courting or married or perhaps engaging in some sort of extra-marital affairs was a question completely beyond him, but either way, they both seemed happy and Alastor didn't quite care enough to ask further.
This was not to say that didn't mean he didn't speak to Vortex at all, of course- in fact, when he found out that the man spoke French (though it wasn't Creole French, he'd take it), the two had started talking on and off during shifts.
He'd also started to play piano at the local on-campus bar, a place that was surprisingly affordable given their one-drink only rule (a precaution to make sure that the undergraduates of Hazbin's didn't turn to alcohol to cope with whatever poor decisions they had made to land themselves here, no doubt).
This was a decision that had led to him making friendly small talk with the bartender, Husk (another student working odd jobs around campus to make up for the money that wasn't going into tuition) and adding another acquaintance to the motley crew of fellows he'd gotten to know in his weeks spent at Hazbin's.
There was his roommate, Charlie- who he'd never actually seen, save for hearing the occasional quiet sobbing from the bathroom at ungodly hours in the night while he was trying to concentrate on studying- a short young woman who introduced herself as Niffty and proudly proclaimed that her major was 'Murdering Your Spouse!', Husk, Rosie; the woman that Vox had told him about, and-
Well. Vox himself, obviously.
When Alastor had figured out why it was that Vox had sounded so familiar, he'd spent days agonizing over how to confront the man.
There was no way in any of Dante's infernos that he would be going straight up to Vox and saying something along the lines of 'I know your true identity and how you're dressing as a man when you were born as a woman' because if Alastor had learnt nothing from his father at all he had at least been engrained with a sense of subtlety and chivlary. And if his intuition served him right, he had a feeling that Vox wouldn't quite appreciate being referred to as a woman anyhow, given how he'd gone to such painstaking lengths to conceal his identity.
In the end, he hadn't even had to broach the topic himself. Vox had brought it up one day, completely out of nowhere while they were sitting under the shade of bamboo stalks in the Jade Forest, a place on campus grounds meant to imitate the serenity of real Chinese bamboo forests. "You know you're not the best at hiding your feelings, right?"
Alastor had immediately shot back with an offended, "And you are?"
This had come after a night spent at the bar, where Vox had somehow managed to get himself drunk after exactly three quarters of a glass of whiskey and ended the night sobbing into Husk's hat. He realized only after the words came out of the mouth that he was doing nothing but proving Vox right, but to the other man's credit, the only reaction he showed was the small upwards tilt of his mouth, a smile that said, I got you.
"Have you seen any of my movies before, or was it something else that gave me away?" Vox asks casually.
So casually, in fact, that the almost flies over Alastor's head, and he has to do a double take at the other man, who throws his head back and laughs, long and hard, howling like a hyena.
When he finally calms down, Alastor is staring at him unimpressed, which just sets him off again.
"Oh- oh my God, your face- oh, dear God, that's the best. If I knew that wasn't genuine I'd try and have you nominated for an award. Jesus, Al, I'm not an idiot, you were looking at me like I'd grown two heads in that one seminar from Professor Beelzebub when I said I had personal experience with chopping off someone's breasts." Vox finally got out, wiping a tear from his eye as he gasped for breath. It was oddly endearing as much as it was absolutely exasperating.
"Can you really blame me?" Alastor frowned. "I mean, even past... your own proclivities- or, I mean, your- ah-"
"Taking matters into my own hands?"
"Right. That. Even past that, it feels like a bit of an odd comment to make in the middle of a lecture."
"She was asking for examples. What was I supposed to do, not say anything?" Vox rolled his eyes, then flopped back onto the picnic blanket he'd brought out.
Neither of them had actually brought out any foods that day- it was clam chowder soup day in the dining hall, and Alastor had simply elected to skip out and bake a loave of bread for himself later, whereas Vox... honestly, given what he knew about the man, probably didn't eat anything at all. It was almost concerning how skinny the other was, considering between the two of them it had been Alastor who'd lived through the worst economic decline of the century.
In any case, the picnic blanket had mostly been decoration, but Vox had also cited not wanting to get his uniform dirty when he laid down.
Now, looking at the other man lying down on the picnic blanket, Alastor was reminded of a motion picture that Mimzy had dragged him to after several hours of painstaking bargaining- one that had featured Vox (well, the name he'd went by outside of Hazbin, anyway. Alastor still had no idea which of the names Vox considered his 'real' name and he frankly had no intentions of asking) in the same position, but in a great deal less clothes (thankfully, not none or else he wagers he would've picked up a rock and started bashing his skull in), and he looked away once more, willing himself to stop the flush spreading over his face.
"So..." Vox spoke again, breaking the relative peace of their silence. "Have you wrapped your head around the whole thing?"
Alastor paused, then nodded, still resolutely not looking in Vox's direction. "I assume this is... who you would rather be?"
"Well, obviously," Vox confirmed, though not without a bit of snark that Alastor had come to know was standard for the man over the weeks they'd spent together. "Being Vox Vanhal is... a great deal better than being Aussen Vesper, I'll tell you that much."
"Okay," Alastor said. And then, "That's quite the relief, then, because I was not prepared to start treating you like a lady."
Thankfully, despite Alastor's un-characteristic slip of the tongue, Vox only barked out another hyena-like laugh at that comment, and they spent the rest of the day trading murder tactics.
So that was one of Alastor's problems resolved. Another one, though, happened to lie with another one of his housemates in Pride House, a woman who had been there for a year or so by the time of his arrival. For whatever reason, Vaggie Mariposa had taken it upon herself to try and upstage Alastor in every class they'd shared together- which was a lot, considering they were both undertaking the same major of Murder Your Enemies.
It wasn't as though she was succeeding very well, though, besides a prank she had pulled on his radio that had- embarrassingly- caught him off guard and ended up earning him a demerit. Of course, not even a week later, he'd gotten her back with much the same setup, and earned her that same demerit. So in all, it wasn't as much a concern to him as it was a very petty move done by a woman who really should know better, considering she was taking a course to murder her enemies.
(Of course, there was also the times he'd caught her waiting outside the hallway to his room, but that was of as much concern as a stray mouse would be to an eagle.)
In truth, the only real thing that actually concerned him was the girl he shared a room with. He had confided in the matter with Rosie, who, as Vox had told him before, was really quite the counselor when it came to giving advice. He was glad to have met her here- the woman, of course, being a student taking the major of 'Murder Your Spouse' had nothing but an endless patience for Alastor's troubles, the same way he imagined that she had had to have cultivated for dealing with the absolutely useless man she was married to.
"...anyway, I don't understand there is to do about her. She's weeping every night and keeping me up, but it's not as if I can breach the topic with her when she's someone I hardly know," Alastor shrugged. "I'm no good with weepy overgrown children. Whatever it is she's discovered about herself, I wish she'd simply keep it to herself."
"Alastor," Rosie chided him. "That's no way to speak about your roommate. She's likely under a lot of pressure, poor girl- some students are on the verge of flunking out, you know, and as I'm sure the Dean has told you, there are very severe rules for failing at Hazbin's. At least show her some sympathy. Talk to the girl, lecture her if you must, but don't disparage her."
Vox had said much the same thing when Alastor had gone to him to complain instead, so, in the end, he'd given in. The next time he'd found himself poring over one of the large textbooks Professor Mammon had insisted on them buying and heard the stifled sobbing coming from the bathroom, Alastor sucked in a sigh and left his seat.
He knocked on the door hesitantly. "Hello? Are you alright in there, dear?"
The sobbing stopped near instantly, though Alastor could still hear quiet sniffling. "I'll need an answer, if you don't mind. I'd rather not have it on my conscience for causing you to hit your head on the bathtub edge and drown- though I suppose that may earn me a few more points."
"I'm fine," came the firm but quiet response on the other side. "I just- I need a bit."
"I'll be here, then, if you wish to talk," Alastor said. With that hand of invitation extended, Alastor went back to sit down at his desk, feeling a little prouder of himself for managing a show of compassion instead of harming the girl's esteem further.
What he didn't expect, though, was for that hand to be taken- weeks later, during a pre-Track warmup.
"Is... Is this a good time?"
Charlie Magne, the girl who Alastor had been roomed with stares at him with eyes so wide she looks like a caricature more than a person, and when Vox and Rosie let out twin gasps, Alastor feels a part of him shrivel up inside, knowing both of them will make him talk to her.
"I... I'm sorry, but I think... I might need your help."
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thecoffeelorian · 6 months
...This was supposed to be Crosshair's big return to the squad, but it just feels so...well, empty.
For one thing, they were still 200% fine with leaving him alone with Hemlock.
Bad personal history behind the scenes or not; discovered knowledge of all the evils he was slowly enacting upon other Troopers or not...keeping Crosshair in the one place where torture and human experimentation reigned supreme was seemingly, according to Hunter, ten times better than getting him the kriff out of there, while only Omega "deserved" rescue.
This might have never been discussed out loud, but sadly, the bad vibes are still there.
Why is that?
Secondly, that big heart-to-heart talk that was supposed to have happened a few episodes ago...curiously sounded a bit more like generalized statements that offered exactly zero closure at the least; at the most, a huge cop-out from Crosshair and Hunter both.
In other words, nothing specific was said regarding the situations with Cid, Saw Gerrera, Rampart, Nolan, or the Commanders Cody and Mayday...and absolutely nothing about the Mindflaying Machine fron the pilot episode.
Again, everyone...why is that??
Why is it so difficult, let alone impossible, to discuss anything that's happened in the last year in canon, or else the last three years in real time? Does Hunter truly never wonder what happened to Crosshair on Kamino, Barton-4, or Tantiss?
Moreover, does Wrecker truly have so little to say to the one sibling who also went through the horror of the inhibitor chip activation, other than two whole soundbites revolving around the mission of the day and nothing else?
Inversely, does Crosshair have no questions whatsoever of just who his squad members were working for, let alone what they had to do for a handful of credits altogether, and all the while receiving a few surprise attacks by people who literally wished to rip Omega away from the only family she's ever known?
Or...could my suspicions about this entire series be correct, and these stubborn Fett men won't say a word about themselves or each other unless their 13-year-old sister/daughter handles it instead?
Final Analysis--If they're really just going to be silent about everything that took place before this season...then whoever said on Twitter that this should be turned into a book/novel is absolutely right, because a lot more would have been added here and there wouldn't be even more questions added to my "Unsolved Mysteries List". There might also be a little less leaning on Omega as the emotional translator, too, which would be great considering these adult figures kinda should be doing this themselves. Anyways, thank you for your time.
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astroninaaa · 7 months
Can I just.... cellbit suing these people on Twitter feels weird to me. Like they were just believing a potential victim and cellbit didn't exactly refute anything she said previously.
Like I fully believe cellbit and feel bad for him, but suing Twitter users that didn't know that sasa was lying is just odd to me. He should just sue sasa no?
okay yes yes yes yes this is a veeeery good point!!!! thats what i was saying in one of my previous posts - imo the BEST defense these people have is they were just trying to believe a victim, he never denied the claims, in some ways he even agreed with them! he admitted to making mistakes, said he got therapy and changed for the better! and he said all that regarding the accusations, so, like. it was easy to draw the implication that he was owning up to it.
the thing is that there was never any proof, never any investigation, never any judicial action taken against him, never even an official accusation, nothing. it was all sasa's words against his silence. and while yes people were just believing a potential victim, there are limits to things. i believed her for years. i didn't, however, harrass him online because of it. i think the only good way of understanding WHY he's suing specific people is to actually see the tweets, so i'll put some under the cut and talk about them:
[TWs: mentions of pedophilia, abuse, racism, sexual assault, domestic violence, suicide]
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this says "here cellbit, a fan for you to abuse just like you did with sasa."
erm. erm. erm. i don't think i even NEED to say anything like what the FUCK is this about.
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"Cellbit morally harrassed his ex, made nazi and pedo jokes in old minecraft videos and on twitter, now he changed and everyone likes him because he measures his words, why doesn't Forever get the same treatment? It's selective, admit it"
now, analogies to nazism and pedophilia are both crimes in brazil. this person is accusing him of both without even indicating any proof whatsoever? those are both very serious crimes with very serious punishments.
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(i don't speak spanish bear with me. pls feel free to correct me if i translate it wrong)
"the hispanic QSMP community should ask itself if it's right to follow and support someone like cellbit, someone who abused his ex girlfriend, who is a racist and a pedophile, never apologized, and his fans say that his ex girlfriend doesnt want to keep talking about the topic but the truth is that she doesn't for people to keep associating her with something like cellbit, not that she wants people to forget what he did or to act like it never happened. being friends with roier doesn't mean he's a good person."
all the racism and pedophilia claims come mainly from a joke made over 10 years ago. again, he never got convicted of or investigated for anything. this is both difamação AND calúnia tbh
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"people are calling him [forever] a pedo because he made a nasty joke lmaooo cellbit would beat the fucking shit out of his girlfriend and it doesnt matter, everything's okay lmaoooo i cant believe this"
there are actually quite a few tweets about cellbit supposedly beating his girlfriend up but sasa never claimed that he did that. she accused him of psychological abuse, not physical. so saying they were just "believing the victim" doesn't work with this accusation specifically, because they literally made it up and it doesn't match with any of her claims, specially back at the time when she hadn't accused him of sexual assault yet.
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so interesting to see people literally admitting theyre accusing him of abuse without knowing the details
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"people juggle like crazy to ignore the fact cellbit hit sasa, now understanding what Authentic said is impossible"
again, she never claimed he hit her. authentic is another minecraft youtuber who got canceled for saying homophobic stuff.
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"is cellbit the one who abused sasa? i'm hoping he kills himself"
yeahhhhhhh there's over 200 of these.
the reason he's suing all these people isn't simply because they believed sasa - it's because they harrassed him. harrassed him, actively tried to harm his image, brought him up when he wasn't even a topic (like to defend forever or authentic) just to say he commited crimes without any proof that he actually committed. so while i think people will be able to say they were just believing the victim, the truth is that he has a lot of support to his claims of being accused of shit without proof. he even added documents to his action that prove he's never been investigated or sued for ANYTHING.
finally, regarding him suing sasa: i bet he will. i'm like, 100% he's already suing her. it's probably under judicial secrecy for now, and we might never get access to it, but,,,,, yeah. he's definitely suing her as well, i think he's just also taking action against people who harrass him online after seven years of taking it silently.
that's the overall i hope it made sense and wasn't too long asjkdbkajsbd still open to answer any other questions :)
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harry-styles-obsessed · 7 months
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Helping hand
Request: hii, I’ve been obsessed with like teacher Harry but also gym Harry so could you combine the two? Teacher Harry who teaches P.E or is like the schools coach? And he coaches y/n? And he helps her without judging her and other stuff happens maybe?? Thank you!!
A/N: thank you for the request lovely!! Although some of these teacher x student stories are sexual this one is not. This one is just sweet and cute and is pretty random? But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
©️ please do not copy or translate my work.
“Y/l/n you’re late!”
Coach styles’ voice rang around the gym, students jogging around the sides of the large building “sorry coach!” You called dressed in shorts and a random T-shirt as you began jogging beside your friend “well guess I’ve pissed him off already huh” you murmured to her as she glanced at you smiling “he’s just in a mood… it’s alright” she assured with a soft laugh and you sighed nodding just hoping she was right. “Keep it up! Good job.” Coaches voice rang around again as a few students finished their fifth lap round the room. You watched multiple students soon come to stand in front of coach styles, including your friend, and you too walked over to coach who’s green eyes immediately looked at you “miss y/l/n why are you not continuing your laps?” For gods sake he was giving you a hard time “what?” You spoke confused “six laps around the room, y/n. You’re on your third. Three more to go.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes a silent groan bubbling up in your mouth before you took of running again, attempting to cut the corners off so you didn’t make a fool out of yourself “all the way round y/l/n!” You groaned ignoring him but nonetheless began jogging round the whole room— completing the corners too. You were certain your legs were about to fall off as finally you completed your sixth lap… you swore coach styles had eyes everywhere but you knew he was just passionate about teaching you the correct way to do things. “Good job y/n. Now we’re going to stretch ourselves then play a game of dodgeball.” Dodgeball? For fucks sake. He couldn’t be serious. “Coach we do dodgeball all the time can we not do something else?” You question getting a few looks of agreement and annoyance. Coach styles looked at you and raised his brows “well I was thinking about football but last time I checked you girls cannot kick a ball without tripping up and doing yourself damage.” He was not wrong. Not wrong whatsoever. Actually he was incredibly right— only last week had ten of the 18 students in the class he teaches were bed-bound due to a twisted swollen ankle. “Well some of us have coordination issues.” You stuck up for you and your friends, coach styles looking you in the eye “clearly.”
God was coach styles getting on your fucking nerves. He was so frustrating. You watched him as he bowed his head running his fingers through his hair which was slightly damp with sweat from how much running about he had been doing to help you all. “Y/l/n this is all on you!” He called the other side of girls having eight remaining and only you remained on your side “coach I cannot do this by myself!!” You yelled out to him. “Yes you can.” Was all he said as a flurry of balls was suddenly chucked at you, you dodging them all miraculously and catching the last one— knocking them out instantly your team cheering coach styles smiling slightly from the side lines. “Good job! Keep it up!” He spoke to both you and the other team who were getting more and more aggressive due to you knocking several players out of the game until you were left with three players to knock out… great.
A shaky breath left your lips as you suddenly chucked a ball at one of the players the player dodging it perfectly. “Y/l/n hold the ball like this!” He showed you a technique and you did as he showed you, before tossing it at the player again getting closer to hitting them “yes! Just like that good job!” He eyed the other girls giving them advice here and there about to say something to you again, distracting you as suddenly and very abruptly a ball slammed straight into your face with such a force it knocked you down, a groan leaving your lips as you gripped your nose which was suddenly gushing with blood. A couple of gasps ran around— the girl who had hit you running to you “shit y/n I’m so sorry!” You only shook your head trying to cover how bad the bleed was “it’s okay..”
The blood was dripping down your lips and chin and onto your T-shirt coach styles quickly dismissing the other girls for next class before he hurried up to you with what looked like a towel scrunched up “here apply pressure.” He spoke crouching down beside you, you quickly using it against your nose which was already bruising “do you think it’s broken?” You asked him nervously removing the towel to show him, expecting him to grimace yet he kept a perfect poker face “it’s not that bad.” He comforted hand resting upon your shoulder “an ice pack and some medicine should hopefully keep it at bay.” He spoke reassuringly to you and you nodded accepting his help as he helped you stand up, hand grasping onto your elbow and hand to keep you steady as he stared at you “you good y/l/n?” He questioned, and you nodded not realising how much blood had escaped your nose but when you pulled the towel back and saw the amount of blood your stomach churned… oh you couldn’t stomach blood. Your breath hitched “y/l/n?” He voice went slightly fuzzy and you glanced at him seeing three of him, your brows furrowing in confusion as he soon asked you a question one you couldn’t hear— the towel dropping from your palm as your knees buckled beneath you as you fell face first into his chest… embarrassing, right?
“Woah? Hey… y/l/n? Jesus Christ…” he secured his grip on you staring down at your head as he tried to figure out what to do, until he heard footsteps seeing one of the girls from the team “hey Martha!” He yelled in the ginger girls direction watching her pick up her P.E kit “yes si- woah what happened to her?” “She fainted. Can you get the nurse for me? Now.” He watched the red head girl scurry off and he sighed peering down at you before he shook his head “you’ve really knocked yourself for six y/n… wouldn’t be surprised if next week you break your arm” he muttered playfully mainly, as if hoping you would crack a smile or roll your eyes— but you were fully unconscious.
The nurse checked you over and had eventually given Harry an ice pack to hold to your nose which was bruised but she said it wouldn’t swell hopefully… but she advised him to keep you off of the dodgeball and any other activity for a while which he agreed to knowing it was probably what was best for you.
A while passed a few hours at most— Harry had given you some lunch and made you drink orange juice to get sugar into your system until eventually P.E was the next lesson again. Crazy right? But it was P.E first thing in the morning and P.E last lesson of the day… the college was weird to say the least. “Coach styles?” You knocked lightly on his office door, not dressed in your P.E clothes due to the fact your top was covered in blood “y/n.” He greeted with a smile “how are you feeling?” “Fine. Thank you. Uh do you think I could borrow a T-shirt? From lost property?” You questioned nervously watching coach styles nod as he stood up, “sure. Not that you’re going to use it… but-“ “why not?” You asked softly “I’ve been advised to keep you off dodgeball and any kind of sports and training until you’re feeling better.” He spoke calmly “but coach I’m” he only shook his head silencing you as you sighed softly watching him grab a T-shirt from somewhere before he gave it to you. You thanked him and quickly exited the room.
You got changed before headed to gym class where you sat down on the benches and just watched your friends play dodgeball. The T-shirt smelt of strong cologne— nice cologne… good cologne often made your stomach flutter with butterflies and you were certain it was just because you were a female… who knows? Certain colognes just knew how to drive people crazy. Coach styles made you keep an eye out for any foul play to keep you also in the game in some way or another before eventually the day was over but to your surprise coach styles stopped you “can I talk to you?”
You nodded and walked back with him into the gym area “I saw the way you position your body and it’s a reason why you can’t throw the ball far enough… here let me help you.” His hands rested upon your shoulders as he positioned you in a certain way, his head close to your shoulder so he was eye level with what you were looking at “then do whatever you’re more comfortable with— overarm or underarm and throw it.” You nodded preparing yourself to throw it but that’s when your stomach fluttered, the closeness making your senses tingle… that smell… the cologne… that was coach styles’ cologne… you were wearing coach styles’ T-shirt…— well. You blinked quickly shaking it off before throwing the ball “nearly- nearly. Try again.” He gave you another ball making you try over and over again until eventually you had been successful and he looked at you smiling “good job, y/n. That’s what I want to see when you play alright? When you’re feeling better of course.” You let out a small laugh and nodded “thank you coach” you murmured softly “Harry.” He said and you stared at him confused “what?” “When I’m not teaching call me Harry.” Your cheeks flushed red and you smiled glancing down “okay… thank you, Harry…. I’ll see you around..” you spoke smiling gently waving goodbye to him before you exited the gym feeling your cheeks heat up further a small smile remaining on your lips. Coach really was something else.
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chevelleneech · 28 days
"i was more curious to know how do you go from "we didn't meet/call eachother" on July 14th to applying for Buddy program"
Anon I mean this in the nicest way. This is not what the real conversation is. Please follow real non shipper Karmies who have corrected this translation MULTIPLE TIMES. You have real legitimate non shipper Karmys, telling you this is not true. Jk never said anything about not calling. So we can let this mistranslation go. This has been explained by Jk solos too and others. Cause the translation got JK dragged and they wanted to clear it up. What Jk did was tease Jimin and say when Jimin was free he didn't find JK and when JK was free Jimin didn't find JK. He playfully put all the blame on Jimin and Jimin said that is not true, he did. Jk was starting up Jimin lives. Do you not think he can pick up that same phone and call Jimin? They were meeting clearly, but apparently not enough to Jk's liking. Hence the you're here FINALLY. And regardless if they see each other every day, they can still agree to enlist together, because they are the closest at the end of the day with each other and each other's families, regardless. And you wanna go through something with someone you know you are extremely comfortable with and never gonna get tired of, since you see each other every day in the buddy program. As for the Special Forces thing, what JK wanted to do, is not what Tae is doing. It would have required longer serving & he would not be back on time. It would have been a lot more fun, yes, but he also wouldn't have Jimin. And if it was really important for Jk to be with Tae, then Tae could have joined JK at 5th division to enlist as his buddy. That did not happen. Its time to let this go.
And well if you think they're closeted, sometimes you have to read between the lines of their dialogue & not over think it, cause they certainly ain't gonna give you the full story.
The anon didn’t say anything wrong for you to respond with, “I mean this in the nicest way.”
Saying they didn’t call each other or meet up is still valid, because even with JK saying what he did, the only people who know for a fact he was being playful is himself and Jimin.
You guys are so hard pressed to make it a fact that Jimin wasn’t in the “wrong”, that you’re refusing to let anyone else have an opinion on the conversation. The translations from the show weren’t wrong, they just weren’t 100% verbatim. But saying someone didn’t reach out is the same thing as saying someone didn’t call. Calling is reaching out.
I mean, I get it, people don’t want anyone being dragged over mistranslations, but the show didn’t mistranslate. They used different wording, which is fine. Especially since it isn’t something that drastically changed the conversation. Your whole upset over what the anon said is because you guys keep putting it in your heads that people taking JK’s words at face value for the most part, somehow paints Jimin in a bad light, when it doesn’t.
You guys want it to be playful teasing because that’s the only way y’all are able to accept their bonds. As having no conflict whatsoever, and that’s not realistic. They said they hadn’t seen each other. JK “joked” Jimin didn’t reach out. So what? You can’t say just because we saw JK starting up lives filled with JM content that he could have picked up the phone but didn’t, because you don’t know that he didn’t. They didn’t talk about whether or not JK reached out, but also… we all saw how often he asked Jimin to hang out. He made it all of our business by doing it online, for whatever reasons.
At the end of the day though, Jimin and Jungkook know what went on between them, and they chose to give us a little glimpse of it at the start of the trip. But there is no way to claim anon is happily okay with mistranslations, just because you and many others would rather nitpick exact wording.
Jungkook said what he said, and Jimin presumably didn’t what he did. Neither of them, as far as any of us know, did anything wrong though. Because we don’t know what happened, so we can’t say JK was only teasing or that Jimin wasn't denying something he did indeed do. At the same time, how JK felt about their bond and proximity in 2023 is his right to feel. So even if Jimin did reach out once or twice, if Jungkook feels like he didn’t do it enough, then that’s how he feels. That doesn’t mean Jimin was wrong for choosing not to reach out as often.
Jimin has his own life the same way Jungkook has his, and once again, we do not know what caused them to lose out on being attached at the hip the way Jungkook was used to. We also don’t know why that would have frustrated JK in the first place, because as far as we know, they’re just friends. So why would he feel any type of way and why would he so consistently do it on a public form, then say, “Finally!” when Jimin shows up, if he was only joking? There is no answer for that, because they didn’t give it.
Anyway, disagreeing with people is fine. It makes sense to come to your own conclusions as best you can, but acting like you know better just because you’re choosing to believe people who speak the language makes no sense. Take in their translations and understand that wording may not always match up, but they don’t know the details either. Yes, they can say, “They were speaking in playful tones.” and that should be factored in, but JM and JK are also professionals on camera. They weren’t about to hash out their shit for us to see, with serious tones and argumentative wording.
They were poking fun and being sarcastic, because they were on camera. Truly, how often have we seen the two of them argue? We only even know about a singular time, from seven or so years ago, and you can’t tell me it’s because they just don’t. The members argue. They’re human, but they don’t show us, because they likely don’t get into too many conflicts about music and business. It’s likely only personal drama, same as any other close circle of family and friends.
So, whether you like it or not, it is okay for people to interpret their car conversation as, “Hmm, seems like they may have had some tension between them last year.” And if they think Jimin was at fault, so be-it. It doesn’t change anything, and JK saying as much should not have gotten him dragged. The same way assuming Jimin is the reason he and JK didn’t see each other much, is not a reason to drag Jimin.
This is their business, and while we can observe and make our own assumptions, we aren’t getting any answers to the nitty gritty. And neither are Korean fans. They just happen to speak the same language.
Lastly, anon was clearly just wondering if they went directly from not hanging out much to enlisting together, did that decision come earlier on or at the last minute. It’s okay to not pretend like you know it all, which anon did. They don’t know the members and thus are curious about their motivations. But as I said, it’s possible they made this decision a long time ago. So you’re not offering anything productive to our conversation by acting like anon asked something stupid or is against Jimin or JK. It was a question.
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reverthestarryeyed · 19 days
An oc I've been thinking about for 20 seconds
So his surname is Bunshi (分子) and his first name is Sochi (早質)
(I used Google translate so forgive me if this isn't correct, I also have no idea what his last name should be so I just put "molecules" do give suggestions on what his last name should be)
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Appearance - I tried drawing his hair to look like an upside down flame, but the hair doesn't really look right to me, idk why. He's not related to the Todoroki family whatsoever but I made him have fire related powers and used Shoto's head as a base as a joke because I want him and Shoot to bond over the fact Shoto's first words to Sochi were "Are my father's secret love child or something? Because I can definitely see my father conceiving with another woman despite already being married. I've always wanted a twin brother so I wouldn't be the only youngest". He also dyed his hair to have red tips because of course Endeavor is someone he idolizes due to having similar Quirks.
He goes to a different school (I'm calling it Ijin Highschool) so his uniform is different. For his School uniform I'm thinking his school dresses up like old school classic superheroes, like cape, emblem on chest, cloves, boots, belt, etc. in red, blue, yellow and black as homage to the original (fictional) heroes that inspired to make real ones (I tried drawing it but nope, it did not come out right 😛)
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I kinda took inspiration from Batman, Superman and Wolverine a little, but apparently no, I think it's too much. I'm not exactly good at shading so I just tried filling in the blanks, I'm not even sure if the cape should be long or not.
His school actually gives the costume some functions, like the cape can solidify to a shield and is also fire proof and bullet proof (among other things), and the belt has self-defense weapons, the students can even make/add their own and many more functions.
His hero outfit: His hero costume is made out of a special material that's heat and abrasive resistant (think of the Flash's suit from the Arrowverse). It's made so when Sochi uses his powers he won't accidentally burn himself.
I'm also thinking of giving him a helmet thing so he can try using his Quirk on himself to give him super speed without burning himself. And also gloves because they look cool.
(I tried drawing jeans but black is hard to draw 😛)
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i kinda took inspiration from this, I have a weird obsession with these types of coats
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Personality - He doesn't wanna hurt anyone, he promised not to, but don't mistake that for pacifism. He's the type of guy that, when being blocked by an obstacle, would beat the obstacle until it isn't there anymore.
Contradicting that; He isn't violent either, he can also be awkward, like teenage awkwardness. He's also shy around talking to new people, he's spent around 3-4 years without talking to new people that he forgot how to, so he appreciates it when someone makes the first move.
When he's with friends or on the internet he's very outgoing, loud and social.
(if you couldn't tell I put minimal effort on the personality, I didn't think too much on his personality)
Quirk - Matter acceleration: He's able to create fire but not just "make fire" or even increasing temperature. He literally speeds up matter to the point they're burning, it's just easier to do it with air (that's how it works, right?) because of it's molecular structure.
I know "speed up matter to the point they're burning" is the literal definition of increasing temperature but it's different compared to Endeavor, Dabi and Shoto since they actually generate fire from their body. Sochi on the other hand is speeding up matter which makes things hotter by a side effect but also does other things. Sochi could theoretically shoot a bullet simply by flicking his fingers by adding more energy to it, a regular pyrokinetic/pyromancer like some of the Todoroki's could not.
His favorite snack is ice cream. It helps him "cool down"
His first name Sochi contains the kanji "to accelerate" (早 So) and "substance, quality, matter, temperament" (質 chi)
His original design was going to be very weird, for some reason my imagination made him look just like Shoto except he didn't have a scar, and his hair would be the same shape except it would've been white with red tips and the tips of his hair were going to be a very weird trapezoid
Sochi wanted his hero costume to originally look similar to Endeavor, but after getting harassed for his "inappropriate clothing" he decided to change it and took inspiration from a villain instead
His outfit was a full bodysuit so I'll let your imagination fill in the blanks on why people thought it was "inappropriate"
The villain inspired outfit was going to be his second option if he didn't like his first option
Sochi really likes villains and loves to research on them for hours on end, he's like Deku but with villains instead
His favorite food is junk food, burgers, fried chicken, spaghetti, fries, etc.
His favorite sport is swimming
I took slight inspiration from Iceman from X-Men and Charlie from Firestarter
Sochi inherited his Quirk from his father (I swear gaining a Quirk from 1 parent instead of a combination of both is rare in MHA with how little of it is shown, if there are any at all)
Sochi mostly uses his quirk to create fire since it's easier (as I've said before) so he chose a hero name that's fire related (I'm not exactly sure what to call him I'm thinking either Torch, Fireraiser or Firesetter since they all mean "arsonist", yeah there isn't a lot of names that's fire related that isn't related to arson 😑 though Hearth also could be an option but idk 🤔)
Sochi actually met Dabi when he was 12, he thought he was a pretty cool guy despite looking like he got bruised so hard it didn't heal. They did have a sparring match/contest together to see who's the better fire wielder, which is one of the reasons Sochi stopped training to speed up objects and instead create fire
I also kinda wanna add a little detail that his hair would blow upwards when using his Quirk due to the heat causing the surrounding air to rise (and also because it would look like fire intensifying) but I feel like that'd be copying Firestarter 😅
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 9 months
not a correction, just wanted to say thank you for organizing this blog so well. when i read svsss, it was neither the first EN fantranslation nor the original CN, so when i started interacting with the new western fandom, i was like what the hell is everyone talking about and referencing? turns out i had practically read an entirely different story and a lot of the 'facts' i thought i knew about svsss were wrong. good luck and be careful on your way. regarding so many languages it can be easy to step on other people's feelings without meaning to.
You're welcome! I do my best to be as thorough as I can.
The fact that there were fanTLs of earlier versions of the original SVSSS and the official TL being translated from the revised edition have caused quite a few of the misinterpretations I've encountered, in addition to the translations themselves having quirks. Of course, this is not meant to disparage the translators! Translation is something very difficult to do (at least, I find it very difficult), and it's hard enough to carry the meaning for someone who knows both the target and the source language, but even more difficult to translate the meaning for someone with no knowledge of the original language at all. Once you know something and are aware of it, the brain will often forget how it feels like not to know-- and for a translator with knowledge of both the source and target language, some details might be missed when translating since it's assumed to be common knowledge.
SVSSS isn't written with a western audience in mind, and there are a lot of in-jokes and the like related to specifically CNovel genre tropes and internet culture. These things don't need to be explained to CN readers, since it's common knowledge-- but to western readers it flies right over their heads, sometimes to the point where they don't even know there's something to read into. This goes for TL's in general, but especially where it has to do with modern everyday life and culture.
A personal and specific example of this would be, I study, sew, and collect Hanfu. When historical clothing is depicted or described, a simple visual description will tell me additional details about the character/time period/etc. without having to state anything more. This just happens naturally, and my mind will take it as something obvious-- meanwhile, someone who has not studied Hanfu won't necessarily see anything beyond the physical depiction. Still, those additional details and meanings aren't always easy to put into words in any sort of concise way, so it's hard to explain why to someone without that knowledge.
Like you, I also hadn't read the original fan translations. The first version I read was 7Seas Official TL, the second was the original CN version (not revised, as I had yet to find a site that hosted the revised version). To this day, I still wonder where some common fandom ideas originate from, and have found quite a few that come from these original fantranslations. Currently, I have EPUBs of the Revised CN and 7S TL, and those are what I use to write my analyses-- since I'm unfamiliar with the original fantranslations, I do rely on my followers quite a bit to provide quotes from those where necessary, as I can't jump to finding the quote in a copy as quickly as I can with the versions I have as EPUB.
This blog is, of course, particularly concerned with western EN fandom, as it is the only fandom I have any familiarity with (sadly, living in the USA makes it so I'm virtually locked out of cnet), and the EN translations-- I have little to no knowledge whatsoever about Korean/Thai/Viet/etc. translations, as I don't know those languages. I'm sure that the fandoms in these languages also have their own set of misunderstandings and misconceptions, but I can't speak on that at all. I'm just here trying to correct as much of the widespread misinformation in the western EN fandom as I can, with what knowledge and tools I have.
In the end, even when there are such misconceptions arising from it, I still have a lot of respect for translators. Language is so much more than just words, and I know from experience how difficult it can be to take something from one to another.
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theoldworldsrunnerup · 2 months
(HI I hope this post makes sense it’s almost four am and I’m tired)
Okay so I’ve been thinking about this post (I’m too lazy to summarise it, please go look at it yourself for context) since I first reblogged it and, more specifically, why exactly it translated to “romantic”, because??? Surely it didn’t actually say that (I assumed it was maybe a word that could mean romantic but had differing definitions depending on the context or something like that) (also I had already heard that it said “beautiful” instead of “cute” so I’m not focusing on that).
So, despite the fact that I do not understand Japanese whatsoever, I decided I needed to figure out where exactly in the sentence “romantic” comes from, because it was going to bother me for ages if I didn’t.
After searching for a VERY long time, I managed to find this image of the untranslated Japanese version (which I only found because I remembered where to look lmao).
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At first, out of curiosity, I stuck the text into google translate myself to see if it would say anything different, but it was pretty much the same result. I actually tried several other online translators, but again, they all said the same thing (in various levels of coherency).
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Now, while google translate can be unreliable, I figured I could use it to get the gist of individual words, and, in particular, figure out what exactly here translated into romantic.
Something I noticed was that “romansu” by itself translated into romance, but, since the romanised version had “romansugurē“ written as one word, I put all of it in and ended up with this.
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So, from this, I had figured out where “romantic” had come from. But at this point, I was more interested as to why “romance” and “grey” were one word here, so I looked it up.
The term romansugurē is, unsurprisingly, derived from the words romance and grey. It’s usually used to describe the grey hair of a middle aged man, but its connotation can kind of differ. From what I understand, it can be a somewhat neutral descriptor (a lot of the results from my search defined it as “silver-grey hair”), but it can also be, as this introduction to linguistic anthropology I accidentally stumbled across puts it:
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In this context, I guess it’s kind of similar to terms like silver fox.
I went scrolling through twitter for about half an hour to see how people actually used it, and if either connotation was more commonly used than the other, but it seemed pretty evenly split (although it seems like it’s usually used in a more positive context, it isn’t necessarily always used in the context of sexual attraction, if that makes sense???).
So, in conclusion: it DOES actually say “beautiful romantic grey hair”, which I did not expect, and, taking into account the second connotation, may or may not be somehow gayer than the official English translation.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk. If anyone who actually knows what they’re talking about wants to add anything to this/correct me on something, please do (but please be nice about it :( I’m trying my best here).
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intplayboy · 2 years
if you would like to be part of the tag list, please complete the form.
summary: sneak peek of hyrbid ot7 x human reader "ya'aburnee" imagine (coming soon). The boys are patiently yet eagerly waiting for you at home, knowing you had another action-packed day, and can't wait to smother you and make sure you safely return home. But come to find out that you are injured at the front door in the arms of your older colleague, and to make matters worse, how and why you were injured. (Y/N *reader* is a bit stubborn here lol)
genre: hybrid au | minor angst | fluff | slight humor
pairing: hybrid bts ot7 × human officer reader (mackenzie valley wolf! namjoon, giant cheetah! jin, snow leopard! yoongi, wolverine! hoseok, kodiak bear! taehyung, maned wolf! jimin, golden jackal! jungkook)
warnings: mentions of injury
word count: 3,988 (kind of got carried away)
masterpost | pt. 1
copyright © 2022 by kumiko. all rights reserved. my works or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without express written permission from me except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
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"Chin, I'm really fine." You try to convince your platonic older brother when he finally stops in front of your apartment complex.
In disbelief, he scoffs. "Y/N, you went into an extraction mission alone, completely outnumbered, and as a result, you were nearly killed."
"Okay, technically I didn't go alone. I had Kono on standby, ready to call backup if anything went sideways." You argued.
He deadpans at you. "Yeah, exactly, stand by. While you went in to save Steve by yourself."
"What were you thinking?!"
You sigh, looking away. "Getting McGarrett back... They were going to torture him further if I haven't broken him out, and it was my fault anyways!"
"You could've called me or Danny- or better yet, all of us to help you! You shouldn't have gone by yourself Y/N, you could've died!"
"They could've killed McGarrett if I haven't got there! And they weren't going to kill me, I had it under control... kind of." You mumbled the last part.
Chin exhales deeply. "You're lucky Kono called us in time and not having been far from your location."
You hesitated, realizing he was correct. You were a bit foolish to go on your now not-so-secret rescue mission into enemy territory without the proper support and guns. But they had to realize that you were growing impatient and that every second and minute that passed without getting any closer to saving Steve meant losing him to you bit by bit, something you couldn't have. You knew they wanted him back as much as you did, but with your worst fears overwhelming you, you made the impulsive choice to get McGarrett, leaving yourself exposed.
"Look, I know you want to protect all of us and do everything you can to help us when we're in trouble, but you need to understand that you can't do it all on your own. Sometimes you simply have to accept that some things aren't meant to be done alone; you need people, a team, and a family, and that's what we're here for. Second, you can't blame yourself for something beyond your control. You can't shield everyone from danger as much as you want because it can and will happen, either way. It will be difficult, but you have to accept it." He explains tenderly, looking at you with gentle eyes.
You trail your eyes up at him. "I know... I'm sorry, Chin..."
"Thank you for being there for me when I needed it."
He softly smiles. "Of course, you know I love you, right?"
"I know, I love you too." You nod returning the smile.
"Ohana mau loa." [Hawaiian Translation: Family forever]
"Ohana mau loa." You whispered as Chin pulled your foreheads together.
You stay together for a few more seconds until Chin separates. "Well, I hope you're ready for when you enter your apartment."
"Why would I need to be prepared?" Your brow furrows.
"Oh, you don't know? You'll see what I mean." He says this with a sly smile as he gets out of the car and walks up to your side.
He swings open your door and puts his arm under your armpits, hoisting you out of the car. "I can walk up to my door, thank you very much."
"Oh really?" He raises his brows. "Okay, fine, try taking another step without me."
He lets you go, and you try to regain your balance while hobbling with your sprained left ankle and clutching your aching side. You take another stride, certain that you can walk on your own, only to stumble and nearly fall, but quickly recover stability by gripping Chin's car.
From behind you, you could feel his smug grin. And when you slowly turn to face him, you scowl at the mocking expression on his face.
"Say it." His obnoxious smirk never faltered.
You continue to glare at him. "I need your help to get to the door..."
His smile widens. "What's the magic word?"
"What are you, five?" You squint at him.
"Actually, thirty-four. Twelve years older than you, so show some respect and say it." He replies.
You snort. "Old man. But a brain of a child."
"Oh, so you want me to leave you here. Fine by me." He takes a step back to the driver's seat.
"No-! Wait!" You briefly grumble under your breath. "Can you please take me up to my door?"
"Now was that so hard?" He then approaches you, throwing your arm across his shoulders.
"Shut up."
Despite Chin's persistence to assist you to your apartment door, you did your best to lessen the weight and carry your own instead.
"You realize that the whole point of me helping you is to relieve you of the burden of doing all of the work yourself. Yet, you keep at it. He calls you out.
You drew your lips into a line. "I know... It's a habit, you know I'm not used to this."
"Yeah, but why don't you try to break that habit, like I said, you have people who care about you for a reason." He reminds you.
You nod. "I'll try."
Fortunately, your apartment building had elevators, so getting you to the third floor wasn't too problematic. Chin leads you two down the balcony, passing several of your neighbors' doors, to your front door.
You and Chin both notice the lights still on from the windows as you reach your apartment entrance. "Why are they still up? It's half past eleven."
Chin chuckles. "You're really asking that?"
You scrunch your brows. "Yes? Is that wrong?"
"Oh, dear Y/N, you have so much to learn, you're so oblivious." He laughs.
You grimace at his taunts. "What are you talking about? No, I'm not. And what are you doing?"
You interrupt Chin as he has his fist raised against the door. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going to knock on the door."
"I have the key."
"You're not going to walk in by yourself, also it's better this way." He says.
"What do you mean 'better this way'? You don't have to bother them, Chin."
"Trust me, Y/N. They'd want to come to the front door for this." His mischievous smile returns.
You narrow your eyes. "I don't like this."
He ignores you and proceeds to noisily bang on your front door, making you cringe. "Did you have to knock that loud? They're hybrids, they have heightened hearing."
"You never know." He sings songs cheekily, causing you to roll your eyes.
And within just two minutes the door opens, revealing a particularly happy bear-hybrid.
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"Hey, what time is it? It's pretty late, isn't Y/N supposed to be home now?" Jimin peeks into the living room where Namjoon, Jungkook, and Taehyung sat on the long couch.
Jimin pouted as all three of the hybrids shrugged in response to their mate's question. He then enters the kitchen, where the three oldest were, Jin and Hoseok busy cleaning dishes, and Yoongi is seated at the island dining table, where all eight plates full of food were becoming colder by the minute, concentrating on his cell phone doing knows what.
"Does anyone realize how late it is now? Y/N isn't home yet." If you were there, you could have heard the pout in Jimin's words.
Upon hearing the maned wolf hybrid's voice, the three oldest turn their heads. "It is kind of late, it's already eleven-thirty."
"And the food is cold." Yoongi says, almost monotonously.
Jimin whines. "I miss her already. She should be home now, what if something happened to her? She did mention she had an important case today."
Hoseok's ears flatten; the wolverine hybrid was terrified of being hurt, or worse, having anyone close to him hurt. Being trapped in the fighting ring for so many years had its toll on him; he was never really a fighter in the first place, but rather a lover, as the saying goes.
"D-don't say that. I-I'm sure Y/N's okay. She was most likely caught up with paperwork at their office." He reassures Jimin, but if he were being truly honest, he mostly just meant to comfort himself more as the idea of it scares him.
"I'm sorry Hobi-hyung, you're probably right, I'm just overreacting." Jimin's face softens.
"Would you guys feel better if we called her?" Jin proposed, and Hoseok and Jimin nodded in agreement.
Jin shifts his gaze to Yoongi, who is still clutching his phone, almost as if he's talking to him telepathically to make the call. But before Yoongi could place his finger on your contact, a loud knock echoed throughout the apartment, alerting all seven hybrids.
Their ears twitch at the sudden sound, and all three of them hurry out of the kitchen to the living room, where Namjoon, Jungkook, and Taehyung were still sitting, albeit with puzzled expressions.
"Is that Y/N at the door? Doesn't she usually have the keys?" Jungkook questions.
"Yeah, she does. Taehyung, could you open the door?" Namjoon responds, and Taehyung rises from the couch and walks up to the front door.
His nose twitches slightly as he picks up your faint scent, confirming that you're behind the door. He then grips the knob, with his boxy smile across his face, swinging the door open.
But the moment he sets his gaze on you, his smile fades almost instantly. It takes him a brief second, but he notices your bruised face and slouched posture against your male colleague. And, although he could detect your scent, he could also sense the overpowering scent of the man who was so so close to you. He tries to suppress the urge to growl in his throat, making a silent decision to scent you later on.
"Hey, Tae." You croaked, flashing a lopsided smile.
"Y/N..." He stutters at your appearance.
"May we come in?" Chin stares between you two.
Taehyung snaps out of his daze and walks aside. "Y-yes, of course."
Chin assists you in entering your apartment, as Taehyung watches you limping against the older man. A joyful voice greets you as soon as you come into view of the last six hybrids in the living room. "Y/N! I was beginning to worry that you—"
The cheerfulness vanished as soon as they laid eyes on you, causing him to frown along with the others; this doesn't go missed by you. "Hey, guys..."
"Y/N, what happened?" Jimin approaches you with worried eyes.
You beam him the smile that they all adore, unknowingly leaving a blooming feeling in all of their hearts. "Nothing wrong, Chimmy, I'm okay."
Chin rolls his eyes at your remark. "And by 'I'm okay,' she means a sprained ankle, fractured ribs, and a minor stab wound in the gut."
You whack Chin's shoulder as their eyes widen at the last words. "They didn't need to know that!"
You return your gaze to your seven roommates. "Ignore him, he's being dramatic."
"Sure I am." He suddenly releases you, causing you to stagger in your stance.
"Well, go on." He smiles, finally realizing what he's doing, which makes you scowl mentally.
You give them a nervous grin as they stare you down, waiting for you to move so they can see how serious your injuries are. You gulped and stood up straight without cupping your painful ribs, you took a tentative step, and as you put your weight down, your legs buckled and almost fell to the floor.
"Y/N!" Namjoon and Jungkook quickly sprang off the couch as they all exclaimed. Jin and Yoongi rushed forward as Jimin and Taehyung followed suit being the closest, extending their hands forward to catch you.
"You're not okay!" Jimin grips your right arm, while Taehyung does the same with the other.
"That's what I've been trying to say. And so did the doctor, you know, the medical professional whose life's work is to treat and diagnose all that is wrong with the human body." Chin snides obviously intended at you.
"Alright, I get it. But believe me when I say I'll be okay; all I need is a good night's sleep and I'll be back at work tomorrow."
"You're insane if you think you'll be able to go back to work like this." Jin scowls.
"But Jinnie..." You nearly whine.
"No, he's right Y/N. You're not going back to work tomorrow; instead, you're staying at home. Taking a week off, as instructed by the doctor." Chin cuts you off.
Your eyes widened. "A week?! But what about work?!"
He chuckles. "As for work, you'll be doing file reorganization. I'll drop over the materials tomorrow morning."
"You're going to make me do paperwork. Are you serious?" You stare at him in disbelief.
"Yes, I am. Steve's words, not mine. Which you will hear an earful from him, I should warn you." He responded.
You groan. "I know, I'm dreading it."
He puts up his hands in surrender. "You asked for it when you infiltrated enemy territory alone and severely outnumbered."
"WHAT?!" You winced at their reaction as they all shrieked out once again. "Chin, seriously, leave."
"Okay, okay I'm leaving. But you're staying at home, L/N, that's an order." Once Chin used your last name, the deal was sealed; there was no more room for debate.
You huff in defeat. "Yes, Lieutenant Kelly."
"Good." He next turns his attention to your seven housemates. "Make certain she doesn't do anything dumb and leaves the house."
Everyone curtly nods. "Don't worry, she's not going anywhere anytime soon."
"I'll take my leave then, see you tomorrow Y/N." As he leaves your apartment, you gave him a wave in return.
When the door closes, silence fills the air as you wait for the seven hybrids to speak. But, to your surprise, Jimin scoops you up and carries you bridal-style, making you squeal. "Jimin!"
"Taehyung prepare a bath for her. Make sure it's warm." Jimin orders the bear hybrid, who nods and walks ahead of the pair of you.
"Jimin, you don't need to carry me, put me down."
You pout. "Jiminnnn—"
"You heard Chin, Y/N- how could you say you're okay when you're seriously injured! You even have a stab wound!" He scolds you.
"Well- he said it's minor!"
"Doesn't make it any better." He scrutinizes you.
"Once you're finished with your bath, you have a lot of explaining to do, Missy." You heard Jin behind you two as Jimin enters your room.
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You carefully exited your warm bath and drained the soap-filled water when you finished your bath. You notice the folded clean clothing on your sink counter and smile at how thoughtful the boys are about your well-being. You leave the bathroom and enter your room, where you are welcomed by Taehyung, who appeared to be waiting for you just outside your bathroom door.
"Taehy-" You squeak once again as Taehyung sweeps you up and carries you bridal-style, just as Jimin had done previously.
"You almost missed dinner." Taehyung says as he carries you out of your room and into the living room.
"If I'm supposed to have dinner, why are we heading to the living room?" You asked.
"So we can watch you and cuddle you." He responds, making you snort and smile.
"Oh, something amusing to you?" He arches his brow.
With a smirk still on your lips, you shook your head. "It's just the way you said, it was a little funny."
"I'm funny to you?"
"No, you're cute when you try to be mad at me." You stifle another chuckle.
He scoffs. "Glad you find it amusing." Well, you were right. Even if he tried, he could never be upset at you. After all, you were his mate, and even if you didn't even know it, his animal part and human counterpart won't allow any negative feelings about you to fester for long.
He eventually places you on the couch, between Jin and Yoongi, while the others gather on the floor, around the coffee and the seven plates of food.
"Now that you're here, you need to tell us what happened. But first, you need to eat; you almost missed dinner since you came home late." Jin demands, holding a plate and a fork.
You nod, and as you reach for a dish on the coffee table, your hand is swatted away, and you turn to look at the person who slapped your hand, Jin. "What?"
"I'm feeding you."
"Jinnie, I think I can feed myself. I'm injured but my arms and hands are still functional." You laugh.
"Your ribs are fractured, and you were stabbed. You should limit movement that can affect those areas." Jin said. "I know you hate feeling dependant, but please allow us to help you, Y/N."
Your eyes were drawn to his puppy-like eyes as he awaited your approval. You pause for a bit before sighing softly and nodding. "Okay, just for you guys."
He grins with his lips, displaying his adorable bread cheeks, which makes everyone else smile. He then picks up several pieces of your food and begins feeding them to you. "Now, explain Missy."
So you proceeded to tell how you received an anonymous message detailing Steve's location with the order to come alone. And, even though you knew it was most likely a trap, you weren't about to disregard what may be a lead to rescuing your boss. But you also weren't stupid, so you let Kono come along but remain hidden and strictly listened to your word. When you finally breached the location, you anticipated being surrounded, but you weren't prepared for the number of men that would face you.
Seriously, a dozen men for a lone girl? Do they really think you're that much of a threat? It was a precarious situation, but you had to admit that it stroked your ego a little to be regarded as so dangerous that you needed so many people against you. And from there, it was obvious how the story unfolded, which led to you being hurt to the point of unconsciousness and returning home late with the help of Chin.
When you finished telling the incident, the room became quiet for what seemed like hours as the seven of them processed the information until a raspy voice pierced the void. "Ya, are you crazy?"
You jerked your head, finding Yoongi staring at you, and you responded with a guilty smile. "Maybe?"
"Who are they anyway?" Asked Namjoon.
You sigh. "I don't know, that's what we've been trying to figure out the entire time but we got nothing. The only reasonable conclusion we have been able to come to so far is that they are the same people we dealt with in the Nakama and Sulgi case, which led us to Korea."
"But it wouldn't make sense for them to come all this way for that." You stated.
"What if they're the same ones that are looking for us?" Jungkook questions.
You shook your head. "No, I highly doubt that. If it were true, they would have come long ago. I don't think those people even know you've left the country."
You then notice the mix of doubtful and concerned expressions on their faces. "Hey- Hey, guys, it's okay. You guys are safe. They're not after you. It's me they want, I was the one who killed a lot of their men, anyway."
"They just want revenge."
"And that's exactly what we're worried about." Jin glanced at you with the same worried doe-eyes as Jimin had when you came in earlier.
"Oh, Jinnie, you don't have to be worried about me—" You attempt to reassure him.
"But that's the thing, we care about you, so much Y/N. We will be worried for you, I mean, just look at you!" Taehyung exasperates. "You can hardly walk, and it's obvious that you were nearly beaten to death!"
"But I wasn't! I'm not dead, I'm still here!" You yelled back, but the minute you realized you raised your voice at them, you felt regretful. You knew they only wanted you to be safe; being a cop and dealing with serious crimes on a regular basis isn't exactly the safest job. There will be occasions when you are confronted with the most gruesome scenes, pushed into life-threatening situations, or forced to make difficult decisions that will affect not only you but everyone else involved.
Despite Jin's protests, you rose from the couch and approached Taehyung. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell."
"I know you were all terrified when you saw me walk through the door. But I promise you that I'm not leaving anytime soon." You tenderly cup his face, staring at him with the most sparkling, purest eyes he's ever seen, making it impossible for him to break away.
You both locked gazes until he drew you into him, and wrapped his arms around you. "You better not. I don't- I mean, we don't know what we would do without you."
You chuckle in his chest. "Don't say that, you guys will still have each other."
"But it will never be the same without you." Hoseok says, making you to release Taehyung from the hug which causes him to whine.
"Y/N, c-can we see?" Jimin sweetly asks, catching your attention, and you nod in reply.
"Come back to the couch, first. I don't want you standing for too long." Jin orders, and you giggle at his attitude. "Yes, Jinnie."
You return to the couch, but before you can sit down, you're dragged by your elbow into the lap of a certain snow leopard hybrid. You yelp, as you land on Yoongi's lap, eliciting a low growl from Jin. "Ya! Be careful with her, she's hurt, for god sake."
"You smell." Yoongi says flatly, making blood rush to your cheeks in embarrassment.
"But I just had a bath." You muttered as Yoongi's cheek rubbed against your head.
"He's not talking about that. It just- you were... How should I put this...?" Taehyung struggles to explain.
"You reek of that man from earlier." Yoongi states, monotonously once again.
"O-oh... Does it make you feel better if you scented me?" You queried bewildered.
"Yes, but seems like Yoongi is already doing it." Jin answers while glaring at the snow leopard, who ignores him. "Is it alright with you?"
"Of course, whatever makes you guys feel better." You confirm, then you suddenly hear purring from behind you.
"Okay, that's enough—sorry, Yoongi goes a little too far at times." Jin apologized, and you shook your head. "No need to apologize; it's perfectly fine with me. You don't have to stop if you don't want to Yoongs."
"I actually like it, and the purring is relaxing." And with that, you've inadvertently caused another major spark in their hearts. Unbeknownst to you, they've mentally decided to scent you as much as possible now that they've been given the green light.
"So, can we..." Jungkook spoke out, drawing your focus away from Yoongi's actions. "O-oh, yeah. Just don't freak out, okay?"
"Well, we can try, but we can't guarantee anything." Jimin replies.
You mumbled an 'okay,' then began lifting the hems of your shirt, revealing your horribly bruised abdomen with a small size gauze pasted your epigastric area. You can see their breath hitch as it comes into full view for them, and you can feel Yoongi's grip on you tighten slightly.
"Jesus, Y/N... This is- this is bad." Namjoon whispers. "Is that where your stab wound is?"
You nod, and their frowns deepen even further. "That's too close to your artery."
"Well, their aiming sucks." You made a joke, but their lack of smiles caused you to pout. "Too soon?"
Jin leans forward. "Can I see it?" Without saying anything, you start to peel away the medical tape, slowly exposing the blood-red slender wound, the one that was far too close to your heart. Upon seeing it, you hear several low growls.
Then Jungkook advances toward you and takes your hands. "We'll find out who did this, Y/N, and they'll be sorry." They hurt you, and they hurt you real bad. If it had been an inch higher, it could have pierced your heart, and then what?  You would have died.
And that thought infuriates them, enrages them even, but they try hard to conceal such emotions in front of you. Nobody ever hurts their mate and gets away with it. It hasn't been a long time, but you've become such an important person in their lives that they aren't going to let you go for a while.
"Thank you, Kook, unfortunately, we won't be catching them anytime soon, but I'll give you first dibs when we do." You give him a cheeky smile.
"From this night on, you will be resting. We'll take care of you for the next seven days." Namjoon asserts. "No ifs and buts, okay?"
You huff and cross your arms like a child, which they find endearing. "Okay."
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theflyindutchwoman · 5 months
Do you think lucy chen has daddy and mommy issues and that’s why she’s into older man? First Nolan and now Tim? Or maybe boys her age, like Chris and emmet are not on her same wavelength? Or does she just loves who she loves and maybe some people are reading waaaaay too much into it?
what’s your take?
Let me start this with a big old disclaimer : I don't have a background in psychology whatsoever. So I'm honestly uncomfortable with making any diagnosis. I can only talk about my perception, that's all. If anyone wants to add anything or correct me, please do, I'm interested to read your takes on this. Now that we've got that out of the way… This is a really good question. And short answer : no, I don't think she has "mommy/daddy issues".
Let's start with the "daddy issues". At this point, I feel like this term has become a catchphrase for whenever a woman dates an older man, but there's so much more to it than that. There are other signs, like having trust and communication issues with a male partner, craving reassurance from said-partner, being afraid of being alone and having abandonment issues so you cling to that partner… and yes, dating older men. Only in Lucy's case, she hasn't exclusively dated older men (and by that, I mean significantly older). Emmett, Chris, the firefighter she asked on a date as revenge for Emmett breaking up with her… and probably her cheating ex-boyfriend (though this one is just a guess) were around her age as far I can tell. Not to mention the yoga/screenwriter dudes Jackson talked about. So in her case, I'd argue she simply dates who she likes. She's not pursuing older men on purpose or exclusively. If you remember, Armstrong alluded to how she needed a 'man' and not a 'boy', someone who would not feel threatened by her and her career… and this feels pretty much like a meta comment from the writers. All the other signs I listed barely apply to her. Is she a people pleaser? Yes. But not just towards men. And she's not a doormat either. She's not particularly possessive. She trusted her partners.
As for "mommy issues"… I'm still going to say no. Is her mother overtly judgmental? From the little we have seen her, I'd say yes. And that could translate to a poor sense of self-worth and insecurities. But I'm not sure that's fully the case with Lucy. For the most part, she knows her worth. She knows her boundaries. That said, she also has moments of anxiety and this fear of disappointing the people around her. But I don't know if it's really impacting her relationships with men that much. I mean, it does, to an extent (like her apology for disappointing Tim). But I doubt that's why she dated Nolan or Tim. Or, at least, that's how I feel. Like I said, I'm no expert in this so I could be way off base.
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menalez · 3 months
interestingly about That alleged ahed tamimi instagram post is that 1. she does not speak hebrew, yet it was written in hebrew & arabic? 2. the arabic is formal MSA arabic... no dialect whatsoever.. 3. she supposedly does not even have her own instagram account. how strange is that? why did she write it in MSA arabic? why did she write it in hebrew, a language she does not even speak? was the hebrew google translated, the way the arabic may have been, or was it correct? and even if those were her real beliefs.. would someone with such a public image say sth so extremist & vile in MSA on some instagram post amid israeli settlers killing & harassing palestinians? like are we really gonna believe sth like that when due to her public image she is ALREADY a very massive target? idk its very suspicious so i find it hard to believe. esp bc why would she not write in the palestinian dialect anyways... why was it so oddly phrased in arabic also.. and in MSA which literally none of us actually speak or write in unless we are making official statements (which that was not..)
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murky-tannin · 6 months
Workers going public with issues is the ONLY way businesses have ever been forced to change their treatment of employees. That is basic labor law history. They have to have their reputations and their bottom dollar on the line and be strong armed into changing, or change doesn't happen. Before demanded changes were codified into LAWS, businesses had no incentive whatsoever to follow their morals. Funny how that works!
You can huff and puff all you like about Lea causing drama and being reactionary, but at the end of the day, it's her actions causing change for the better, and it's her "emotional rants" spreading the news and keeping the conversation alive. The translation of the most recent interview is doing a great job revealing to people across the community about just how shitty things were.
Yep, everything Léa says is 100% helpful to improving the treatment of employees. So true anon, definitely how things work. Her spreading misinfo based off mistranslations to unions and the public is 100% helpful. Her every single word is sooo necessary and correct and always helps fix things. So true anon.
Listen to yourself🤦‍♀️
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