#translation is not 100% accurate probably
aces4aces · 1 year
One Piece characters who placed in the 2022 yumejoshi poll
Every year, Japanese women are asked about their fictional crushes. Here's the One Piece characters who made it into the top 100, as well as a comment or two from the women who were polled.
54th Place: Sir Crocodile
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Comment: I didn't like him in the Alabasta arc where he plays the role of the boss. "What kind of bad-tempered and lascivious villain is this guy... don't make Vivi cry...!" But in the cover story series depicting the aftermath of Baroque Works, I really started to like him! If you interpret all the things he says to Luffy up until now as him talking to himself deep inside... what a clumsy and delicate man...! I really like that he doesn't hold a grudge, and that he respects commitment. He has a lot of lovely points, but I will omit them. It would be a problem if too many people fell in love with him... I would like to be his maid or secretary and accompany him to make his dream come true. Also, his body is too lewd. How did that happen?
42nd Place: Eustass Kidd
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Comment: I like men who are good-looking, passionate, and passionate about their dreams and humanity. A while ago, it was revealed that his ship was named after his (and Killer's!) First love. This shook all of his fangirls! I was upset, because the living cannot beat the dead when it comes to romance...
39th Place: Shanks
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Comment: It’s been a long time since I watched One Piece, but I saw the new movie just for him!
22nd Place: Uta
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I saw her show many times and wanted to save her no matter what, so I sucked it up and went searching for fanfiction! (Translator's note: the actual term is "dream novels" not fanfiction. Dream novels are kind of like x reader fic iirc.)
I am on Uta's side. Take me to the new world.
6th Place: Trafalgar Law
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This year, I found myself falling in love. I'm scared.
He seems really cold, but he's easily convinced to go to a divas live show that he isn't interested in... kind of cute! If I have one complaint, it's that the polar bear has a higher priority than me! (I like that too)
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cyanidecravings · 5 months
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the return of gong jihoon & kang eden
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truegoist · 1 year
bruh why is my schools advertisement shit so cringe 💀💀
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theoldandnewfirm · 6 months
I got the K-Drama lovers in my life Viki subscriptions. I didn't know anything about it other than the fact that it has a lot of dramas from across Asia. My review so far:
1. Everything about the Viki translation model feels exploitative and I'm not sure why people participate in it.
2. Relying on fan translations means I'm once again subject to the worst type of translation: one where the translators are more concerned with educating the audience than with conveying intent. (IE, I have zero interest in pausing a show to read your three sentence breakdown of some unfamiliar word or concept in the middle of dialogue. Find the closest equivalent word or concept in the target language, use that, and move on. It'll be fine, I promise.)
3. Whoever writes the summaries for the shows is terrible at it. They're rambling, full of unnecessary detail, and once again clearly more interested in accuracy vs making the series sound like something you'd want to watch
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jimerlins · 2 years
Translated the alphabet used in STRAY
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NOTE: Mild Spoilers for STRAY. This album contains the chapter headings, so while it's not super-spoilery, it's still going to reveal some details if you haven't played it to that point yet!
My kid and I have been enjoying Stray thoroughly since it came out, and one of the things we both found fascinating is the language of the society in the game- you see it everywhere, in neon signs, in graffiti, and it really adds to the depth and mystery of this universe.
Both my kid and I are language geeks, me being a narrator and them just enjoying languages in general, so after I casually mentioned that I thought the in-game alphabet for the robots was probably an Aurabesh (Star Wars)-like letter-for-letter replacement of a Latin alphabet, we went to town on trying to figure it out. They mentioned they realized it was a replacement cipher when they saw the opening screen for the "Dead City" chapter.
Turns out that we were... mostly right. But not 100%. There IS an alphabet that's consistent. It's in the first image you see in this album. However, while we did find a lot of signs that were simply English, there were some that were Latin, and we think there might be a few in French (which would make sense, given that the developers are French).
But it gets a bit weirder. There's a bunch of symbols we simply don't understand because we don't have a good key for them. We started off with this one by taking screenshots of the chapter headings, which were subtitled in English, using those to get a few characters, then figuring out other characters from context. We've got nearly the entire alphabet solved now, but there's some signs with words using characters that don't have any correspondence at all to the ones we've deciphered.
However, nearly all of these are in the "dead" parts of the city, where there's signs in English, which could mean these are in Chinese or some language we don't understand, or maybe they're intended to be an earlier version of the language the robots in the city now use.
There's also some "cursive"-like versions of many letters which are more difficult to understand, so some of the signs are much harder to translate. There's even some where they mash ideograms together to combine them, which is also interesting.
So here's the alphabet key, along with a few images we've provided some captions for. Our working theory is that many of the posters are written in Latin (including some Lorem Ipsum!), then translated to the robot alphabet, but it's possible they're in other languages also. Because many of the textures have "damage" on them, it's frequently difficult to parse all the words, and it's also often hard to tell where spaces go.
But we figure if we put this out there, others can come along and improve on and add to it!
NB: The alphabet key is not totally complete; the letters X and Z are missing, as we still aren't certain of those ones. (Updated: Z and X are found, and image key updated!) Also, there's some variations on some letters, and it's possible we made some mistakes. But it works for translating many of the signs and posters. For the translations we used Google Translate, which is probably awful, but better than nothing.
NB Also: The chapter headings sometimes differed from the subtitle in yellow. Where it does, the deciphered text is in white. Where it does not, there's no white text.
If anyone can offer more accurate translations of the Latin passages, please do!
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filurig · 2 months
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a guy ive had in mind for a whileee its a crime i havent actually made an oc of my faeries yet so this guy!! this guy is actually the faerie that provides folke with funky fantasy hrt. more on them (and a bit about faeries) under the cut...
krillimir, or as they're known to many non-faeries, (spider's web) glasswing, is a rather newly adult faerie, having emerged about 3 years ago from their pupae. a bit of a free spirit in comparison to other faeries, they hail from the Hemarikkit Till colony to the south of vätterunda, perhaps the largest colony in the area with its main structures occupying a sunlit forest grove. due to the size and relatively stable nature of the colony, there was not a lot of pressure/demand on newly emerged faeries to take up a specific role, and krillimir preferred to keep their options open and thus chose to identify as a generalist.
generalist faeries can kind of take on less specific work than other faerie genders usually do, and especially work which involves collaboration with other species, and curious about the world outside of the colony, krillimir applied to be a participant in the colony's medical program - basically all faerie colonies have a medical program which involves a collaboration with the area's local tomtar, who will provide them with illusory magic to maintain their settlements and keep them hidden/protected. in return, the faeries offer their faerie dust, which can be finely tuned to affect an organism's hormone levels (as well as some other biochemicals) - this of course can be used to treat certain conditions, or as a way to alleviate pain, etc.
gullmar, who is folke's "tomte uncle" in a way, ended up visiting the Hemarikkit Till colony in search of a faerie that could help with folke's Trans Gender Blues (aka: provide him with hrt, after gullmar realised that folke was trans) and the freshly emerged krillimir would be assigned to him. due to the nature of the assignment, krillimir would just be permanently assigned to gullmar and comes by the granholm residence once every few months to readjust folke's hormone levels to the proper ones when the T levels start to fall off. while gullmar can find the faerie a bit neurotic and too energetic, their relationship grows to become amicable - a part of gullmar probably feels a fatherly instinct towards them hehe.
some extra faerie stuff i thought about making this guy so ill include:
faeries do not have a directly "spoken" language like we do, and communicate mostly through pheromones, body gestures and sounds like squeaking, trilling and hissing. they can communicate with other species through their pheromones, but as they communicate with said species in the target's language, things like names are often just directly translated. "krillimir" means "spider's web glass wing". how do we have the "romanization" of their name then? Well through some convoluted shenanigans. basically - tomtar have an anda-powered ability to learn the language of other species. with enough exposure and socialisation they will just naturally begin to gain an understanding of that language, and their ability has led them to be able to learn faerie language, especially helped by it also existing in a written form. while faeries don't speak this written language, it is how they conceptualise more complex ideas internally (the internal voice so to speak) - with the tomte ability, they can somewhat approximate what the language would sound like if spoken - at least filtered through the tomte brain. its most definitely not 100% accurate to what it would sound like though but most faeries accept it as close enough. this probably makes no sense but erm it sorta makes sense to me. LOL. but it means that most species that haven't learn to read faerie will only hear the literal translation when a faerie introduces themself, and thus many call krillimir by glasswing for short.
krillimir is a "generalist", which is one of many faerie genders. i made a post about it a while back! they go by they/them but generally doesn't mind he/she either.
faerie clothing is generally made of a fabric woven together by silk produced by them themselves - this silk is mainly produced by broodtenders or generalists. they also have a special way of "tanning" leaves, ending up with them having leather-like properties, which is part of what krillimir's outfit is made out of there! very popular reccuring symbols in their fabric design are "eye" "mimicry" and sometimes patterns which mimic some other animal/creature.
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celiciaa · 3 months
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I just love you.
translations are not 100% accurate. expect mistakes.
special thanks to @otomehoneyybearr for proofreading! ♡
minors and ageless blogs dni.
Gilbert: Good evening, little rabbit. I never expected you to come here so late at night.
Upon entering Gilbert’s room, a man wearing a robe with his face hidden was leaving in passing.
(I hope I haven't interrupted something.) 
However, Gilbert, who was sitting at his office desk, greeted me with a smile, and there didn't seem to be any deception in his appearance.
Gilbert: A night visit?
Emma: No, not quite!
Gilbert: Sharing a bed?
Emma: Not exactly…
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Gilbert: Then, did you want to go back home?
Emma: …No. 
Gilbert: Hmm, then what is it?
Emma: It’s something else. 
The answer seemed unexpected, and his red eye widened in surprise.
Gilbert: ….Really? What did you come here for?
(After much thought and contemplation, I suddenly realized something.) 
(What I want to know now is not about myself.)
Emma: A surprise interview.
Gilbert: Huh?
Emma: I am here to request an interview with you, Gilbert.
Gilbert: ….
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(I would like to know more about Gilbert.)
(….There’s a strange emotion swirling within me, seeking to understand its true nature, more than the desire to return to my hometown.) 
Gilbert froze in shock for a few seconds, and eventually lowered his gaze.
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Gilbert: Ha….Haha.
Emma: I-I didn't mean to say anything that funny….
Gilbert: It's quite interesting. Even though you’ve lost your memories, you still think of others before yourself, huh….?
It was not an accusing tone but a gentle voice, full of compassion.
(….You’re a big villain, but because of that, I think it’s why I can't go back to the land of roses.)
Gilbert: Okay. I'll tell you everything you need to know about me.
Emma: Thank you!
Gilbert: Of course, but I expect something in return.
Emma: ….
Gilbert: Ahaha, I won’t do anything for free, after all, I’m a bad person.
Emma: What do you want?
Gilbert: Hmm, let’s see….
Gilbert taps his lips with his finger.
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Gilbert: How about once per piece of information?
(….Is he suggesting a kiss in exchange?)
Without my memories, Gilbert, despite being my fiancé, is practically a stranger.
There's no way I would have no reservations about kissing a stranger.
(What's more, a member of Obsidian's royal family? There’s not just embarrassment, but also fear beyond shame.)
(However, if I give up now, I won't be able to learn anything about Gilbert….)
Emma: All right.
Gilbert: That was surprisingly quick decision, wasn’t it?
Emma: I just need to endure a bit to get what I want. There’s no need to hesitate… or at least I hope so..
Gilbert: "Endure", huh?...I see.
Gilbert: Since it seems bearable for you, shall I receive payment upfront for what you can endure?
Emma: Huh?
Gilbert: Don't worry, I don't lie.
Gilbert stood up, enveloping my field of vision in darkness.
Gilbert: Go on, hurry up.
Gilbert: Hehe, you're full of opening..
Emma: You villain! This is outrageous! That was my first kiss, you know!
Gilbert: Was it? But I did it once before.
Emma: That was part of your evil plan so it doesn’t count! 
Gilbert: So this one counts then. 
Emma: What— no! It was an accident!
Gilbert: Oh, was it? Then what’s the problem?
(What...what was that just now?)
(I've done this before…)
This time, my lips were tapped by his finger, snapping me back to reality..
(No... I have to overcome this predicament now.)
I made up my mind and held Gilbert’s cold cheeks between my hands——
Telling myself it’s just a momentary thing,
I swiftly kissed him, unsure if it was felt or not.
Gilbert: ….
Emma: I-I did, didn't I?
Gilbert: Yes, in the little rabbit’s world, that’s called a kiss.
Emma: Is that not right?
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As I tried to play dumb and divert the conversation, Gilbert sealed my lips.
Not only did he touch me, but he bit my lower lip, and my heartbeat suddenly accelerated.
Gilbert: Next time, do it properly, will you?
Emma: ….Under…stood….
(My face ..feels hot…)
Gilbert: So, what's the first question?
Despite resenting Gilbert, who was smiling so refreshingly as if nothing had happened, I composed myself.
Emma: First of all...what are your favorite and least favorite foods?
Gilbert: I don’t have a least favorite. We can’t afford such luxuries in Obsidian with chronic food shortages..
Gilbert: But, as for my favorite food…
(Wow...there’s so many ingredients!)
The kitchen I was led to was filled with a sweet aroma.
The source seems to be in the oven.
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Gilbert: You often made the things I liked here, Little Rabbit.
Emma: Me…? 
(This aroma…)
Gilbert: You certainly have quite some nerve, offering me a gift and then trying to take it away again.
Emma: Does that mean you’ll accept it?
Gilbert: Of course. I was just starting to feel hungry.
Emma: …Cookies, right?
Gilbert: No, it’s not.
(Huh...I was feeling confident about that one.)
Gilbert: A ‘massive amount’ of cookies made by Little Rabbit working herself to exhaustion.
Emma: …..
(…So your stomach is a bottomless pit…)
(He seeks quantity over quality, so I can only make simple sweets.)
Gilbert: What's your next question? Oh, but first…
Gilbert, bending down in front of me, prompted me to steel myself and kiss him again.
This time, I pressed more firmly than the first,
Gilbert seemed satisfied, and there was no request for a redo.
Emma: Please tell me your favorite place.
Gilbert: …Right, in that case——
(The stars are beautiful….!)
In a spacious area at the back of the castle, covered entirely with glass, we were enveloped by the beautifully gentle start.
Standing in the center, where the Obsidian crest was engraved, I gaze up at the sky.
Emma: This is an understandable choice of place.
Gilbert: I didn't pick this place because I like the scenery, you know?
Emma: Was there something else?
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Gilbert: Yeah. There's a deeper reason.
Emma: ….Am I part of the reason?
Gilbert: Of course.
(I wonder what it is...I definitely feel like something happened in this place.)
(It hurt, it hurt, it just hurt... something like that——) 
Gilbert: I'm sure there will be plenty of people who are kind to you in the future….
Gilbert: A terrible man like me who leaves nothing but pain will never appear.
Gilbert: Hehe...I don't think you can forget even if you want to.
Emma: ….You’re right.
Emma: …It's not fair….
Gilbert: Because I’m a big villain.
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Not just once, not twice, but thrice— with each press of the warm lips, inexplicably, tears welled up.
Emma: ….Why do you love me so much, Gilbert?
When I voice the question I wanted to know the most, he bites my lip.
The pain was strangely endearing.
Gilbert: I could go on and on about what I love about you, but I think the best thing is this.
When Gilbert came to my room, he opened the desk drawer without hesitation.
Gilbert: Ah, I knew it was here.
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Gilbert: I always tell you to carry it with you, but you never did….
The moment I saw "it," my heart froze.
Gilbert: It can't be helped, so I'll put it on for you.
Emma: I-… I’m fine, really! 
Gilbert: Don't be shy.
Before I could run away, Gilbert grabbed me and forcibly sat me down on a chair.
My skirt was lifted, revealing my thighs, where a leather belt was wrapped. 
(Ever since I lost my memory, I've been wondering what this was.)
(But somehow I felt like I had to wear it, even though I didn’t know why….)
Gilbert knelt down and inserted a silver lump he held into the belt.
With delicate rose decorations on the metal part and a bright red rose charm attached to the handle,
“it” was undoubtedly a weapon called a “gun” to kill people.
Emma: ….Does this have anything to do with why you love me?
Gilbert: Yes. You promised to kill me.
Emma: ….
Gilbert: For you, who doesn’t hurt anyone, to say that… I was happy.
Despite the ominous words, the voice that reached my ears was sweet.
The sound of my heartbeat was threatening to stay etched in the mind. 
Gilbert: You said you would take responsibility and kill me, so I chose to live.
Emma: …..
Gilbert: Hehe, you look pale.
Emma: ….Of course, I do.
Gilbert: Don't you want me to die? I'm practically a stranger to you now.
Gilbert: Furthermore, I’m a big villain who can shake the whole continent.
Gilbert: If you kill me, the world may be at peace.
Emma: Still…! I absolutely refuse to…let you die.
(It hurts…)
(…It’s painful.)
Emma: What even is love?
Gilbert: That’s easy.
Gilbert: Its wanting someone to live. I wanted them to live.
Gilbert: That’s what it is.
Emma: ….Huh?
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Gilbert smiled and rested his hand on my cheek.
Gilbert: Your heart is always beautiful.
(…So that’s what’s going on…)
His red eye that is filled with sincere emotion.
Despite having trampled over countless people and built up a dark legacy upon many corpses,
He is not a good person, and has committed so many crimes that he didn’t deserve redemption.
Even just loving someone was a crime, and he could be punished at any time.
(But I still strongly wished for him to live.)
(My heart is so tainted that I can’t even face my homeland.)
(And yet, Gilbert is always…)
Gilbert: Even if you’re dyed black…you’re….
Gilbert: The most beautiful person I've ever seen.
Gilbert: That's why I wanted you.
Gilbert: No matter how dirty one may think, you remain untarnished.
It wasn't until I met Gilbert that I realized the feeling of being unable to let go even though it is full of pain and suffering.
Pushed by the feelings reviving in sync with the heartbeat, I kiss him again.
When I opened my lips, our tongues intertwined with each other as usual, and heat began to spread throughout my body.
(You’re a big, troublesome, bad guy, but I've grown to love you.)
(…That's why I'm in Obsidian.)
After our long exchange of kisses, when we finally parted our faces, Gilbert traced my wet lips with his finger.
Gilbert: Do you still have questions for me?
Emma: …Yes.
(There’s just one final thing I want to ask you——)
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 ▸       [  previous / next ]
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
wrt the AI thing, the doom is in what is just good enough to no longer pay people for it. Machine translation isn't good! The sentences are nice and often grammatically correct, but the information hasn't been accurately transferred a lot of the time (genre doesn't matter, but DeepL is pretty good for news articles, less good for other stuff). AI text is sentences that are made of words likely to go together it doesn't understand any of it. Especially if you want to write something a bit experimental, if you want to use specific words to evoke specific things etc etc... true art will not die, no matter how much some people try.
I mean, yeah, but that’s also just a progression of what’s already been happening for years. Publishing houses and companies have been outsourcing to the cheapest bidder for decades now due to lack of labor regulation and the death of unions. That’s what the major Harper Collins strike was about. Even while publishing houses are making record profits, they’re not paying their editors a living wage.
When I worked for a medium sized mainstream publisher back in the late 2000’s to 2010s, they used to remind us daily that if we didn’t hit our editing quota there were people on Freelancer and Fiver who would do it for a lot cheaper— and I was already earning below minimum hourly wage, that you could “make up” by taking on extra work.
(The salaried editors were the only ones with guaranteed income, the rest of us were told we were just lucky to be there.)
And multiple times a month they’d eliminate someone to ‘cut costs’ and the work would land on your desk and you’d be told to get it done because they knew we had no other options. It was this or unemployment at the start of what would be the second global recession of my life.
Eventually we did all get laid off and they opted for the cheaper, subpar labor. And while it sucked to be unemployed at that time, the relief I felt was real. I was no longer self-medicating with caffeine and alcohol to cope with the work environment. I was no longer churning out 100-200k a week in edits and rewrites to keep a job that treated me like shit. I missed it, because I loved working with my authors and editing and writing was something I loved. But I did not miss the rat race they had us locked into for the sake of profit over quality.
The fact that Harper Collins staff, one of the biggest publishers in the world who contribute to the monopoly that creates that environment, were also not making enough to live, tells me things have only gotten worse inside the industry. Unless, of course, you’re near the top of the corporate ladder. In which case you probably can’t understand why all the peasants are so unhappy.
The machines will not fully replace us—at least probably not in my lifetime. But that doesn’t mean what’s already happening isn’t bad.
AI is just the next wrung on this sordid descent into exploitation and elimination. We need better labor laws. We need better protections. We need fucking respect.
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yousayusei · 9 months
utsukare's writer talking about how yusei got casted for the role of kiyoi:
disclaimer: this is translated from korean and not from japanese so it's not 100% accurate. here's the audio so if anyone who can understand japanese has corrections, please tell me! thanks!
im guessing since the tweet OP used 작가님, which means writer, the one talking is tsubota fumi, utsukare's writer. if anyone who knows for sure, please do tell! but since im not sure im just gonna use "writer" and "MC"
writer: first, because the title is "utsukushii kare"
MC: you're right
writer: if there's no "utsukushii kare (beautiful man)" starting is not possible.
MC: right
writer: because the title is "utsukushii kare"... a beautiful man is not common. i thought, no, do they even exist? the producer also tried to find one beautiful man, continuously trying to find one.
writer: one day, i received a photo through mail, yagi-san's photo, that said "i found the beautiful man!" (laughs) like a breaking news. it's a work mail so of course its not written like that but with feels like a breaking news: "the beautiful man have been found!!"
writer: but since i have seen so many photos until now, i've seen many actors(' photos) too, my standards have become fairly high. i looked at the (yagi yusei's) photo like "ah well..." and at that moment i go "uwa!!! it's kiyoi!!"
writer: i think i won't forget that shock. (i thought) "utsukushii...!!"
MC: like going "this is the beautiful man!"?
writer: yes! even if there are many handsome people, finding a beautiful person is hard
((i just feel so proud cz this was yusei's first time and he really did so well in justifying the role. sure he got casted based on his looks but looking at his performance playing kiyoi, he did more than what is probably expected of him as a first time actor in a genre like this. as a picky drama watcher, if i feel awkward or i cringe watching an actor/actress in a drama, i stop but i never felt that while watching yusei and of course riku too.))
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judesmoonbeauty · 7 months
Licht Klein’s Act 2 PV Translation
Please note that this is a fan-translation only. So, this is not 100% accurate. I believe that the trailer is set to air on 12/1/23. However, IFC members do have earlier access and I’d like to share it with you all. When you get the chance, please watch the PV! All content belongs to Cybird.✨
🐺 Please note that the dialogue corresponds to each still frame above it.
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When I came back to myself, my body was dyed red and I was absorbed in nothingness. 
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I committed an unforgivable crime.
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I will make you happy from the bottom of my heart.
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By doing so, I want to be happy too.
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I thought I had gotten over my past. 
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I don’t want to let go of the light I’ve finally found.
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On the other hand, the shadow, was growing in its depth.
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Please, forgive me.
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I want to move on with the future.
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Probably/Perhaps, Nokto and I have Tanzanite blood.
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Who on earth was the mother who said she was a retainer/Who on earth was the mother who said she with child? 
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Prince Licht, please pay close attention. 
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Foreign taboos that shouldn’t be touched. 
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And -
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You’re under a curse. 
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That’s pretty serious too. 
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True love turns into madness. 
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I can’t live without it. 
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If I lose this light, 
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Where would I go?
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There is only one end to this twisted love.
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So, please don’t leave me. Don’t leave me alone. 
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I’ve got so many things to say, but….AFSJDKFHDLSSHDKFHS. The twins might be Tanzanite??? WHAAAAAAT??? Azel is looking mighty SUS and SEXY as usual, and wow 😮 Never thought I’d see the palace devil wearing white! My baby Licht needs some serious peace. He deserves it! He was my first LI in IkePri, so I’m very very protective of him, and he’s in my top 5. Looking forward to 12/17!
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[Master List]
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i-yap · 27 days
I have a dick Grayson request 🙋
Dick Grayson x gn s/o who speaks another language or first language is not English (I speak spanish especially around my family,,, who are not English speakers) 💕
even english isnt technically my first language so I love this ask
Dick Grayson x gn s/o
man can speak a shit ton of languages. It was a part of his training , Especially if the language is sort of common or spoken a lot. He knows it . The slang , references and modifications to the language still confuse him cuz that's something usually only native speakers get. Like I speak Hindi but my hindi isn't grammatically accurate and has a lot of modifications .
He probably has better grammar than you in it which he teases you about endlessly. And when that thing happens when you cant find a word in both languages his teasing is dialed to 100 . You cant even use the english is not my first language cuz he gets all languages.
If he doesn't speak the language HE WILL LEARN IT AND THAT TOO IN LIKE 2MONTHS. He wont even tell you he has learned it till you guys are fighting and you just swear at him in your native language and he's like "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A DOG" "HOW DID YOU KNOW THATS WHAT I CALLED YOU" "IVE BEEN LEARNING YOUR LANGUAGE FOR YOU FOR THE PAST 2 MONTHS" "wait really? you learned a whole language for me:)" "yes cuz I love you you dumbass, id learn all the languages in the world for you"
If you ask him to translate for you, haha he will mess it up on purpose. Dont get too mad at him, its just so cute when you're pouting and you cant be mad at your pretty bf when he calls you cute.
Full blown gossiping/ private talks when in public in the native language so that everyone is super confused . Also dirty talking..in public...kill me already. His pronunciation is perfect btw.
Your family is so impressed by him, um don't introduce him to them unless you want to get married by the morning.
the fact remains that there is nothing the man wont do, wont learn, wont get done for you. dick is underrated asf and my boy deserves all your love cuz he loves you with all he has.
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xaeyrnofnbe · 6 months
hits jay and chip with the catification beam
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btw don't like without reblogging
(talking a lil about this idea under the cut)
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getting my silly little design ideas out there. i guess i kinda picture them as some strays (chip being raised by feral cats in a barn or something. maybe he's a ship cat? jay is a runaway house cat who was probably owned by a wealthy family, on account of her being a fancy breed.) going on adventures together in a little seaside suburb? unfortunately i'm not sure where gillion fits in this at all
the great thing about the names of the characters is that they don't need to be changed for aus. cause don't even try telling me that chip and jay aren't 100% the names of some cats in a tween animal xenofiction novel. they just have such good names for literally whatever setting
is it warrior cats? ehh not really. i've seen some people calling my catified jrwi designs warriors aus which isn't really accurate, but i'm not gonna act like warriors isn't where i got my start in art. idk, cats are just fun to draw. they're my artistic comfort zone. and i find it really fun translating human characters into cats ¦]
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 5 months
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Heart, Exposed by an Aphrodisiac Epilogue
This is simply a fan translation and is not intended as a replacement for the game. Expect grammatical errors. Not 100% accurate.
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Mitsuki: "You're really beautiful."
Galileo: "You've been repeating the same thing over and over again."
Mitsuki: "But I really can't help but think that way."
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I expressed my true feelings, and he spoke while keeping me reflected in his eyes.
Galileo: "Your eyes appear to shine like stars to me."
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
His unexpected words made my heart flutter.
At the same time, one of his hands, which had been around my back, gently touched my cheek.
His long fingers traced the corners of my eyes, evoking a sweet, ticklish sensation.
(What's this sensation I'm feeling?)
Mitsuki: "Mmm."
Though I twitched in response to his gentle touch, he didn't release his hand.
Galileo: "I'm just observing. Stay still."
He gazed into my eyes as if observing the stars.
Galileo: "Your eyes seem to hold hope. They are as clear as the stars in the night sky."
(Is he really talking about my eyes like that?)
My chest tightened as I was overwhelmed with happiness.
Then, I sensed even more warmth from where he was touching me.
Galileo: "Your cheeks are turning red, and your eyes are getting moist."
His hand, which had been on my face, gradually moved down to my neck, and the supple, warm touch of his fingers made my heart beat so loudly that it felt like it might break.
He observed my unsettled state with keen interest.
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Galileo: "I can feel your heartbeat getting faster."
Galileo: “You seem like you’re about to break down soon.”
His accurate assessment made my face flush with embarrassment.
Mitsuki: “It’s because of you.”
Galileo: “It’s probably because of the aphrodisiac.”
Mitsuki: “It’s not just that.”
(Even Galileo took it.)
(It's a little frustrating that I’m much more emotionally distraught than he is.)
Feeling dizzy and intoxicated, I realized that I’d lost my usual clear-headedness.
Despite being aware of it, I couldn’t help myself and ended up blurting out things I usually wouldn’t say.
Mitsuki: “What about you? Don’t you feel anything when we’re like this?”
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I gently placed my hand on his chest, and he twitched slightly in response.
(I wouldn’t usually do these kinds of actions.)
It was as if my rationality had melted away with the aphrodisiac, and I couldn’t stop myself anymore.
Galileo: “..........”
Mitsuki: “Am I the only one feeling nervous?”
To confirm his heartbeat, I slid my palm over his chest, but he grabbed my hand.
Galileo: “..........”
Suddenly, my vision flipped, and before I knew it, he had pushed me down.
Galileo: “Haa…”
His warm breath escaping between his lips made my body hot.
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Confused, I shifted my gaze and suddenly felt his touch tracing slowly along my neck.
Mitsuki: "Ah..."
(Somehow, it feels even more...)
Although his touch felt the same, his hand's movement felt more enchanting, stirring up sweet desires inside me.
Perhaps because of that, heat continued to well up from the depths of my body unceasingly. His fingers then traced my collarbone and moved down to my chest.
(No way.)
In that moment of faint anticipation, he withdrew his hand swiftly and sighed as if reining himself in.
Galileo: "You seem out of sorts. Until the effects of the potion wear off, we should maintain an appropriate distance."
(He's right.)
Even though I think so myself, feeling his warmth slip away brought about a sense of loneliness.
(Is this also because of the aphrodisiac? I don't want to be away from him.)
Driven by the surging emotions, I sat up and tightly embraced him.
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Galileo: "Didn't you just hear what I said?"
Though he seized my arms to pull himself from my embrace, his grip feels oddly gentle, as if he's not entirely rejecting me.
That's why I find it even harder to let go.
Mitsuki: "I heard it, but I just want to stay like this a little longer."
Mitsuki: "Just a little longer, please."
I gazed up at his beautiful eyes, pleading silently.
Galileo: ".........."
Then he quietly lowered his hand.
Galileo: "Just for now."
Mitsuki: "Okay."
As I held onto his body, I felt his warmth and racing heartbeat.
(I probably won't be forgiven for this.)
By tomorrow, Galileo will probably return to his usual self.
As I think about it, my chest tightens painfully, and I hear a faint voice from above.
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Galileo: "I have no intention of seeking anyone's warmth."
His voice, which seemed like it might disappear, sounded somewhat pained.
(Still, I want to know more about him.)
(I want to get closer to him.)
Will there ever be a day when I can understand him without the influence of the aphrodisiac?
Thinking about the day when I might be able to get closer to his heart, I gently close my eyes.
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Premium
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kikyan · 1 year
Yandere Ignihyde Headcanons
TW: Dark content up ahead!! Yandere headcanons means yandere content y’all! Mentions of abuse and violent acts either towards the reader or the character!! Mental instability, gaslighting, manipulation, obsession, stalking, possessiveness etc. (I don’t think I’m missing anything but as always, please let me know if I miss anything!!) This is your TW please proceed with caution!! 
DISCLAIMER: These are my interpretations of his/her/their persona and none of these is 100% accurate. I don't condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional and should be taken as such! Underage characters will ONLY  be given SFW headcanons, please respect this decision!
As always, the lovely banner was made by @herestrish​ and they worked hard on it, so please don’t steal (or I’ll send Ortho to air strike you)
Also, while Ortho does have some headcanons they’re NOT romantic but rather platonic and how he helps Idia get with his S/O! I REPEAT NOT ROMANTIC THE MINOR IS SAFE! 
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Idia Shroud 
So some part of me wanted to wait until the end of book 6 so I could get a more accurate picture of his personality but because book 6 won’t be fully out till the end of March (even though I finished the book through a YouTube translation. . .) and Book 7 dropped the biggest fucking cliffhanger of them all, it’s my mission to get Ingnihyde and Diasomnia completed asap. A good writer admits their faults and the previous sentence is long enough, don’t make your sentences that long. That being said, Idia’s traits include clinginess, possessiveness, stalking, overprotective, and obsessiveness. 
Unsure how to format them, but let’s get this out the way, even as a yandere he will have low self-esteem. In fact, I think it gets lower. He feels he’s unworthy of being in the same room as you, let alone breathe the same air. He would worship his darling but that’s a point for later. The biggest thing with Idia is how he approaches you or in this case, how he doesn’t. He’s stalking you all the way. If he ever goes out in public he’d follow close. He’s a bit clumsy at it so you may catch a couple of glimpses of him but he tries his hardest to make sure you don’t find him. That would be more embarrassing than it already is. Emphasizing his stalking and obsessiveness. His eyes will watch you like a hawk, taking in any information he can get. It doesn’t even have to be useful, he takes it all in. It could be what you have for lunch on Fridays but he’s already built a whole schedule surrounding that tiny piece of information. This hour you do this, when you get like this you do that, you listen to this playlist when you get upset, you study in intervals, etc. Like Rook, he’s not picky with the information, he just takes it all in. I think he would be the type to install cameras or hack into existing ones to keep an eye on you. 
This would help tie in his overprotectiveness. Would he outright come and save you? Probably. . .but he’d rather stay in the shadows. If you played the new years event while waiting in line I believe the line was rowdy causing someone to push Ortho and Idia defended him. Even going into battle and then his dorm backed him, it was so sweet. :)) Meaning when push comes to shove, he’s willing to shove back but this would be a last resort. Mind you, I think he prefers stalking you through cameras as opposed to in person. I think he would have a monitor just to keep track of you and may even have it as background noise. If you do something unexpected it would get him interested as he closely follows you through each camera. He’s honestly playing FNAF with you as he tracks you down. Maybe something unexpected happens and you’re getting stopped by some upperclassmen? He would see through the cameras and maybe ask Ortho to intervene, but if Ortho isn’t there I can see him setting up a live broadcast with the footage and possibly scaring them. Maybe you as well. If he is following in person and Ortho is nowhere to be seen, he’s the type to throw a rock in the other direction in hopes of drawing their attention. When they’re distracted, take that chance to run. Maybe, just maybe he’d run out to grab your hand and take you with him but until then, you’re going to have to learn how to pick up cues and signals. 
As I mentioned briefly, he prefers to be the savior in the night and stay in the shadows. He won’t bite off more than what he can chew but he’s down to play hero as a last resort. That being said, knowing where you are and what you’re doing at all times brings him comfort. Animes and series following the same plot devices sometimes gets repetitive and take the fun away, but it's different when it’s you. He can breathe easily and avoid heart attacks if he knows you don't stray off from the schedule he’s created. Despite never meeting/his lack of interaction/his low self-esteem, he’s quite possessive. He’s unworthy of breathing the same air and being close to you, but so are they. The world is a cruel place and anyone is out to get you. Why would you talk to them? Sure he gets maybe talking to someone from the main cast (breaking the fourth wall I think) but some side character? Someone who isn’t popular? You can’t be serious. He’s not that special, but surely he has more to offer no? His possessiveness stems from worry though, not a sense of keeping you his per-say. Literally, he’s the “nobody gets them but me”. Nobody gets you, they may think they do but they don’t. Idia does, sure he may not look like much but at least he’s not lying. Leading me to my second point, I think he would kidnap you. What? Kidnap?? Rest assured it’s not a conscious decision. He regrets it the minute he does it but he can’t exactly let you go now, can he? It’s going to be an awkward situation for sure. On the rope-chain-saw scale (mind you the scale is mostly used for how restricted/uptight they are) he’d be a rope. It’s awkward and he certainly doesn’t mean to keep you here, but he can’t let you go because who knows what you’d say? Likewise, you’re not a prisoner, and by no means does he intend to treat you like one. He doesn’t impose too many restrictions and if he does, it’s caused by his anxiety. He regrets kidnapping you but he can’t let you go in fear of being found out so he probably taped your mouth or has you bound with rope. 
He’s the type to anxiously state, “if I take the tape off promise not to scream?” When he does, if you do scream he’d probably put it right back. He’s anxious and goes about it the wrong way, but he doesn’t mean any harm. The end goal is for you to be able to roam freely in his room or maybe go back to NRC without saying anything. He wants a connection with you, imagine you choose to stay by his side, play games with him, maybe enjoy the same shows he does and get along. Corny (I don’t want to say player 2 because that’s so overused but it’s similar) but I think all he wants is someone to get along with him and understand him, you know? That’s assuming it goes well, of course, bringing me to his unique trait. Despite all, I think Idia wants your attention on him 25/8 to the point he doesn’t care what kind of attention it is. You could be in his room all day and be around him all day and he’s content. After he kidnaps you and you hate his guts, as long as you direct that hatred toward him he’s content. He doesn’t care if you insult him because that means your words are being thrown and directed AT HIM. If you get physical and start to punch and hit him, he doesn’t mind because it’s YOUR hands on him. I don’t want to say he’s a masochist but honestly? He might be as long as it’s you. Spew insults, degrade him, praise him, hug him, hit him, love him, hate him, wish for his downfall, or pray for his success. It doesn’t matter because as long as it’s FROM you, he’ll eat it up. 
I want to say as a danger, he’s maybe a 5/10. He’s smart and has a lot of available resources but he probably would never hurt you. Do I think if provoked he may say “damn it all to hell” and lash back? Maybe, maybe at some point, the power dynamic gets to him and he’s finally the boss(cue book 6 content) so he’s the one calling the shots. It takes a long while for that to occur so in the meantime you’re alright. Again, he can be a danger but I think above all he wants you guys to get along. 
Ortho Shroud 
BEFORE ANYONE SAYS ANYTHING THESE ARE PLATONIC!! ORTHO IS A WINGMAN!! Sorry, I need to say that before people come for me. Promise, Ortho is a wingman for y’all relationship. Seeing as how I don’t have traits for him the formatting will be a bit off, but nonetheless, here we go! 
Ortho is over the moon that Idia likes someone! Ortho is someone who wants Idia to be happy and succeed in life. I think in book 6 (granted spoilers but I’m not caught up to the English server) when the kidnapped students and Idia, along with Ortho are on lockdown they play games. Idia talks about a game he really enjoys but explains how it’s not going to have a sequel. Vil offers that Idia can get the creators to continue the series or if anything, Idia can do it himself. While Idia expresses that it’s impossible, Vil comments how if you don’t try then the chances are always going to be 0%. If you try though, even if it’s 0.001%, it has the possibility of being 100%. All Ortho wants, if for Idia to live his life to the fullest. Honestly, pulling out a sad headcanon because I don’t think it’s been confirmed, Ortho wants Idia to live a life where he doesn’t feel guilty for what happened to him. I know that Ortho is 100% a robot and that aside from the memories that Idia managed to give him, he has no connection to the original, but his creation is proof of that. So if Idia manages to like someone, Ortho will do everything he can to make sure Idia does try to court you. 
Ortho would try to get Idia to be the subject of the conversation. If Idia isn’t present in the conversation with the others, he’ll sneak him in. Do you like those games? Sweet, his brother Idia plays that game as well! He’s actually really good at it so if you need any pointers ask him! Do you like that brand of sweets? What a coincidence, so does his brother! If anything, he’ll bring him up so much that you feel the need to ask about Idia. He’d be so happy! You’re asking him about his brother? Well, where should he start? Ortho is just a wingman doing his best to help his brother. Idia and Leona are quite similar in the sense that they both accepted their fate. Leona will never be king and Idia well, he’ll always be a slave to the land of woe and his family's occupation. Having someone who can help you, whether it be a best friend or a possible love interest helps a lot. If Idia saw you talking to someone else and lost motivation, Ortho would run ‘scans’ to test your compatibility. “Even if they were to date, they would have a 78% chance of breaking up before the first week so it doesn’t mean anything. Your compatibility is around 83%, higher than anyone else at the college, don’t lose hope!” 
I see Ottho as being the type to create situations where you have to meet. Though I know he takes online courses, he has to go out eventually. That is when Ortho strikes. Imagine Idia goes to get food at a later time when nobody is out and suddenly on your magicam feed you see an ad for food. Totally not Ortho somehow being involved to get you to go, “oh boy am I hungry” resulting in you and Idia being in the same room as each other. Though he’s awkward and it’s mostly you conversing with him (a one-sided conversation), Ortho would encourage Idia to comment or at the least say something! Since Ortho is probably the one getting more information out of you through legal and ethical means, he probably brings up a series that you recently watched. “So how did you like that episode [Reader] of [Series]” then suddenly, Idia is intrigued. He’ll start to confirm if you really did watch the series, what are your thoughts on it? Who did you like the most? Suddenly, you two get into a deep conversion where you analyze each and every character, the plot, and hidden easter eggs. Ortho lets you two talk, this mission was a success! 
If we’re talking about Ortho after you’re together or when he’s stalking/kidnapping you, Ortho is your source of comfort. Ortho would do what he can to make you feel at ease and make your stay more comfortable. If you’re together with Idia, he’d be the one who sometimes monitors you or has your location on at all times. Maybe even escort you to class and back! I can see the both of you trying to break Idia out of his shell little by little, honestly, he’s so sweet and happy that you’re with his brother. If Idia is stalking you, he may send Ortho to keep you safe. If someone tries to mess with you they might get an air strike warning or Ortho does what he can to memorize that student so that Idia can ruin his reputation online, of course, nothing tracing back to him! If you’re kidnapped and chilling in his room because he can’t let you go, Ortho would be nice to you! He’ll reassure you that Idia means no harm but he just acted without thinking. He’d do what he can to bring you guys together and to break the very well and much reasonable distrust you have against Idia (Just because Ortho is trying to help Idia I’m not excusing or condoning this behavior).
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the results are in!
with 314 votes these were the top 10 stsg moments people can’t believe are canon (top 10 based off of the ones i listed lmao) this will be long but i did say i was gonna make a post of the results so -
10: in last place with only 1.9% - their names complimenting each other + Geto’s robes being called “gojo-gesa robes”
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i included these together cause they are similar imo. both being based around the other.
9: “the only one i have”
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the iconic quote with 3.2% that is so misquoted cause of that translation that i’m pretty sure people ignore that that’s actually what he says rather than “my one and only”💀 (myself included but for the sake of the poll i did the accurate translation)
8: the light novel in general
maybe i’m biased cause of my user but only getting 3.8% of votes surprised me lmao.
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i mean i just think about “Even if everything was different now, there was still one thing- from that very moment it all started- that had never changed” as well as “Geto Suguru It was a name that the Jujutsu tech organization feared…but to Gojo Satoru, he was—“ all the time
i posted more quotes from it here
7: with 7.3% (nanami surprise appearance) we have their official songs stated by Gege.
Shame On Me being Gojo’s
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and Come Back Home being Geto’s.
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6: 8.9% of votes for this insane moment from the newer chapters after Gojo’s resurrection lmao
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him and Kenny are fighting and Gojo offers to fight on Dec. 24th (Geto’s death anniversary) with Kenny replying “How romantic”
this legit made me scream when the chapter came out… anyways
5: i almost didn’t include this moment because i was sure it was gonna win because of how often it’s brought up but i’m glad to see i was wrong💀
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but still in the top 5 with 9.6% is Gojo recognizing Geto by smell in JJK0… i have nothing to add to that cause like. what.
4: with 10.5% we have Gojo’s last words to Geto being “3 words” as stated by Gojo’s english va! (which i also mentioned in the post linked above)
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(that being paired with the light quotes above and “such embarrassing words” and it being words they had “never said to each other before” … we all know what he said…🙄)
3: with 12.4%, the one that made me spiral and realize Gojo is probably done for, Gege himself saying “one cannot exist without the other” about Gojo and Geto…
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so either Geto is miraculously gonna come back or they are sharing a death anniversary lmao
2: at 18.8%!
the infamous vol 0 quotes that are 100% parallels because the entire movie is.
Gojo, to Yuta in reference to Rika: “Love is the most twisted curse of them all” (idk why i said 'worst curse' in the poll lmao)
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Geto as he dies: “At least curse me a little at the very end.”
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bangs my head into a wall… okay and number 1!!
1: at 23.6% is the stsg moment. “My six eyes tell me you’re Suguru Geto but my soul knows otherwise! Hurry up and answer, who the hell are you?!”
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not only was seeing Geto the reason for him getting sealed but he went against his own power, his own technique which makes him the strongest, to listen to his soul. and to quote Song of Achilles (which i made a joke the other day about stsg being modern day achilles and patroclus) “He is half of my soul, as the poets say.”
okay this was the first poll i’ve done like this besides some random funny ones on my other blog and i can’t believe it got 300+ votes. maybe i’ll do more in the future if i can think of some topics.
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celiciaa · 2 months
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I just love you.
translations are not 100% accurate. expect mistakes.
special thanks to @otomehoneyybearr for proofreading! ♡
minors and ageless blogs dni.
The spy who reported Emma having been caught up in a runaway carriage looked as pale as the dead.
Probably because I was unconsciously emitting an unprecedented amount of murderous intent.
(As I thought, keeping the little rabbit in a cage is the best way to keep her safe.)
Fortunately, Emma’s injuries were minor, as the spy put himself in her place to protect her.
However, it seems that she hit her head while avoiding the carriage.
The moment when Walter’s examination revealed that she had lost all memory of her life as Belle,
I couldn't stay calm enough to start planning the date for the coachman's execution in my head.
Emma: Why…am I in Obsidian?
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Gilbert: Of course, because I brought you here.
Emma: But why a commoner like me….?
Gilbert: Because I’m the big villain who loves the little rabbit very much.
(….You’re so terrified of me.)
The little rabbit backed up to the wall, looking visibly frightened.
In front of her is the royal family of Obsidian, the enemy of Rhodolite and the root of all evil,
Of course, her reaction was natural.
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(I remembered the little rabbit was also like this back when we first met.)
(….The woman who told me she loves me is gone now.)
(….You said you will be by my side forever, but you lied.)
Although dark emotions swirled around me, I somehow managed to push them behind a smile.
But the little rabbit seemed to instinctively sense something.
(This is why I hated it.)
(…I never wanted to love anyone.)
The morning after with a calm head, I immediately started developing a cure. 
She may eventually remember, or never at all.
It's a gamble, but I'll go about it like I normally would.
(Easier said than done.)
(….I'll do it even if it's impossible.)
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As I absent-mindedly listed various formulas,
I noticed that the gaze of the little rabbit that I had brought along with me had been fixated on something.
Emma: Why are there roses here?
Gilbert: Oh, you realized it was a rose even though it wasn't in bloom?
The roses, which rarely bloom in this barren land of Obsidian, are similar to this medicine.
As I approached the roses that were born out of love, the little rabbit stood next to me.
Gilbert: I'm thinking of building a rose garden in the castle.
Emma: A rose garden?
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Gilbert: Yes. A rose garden even grander than Rhodolite’s.
Emma: To love roses so much…
Gilbert: Because you do.
Emma: Me…?
Gilbert: You love roses more than I do, don't you?
Gilbert: I thought you'd be happy.
(….But right now, these roses are poison to you.)
(You look like you want to go back home.)
(…I don't want to let you go.)
Gilbert: Shall I grant you permission? 
Emma: Permission for what?
Gilbert: To return back to your hometown.
Emma: …!
Contrary to my heart, my mouth moves on its own.
(I really want to lock you in a cage….)
(But ever since I met you, I've been full of contradictions.)
Since I had given permission, I had no doubt that the little rabbit would want to return to Rhodolite.
And sure enough, when I saw her visiting my room in the middle of the night, my premonition turned into certainty.
If I shot her in the leg right now, she wouldn't be able to go home— I thought to myself, this is such a cruel thing to do.
Emma: A surprise interview.
Gilbert: Huh?
Emma: I am here to request an interview with you, Gilbert.
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Gilbert: ….
(….Ah, this is why…)
(I can't shoot you, and I can't lock you up.)
(You must be scared without your memories, yet you still prioritize facing me rather than going back home.)
(…Even if I don't want to love you, I still end up loving you.) 
In exchange for being interviewed by the little rabbit, I receive one kiss each.
I gradually provided her with information based on such an arrangement,
As we exchanged kisses, the types of kiss changed noticeably with each time.
What was initially done reluctantly, gradually extended the duration of our contact.
Now, the little rabbit is drowning in our deep kiss with our tongues intertwined together.
Even the little rabbit's expression that had been awkward while facing a fearsome beast, 
Had also changed into something intoxicating that emitted a seductive allure.
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(…I guess it wasn't the drugs you needed to cure your amnesia, but my feelings itself.)
(The more I talked to you, the more you seemed to remember how much I was in love with you….)
As I kneeled on the floor, I ended the long kiss and pulled away.
There was no fear left in the expression of the little rabbit sitting in the chair.
Gilbert: Do you still have questions for me?
Emma: …Yes.
Her pure, clear eyes flickered wildly.
Emma: Gilbert —— Gil, are you feeling lonely?
Gilbert: Isn't it obvious?
Gilbert: I am feeling lonely. 
(You've already reminded me of what loneliness feels like, so please don't do something like this again.)
Emma: I’m sorry.
She kisses me tenderly with an apology, but I bite her lip, unable to forgive her.
Gilbert: Only words?
Emma: ….
With a glance, I urged her on, and eventually, she began to fiddle with the buttons on her blouse.
(Yeah....It really does seem like you’re remembering everything.)
I shook my head at the little rabbit who was now in her underwear,
Although her face looked like she was about to cry, different from fear, she methodically dropped the thin cloth onto the floor.
I bit down hard on her body that was wearing nothing but a belt around her thigh and a gun.
Emma: Ow…
I bit her thighs, her sides, her chest, and her shoulders.
As I traced the bite marks that were gradually increasing with my fingers, Emma’s body trembled.
Gilbert: There won't be a next time, okay?
Gilbert: If something like this happens again, I will strip away anything that might cause an accident.
Emma: That means…?
Gilbert: If there’s no coachman, no carriages, nothing at all, then you wouldn't have any more accidents…right?
Emma: …I'll be careful! I'll be careful, so please stop!
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Gilbert: Ahaha.
(….I might actually do it, so I won't say anything else.)
Gilbert: Emma, even if it's an accident, don't make me feel lonely anymore.
Gilbert: It's your responsibility to keep me alive.
I bit her lips one last time, and Emma responds with a tender kiss.
Emma: I'll never forget.
Emma: I don't want my love to be concluded as "false love".
Gilbert: A beautiful heart that cares for others is nothing but disgusting. I still doubt you.
Gilbert: Where's the love in telling me a terrible lie and leaving me alone?
Gilbert: But… 
Gilbert: Only for you….
Gilbert: I'm going to try to love you again.
Gilbert: Be careful, Emma.
Gilbert: You are my last hope.
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