#transing my gender
jamechloe · 15 days
Redefining beauty on my own terms. 💅💜 #TransIsBeautiful #ConfidenceGlow
Help reblog trans family 💋❤️
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blairelythere · 1 year
We'll trans that gender when we get to it
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anotherredlight · 24 days
Guys I think I’m becoming too much of a KOTLC nerd
I might change my name to Dex
It feels so me
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a-silly-person · 1 year
Any time David Tennant gets a job acting in a relatively well known piece of fiction it has been a Category 5 egg cracking event. Mr. Tennant arrives on set and starts making Continental style hotel breakfast with the big metal pan of eggs. The cast and crew of the productions he’s in are walking on eggshells not because they’re nervous of him, but because he leaves behind mountains of cracked eggs in his wake. I have personally known 4 people who were blasted with his transgenderification beam and about 5 more internet mutuals who had their gender transed by his acting. Even his own children aren’t immune. He got cast as Crowley and there was a Gender Quake with a magnitude of 10. People turn on the tv cis and turn off the tv trans.
Anyways, I’m just letting people know that my pronouns are no longer just she/her and I use both she/her and he/him
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max--phillips · 10 days
OH! I picked up my boy juice today! Huzzah!
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ch4tk4t · 9 months
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Today's my HRT anniversary :3💙
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Today's my 9 month anniversary on HRT. I still look like sh*t, but I feel considerably less like sh*t. Baby steps.
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bearberrythief · 3 months
I think I need to get a pronoun pin and wear it at work for a couple of weeks. Just get everyone on the same page without having to go ahem. Hello everyone. I am a man. I noticed there was some confusion so I hope that clears things up.
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asharestupid · 4 months
Happy pride month!!!!! I wish all people of the community a happy pride this year but more specifically; Disabled Lgbt+ people (mentally or physically). Lgbt+ people who are still religious. Lgbt+ ppl who get nauseous when the concept of god comes up. Lgbt+ people who are Palestinian. Lgbt+ kids with unsupportive families. Lgbt+ people with internalized homophobia/transphobia. Trans people with little to no dysphoria. Black trans women. Old trans people. Young aroaces. Bisexual women. Non-binary people who aren't androgynous. Intersex people. Two-spirited people. People who never see their identity represented in media. Pride belongs to you, too.
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faggotmarshmallow · 3 months
Cannot fucking wait to get these drains out in a few hours
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cheerie-os · 2 months
ignoring the traditional genders, as someone who’s genderfluid my genders are: I’m perfectly happy with the way I look, god I want to look like a straight girl, and FUCK why am I not a cis boy that looks like he crawled out of a dumpster.
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infinitegenderlessmess · 10 months
Most trans date ever
me and my partner are getting top surgery together tomorrow. we even have matching tshirts
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rabiesriddenkittie · 5 months
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I'm fag 😄
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mewintheflesh-2 · 11 months
I think I might be a gay man
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bearjam · 1 year
Someone said to “melt John’s gender” on their tags on my post about transing Arthur so I guess that’s todays project. Gotta get the pencils ready. The gender fluid coming to you idk sometime
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max--phillips · 1 month
Finally made a gender appointment so I can begin transing my gender again . And also go back onto birth control thank CHRIST. It’s in two weeks from tomorrow which means one more period (likely, anyway. They’ve been shockingly regular the last few months) unfortunately but that’s fine I can suffer through one more lmao
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ch4tk4t · 10 months
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Hello sunrise :3
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I hate to be a downer or anything, but I've always felt doomed, I was legit surprised to reach my thirties. Every day I'd wake up, putting my happy mask on for friends and loved ones, never showing my true feelings, as if my true feelings and self were something to hide at all costs. I've only started my transition eight months ago, but I already get up with a goofy smile, I'm in lesbians with a awesome woman, and I'm slowly getting back to creating the art that used to be my escape before my angst pre-transition swallowed my motivation up. And, hopefully, I'm just getting started.
Just a reminder I get to look like THIS now :3
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