#transformers quintus prime
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galaxyforu · 1 month ago
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amalgamous prime is a cool ass mf
bonus primes
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would u guys like it if I posted more often?? idk lol 💀
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compaculaaa · 4 months ago
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peeps on twitter want milf trion so fuck it the sparklings are born from him
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planetformer-central · 3 months ago
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Okay, but like, what if the Primes can't actually die? They just pull an avatar and are reborn via the Matrix and whoever is carrying it. Poor Optimus not only died, lost his BFF, became God's favorite, and watched the beginnings of a war take root, but is now a father of thirteen.
Bonus doodles:
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x1000mega · 5 months ago
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fanotastic · 5 months ago
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Transformers One Trading Cards New Images – The 13 Primes
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ginnyicyidragon · 4 months ago
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Transformers ONE [SPOILERS]- The Hologram of the Thirteen Primes
I do like the designs of the 13 Primes. I will try to screenshots of the Primes, if they're good.
EDITED (11/4-5/2024): HOLY CRAP!! This has the most reblogs and likes! O.o
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mapledkanata · 12 days ago
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Cooking a very silly, lighthearted AU w the TFOne 13 primes + a TFP Orion... and sentinel ig /lh (w many thoughts & exchanges about the AU between me and @purrliacci !!)
He was telling me ab how in the Aligned continuities, Optimus was a reincarnation of the ~13th Prime~ and all, and that the 13th was the youngest of the primes. I was VERY amused by the thought of the Primes being fond of their youngest 😔 Especially if imagining the TFOne bunch as they seemed to have far less destructive infighting than the other Primes variants.
I had been telling Purrliacci about fitting a TFP Orion into a TFOne narrative and several different ideas came from that hehaha
Anyways this AU entails the 13 Primes looking after a baby Orion Pax, their youngest Prime who's come from the well...
Domestic, slice-of-life and soft and nothing bad happens EVER,, it is very healing and cute,, I think they deserve it.
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tukumitubaki · 2 months ago
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naughty sentinel must be punished 😏
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violetaquadelight · 5 months ago
They would
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peace-hunter · 15 days ago
they are trying to keep this kid alive so hard and he's making it so difficult OTL
haunted au
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granatu888 · 2 months ago
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[Transformers Until one💫] Quintus Prime
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tigressaofkanjis · 3 months ago
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Exaggeration but not a lie
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witchofthesouls · 5 months ago
Hey, what if Quintessa had depictions of ancient human civilizations they had battled when Earth was young and magic was still active?
It's the horror combination between "humans are space fae/orcs." with "Earth is Space Australia."
Who else is better to battle Quintus "Life in all forms should be encouraged to thrive at all costs" Prime's creations than the planet that Unicron himself had spawned in a coma (aka Gaea)?
It's even funnier since Earth appears to be a paradise to Quintessons, but it's really a fucking nightmare with all the different kinds of predation and mutual relationships, like endurance hunting and man-dog relations. Plus, Gaea has a thing for crabs, and there are crab species that hunt squids.
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planetformer-central · 1 month ago
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Optimus with his kiddos, scribble edition.
Solus is not a happy sparkling.
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incomingawn · 11 months ago
Here, take this Thirteen Primes as Vines Compilation
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tracklessreason · 3 months ago
Hi. It's me again.
WHERE THE FRICK IS BUMBLEBEE?! Sorry, let me calm down and retry.
Thank you for answering my last ask, I can't help but notice how no one knows where Bee's ghost is. And Megatron is the one looking into the Matrix... Is he haunting Megatron? Trying to stop him from doing it? Helping him?
Is Optimus's ghost following Ratchet around like a sad puppy?
Also just the pairings- Jazz with Megatronus? THat sounds... like fun.
Do the primes miss the other Primes and ask their host if they can check on the other bots that got shrapeneled? Maybe one of them asks if they can find a way to talk with the others... or maybe they can talk trough the hosts... maybe... (ah ah possessed arc)
(PS I really vibe with Hive's whole deal, he is very cool :D and I'm devastated that I'm the one that discovered how he explodes)
Hug hug!
Hi again!!! Don't worry, Bee is still here!
His spirit is just...struggling. He's weak at first, flickering like a dying light bulb. He hasn't left the fractured core of the Matrix still in his corpse, but his soul signature is so weak no one can find him. He's just sort of trapped there for a while, in the burnt out room he died in. Until Megatron of course.
Megatron breaks into the autobot base, walks past every sleeping mech he could easily have snuffed, and steals the Matrix core, and by unintentional extension, steals Bumblebee. Now at first, Bee is rightfully upset. He hates being at the gloomy decepticon base, he hates Megatron for taking his voice, he's just mad. Time passes as Megatron tinkers with the core, and Bee regains strength enough to....throw things???
It shouldn't be possible. Somehow this unstable remnant of the Matrix doesn't contain him, but merely houses him, and as he grows stronger, he can appear as an apparition to Megatron. He uses it almost solely to hinder him. With no voice (even ghost Bee gets no respite) all he can really do is mess up Megatron's workspace and insult him through pantomime. Really he doesn't understand why Megatron puts up with it, but aside from the occasional fit of rage at his antics, the decepticon leader ignores him as much as possible and puts his all into trying to restore the Matrix.
Before long he starts having one sided conversations with Bumblebee. Its mostly complaints at first, and insults towards him and the autobots and whatever else goes wrong in his life outside of this little workshop Bee cant leave. It soon gives way to more private matters; intentionally or not, Megatron is revealing his very convoluted, very mixed feelings about Optimus Prime.
The war has gone on too long, why couldn't that idiot just see things from his perspective, he deserved to die, he will be brought back, how could his oldest friend just leave him like this...
To Bee it sounds...exactly like how Optimus felt about Megatron, just drowned in molten anger issues. Against his self preservation instinct, Bee decides to work towards putting this whole mess to bed. Nothing better to do.
With what limited knowledge and communication he has, he does his best to try and help Megatron fix the Matrix. They have spats still, and plenty of set backs, but things smooth over when Megatron (begrudgingly) admits to feelings of regret over taking Bee's voice. As an olive branch, Bee explains something to Megatron that he's been dying to know: how Optimus died.
Things sour fast. Megatron is determined to murder Starscream, Bee is frustratedly trying to explain that if he does so, this little partnership of convenience is over, and he will ensure that the Matrix is never restored. The end of the war relies almost solely on Megatron reeling in his damn anger, and Bee doesnt intend to allow any slip ups. He has no idea how this will end when Megatron leaves the workshop that night.
On the other side of things, the Primes are having a real...weird time?? The ones without hosts can communicate with each other, but the other four are basically cut off from all but their hosts. They don't have the ability to take control anymore, and even if they did, their hosts are nowhere near as easy to possess, nor as willing, as Hive Prime was. Ratchet especially has threatened to tear the Matrix metal from his frame and grind it to dust if Prima so much as thinks about trying it. The other three hosts are similarly put off.
Once again the Primes are relegated to giving advice, but it's not advice anyone seems to want, and yeah, it's mostly because of the wild pairings. Megatronus is constantly clutching his pearls over Jazz's laid-back attitude and deliberate ignorance of his wishes. Prima's calm rationality does little to temper Ratchet's snappy demeanor and only really gets on his nerves (how can you be so calm after what you all did?). Ironhide straight up refuses to acknowledge Quintus. Drift is probably the only one feeling alright with all this. Alpha Trion is generally reasonable, and isn't interested in having control over Drift's form, nor was he interested in it with Hive, so they just vibe like college roommates.
It's uncomfortable, but the Primes are used to sharing space. The worst part is actually sharing it with fewer mechs than usual. The Primes all miss each other to varying degrees, but for the most part are either too egotistical to admit it, or think it improper to mention.
Of course, grand prize for worst ghost time currently goes to Optimus. Dying, watching Bee suffer, feeling his friend's life force extinguish...
He might as well be a husk right now, full on silent treatment is all he's capable of at the moment. The other Primes know better than to try and speak with him. This is their doing to begin with, the channeling of their energy that strained Bee so heavily. Optimus follows the elected council around during the days, but at night he sits outside the room where Hive's body rests. He was there the night that Megatron broke in.
It takes immense effort to travel far enough out from the base to go see Megatron, and he needs several cycles to recover after every attempt, but he keeps doing it, knowing he could fade away permanently. When he gets there, he's too weak for Bee or Megatron to detect him. But he can hear their talks. He misses them both more than words can say.
(Sorry the response is so long, lol. This ask really got the gears turning in my head. I hope at least that makes up for being the one to find out that Ending 3 Hive dies bloody. I'm really flattered to hear you like him! For me that's quite high praise coming from you. Hug hug!)
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