#transformers earthspark tickles
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lee: Bumblebee
lers: Optimus and Megatron
(Please note that any acts of affection in this fic are PLATONIC. These are two dads and their son and will be written as such!)
also huge shoutout to @an0ma1y-th3d0ma1y !! we actually talked aboutcthis in dms and i just had to write it!

This had to be it. This was one hundred percent the WORST lee mood of Bumblebee's life. He was antsy, irritable, and overall a whole mess.
And his dads weren't making it any better.
You see, Megatron and Optimus were always the first to notice when Bee was in a lee mood. And they loved teasing him about it.
Megatron was poking at his side to seemingly "get his attention". And Optimus was giving him excessive platonic kisses on his horns. It was absolutely driving the scout up a wall. By the time the war-framed bots found him, Bee was curled up under one of their blankets. The two mechs knew what this meant.
"Oh, whats this under our blanket, Megatron?" Optimus feigned surprise, clearly being playful.
"Beats me, Optimus. Surely it couldn't be our little bee.." Megatron mused.
"Hm..We may not know, but I think the Tickle Monster might!"
Just as he said that, a pair of little yellow horns peeked out from underneath the blanket. They were accompanied by a faint giggling.
"What's this? Did the little bee poke out his horns?" Megatron teased while poking at Bumblebee's horns. The smaller mech snorted and cowered back under the blanket.
"Aww, he ran away. Guess we'll have to get him back out of there somehow!" As if on cue, Optimus wrapped his arms around Bee's middle. His digits started tracing along the seams of Bee's chassis plating. Almost instantly, Bee popped out of the blanket, hearty laughs filling the air between his two dads.
"There he is! What are you doing under there, little one?" One of the ex-Decepticon's digits scratched underneath the scouts chin.
"NOHOHOTHING-! EEEK!!" Bumblebee squealed, pedes kicking off most of the blanket.
"You're a terrible liar, little bee," Optimus hummed while lifting the scout onto his lap.
"And do you know what liars get, Bee?" Megatron followed up.
Bumblebee squirmed in Optimus's grip, already giggling his little spark out. "nnnOO DON'T!!!!"
Ignoring Bumblebee's fake pleas, Megatron locked both of the scout's legs in a headlock. With this new leverage, he began dancing his digits along the underside of Bumblebee's knees.
"HAHA-*SNRK* AHAHAHAHAHA DAHAHAAD!!!" The scout squealed out, thrashing about in Optimus's lap. The other warframe wrapped his servos around him.
"Woah there, tiger! Does it tickletickletickle that bad?" Optimus cooed while scritching behind his horns.
"NAHAHAHAHOOO IT DOHOESN'T!!!" The minibot squealed while kicking his pedes. Megatron held the flailing limbs firmly still, keeping one of the scout's legs raised while his servo kneaded at the hinges of his knees.
"You sure? I don't think something that doesn't tickle would make you giggle this much..." Megatron commented, watching their son cackle for his life.
"STAHAHAHAP SAHAYING THAT!!" Bumblebee threw his helm back, knocking against Optimus's chassis while he did. Nothing, and I mean nothing, could have prepared him for what was gonna happen next...
Oh Primus platonic smooches were the worst for him. He couldn't help that they made him a thousand times more flustered!! And Optimus's little kisses were the worst because he always snuck little nibbles in..
"I think these sweet little horns need some loving..mwah mwah mwah!" Optimus alternated said kisses between each horn, making Bee flap his arms and cover up his faceplate.
"Oh they don't? What about this adorable tummy? Maybe these lovely wings?" Optimus dragged his digits along said places, making Bee curl up on himself.
"DAAAHAHAHAHAAHAD!!!" The yellow mech squeaked, wings fluttering behind him. Optimus was quick to move his faceplate out of the way.
"Woops, forgot that was one of your weak spots!"
Optimus, in fact, did not forget.
The bigger bot kneaded and scritched along the scout's wings, running his digits down the edges and pinching near the top point. A fond smile appeared on his face while he watched Bee squeal.
Megatron on the other hand(or servo, whichever you prefer) was going ham on the scouts knees and ankles. He gave Optimus a look, and the both of them stopped momentarily. Bee let out a whine of disapproval.
"Why did you st-" The scout onlined his optics after a little while, the sight he saw making him freeze in place. Optimus had both of his arms up above his helm, holding Bumblebee firm. And Megatron..oh Megatron.. He had his fingers wiggling right over Bee's stomach cavity, just barely brushing the surface.
Now if there was one thing Bumblebee absolutely loathed, it was anticipation. It was the worst and always seemed to drag on for the longest time with these two.
"What's wrong, little bug? Did you want us to keep tickling you?" Megatron raised an optic ridge, a smug grin on his faceplate. Bumblebee could feel the butterflies in full force now. All he could muster was a few giggles.
"Speak now or forever hold your peace, little one," Optimus crooned. And instead of a digit, a new little tool was now worked against the crook of Bee's underarm.
A feather.
"noNONONNONONNO PLEHEHEHEASE AHANYTHING BUT THAT!" Bumblebee kicked and flailed, unintentionally arching his stomach into Megatron's wiggling fingers.
"I don't even have to do anything! You're tickling yourself, buster," The warframe teased, secretly moving his digits down to scribble at Bee's sides.
"Woah, big beep! I'm guessing that reeeeeeally tickles, huh little guy?" Megatron chuckled to himself while pinching along Bee's stomach cavity. Meanwhile, Optimus had been etching the feather's along the grooves and crevices in Bee's plating. First his armpit, then his neck, then all the way down his back and to a little crevice just beneath where his ribs would be. The small scout could barely handle it as his belly laughter filled the room.
"Gosh, you're just the cutest thing! I really could just eat you up!" Megatron cooed to him while leaning his face downwards. Bee's little laughs piqued in pitch immediately and the two bigger bots winced slightly.
"Bee, he's barely gotten to the best part yet! Primus you're such a giggly little bot today!" Optimus teased between little pecks to the scout's horns. The minibot's faceplate was now flushed entirely with pink.
"NAHAHAHAHAH STAHAHAAAAP EEEEK!!" The scout kicked his pede against the bed three times, signaling he needed a break. His dad's stopped almost immediately, their servos now rubbing out the little ghost tickles.
"You okay there, Bee?" Optimus inquired, comfortingly massaging his wings. The yellow mech's engine purred with delight.
"You were giggling up a storm there. And you know you can always tell us when you're in a mood, right?" Megatron reminded him before getting up. "I'll get you a drink. Do you want warm or cold right now?"
"Waharm plehease," Bumblebee giggled, to which Megatron nodded and walked out of the berthroom. Optimus was already wrapping Bee back in his favorite blanket.
"Comfortable, sweetbee?" The truck mech hummed to him. His servos stopped massaging the other's wings and settled for stroking his helm.
"yeah ehehe.." Bumblebee rested his helm on his carrier's* chassis, engine still purring. By the time he shut his optics, Megatron had waltzed back in with a cup of warm energon.
"Here ya go, little guy. Just as warm as you like it," The gray mech handed the mug over and Bee took a small sip. After swallowing, a big yawn came after.
"Looks like someone needs a good rest. Want us to stay here with ya?" His sire** offered, placing a soft kiss to his forehelm.
Bee paused for a second before answering. "Yeah, actually. I'd like that."
The three mechs cuddled up together, Bee sandwiched between his two parents. The lights in the room were dimmed and then Bee was out like a light.

*carrier- term used for the mech that forged the sparklings **sire- term used for the mech that transferred the fluids needed to create the sparklings
i don't feel like explaining transformers fanon maternity terms please dont ask me i've been awake since 4am writing this(it's 7am at the time of posting)- took me forever but that's one down !!! yay !!!!
As always: Please read my pinned post before sending a request!
#jelly posts#sfw tickling community#sfw tk blog#sfw tickling#tickle fluff#transformers#transformers tickles#bumblebee#megatron#optimus prime#transformers earthspark#megop#earthspark megatron#earthspark optimus#earthspark bumblebee#tickle fic#tickle content#sfw twords#sfw tword community
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re:different interpretations of a particular character across media. Not the same anon but I think an accessible point of comparison is in comics especially Marvel or DC where different characters are regularly reimagined and can sometimes vastly differ depending on the writer and story that writer wants to tell. Like the Harley Quinn played by Margot Robbie is vastly different from how she was originally conceived (and even from movie to movie depending on who’s directing). And they’re both different than how she is in the animated Harley Quinn Show or who’s writing her in the comics. They’re allowed to act differently because they’re operating in different roles for different purposes. Transformers has basically always functioned like this too. The Harley in B:TAS isn’t going to act like the one in the Harley Quinn show because it would be out of character for that version of her, the same way you wouldn’t expect Starscream from Transformers Animated to act like the one in Prime. Not to say these shows don’t have their issues, but I just bring it up to express that continuity wise it’s more about maintaining internal consistency within the story and the following through if you set something up to be payed off eventually then adhering to strict rules for a specific character.
Yes! I think that's what I was kinda getting at myself (I feel like I lost my point in the post and the subject maybe, because now I'm rereading it and it's more of op saying "he's within his character to act this way!" And that's ok! 100%) but yes anon this is kinda what I was getting at.
Esspcially since I used to be a very big Marvel fan, these characters have seen so many variants of each other. Even in uts own media, Loki being a great example both in and out of comic, in the mcu and his own show.
There are Loki variants, they all kinda uobokd these "Loki like" traits, however they are their OWN person ,their OWN Loki. With different stories, roles, personalities that make them unquie but still inherently Loki.
I feel this way with Starscream and his Variants. As you said TFa and TFP are , both Starscreams but they are very different. They share the deviousness, cunning, and backstabbing nature. They both are kiss asses who won't hesitate to kill you if he sees an opening. But put them in a room they are so different in how they go about things.
I feel Tfa is way more stubborn and head strong, wanting to be cunning but also lieo LEMME KILL THIS BITCH IM SO DONE BEING SUBTLE- while TFP is way more prone to cowarding away from things. It fits both their narratives and their responses to their own Megatron. Because TFA Megs is NOTHING like TFP in the slightest.
Same as G1 and Sky bound Starscream. Look the same, BUT ARE NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING THE SAME. Sjosjdjdd who have a smol silly villian for giggles to literally murderous psychopath. Lol
I think that is my problem with TF:ES and Armada going into the rest of the trilogy. Is the Obvious want to step away from these inherently Starscream characterization, and IMMEDIATELY backpedleing.
You can not, set up this character to lead into an arc, to address these issues and then. Not only abandon it. But use a poor excuse of exposition, to say "Well Starscream does what he does." When in the VERY SAME SHOW, you have SHOWN his actions to contradict that very explanation.
No it is not in Earthspark Starscream's character to do and be bad because that 1. Wasn't established to be the case and 2. The episode of his introduction was literally based off of "Starscream is as selfish as they come" and SHOWING that statement to be FALSE by saving Hashtag.
I get the perspective that , Starscream can and should be allowed to be evil/bad as he has always been. You're allowed to enjoy that ! You're allowed to enjoy him that ! I do in his variants even if I make not like the media he come that time (looks at Sky bound) but I can appricate it.
However, it is also allowed to want more than this copy paste character for him. Because he is allowed to be different for each story, esspcially if the story sets him up that way.
I think as the reader/audience the biggest problem, with not just Transformers, but things like Marvel/DC, anything adjacent that has reoccurring characters of different variants to just. Is to have the expectation that they MUST abide by these characters "rules". And that to break them, is to some how destroy the character. People are allowed to want more for a character in a franchise that is not afraid to change up their characters. For better or even somtimes for worse, not everything will go well (Bayverse COUGH) but its a different take. And there is a reason some ppl prefer these things that are not aligned with the norm. because its different.
Yes Starscream can be evil, and that's ok. But wanting some change ina a franchise where these characters have seen so many changes in design, character, personality and backstroy. It is also vaild to want to see Starscream take into those changes and commit to them. He doesn't have to be a super ubber sweetheart, but it be nice for him to be a lil better and be able to come around like other cons do.
#anon ask#Ask answered#God this is long im so sorry#I am very passionate about writing#And#starscream#tfp starscream#tfa starscream#armada starscream#skybound starscream#Ect#Loki#Also Starscream is very Loki coded#They are almost as old as each other lol#transformers#maccadam#dc comics#marvel comics#Mcu loki#Writing#character discussion#You domt have to wubify him for him to be good#And being turned good is not being wubifyed#There is a way to do it#And thank you anon for the input!#I do alway appricate perspective and diving deep#It tickled my brain#earthspark starscream#hashtag malto
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Training with Terrans
Bumblebee was sitting , watching the sky and clouds, the sun shining bride. It was a wonderful day for a little break from Training and Fights.
Well, he though this...
Loud laughing was all He hear. He walks around to find put where the loud noices coming from and now He know who was laughing so loud.
The terrans are having playfights
Bumblebee smile a bit as he saw it , but they was a bit to loud in his opinion. He walks to the terrans.
"Hey, what are you all doing here?" Ask bumblebee
"We just playing Bee , don't worry." Nightshade told him. Bumblebee looks at him ,then to the others and then back to Nightshade
"I don't want stop the fun you have but you need to be more serious." Bumblebee told then
The terrans Looks at each other and then to bumblebee."ohhhh come on bee, we just playing!" Twitch say to him. " you always play with breakdown or someone Else". She said
"I'm Not a child twitch, Yeah i understand you but you need to be ready to fi- where are you." The terrans were gone , without a noice.
All terrans push him to the ground and sitting around him. They smiling at him. Bumble Was confused why did they do this on him. He has no idea Whats ging on , but then
"EEE!", Bumblebee screams high pit as twitch poke his side. She looks at him with a little evtl grin. " waaaiit a minute, can that be you're Ticklich bee?". As twitch ask him this, he getting nervous...reeeally nervous
" what me? Ticklich? Noooo hehe ofc i'm Not." He say. But the terrans don't belive him.
"Really , sooo i can ...do this?" Twitch tickling his stomach , making him giggle.
" heeheheheh T-Twitch! Stop!"."Hmmmm let me think.. no!". Then twitch tickling faster, making bumblebee giggle more, but it turns into laughter as Thrash and Nightshade tickling each sides, Hashtag tickling his neck and Jawbreaker tickling his armpits.
"AAHHHAHAHHAHA!!! NONONONOOHOO!! STOP, STOOOHHOHOP!!! EEEEEE!!!!" Bumblebee try to push them away but they was to strong for him
"Haa! I never know you were ticklish bee." Jawbreaker said, still tickling him. The other terrans looking bumblebee laughing ans wiggling around like fish out of water
The terrans stop the tickle attack on bee , letting him breath. After 2 minutes bumblebee stand up
"Why did you doing this?"." We just bored hehe ,but i need to say , i never know that you so ticklich." Nightshade told him
Bumblebee just looing at then and speak with a serious , deep voice:" Never do this again , okay?"
"Okay." All terrans say. "I hope so , but watch out , i will get m, revenge soon." With this worden bumblebee go away. Now the terrans getting nervous and a bit scared
New story is out!! Sorry when its short, but i Hope you like this anyways ^^
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Nightshade having a snort laugh oHOOO MY FREAKING FRAGGING FRICK BRO 😩😩😩💖💕🙂↕️😭🥹💗💝💓✨🎉‼️

#OH MY GOODNESS#I GOT SO GIDDY#THEIR LAUGH IS SO??????#SO???????#They are so silly#I also love their alt mode AUHHGHGDHSSH#NIGHTSHADE IS SO FREAKING FIRE WHAT THE HECK#Transformers Earthspark tickle#Transformers tickle#Rubbing my hands together evilly#Transformers ES fans you aren’t ready for me#Deleting later
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So I finally got around to watching Transformers One last night. Good movie! Not my favorite take on Megatron, but I'm still firmly on team Decepticon, funny enough :p What can I say? I'm on team "kill your oppressors." >:]
But what I can't help but to want to think about is how Starscream is just a grade A masochistic freak in Transformers One!!! Honestly, a valid reading of his character! And I LOVE that for him!!! It just reminds me of why he's always been my favorite! He may have had some takes that I don't like around, but man. I LOVE him just BEGGING D-16 to beat the shit out of him! Man's just been looking for someone to beat him good enough, and he finally got that in Megatron and good for his masochistic ass! That tickles me so very much! And honestly now I can't decide which take on Starscream I like more... Him just being an entirely shameless masochistic freak that craves for Megatron to beat his sorry ass, or for what they were going for him with Earthspark where he was very clearly in an abusive relationship with Megs, but Megatron feels bad about it now and wants to treat Starscream better (to which Starscream is understandably resistant to have anything to do with Megs now). I can't decide which I like more! Masochistic freak (affectionate) or poor abused little meow meow! >.< But I do find it neat how Starscream was the previous leader of the High Guard or whatever they were called, implying pretty directly that he was just the strongest out of all of them and that's why he gets to be second in command. Good for him and him finding someone at last that doesn't hold back when beating the crap out of him!
#transformers#transformers one#megatron#decepticons#starscream#starscream transformers one#starscream transformers
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for the fun questions:
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
30. what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
there's nothing inherently Bad about saying no and that doesn't make you a bad person, and don't listen to the dumb thoughts that your brain comes up with after 9 PM
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
i guess having modeled, rigged and animated something, because i Normally rely on pre-existing, already rigged Models for animation. i never thought i would get as far as to create something in 3D, let alone make it Move...
30. what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
rewatching earthspark episode 1, specifically when megatron first shows up. she does this slow descent to the ground and starts transforming as the beat drops, her parts shifting and making The Iconic Transformation noise, which complements the hard as Fuck soundtrack
... it just. tickles my brain in the right spots Every Single Time, even thinking about this gave me goosebumps, and looking it up to take a screenshot made my hands start shaking from excitement !!!!!! i love love love love this clippppppppppp
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Hello!!!! I read the pred hcs you made for some transformers and I really loved them…I was wondering if you had more? I’d love to hear more about TFP Ratch or TFE Bee…but honestly I’ll take any character you’d like to elaborate on. Those were SO cute 🥺
Good day, dear anonymous!
I'm really happy you like my post - thank you very much for your kind words!!! Unfortunately, I don't have any more ideas about Ratchet and Bee for now... But as soon as I get some, I will definitely post them!
And at this time, here I have predcanons for other transformers from different universes. Hope you will enjoy!
P. S: I'm really sorry for my long silence - sometimes school takes too much of my time...
Always confident and calm ninja seems to be quite easy-going at the first glance, but the more you watch him the better you see that in reality he prefers being all by himself, and it demands time to earn his respect and affection. So, like Ultra Magnus, he would be very picky about who he would let inside of his fueltank. However, as far as he warms up to someone, he gets unbelievably chilly about swallowing his beloved team pal down. Need a place to rest? Feel scared or upset? Lonely? Just get in. He doesn't see any point in long ceremonies; his movements are slow and gentle, however it doesn't take much time for Jacky to push you down his throat with a satisfied hum. At the same moment, the part of the process he would adore is tasting; unusual, exotic human flavours would make his processor just buzz in bliss! Sometimes he would take his time a little, carefully, methodically licking a person in his mouth from head to toe, rolling and tickling them with a tip of his tongue, optics closed and lips smiling joyfully. Only when there is no dry spot on the human's body, he would title his helm back and let them slide further into his core. Wheeljack would never be shy to speak to his friends after they got in his fueltank; often he is watched by puzzled eyes of comrades while he's running around his business and talking to someone they can't actually see or hear. But he doesn't pay much attention on their reaction anyways...
As an addition: Wheeljack finds vore a perfect chance to take Mico with him and Bulkhead on missions without Ultra Magnus noticing anything. And he always manages to set her free right at the time when no one is able to see it. So, Magnus is repeatedly driven mad by this small, innocent tricks, although he admits human child's help is quite useful from time to time.
TFE (Earthspark)
This mech with difficult, sarcastic, but secretly soft character would be a shy and nervous kind. He would be quite concerned about his tiny friend's safety; when it comes to gulping them down, the 'con is too afraid that he can accidentally hurt them if something goes wrong. And he is sure it will go wrong because he is too used to failings... Moreover: it's really hard to win his trust because of everything he has been through. That way, it would be not a simple task to convince this ex-decepticon that vore is actually a good thing. However, if you manage to go over with all the obstacles, he will be the most careful and wholesome pred ever. And once he completely understands there is no danger - an obsessively willing one. He wants to keep his human companion as close as possible, warm and protected from everything and everyone (especially Megatron). He can get a little teasy in attempt to see how you blush and smile - recognition of his human's pleasure makes his spark sing of happiness; but usually he would just coo at you softly, give you a light kiss in the forehead and then his smooth lips would slowly, but demandingly pull you into his salivating mouth. As a person with PTSD he always needs to have absolute control over the situation, something unexpected (abrupt movements, screams, loud laugh, sudden rough squeezing of his insides) extremely freaks him out; so, you better let Starscream take the lead and stay still. After his darling reached their destination, he would try to move less, not wishing to cause any problems to them. He would curl up in a tight ball, hugging his middle with both arms and stroking it happily, and speak to them softly until he and his prey both fall asleep.
As an addition: sometimes he have panic attacks and feel deep enxiety, so some reassuring weight inside of him would be required.
This autobot is a tough guy which is quite strict to others as well as to himself. So, you shouldn't expect him being a sweetheart. Although the alien samurai never forgets about humans' fragility, his tiny friends are barely treated softly most of the time because they are members of their team like others; they have responsibilities and have to work on their best without excuses or privileges. He doesn't accept extreme sensitivity in anyone; in order to that, he can often hurt his little partner's feelings. I think in this case, vore for him would be a way to apologize for being rude and to show that his friend can trust him; putting them deep inside of his body, close to his spark would mean that whatever offensive things he says sometimes, he is always there for his precious comrades. Of course, his is a QUITE protective pred; if Drift understands that his companion isn't able to defend themselves, he will simply grab little one in a second and shove them into his mouth - such straight forward actions committed without any explanation can be shocking for a prey, but, unfortunately, they should just live with it; he won't change anyways. If you're his close friend or a lover, then perhaps he will go slightly easier on you; at least, he will be definitely more gentle and caring every time he is bound to send you down his fueltank.
However good control Drift has over his emotions, he isn't able to deny that he likes the entire process. When there is an opportunity, he loves examining his sensations; presence of a small life hiding in his very core has a comforting and relaxing influence on him, especially because of his protective instincts. These are the points why he wouldn't hurry to set his human friend free (not like they would be unhappy about it though). The samurai wouldn't tell anyone about where his partner is once they got tucked into his "stomach" (even to the minicons) because in Drift's opinion it could be shameful for both included; that way, when he is around others you can imagine that he has forgotten about you at all. It's not true. And the fact that even during the hardest battles he will keep you fine inside no matter the cost perfectly proves it. But he would pay attention on you openly only in private, far away from the team. Then he would lay one servo on his waist, caressing it delicately, and finally ask softly if you are OK in there. Afterwards, perhaps there would be a long philosophical discussion till the evening, when he would let you out to look at a beautiful sunset from his shoulder.
#safe vore#soft vore#extreme cuddling#transformers vore#transvoremers#earthspark vore#tfp vore#tf rid vore#drift vore#starscream vore#wheeljack vore
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Howdy ho! I love you're fanfics and was wondering if maybe you could do a Lee Starscream? The ler can be your choice
I just know Starscream needs to get wrecked, he's such a goober X3
thanks to u and these two anons(one of which i know who it is-) i can write this fic!! thanks so much!!

How Childish!
Lee: Starscream
Ler: Bumblebee
(please note that this fic takes place during SEASON 3 of Earthspark and will contain minor spoilers!)
It was another day at the Autobot Base. Starscream found himself holed up yet again in that stupid prison cell. And he hated being holed up. The seeker's wings twitched with annoyance, which caught the attention of the mech that was so graciously assigned to keep him in check.
"You know, you'd be able to fly if you didn't spend so much of your life terrorizing innocent people," The scout spoke. He stood outside of the cage, scrolling through a datapad.
"Yes because trapping mechs that are meant to fly is totally a moral high ground!" Starscream scoffed, wings twitching with increasing irritation.
Bumblebee sighed and put a servo on his hip. "What, do you want me to take you on a walk?"
"I am not a dog!" The seeker hissed while Bumblebee put in a pin to unlock the door.
"Come on, I know that look. You never complain about wanting to go outside as much as you have today," The scout pinched his wing, trying to drag Starscream along.
"eeEEEK!!" The seeker squealed, startling the other mech.
"What was that?!?!" Bumblebee exclaimed. "Nearly blew out my audials."
Starscream was trying his best not to squirm, to no avail. His servos flew to his intake, trying to suppress his giggles. Bumblebee's optics widened as he let go.
"Don't tell me...you're TICKLISH??!" The scout yelled, making the other mech freeze up.
"I-i'm not! That would be childish," The other mech spoke before dissolving into giggles from another pinch at his wing.
"You are!" Bumblebee gasped. Starscream was quiet for a while before tugging his wing away and bolting out the open door.
"On no you don't!" Bee yelled before transforming and zooming down the hall after him. Starscream let out a yelp before picking up the pace. The seeker cut a corner, sprinting down the next hall towards Wheeljack's lab.
"YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME, LITTLE BEE!" Starscream yelled as he hopped over a few crates in the way. Bumblebee drove up the wall and promptly flipped, landing right on top of the other mech.
"Gotcha, fly boy!" The yellow mech exclaimed, wiggling his digits tauntingly. The seeker kicked his legs, trying to wriggle out from underneath him.
"ehehe- no, NO YOU WOUHOULDN'T!!" The seeker squeaked, trying to curl up on himself.
"Wouldn't what? Tickle you? Why are ya so scared? Is it cause you're ticklish?" Bumblebee teased while his finger's moved in on the seeker's wings.
"NOHOHO DON'T SAY THAHAAAT!!" Starscream shrieked, immediately dissolving into giggles.
"What? Tickle? Tickletickletickle!" He teased, digits lightly grazing the metal of Starscream's wings.
"STAHAHAHAAP!! SHUT UP SHUT UHUPP!!!" The plane mech squeaked, banging his fist on the ground.
"Aw but if I shut up, I can't tell you when I've found all your sweet spots! Lets tryyy..." Bumblebee's voice trailed off as he looked for a spot to start with. His servos briefly hovered over the back of his knees.
"Whahat are you- EHEHEHEHEKAHAHA!!-" The seeker was caught off guard by digits scribbling on the backs of his thighs. He thrashed about, wings fluttering frantically behind him.
"Oh, did I find a bad spot? Does it tickletickletickle there? Did I find one of your giggle buttons?" Bee teased, inching his hands over to pinch and prod at the back of Starscream's knees.
"HEHEHE- SNRK!! NOHOHOHO NOT THEHEHERE!!" The seeker cackled, burying his helm in his arms.
"Not there? Then where, fly boy? You gotta speak up so the Tickle Monster and get ya proper-like!"
"DOHON'T CALL YOURSELF THAHAHAT!!" Starscream giggled into his arms. Bumblebee tsked at him while moving his servos danced across the seeker's wings.
"What, are you scared of the TickleTickleTickle Monster?" The scout smirked to himself and briefly got off Starscream before flipping him onto his back. "Too bad, cause he wants to see your smile!"
"LIKE THE PIT YOU DO!!" Starscream yelled, keeping his faceplate covered with his servos.
"That's too bad! Guess I'll have to use my ultimate trick..."
Starscream uncovered his faceplate, peeking down at the scout. His optics widened with awe as little sparks flew off the scout's fingers.
"you wouldnt-" He squeaked while fingers inched closer to his chassis.
"Oh, but I would!" Bee smirked before stopping just above the metal of Starscream's stomach.
"Youhou're EVIL!" The jet squealed, kicking his pedes behind the scout.
"Funny coming from the evilest mech I know!" Bee retorted while feathering two digits along Starscream's sides. Short little electric shots shot through the plating.
"SNRK- HEHEHEHEHEHEEHE!! THAT TI- SNRK-" Starscream felt his faceplate heat up and tint bright pink.
"It what? Tickles? Come on, you can say that, can't you?~" The bee cooed, knowing damn well the answer. "Come on, tell me how much it tickles, fly boy!" The mech's little shocks traveled downwards while he started to knead the seeker's hips.
"IHIHIT TICKLES SOHOHO BAHAAAAD!! QUIHIT IT!!" Starscream wheezed out, hitting his servo on the ground next to them.
"You really want me to stop?" Bumblebee hummed while slowing down his tickles.
"PLEHEHEHEHEASE!!! HIC- HAVE MERCY!!" The other mech squealed.
"Fine, fine. I won't kill you," Bumblebee lifted his servos and helped the other mech sit up. Starscream leaned on the other's shoulder, still sort of giggly.
"Need some energon?" Bee spoke while his servo rubbed small circles into the seeker's back. Starscream's wings flicked upwards.
"I don't need your pity!...But that does sound nice right about now."
"Whatever you say, fly boy."
HI TYSM FOR READING I CAN'T BELIVE THIS TOOK THREE SAYS....actually i know why it took three days i have a wrist injury-
BUT!! I hope you enjoy my starbee propaganda 😈😈😈
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Bumblebee vs. Terrans
It was now two days ago the terrans tickling bumblebee. He don't know why but he want revenge, so he has e Plan to do this
He walks around to find the terrans, but they was nowhere..
After 10 minutes he saw twitch watching the sky and playing with the grass. Bumblebee walks slowy to her and Grab her.
"Bee , what the.. let me goooo!!!", she try so Hard to get out of his grip, but its Not working
"Why should i let you go...After you and the others tickling me to death huh?", bumblebee told her. Then he lay her down to the ground and tickling her sides, makkng her laugh.
"I never stop twitch, let me test it here.", he starts tickling her hips."AAAA!NOO!NOTTHEHEHERE!BEEEEEHEHEHEH!!! ACKKK!!! STOOP PLEHEHEASE!!!", Twitch laughing so loud the other terrans coming. Bad for then, good for bumblebee. He stops tickling twitch and watch to the others
"Oh grap!" Hashtag says as she run away with the others , but Bumblebee catch her.
"Bee! Let me go!", she trys to get out but no luck. Bumblebee grinning at her and start poking her stomache. She giggles and try to push his hand away but...he starts tickling her
"EEEE!!BEE NO PLEASE!!! NOT THAHAHAT!!". Hashtag laughs and wiggle around like a worm. He keeps tickling her. He try it now at her rips.
"AAAAHAHAHEEEEE!!! NOTTHERE, NOTTEEHEHEHRE!!! STOOHOP!". She yelled. After 2 minutes bumblebee stops and he saw the next one: jawbreaker
He sneak behind him tickles him without Warnung, jawbreaker start laughing, he try to kick bumblebee away but for his bad , bumblebee Grab his legs.
"B-Bee wait , we can talk about it right?", he said to him, nervous. Bumblebee only grin. " Sure we can talk , After this!" And bumblebee tickling jawbreakers feet.
"NOONONONO! AAHAHAHHA*snort*AAHAHAHHAH!! PLEEHEHASE!! AAHAHAH*snort*AHAHAH!!", Jawbreaker laugh extremly loud and he wiggles around , he also starts crying. Bumblebee stops then , letting hum breath.
Now, two terran are left. Nightshade and Thrash
He try to find them and he saw Nightshade hiding behind a tree. Bumblebee has a idea. "Hmm i can't find them , Well then i go." Ha walks away , Well Nightshade was thinking this . Without warnung Bumblebee stand behind him and tickling his armpits.
"EEEEE! HEEHEHYYYY! STOOP THAT!", Nightshade loud giggles, try to push Bee away
" Let me Thing...no." Then bumblebee tickling his armpits and rips. Nightshade screams in laughter.
Bumblebee stops and letting him breath, he now try to find thrash, and he find him
" ohhh thrash~ i see you there buddy , come on out.", he said , but thrash didn't came out. Bumblebee then Grab him and tickling him without Warnung, making him laugh and wiggle
"BEEEEE!!NOTTHAHAT!! ANYTHING BUT THAT! PLEASEEE!"."say sorryyy~ or i keep tickling you." Bumblebee say to him
"OKAY OKAY! WE SORRYYY! NOW STOOHOP!!". And with this words Bumblebee stops
The other terrans coming to them, looking at bumblebee. " Now , you five lernen your lassen?"." Yes bumblebee." They told Him
"Good, now come here you five." The terrans run to him and hugging him, he hugs back ofc. " never do it again okay? "." Okay".
The rest of the day bumblebee and the terrans Training for the future fights
Part two is finish ,hope you all like it ^^
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I finally finished watching TF:EarthSpark S1 (please give me like 2+ seasons) and I have gathered all my thoughts into one silly list
Love how Alex Malto is very Filipino honestly. Like- it's so small but he's very there and he's the only fictional Filipino I've ever seen in anything live-action or animated that didn't originate from the Philipines. My dad was immediately activated when he heard/saw Alex say 'nanay' (my TV was quiet compared to the movie he was watching in the other room) and it makes me insanely happy. Also he's a lot like my dad scarily enough.
Originally I had TF:Cyberverse in my brain as the 'divorced Transformers show' but EarthSpark has much more divorced-exes vibes oml. Megatron with Soundwave and Shockwave, Bumblebee with Breakdown, Tarantulas in general, especially Megan and Sounders
I'm not a fan of humans in TF stories but the Maltos were great- they were woven into the story very well and were also very entertaining! Alex could infodump and had a fun arc with Bumblebee, Dottie and her backstory were great lore-fillers and her mom abilities were silly (there were a lot of dads but only one mom), Robbie and Mo felt like their own characters without overshadowing the Transformers, and the other background humans were generally enjoyable.
On the other hand- Mandroid didn't really stick with me, especially after he came back after his thingy blew up. Dude is practically a zombie- let him die 😭 BUT I'm excited to see what he'll do next season regardless of how little I enjoyed him as the big baddie
This show has so many dads oml. Alex Malto, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Tarantulas, Soundwave, where are all these dads coming from?! It's so fun, you get dads in different fonts like silly, casual war vet, PTSD war vet, not-paid enough war vet, new dad war vet, give him another chance war vet, and angry ex!
Starsceam's eyes are blue! It's so random and small but it activates my brain! Is it a design choice or something more?!
We've seen multiple stunticons but never all together in one place. I wonder if we'll get Menasor or not but, regardless, I love this version of Breakdown so much. Dude is so chill and spawned a new ship in my brain QwQ Bumbledown? Breakbee? Those two had very complicated vibes but my non-TF fan sibling agrees with me they have friendly exes energy
The fight scenes were so 💋 smooth and beautiful and I'd marry the fight scenes if they were people
I thought Bumblebee's friend he was chasing down was going to be Blurr because hee hoo I grew up watching TF:Animated and TF:Cyberverse plus Blurr is one of my favorite Transformers
Arcee with her classic car-inspired look omg 🛐 she's so cool and pretty besides for her black eye-liner thing. It looks really weird when her eyes are closed but she's very pretty regardless
Addicted to the found-family vibes of this show (It's not a TF series unless there's found family) but the especially traumatic energy of Tarantulas and Nightshade fuels my 4:47 AM mind. Tarantulas literally doesn't care about anything other than keeping this kid safe and can't tell what actually is safe or not and SACRIFICES HIMSELF SO NIGHTSHADE AND THEIR ENTIRE FAMILY CAN ESCAPE. PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM HE JUST WANTS TO LIVE IN PEACE WITH THE COOL KID HE FOUND IN HIS HOUSE ONE DAY
The size differences in this show are immaculate.
After getting kidnapped by Mandroid and cut, Megatron keeps the slice in his shoulder for later episodes and it's so cool that the continuity is there but sir, please patch yourself up! I don't hate it, it looks cool, but your armor is broken!
Please where did Mandroid get the funds to make who knows how many Arachnamechs?! The government/GHOST sure wasn't paying him while he was in his corrupted Howl's Moving Castle evil lab or sitting in his illegal fight ring.
I know the captions call Hashtag 'Hashtag' but she said she didn't have a word for it therefore her name in my brain is actually gonna be #. Just that. #. She deserves it because she's so silly. She has a fake ponytail and headset as part of her head design- it's amazing.
On the topic of design, Nightshade's protoform look was a little uncomfy for me with the helmet leaving their head very exposed and the random 'ear' discs. It felt weird but after they got their alt-mode they've been nothing but beautiful.
Jawbreaker my boy- you don't need an alt-mode to be so silly <3
Reoccurring Fluffy Ears is amazing
Honestly a lot of designs are either hits or misses. Megatron looked perfect to me but Optimus was off with his very flat head and weird faceplate. Like he was missing a forehead and the faceplate itself looked wonky. Soundwave was super pretty, even if his face is one solid color he absolutely rocked that look. I miss the smiley face Cyberverse Bee had on his pelvis area but at least my eyes aren't drawn to EarthSpark Bee's hips lol. Also Wheeljack. They brought back the mustache face but made it white and it feels incredibly silly and cool and scary and weird at the same time.
I think I'm done rambling for now but this might come back later hee hoo
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I wonder if buffing/polishing would tickle the Terrans much. Such a normal step of Cybertronian self care night be so hard for the fresh-chassied Terrans, each of them reacting I their own way. It also doesn’t help they have connected emotions…
Okay, I've actually thought about this, it definitely tickles, for regular transformers, itd tickle but only if someone else did it, but for the terrans, they are practically pure energy, so they are way more sensitive than actual cybertronians and it works if they do it themselves.
Mo tried to polish thrash, it had thrash on the floor in a laughing fit, and had her, twitch and Robbie slightly giggling. I think that physical pain or ticklish sensations are only slightly felt by the others connected.
After hashtag j.b and nightshade were 'born' nightshade tried to buff a mark out of themselves underground and left everyone who was above ground giggling, and they thought they were going insane, well that was till they heard nightshade laughing loudly (hashtag and j.b were still confused, having no idea what tickling was)
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An excerpt from Ben’s World of Transformers website about the new TF cartoon, Earthspark.
So, I previously went into the backstory of how the MLP “G1 / G2 / G3 etc” labels originally derived from Transformers toys having a set called “Generation 2″. So then fans retroactively called the previous set “G1″ (even though they weren’t technically marketed like that.)
And now, like a boomerang, the “Generation Whatever” label has whipped back around to hit Transformers again, now with the Gx.5 label, which derived from the MLP community as far as I know.
Ben talks about “G1.5″ being used for certain European exclusive TF toys that appeared in the late 90s. But the more well-known (imo) Gx.5 term was invented independently around 2009 when the pony molds for the Core 7 (Cheerilee, Pinkie Pie, and other G3 ponies) changed radically. There was a big fan argument about whether the new molds should be called G3s (due to still being the same characters in the same setting) or G4s (due to being new molds). Eventually fans split the difference and called the toys G3.5s.
What Ant Ward is describing is both similar and different from MLP’s G3 / G3.5 descriptors. Toys are not a factor (as Transformers has already made a bazillion different molds of Optimus, Megatron, etc), he is solely talking about continuity. He’s using G1.5 to denote that Earthspark has a history similar to the G1 cartoon (though not identical), which then splits off into a new continuity. For example, the events of the 1986 movie and beyond never happened in this universe, Optimus Prime is alive and well. This is a “what-if” continuity compared to G1 TF.
Anyway, I am always tickled to see new iterations of the “Gx” label.
(Also Earthspark is great, highly recommend.)
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speaking of es megatron in your other ask answer,,, may I request some ler!es megatron bc I have been watching earthspark and he will not exit my mind I hate him 😕/pos

sure, i'll do my best!!
I'm not a Sparkling!
Lee: Bumblebee
Ler: Megatron
(please note that this fic is STRICTLY platonic. bumblebee and megatron are father son to me personally, so i will write their relationship as such!)

It had been a few hours now, and Megatron was still looking around for Bumblebee. He hadn't gone to see the Terrans, he wasn't out on patrol, and he wasn't in the training room. Where else could he be? After a few more minutes of looking, he decided to ask the one person who knew their son best.
"Optimus, have you seen Bee anywhere?" The grey mech questioned. Althought he wasn't trying to look worried, Optimus could see right through him.
"Are you concerned about him? Last time I saw, he was sulking in his berthroom. I'm surprised you haven't looked there yet," Optimus hummed calmly.
"Can you blame me? The only time he's ever in his berthroom is at unruly hours of the night and early morning!" Megatron scoffed. "Whatever, I'll go get him."
The former Decepticon made a beeline(haha get it) for the scout's berthroom, promptly knocking on his door. No answer.
"Bumblebee?" The gray mech asked. Still no answer.
"Bumblebee? I'm coming in," Megatron warned before sliding open the door. And what he saw made him chuckle slightly.
The yellow scout was sprawled across his berth, tissues littering the floor and a water bottle closeby. His usual multitude of blankets had fallen to the floor, save for one that was barely clinging on.
"What am I gonna do with this kid?.." He sighed softly to himself and walked in, cleaning up the littered tissues which were stained with solvent. Bee never usually cried, even less so cried himself to sleep. This was a serious matter indeed. After trashing the- well- trash, Megatron sat at the foot of Bee's berth and lightly shook him.
"Bee..wake up," He urged, but the scout didn't budge. The former Decepticon shook a little harder, but to no avail.
But then...he got an idea. A very evil and wicked idea that was sure to wake that scout right up. Was he gonna get fussed at? Absolutely. But it was worth it.
One of his fingers started prodding at Bee's side, brushing against the newly polished metal. This made the other mech snicker, but he wasn't quite awake yet.
That's when Megatron started to scritch his fingers along Bumblebee's lower back. That did it. The scout snorted quietly before trying to swat away the other's hand.
"Stohop that!" Bumblebee giggled groggily, finally grabbing hold Megatron's hand and attempting to push it away.
"Stop what? I'm barely touching you, little bee!" Megatron mused, scooping up the mini bot with one arm and locking him in place. Bumblebee opened up his optics, met with taunting fingers wiggling just above his stomach.
"NAHAHA, OKAY I'M AWAKE I'M AWAHAAKE!!" Bumblebee squealed, kicking his pedes while he snickered.
"Some sparkling's really squeaking! I haven't even touched you yet, kiddo!" Megatron teased.
"STAHAPPP I'M NOT A SPARKLING ANYMOHOOORE!!!" Bumblebee giggled, now squirming like crazy.
"I dunno..you sure do sound like one right now.." The war-framed bot teased. Just then, he began to just barely spider his fingers across Bee's stomach. The scout yelped out, giggles erupting from his voice box.
"EHEHEHHEYYAA!! STAHAHAHAAAAP IHIT TIIHIHIICKLES!!" The bright yellow mech squirmed about, wings slightly fluttering behind him.
"Does it? Does that tickle tickle tickle? Is it because you're tickle tickle ticklish? Scared the Tickle Monster is gonna get you?" Megatron teased, now tickling him full force. Bee's faceplate was now bright pink as he lightly hit Megatron's arms.
"Who's this dad you're talking about? I'm very obviously the tickle monster!" The war-frame mech cooed while kneading right where his middle rib would be...if he had ribs.
The yellow scout melted into hysterics, his helm shaking about frantically.
"DAHA-*beep!*-AD!!" He squealed, flapping his hands around.
"Still don't know who you're talkin about! But the Tickle Monster is getting hungry.." Megatron moved Bee and held him down on the bed, making sure his arms were pinned above his head. Bumblebee tried go wriggle out of his grip.
"nnOOOO!!- YOU WOULDN'T, YOU WOUKDIHIHINN'T!!" The scout protested. Megatron ignored his pleas and lowered his helm towards the minibot's midsection. The yellow mech squeezed his optics shut, bracing himself for the bombardment..
but it never came.
Instead, Bee was met with Megatron with a smug look on his faceplate.
"What's got this little bee so giggly today?" The bigger mech questioned while poking the other's hip.
"Ihihi don't KNOW!!" The bee squeaked in reply, dissolving into giggles yet again.
"I mean, I'm not even pressing your giggle button! Speaking of, where is it again? Is it here? Mayyyybe here?" As if on cue, Megatron started poking and prodding along his back.
"EHEHEHEEEK!! *beep! beep!*"
"Ah, here it is!" The gray mech started lightly scritching at Bumblebee's wings, absolutely driving him up a wall. The ungodly beep that came after was enough to burst a poor human's eardrums.
Megatron chuckled at the onslaught of laughter coming from his sparkling, a fond smile on his face as he buried his face in the other's neck cables.
"Om nom nom nom nom!!" He cooed while blowing little raspberries into the cables.
"BAHAHAHHAHAHAHA *SNRK SNRK* STOHOOOP OKAYHEHEHE I GIHIVE!!" Bee squealed, tapping frantically on Megatron's arm. The bigger mech ceased his attack, moving his hands to comfortingly rub the other's back.
"Can I ask why you were crying earlier?" The former Decepticon offered.
"...No," Bee whispered, tucking his helm into his father's chest.
"Alright, I won't ask again then."

HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE i had so much fun wruting this i was so addicted to it that i was writing it at work when it was slow andmgjhsv msdmvhehghb keogtoahthsjvjjsjjfjdgd-
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sorry im back been having thoughts :sob: but was thinking about earthspark bee and the terrans and like. i feel the terrans would try to drag him into tickle fights. the inexperienced sparklings get decimated by him (bee is being very careful to keep it fun and not go overboard but they haven't quite got the hang of tickling yet). something something training exercises where tickling gets involved etc etc. it's all fine until the terrans' (lighthearted and silly) complaining gets the attention of optimus and megatron. the two look at each other and instantly get the same idea, and the next time the terrans get into a tickle fight with bee, they have some backup :3 - 🥝
no because optimus and megatron are the worst lers when it comes to bee. they know all of his death spots and will absolutely just wreck him until he's wheezing ARGH. the terrans watch in awe as the guy who was just wrecking them dissolves into giggle and laughs of his own..
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I imagine Transformers Earthspark Bumblebee to have really ticklish doors and tummy. Like raspberries will take this guy OUT his wings with be flapping and be hiding his face in his hands. And his little shoulder wheels whir when he’s embarrassed. 🩵🐻
earthspark bumblebee mention??????? goodbye goodbye goodbye goodb- ARRRRRGGHHHHH I LOVE EARTHSPARK BUMBLEBEE I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM AND YPURE SOOOOOOO RIGHT WITH THESE HCS please let me out of my enclosure please please please please please i promise im normal about es bumblebee and his lights flashing when you surprise him and him snorting when you brush against his horns and he hates when optimus brings out the brush to clean behind his horns because IT TICKLES SO BAD.
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Ooh, what’s your tickle hcs for Nghtshade?
Nightshade was the first of the new terrans to find out about tickling and tickles, they wanted to buff and polish themselves and the new three knew what tickling was.
They are all super ticklish but I think nightshade is the least ticklish out of the malto siblings, not that they aren't ticklish
They are the tickle monster that everyone watches out for, because of how quiet and sneaky they are they can jump anyone in seconds
Their head v thingy is ticklish (brush your fingers over it and they will giggle)
When nightshade stay in their lab for to long thrash and hashtag pin tickle them (hashtag holds his arms in the air and thrash tickles)
Likes to tease and make it like an experiment, stuff like 'i wonder what will happen if I poke here's and 'ive come to the conclusion you are very giggly' or something stupid
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