#transformers Sprocket
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ask-4-transforming-idiots · 1 month ago
What's your guys favorite thing to do to pass time?
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(Sprockets almost always working)
(Reese does alot in his free time)
(Strider has a soft spot for bots smaller than him so Rumble and Frenzy like hanging around him on his down time (thay can convince him into practically anything)
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(Sunshot likes to have fun)
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samson-the-whale · 1 month ago
The charecters you'd get to ask directly wouled be my oc's
Other charecters Frome there lore and sutch can get asked later we'll see how things go
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nyr0mn1ac · 9 months ago
I'm gonna give you guys a minute to swallow the fact that this exist.
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universe-prime · 3 months ago
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Some shenanigans with my little freaks just to give y'all a taste lmao
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quibble-auk · 3 months ago
Still thinking about this fanfic…
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Some more extremely rushed doodles from Misaligned Gemini because it’s still spinning around my head. This time we’ve got a bunch of the companions.
I labeled their names cause I’ve never drawn them before and imma be real and admit I didn’t recognize them immediately lol
Srs tho, go read it. It’s so worth it.
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eyefocusing · 6 months ago
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the action master brothers!!!!
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balloonanimalparty · 1 month ago
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This makes me laugh so much
Poor Sprocket is gonna (or he already does-) have neck problems cause he has to lean over to kiss his husband 💀
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boneeatingbird · 2 years ago
*offers you my crappy OC named Sprocket*
Take him
Take him and love him or I will release my cicadas on you
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Look at him hes so silly goofy murder bot
And here's the car hes designed off of, a Ford Crestliner
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And in a few time frames I'm getting a commission for him done and seeing how my dubiously moral bot looks and force y'all to like him too
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vanillabeanmachine · 8 months ago
𝚆𝙸𝙿 𝚆𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢 #𝟷
𝙽𝚘 𝙻𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙶𝚘: 𝙰𝚗 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠 𝚒𝚗 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚜 -- 𝙰𝚌𝚝 𝙸
Hello everyone 👋😊 I've been working on No Letting Go for a while now and am excited to share that I'm almost ready to post Act I, which currently stands at approximately 14.5K words. This seems to be shaping up as the average length for each of the four acts. As I continue to polish and refine No Letting Go, I’ve decided to start sharing snippets every Wednesday. This will not only give you a glimpse of the content but also some of the behind-the-scenes thought process. Stay tuned!
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The recorder was not the same that Daniel had once owned in 1973. Indeed, Daniel couldn't quite recall the exact model or brand of his original device, nor the circumstances of its disappearance—had it been shattered in a sudden fit of rage? Perhaps it had vanished, lost in the swirling chaos of his drug-addled days? It was equally plausible that it lay forgotten in some distant apartment, nestled under a thick layer of dust, untouched and unthought of for almost half a century. Moreover, Daniel wasn’t certain that this Suga model had even existed in 1973. A wave of nostalgia had swept over him one day as he had strolled down Camden High Street, leading him to purchase this particular piece on a whim. Initially, it hadn’t worked at all, prompting nights spent poring over YouTube tutorials and hunting down obsolete tech parts on eBay in an attempt to restore it. Eventually, he had given up on pure restoration, instead cobbling together a functioning unit by marrying the surviving vintage Suga skeleton with the guts of a modern machine – a Frankenstein’s monster of resurrected technology that, despite its changed nature, still swallowed down tape with a voracious appetite.
He could have easily acquired a functioning Suga online, or even opted for a modern tape deck. Yet, Daniel cherished this battered machine, with its scratches and dents marring the case, the rust on the sprockets that added a squeak when rewinding tape, and the worn buttons that spoke of frequent use. It was a tangible relic of a human past, an artefact that Daniel clung to—not merely as a tool but a reminder of a life once lived.
Daniel meticulously arranged his tools for the evening—the Suga recorder, his sleek MacBook Air, a battered .99 cent notepad with its edges crumpled and pages unevenly torn from the binding, an elegant Montblanc Meisterstück pen, and a well-worn half-full leather cigarette case that had journeyed with him from the '70s. 
Armand waited as Daniel organised, his expression the picture of serene detachment; yet beneath this stoicism flowed an undercurrent of acute attentiveness.
Armand's reddish-brown colour-of-dawn gaze, typically distant, tonight held a piercing clarity and focus entirely directed at Daniel. It was as if the full essence of his immortal being had chosen to anchor itself in this singular interaction. There was a palpable familiarity in Armand's intense stare, a comfort that Daniel recognised and found strangely reassuring. 
Yet amidst this familiarity was a void—a poignant sense of loss, something indelibly altered. The once-constant press of Armand's mind against his own, a psychic echo that had lingered in Daniel's human consciousness, had vanished now with his vampiric transformation. The Dark Gift, poetically named but harsh in its realities, had not brought Daniel enlightenment or a renewed closeness to his Maker but a barrier, severing the connection the pair once shared. Where there had once been a flowing stream of thoughts and emotions, a psychic murmur that had connected him to Armand, there now existed only a silence—as if a door between their minds had been firmly shut and locked. This new silence was not peaceful but a cold absence, a reminder of what they had both sacrificed for Daniel's immortality.
Armand's intensive gazing at Daniel was justified now more than ever. Perhaps, in this new reality they shared, all that remained to bind them was the mere physicality of their being—something that Daniel found inexplicably more alluring now than ever before.
While Daniel clung to the remnants of his human past and habits still, Armand had always appeared unburdened by such earthly ties, having long shed them like leaves in an eternal, ageless autumn. But as Daniel now stood entrenched in this new existence, he began to perceive that what he once thought of as an uncanny stillness in Armand was not a marker of death but a vibrant, pulsating life, more profound and intricate than he had ever imagined possible.
The gravity of Armand's presence was magnetic, drawing Daniel inexorably in, as if each moment spent in observation tethered him more firmly to a spellbinding eternity. Daniel was acutely aware of the need for caution, knowing all too well how effortlessly he could become entangled in an everlasting gaze upon Armand. In such moments, time could dissolve into irrelevance—akin to Narcissus, spellbound by his reflection in the serene embrace of a forest pool. It was the mesmerising dance of light across Armand’s rich, dark skin, the lush curls that tenderly framed his face, and the impeccable symmetry of his sharp, angular features that seemed destined to rest in the contours of Daniel's palm. The striking yet harmonious contrast between Armand's finely sculpted upper lip and the plush fullness of the lower, coupled with the intoxicating memory of their kisses—
Caught in a dopey smile, Daniel realised Armand had observed the slip when a knowing look crossed his features. Perhaps the psychic bond they once shared was no longer necessary; Daniel's emotions were still as transparent to Armand now as when Daniel had been still human. And yet, frustratingly, Armand remained equally an enigma to Daniel, close yet distant in the same breath.
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Author’s Thoughts™:
Indeed, the Suga KC-920 is a different model from the recorder Daniel used back in 1973. I deliberately chose a different tape recorder from the one shown in "Don’t Be Afraid, Just Start the Tape." This choice is meant to enhance the theme of an "odyssey of recollection," emphasizing the unreliability of Daniel’s memory. It reflects his efforts to piece together fragments of his mortal past, his reliance on nostalgic constructs, and his commitment to maintaining a connection to his former human self—no matter how shaky the foundations that connection is built on.
I'm very proud of the line describing the tape recorder as "a Frankenstein’s monster of resurrected technology that, despite its changed nature, still swallowed down tape with a voracious appetite."
Daniel's choice of a Montblanc Meisterstück pen—which retails for between $460-680—for use on a 99-cent notepad creates a conceptual contrast. This disparity is further heightened by his combination of a modern MacBook with an archaic tape recorder. This deliberate mismatch across items of differing economic and temporal values introduces an element of dissonance—it feels almost jarring, and in a way, disrespectful? Using a luxury pen on low-quality paper subverts expectations of propriety and value, while opting for obsolete technology over more efficient modern alternatives suggests a conscious rebellion against practicality. I wanted to set up space for a future commentary on value, utility, and nostalgia, and highlight a bit more of this tension between the past and present in Daniel.
I wanted to explore the impact of Daniel and Armand’s severed mental connection. Daniel's transformation into vampirism brought with it the loss of his psychic link with Armand, a shift that necessitated a new way of Daniel perceiving and connecting with Armand. Since he no longer can feel Armand’s emotions directly, Daniel becomes reliant on interpreting Armand’s physical cues—a necessity that alters the nature of his gaze. This redirection of focus towards the physical can be seen as a form of objectification, where Daniel's longing is intensely projected onto every visible detail of Armand, focusing not on his emotions or his interiority, but rather his most striking features instead. This gaze is not merely observational; it is charged with desire and a nuanced romanticism, making it palpably lustful. Daniel's gaze is transparent to Armand.
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umbramage · 2 months ago
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thenuzlockeduo · 2 months ago
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Page 24: Heavy Melmetal
The flow of this page was something we struggled with a bit. However, through various rewrites and headaches, it turned out! Some big turning points await Paget here, while Dylan gets his hands dirty and gets those Reins of Unity crafted for Calyrex to make his transformation! Sprocket the Melmetal has a unique way of showing their affection, don't they? Follow us on The Nuzlocke Forums, at Deviantart, Comicfury, and Tapas!
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ask-4-transforming-idiots · 1 month ago
Welcome to the blog wair you can ask and interact with my transformers ocs :D
1. Be kind no hate to other asks
2. Any type of ask is truly allowed (may it be about other charecters or backstory stuff you can cut deep)
3. I'm allowed to decline asks if I don't whant to answer them or I'm uncomfortable
4. Ryly just hav fun
Asks: open
Charecters available fore asks and interaction (yes more can be added to the list and charecters can be subtracted): Reese, sprocket(incompsitaited), Strider, Sunshot
Here is ower main cast in a hight chart:
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If you whant more information on each click the links on there names from shortest to tallest:
Reese Sprocket Strider Sunshot
Fore anny interactions that are anonymous Thay will be done through the anon charecter you see below (if not specified human or bot in the ask I will decide Wich I draw)
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There will kinda be a plot we will see
.. youl hav to ask and fined out :]
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samson-the-whale · 1 month ago
So there's this amazing au by @keferon known as there mecha au (it's really cool you should go check it out) and finally after reading up on some of the lore and getting up to speed (sorta) on the plot I desided to take my tf OC\self insert sprocket and make him a mecha au design
So please enjoy :)
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So Furst this is the mech, it's smaller in size compared to say Jazz's mech it's abowt abit over half its height. Now the reason it's so small is du to its job its job isn't to fight (it can fight just not the best) but instead to clean up after one, the job consists of dealing with the body's of the monsters the mechs fight, scraped parts ryly anything that could be collected scavenged or needs destroying it's this mechs job to do so.
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Here is Sprocket himself he's kinda just a silly guy with a staring problem he will zone out and just stare at people. it creeps them out so people usually avoid him and do to his job most of the time being a one man job he doesn't have many friends.
So ya he's simple I tried a different style of drawing from what I youshualy doo. But ya hope y'all like him. (Sorry if my spelling is shit I might be dyslexic lol)
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heartfullofpony · 1 year ago
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Reblog from 2016
When Princess Luna returned to Equestria, she did not re-integrate easily. Forgiven though she was, she still felt great shame for her deeds - her life as Nightmare Moon. Worse yet, though she had reunited with Celestia, and had rediscovered sisterly love, Princess Luna found that as time went by, she still developed feelings of resentment and jealousy. She was still stuck in her older sister's shadow.
For a long, long time following her return, Luna was not seen by the public. She was hiding, training, growing back to her normal size, and learning to come to grips with all of these conflicting feelings. Love. Guilt. Jealousy. Insecurity. Fear.
...Until one day, Princess Celestia approached her with an idea. It was clear that the feelings that had made Luna transform into Nightmare Moon could never be fully destroyed. Burying them deep down inside was no solution either; that would only result in torment for Luna, and danger for all of Equestria, (the Tantabus).
So it was agreed that the two sisters would cast a spell together to let Nightmare Moon out for a short time, but still keep her from doing any lasting harm - a controlled explosion of sorts - G-Rated version of The Purge.
They threw all of their magic, and all of their will power into it, and the spell worked. It worked so well that they figured out a way to keep Equestria safe from Nightmare Moon.
It happens once a year, for exactly one hour. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna work together, and they let Nightmare Moon gallop free. The villainess has one hour all to herself, stolen at the expense of the Day.
It may not have destroyed the Tantabus, but it stabilized Princess Luna, and allowed her to return to the public eye.
Tonight is that night. Her night. Tonight belongs to Nightmare Moon. Remember to set your clocks back one hour. If you don't, she may gobble you up.
If you enjoy my writing please consider supporting me on Patreon.
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eyefocusing · 14 days ago
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i suppose i could at least do todays prompt before i go and leave for another week um!!
@look-back-month-challenge Day 15: Have you ever made a custom?
sooo i wanted to try my hand at doll customs someday when i was younger, but didnt have the opportunity to gather any stock back then. and then i wanted to try doing action figures i was more into those, but i never got around to ACTUALLY doing anything back then either!! so i never tried any custom stuff until i got into transformers!! even then its a bit of a rough start.
poor sprocket (an osko iron factory cyguns) sat disassembled for months when i couldnt get the paint to thin quite how i wanted, but eventually i put him back together since we were moving and itd be easier to transport that way lol. someday ill get around to finishing him up.....
but my earth wars deco fireflight (a ko combiner wars fireflight) is something ive been really happy with!! theres some finer details i wish i couldve added, but my shaky hands just dont allow it :'3 ive always loved his in-game colors and i still get so giddy whenever i see this guy, he really pops imo!!
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dragongirldg · 2 years ago
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Sprocket and Kathrine are from my Crossover AU and have been going around give an energon cube to other AUs (they have all been organic so far and sprocket keeps asking them to make a bomb with it) as a token of appreciation.
They say Happy Pride and so do I!
The fic they come from:
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