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cookieclover · 30 days ago
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This took me forever - but it was all worth it, for those little goobers <3 Lemme know what do you think they're watching, I'm gonna draw my favourite comment lol
Flat colours under the cut!
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happi-leigh · 2 years ago
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minibot party lets gooo
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pocoslip · 1 month ago
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Thundercracker Carrying Little Bumblebee even when he could Defend himself
(Why does SS86 Bumblebee look So Big and yet still Tiny Next to Earthrise Thundercracker)
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theladyheroine · 2 months ago
Minibots in TF One 🪐🛸
❥ Hello everyone! Taking another break today, but I was watching TFOne with my sister & it drew me back to this idea I had! Thank you & enjoy! 🥳
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So real quick, I know they’re called Mini-Cons sometimes in comics or other media, but for this headcanon I’m just gonna call the little Cybertronians Mini-Bots! Anywho, I mentioned that they’d be in the background during Transformers One in the post above, but I wanted to elaborate on that since they’re so cute. 🥰 I apologize if that’s a strange reason but let’s get into it! 😅
Now I don’t think the Mini-Bots would be half the size of a Cybertronian because I forgot Bots without a T-Cog reach less than that or just barely. So I’d imagine they’d be around 10ft tall or below since the Cogless Bots are all around 18ft and over.
Thank you to whoever made this height chart! 🙏 I hope you don’t mind me using it!
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Since Mini-Bots are so little I assume they would take over positions that require extra assistance or maybe even maintenance since they’re a little small to take on big jobs like mining or similar work.
Personal assistants, package delivery, organizers, maintenance, or social workers are some of the main jobs I feel they’d have during TFOne. Education would be another addition, but not for combat purposes really. Some of the bigger jobs could also include archiving, science, and entertainment. But by entertainment I mean any kind of creative field too! Plus these occupations don’t seem very dangerous either.
Now since these guys are smaller they’re very good at building and fixing things. I imagine they make all the machinery for the mining facilities, as well as handle any transportation units. They make sure everything is operational and if something is broken they go to fix it. In a way they’re kind of like little dwarves! 😆
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Anywho, I feel they’d be very good at arts & crafts too. According to a post I found in the TF Wiki, fashion is a thing in Cybertron! I unfortunately can’t find the post now though, I’m real sorry. 😅🙏 But things like jewelry, accessories, battle masks, or other attachments for Cybertronians would be their field of expertise. Especially when Optimus Prime first takes over, they have more room to express themselves!
While battle attachments aren’t really necessary until much later in this universe, you can anything leave up to the Mini-Bots! They might even get you a discount if you come in with the parts yourself. But they’re willing to do a simple repair job too. It’s what they were made for!
Also real quick, if anyone has anything to say about fashion in this universe feel free to let me know! I’ve seen a couple posts about it online and it sounds so cool!
As for transportation, they can ride the shuttles and trains just like any other bot, but it might be difficult to get around. Similar to Zootopia, I imagine they’d have their own section to ride on or even their own modes of transportation. Kind of like little tubes or tunnels running around Iacon?
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Or if they do choose to ride the shuttles with other Cybertronians, I can imagine them climbing up their taller buddies for a better view. That just sounds so cute! ☺️
There are smaller buildings that act as charging stations or homes for the Mini-Bots. Shops too! Of course they sell what they have to everyone, but if a customer or a client is a little on the big side then there’s a window they can walk up to and ask for anything.
That is all I have for now but let me know if you have some new ideas! I love talking about the culture in this movie, especially since we’ve seen that Cybertron looks like now! But I hope you all enjoyed, thank you!
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bluespider008 · 26 days ago
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Fully colored 'n sketch version
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ao3wasntenough · 10 months ago
Sorry for the low quality it’s liek midnight but I needed to draw something!
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toddimus-prime · 1 month ago
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aaaarffgggh transformers oc transformers oc aauhrhrheheh
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therealsquidiq · 4 months ago
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Finished even more art from 2023, oc design for @cherrytoadstool 😛
He is literally just an oven LMAOOO
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d16megatron · 5 months ago
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Transformers One didn't show us Swerve and Tailgate but for the scoreboard, so! I decided to design them myself!!! Took some creative liberties to make them feel more applicable for TFO, but it's them all the same. I fucking love minibots...
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leeneenia · 4 months ago
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Tailgate and Swerve <3
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peaskikio2 · 4 months ago
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Literally one of the loves of my life… I vibe with him so much… I changed up my design for him a bit to better fit my style… idk why but the armor on his thigh plates are my favorite part!
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stickyshift · 1 year ago
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Rung has been given some friends! I decided to make it a bigger piece in the end.
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pocoslip · 1 year ago
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Anyone Else still Love Thunderbee????
(Starbee and Skybee is Okay but I Love Bee X Thunder more)
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theladyheroine · 4 months ago
Small Transformers Headcanons! 🛞🪐🛸
❥ Hello everyone! These are just some random things I came up with after seeing Transformers One. Although I will admit, I was a bit nervous posting these (lol), but I hope you like them! And have a good day/night!
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Since Mini-Bots/Cons are apart of Transformers, I like to think they were running around in the background during the TF One movie! Since they’re so small, maybe less than half the size of your average Cybertronian, their jobs mostly consist of being assistants or delivery bots. Maybe they have their own method of transportation, like smaller carts or trains that run throughout buildings in the city. Kind of like in Zootopia, where they had sections for smaller animals on the train?
B-127 gets a little nervous around girls because he’s been in waste-management for a long while. The others think he just finds Elita One intimidating sometimes, which is true (lol). But he can’t help but feel timid if she grabs his shoudler or if she gets too close to his face. One time he hugged her in the spur of a moment & she was so confused as to why he pulled away so fast.
A Cybertronian that was raised on Earth after somehow a pod/ship that was carrying them crash-landed there. They were found by a nice couple & grew up with a human family, but often wondered where they came from. After the Autobots arrive on Earth, they meet this Earthly Cybertronian & one of them starts having a crush. Bonus! If the Earthly Cybertronian is a lot smaller since their environment has naturally smaller beings. But maybe not the exact size of a human?
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billblock2013 · 5 months ago
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@glamoplasm i am fond of the critter
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ao3wasntenough · 10 months ago
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Sam using bots like a jungle gym will never not be funny to me and you can’t MAKEME STOP👹
Ment to be a take on this meme
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