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ndav1d42 · 3 months ago
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kicsiny falumban már aktívan készülnek az ünnepekre 🤩🎄🚜
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twojtesc · 2 months ago
Dziękuje za dodanie tej piosenki do polish posting
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dramatic-dolphin · 4 months ago
going on car trips as a kid was so funny bc for a long time my dad only had a quimby cd for some reason, so we'd listen to it in the car. and i'd be like "dad, what does 'a schizoid mickey mouse' mean?" and he'd think about it and then go "i have no idea." 👍
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sophia-hjkl · 10 months ago
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trans pride in the traktor waveform
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fournorthamericans · 6 months ago
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Traktor’s Zach Fucale I Twitter
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gigidagia · 1 month ago
After 10 years I tried to "push the buttons" again with my favorite tracks from 2024 (part 1)
1. Robert Babicz - Will It End 2. Zoo Brazil - Broken 3. Robert Babicz - Window Colors 4. Jeremy Olander - Steps (VRIL's Free World Order Remix) 5. Estiva & Lake Avalon - Future Memories 6. Pig&Dan, Betoko - Twisted 7. Joris Voorn x Pig&Dan feat. LIVI - Been There Before 8. Joris Voorn & Jan Blomqvist - Flora 9. Dosem - Sunsetter 10. Coeus - Visualise
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ravenpawraas · 4 months ago
Oh. My. God
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I have a lot of emotions from this vacation, TOO MANY ACTIVITIES. But I am so glad that I visited the Ural Derby. It was an incredible match, THE ARENA IS VERY LOUD, THE ATMOSPHERE IS CRAZYYYYY
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albaniantraktorpost · 2 years ago
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vitaliskravtsov · 11 months ago
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konyvboritok · 3 months ago
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A bátor munkagép viszonozta a tüzet és elrepült Moszkva irányába. (részlet egy korabeli viccből)
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wandering-hat-guy · 1 year ago
Hi Wanderer! Just checking in to say that I hope you and Niwa's descendant are okay. I know you don't like thunderstorms very much so you better be sheltering!
Also also, I'm going to help the.. the Tsarista with a tea party in a few. Semi-reluctantly.
Anyways! Please be safe!!!
Tsk. Of course. Wanderer cursed himself for throwing away that invite letter of his. He should've expected Nahida to get one as well.
If you need any help notify me, I'll be there. Until then, I'll take care of things here.
We are taking shelter in Tighnari's house.
He's still frustrated from the storm.
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twojtesc · 2 months ago
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randostufforino · 1 year ago
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digitalfossils · 1 year ago
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a-wanderin-whirlybird · 1 year ago
Invader Zim has once again over taken my brain. Bringing back some old ocs for a series of Random fun facts/Headcannons! Going by category with Headcanons about Irk/Irkens, then Hives, then Characters. If they are AU specific I'll mention which AU (Mainly the 18 Years Later Au by @messinwitheddie ).
Irk/Irken HC: (these are general HCs I have about Irk and Irkens not Au specific)
Irk is the third closest planet to a Massive blue star.
Most Fauna is nocturnal and requires a Massive amount of nutrients to survive.
The atmosphere is very dense and the storm clouds are Nitrogen
Infact Nitrogen is the basis of the planet much like how earth is Oxygen based
As such the seas are Liquid Nitrogen
Irkens are a subterranean species that adapted to the surface
Despite this Modern Irkens still retain hyper sensitivity to light in general
Irkens are built to thrive in specific roles and their species often develops mutations to fill these roles
Irkens are much Like ants or Bees in that they have Hive structures.
Before the first civilization on Irk most Hives were a Queen and her Drones/mates and Smeets.
Females were even rarer before the first True Hive occured.
The pheromones that assigned early Irkens roles are still dormant in modern Irkens.
It is almost unheard of for these pheromones to reactivate and release save a few cases since the rise of Civilization
Irken reproduction is incredibly dangerous and often fatal for female Irkens
Irkens have Massive swarm with the average size being between 80 and 100 smeets
Birthing a swarm over 250 is high risk and often fatal
Few Irken women ever have more than 2 swarms. The third is fatal except in a few incredibly rare circumstances
Specific Hives:
Hive Traktor: 18 Years Later AU
The birth place of Cyder and Irk's various alcoholic drinks
Tallest Flapjack was the world's first Gourmond and often liked to travel to Hives across the globe to taste their delicacies. In return he created the World's first International and Trans Trans Continental trade Route. He had a mutation that gave him 8 eyes and a hyper sensitive palate.
The most common mutations in Hive Traktor are not visible traits. One makes the Irken's bones incredibly durable and allows more Muscular growth than usual. Another is an actual sense of smell, touch and sight that allows them to pick up the slightest change in atmospheric pressure and accurately predict weather patterns.
Hive Traktor is the reason the 5 Star Alliance fell to ruin. Tallest Olst was a power mad dictator that drove his own Hive to ruin. But not before he slaughtered Tallest Aria of Hive Octave and collapsed ever possible entrance and exit to Hive Geo.
Tallest Olst singlehandedly destroyed 3 Hives. He is at the Tallest Table in the afterlife and will never leave. Forever trapped at the table unable to enjoy any of the food and power he had in life. The entirety of Hive Traktor despises him
Hive Geo:
Some irkens born to Hive Geo never see Moonlight as they never leave the Caves and Mines of their Hive.
I changed the main mutations of this Hive. The main mutations present are Albinism, Gem like Eyes, and Echolocation. Most Mining drone have a mutation where they have no eyes and see with radar. This allows them to find veins of ore and gems in the walls.
The last Tallest of Hive Geo was Tallest Vista. He was a Chimera who absorbed his entire swarm. He had patches of every different skin color possible in an irken. He was Nicknamed the Irken Rainbow by Tallest Uthril of Hive Sol. Vista was incredibly kind and caring towards his Fellow Irkens and his Hive flourished under him. But his kindness killed him.
Tallest Vista caught Miner's Rattle. A Splooch Infection from exposure to various trapped gasses in the Mines. He was unable to do anything as Olst collapsed the Enterances and exits to Hive Geo. Vista quickly realized that if Hive Geo was trapped so was Hive Octave. Vista sent all his Miner's towards the Tunnels heading for Hive Traktor. Hoping they could dig his Hive out while he took a significantly smaller force to Try and get a single tunnel to Hive Octave.
Vista Failed. The small team found another pocket of Noxious gasses. This one combusted and collapsed the tunnels behind then.
This triggered a complete collapse of Hive Geo. Killing everyone inside and cutting off Hive Octave from any assistance.
Tallest Aria: 18 Years Later Au
Final Tallest of Hive Octave.
Aria had a Partner, a short Drummer named Pitch. The two had a swarm with a surrogate.
Aria used to be a selfish and moody Irken. She often snapped and intimidated to get her way. In her pursuit of Pitch, Aria changed for the better. But her biggest turning point was when she nearly lost Pitch during birth.
They lost 73 out of 99 smeets and Pitch nearly bled to death. Aria spent 3 days desperately trying to save as many smeets as she could while trying to keep her Love alive. It gave her some perspective on how her own actions affected others especially those under her.
Aria gave her Hive a public apology for her previous behavior and restarted her regime from the ground up. She made major changes to many of the laws in her Hive to ensure her people were better cared for and heard.
Her downfall began when she suggested ending a tradition in the 5 Star Alliance. Specifically the use of 2 separate fertility festivals to separate "desirable Irkens" and "Defective Irkens". She suggested simply eliminating the second festival and letting everyone participate in 1 big festival.
Tallest Olst of Hive Traktor saw this as both a personal offense and a possible way to grab power. He tried to rally the other Hives against this suggestion only to discover that he was entirely unsupported. Hives Sol, Opal, and Geo agreed with Aria.
Olst would later Poison Aria under the guise of an apology. Using Aria's love of noodles to kill her painfully. Pitch would then fly into a rage and brutalized Olst with her own bare hands as the drone from Hive Octave slaughtered the tall members of Olst's party and retreated. Pitch died not moments after Olst, impaled by one of Olst's loyal generals.
Olst survived only a few days after. Just long enough to trap Hive Octave and Hive Geo in their Hives.
Hive Octave had lost all their Tall drones to Olst's generals as well. Leaving them leaderless. Even after 3 fertility festivals no new Tallest entered the world.
Aria's Neice, Flit, Became The Almighty Smallest when no Tall Smeets remained after 4 years.
In Death Aria haunts Irk, Finding any Irken related to her Hive, and very specifically her Love Pitch. She gladly assists any of Pitch's descendants when she finds then.
The best example of this being @messinwitheddie Tallest Dava.
Flit, The Almighty Smallest: 18 Years Later Au
The last Ruler of Hive Octave. While Aria was the final Tallest is was her dear neice Flit who ruled until none but herself remained.
Flit was born without legs a few years after Aria's own Swarm reached Aprentice age. Flit's mother, Aria's only surviving swarmmate, died giving birth and only Flit survived.
Aria and Pitch raised Flit. Aria even made Flits first pair of Prostetics.
Flit had a deep connection to the Strings the Weaver wove. Hearing them in songs all around her. Flit was a Talented Oracle because of this and tried desperately to turn her abilities to help her Hive.
Aria was stiff with Flit. Always seeing her dead sister in her niece. Aria always regretted the distance she created between them.
Flit has an uneasy relationship with Aria. Neither know what to say to the other as both feel guilty for failing the other. But Flit Loves her Coddle Drone a lot and always respected her.
Flit was the last irken left Alive in Hive Octave. A combination of Disease, famine and declined birth rates killed the Hive in a matter of decades. No new Tallest was ever born and Flit remained alone in the Shell of her Hive until she perished on New Years.
Flit did not pass to the Tallest Table immediately after death. Instead Flit was pulled into a horrible vision of Irk's Future. She saw the Control Brains and Smeetries. The pain inflicted to other species. The complete loss of Irken culture and Diversity, the smog that blanketed the moons and sun from the sky, and the loss of all life upon the Irken surface. She saw the statue of the Colossus being pulled to her knees by an unholy beast of metal and flesh. And as the Colossus fell, a spike through her head, Cyder pouring forth, the ground beneath them split and the sun burned through the smog, engulfing the battlefield whole
Flit arrived to the warm greetings of her dead Hive with a mission. She had a spot reserved at the Tallest Table, but she gave it to her Drones instead.
Flit spends her eternity trying to reach the mind of a living Irken in the modern Era. Desperate to halt the destruction of Irk and Irkens as a whole.
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domacipitomec · 1 year ago
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Zbrojovka traktor
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