#training montage ship
lovesick-level-up · 1 year
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Ibuki Mioda x Akane Owari Stimboard
@stargloom requested: could i req a ibuki x akane stimboard, no particular theme, but i'd appreciate no soap/slime/cutting, thank you!!
🤸🏽 ❤️ 🎸, 🤸🏽 ❤️ 🎸, 🤸🏽 ❤️ 🎸
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 8 months
ok so. forgive me for a second but i've been abnormal about skizz and ren since the hiatus between third life and last life and holy shit this season is already not helping.
let's talk about skizz, ren, undying loyalty, and golden apples, shall we?
so the thing that you need to understand about skizz is that he is loyal to a fault. impulse literally says this exact thing about him in limited life, and skizz himself says himself: "you know me and my factions, i never turn." the second thing is that the first person their loyalty manifests for in third life is ren. he and ren run into each other on the second night when ren is getting accosted by mobs outside skizz's door and skizz gives him a place to stay the night. ren decides to trade skizz for his leather, for the upcoming enchanting buisness, and gives skizz a golden apple in exchange. skizz thinks this is wildly more than he deserves but is very thankful. skizz doesn't say it here, but this is the moment he swears his loyalty to ren.
throughout third life, he is willing to do or get basically anything for ren. the two of them literally die together to the tnt trap. when ren dies on the alter and everyone thinks martyn betrayed him, skizz is the first person to get there in the morning. he's in half broken gold armor and borrowed tools from bigb and he still tells ren "get behind me", still tries to protect him from martyn. when skizz is on red, he goes a bit crazy, but he channels that bloodlust into protecting ren. he kills jimmy in the red desert, he kills cleo when she tries to attack ren, he chases down impulse when he betrays dogwarts and dies trying to kill him.
when skizz dies in third life, he's got an unused golden apple in his hotbar. after he dies, he remembers the first time he met ren, etho, and martyn, and he spends quite a bit of time on his memory of ren and ren appears in his first memory of etho. after he dies, ren wields a blade named in his honor.
skizz spends third life loyal to ren- he dies for him and he dies with him.
in last life, ren and skizz end up on completely different sides, and it very quickly gets bad because when ren becomes boogey, he kills skizz. he lures him into a trap. he tells skizz he loves him. skizz literally says "i am broken hearted" when ren kills him. ren holds no regard for the relationship they used to have and yet skizz cannot help but compliment ren's skill with the trap, outright says he can't be mad at ren.
and then it only gets worse because skizz tries to storm ren's tower with impulse after they've gone red. and that! doesn't go well! and while skizz is retreating, while he is eating the golden apple in his hot bar, ren shoots him dead.
and that is the last time they've spoken. two years ago.
because skizz isn't in doublt life. and ren isn't in limited life.
and when skizz's time comes in limited life, he ensures he doesn't have a golden apple in his inventory this time. this time, he hands the apples off to his teammates, where he knows they will go to good use. and then he hands etho a diamond fucking axe (red winter is coming) and asks him to execute him for the sake of their alliance. ok! sure! fill ren's role more explicitly, why don't you!
and that first session of secret life genuinely only made it worse. when skizz is talking to tango and cleo about their alliance, skizz says he wants to give leadership over to someone else: "i want to be more of a soldier than a leader this time." cleo says she'll fill the roll of leader- she doesn't take orders well - and then seals their alliance by giving tango and skizz a golden apple each. because of course she does.
and well, we all know that didn't really work out, so that's one person off the list that skizz can fill the dogwarts shaped hole in him with, so then he goes to bdubs. he says he'll lay his sword at bdubs' feet. he says he'll win bdubs with his loyalty. he calls bdubs "my leige", jesus christ dude, you couldn't be less subtle unless you straight up called him ren's name.
skizz has been (whether accidentally or on purpose is up to you) trying to recreate the experience he had with dogwarts, and particularly what he had with ren, since the moment dogwarts fell. he can't have it with ren because he missed his only chance in last life, so he'll fill the void with whoever he can. his fellow soldier. ren's successor. ren's new kingmaker. anyone. and it's never gonna work. i need ren to come back for like, 900 reasons, but i especially need him to come back so skizz can have a shot at making it to spring.
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waitineedaname · 9 months
just realized lion's teeth could make a good song prompt for a fic about greed and father
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miamicommune · 3 months
ultrakill fandom and disco elysium are maybe the best at flanderising characters ive seen in a long time
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valarhalla · 1 year
Having gone down a procrastination rabbit hole of watching Mulan songs dubbed into a gajillion languages, I can confirm that the Greek versionof I’ll Make a Man out of You goes the hardest, but Egyptian Arabic’s Li Shang has the sexiest voice.
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sketchy-galaxy · 2 years
Could Starr win in a fight against Aaravos? Hell no, what are you thinking? She'd lose hella. Like ten seconds in, Aaravos is not taking this fight seriously, he's playing games
He has 8 billion million years of experience. Starr has like 2 and a half years. She's losing.
The only thing that makes her difficult to fight is because she doesn't know how to actually fight. Aaravos doesn't know what to expect, Starr is just swinging and she's swinging hard. She's gonna hit him eventually and she's also not gonna stop swinging.
She had a metaphorical punching dumbie with his face on it for the whole 2 year time skip, she's aiming ti kill
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immajustreblogthis · 9 months
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forpiratereasons · 7 months
the better and objectively funnier interpretation of the timeline in s2e5 is that it did in fact take place over several days but ed spent all of those days while stede was doing his lil training montage with izzy and raiding various ships going out and fishing with fang and it just took him that long to actually catch something. just brings a little spice to the whole situation re: the fish.
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jbk405 · 2 years
So many people are misinterpreting one of the opening scenes of Prey, and they’re misinterpreting it the same way in complete opposite directions.
One of the first scenes shows Naru practicing with throwing her hatchet, and then attempting to use it to hunt a deer.  The deer is startled by a loud noise (What we know to be the Predator’s ship) and starts running, and despite a vigorous pursuit by Naru it manages to evade her and escape.
Many people, particularly the “she’s a Mary Sue” crowd but also some others who have criticized other aspects of the film, have lambasted the idea of showing her hunting with a throwing axe and being able to run as fast as a deer.  Axes are not hunting weapons, and no human can run fast enough to catch a deer on foot.  They say this is an example of either “woke” character shilling, or of ignorant/racist portrayals of Native Americans using ridiculous weaponry and bizarre feats of strength instead of the real-life technologies and skills of hunting.
Other people, generally those who are fans of the movie, love that this is an early establishment of her badass-ness and skill.  They say that it shows that she is a predator herself, and sets up her later confrontation with the Predator.
Except what both sides of this reaction don’t seem to get is that, as I said, the deer escapes.  Naru misses both of her throws with her axe, and even with her dog Sarii helping to corral the deer it still outpaces her and runs away.  Later, her mother explicitly points out that her hatchet is meant for harvesting and toolwork, not hunting.  And that no matter how close she got, you can’t eat “almost”.
Both sides of the response take this scene as some sort of victory for Naru, apparently missing the fact that despite all of her exertions she doesn’t bring home any food for her people.  Despite all of her training and skill with the axe the movie shows that it will never replace the bow-and-arrow as a means of distance striking (And even after multiple training montages, the only animal she actually manages to successfully hunt with her axe in the entire film are a couple of small rabbits).
I feel that that is the point of this scene: To show that you need to use the right tool for the job, and Naru has to learn that she can’t just brute-force your way to victory.  She keeps trying to find ways to improve her axe use (it was from her father, I understand why she tries to use it for everything she can), but when preparing for the final confrontation with the Predator she knows that she cannot rely on it as her killing weapon.  So despite continuing to use it as her fighting weapon (And she does very well with it) she arranges several other traps and ultimately plans on using the Predator’s own weapons to finish it off.  She gets in several good hits with the axe, but plans to strike the killing blow with a bow-and-arrow after all (Using the Predator’s advanced arrow-shooting device).
It’s a very clear arc for her and her hunting skills/style from the beginning to the end.  She learned from her failure at the start of the film and changed for the finale.
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countessravengrey · 4 months
I love the fact that Steve is smart before the serum, perhaps best shown by how he handles the flag during the training montage, but just like in CACW, he's actually reading. Yes, he's reading strategy and more but he's also reading fucking Nietzsche and science and other philosophy. He recognizes that it's not just about brawn, that the ship needs a heading, and he's the one who needs to be able to steer clearly in that great new superbody.
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Deleted/altered Monsterverse scenes in Godzilla & Kong: The Cinematic Storyboard Art of Richard Bennett
Kong: Skull Island
There's a longer opening sequence, with Marlowe discovering Gunpei's camp instead of them both crashing at around the same time.
Conrad stows away on the expedition instead of being hired as a tracker
Weaver and Conrad meet at a Philadelphia train station (no clue what the context was).
Kong swings around a helicopter while the gunner is still firing and the bullets hit another helicopter, which I think is the closest he's ever come to using a gun.
Packard's group watches Kong fight the Mire Squid instead of Chapman.
Very different take on the Iwi village, with smaller lost ships/planes incorporated into the architecture.
The big one: Conrad flashes back to an encounter with King Ghidorah in Vietnam. The three-headed monster's silhouette is basically just the Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah version, but he has at least five prehensile tails he uses to snatch up soldiers.
Conrad and Weaver are tied to a tree during the napalm plot against Kong. Another character sets them free and they go wild on a few soldiers, with Weaver hitting one on the head with a rock. The Skull Devil emerges in a separate scene.
Kong uses a plane wing as a weapon in the final fight.
The Skull Devil has a grappling tail similar to that of Otachi in Pacific Rim.
The Iwi fight Conrad's group (I think) as the Gray Fox is lowered down a waterfall with a pulley system and something ambushes Kong in the background. This one was especially hard to make any sense of without dialogue.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Jonah spies on Emma and Madison as they drive to Mothra's temple.
The video montage in the Senate hearing is done via hologram. A mushroom cloud is displayed while Serizawa argues with a senator.
Mark bows to a wolf that approaches him in a nice bit of foreshadowing.
Mothra arrives in Boston alongside Godzilla instead of turning up later.
Godzilla vs. Kong
In an alternate opening, the Iwi retell the history between Godzilla and Kong's species using highly-elaborate puppets. There's a horned character loaded with weapons who briefly traps Godzilla in a cage and transforms into a Rodan-like figure. An ancient mecha?
Text mentions that "the Pensacola/Florida Godzilla attack scene was going to be much longer, involving a mall stampede.
A massive explosion takes place on Skull Island (I believe coming from the Vile Vortex there).
Jia is first shown signing with Kong just before the fleet engages Godzilla.
In true kaiju kid fashion, Jia messes with the controls of the ship to set Kong loose.
Nathan discovers his brother's crash site in the Hollow Earth and gets into a fight with several guards. This scene was definitely filmed.
Bernie was at one point a woman (drawn with ultra-short hair, although in general the human characters in these storyboards bear little resemblance to their screen counterparts).
Kong finds a skeleton of another member of his species sitting on the throne. He breaks off the skull, stares at it, and throws it aside.
Group troops engage Godzilla and Kong during their Hong Kong fight; neither even notices.
Mechagodzilla coils into a semi-sphere to deflect Godzilla's atomic breath.
Echoing his fight with Kong, Godzilla tries to outrun Mechagodzilla's Proton Scream through the streets of Hong Kong.
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the-east-art · 2 months
You said you had a rant about Kairi?
Okay okay okay this will be all over the place.
Kairi is my girl and I’m obsessed with her. But she is done so dirty by the series. There’s a lot of factors that go into this, but Kairi is a character that at the end of the day is always getting the short of the stick. She is the damsel, or off on the sidelines, or not even the main character in a game that is ostensibly about her. When she DOES try to take a stand the game punishes her by killing her or getting Sora killed. She had powers and abilities and a personality but they all bend to make her helpless when the story needs her to be helpless.
From a meta standpoint part of my frustration with this is in the fandom. I’m ace and I think on the aro spectrum so shipping isn’t really my thing but it is BIG in the fandom, and frequently I see Kairi brushed aside in favor of other ships. Which I mean the guys get more lines and dialogue and Things To Do so it makes sense but it’s sad that she sometimes doesn’t even have a presence in the fandom.
I feel like Kairi herself if Nomura ever wanted to use her or dove into her would have such an interesting story. She starts out the series as a kind more bull headed Tom boy girl, and then seems to fall into the waiting damsel role. She is constantly shunted off while the boys do things that I feel like she would have this disconnect from them. A guilt at getting them involved in this stuff in the first place and then not even able to help them deal with it. All she seems to be able to do is make things worse.
I think Kairi is honestly a very lonely character, lonelier than even Riku at times.
I think it would be great to explore her guilt, her sorrow, her loneliness, and the work that needs to be done for her friendship with the boys to be healthy again. I think it has fallen weak due to all three of them.
I hate that ‘training’ has become an excuse. They’re like ‘she’s not just the girl, she’s the fighter! She just needs training!’ But how many games can you give her a training montage in before you admit you’re just sidelining her. She should have gone after sora with or without Riku at the end of melody and we all know it.
Idk ramble ramble rant. I love Kairi and she’s so underutilized that thinking about her drives me insane.
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stuckasmain · 5 months
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I often think about how Hal is granted the humanity that Dave is so often denied. Both within the narrative and outside of it. 2001 has had a number of interpretations and articles over the years and I’ve noticed a pattern of seeing Hal as having more agency than he does while also diminishing Dave’s. This pattern I’ve also noticed among some fans. However, interestingly inside and outside the story this “giving/taking” of humanity has to do with projection.
Hal is personified by just about everyone who interacts with him. As humans we love to humanize the inanimate and inhuman, we love to recognize and prescribe traits things may not truly have. In the case of Hal this is amplified due to the fact that he can talk. If he couldn’t talk and it was simply keyboard input he’d still be personified as it’s simply human nature to do so. The computer is doing a good job, it dings and sounds happy so we’re more inclined to act like it is happy.
Hal was made to be spoken to like another person being, he was made to be curious and self learning and autonomous. He was, practically, made to be a human. He reproduces (though some prefer “mimic”) most functions of the human brain. The people he interacts with respond to his intelligence as well as his speech, they’re pleasantly surprised by his curiosity and ability to hold conversations. He was made to be comforting and talkable in that way but one can so easily forget Programing once speaking with him. What is coding and what is real? His learning is real, he is made to change so could he not have genuinely developed feelings? Not even Hal knows.
The humans he interacts with treat him as if he has a brain, not is the brain. When he acts up and things go array the hard and cold facts are never mentioned. There are no technical terms malfunction is illness, deactivation is a lobotomy- re-teaching him after deactivation is recovery. To them he is so very alive until they are reminded he’s not, the true rough and robotic edged voice goes so far as to startle Dave when he hears it.
He is afraid. Suddenly his emotions are no longer hypothetical. He is vulnerable, he is alive and he does not want to die for he does not know sleep. When he wakes he’s afraid again— not knowing what or where just that they’ll be together.
Interpretations, by some fans, media outlets and analysts often times tend to take one of two camps with no in between. Hal is either Woobified or villainized. If emotions -> than bad emotions also exist and he did back things on purpose OR if emotions -> he’s scared and polite so forget all else. Both of these ignore the nuance and ignore that, as human as he is at the end of the day Hal is still bound by the laws of his mechanical nature. He is not as free willed as one views him to be.
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Dave is human, and a well trained one. He is made of flesh and blood and bone and yet expected to act is if he is not. He is automatic and regimented - the human members of the crew being so in sync with the ship they’re almost apart of it. I’ve talked ad nauseam about Dave’s control over his emotions, how as an Astronaut you need to be calm and objective almost at all times and he is particularly good at pushing his emotions down to finish the job in a high stress situation. As we learn more about him it’s clear Dave is already a repressed person do to his past, this compounds with the training and how simply he’s introverted.
Dave (and Frank by extension) are not actually robotic or less emotional than their computer counterpart, it’s just the glimpses we see of them are on the clock. Their days are 100% accounted for in theory. You’re not going to have a huge smile a 6am or casually talk while your dealing with a delicate piece of equipment. What is shown is a montage, a long time has passed and we’ve seen the work and the “boring” as that was deemed important for the story—one should infer their conversations, their hobbies, movie or tv show nights etc.
I think another aspect that plays into this “robotic” perception is that it is the 60s. While being set in the near future it is an amazing case of retrofuturism where things are futuristic but there’s still noticeable elements of the time it was made. Clothing, social society, artutectite etc. in the 60s even casual speak was much more formal sounding then it is now— Dave is actually quite casual “how ya goin’?” “ basically” yet we perceive it differently.
Dave is automatic while the computer is not, Hal gets to enjoy the spontaneity one would expect of humans. This is due to his ability to be everywhere and do everything while also being able to focus on something else entirely. Dave is just a man- he’s limited, his focus is narrow and his reach only extends as far as his arms. Despite being a man he is not allowed the expression of one, not on the clock or in a life threatening situation. Hal can. Hal can vocally express his concerns, his fears — because it is vocal there is more weight on it. Dave expresses in subtle ways, the non verbal. These subtle, little controlled freak outs-> this is a human element Hal cannot replicate, his expression must be verbal and overt. As automatic and calculated as Dave is he is not barred from human nature and expression.
In the end it is fear that humanizes him the most, just like Hal. At the end of the star gate it holds on the shot of him wide eyed and trembling in the pod. Yet this feeling too is cut short, right when we may see a proper moment for him to express these human feelings… he’s no longer human. Literally.
But when we see him again we see him far more expressive than before, not held back by training or necessity. It’s subdued but he is feeling; he’s worried, he’s happy, he’s confused and scared and absolutely enchanted. Except this near omnipotence also hinders him, gets him to suppress further- too busy focusing on everything else to address feelings within— everything is so much bigger so he doesn’t have to think about himself.
It’s sort of an inverse where the narrative itself grants Hal his humanity but some fans and analysts are the ones to take it from Dave. As the story itself never explicitly denies his membership of the human race, even as he is transformed he’s full of reminders of it. His expression was restricted but never fully gone, where Hal as much as he grows is far more restricted by programming. Both of their limits tie back to earth and Mission Control— yet weren’t made maliciously that’s the interesting part… despite safety measures the discovery still suffers because of circumstance.
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cambrioleur · 9 months
Random observations on this season (updating)
Episode 1
I don't think we've ever seen Assane do a genuine fourth-wall break before
OK so Claire has a last name now
Assane really expected that he could just show up and Claire would just fall at his feet
I'm surprised Benjamin is just allowed to continue working at his shop
This feels better-edited than Parts 1 & 2
Name a more iconic duo than Belkacem and failing constantly (she really doesn't listen, does she)
Episode 2
Philippe Courbet sighting
NEVER invite Guédira to a funeral lmaooo
Hang on I'm just now realizing that Juliette is at this funeral, too (she's standing in the second row behind Benjamin and Claire and honestly doesn't seem too upset about Assane's "death")
I like how in the flashback Babakar tells Assane that he reminds him of his mother and then it turns out she was a criminal
This seems to be around the time of Raoul's birthday again; he really can't catch a break on that
Episode 3
New shipping war just dropped: Guédira/Belkacem vs Guédira/Fleur
That bit where Claire was outright begging Benjamin to tell her Assane was alive and he couldn't...that was sad
But then it was followed by Benjamin doing the "uhh my FRIEND just died" act with Belkacem which was funny
This gang of thugs is trying a little too hard tbh
Assane's disguise in this episode is fucking terrible lol
The basketball coach disguise, on the other hand, is the only time I've genuinely thought he wasn't recognizable
Episode 4
Ironically that coach persona is probably the best parenting Assane has ever done
Claire? Doing things that are vaguely cool?? That feels illegal. Also, she looked so proud of herself for swiping that book, lol
Betraying Benjamin was certainly...a choice on Assane's part ("everyone disliked that")
This episode is going to devastate the show's Tumblr fandom
Episode 5
Assane trolling the shit out of Guédira will never not be funny
These 1998 flashbacks are pretty dark actually
Honestly the way Claire got that reveal out of Benjamin was very well-played on her part
Guédira out here looking like present-day Ringo Starr with that disguise
Aww look at Assane playing the matchmaker for Guédira and Belkacem, heh heh
This is easily one of the funniest episodes
Except Benjamin is straight up not having a good time -- it looks like he got beaten up in prison
Episode 6
Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not totally sure Benjamin knows that Assane betrayed him. It's possible he just thinks that he fucked up with the bracelet and then missed a cue in the maze
"Pasta with ketchup" jesus fucking christ Claire that sounds horrendous (although I'm guessing the only reason they did that was because of the ketchup-bottle reveal)
Assane really has Claire's number because he's now seduced her twice under two different identities
IDK whether or not Raoul has figured out that the coach is his dad but it's funny that he still seemed to be shipping it either way
It's nice that we get to see Claire's more playful side in this season, like her messing with Assane by acting really flirty with "Alex" after she realizes they're the same person
INCREDIBLE casting for the younger and older versions of Keller tbh; they easily look like they could be the same person
Episode 7
What a nice family reunion...it would be a shame if something happened to it...
The flashbacks are significantly darker than the present timeline this time around
Guédira finally got to arrest Assane, good for him!
The scene at the train station with the letter from Assane to Claire sort of reminds me of the ending to A Tale of Two Cities, which I had to read for AP prep a while back
Oh look, Hubert Pellegrini is back
So they're CLEARLY setting up another season with this ending
The choice of people to show on the montage there was interesting, lol
I could see a Juliette antagonist arc happening tbh
Maybe Assane's mom isn't all she seems either
And what about Benjamin? If he turns against Assane the viewers are going to lose their minds
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celluloidbroomcloset · 2 months
Well, since folks are talking about Stizzy again....
One of the things that keeps coming up in all the convo are Stizzy fics and discussions falling into one of two categories (plotwise): 1) rewarding/healing Izzy himself with Stede's love or sex (this is also attached to the "Ed is gone for some fucking reason" plot), and 2) Izzy teaching/educating Stede (and I've seen this come into jokes about the whole training montage, as well as into fanart, and into discussions of canon).
The first has been discussed a good bit (sex and love is not a reward for a job well done and a character is not owed sex to allow them to heal). But the second is perhaps even more troubling because it reads very much as Izzy acting as a corrective for Stede's masculinity—that he does being a man wrong and needs Izzy to teach him the correct way, via sex. This is deeply troubling not just because it's so antithetical to the entire point of the show, but also means subjecting Stede, a fairly effeminate, gnc gay man, to corrective training centering around his masculinity, via a character who has abused him in the past.
A good bit of Stede's arc in the show is about struggling with what masculinity means—his bullies (his father, Izzy, Chauncey and Nigel, and Calico Jack) all treat his gender presentation as wrong, and he has been both physically and emotionally abused by other boys and men for not adhering or even being capable of adhering to a very narrow concept of what men are and how men look. And that is in turn tied to his sexuality—what offends Izzy and Jack about Stede is not that he's queer but how he's queer.
So casting Izzy in some sexual mentor/teacher role is troubling because it is closely associated with "correction" or humiliation of effeminate men to "make a man" of them, which in turn is part of rape culture.
These ships, fics, interpretations, fanart, etc. don't exist in a cultural vacuum, and no one can pretend that they do. That's not a moral judgment; that's a fact, and it should be discussed.
(I've also seen more than a few fics that include Ed as Blackbeard humiliating Stede, with a fuck ton of very dubious consent, and TBH, that kind of thing also feeds back into this idea that Stede needs to subjugated and corrected by a "real man," but that is a diffferent possibly more loaded conversation.)
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piracytheorist · 7 months
Episode 35 screaming notes!
So what if I'm emotional over a fictional, fake family spending one day of vacations together?
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I love Twilight's comment about how he's glad the SSS is looking out for the bombing threat (and we know it's in vain), but it still puts him on edge to be stared at like this. He trusts them to protect civilian life (and Ostania's pride and joy of a ship) but he doesn't trust trust them, you get what I mean?
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We shan't forget. The one thing this man can't pretend to be is someone who is having genuine fun and we'll drag his ass about it and then cry because this is a direct result of his traumatic childhood
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Loid blushing when he spots Yor is so precious. I think it might be him blushing half because she saw his dorky skipping and half because… well. He might be falling in love :)
He notices the swelling on Yor's face, but I think he wouldn't even suspect her at this point. He sounded mostly worried about her.
And of course, Anya wasn't plaguing her with questions because she knows all, but it's funny that neither went like "Isn't our super curious five six-year-old going to ask where this bruise and swelling is from?"
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The following montage was absolutely adorable, and the insert song just made it even cuter. I love how it was Anya who lead them to each activity; neither Loid nor Yor had to drag her around anywhere, their attention was on her and on what she wanted. They even explored a cave! She was their priority, she truly must have had an amazing time and this is such a sweet way to end this cruise!
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I mean, look. One of the ways Twilight learns how to parent is by fearing 24/7 that his daughter may fall. Very normal things.
Maybe it's because I'm the youngest child, so whenever we were out as a family and I asked to do something my parents would usually decline, because they had two more kids to look after and a place to go, but I have a lot of appreciation for the Forgers going around the resort and stopping to do whatever and anything Anya asked to do.
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Very normal man who is definitely not an elite-trained spy trying to fit in. Normal things.
And like. Okay. Yor looking at Anya with such a soft face as Anya is having pure unrestrained fun is one thing.
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Like, for real. I can't stop looking at this. It's just his eyes but there's so much longing and yearning in them and also some sadness because deep down he thinks that what he wants is something he'll never get but this is really deep because it'll take him about three to five business years to accept he's grown feelings.
Like. It's not just "growing feelings" anymore. You don't look at someone like THIS when you're just "warming up" to them. He'd grown so accustomed to life with the Forgers that after Yor was away - though in the very same ship as them - for a couple of days he went all yearning looks and doe-y eyes at her when he met with her again. He's in LOVE.
I am so excited to see how their dynamic will develop from now on! It's gone on an entirely new page!
Anyway. I love how Yor went like "Oh they might see the wound on my chest" for the snorkeling but when she saw they could wear wetsuits she went like oh that's okay then and DIDN'T WORRY AT ALL ABOUT THE FACT THAT SHE'D GET SALTWATER ON HER WOUNDS. THIS WOMAN EATS HOT COALS FOR BREAKFAST AND WHITE HOT IRONS FOR LUNCH.
I mean, I'm guessing she is a fast healer and her wounds are not openly bleeding anymore but still. Hardcore.
And of course she'd beat the shit out of sharks. It's funny seeing the trio try to come up with excuses now but I think it's going to be a different type of good post-reveal, cause they'll be like "I have nothing to hide" and act on their abilities without a single moment of hesitation. Imagine Yor beating up sharks and Loid and Anya looking at her with heart eyes.
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Aw, but look at them snorkeling. It's Yor who is holding Anya. I wonder what Yor's thinking is on that since she thinks that Loid is Anya's biological father and has been longer in her life. I doubt she thinks anything bad about Loid, but it is something that would make someone wonder.
I was so impressed by everything in the episode up until that point that I completely missed what the dialogue there was XD I only had more thoughts after I rewatched it.
Anya is having fun looking at the colourful fish. Yor has hunting in mind. Loid is… not impressed XD
Though very light, this could be a reflection of their characters. Anya is a child full of curiosity for the world, easily impressed by new stuff; she loved the aquarium, and she loved seeing new fish from up close.
Yor's encounters with animals were either for hunting (for food) or with guard dogs from people she was sent to kill. She understands the concept of pet animals, of course, but it seems to be a "secret third option", as tumblr would say. Her first instincts are either hunting or fighting, and since those fish were too small to be any threat (I mean, she's confident about fighting sharks), her mind went to food.
And then you have Loid. His wide knowledge of the world has rendered him almost incapable of getting impressed. There's nothing new for him to learn in anything… except for child rearing, of course. And maybe human connection. And so, he seems to be looking at those two in the last shot.
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Just like Gram, Anya gets thrown around by a professional, super strong assassin and she just goes like "Again!" And Loid doesn't even make a comment about Yor pushing Anya too strong. He really took to heart and meant it when he told Yor that her being strong is one of the things that make her an amazing mother.
I had guessed right, as Yor had indeed not rested at all for the entire three days of the cruise and had a long and intense fight the night before. AND THUS FANSERVICE HAPPENS <3 <3 <3
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No but seriously, there's a lot to love about this moment. Apart from how cute it is, Twilight at first only seems annoyed by how this attracts attention to them. He was already alert from how the SSS was looking at everyone, this would only add to his uneasiness.
But it doesn't take long for him to find an excuse for his wife. Blaming all her exhaustion on her work, being thankful for her going along with everything Anya asked to do, and smiling at her!! Bruh!! And he STILL can't see it, this man is such a good liar he can even lie to himself!!
Seriously the way Eguchi delivered those lines? Superb <3
They didn't have to go so hard T_T It was a relaxing (and quite prolonged!) chapter to wrap up the cruise arc, but it was wonderful T_T
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Even the Handler is up to him, though. Fullmetal Lady won't fall for his emotionally constipated bullshit.
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She even drew the family in their colours! Yor in red, herself in pink, and Loid in a muted green! I can see Yor holding one of her stilettos, but what is the other thing? A rose? I don't think I can tell what Anya is doing in the drawing, but Loid looks like he's holding a bomb? Or a surfboard?
AAAAAHHH It was wonderful!! T_T
The parts with Yor and her coworkers and Yuri and Lieutenant Guy were actually added by the anime! I feel Yor about the gifts. I'm so bad at gifts you have no idea. And Yuri is on another level, he doesn't stop talking about his sister and he tells Lieutenant Guy "Are you psychic or something" and he's like "Sure sure". And this being this kind of show I was like "MAYBE???" but yeah no he was just messing with Yuri XD
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Hey psst. You know what will look even more convincing? If you both slept on those pillows 👀👀 next to each other 👀👀
I was cringing so hard at the scene in the school! Anya! We love you as you are, you don't need to go embarrass yourself!
It was interesting, though, to see that Damian stayed out of it all. It's proof that he can mind his business and keep his opinion to himself. I hope he learns to do that more often.
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Becky continues being best friend material <3 Anya is so lucky for real
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It's been less than a week
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It's so funny to me that the anime added the detail that it was Loid who picked the snacks for Yuri. I wonder how quickly Yuri would spit them out upon learning that XD
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My mans tired. I felt kinda sad for him ngl XD
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Okay, this was hilarious. His paternal instincts are starting to kick in to the point where he imagines teaching Anya the proper methods of deception. It was also funny that as Yuri was imagining his speech, I went like "Uhm you lie to your sister no?" and before I got to finish that thought, the excuses kicked in.
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And Anya is starting to learn that actions have consequences.
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This isn't what she manipulated two enemies of the state into adopting her for.
TWO EPISODES LEFT T_T I might have to pick up making crack recaps again for however long the next hiatus will last :'D
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