#trainer delcat appeared!
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delcat177 · 9 months ago
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Look I don't like flaunting things I know other people want but. Can I PLEASE just flex a lil on my three star heaviest tallest shiny event Umbreon in a SCARF
I went into this event prematurely bitter about not getting one which I guess is the trick
Happy Fest errone, thanks to friends who helped with gifts and raids, hope it was everything you could hope for!
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delcat177 · 9 months ago
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delcat177 · 2 years ago
Let's be Pokemon Go buddies
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Pusher wants to trade gifts!
6021 5379 1625
I am not on every day, but I'm working on that! I open and send gifts, and I try to make them interesting--you may get some Starbucks, though, fair warning, I DO live in the PNW. Hit me up!
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delcat177 · 2 years ago
Let’s be research buddies in Pokémon Sleep.
Here’s my Researcher ID!
Start Button has the cutest apps, I need to go back to their cooking thing
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delcat177 · 2 years ago
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Hey, how the fuck do people who raid play Pokemon Go?
Like, I don't have friends or raid. I'm Switzerland, I catch a raid about once every four months, I'm just over with the shiny-hunting crowd, all huddled up with our virtual bug nets going...do you need *assistance*
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We're worried about you, Seymour.
And I would honestly just be really interested in understanding this thing going on. It's gaming history!
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So, let's make this simple. The math, as I understand it, is that a Remote Battle Pass is going to cost two dollars more, on average. The other issue is the restriction on daily raids, limiting them to five.
Please answer to the best of your feeling on the matter, and add in notes/reblogs what your position is. If people are leaving the game, I'm very interested in that, and I'm interested in the goodbyes. I think people who leave have the right to tell the story of why, and how, and what was before...I'm inclined that way, for some reason.
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delcat177 · 2 years ago
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Jesus Christy that's a big beaw
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delcat177 · 3 years ago
I would say this wasn't canon if I didn't know how hard the Pokémon anime genuinely slaps
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delcat177 · 2 years ago
A love story
So, I don't get to play Pokémon Go raids that often. Don't have friends in the right time zone, don't play religiously (which is weird for me as a shiny hunter, trying to change that)
But I was getting the mail a month or two back and playing, and there happened to be another player, so we did that thing where we were sort of periscoping at each other to make sure that we were both seeing the right app and weren't about to initiate The Most Awkward Conversation
We traded codes, he seemed really nice, and he's been inviting me to raids, which is super awesome of him
And today
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*Xerneas*, *thank you RikiG1969*
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Pusher out here with the rest of the Metagross squad 💞 Before I *just now* realize she has a Fighting main 🫀 this explains some issues I've been having ⚰️
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I tried to singlehandedly take down a five star raid last month. Repeatedly. We hit 12 people. This is the best thing.
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The founder of the feast
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...said no one, because Pokémon Go has no Master Ball.
You get fifteen Premium Balls. And then it runs.
I have watched them run before.
But never a shiny.
I forced radical acceptance on myself.
That doesn't belong to you, I thought. That doesn't belong to you. Fifteen shots. You have a chance. That's the hell of it. It's not a carnival game. It's the Random.
It's not yours. It doesn't belong to you.
Fifteen shots.
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It took one.
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I'm keeping her as my Buddy until he sees the message
I am marrying this Pokémon 😭💍💘
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delcat177 · 2 years ago
I want a Normal/Poison Porygon regional line to reflect data pollution. Malware, misinfo, spam, viruses, clickbait, mother hecking blockchain. It's time.
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delcat177 · 3 years ago
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I had to explain that Salazzle being a sexy fart domme with a harem is canon because my sister was asking questions and "that explains what I've been seeing" was a not unexpected response but both raises and answers some questions I had not previously asked about this lizard negl
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delcat177 · 5 years ago
free them
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delcat177 · 3 years ago
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I almost named him Hospitality because you can't piss on hospitality
But then someone would inevitably piss on Hospitality and he would wilt 8(
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delcat177 · 3 years ago
Why did we decide, universally, NOT to call it Shiny Mining
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delcat177 · 3 years ago
My therapist: The angry sun from SMB3 isn't real. It can't hurt you.
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My therapist: Okay, I'm going to start you on Starman, what's your pharmacy?
Me: Toad House on World 3
My therapist: Toad House on World 3, got it. That should be ready later this week.
Me: And until then?
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delcat177 · 3 years ago
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I had to dig for it because they really swept the idea under the rug Gen II and onward, but from an early Pokémon episode:
In Episode 46 of the original Pokémon anime, Ash's Pokédex asserts that "Farfetch'd makes a delicious meal, especially when cooked with leek."
They have a serious discussion about it. It was commom knowledge in Red/Blue days that Farfetch'd was bred for human consumption. Since there's only one of them to any R/B cartridge, it was theorized they were being eaten that hard, and a Pokedex entry in the next generation stated that people were making an effort to breed more to save the population.
More directly, there's an early arc where both the protags and Team Rocket get stuck on a raft in the middle of the ocean and are starving. They've acquired a Magikarp by this time, and Meowth tries to chomp it down, but breaks a tooth--to underline Magikarp's utter uselessness, they have rock-hard scales which makes them totally inedible.
No one likes that, and James expresses this.
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Aaaaaand we see Gyarados for the first time in the anime, as the pissed off Magikarp evolves and summons a bunch of buddies.
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(It ends as expected.)
For my money, though?
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Venonat. They always looked like some kind of cotton candy gummi to me, equally fluffy and sweet. Just cut me a big candy steak off this delightful blackberry bush and serve it soft. Delicious.
or I guess they could just use Fly and not eat each other but I think Misty would find a way to break a Pidgeotto
Digging my brother’s theory that Misty sent the postcards for attention just to stir things up and get everyone in touch with her but did not anticipate it triggering everything else like Travis’ death and now she has to deal with what she accidentally set in motion
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delcat177 · 4 years ago
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Got the 7km!
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Welcome to this world,
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you beautiful, bouncing
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