equationsoff · 2 years
@tragicsongs​ + feral au go brr
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edward sighs as he hears the commotion in front of his home. it isn’t surprising that someone has been caught on the grounds now that he’s well enough to be seen by the public that journalists would attempt to see him. it’s something his father warned him of and he’s not scared to call security if this doesn’t turn into something at least mildly entertaining. it’s been a boring day despite his classes.
the person he catches isn’t exactly someone who gave him the look of some writer attempting to get their scoop. but there is some whisper in his head that he recognises them. perhaps before his memory loss he knew them?
“ if you’re here to visit my father, he’s away on business. otherwise, you could have used the front door. the back door isn’t open to visitors. ”
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years
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@tragicsongs asked: “those are all traits of great writers. and serial killers.” (Ziggy to Nick)
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"I mean, that's probably why Stephen King's stories are so chilling right? If he and a serial killer share traits, it makes sense their minds work the same." Nick mused lightly. "I don't think Sheila is ever going to be a good writer though, or a serial killer. She might break a nail." he grinned. Hanging out with Ziggy Berman was proving to be more fun than he'd expected and he'd liked her before hanging out.
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bravevolunteer · 1 year
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@tragicsongs asked: “Quit telling me what to do!” (pov i diagnose michael and addy with Found Family) // protective sibling starters
"OKAY, if you insist on facing whatever's behind this door, be my guest." Michael has zero intentions of letting her do so first, but he raises his palms to his chest in a momentary surrender anyways— he guesses he can't blame her for being annoyed, especially with the notable lack of answers Michael gives about most things, but she's come to find out parts of the puzzle by now ( namely, the deadly threats in the middle of the night shift part ). And, well, he doesn't think anything in this restaurant will be much of a threat to her, anyway. Still, he's going to handle it. Or, as much as a strange noise from the kitchens outside of the hours where that should happen needs to be handled.
"I'm not telling you what to do, I'm telling you what I'm going to do. See? Two different things." He may or may not be holding back a grin— once an older sibling, always an older sibling. With that, he lifts his flashlight, glancing back at Addy before he opens the door. There's no reason to say anything, she'll be fine... she'll still be here. "Be careful, alright?"
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unitcd · 1 year
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"Alright, Ms. Blackwood, tell me why you left your previous employer and decided to make the move up to LexCorp." Lex had notes scribbled on his pad as well as on the copy of Addison's resume that was on the desk in front of him. "What makes my company a better fit for you and your talents?" Thus far, the interview was going well and Mr. Luthor was quite sure that he was going to hire this one on. He just had a couple more questions and the interview would conclude. "I won't ask you what your favorite color is, that is a boring question in my opinion. So, what I will ask is if you are one to be on time or not."
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supcrfriends · 2 years
@tragicsongs​​ ( nora or bart )
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“You wanna help me surprise your mom with something?” Barry raised a brow. “I feel bad, I kind of told her everything about her life so many times that I want to try and make it up to her. At least a little bit.” 
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ahsterism · 2 years
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@tragicsongs asked: “how can you stand this place?” (michael for addy,,,bitching abt the franchise hours) // more random dialogue prompts
MICHAEL LAUGHS— the dry and callous kind filled to the brim with sarcasm before he can even put words to his response. Not exactly directed towards the other poor soul working here herself, but the idea that he could even SLIGHTLY stand just one of these places. Michael Afton has hardly been able to stand a single Fazbear restaurant, location, whatever new bullshit they come up with after the last closes down, since 1983. And yet he keeps on CRAWLING BACK, of course this is the endless chase that became his last purpose. She has a point... any sane person would leave his position at the first chance. He guesses he's just well past that point, but hell if he could explain it all.
"You get used to it, I s'pose," is what he ends up going with, shrugging as he adjusts the name tag fastened to the ( obnoxiously— and from the faded grease stains, definitely used ) purple shirt. "I dunno, maybe it's 'cause I don't have to wrangle the kids all day, less to keep an eye on during the night shift." Right, less, if only a handful of killer animatronics count. Michael has been surrounded by his father's business long enough to know he's just playing into their hands by staying quiet, but there's no point in scaring the one on the ( hopefully ) less deadly shift. "And money, s'why most people end up stuck at their shitty jobs, right?"
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cheersnap · 2 years
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        “and it's hard to be at a party when i feel like an   open wound.”  not that she was ever really a party girl to begin with.  festivities were just a little harder to bear after the summer they had — never mind that it’s been about two months since then.  but she knows it isn’t fair to sulk around the other nightwing survivors who were making an effort to put it past them, which is why she had to be outside for a moment.  “tell william i’ll dance with him, i promise.  i just need a second.”
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@tragicsongs​’ abigail goode : 75     /     in honor of SPOTIFY WRAPPED,  send me a number 1-100 and i’ll write you a starter based on the song. ♫ : this is me trying by taylor swift
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forthewinn · 2 years
@tragicsongs​ ||  “ why are you looking at me like that? ”
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Winn tilted his head to the side, looking at Ellie for a moment. “You do realize that you just told off an alien right?” He asked, a little shocked at the way that his sister had just spoken to Lyra. “I mean I’m impressed, that was pretty bad ass.” 
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sensesdialed · 2 years
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@tragicsongs​ asked: 75 from whoever it ends up working the best for idk // SPOTIFY WRAPPED - send me a number 1-100 and I’ll write you a starter based on the song 
75. Kissing Lessons - Lucy Dacus
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    “I DON’T REMEMBER when we stopped hanging out,” Peter lies through his teeth. He remembers it vividly, he’s the ONLY ONE in the world in the world to remember when the sunrise spilled over the damaged statue of liberty and onto the only people he had left as he had to figure out how to somehow say goodbye to them. He shouldn’t be SURPRISED, of course high school came up eventually between the two of them, and in the internal chaos of trying to AVOID saying anything too close to something Addy might recall ( just without him there ), he had mentioned something about friends he doesn’t talk to anymore... 
    “It was— uh, around when I had to drop out, I guess, I had a lotta... stuff to figure out and kinda lost touch with people, that part doesn’t really matter right now, though-” 
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lcveblossomed · 1 year
@tragicsongs asked: ❛ Don’t you know history repeats itself? Hm? ❜ (addy for cindy or jolene)
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Jolene had been alone for what felt like weeks in a little room with chairs her mind wrapping around it all. She wondered if this was hell a few times because it was so quiet so alone leaving her to play her death in a loop. When she finally does leave the room she finds someone else she finds Addy and she's just relieved she's not alone.
Addy was another victim another person who had died by this curse a friend of Nurse Lane's daughter. "But why? Why. I did everything right i never got in trouble I always did my best I- I had a scholarship to a great college. I was gonna get out I was gonna do something to get my whole family out and it's just over? I never even got to kiss a boy or drink a beer this is such bullshit!" She knocks hover one of the nearby chairs as tears sting her eyes. "And why are we stuck here! The least they could do if they were gonna kill us was let us find some fucking piece not sent in a dentist waiting room forever."
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fantasywritten · 1 year
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@tragicsongs asked: ❝ i respect your opinion. it’s wrong, but i respect it. ❞ (ellie to sammy. it's law that my ocs first interactions w/ him must be them starting shit apparently)
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SAMMY HAD MORE PRESSING MATTERS than one girl’s opinion. He told himself that he could care less, that it really didn’t matter all that much, but the comment still managed to tick him off slightly. “Yeah, well, MY NAME’S ON THE DOOR to the entire music department, so…” He shrugged it off, although his face betrayed his annoyance. “Whatever.”
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equationsoff · 2 years
@tragicsongs​ + starter call (for viktor)
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the crumbling street is paid little mind by the teenage old man staring out at the end of everything once again. once he’d watched the academy be destroyed for the second time something inside of him snapped. that final shred of drive to fight to stop the end of the world. why should he when the world clearly had other wishes? this time, even the commission couldn’t be blamed for wanting to cause the apocalypse. this time, it was entirely them. he had become the thing he’d sought to stop and his death would finally make some sort of fucked up sense. finally...he’d not be the only one left standing in a world that no longer breathed.
the lack of outside noise meant he heard viktor walking up behind him and he waited until his brother stood to his side before turning to greet him. things have been tense between viktor and allison and five only hopes that their last few days can be spent in at least veiled hatred so they could die as a family and not as outcasts trapped by circumstance.
“ it’s odd. ” five muses to break the silence. “ this is the third apocalypse i’ve seen and yet the most beautiful. i don’t know if i should be worried or not that i’m glad the one that kills me at least won’t leave someone else stranded. ”
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kurthorton-moving · 2 years
@tragicsongs, chess: “How long have you been sitting here?”
he’d been staring into space, not much capable of breaking his focus on the edge of the floor where some fabric is starting to curl away from the springboard underneath, shaking under the reverberations of hands and feet slamming against the floor with every stunt. he’d already spent the entire morning training, he’d walked off the mat and out of view only to return in a way that was just off. he wonders if anyone noticed the way his father disappeared at the same time, wonders if anyone heard the scolding of a disappointed father, easily masked in the words and tones of an unsatisfied coach, though even a coach shouldn’t be speaking like that. it takes a moment for him to make a sound of acknowledgement before he looks up at her, blinking a few times as he tries to process what she’d said. he doesn’t dare try to answer her question before realising exactly what it requires, doesn’t want to reveal something he doesn’t need to. Brows furrow before he looks to the clock, though it doesn’t help him much, he hadn’t exactly been keeping an eye on the time. He blinks a bit more as he looks around the room, no one where they’d been when he last looked up, people had come and gone, but it wasn’t as if he remembered specifics anyway. “I don’t know.” He’s almost acting like he’d hit his head and dazed himself - it certainly wouldn’t be the first time - but that’s not what’s happening here. Just harsh words that sent him spiralling, sitting and thinking over the routine he’d done, trying to work out what hadn’t been good enough. “A while, I guess.”
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bravevolunteer · 2 years
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@tragicsongs asked: ❛ why are you really here? ❜ (remember what i was saying abt nick fight fight fight-) // 200 random dialogue prompts
MICHAEL NEVER LIKED NICK, not even before his worst mistake tore his friendship with Abigail apart. He could tell the feeling was mutual, that perfect police-chief-to-be Nick Goode wanted Michael FAR, far away from his family every time he showed up. Abigail is what kept him reigned in most of the time— while Michael had absolutely zero qualms pushing Nick's buttons, fighting with his friend's twin brother was only bound to stress her out. All encounters remained tense, but never beyond that. Now, Michael hasn't properly spoken with Abigail since the accident, and Nick Goode looks at him as if he's a MONSTER rather than an annoyance.
— He knows at the back of his mind, where his thoughts are fueled by his father's vitriol and the versions of Evan that face him in his dreams, that Nick is RIGHT to look at him that way. Everyone around him that regards Michael as someone to be BLAMED, avoided, not given a chance... they're correct, Michael wouldn't give himself another chance. His brother's blood will forever remain on his hands no matter how many times he claims it was an accident, and it's BETTER that Abigail refuses to see him again rather than Michael poisoning her like he does everything around him.
But he's never been quite good at CONTROLLING his emotions, has he? And as much as he believes he deserves to be cast aside, that does nothing to stop how deep it cuts. "I told you—" Michael hisses, nails digging into his palms hard enough to leave marks. "I just wanna talk to her once." He isn't sure what he was going to say... but he has to leave on something that isn't tense eye contact and apologies for running into her. "I'll leave her alone after that. Last time I checked she should be able to decide for herself rather than you picking someone else's fucking battles. What, already getting off on the ego boost that stopping the town murderer is givin' you?"
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unitcd · 2 years
@tragicsongs gv starter
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"Please don't try and stop me, Nia." The man swallowed thickly. "Lex will hurt you if you don't let me do what I need to do." Just the thought of her getting hurt made him sick to his stomach. "I'm sorry." There was no turning back, he was in way too deep and Nia already couldn't trust him, Hell, he'd be surprised if she didn't loathe him entirely. . . But he still loved her and seeing her hurt was the last thing that he wanted.
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supcrfriends · 2 years
@tragicsongs​ asked: "That’s uh, that’s all on YouTube though, right? I mean that’s where you found it. ‘Cause you know that’s all fake. It’s all done on a computer." from cisco or bart idk
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“Wait, how can you tell it’s fake?” Was he for real right now? It looked so real! “I think I’d be able to tell if it was real or not.” Right? He should be able to! Barry licked his lips and replayed the video, staring at his phone for a moment as he studied the screen. “There’s no way that isn’t real. Why would someone edit that?” It didn’t even make any sense, but that was probably why he was so flabbergasted by the entire situation in the first place.  
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