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papasmithcustom · 5 years ago
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Congratulations!! 👏🎉🎊 #tesla #teslalife #teslaparking #teslafan #teslafans #teslafanboy #teslafanatics #learntopark #learntodrive #learntodrivepeople #learntoparkpeople #learntoparkplease #badparking #badparkingjob #badparkingjobs #trafficwarden #trafficwardens #noparking #noparkingzone #noparkingspots #noparkinghere #noparkingavailable (at Papa Smith Custom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEjIrr9nc6M/?igshid=1wgye8afwv7ya
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urfspace · 4 years ago
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Reeta the Meter Ma’am. In a future of self-flying drone cars, will we still need Meter Maids? Or will that be just one more job we don’t have to bother with any more? What are we all going do when the robots run everything? Spend more time working on our abs and appreciating art? Or dissolve into big blobs that become one with the machines? Answers on a postcard please. #metermaid #parking #parkingattendant #urfspacepolice #trafficwarden #futurecop #hotcop #hotcopsofinstagram #dronecar #flyingcar #futurecop #judgedredd #megacity1 #megacity2 #peakedcap #spacehelmet #spacecadet #hoverbike #pda #watercolor #inkandwatercolor #cartoonart #originalcharacter #oc #cartoon #illustration #scifi #scifiart #jetbike #mecha #futurebiker https://www.instagram.com/p/CIYyQlIMYub/?igshid=3tpatsxkt8w7
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passedwonder · 4 years ago
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The most honest addition to a set of corporate values I've ever seen. Seen in a traffic warden base, way back in 2009 — felt an appropriate return to regular posting with some history 😁 . #weirdlondon #CorporateValues #ThatsALie #honesty #TrafficWarden #Soho #London #hiddenlondon #explorelondon #hiddenlondon #mysecretlondon #SeenIn2009 (at Soho, London UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG_M6PjFMxM/?igshid=1t6740smoqog9
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itskabbogor · 7 years ago
Akhirnya Mimin masuk tv :D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CjWhmdTfzgw @tmcpolresbogor @bogor.kabupaten @atcskabbogor @net12yangbaru #Atcskabupatenbogor #dishub#dishubkabbogor#its #tegarberiman#disiplinlalulintas #dishubjabar#KementerianPerhubungan #jawabarat #infolalulintas #infobogor #infojabar #visitbogor #trafficlight #trafficwarden #like4like #wargabogor #kabupatenhits #indonesia#abdinegara #kabupatentermajudiindonesia (di ITS Dishub Kabupaten Bogor)
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georginabarker · 5 years ago
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Fremantle Corona Diaries. Chris, traffic warden, Fremantle. In the three-and-a-half years Chris has stopped the traffic for school kids crossing High Street he’s never seen things so quiet. Not just the lack of children, but also the traffic. “The traffic is down about 80 per cent,” says Chris. “There’s not even a peak hour.” By last week, as parents were asked to keep their kids home from school if they were able to, there was just one child using the crossing. Chris will wait to hear notification about term two. #georginabarkerphotography #fremantle #eastfremantleprimaryschool #traffic #trafficwarden #seniors #schoolkids #fremantlestory #thisisfremantle #infreo #lovefreo #visitfremantle #coronadiaries #covid19 (at Fremantle, Western Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-rhS2zDG0A/?igshid=mni66lm5xu0n
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robertomasi71 · 5 years ago
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Improvise. Adapt. Overcome #coronavirus #covid_19 #parkingticket #trafficwarden #meme #memes #pic #photooftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Wv2AxHeoq/?igshid=139w69u1fdr99
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headlinenewsalert · 5 years ago
women fight with traffic warden in karachi
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mdrewmartin · 6 years ago
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They even give tickets to imaginary cars these days..... #trafficwarden . . . . . #streetlife #capturestreets #life_is_street #streetsgrammer #storyofthestreet #streetphotomag #ourstreets #streetstyle #dpsp_street #new_photostreet #streetphoto_bw #igersstreets #streetclassics #ASPfeatures #street.finder #curiouscameraclub #SPiCollective #streetleaks #sweet_street_beat #streets_storytelling #urbanstreetPhotogallery #thestreetphotographyhub #streetfinder #igersmanchester #manchestergram #manchesterlife #manchesterphotographyclub (at Manchester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bve34PYgt_e/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rb75cfqe478l
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rozzhew · 6 years ago
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A month of ‘3’s - playing the traffic warden #three #marchchallenge #3 #trafficwarden #trafficstop https://www.instagram.com/p/BveiMLWHLJs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m78dxvs82gil
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papasmithcustom · 5 years ago
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Traffic warden friend. #trafficwarden #traffic #warden #carfriend #gestapo #car #cars #road #roads #parkingproblems #nowheretopark #nolove #noonelovesme #friend #friends #nofriends #myjobcauseslonelyness #lonelyness #carfriend #trafficwardenfriend (at Papa Smith Custom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7UJcbJHiD6/?igshid=asc3kkqi8ex8
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rcaf5point6 · 7 years ago
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Is it true they can’t give you a ticket if they’re not in official uniform? #onemanandhispen #olympus_penf #randompenmoment #olumpusuk #trafficwarden #parkingticket but not today. (at Highbury & Islington station)
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itskabbogor · 7 years ago
Selamat pagi Situasi lalu lintas di Simpang SENTUL dari arah BOGOR terpantau Ramai lancar. Patuhilah rambu rambu lalu lintas dan marka jalan. Utamakan keselamatan daripada kecepatan. #Atcskabupatenbogor#angkotbogor #dishub #dishubjabar #dishubkabbogor #jawabarat #jabarkahiji #infobogor #infolalulintas #wargajabar #wargabogor #Kabarjabar #kabarbogor#kabarlalin #abdinegara #like4like#bogorhits #visitbogor#tegarberiman #trafficlight #trafficwarden #kabupaten #kabupatenbogor #anakrantau #kabupatentermajudiindonesia #indonesia (di ITS Dishub Kabupaten Bogor)
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disneychanelxo · 8 years ago
Stoppin tha traffic! 🚦 #DisneyChanel #TrafficWarden #CantParkHereSir #ImmaGiveYouATicket #DoubleLine #CatEyes #DragQueen #Bald #NoHairNoCare
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itskabbogor · 7 years ago
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Selamat siang Kondisi arus lalu lintas saat ini di Simpang BDB dari semua arah terpantau ramai lancar. Patuhi rambu-rambu lalu lintas dan marka jalan. Utamakan keselamatan daripada kecepatan. Mari kita bangun kesadaaran tertib berlalu lintas demi kenyamanan dan keselamatan bersama. . . @bogor.kabupaten @atcskabbogor ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ #dishubkabbogor #dishub#dishubjabar #Atcskabupatenbogor #atcs #its #kabupaten #kabupatenbogor #kabupatenhits #bogorkabupatenku #kabupatenbogorkasohor#jawabarat #Kabarjabar#kabarlalin# ##infolalulintas#like4like #Tegarberiman #indonesiajaya#abdinegara#wisatabogor #trafficwarden#infobogor#kabupatentermajudiindonesia #budayadisiplin #kabupatenbogorjuara #BelajarDisiplinBersama #trafficlight #lalulintas #visitbogor (di ITS Dishub Kabupaten Bogor)
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