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Grian seeing those giant scitties-

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Maybe Borrower Grian and Joel and then protective Jimmy?
(cw: dehumanization and villain Mean Gills)
Jimmy blinked at the creatures in the jar- no, not creatures. Those were tiny people. Those were people.
"Isn't it amazing, Tim?" Martyn asked, taking him by the arm and dragging him closer to the kitchen island.
Scott was sat in an island stool, leaning over the counter. His hands not quite touching the jar but hovering around it. He threw a smirk at Jimmy, "Cute, aren't they?"
Jimmy swallowed as he looked down at them, even closer now he could just make out their expressions. They were scared- or angry? 'Definitely weren't happy to be in the jar.
Martyn dropped himself in the seat next to Scott as he explained further, "We found them earlier today. I guess one of them slipped into the sink and the other was trying to get him out? I think they've been living in our walls."
Scott wrinkled his nose, "Kind of icky, don't you think? Like rats. Imagine if we had set out traps and one of them got caught in it, I wouldn't want to find a little squished person. Plain nasty."
"They- um- they look like they would know better than to step in a mousetrap," Jimmy replied, almost reaching for the jar. "We should probably set them outside now though, right? Obviously they have better places to be."
Scott scoffed, "And let them just wander back in to continue scavenging our cupboards?"
"Yeah, Tim, don't be stupid. We have a really big find here! Imagine what we could do with these two- at the very least I think we could make a few bucks selling them."
Jimmy blinked owlishly at Martyn, "Sell- Sell them? Are we looking at the same thing? Those are people! You can not be suggesting we just offer up two guys on Craigslist for a few bucks."
"I think "people" is a bit of a stretch, Jimmy," Scott said patiently- condescendingly, "They're more like mice or... dolls! Oh, that's a fun idea. You think I can keep one to make little outfits for?"
Martyn laughed at that, "Yeah, sure. I'm sure they'd love that."
Jimmy grit his teeth together, hands white-knuckled at this side. He stared down at the two guys in the jar. The two of them were doing the same thing, both staring up at him with expectation.
He took a deep breath, unclenched his hands, and chuckled along with Martyn. "Well, I guess that are kind of dollie-like, aren't they? They're barely half the size of my sister's Barbies."
Out of the corner his eye the two guys' expression fell.
They spent the rest of the night brainstorming what to do with them. Scott was going to keep one, for sure. Martyn was thinking of making a few short films with the other, maybe including the both of them sometimes, before selling his to whoever had the most interest once he made them famous. Jimmy nodded along for most of it, throwing out a few ideas for stories and agreeing with outfit ideas. He eventually ordered a pizza and got Scott and Martyn to step away from the kitchen to watch a movie. The three of them fell asleep on the couch.
Well Martyn and Scott fell asleep. Jimmy dozed a bit, shifting and moving around to make sure that when he got up, no one would get up with him. When he was sure that his friends maybe friends probably not friends were not going to wake up he made his way back to the kitchen.
The jar was exactly where they had- Well, no, the jar was several inches to the right of where they had left it. Closer to the edge of the counter. Not close enough, but Jimmy winced at the idea that they had been trying to scooch off the counter at all.
The two guys were both still awake when he approached, and they pressed themselves together and as far from him as they could. He certainly didn't blame them for that. He carefully plucked the jar off the counter and was out the front door.
He practically held his breath all the way to his car, setting the jar in the cupholder and pulling out of the driveway, barely remembering to put his seatbelt on as he did. He tried not to drive fast, he was tired and getting home quicker wasn't worth getting in a car wreck.
Once he was on the long road back he reached over and popped the hole-poked top of the jar. "I- I am so sorry for all of this," he said, shakily.
"Sorry for what, exactly?" One of them growled. It took a lot of resistance to not slam on the brakes, surprise and shame filling him to the brim that they actually spoke. It was the one with the dark hair, he thinks.
He knew they were people from the get-go. He knew they understood just from their reactions alone. He... hadn't known if they could speak. It made sense, but actually hearing him? Hearing that little voice that was so human? He couldn't believe he had even played along with Martyn and Scott for even a second. Ever considering these two as anything other than people seemed impossible to him.
He wet his mouth, his tongue feeling heavy and tacky, "I'm sorry Martyn and Scott ever found you. You two- The things they were saying. I- I can't believe I was ever friends with them."
"You were saying an awful lot too," the dark-haired one grumbled. Jimmy tried to keep his eyes on the road. There was a shout and then- "Don't bloody elbow me!"
"Shut up." That was the other one, with sandy hair. The new voice was quiet, he barely heard him.
Jimmy gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter, "I know. I'm sorry for that too. I didn't want them kicking me out. I- I'm heading back to my place right now, but- but is there someplace else you'd rather go? I don't- I don't think going back to Martyn and Scott's is on the table, but anywhere else-?"
"You're not planning on keeping us?" The sandy-haired one asked.
"Gosh no! No. You're blooming people. If I wasn't so scared of you getting tossed around the car I'd let you out right this minute. We'll be just another moment before we get back to my place. I'll let you go wherever you want, just say it and we'll be there."
There was a small hesitation as the little guy spoke, "Your place is.. fine."
Jimmy nodded, "Okay. Great. We'll figure it out there. I'm Jimmy, by the way."
"Nice to meet you fellas," Jimmy said.
He couldn't imagine he would be knowing them for long, but he was glad to have met them today.
#jimmy solidarity#grian#joel smallishbeans#martyn inthelittlewood#scott smajor#mcyt g/t#traffic g/t#tiny grian#tiny joel#giant jimmy#giant martyn#giant scott#rabbit writes
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What lies beneath
An au Roman started, I got interested, so here's something I wrote, might not be au cannon to what they imagine though so don't take my story as true. as per usual nomfs, thoughts of death, hard vore mentions? (Dunno he just thinks he's gonna die) Thalasaphobia
Grian sat at the edge of the tank, his hands shaky, He was between feeding the leviathan and not. On one hand, if he fed him Grian might not be eaten, and maybe it would show goodwill, but on the other hand. It might put the leviathan into a food response. It’s more of a reptilian thing: with gators and snakes expressing it the most. Grian knew nothing about the leviathan, besides he was often fed things Grian’s size and larger, no wonder he ate people. He decided to throw the container of chum in, he hoped the poor leviathan wasn’t being starved, it would explain the people eating too. The vet looked down, watching the shiny fish slowly fall farther into the water. He almost lost sight of the fish parts before he saw a shadow move, swallowing the fish down. It was large, orca-sized at minimum, but Gem, if to believed, said he was larger. Maybe whale-sized, but this didn't feel like a healthy whale-sized tank. That could also explain its aggression. “Do you have more for him?” “What? Why would I do that?’ “Do you want me to be eaten?” “Why would he do that, he's been fed.” “This thing isn’t Mumbo-sized; it's larger. Do you think that's going to fill its stomach? Besides you fed it human hybrids, and it's well, eaten people? Doc sighed. “Yeah fine, give me a bit.” Grian nodded and looked down, the fish disappearing into the dark void below. Lights had been there in the beginning. It's possible it bit the cords due to hunger, or maybe it just didn’t like the light, either one made sense. “Hey- hey, buddy?” Grian said softly into the water with, unsurprisingly, no response. “I- uh, I’m Grian, I’m here to check up on you, and- uh, I know you’ve eaten people before so- I hope you won’t with me? I- I’m sorry if you’ve been treated poorly.” No response. “I’m getting you more food, if you didn’t hear, I hope it's enough, I uh- i-if you want to come up and talk it might make it easier.” Grian thinks he saw the shadow down there, maybe waiting for more food. Grian could or thought he saw him, he could see the shadows giving enough of a color difference, but his outline wasn’t visible. The leviathan was supposably eel-like, Grian couldn’t see any of that. All he could tell was that it was a different shade from the background. “I—Can you not eat me, please? I just want to make sure you feel good, feel happy, and make your body feel happy.” He tried, but maybe the leviathan didn’t know English well. There was some movement. “Uhh, but yeah food in a bit, then I’ll go in okay?’ A bit more movement. “Does anything hurt?” There was no movement at that. “Any wounds? Injuries?” No movement. “Uhhh, guessing that's a no.” He paused for a bit. “Are you hungry?” Movement. “Are you going to eat me?” Grian couldn’t make out if the leviathan was moving in response or not, he hoped it wasn’t The next tub of fish showed up and so Grian got down, taking the tub in his arms he then started back up. It was full of whole fish, which was likely better than sending something bloody down. So Grian dumped the fish in—only two tuna, a cod, and a salmon. This was not what Grian was expecting; he was hoping for more, but the mers weren’t necessarily taken good care of in the first place. The fish disappeared, swallowed by the shadow, literally. Grian watched, getting his suit on to prepare for his journey down. “I’ll get Skizz, he has the arm strength and the ability to help you, don’t go in till he’s here.” “I won't!” Grian shouted back. Grian checked his air canisters, they were back up, if the air tube he had attached to him got bitten, or it was too short he’d be able to switch to his mask.
He could hear the keys shifting as skizz ran over. “Hey G!” he waved up, he looked behind seeing Doc wasn’t there he asked. “You sure? I- uh- I can go down instead, just tell me what to do?”
Grian shook his head no. “I’d hate for you to be injured or worse because of me skizz, I don’t know if I’d be able to handle myself for that.”
“And I’d feel just as bad if you disappeared, not to mention poor Mumbo.”
Grian’s heart sank at the orca mer’s name.
“Oh Mumbo,” Grian said, voice shaking.
He took his goggles off for a bit.
“If… God. If anything happens to me, make sure Mumbo stays sane please?”
“Nothing gonna happen!” Skizz said trying to stay positive.
Grian stayed quiet, he wouldn’t consider himself a pessimist, but this was the most dangerous thing he had done in his life.
The vet fixed his mask back on, his body, his breaths shakier than his body.
Grian stood at the edge, his fingers barely touching the platform under him. He couldn’t get himself to move.
The adrenalin sent his heart and head off, running miles an hour while his body couldn’t move an inch. “G”? Skizz had made his way up the latter. The vet turned to meet his gaze, his terrified eyes shown through the goggles. Skizz’s heart dropping was visible on the security officer's face. “You don’t have to do this, no one would call you a coward for backing out.” “Yeah, but what- what if he's hurt? Malnourished? Starving? We can’t see that from up here, or down there.” Skizz sighed. “I get you’re a vet and all, but- it wouldn’t count as you or gems incompetence if that was the case it would be on Doc, he had a dangerous thing that had been known to kill humans, and sent a vet down that- I- ugh, It’s not sitting right with me.” Grian leaned on Skizz’s arm, it felt comforting being with the officer, his arms were large, but not enough to save him from this. Nothing was big enough to save him from this. If Grian let the leviathan die he’d blame himself for not going in, but if he died, he’d die thinking about his friends he’d be leaving behind. Jimmy, the small scared wyrm, and his giant wyrm ‘boyfriend’ Tango. The two separated were so nervous, but together they had this sense of calm, compassion, and a friendship that would be more. What if Grian wasn’t around to see it grow? Gem and Impulse were teasing. Those two were always trying to scare people with horror stories. Skizz tried to get in on it, but he was bad at it; his expressions gave him away. Speaking of Skizz, He was part mer, small amounts, it showed in his eyes, his teeth, and some small fins behind his ears and on his elbows, but beyond that, he was a normal guy, a caring one. And finally Mumbo, oh Mumbo. When Grian first met him he was on the brink of death, wounds, stress, and likely more had the mer in a terrible position. Grian helped him, spending hours with him, talking to him, he broke down the mers walls, watching him heal. Mumbo was one of the best things Grian had. Not that the others weren’t but the two were like siblings, a pod. Grian put a hand on his face, or well his goggles as his eyes shed his fears. Skizz wrapped an arm around the vet, pulling him into a gentle hug and letting him cry it out. The guard stayed silent, Grian preferred it that way.
After a bit, Skizz rubbed his back and hummed something.
Grian listed, half there, half out of it, his mind preparing him for his possible death.
He took his goggles off to wipe his face once the waterworks stopped. He took some deep breaths in, calming himself some.
He pulled his head back, and Skizz’s arm released.
Grian looked up meeting Skizz’s worried gaze, he then looked down as he put his mask on, telling wordlessly his decision.
The vet caught the guard’s sad expression out of the corner of his eye.
Skizz came in for one last hug from behind. “You’ll make it,” Skizz said trying to stay positive. “You’re a smart guy.”
Grian let out a huff of appreciation. “Thanks skizz.” He said slipping the breathing tub over his mouth.
The guard backed off as Grian slid into the tank.
Skizz did a check with the current equipment, running some things over with Grian.
The vet gave a thumbs up, everything was okay on his end.
Skizz gave one back, but there was a nervous expression on his face.
Grian went under trying to avoid second-guessing himself now.
He let the weights do most of the work, helping him sink.
The vet, despite the situation, was slow in descending, after 5 minutes he could barely make out skizz, he was just a movement of different colors.
Grian decided it was a good time to turn on his headlamp.
The beam showed through the water, it was bright, but even then all he could make out was water, no walls, no ground, just dark deep water. He swallowed nervously but then let himself sink some, taking in usual breaths, he had to refrain from panicking, but he couldn’t breathe too deep, which would take more oxygen. After a bit Grian paused to to make sure the pressure wouldn't get to him, looking up he could barely make out the surface, he was passed the spot where the fish were grabbed, he supposed that was a positive. The vet glanced around, but couldn’t make out anything besides a possible rock ledge, nothing on it. Grian sank a bit more, he aimed the light down below him and could make out the sparkling of some shells and probably sand. He landed softly, lifting some sand, and he looked around. His light landed on some metal-wrapped cords, he could see scratches, and claws rather than teeth. None looked enough to kill the power till he saw an end of it, the other half wasn’t anywhere to be seen. The vet crouched down, it was likely teeth, and looking up he could make out lights. He wondered how bright they were. If Gem was right about their biology, and to be fair Grian trusted her far more than any other source, they liked it dark. He wondered if the leviathan had injured himself during that process. It wouldn’t be surprising. He hoped it wasn’t shocking, though if it was it didn’t kill it, but that could leave a nasty wound. Why would you even put lights in a tank? That could cause so many electrical problems. Not that the place was run well anyway, it was cheap, barely avoiding any laws. Grian was just counting the days where he could buy the business from Doc. The vet checked along the walls for anything possibly dangerous, the leviathan likely needed some UV, that, or some oranges, but he was not sure how much a giant eel would appreciate orange juice. Grian looked up and jumped back, but he managed to make out Gem, he put a hand on his heart and pressed his head to the tank. He could make out the shapeshifter laughing. Once she looked up Grian flipped her off making her crouch over, hands on her legs as she kept laughing. Grian eventually snickered. “Big fish?” Gem asked with her hands as best she could. Grian shrugged and signaled crossing over his eyes, their way of not seen.
Gem hummed and put a finger to her chin for a little. “How are you?” She asked The human vet gave his best nervous back. He got what he guessed was a “fair.” In response, from reading Gem’s lips. The two snapped-in-half cord. Gem looked at it and nodded at his discovery, before writing it down on her small notepad. Once looking back up, Grian did his best to mention the sun or vitamin D. It was a struggle. Grian at first tried to make a sun with his arms, but when that failed he pointed at himself. Gem was confused. He tried instead pointing at Gem, then her hair, she was called ‘redheaded’ but it was orange. Gem played with her hair, looked at it, then glanced with confusion up at Grian. He spelled out the color, and she clocked it. She hummed as she thought about oranges, then wrote something down on her pad, before showing it to Grian. “Vitamin D?” Grian gave a thumbs up and she nodded, scratching off the question mark. The human hummed, looking down and around him. He thought he heard something from the other vet, and after a bit, he looked up.
Gem started shouting, her arm pointing out behind Grian frantically.
The vet turned around and, as he did, saw the leviathan. It paused, eyes near shut as it adjusted to the bright light.
After some blinking it opened them slowly.
Grian locked eyes, but as far as he knew the creature didn't know he had done so.
Grian's chest sped up, thankfully he still had the tube near his face, so his increased heart rate wasn't using up the tanks on his back.
All were still, the leviathan's eyes locked on Grian, Grian still doing much the same.
The human started slowly moving downwards, trying to look small.
Gem must have made some swift movements behind him.
It was a poor decision. The leviathan taking it as a sign of aggression,dashing at Grian, mouth wide. It’s teeth slammed into the tank's side, and the beast moved sideways, likely misjudging the strike due to the blinding light coming from Grian's head.
Thankfully the glass seemed fine, it just took more scratches. The breathing line somehow wedged between two teeth, resting against the upper tooth, close to being sliced.
Grian's eyes were focused elsewhere though, as his light shown directly down the leviathan's mouth, into its throat.
The human vet was stuck in shock, watching muscles move. The muscles were green and black colors, which reminded him of an orca with the pattern.
Some tapping from the tongue and pulling on the air tube forced Grian back into his senses. He looked towards the direction of the nozzle and made a mad dash through the open area of the leviathan's mouth, missing the teeth by less than half an inch.
He also pulled a risky, but successful, move pulling the tube out from the leviathan's teeth as he escaped the jaws.
He swam up as fast as he could. Behind him, he could hear the leviathan pulling back from the glass. It likely turned to chase him, but Grian kept going.
There were 2 problems…
Or… Well, 3. The Leviathan was built for the dark, for swimming in the depths while Grian wasn't. The large eel could also stand the pressure change better than him.
Regardless, Grian fought it, he'd rather take a couple of days off work with a scolding than a death.
In his panic, though, Grian was late to notice another mistake: he hadn't stuck near to the glass.
A second, for the fact he had left his weights on.
For a third, he could feel the headache coming.
Grian looked to the side to see the wall, then up, he could make out the sounds of shouting, and what he likely imagined to be the silhouettes of skizz and gem before jaws came over him and snapped.
separating the breathing cord from Grian. The vet stayed calm enough to pull off the old mask, letting bubbles out of his mouth while he changed to his air tanks.
Almost as soon as he did he was splashed around, smacking against some teeth, thankfully his tanks held. Grian groaned looking around he saw something reflective stuck in the leviathan’s gums.
He took his chance, swimming down by the tooth he grabbed onto it, feeling the serrations on his fingertips, then wriggled the shiny piece of mettle side to side soon pulling it out.
He tossed it out through the small gap that appeared between the teeth. Then swam up to the roof of the mouth, before pushing up on the leviathan’s hard pallet.
He wasn’t sure if it worked, but the mouth opened to suck water in sending Grian back some.
He fell back onto his tongue. Grian could feel the bumps from the taste buds through his gloves. That’s gross.
Grian got back up again, not for long, as the tongue pressed him to the roof before a swallow.
The vet slid some, so he attempted to wrap his arms and legs around the muscle.
It was so slippery, the leviathan didn’t even swallow and Grian could feel himself sliding.
The human whimpered and tried to pull himself back up.
It was no use though, the leviathan lifted up and swallowed.
Grian tried desperately to grab onto anything, but it was nearly if not impossible to do such.
He let out panicked words through his mouthpiece and once stopped by the throat muscles shakily tried getting his gloves off.
The vet felt his head smashed up into the roof but no swallow.
Seeing as there was no water or at least a level he removed his mouthpiece.
“Wait, wait, don’t.” Grian panicked. “I—if you eat me, you won't be able to digest my suit, and you’ll get sick.” Grian put the mouth part back over. Almost all the leviathan’s movements halted at his words. The throat relaxed, and the walls came in on the vet, but it wasn't forceful, unlike before. He took the mouthpiece off again to beg. “Please let me up, I- I won’t bother you again.” He heard a deep rumble that echoed through the muscles around him. “Look I- I’m sorry I don’t know what people have done to you, but I- I don’t want to hurt you, please let me out.” Grian’s voice broke, a slightly higher pitch coming out at the end of the sentence. He put the mouthpiece back on after, just in case. There was a noise similar to a sigh.
Then a swallow.
The vet panicked, his hands reaching up and grabbing at the throat uselessly, his body was smushed and shuffled around a little due to the force of the muscles.
Grian’s movements have been stopped again, but his hands still reach up at the throat.
The leviathan seemed annoyed as the throat walls came in, his body waved around a little.
Grian’s eyes shut and he let out a scared “Mmmm.”
After a bit it stopped, the vet panted, possible tears in his eyes, his body shaking horrendously with adrenalin that wouldn’t be able to help.
The leviathan seemed happy with that as Grian felt himself moving down.
The human’s hand curled weakly on the throat, his face doing down behind his second arm.
Grian felt a couple of pauses, and how the throat moved with the breathing, he swore he could still feel air running over him but he didn’t think it possible.
The throat shook as a worried coo sounded.
The vet's eyes half closed at that, feeling a bit depressed now.
He took the mouthpiece off again “Please?” He begged again, his voice so broken.
Something pressed in on his side, Grian fought back a whimper, his hands clutching some of the muscle around him, but soon let go not wanting to pain the leviathan. There was a soft purr from the large beast, the rubbing seeming centered around him. Grian wasn’t confident he was in a stomach, but he supposed he could be. That was until he was pushed down, and another, a 3rd, and finally he slid into a more open area. Something in him snapped as he did, he ran to the sides pressing in on the walls trying to upset his stomach. There was a confused “rrrrrr.” that echoed around Grian then the walls came in and compressed him. Grian struggled more not wanting to be digested. After a bit, he was just dropped. A noise echoed, a bit confused and upset. The vet covered his ears not because it was loud, but because he didn’t exactly want to pity the leviathan. After seemingly no effect he looked around frantically with his light. There wasn’t much he could see that would help him out.
He did find where he fell in, but it was about another half of him higher. Grian wasn’t an athlete, and he knew climbing was impossible. But on the brink of death, you’ll try everything, even if it's stupid to try.
Grian stepped back, his feet in the puddle and he tried to run, but the slippery floor just sent him down.
And for a while Grian lay there, pulling a hand to his face as he looked at it. His mind raced with apologies that he’d never be able to say, especially to his co-workers who had all watched it happen.
He remembered the funny memories with them, just the day before how Gem and him got into a tickle match over Grian putting mac on his tuna sandwich.
The vet laughed, it turned to sniffles, then to cry.
Grian curled up and hugged his knees to his chest as he sobbed.
The leviathan must have heard it because after a while he felt rubbing again.
He wanted to yell at it, but he refrained. Grian sobbed for a while, the leviathan possibly purring at his distress. Once the vet stopped he reached up to grab his mouthpiece out, only to realize he hadn’t put it back in since his last begging. How was he still breathing? Grian looked around again, panicked breaths. There was no stinging, weight on his lungs, or other signs that could tell him he was struggling to breathe. The vet managed to calm down a little, was it possible the leviathan had a brood pouch like the mers? He realized now too that no fish were on the bottom, or well maybe a tail but he supposed it cou;d have gotten stuck. Grian moved over and picked it up. As he lifted his head he saw a black sleeve, which looked like a diving suit. The vet swallowed nervously and reached down, pulling at it. He watched a second throat area open. Grian gasped and fell back, letting go of the sleeve, there was no skeleton, except a finger. The vet swallowed his nerves, and went in, pulling out the bone in case it was irritating, throwing the fish’s tail down as well, then came back up tugging the suit part out, it took a bit but then he was flung back, panicking to get out of the puddle he landed in. Grian tasted some on accident, but it tasted like- salt water like was in the aquarium. There was a purr that shook the walls soon after Grian got up, then they moved in. He panicked as he got smushed, and moved. He was disorientated from stress and wasn’t sure what way he was going. He pushed around, stopping to put his mask on when the water hit his back. Thank god he did as he was thrown out the leviathan's mouth, his half the suit in hand. Grian held himself in the water, mostly in disbelief. Eventually, he looked up at the leviathan, it looked back for a little before turning and swimming away slowly. The vet took no time starting to swim up, he paused and looked down, to make sure his pressure change wasn’t too much. He checked his oxygen too, it looked pretty okay. So Grian slowly made his way up, letting out some startled gasps as he broke the surface. The group had gone, likely thinking Grian had died, to be fair he’d had thought the same for himself. The vet pulled himself up, his mind hazed, he was out of it, but he managed to take off his flippers, before heading down. Once on the ground, Grian removed his air canisters, and goggles, before moving and dragging his feet. He wasn’t sure where to but Grian ended up cleaning his head enough to recognize their grieving voices. Someone shouted his name, and the vet locked eyes with a couple of them. Doc himself was sitting on a table, looking shocked, like he’d seen a ghost. Grian felt something smack into, and hug him. It took him a while to look down, Gem had her arms strongly around him as if he’d disappear. It took a lot longer for Grian to raise his hand to put it against her head as she sobbed. “G what happened?” Scar asked. Grian couldn't find himself to answer, his mind still in that moment. He wasn’t even sure if he was alive himself. “Grian?” Skizz asked, a hand finding its way to the human vet’s shoulder. He blinked a couple of times. “I-.” He started but stopped not sure how to continue, but tears started falling from his eyes as his head fell into Skizz’s chest. Skizz hugged both of them, and Scar hugged Gem, Grian, and Skizz. After a little, their boss, Doc, spoke. “Alright soo, you look as pale as a ghost, and from what I’ve heard you at least were in its mouth.” Grian nodded, wiping his eyes. “I’ll give you 4 days, of paid time off, on me, if you need to extend it to a week, tell me.” Grian blinked in surprise. “I’d normally not do this, but, since you’ve come around the mers seem happy and healthier, so I’ll allow it. Besides, I have a feeling you’d call in sick tomorrow anyway.”
Gem bore her teeth behind Grian, he felt bad for the poor selkie. Doc only did this with Grian because he was human.
“I wouldn’t mind,” Grian said softly. “Would you guys be okay?”
Gem nodded slowly to Grian, Scar, and Skizz joining in soon.
He hugged them tightly. “Thanks.”
#safe vore#soft vore#mcyt g/t#mcyt vore#hermitvore#hermitcraft vore#sfw vore#tw vore#g/t vore#life series vore#traffic vore#storm stories
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In other news.

#life series#life series spoilers#wild life spoilers#wild life smp#trafficblr#traffic spoilers#g/t#oh I am so happy the size changing got brought back#even for just a brief instant
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Grid Lock
Owen and Nakia are stuck in a traffic jam. They should have took the last exit huh?
Just a silly idea that i had while commuting on the bus today. So decided to draw it when i got home.
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So, the latest session, huh?
Spoilers for Wild Life Session 5 and 6 under cut!!
It sure was something. I immediately after watching it had to draw something, and got my amazing friend to shade it, so what I’ll do here is point out all the references I made because I want people to notice (it’s my first post here after all :D)
The wing on the right and the pickaxe was a reference to Mumbo becoming the canary, as he’s always the miner who went soon after
The wing on the left as well as the broken halo was to reference Skizz becoming a fallen angel (basically dying right after Mumbo)
The flowers (which you can’t really see) on his jumper were a reference to third life with Scar and then them becoming friends again
The empty bird cage was to show that Jimmy was free of his curse, and the Watcher eye was to show that he prayed for it (BECAUSE HE SERIOUSLY DID)
The light green eye because he’s on his… light green… name…
And the eyes because, well, Watchers and Grian go hand in hand a lot
…Hope this is alright for my first post? :>
(shoutout to my friend who did the shading, as you can see they did an amazing job, they don’t have tumblr but they’re AKatThatWants2Sleep on artfight :D)
#wild life#life series#traffic#munchkin does art#Grian#not g/t#was trying to post this to a community and failed miserably so just yeah#ignore it
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Day 1
it has begun
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#grian fanart#trafficblr#traffic smp#life series fanart#grian#G R A T#name suggestions are greatly appreciated lmao#rat#i just realized his right eye is more pink than purple- OOP
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Hey! I've got a question for life series fans. What are some of your favorite alliances or ones you'd like to see? I'm not gonna elaborate too far with this, but I have an au idea and am potentially asking for help..
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Oh this gimmick is so good. Actually targeted exactly at me? I mean size shifting?! I hope this stays all season or at least comes back
#mcyt#wild life smp#wild life spoilers#traffic spoilers#sorry main you're gonna get a lot of g/t posting if it stays lmao
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yeah me too bb
#night city traffic got a girl going a little bonkers#t: wench games#g: cyberpunk 2077#oc: valerie v powell#outtakes: goro x valerie
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Happy birthday bigb :D
He gets to live up to his name for once lol and has a pressie from his favorite secret soulmate
Heres hopin to another year of pranks and smiles and deranged gaslighting for the entire duration of the life series for literally no reason. Luv ya b <3

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You should do 4 with Jimmy and grian.
"What were you thinking?" Jimmy asked, cupping his hands around Grian.
Grian hissed at him- Usually that would be accompanied with the little borrower flapping his wings, but one was hanging limply from his back.
Jimmy sighed, gently pulling Grian out from the vent he had gotten stuck in. "Dude, I really don't think that vent travel was your best plan."
"Vents are great modes of transportation!" Grian argued, despite the fact that Jimmy had never seen him travel through them before.
The borrower had been trapped, sliding down the walls while trying to push open the grate he could barely reach let alone lift up. He can't imagine how the other had even got into them in the first place, but he certainly wasn't able to get out without Jimmy's help. Even then, considering it's been a few days since he's even seen Grian, he doesn't want to know how long it took for him to even get to a place that Jimmy would find him.
"Just- Just how long has your wing been like that?"
The silence was probably the worst answer he could have gotten.
"You should have come to me- Grian, you know I would have helped you-"
"That's just it, Tim!" Grian snapped, his head looking ready to pop right off, "I'm a gosh darn borrower, I don't need your help. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself and I do not want some Bean handing out charity at every little inconvenience I have."
Jimmy sighed at that, gently bringing Grian to the kitchen counter. "I understand that. I know you don't want me to just give you handouts; but this isn't a handout. You're injured, you have been for a while, and instead of getting help you're letting your pride get in the way."
Grian remained stubborn, "I don't need your help."
"You do," Jimmy insisted, staring down the limp wing, "You don't know how to set it do you?"
More deafening silence. Jimmy could barely believe it. He's seen Grian injured before: small bumps and bruises, at most a twisted ankle that he had expertly wrapped. There was nothing around his wing, not even an attempt at a splint or bandage. Grian couldn't fix it and had just left it to fester.
To be completely honest, Jimmy didn't know how to fix it either.
"I'm calling my friend Pearl. She's a vet, she'll know how to set your wing."
Grian laughed at that. It was an ugly, disdainful laugh. "Yeah. No. Not happening. You want to help that badly you can get me a popsicle stick and gauze. We'll wrap it, hope for the best; but I am not getting another Bean involved. You're more than enough."
"Grian, please, you might not be able to fly again."
"I'm grown okay with that."
A lump formed in Jimmy's throat. There was no way. Flying was everything to Grian. Jimmy saw his face when he flew. Saw the pure joy. Grian may have been okay with losing that, Jimmy was not.
"I'm calling Pearl," he said again, picking up his phone.
"Then I'm leaving," Grian snapped right back, "You can't make me see a vet of all things. I'm not your pet."
Jimmy glanced between Grian and the hole he knew was poked into his kitchen wall. He reached over him, his arm casting a light shadow over Grian, slid the toaster in front of it.
All the rage left Grian in an instant. "Wait, Tim- You're not- You're not actually serious-"
"This is- This is for your own good," Jimmy stuttered out, almost gagging on the words as he pressed the call button. He pulled out a big tupperware box and laid it was a towel.
"Don't. Jimmy, don't do this," Grian pleaded, backing away from him.
His hands shook as he once again scooped up Grian. He had to be firmer, since the borrower was trying to slip out, and far more careful not to touch his broken wing when Grian was struggling.
Pearl picked up the phone, "Hey Jimmy! What's up?"
"P-Pearl! Hey- Hey. I have a- a bird I found, wing is pretty beat up. Can you come over? Please?"
Grian bit into his hand, and it took all of his will not to flinch as he set the borrower in the tub. He was crying. They were both crying.
It would be fine. It was just Pearl and Grian would fly again. Grian could hate him forever, but he would fly.
#jimmy solidarity#grian#pearlescentmoon#life series#trafficblr#mcyt g/t#traffic g/t#giant jimmy#tiny grian#rabbit writes#thank you to destiny that helped me come up with the ending <3#she hates me for it <3
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Anyone else see Scar as a fae?

Little guy can be very mischievous..BETTER WATCH OUT!
#g/t#sfw g/t#giant/tiny#g/t community#small artist#g/t art#traffic series#life series#goodtimeswithscar#goodtimewithscar fanart
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To be fair, it's not completely out of the realm of possibility that Grian would create a life series with a size changing mechanic. Mostly because, in Real Life, we already had some varying sizes for some people because of how the VR headset works, and a lot of people found it fun and amusing. It's very possible that Grian could have gotten the idea from that.
#life series#trafficblr#traffic smp#g/t#i'm just trying to convince myself at this point lol#definitely getting my hopes too high lol
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You saw two babies about to wake up the universe demon herself
Stop them?
#my oc art#g/t#g/t art#traffic#traffic the demon#baby willy#baby hope#hope and willy#willy and hope#willy#hope#pov#pov rp#rp
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what if we kissed under the stars and walked into traffic together? - dazai (trust)
#✧ — ask n answer#anon u actually made me smile. . .#i-i-i-i-i-i-i *blushes profusely* i-i-i-i would g-g-g-gladly walk into t-t-t-traffic with you :3
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