#traditional christmas ardyn
fulumpawah · 9 months
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The traditional Christmas Ardyn 😌
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a-world-in-grey · 9 months
You might not need another au but do you want it?
Think of how much fun it would be, Sola and Ardyn snarking at each other in the middle of the throne room and before the entire court.
The resemblance is uncanny.
You can track which of the nobles noticed it by how much they pale, their polite masks turning a little bit tense.
You. Are an enabling gremlin.
Plopping this in the Combined Retinue Nox/Sola au, because this is what my brain finally decided to spit out at 2 in the morning.
@secret-engima have an early Christmas present, I guess?
“If I have to dress up, Uncle,” his niece tells him fiercely, “then so do you.”
Ardyn raises a brow from the bench he’s languidly lounging on, watching his Tailor circle Sola with sharp eyes as she tugs on the black fabric of the dress she’s wrangled Sola into wearing for her upcoming Coming of Age, unfazed by the equally black scowl on the princess’ face.
Beside him, Nox is firmly pretending to nap on his Shield’s shoulder. Axis has his gaze glued to the book in his hand.
It seems he’ll have no allies from that quarter.
Admittedly, Ardyn had perhaps been enjoying Sola’s irritation too much, and hadn’t bothered to smother his growing amusement with every dark mutter Sola had made about protocol and where the court could shove said protocol.
He gives Sola an indulgent smirk. “I highly doubt I’m on the guest list, my dear. Given the current state of international politics.”
Not that he’d let the lack of an invitation stop him from attending his niece and nephew’s birthday party.
From the glare Sola levels at the mirror, and the minute stiffening of Nox’s spine, Ardyn has the feeling his niblings will ensure he is invited, regardless of anyone else’s feelings on the matter.
Nox’s eyes actually open a sliver when Sola’s magic abruptly curls, all mischievous glee with an edge of bared teeth. His nephew warily eyes his twin and the grin growing on her face.
Ardyn does not share Nox’s apprehension. He rather thinks his niece should smile like that more often.
“A suit for your Uncle, then?” Penelopeia asks archly.
“If you would be so kind.” Sola replies before Ardyn can protest. Sola’s blue eyes narrow on him through the mirror. “Black for the shirt, instead of the suit, I think. Gold as an accent color, but otherwise I have full faith in your judgment.”
To Penelopeia’s credit, his Tailor pauses for but a moment. “Of course, Your Highness.”
Ardyn gives Sola a long look. His niece knows very well protocol prohibits him from wearing black. He is neither a (known) member of the royal family nor in sworn service to them. Sola cares little for protocol and tradition, especially when it gets in her way, but even she can’t get away with flouting such an old and respected tradition. Not like this. “Niece.” He warns.
Sola raises her chin, defiant. “Do you trust me?”
Ardyn sighs. Smiles reassuringly at the fierce girl who’s been Nox and Ardyn’s staunchest supporter these past near three years. “Yes.”
Sola nods, and that is that.
Copia Egestas adores her Queen.
Sola’s last minute changes to the twins’ Coming of Age gave her a solid week of extra work to do - with help from Ignis, who volunteered on account of her being nearly six months pregnant - hunting through the Archives and preparing her arguments before she and Sola sat down in front of the King and finally told him exactly who would be presenting his daughter at her Coming of Age. Presenting both his children, in fact.
Unsurprisingly, Regis was not pleased. But between Sola’s staunch refusal to change her mind and Copia’s presented precedents, he reluctantly conceded.
Now, eyeing everyone as they wait to enter the ballroom, Copia can only feel a vicious anticipation.
Nox and Sola make a striking pair in black and gold. Both of them have their hair carefully pulled back, decorated further with gold. Nox still wears his usual earrings, the only silver on him as he’d declined the offer for golden versions, and Sola has mirrored him with a set of earrings arranged in the opposite ears. Not the same earrings, but the studs and climber are similar enough in shape to achieve the desired effect.
Copia’s sleeveless black dress is cut to flatter her pregnant figure, a gold shawl for her shoulders because six months pregnant and she gets uncomfortably warm now that the summer months are upon them, which also why she’s elected for an updo instead of letting her thick curls tumble loose. Unlike Sola, Copia is in comfortable flats instead of heels, again on account of being pregnant.
Axis is in a black suit jacket with gold details, and his Clan’s purple and green tartan. His hair’s been styled back from his face, but otherwise remains free.
Axis isn’t the only one wearing purple and green. Nox has the shifting purple-green galahdite in his ears, hair, and decorating his cufflinks. Sola’s chosen a selection of amethysts and emeralds to decorate her gold jewelry, while Copia had been gifted a pair of ebony hair sticks topped with amethyst and emerald carved cabochons.
(Copia knows just enough about Galahdian culture to know to tell Penny the goal, and follow the woman’s instructions on how to support Axis without overstepping cultural boundaries. The result, she is told, is a careful blend of Lucian and Galahdian color codes, but Copia has never seen Axis struck speechless before so she makes a mental note to commend Penny and her recommended jewelers for their hard work.)
With Ardyn, however, Penny has evidently decided to take refuge in audacity.
The suit is a lovely shade of dark purple, decorated with an intricate pattern of - much to Copia’s amusement - peacock feathers. At a glance they could be mistaken for phoenix feathers, certainly, but Copia knows her birds, and those feathers belong to the phoenix’s non-magical dramatic cousins. Studded at the eye of each feather are small galahdite stones to match Nox and Axis.
Under the suit, Ardyn’s shirt is black, which will no doubt give the Court conniptions and the press a field day, despite them following protocol to a T. Instead of a traditional tie, Ardyn’s kept his usual scarf, but in a rich green. How it doesn’t clash with the purple, Copia doesn’t know, but she knows Ardyn’s vest is a matching shade of green. Ardyn has a gold and galahdite lapel pin, linked by a fine gold chain to a paired piece on the front of his breast pocket.
The master of ceremonies glances over at them, expression half-expectant, half-despairing.
It turns to resignation when Ardyn and Sola gift him identical smirks.
Nox sighs.
Copia hides a grin behind her hand. Oh yes, tonight is going to be so very entertaining, with uncle and niece actively working together.
She wonders how many people will notice the family resemblance before the end of the night?
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jazzraft · 6 years
it’s a rainy, december afternoon here of furiously wracking my brain to finish gift exchanges by christmas, so while I’m taking a break, I just wanted to apologize again for prompts having to take a back seat in order to fulfill my deadlines this month. since it still might take me some time to get to them, I thought the least I could do is give an update on what I’ve got so anyone who sent a request knows that I have it and fully intend to fill it! here is what I have in my inbox, and the order I plan on filling them, when I finally get back to it:
nyxnoct; traditional, medicinal teas
ravnoct; refusing to admit pain
noctis growing up with/becoming friends with a pet coeurl
nyxnoct; first meeting + “bite me”
ignoct; cafe date
nyxnoct; finding the perfect gifts for each other
nyxnoct; first snow + bundling up
ignoct; seasonal changes
ravnoct; homemade gifts
ardyn reminiscing about somnus after recognizing him in noctis
nyx helping noct to love the sea again after leviathan
noctis with another character from dissidia/other final fantasy
ravnoct; “you make me want things I can’t have”
paraphrased a lot of them to keep it short, but that’s what I’ve got! if you sent something that you don’t see listed, that means I actually haven’t gotten it. but for now, these are what I have to get to, many are going on a month old now, and I just wanted to apologize again for the wait. once I meet my deadlines, i’ll be able to get back to prompt fills - and after that, hopefully back to updating wips... 2019 is gonna start out busy lol
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50 Getting to Know You Questions
Blah, blah, blah, you know the rules...
I don’t know if I should thank you for this or not, @noctis-the-chosen-one...
1. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
As far as possible from the Crystal.
2. What is your biggest fear?
If my car broke down. I won’t survive this!
3. What would you change about yourself if you could?
Nothing. I’m perfect.
4. What really makes you angry?
Do you want all the list? Seriously? All right so, with no order of preference hate: the Crystal, my own family, hitch-hickers, the Nox Fleurets, vanilla flavor, the entire world, the Astrals, champagne (especially the one from Lucis), people being late and so, Noctis. I could go on and on all day!
5. What motivates you to work hard?
The money. Of course I joke, Iedolas pays so little…No, what motivates me it is simply revenge.
6. What is your biggest complaint about your job?
7. What is your proudest accomplishment?
Having fooled everyone about my real intentions and also turned Noctis into a man.
8. What is your favorite book to read?
The Cosmogony. Nah, I joke, Gladio’s book with all the ladies seems –by far– more interesting.
9. What makes you laugh the most?
The whole world.
10. What did you want to be when you were small?
Not what I’ve become, for sure.
11. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
Play with Noctis. In every possible way…
12. What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?
Watch the Kingsglaives try to beat Ifrit. You have no idea how funny it is!
13. Would you rather ride a bike, ride a chocobo, or drive a car?
Drive my dear old thing, of course. Chocobos put feathers everywhere!
14. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
You know what they say...”revenge is a dish best served cold”.
15. What is your favorite color?
16. Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?
The Accursed? The Usurper? The Healer? Ardyn Lucis Caelum? Trash Jesus? Moon of my Life? Or perhaps simply a man of no consequence? Place your bets!
17. Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not?
Oh yes, I enjoy so much surprises! Too bad I already know them all since I conspire against everyone and learn about all their little secrets T-T
18. If you could go back in time, when would you travel?
Two days ago to take again a piece of this pudding from Galdin Quay that was absolutely delicious!
19. If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?
The haircut I had when I was young.
20. How would your friends describe you?
I have no friends, not anymore. But before I killed them or they left me alone, I think the word that came back the most was “annoying”. Or “strange”. Or  “handsome”. I can’t really remember.
21. What are your hobbies?
Play the Old maid card game with Aranea. She’s so strong to it, she beats me all the time! Making fun of Ravus is also very relaxing.
22. What is the best gift you have been given? 
Noctis’ virginity. Or maybe Ravus’ Christmas card…This was hilarious!
23. What is the worst gift you have received?
Huh…Hard to chose…The Crystal, perhaps? Or could it be immortality? Somnus as a brother? Noctis as a lover? Just pick one!
24. Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
My umbrella. It’s always useful. Especially when it rains.
25. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
In the beyond.
26. What’s your favorite animal?
27. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Only one, and he’s called Noctis.
28. What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep (and why)?
Let me see…about 2000 years? Because I’m a sort of immortal who doesn’t need to sleep. Maybe that’s also the reason why I have no dream anymore in my life.
29. What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
Sincerely thank someone. I did it with Verstael after he helped destroying Insomnia. Ha, Verstael...A good man, gone too soon!
30. Are you a clean or messy person?
I’m kinda messy…just look at my hair!
31. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
I don’t pay too much attention to this kind of minuscules petits détails since there’ll be no more dawn very soon.
32. What kitchen appliance do you use every day?
The utility lighter. On Prompto’s skin.
33. What’s your favorite family tradition?
The part when we kill one another.
34. What is your favorite childhood memory?
When you live for 2000 years can you consider the year 326 to be part of it? Because it was surely the best moment of my boyhood! I can still recall darkness was remarkably gloomy during this year, such a great souvenir! 
35. Is your glass half full or half empty?
I don’t remember, I drank it.
36. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love?
Wait 10 years. Never again.
37. What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten?
Gysahl Greens. Don’t ask why.
38. Do you collect anything?
39. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I think all the people to whom I said hello one time can still remember it! (so it’s a yes for extrovert)
40. Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest?
My sex appeal.
41. Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous?
The Chancellor is famous enough, isn’t he?
42. What do you do to keep fit?
Eat daemons. A lot of them. Also annoy Noct and his friends. This always put me in a good mood :)
43. If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce?
Lil’ bros can’t take the place of their big bros, even if a magical stupid artifact says so.
44. What three things do you think of the most each day?
Revenge, revenge and...wait for it...here it comes...revenge.
45. Who is your crush?
Some little stupid King called Noct…
46. On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are?
47.What was your first job?
Healer of the people. But I didn’t even get paid for it.
48. Who is the most intelligent person you know?
I’m not really sure to know myself this well!
49. If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be?
Cerberus, like my adorable little pet.
50. What is one thing you will never do again?
Trust someone else than me. And take dessert twice.
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bleucommelhiver · 7 years
time after time | Ardyn x Reader
Prompt: #3 “I don’t care about tradition, you try and get me to kiss you under the mistletoe and I will punch you”
MERRY HOLIDAYS, HAPPY CHRISTMAS @glaive-eve !! You are one of the best things to come out of making this tumblr. If not for you, I probably would’ve fell out of the fandom ages ago. PLUS YOU’RE ACTUALLY THE BEST PERSON EVER. Thank you for brainstorming with me (gods know I needed all of that. never would’ve gotten anything done without your ideas and support!) PLS GRACE US WITH MORE OF YOUR ONE TRUE LOVER, ARDYN.
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You’re unsure of who he is, but the scarlet man tells you he knows you and you know him. Not from this lifetime, but from the ones prior. A life twenty years ago, fifty years ago, seventy-five years ago, even a millennia ago.
He regals you with stories of kings and princes and oracles fighting for a dying planet. You think he’s crazy. Who even believes the tales of daemons and astrals in this day and age? In the year 2017, the closest thing to daemonic was the way his eyes devoured you as his lips curled.
Besides, you think a little sadly, if he’s known you every two decades or three, doesn’t that mean you’ve never lived past thirty?
You brush him off as another one of your crazy regulars. Gods know the cafe gets enough of those, but there’s something about the desperation in his eyes that has you accepting his invitation to his Christmas party.
It wasn’t what you expected. His friends, his family, were so normal. When he introduced his nephew, Noctis, you had expected him to talk just as affectedly as his uncle with the emo way he was dressed, but he seemed normal enough, if a little attached to his cellphone.
When everyone’s settled and mingling to the cheer of Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer, he sidles up next to you and points to the mistletoe he conveniently holds above your heads.
“Ardyn,” you warn warily, “I don’t care about tradition, you try and kiss me under that mistletoe and I’ll punch you.”
“I wouldn’t have expected less, my darling. Though, I believe a few centuries ago, you favored the term ‘stab’ or was it ‘eviscerate’? You were always the spitfire, my sweet.”
“I like me already.”
He leans down to kiss you anyways, your threats never deterred him before. “Come back to me. Come back to me, my love.”
“Prince Ardyn Lucis Caelum, pleased to make your acquaintance. I could only be so lucky to have a betrothed quite as fetching as you.”
“Now, now sweet, don’t struggle so. You’ll grow to love me.”
“I-pardon? Do my ears deceive me or did you...no...I love you too.”
“No. NO. NO! You’ll doom me to walking your rotting star despite the work I have done in your name? What Gods are you, to forsake your servant to eternal damnation?”
“Your pain is a familiar one, Impure Prince. Your plight has not been overlooked, but I can do no more than grant you this: your beloved will be reborn as long as your existence on this star is ordained. Kiss her under the winter flower’s blessing and she will return to you,” the Glacian says solemnly. “Do not let the darkness overcome you. Immortality is not damnation.”
“Your wound, I cannot heal it. I’ll find you. I’ll scour the star until I find you. Again and again and again. Nothing will stop me, I promise.”
“You!” You jump back as if you’ve been stung, memories flooding back, “You melodramatic drama queen! You could’ve just told me.”
“I have, not for lack of trying, but my affections and tales kept meeting your rebukes. You were never an easy one to woo. Perhaps this game of cat and mice is one we’re doomed to,” he laments with a loud sigh.
Your eyes soften. “You haven’t changed much, husband. How long do we have this time?”
“You’re twenty-seven, yes? A year, maybe less.”
“A year?! You’d think you’d be better at finding me after all this time. Well...” you put your arms around his neck, pulling him in close, noses barely touching. “I guess we need to make the best of the time we have left.”
His eyes soften and to your surprise a tear escapes. You lean in to press your lips against his, it tastes of salt and spice, and it feels the same as it did all those years ago, so overwhelming you feel tears forming in your own eyes.
“I love you. Don’t cry. I’ll never stop looking for you.”
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~ISEB Master List~
I’ve gained more followers than I had ever anticipated when I started ISEB back in March 2017, so I thought I’d throw together a master list of the content I’ve posted for anyone who has recently discovered this blog and doesn’t feel like trudging through endless pages of NSFW cuts and sheer blocks of text. August 2018 Update: I’ve organized everything into Fanfiction and Fan Art, which are further broken down into Long Works/Headcanons and Digital/Traditional/Comics. November 2019 Update: I’ve added a couple more sections—Zine Pieces can be found under Fan Art, while Tutorials & PDFs have been given their own section at the very bottom of this page. Evidently I’ve broken some invisible limit on how many posts a single page can link to, so I’ve moved all of my Inktober illustrations to a separate page of their own. I’ve tried to keep everything in roughly chronological order, but some related posts have been grouped together regardless of the dates they were posted. Lastly, I’ve gone ahead and redirected everything linking to my longer works of fiction straight to my AO3 account for easier accessibility.
I’ve created a tab within my theme header that links directly to this list for your convenience, and I’ll do my best to keep it updated and periodically reblog it for any newcomers!
Long Works
The Bartender (NSFW)
The Strategist & The Redhead (NSFW) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Completed
The Light We Cannot See
The Grand Chamberlain
Scrambled Eggs and Banana Peels
Memory Lane & Pastries (NSFW) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Completed
The Autonomy of Fate (NSFW) [1] [2] [3] [4] Ongoing
Sexual Prowess (NSFW)
Favorite Positions (NSFW)
Loss of Virtue (NSFW)
Secret Admirer
Kinks (NSFW)
On the Mend
Baby Fever
Domestic Fluff (NSFW)
Panic Attacks
Package Sizes (NSFW)
Pitioss Ruins
Teenage Turmoil
The Unbearable (TW: Miscarriage)
Body Issues [1] [2]
Awkward Suckling
Eight Older Brothers
Close Comfort (NSFW)
T or A (NSFW)
How a Blind Man Sees (NSFW)
Demure Darlings
Hunt Gone Wrong (NSFW)
Lingerie (NSFW)
Breaking Up
Dom/Sub (NSFW)
Stress Relief
~Fan Art~
Specs Portrait Studies [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
I Saw a Man So Beautiful I Started Crying
Libra Elementia
Shirtless Strategist [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Where in the Bloody Astrals is Prompto?
Sad Handjob For One (NSFW)
Umbra Left That For You
Can You Sense Light?
Anime Iggy
Ignis Took One For You
The Strategist & The Redhead
Countdown to Episode Ignis
Fairy Ignis
No-Shave November
Morning Ebony (NSFW) [1] [2] [3] [4]
Ignis at the Holidays [Thanksgiving] [Christmas] [New Year’s]
Spring 2018 Charms [Ignis/Timeskip!Ignis] [Bradnis/Ignips] [ChocoIggy] [1000 Needles]
The Many Faces of Ignis Scientia
Brotherhood Iggy
Strategist Sketchdump
Iggy!!! On Ice
A Man Of No Consequence
Fullmetal Strategist
Advisor to the Prince
Hot Wet Ignis
Crownsguard Series [Ignis] [Gladio]
Vested Strategist
Gotta Keep Your Strength Up, Dude
Summer 2018 Charms [Noctis] [Prompto] [Gladio] [Ignis]
Poor Man’s Ignis
Castlevania Crossover [1] [2] [3]
Cutting Edge of Fashion
Jackin’ It (NSFW)
Elegant Elezen
2nd Anniversary Celebration
Twitter Roundup [1] [2]
Long Hair, Don’t Care
Fabulous Funambulist
Let Ignis Have Chest Hair
Ink and Marker Iggy
Ignis & Carbuncle
A Labyrinth-esque Strategist
This Is My Favorite
Libra Elementia: Redux
Red Sketch Series [Ignis 1] [Ignis 2] [Gladio] [Ignis 3] [Prompto] [Ardyn] [Ignis 4] [Cor]
Watercolor Series [Ignis 1] [Ignis 2] [Prompto] [Gladio] [Ignis 3] [Ignis 4] [Noctis] [Sania] [Ignis 5 (+ video process)] [Ignis 6] [Aranea] [Ignis 7] [Ravus] [Ignis 8 & 9] [Ignis 10 & 11]
Pencil Sketch Series [Ignis 1] [Prompto] [Gladio] [Noctis] [Ignis 2] [Ignis 3] [Ignis 4] [Ignis 5] [Ignis 6] [Ignis 7]
Gold Foil Series [Ignis 1] [Noctis] [Ignis 2] [Ignis 3]
Ebony on the Horizon
Birthday Boy (2019)
Ignis Trading Card Exchange
Spoon (NSFW)
Naughty Ignis
Petty Thieves
Nice Kitty
Birthday Boy (2018)
Comic That I’ll Never Finish [1] [2]
Updated Insomnia
ISEB Has No Chill [The Prequel] [The Sequel]
Hair Gel Need Not Apply
Raptor Fans
Zine Pieces
Sagefire: Master Your Fate
Ever At Your Side: The King & His Advisor
Cosmogony: Tomb Raiders (Coming Soon)
~Tutorials & PDFs~
Gold Foil Mini-Tutorial
ISEB’s Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition Completionist Checklist
ISEB’s Ignis-Inspired Itabag Pattern & Tutorial
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