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lady13willow · 1 year ago
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fyribua · 9 hours ago
Thralls of Skuld - Chapter 2: As The Seasons Turned The Tides
Read the full chapter on Wattpad and Royal Road. Please leave a rating or comment if you enjoy the story so far (or if you do not!)
Eiklund, three summers before
In the land of the Danir, the late summer was filled with a bustle unlike any other time of the year. The harvesting of barley and wheats and haymaking kept the hands of the farmers busy, filling the air with the husky scent of grains. Boys arrived from the summer pastures with cattle and sheep. The livestock returned fattened enough to keep through the winter, and the boys were filled with the experiences of leaving home on their own for the first time. Those who had returned short of sheep, which had veered off on dangerous roads or fallen prey to the wolves, looked downtrodden, worried about their father’s disapproving gaze. The ones who returned successful stood a foot taller than when they had left, not only from the passing of time but emboldened by the spirit of Thor that they had no doubt felt in those months alone in the land. Alongside the return of the herders, tradesmen left for the tradecenter Lejre to trade off their surplus wares and acquire winter supplies.
Offerings to Freyr were made across the land. Those who knew how, burned runes of Nauthiz and Wunjo for endurance and good fortune for the coming months, knowing that Jera, the rune of fertility, would no longer do them any good. Others whispered simple rites of galdr, enchanting their scythes for the final harvest of the year, hoping to turn the Gods in their favor and keep their harvested grain from catching rot in their storage chambers.
The village of Eiklund, too, was abuzz with the vital preparations before the long and harsh winter. It was a relatively large settlement, with more than a dozen longhouses scattered across the mild, grassy and lushly forested environs, away from the harsh and windy coast of Selund.
Eira found herself dragged into the woods every day by Gerd, who wanted to forage for the gifts of the last days of summer, which were found on the forest floors. Berries, mushrooms and medicinal herbs were abundant in the dense forests just a few hours hike from Eiklund. Gerd was enthusiastic in her plans for the big bundles of angelica and yarrow they found, remembering the strengthening tinctures her grandmother had made from the dried herbs in wintertime. Eira was more excited for the bilberries and lingonberries, which she would use for marmalade, and the hazelnuts which would taste sweet like honey once they reached the dead of winter.
The days were still mild and rays of sun broke through the canopies throughout the day, making the task light work. The two women did not mind spending many days in only each other’s company. They were more like sisters than friends in both good and bad ways. One day, they had returned painfully late in the evening to Eiklund because Gerd had insisted on continuing their gathering “for just one more hour”, for almost three hours. The next day, Eira showed up with supplies for camping overnight. If they were going to spend all day out there, they might as well do so without the hassle of scurrying home late in the treacherous half-dark of dusk.
They had spent that evening in a makeshift campsite, sharing stories of the inhabitants of Eiklund and draughts of freshly brewed late-summer beer. As the hours stretched into the night, their conversation had slowed to slurred confessions about life. Gerd missed her grandmother terribly, who had been her last living family member. Gerd’s mother and father had died after a terrible cough took hold of them when they were still supposed to have many years left in Midgard. Gerd’s brother had died in battle. The grandfather, more mercifully, died of old age, reuniting him with his children in Niflheim.
Gerd’s grandmother had been the village herbalist and healer, and had spent the last years of her life passing on her skills to Gerd. When dysentery had taken her grandmother, her final gift to Gerd was teaching her how to care for the dying, and after, how to prepare them for burial. Gerd had not wanted to learn it, not like that, but now admitted that she was glad their last days together were spent learning instead of fretting and grieving. The grief never came, not truly. After her grandmother’s death, Gerd had taken over her duties as a healer for the community, although she still had things to learn. But Gerd was studious and hardworking, and Eira helped her as often as she could.
Gerd often thanked Eira wholeheartedly for her help, insinuating that Eira did it simply from the goodness of her heart and the sisterly bond they shared. In truth, Eira had a keen interest in the skills and magick of healing and herbalism. Being a warrior herself, she saw the difference those skills made on the battlefield, and when the warriors returned to have their wounds tended to. Evoking the goddes Eir, Eira’s namesake, was something very few warriors knew how to do.
Healing magick was reserved for the Jarl’s men and favoured fighters, taught by scholared healers in the Jarl’s court. A highborne warrior who knew how to incite healing galdr on the battlefield often played a role in saving wounded warriors from bleeding out before they could be attended to. For warriors of Eira’s station, all they could hope was to be able to carry the surviving injured back to the closest healer after the battle ended, before the cold fever of rot took hold of their wounds. Then, the healers would work the herbalist magick that Gerd was now foraging to prepare for.
The timely preparation of the healing ingredients was vital this late summer. Jarl Ingmar, whose jarldom reached from the northern coast of Selund and into the countryside where Eiklund laid, had recently sent his men around the jarldom to raise their banners and swear their fealty, announcing that Jarl Ingmar had finally bent his knee to King Gorm. In just a few years, the ambitious Gorm has consolidated the independent jarldoms across the land of the Danir into one united country. Jarl Ingmar had been one of the last jarls to be convinced of the King’s vision of a united kingdom. Deeply entrenched in his own decade-old bloodfeud with the neighbouring Jarl Thorstein, Ingmar had seen the unison of the jarldoms as an admission of defeat. But with a wrath and force that could only be explained as godly intervention, Gorm had managed to break every single jarl into either loyalty or submission. Jarl Ingmar’s downfall had been the very bloodfeud he had wished to see upheld. The frequent attacks and raids on Thorstein’s land weakened his warbands to such a degree that he could no longer fight Gorm’s dominion when he showed up at his doorstep.
After waging internal battles to solidify his rule over the Danir jarls, Gorm has turned his eye towards the land of the Sviar. He was now calling upon the forces of his jarls to raise their banners under him and campaign into Svidland. Effectively, King Gorm had freed the people of Eiklund from one blood stained doom, only to bind them into another.
Gerd had been nervous since the Jarl’s men had arrived in the village, bringing warning of an impending war. She knew she would be without her grandmother to help the guaranteed number of casualties that would arrive after the first battle.
Eira, on the other hand, had been excited. She had remarked herself as an exceptional shieldmaiden under Jarl Ingmar’s constitution. There were a number of warriors on par with her in the jarldom of Ingmar, which was famed for breeding a strong and stubborn kind of people suitable for warfare. That was why their villages were first to be visited when it came to calling for axes.
Eira, coming from modest roots and destined for nothing great, had seen her natural skills as a fighter as an equal curse and blessing. She told Gerd as much that night in the forest, where they had shared admissions over beer and bonfire. “Fighting feels like grabbing fate by its balls, escaping the grip of the Norns for just a moment. As if I can control the outcome of my life or anothers’, instead of being left to the whims and mercies of Jarls or the Gods, as we are in every other aspect of life.”
“Do you really feel that you have no control over your own destiny?”
“Do you not?” Eira was both curious and provoking. “The Jarls decide when we fight, the Gods decide when we die. All we get to decide is what to put in our mouths, given the Gods have blessed us with a bountiful harvest enough to fill our bellies”.
Gerd shrugged, and began thoughtfully: “When my parents died, I felt like that. Like my life had been decided by something out of my control, knowing only the Norns hold the power to do that.”. She weighed her words for a moment before continuing “but most of the time I believe that I can influence the outcome. That’s why I wanted to be a healer like my grandmother.”.
That makes two of us, thought Eira, but she did not speak it. She yearned to be in charge of both life and death, believing that if she wielded the same authority to make decisions as the Jarls and Kings, many innocent lives might have been spared. It was probably naïve, thinking that might and lordship would not corrupt her, the same way it did to those who were born into it.
“Beer makes you think too much of fate and power” Gerd poked at her. It was true. “Let us rest, tomorrow you can take control of someone’s life by collecting enough yarrow to save your brethren’s lives in the months to come.”
As Eira laid to rest on the ground, still warm from the abundance of sun they had been blessed with that day, she thought of the many injustices borne to her community from the will of the Æsir. When she thought of that injustice, which she did often, she thought especially of her shield-brother Geir.
Geir was one of the most famed living fighters of his station in the land of the Danir. While Geir was not of a bloodline important enough to sit at the high table of wartime decision-making, he was often chosen as warband leader to lead scores of warriors on the battlefield. He was almost impossibly strong, resembling Thor himself, but more importantly he was smarter than any other karl on the battlefield. Where other warband leaders fought with a fierceful belief in sheer strength, Geir saw holes in their defence and patterns in their attacks, guiding the shield walls this way and that. He was quick to make decisions, almost always anticipating correctly, each and every time overpowering the enemy through wit as well as skill.
Geir’s wife, Siv, had bore him four sons, but only one had survived. A quiet boy of five summers, born in the shadow of the death of his kin before him and after him, Geir revered that boy like a gift given to him directly by Freyja herself. Once, a neighbour had jested that Geir, the best warrior on all of Selund, had taken all the strength for himself and left nothing for his kin to survive on this earth. Eira had found the jest cruel, and with a biting look silenced anyone who might think to laugh. She knew that perhaps the cruellest part was the hint of truth, knowing that the Gods indeed enacted these cruel ironies in Midgard, seemingly intent to not let any man or woman receiving their favor live a life too easy.
The last time Siv had been pregnant was two winters ago. In the cold dead of night, she had woken bloodied and birthed a still child. The wails of that night had woken the neighbours, and Eira knew that they were not only from Siv, but Geir himself. The bereavement had settled on his face like curdled milk for more than a year.
Siv, a quietly resolute woman, had gone to Gerd the next day and requested a tincture to keep her bleeding at bay, and prayed to Freyja to still her womb. Gerd, a helpless gossip with access to too much information from her occupation, had told Eira, but also rushed that she must not tell anyone, especially not Geir. Eira knew that Siv could not take another heartbreak, and forgave her for never telling her husband. At the same time, Eira knew that the only reason the scorned mask had lifted from her close friend Geir’s face, returning a booming laughter to his lips and life to his eyes, was the belief that he would yet father another child.
Such were the many fates of the people Eira called her neighbours, friends, shield brethren and sisters. Some took staunch devotion to the Gods, believing they might turn the tide of their fates with reverence. Others, under no illusion that they might have control or influence over the Gods, settled to just live their life on earth, accepting all of the occasional cruelty and glory it entailed. Eira thought those latter people were the true thralls of whichever fate Skuld had decided for them.
Jarl Ingmar’s bloodfeud with Jarl Thorstein had spun the destiny of many. Situated in the borderlands between the territories of the two jarls, Eiklund and the neighbouring villages had lost the bulk of lives, livestock and shelter that suffered under the cruel feud, which had spilled from the halls of nobility, to the settlements of the karls over the last many decades.
The bloodfeud was not born from the will of the karls. The politics of bloodlines and the ruling class ranged far beyond their mundane concerns. Still, it had affected the lives of them all. Some had emerged victorious, like Geir and even Eira. The fierce battlefield between the two jarls had been a place for warriors to prove themselves and gain the favor of the Gods, the Jarl and the people. Others had died, screaming and writhing in agony, entire settlements engulfed by fires set by humans birthed from evil spirits.
Eira had often marvelled at how the Jarl’s most favored men would not dirty their hands on the battlefield like true warriors. They were born to nobility, learning from a young age the ways of complex magick. This wisdom was forbidden to the karls. But instead of fighting on the battlefield, the highborns wielded their magick in cruel and unforgivable ways, stealing from both themselves and their victims the chance to live forever in Valhalla or Folkvangr. They left the karls to fight out their petty wars on the battlefield with rudimentary magick. In each battle, the karls hoped, often futilely, that a simple weapon incantation or rune casting might bring them luck, knowing full well that either Jarl and their mages could end the feud in a duel of magick, if they only dared face each other.
Such musings over the impunity of Gods and men alike often consumed her when she closed her eyes at night. This evening, the beer had laid a soft blanket over her mind, lulling her to sleep before the anger took hold of her and catapulted her into sleeplessness. She embraced Nótt’s cloak as it wrapped around her.
Chapter notes:
1.  Thor, the Æsir God of thunder, war, sacred groves and trees, strength, the protection of humankind, hallowing, and fertility. Thor, while primarily known as God of battle and storms, also symbolizes strength and maturation. Boyhood to manhood often involved learning to fight, hunt, and protect—areas Thor embodies.
2.  Freyr, a Vanir God of fertility, prosperity, peace, and abundance. He was the God of bountiful harvests, virility, and the cycle of life, governing both agricultural and human fertility.
3.  Gandr, meaning “chant” or “incantation”, was a form of magick
4. Eir was a goddess of healing and mercy, often associated with medical knowledge, herbalism, and protective magic.
5. A Jarl was a high-ranking noble or chieftain in Scandinavia, particularly in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. The term is often translated as "earl" in English and represented a position of power just below that of a king. Jarls ruled regions, owned villages, oversaw trade and controlled warbands.
6.  Modern day Zealand, the largest island of Denmark, was called Selund in the 10th century.
7. Three Norns govern destiny, time, and fate of mortals and Gods. Urð represents the past, what has already been woven. Verðandi represents the present, what is happening now. Skuld represents the future, what will be.
8.  The Karls (or karlar) were society’s middle class, ruled by the Jarls, but the backbone of society. They were often farmers, craftsmen, traders, and warriors.
9.  Freyja was a Vanir goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, and seiðr (magick of the Gods). Known for her dual nature—as both a giver of life and passion and a goddess of death and battle.
10. Midgard, one of the Nine Realms of the world. Midgard was the realm inhabited by mortal humans.
11. Odin’s hall, Valhalla, was the hall where fallen warriors, slain in battle, lived out their afterlife. Odin selected warriors from the battlefield to join him in his halls, ultimately building his army to fight with him in Ragnarok.
12. Fólkvangr also served as an afterrealm for slain warriors. The Goddess Freyja picked the other half of slain warriors to join the vast, fertile field and meadows of Fólkvangr.
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tradecenter58 · 7 months ago
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minicarhunter · 10 months ago
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bpd-insane · 6 years ago
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The One World Trade Center in New York City. I’ll be adding more photos from my trip in two weeks. This was back in January. ❤️
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vulture-culture-me · 7 years ago
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New cow skull i got yesterday at the trade center... only 1000 points!
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prajwalsrking · 3 years ago
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Fragments of the 8th and 9th major rock edicts.[17] Inscribed on a free-standing stone. Excavated in April 1882 by Bhagwan Lal Indraji, The ruins of a Buddhist Stupa was found. Nala Sopara is accepted by scholars as the Suparaka or Supparak of ancient India and was a busy trade centre and an important seal of Buddhism. It was also one of the administrative units under the Satavahanas and is mentioned in the inscriptions of Karle, Nashik, Naneghat, and Kanheri. From the centre of the stupa (inside a brick built chamber) a large stone coffer was excavated which contained eight bronze images of Maitreya Buddha which belong to the c. 8th-9th century CE. This coffer also enclosed relic caskets of copper, silver, stone, crystal and gold, along with numerous gold flowers and fragments of a begging bowl. A silver coin of Gautamiputra Satakarni (Satavahana) was also found from the mound. The Bombay Provincial Government presented the Sopara relics to the Asiatic Society of Bombay. The coins and the artifacts found during the excavations at the site of this ancient town can still be viewed in the Asiatic Society, Mumbai museum. 8वें और 9वें प्रमुख शिलालेखों के अंश। [17] एक मुक्त खड़े पत्थर पर खुदा हुआ। अप्रैल 1882 में भगवान लाल इंद्रजी द्वारा खुदाई में, एक बौद्ध स्तूप के खंडहर पाए गए थे। नाला सोपारा स्वीकार किया जाता है 8व्या आणि 9व्या प्रमुख शिलालेखांचे तुकडे.[17] मुक्त उभे दगडावर कोरलेले. भगवान लाल इंद्रजी यांनी एप्रिल 1882 मध्ये उत्खनन केलेल्या बौद्ध स्तूपाचे अवशेष सापडले. नाला सोपारा स्वीकारला आहे #ashoka #asoka #samratashoka #inscriptionofashoka #rockedictsofashoka #excavated #gold #silver #buddhist #stupa #scholars #samratashokadisciple #tradecenter #bronze #stone #satavahanas #buddhism #crystal #coffer #gautamiputra #karle #nashik #naneghat #kanheri #maiterya #asiatic #society #mumbaimuseum (at Nalasopara) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgenP45PUlU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Click Here to watch the Full Video
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tradecenter58 · 7 months ago
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generalknowledgeinkannada · 3 years ago
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