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g4ydhd · 9 months ago
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Happy Pride month :D
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mananak07 · 3 months ago
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hay overwatch dump
also other ships i like pharah x tracer x widowmaker x sombra i like them all togehter hehehe
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willo-ly · 6 months ago
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Reposting some silly old pieces from twitter.
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lovedrruunk · 9 months ago
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minghzi · 2 months ago
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merry christmas and happy holidays~~ hope yall had a good one
drew smth different this year from what i usually do lmao
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wisteriaiswriting · 1 year ago
𝔻ℙ𝕊 𝔻𝕒𝕥𝕖 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Type of date | Location | Are they romantic? | How much money will they spend | What happens after | Blurb
Words: 3161
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Due to Ashe being, well Ashe. You’d think she wouldn’t do dates or much romance, but surprisingly yes! Much preferring calmer and simple dates.
Has set up your private room at her base, [Whether you live there or just visit] so she’ll set up in there.
She has very little experience, but with you she tries, and often succeeds. Flirts a lot, but you get all her real attention.
During her Deadlock days she’s gathered a pretty penny, and she’s willing to spend plenty of that on you. Even if you deny her, it won’t stop her.
Absolutely adores when you cuddle up to her, holding you back and closer. All the while making sure both of you are comfortable before falling asleep herself.
Ashe’s day was rough, and returning to you made the world around her seen non existant. Able to fall into your arms and the many, many blankets. Tugging you closer into her arms as she got under them.
Quickly enough she noticed your breathing evening out, looking just in time to see your eyes shut. Only able to chuckle at that, she just arrived and you were already out like a light.
Leaning down to leave a gentle kiss on your forehead, pulling away, and in the dim lighting was barely able to see the mark she left. Her thumb brushed over it as she thought.
It didn’t take long for her to do it again. And again.
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If he’s being honest here, he had and still does, no clue what to do. But likely he found something, and that was heading out for a drink and maybe some food.
Mostly takes you to some bars and a few pubs when hungry.
He tries, and comes off real smooth yet kinda awkward. (He hasn’t done this in a while.)
Has very little to his, nothing legally. So he won’t spend much of the little he still has, but he will steal anything for you. (Be the distraction, please.)
Still awkward, but now he’s calmed down a bit. He’ll walk you to your residence before asking for a second date.
“C’mon now darlin’, don’t let this old dog down.” There he went again. You weren’t sure what would happen if he had a few drinks, but definitely not a flirty drunk. But luckily enough he stuck with you no matter what.
Also meaning you were subjected to all his flirting.
“Cassidy, again, you brought me here.”
“Did I? I mean why wouldn’t I, a catch like you with me, obviously.”
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She’ll adapt to what you enjoy, but if she was given the choice it would be a movie.
While she would prefer staying at home or base, wanting your time together to be, well together. Although she wouldn’t be against the movie theatre.
Has no experience. But throughout your time together and even before, she’s always learning, especially what you prefer.
It’s likely Winston finds out and gives her the money. Using that on snacks and tickets if needed. Otherwise most of it is spent on you.
Will walk you to your room before leaving, finding Winston or Mercy to talk about it.
“Echo!” Turning around to find Winston making his way closer, one hand was closed, holding something likely for her.
“Oh Winston!”
“I was informed about the date, and was able to gather these.” He dropped the things into her open ones, revealing plenty of money. Especially more than enough in notes to pay for anything needed.
“Thank you, I’m sure Y/N will also appreciate the help.” With that she floated off, on her way to your room. Now she had this, all she needed to do was confirm with you.
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He’ll drag you to a nearby arcade. But if you’re up in Japan he’ll bring you to one he frequented as a child / teen.
Either place will be loud, bright and flashy. Unless you become uncomfortable with anything he’ll actually enough the kids.
Hasn’t really lost his spark, but due to his death and scarring he might need some help.
Has a bit more than needed, so he’s paying for the whole night. Please don’t try to argue with him.
Afterwards he’ll take you out for food, your choice.
Compared to the cold winds outside Genji’s metal hand felt warm, likely from your own heat. Never changing or letting go when you entered the arcade, only pulling you around the place.
And you’d think someone who fights for his life almost every day would be able to win at a basic claw machine, right?
Well you’d be wrong. You watched as he failed time after time before almost giving up, before he finally caught one. It was small and simple but he beamed at you while holding it towards you.
It was a cute [Favourite animal] that held a heart, and there were plenty of other animals inside. Once he realized, now not focused on yours, he was determined to have a matching one.
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He’ll much prefer something calming but able to be sentimental, like painting together.
Depending on the activity you’ll either stay home or go to a private studio for the time.
Has very little experience, he tries by giving you gifts. (Please let him know it works.)
He will spend plenty of money on the tools and wood, willing to get anything for the date and you.
You’ll be walked back to your house / room, and when he gets back to his own he’ll place all your gifts onto their dedicated shelf.
The day was spent just silently hanging out together. He sat across from you doing his own thing, which used a few tools. All had been brought in a small bag. While you continued doing your own hobby.
About an hour goes by before he moves from his spot. Turning around to gain your attention, using his empty hand to open your own. As he did his face became red and he looked away slightly.
Only looking back to place the item in your open palm. Which turned out to be a small wooden bow that he just carved. But before you could pull your hand away he also placed a few more things next to the bow.
Revealing them to be smaller, also carved arrows. Each one had either your names or your initials engraved.
This man would be the death of you.
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He’ll drag you into his workshop, whether you join him or watch he doesn’t mind.
As a criminal he can’t go very far, so you’ll stay in his workshop.
He fully believes he’s romantic, tries but ultimately fails. Has no clue what he is actually doing.
Jamison has almost none, but he can’t use it anyways.
Being secretive the whole time pays off, even if he almost blew it many times. Showing off his project while beaming.
For the first few hours you willingly stayed with Jamison in his workshop. But after a while it was clear he wasn’t going to let you see, so without him noticing you left. The rest of your time was spent sitting outside the room while you heard him working away.
Before you knew it he had left the room, almost rushing past you. Luckily turning around in time.
“Oi, why’d you leave?”
��Takin’ to long Jami.”
“Well don’t do that…” He started pouting while reaching into his pocket, pulling out a small box. Placing it into your hands.
“Go on, open it!” Which you would, except there was no way to. Spinning it around until you heard a ‘click.’ The lid opened revealing a small heart rising and spinning, made of scraps and crappily coloured in different shades of red.
“I love it Jami.” Leaning over to give him a quick kiss.
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She focuses on getting to know you rather than an activity or certain place, wanting you to do the same.
You’ll spend that with each other and away from the others, likely at her place or a nearby yet kinda private park.
Due to, you know, being frozen for years, she doesn’t have much experience, even before that but she tries.
The most she spends is on any food and drinks, but is willing to spend more if needed.
Not much, but she won't let you go until you accept the snacks she made for you.
It had been hours since you arrived at Mei’s place, and it was finally time to leave. But it was clear she didn’t want you to leave yet, though she wouldn’t stop you. Surely you have plenty of things to be doing.
As she watched you walk off she suddenly remembered her gifts, the cookies!
“Y/N, wait!” And you did, letting you grab what she needed before rushing out. In her hands were a container, only able to see when she got closer. It was full of cookies.
“I made these earlier, almost forgot.” She giggled as she spoke, flushing red.
“Thank you.”
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She much prefers simple and calmer date ideas. Turns out building Legos is a good idea, one she should’ve done earlier.
She’ll have you both sitting in the living room, making sure you’re both comfortable as possible. With enough lightning and the tv as background noise.
Work has always gotten in the way of any romance she’s ever tried, so the only things she knows are from asking Ana. But she still tries, even if they cause her to flush red.
Is absolutely willing to spend plenty on different sets. She makes sure you can finish any set you want.
Helping you find the best placement for them. When you leave she takes pictures and sends them to Ana, fully prepared for any teasing from her.
When you entered the first thing you saw was another Lego set, it was from the botanical collection. Specifically the Orchids. All built and setting in a [favourite colour] vase. Footsteps pulling you from the scene.
In the doorway stood Fareeha, frozen while her face quickly became red.
“I can explain,” Stepping forwards as she spoke, taking your hands into her own. “I am aware we built some yesterday, but I saw these and they reminded me of you.”
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Everyone assumes it’s a meeting, unaware (Except for Sombra) of what is really happening. Just you two spending quality time in silence doing your favourite activities.
He’ll have it set up in a private meeting room further down from the others, or invites you to his room.
Has plenty of experience (Had a wife) so he has learnt his love languages, being acts of service and quality time, although only with you.
Doesn’t need to spend any of his money but will buy anything you want or need for your hobby.
He’s a knitter, so before he leaves he’ll hand you the item he made. Please find him later for thank you cuddles, he will melt, literally.
A hand dropped onto your shoulder, if you weren’t a Talon agent it would’ve taken you down. But the metal claws gave away who they belonged to.
“Meeting room 6.” Smoke covered the area as he left, not wanting to stay around longer than necessary. Listening, you also left the area, everyone quickly became quiet.
The room's lights were off, the only light being a lamp behind him and the curtains pulled slightly open. Across the table sat Gabriel, gauntlets removed and thrown next to the yarn.
He was part way through knitting something, a stack of already finished squares. Just next to them sat the items for [activity], seemingly ready for you to start. And start you did, both of you sitting in silence for the next few hours.
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She’ll spend a few hours setting up the perfect movie night, snacks, blankets and a selection of movies or shows.
All this will be set up in your shared bedroom so neither of you will have to walk far for any reason.
She’s aware she’s trying to be romantic, just unsure if it’s succeeding. (It has been for a while.)
The only money she’ll need to spend is on the snacks, buying all your favourites.
Likely one of you two will fall asleep during your bingeing, with the other following soon after.
You were both on your 3rd movie after finishing a while 4 seasons of an old yet interesting tv show. But by now your eyes started to hurt from all the lights, and your eyelids were starting to shut.
You knew you couldn’t prevent yourself from falling asleep, especially when you were so comfortable. Vivian had set up everything, so she was aware this would happen and was prepared.
She let you lean onto her, wrapping her own arms around you. And when your eyes finally shut, breathing evened out she leaned over and gave you a quick and gentle kiss. Finally following shut, letting the movie play as background noise.
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He enjoys simpler date ideas, the chosen one being a walk in the park. Managing to find a quiet and pretty empty day.
While the majority of your time is spent in the park, he’ll take you to a nearby food place. Ice cream or anything else you might crave.
He doesn’t have as much experience as he lets on due to work, he knows what to do. Just a little awkward about it.
For the chosen dates he won’t need much but is willing to splurge a little during so.
If it’s late enough he’ll take you out to lunch or dinner.
The air gained a slight chill whenever it passed you, causing Jack to lend you his jacket, sticking close even then. Without realizing the end of the trail arrived, letting both of you stand outside the park.
He looks up before down at his watch, looking for the time. Apparently it wasn’t late enough to finish just yet, so he invited you out for lunch.
“How about lunch, I’ll pay?”
Of course you accepted, free lunch and time spent with Jack. A win-win situation.
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She tries as much as possible to keep you away from Talon, so she takes you to a concert of your choice.
The stadium is large and unsurprisingly loud, but she makes sure you feel comfortable during all of this.
Is much more flirty rather than romantic, but can be romantic if either of you feel like it.
There’s no need for money when she has everything at her fingertips, although if you really want to she will.
She’ll ‘book’ you two a shared hotel room, putting off returning to Talon. Also wanting to spend time with you.
“Ángel~” Her voice would’ve shocked you if she didn’t already blind you with her hands over your eyes. “I have a present for you, and I know you’ll love it!”
The air became cold but only in parts around you. Although she didn’t move it seemed everything else had. The once silent air changed, people talking, walking, even cars were driving.
Her hands were removed revealing the new location. It was a stadium, but not for their normal sports game. Banners and posters showed your favourite band/singer, as they were playing here, today!
And Olivia brought you here, you needed to thank her somehow.
Ángel - Angel
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She plans everything for a fancy dinner date, willing to compromise for something just as fancy but smaller for your comfort.
As long as the place is fancy to a certain degree and has food you both eat she’s willing to have a date there.
Her romantic won’t be noticeable to others, if so won’t be taken as romance. But she prefers acts of kindness, helping you with work and grabbing you things.
While she’s willing to spend a lot on you and your hobbies she does have a limit, although it is pretty high.
Afterwards she’ll have someone drive you both to your place, making sure you’re able to get inside before asking for a second date.
As the car slowed to a stop her hand lifted off yours, holding it during the ride. You knew not to open the door, quickly finding out her habit of opening it for you. Only doing it for you though, but neither of you would change that.
When the door was opened she reached for your hand, gently helping you out. Again, her hand didn’t let go of yours until you stepped inside.
“I hope you enjoyed tonight, as I want to ask for another.”
Of course you agreed.
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She’ll take you to the movie theater to watch a movie of your choice.
Will go to the theater but also enjoys having home movie nights.
Often enough she’s interrupted by giggling, but she can and has been romantic.
She lets you see the amount, being enough for popcorn, drinks and the tickets.  Before surprising you by buying you both some candy.
On the way home she’ll be ranting about the movie whether it was good or bad. When you both get home she’ll continue on while making sure you’re listening, that’s by trapping you in a cuddle session.
“C’mon Love!” Her hand had slipped and was holding onto your wrist instead, but she didn’t let go. The line was surprisingly short, only being a family and a few teenagers so you got to the counter quickly.
“What do you wanna watch?” A quick glance at the options revealed a few good ones, except one stood out.
“How about [Movie]?”
“Yeah, two tickets for [Movie] please!” She continued ordering, getting popcorn and drinks. At first you thought she wasn’t going to get candy, only after she ordered everything else did she get some. Both of you getting cups to choose your candy.
“C’mon then, can’t miss any scenes!”
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As she is a known criminal she won’t be able to take you very far, but will go stargazing with you.
The chosen hill is far enough from the Talon base but still safe enough, especially when with her.
She tries to be romantic, won't ever be the best due to her transformation but she tries for you.
For any date there won’t be any need for money.
If you’re not part of Talon she’ll make sure you get home safe, if so then she’ll walk you to your room.
The air has grown cold, but never becomes freezing. Staying at a comfortable kind of cold, the kind Amélie had grown used to over the years so it didn’t bother her. Yet it affected you, you shivered slightly as if trying to hide it from her.
You should know better by now, when it comes to you she won’t miss a single detail. Wrapping her arms around you, pulling you closer. When you shivered ceased she let you return to watching the stars.
And instead of doing the same her eyes never left your figure. To her you seemed to shine brighter than those stars.
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rigzypoo · 1 year ago
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holay molay
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nyamcattt · 2 years ago
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Cheers, love! The queers are here!
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nyxthecrow · 1 year ago
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Now there's everyone! Part II: Damage!
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froggibus · 8 months ago
Pride - Soldier 76, Pharah, Baptiste, Tracer, Venture & Lifeweaver
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Pairings: Soldier 76 x gn! reader, Pharah x gn! reader, Baptiste x gn! reader, Tracer & Emily x gn! reader, Venture x gn! reader, Lifeweaver x gn! reader
Genre: fun fluffy hcs
Summary: how it would be going to pride w your queer fav
CW: nonspecific relationship w the heroes, canon sexualities/genders, lots of fun pride stuff, pride festival, Soldier being an old man
sorry hi i know pride month is over but i really wanted to include it in our event so here it is! i really wanted to include lucio & other fun characters here but it was so much writing i only did the ones who are canonically queer!
This is part of my Summer Suntacular event, come check it out!
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Soldier 76:
not his first Pride, won’t be his last
he’s probably a little wistful the whole time, since he last attended with Vincent
his grumpy old man demeanor drops for a day and he actually lets himself enjoy it
all the young people there LOVE him and he ends up ‘adopting’ at least three kids
reminisces the whole time and probably says “back in my day” at least once
you may have to convince him to actually indulge in fun stuff like temp tattoos and flags
but then he gets SUPER into it and drags you around to get as much stuff as possible
gets hit on at least once by someone half his age and his face is an INFERNO for like ten minutes afterwards
wants to get drinks and appetizers at a bar after and chat about your day
will let you take one (1) picture of the two of you to commemorate it
(he’ll definitely keep the picture in his wallet—but he’ll never tell you)
not her first Pride either, but she doesn’t go very often cause she’s married to her work
wears her sexy ass leather jacket even though it’s probably boiling outside
“Fareeha you’re going to boil in that”
“Don’t be ridiculous, this is my summer leather”
gets one temp tattoo of the lesbian flag on her cheek and that’s it for her
shows it off in every single picture the two of you take together 
doesn’t take many of her own pictures but will indulge you for every one of yours
her strong ass will let you ride on her shoulders to see any performances you want
or if you’re not cool with that, she has no shame and will body her way through the crowd to help you get a better view
loves fruity rainbow drinks and will always have one in her hand
wears her aviators even after the sun goes down
definitely checks if Baptiste is doing anything & tries to set up a rendezvous with him at a club later
she is THE most fun to party with if you’re able to pry her away from her work
more than likely his first Pride  (at least, since he’s been out of the closet)
probably ended up attending a few before and hanging out in the med tent as an ally
if he wasn’t going with you, Pharah would’ve 10000% taken him with her
super excited to be taking you with him this year 
and to actually be partaking in the celebrations
covers both of you in those cute rainbow temporary tattoos
like they’re EVERYWHERE
total mom friend—he has water, tylenol & advil, wet wipes, snacks, sunscreen & anything else you could possibly need
that doesn’t mean he’s not indulging in any fun colourful drinks at the bars later tho
indulges in any free things offered with him
and totally ends the day with like ten different friendship bracelets
wants to take pictures of EVERYTHING and ends up with a million selfies of the two of you
you’re out from 11am to 3am & you bet your ass he’s waking you up at noon the next day for brunch
wants to go next year & hand out little care bags to everyone you meet
her and Emily insist on taking you with them
they go every year so long as Lena isn’t working (rare)
they (Emily) have got everything figured out, so you can just chill and come along with them
Lena totally goes all out with her outfits & insists you all match somehow
they bring a digital camera to take lots & lots of pictures of everything
prepare to be outside from dawn till dusk
Lena probably gets recognized a few times and takes pictures with every person who asks
she buys a TON of memorabilia and will absolutely buy anything you look at for you
even tho she’s probably tried everything they have to offer, she wants to make sure you also try it
Emily has to stop and remind her to slow down and to eat/drink
they have some cute tradition where they go to the restaurant they want to on their first date & have some drinks and appetizers
even tho it’s their thing, they’ll gladly invite you along & make sure you’re included
and if you’re into it, Lena will absolutely try to play matchmaker for you so you’re not lonely
huge dork ass LOVES Pride
they’re a little awkward cause of the big crowds & stuff, but deep down they thrive on it
not nearly as out there with their outfit as Tracer, but they’ll definitely dress according to theme
makes their own little bags of crystals to give out to friends they make there + coordinates them according to different pride flags
makes an extra special one for you too to thank you for coming with them
buys ice cream whenever they see a stand & offers to share with you 
at least one child asks them if they’re a boy or a girl
Sloan just shrugs at them
despite their awkwardness, everybody you meet there LOVES Sloan & they end the day with a million different pins + friendship bracelets
anytime there’s something cool, they want to take a pic with you in front of it
even just random fountains and stuff
if someone’s performing, they HAVE to go and at least check it out, but you’ll probably get dragged into watching a long ass magic show
they might take you for a drink and a snack after, but they’re not the type to go to a club or anything
more than likely they want to have a game night or marathon some movies at home to unwind afterwards
not his first Pride, but the first one he’s been able to enjoy since leaving Vishkar
the most well dressed & insists on dressing you as well
weaves flowers & plants through his hair to make a pretty rainbow (and will do the same for you if you ask!)
lots & lots of biodegradable glitter that he made himself
wants to get there super early to offer his aid to any of the med stations set up & give them his number incase they need him
brings his own biodegradable confetti and gives bags to all the stands to hand out
loves live performances & wants to attend each one
he WILL be dancing and expects you to dance with him, no matter how awkward you feel
usually the best at remembering his sunscreen & water but probably forgets until he starts to feel the effects
wants to stay until everything shuts down and make sure everything is cleaned up correctly
so many pictures that your face will hurt from smiling for the cameras by the end of the day
his Instagram story is probably filled with those same pics
if anyone compliments his hair, he WILL offer to braid theirs with flowers for them on the spot
takes you out to a nice dinner before you guys go home
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Summer Suntacular | Masterlist | Overwatch Masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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weskershousewife · 10 months ago
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Overwatch Girls pt. 1 icons!
like/reblog if using!
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dawnthefox24 · 4 months ago
Okay so yesterday last night I watched The Last Unicorn and of course cried my little eyes out soo... Overwatch characters and how each of them felt after watching The Last Unicorn!
Also TLU= The Last Unicorn if you want to know btw
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eulogium-red · 6 months ago
i'd like to see more of the theme of "family" in overwatch. we see it a lot with ana & fareeha, ram & zen, brig/torb/rein/bastion, genji & hanzo. but those are the obvious ones between playable characters. the ones that are much more clearly written on the wall, even once-in-a-blue-moon players could pick up on. much else is hardly focused on despite how much family (or a lack thereof) has shaped many of the character's lives & identities for better or for worse
i don't like how martina & the unnamed reyes kid are only mentioned in passing, despite gabriel himself visiting often unannounced. clearly they were an important part of his life. clearly, family is an important part of his life — i'm very willing to wager that small passage about the death of his parents in declassified was written very intentionally. his complicated relationship with death, and how it was further affected by his own "death," & how he's now in some warped reversed position with his new family. but we don't get much more than a few voice lines about martina (is she even mentioned by name in-game orrr am i not remembering?)
i want to see how ashe manages the gang throughout the second omnic crisis. or perhaps we could see her mannerisms slightly change with bob. maybe instead of standing side-by-side with him as she is in the reunion cinematic, she puts herself more between him & potential unrealised threats. or maybe she subtly tries to nudge him under awnings whenever she spots ufos, weary they're housing subjugators — little things that are very intentional. maybe her demeanor tilts ever so slightly from confident but guarded, to guarded but confident.
i want to get a better picture of the role sam english played in fareeha's life just from playing the game, especially after ana's presumed death. i want to know more about their relationship other than the christmas dinner they had. i wonder how many players just assume fareeha's father died young, or assume the writers didn't care to write one at all? for a long time, i thought the former. i wonder what sam thinks of some of fareeha's closest friends — has he met cole & angela? what does he think of helix? we hardly even see fareeha's native heritage expressed other than the two skins off the top of my head
what about cassidy & echo? i know this is a more implied one, but cassidy was the first one to nurture her "childlike intelligence." even today, he guides her — he encouraged her to help winston&co at paris when he was still on the fence. one of the cutest things for me is her enthusiastically shouting "hello winston!" mid-battle, presumably not long after cassidy told her to say hi. she probably would've either way, but i also don't want to discredit the role cassidy has had on her development & i really do want to see more of them
or, speak of the devil, how winston views everyone at overwatch as family. how in watchpoint: gibraltar's 1st defense spawn, you can see the little beds he set up for lena and mei, how you can read an email as proof he got the blankets from a small kids blanket business. the way he keeps photos of the gang, years later. how vehemently protective he was of all their locations. i wish we could see it reciprocated a little more, i wish we could see individual sleeping areas for other heroes as the story progresses, or more items on his desk. & that's not even getting into hammond
& i don't think i can have a family post without mentioning dad 76 or how i desperately want to see benicio being the best supportive dad for lúcio more but honestly i'm getting pretty sleepy so either i'll add more later or someone can add more.
depending how you stretch the definition of family here, it can include other dynamics too. baptiste finding a new sense of belonging in the new overwatch, or mei braving the antarctic to not let her team's death go in vain & to help people who can still be helped — from jiayi and her team still on mars, to the people who now need her help on earth. i'd also argue hana's squad in korea. what are niran's siblings up to? are we gonna see more of efi & orisa? moreover, how are all these non-playable side character characters handling the invasion? i guess we got some texts between lena and emily
family is such a powerful motivator, but can also be really complicated, as seen with the amaris and shimadas + kiriko, i wish we got a similar amount of investment some other places too
a major theme of overwatch is moving towards the future, progressing in some way. & that looks different for everyone depending on their emotional readiness to do that, and what they view "progression" as. so it makes sense a lot of characters don't look back on those they lost along the way so much, at least not too openly (zarya comes to mind), but that's what can make their present relationships with others that much more worth preserving & seeing
probably an impossible ask of a game feeling the effects of layoffs that's primarily focused on pvp/bp/shop items but ykn
thank u for coming to my tedtalk
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garfield0-o · 2 years ago
MORE overwatch ponies ^_^
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cephaleo · 6 months ago
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mananak07 · 2 years ago
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:D recent art dump
(also pharah is holding up the flower for mercy!)
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