#pharah x tracer x sombra
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mananak07 · 4 months ago
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hay overwatch dump
also other ships i like pharah x tracer x widowmaker x sombra i like them all togehter hehehe
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wisteriaiswriting · 1 year ago
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Type of date | Location | Are they romantic? | How much money will they spend | What happens after | Blurb
Words: 3161
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Due to Ashe being, well Ashe. You’d think she wouldn’t do dates or much romance, but surprisingly yes! Much preferring calmer and simple dates.
Has set up your private room at her base, [Whether you live there or just visit] so she’ll set up in there.
She has very little experience, but with you she tries, and often succeeds. Flirts a lot, but you get all her real attention.
During her Deadlock days she’s gathered a pretty penny, and she’s willing to spend plenty of that on you. Even if you deny her, it won’t stop her.
Absolutely adores when you cuddle up to her, holding you back and closer. All the while making sure both of you are comfortable before falling asleep herself.
Ashe’s day was rough, and returning to you made the world around her seen non existant. Able to fall into your arms and the many, many blankets. Tugging you closer into her arms as she got under them.
Quickly enough she noticed your breathing evening out, looking just in time to see your eyes shut. Only able to chuckle at that, she just arrived and you were already out like a light.
Leaning down to leave a gentle kiss on your forehead, pulling away, and in the dim lighting was barely able to see the mark she left. Her thumb brushed over it as she thought.
It didn’t take long for her to do it again. And again.
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If he’s being honest here, he had and still does, no clue what to do. But likely he found something, and that was heading out for a drink and maybe some food.
Mostly takes you to some bars and a few pubs when hungry.
He tries, and comes off real smooth yet kinda awkward. (He hasn’t done this in a while.)
Has very little to his, nothing legally. So he won’t spend much of the little he still has, but he will steal anything for you. (Be the distraction, please.)
Still awkward, but now he’s calmed down a bit. He’ll walk you to your residence before asking for a second date.
“C’mon now darlin’, don’t let this old dog down.” There he went again. You weren’t sure what would happen if he had a few drinks, but definitely not a flirty drunk. But luckily enough he stuck with you no matter what.
Also meaning you were subjected to all his flirting.
“Cassidy, again, you brought me here.”
“Did I? I mean why wouldn’t I, a catch like you with me, obviously.”
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She’ll adapt to what you enjoy, but if she was given the choice it would be a movie.
While she would prefer staying at home or base, wanting your time together to be, well together. Although she wouldn’t be against the movie theatre.
Has no experience. But throughout your time together and even before, she’s always learning, especially what you prefer.
It’s likely Winston finds out and gives her the money. Using that on snacks and tickets if needed. Otherwise most of it is spent on you.
Will walk you to your room before leaving, finding Winston or Mercy to talk about it.
“Echo!” Turning around to find Winston making his way closer, one hand was closed, holding something likely for her.
“Oh Winston!”
“I was informed about the date, and was able to gather these.” He dropped the things into her open ones, revealing plenty of money. Especially more than enough in notes to pay for anything needed.
“Thank you, I’m sure Y/N will also appreciate the help.” With that she floated off, on her way to your room. Now she had this, all she needed to do was confirm with you.
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He’ll drag you to a nearby arcade. But if you’re up in Japan he’ll bring you to one he frequented as a child / teen.
Either place will be loud, bright and flashy. Unless you become uncomfortable with anything he’ll actually enough the kids.
Hasn’t really lost his spark, but due to his death and scarring he might need some help.
Has a bit more than needed, so he’s paying for the whole night. Please don’t try to argue with him.
Afterwards he’ll take you out for food, your choice.
Compared to the cold winds outside Genji’s metal hand felt warm, likely from your own heat. Never changing or letting go when you entered the arcade, only pulling you around the place.
And you’d think someone who fights for his life almost every day would be able to win at a basic claw machine, right?
Well you’d be wrong. You watched as he failed time after time before almost giving up, before he finally caught one. It was small and simple but he beamed at you while holding it towards you.
It was a cute [Favourite animal] that held a heart, and there were plenty of other animals inside. Once he realized, now not focused on yours, he was determined to have a matching one.
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He’ll much prefer something calming but able to be sentimental, like painting together.
Depending on the activity you’ll either stay home or go to a private studio for the time.
Has very little experience, he tries by giving you gifts. (Please let him know it works.)
He will spend plenty of money on the tools and wood, willing to get anything for the date and you.
You’ll be walked back to your house / room, and when he gets back to his own he’ll place all your gifts onto their dedicated shelf.
The day was spent just silently hanging out together. He sat across from you doing his own thing, which used a few tools. All had been brought in a small bag. While you continued doing your own hobby.
About an hour goes by before he moves from his spot. Turning around to gain your attention, using his empty hand to open your own. As he did his face became red and he looked away slightly.
Only looking back to place the item in your open palm. Which turned out to be a small wooden bow that he just carved. But before you could pull your hand away he also placed a few more things next to the bow.
Revealing them to be smaller, also carved arrows. Each one had either your names or your initials engraved.
This man would be the death of you.
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He’ll drag you into his workshop, whether you join him or watch he doesn’t mind.
As a criminal he can’t go very far, so you’ll stay in his workshop.
He fully believes he’s romantic, tries but ultimately fails. Has no clue what he is actually doing.
Jamison has almost none, but he can’t use it anyways.
Being secretive the whole time pays off, even if he almost blew it many times. Showing off his project while beaming.
For the first few hours you willingly stayed with Jamison in his workshop. But after a while it was clear he wasn’t going to let you see, so without him noticing you left. The rest of your time was spent sitting outside the room while you heard him working away.
Before you knew it he had left the room, almost rushing past you. Luckily turning around in time.
“Oi, why’d you leave?”
“Takin’ to long Jami.”
“Well don’t do that
” He started pouting while reaching into his pocket, pulling out a small box. Placing it into your hands.
“Go on, open it!” Which you would, except there was no way to. Spinning it around until you heard a ‘click.’ The lid opened revealing a small heart rising and spinning, made of scraps and crappily coloured in different shades of red.
“I love it Jami.” Leaning over to give him a quick kiss.
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She focuses on getting to know you rather than an activity or certain place, wanting you to do the same.
You’ll spend that with each other and away from the others, likely at her place or a nearby yet kinda private park.
Due to, you know, being frozen for years, she doesn’t have much experience, even before that but she tries.
The most she spends is on any food and drinks, but is willing to spend more if needed.
Not much, but she won't let you go until you accept the snacks she made for you.
It had been hours since you arrived at Mei’s place, and it was finally time to leave. But it was clear she didn’t want you to leave yet, though she wouldn’t stop you. Surely you have plenty of things to be doing.
As she watched you walk off she suddenly remembered her gifts, the cookies!
“Y/N, wait!” And you did, letting you grab what she needed before rushing out. In her hands were a container, only able to see when she got closer. It was full of cookies.
“I made these earlier, almost forgot.” She giggled as she spoke, flushing red.
“Thank you.”
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She much prefers simple and calmer date ideas. Turns out building Legos is a good idea, one she should’ve done earlier.
She’ll have you both sitting in the living room, making sure you’re both comfortable as possible. With enough lightning and the tv as background noise.
Work has always gotten in the way of any romance she’s ever tried, so the only things she knows are from asking Ana. But she still tries, even if they cause her to flush red.
Is absolutely willing to spend plenty on different sets. She makes sure you can finish any set you want.
Helping you find the best placement for them. When you leave she takes pictures and sends them to Ana, fully prepared for any teasing from her.
When you entered the first thing you saw was another Lego set, it was from the botanical collection. Specifically the Orchids. All built and setting in a [favourite colour] vase. Footsteps pulling you from the scene.
In the doorway stood Fareeha, frozen while her face quickly became red.
“I can explain,” Stepping forwards as she spoke, taking your hands into her own. “I am aware we built some yesterday, but I saw these and they reminded me of you.”
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Everyone assumes it’s a meeting, unaware (Except for Sombra) of what is really happening. Just you two spending quality time in silence doing your favourite activities.
He’ll have it set up in a private meeting room further down from the others, or invites you to his room.
Has plenty of experience (Had a wife) so he has learnt his love languages, being acts of service and quality time, although only with you.
Doesn’t need to spend any of his money but will buy anything you want or need for your hobby.
He’s a knitter, so before he leaves he’ll hand you the item he made. Please find him later for thank you cuddles, he will melt, literally.
A hand dropped onto your shoulder, if you weren’t a Talon agent it would’ve taken you down. But the metal claws gave away who they belonged to.
“Meeting room 6.” Smoke covered the area as he left, not wanting to stay around longer than necessary. Listening, you also left the area, everyone quickly became quiet.
The room's lights were off, the only light being a lamp behind him and the curtains pulled slightly open. Across the table sat Gabriel, gauntlets removed and thrown next to the yarn.
He was part way through knitting something, a stack of already finished squares. Just next to them sat the items for [activity], seemingly ready for you to start. And start you did, both of you sitting in silence for the next few hours.
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She’ll spend a few hours setting up the perfect movie night, snacks, blankets and a selection of movies or shows.
All this will be set up in your shared bedroom so neither of you will have to walk far for any reason.
She’s aware she’s trying to be romantic, just unsure if it’s succeeding. (It has been for a while.)
The only money she’ll need to spend is on the snacks, buying all your favourites.
Likely one of you two will fall asleep during your bingeing, with the other following soon after.
You were both on your 3rd movie after finishing a while 4 seasons of an old yet interesting tv show. But by now your eyes started to hurt from all the lights, and your eyelids were starting to shut.
You knew you couldn’t prevent yourself from falling asleep, especially when you were so comfortable. Vivian had set up everything, so she was aware this would happen and was prepared.
She let you lean onto her, wrapping her own arms around you. And when your eyes finally shut, breathing evened out she leaned over and gave you a quick and gentle kiss. Finally following shut, letting the movie play as background noise.
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He enjoys simpler date ideas, the chosen one being a walk in the park. Managing to find a quiet and pretty empty day.
While the majority of your time is spent in the park, he’ll take you to a nearby food place. Ice cream or anything else you might crave.
He doesn’t have as much experience as he lets on due to work, he knows what to do. Just a little awkward about it.
For the chosen dates he won’t need much but is willing to splurge a little during so.
If it’s late enough he’ll take you out to lunch or dinner.
The air gained a slight chill whenever it passed you, causing Jack to lend you his jacket, sticking close even then. Without realizing the end of the trail arrived, letting both of you stand outside the park.
He looks up before down at his watch, looking for the time. Apparently it wasn’t late enough to finish just yet, so he invited you out for lunch.
“How about lunch, I’ll pay?”
Of course you accepted, free lunch and time spent with Jack. A win-win situation.
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She tries as much as possible to keep you away from Talon, so she takes you to a concert of your choice.
The stadium is large and unsurprisingly loud, but she makes sure you feel comfortable during all of this.
Is much more flirty rather than romantic, but can be romantic if either of you feel like it.
There’s no need for money when she has everything at her fingertips, although if you really want to she will.
She’ll ‘book’ you two a shared hotel room, putting off returning to Talon. Also wanting to spend time with you.
“Ángel~” Her voice would’ve shocked you if she didn’t already blind you with her hands over your eyes. “I have a present for you, and I know you’ll love it!”
The air became cold but only in parts around you. Although she didn’t move it seemed everything else had. The once silent air changed, people talking, walking, even cars were driving.
Her hands were removed revealing the new location. It was a stadium, but not for their normal sports game. Banners and posters showed your favourite band/singer, as they were playing here, today!
And Olivia brought you here, you needed to thank her somehow.
Ángel - Angel
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She plans everything for a fancy dinner date, willing to compromise for something just as fancy but smaller for your comfort.
As long as the place is fancy to a certain degree and has food you both eat she’s willing to have a date there.
Her romantic won’t be noticeable to others, if so won’t be taken as romance. But she prefers acts of kindness, helping you with work and grabbing you things.
While she’s willing to spend a lot on you and your hobbies she does have a limit, although it is pretty high.
Afterwards she’ll have someone drive you both to your place, making sure you’re able to get inside before asking for a second date.
As the car slowed to a stop her hand lifted off yours, holding it during the ride. You knew not to open the door, quickly finding out her habit of opening it for you. Only doing it for you though, but neither of you would change that.
When the door was opened she reached for your hand, gently helping you out. Again, her hand didn’t let go of yours until you stepped inside.
“I hope you enjoyed tonight, as I want to ask for another.”
Of course you agreed.
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She’ll take you to the movie theater to watch a movie of your choice.
Will go to the theater but also enjoys having home movie nights.
Often enough she’s interrupted by giggling, but she can and has been romantic.
She lets you see the amount, being enough for popcorn, drinks and the tickets.  Before surprising you by buying you both some candy.
On the way home she’ll be ranting about the movie whether it was good or bad. When you both get home she’ll continue on while making sure you’re listening, that’s by trapping you in a cuddle session.
“C’mon Love!” Her hand had slipped and was holding onto your wrist instead, but she didn’t let go. The line was surprisingly short, only being a family and a few teenagers so you got to the counter quickly.
“What do you wanna watch?” A quick glance at the options revealed a few good ones, except one stood out.
“How about [Movie]?”
“Yeah, two tickets for [Movie] please!” She continued ordering, getting popcorn and drinks. At first you thought she wasn’t going to get candy, only after she ordered everything else did she get some. Both of you getting cups to choose your candy.
“C’mon then, can’t miss any scenes!”
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As she is a known criminal she won’t be able to take you very far, but will go stargazing with you.
The chosen hill is far enough from the Talon base but still safe enough, especially when with her.
She tries to be romantic, won't ever be the best due to her transformation but she tries for you.
For any date there won’t be any need for money.
If you’re not part of Talon she’ll make sure you get home safe, if so then she’ll walk you to your room.
The air has grown cold, but never becomes freezing. Staying at a comfortable kind of cold, the kind AmĂ©lie had grown used to over the years so it didn’t bother her. Yet it affected you, you shivered slightly as if trying to hide it from her.
You should know better by now, when it comes to you she won’t miss a single detail. Wrapping her arms around you, pulling you closer. When you shivered ceased she let you return to watching the stars.
And instead of doing the same her eyes never left your figure. To her you seemed to shine brighter than those stars.
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pochipop · 1 year ago
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#. synopsis! — how they greet you after being gone for a bit .
#. characters! — pharah, moira, tracer, sombra, ashe .
#. warnings! — none .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw), @hhoneypop (moodboards) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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In spite of the soreness and the body aches from parading around in her heavy armor for the last few weeks, Fareeha’s face lights up with a smile the moment she sets her eyes on you. All those restless nights on duty simmer out to a distant memory now that she’s seen your face again. She doesn’t care who's around to see as she pulls you in, hugging you tightly, —almost crushingly (in a good way.) You bury your face in her chest, taking in her scent and her body’s natural warmth. In the embrace, she revels in your presence, allowing herself the time to reacclimate to your affection in lieu of the harsher conditions of battle. Though she’s trained long and hard to be the top-notch soldier that she is now, it’s hard to deny the downsides of her job now that she has someone waiting for her back home. The drawbacks aren’t enough to keep her on the ground forever, at least not right now, but one day she knows there’ll be a time when she returns, and it will be the last. The frontlines won’t call her name any longer. . . But you will. And you’ll let her hold you all the same. She leans in to kiss you, cradling your cheeks in her calloused hands, mumbling how much she’s missed you against your lips, and in a rare lack of stubbornness, she won’t argue when you tell her she should go and get some much-needed rest.
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 MOIRA !! ♡
Moira doesn’t like to be fussed over, but she’s not beyond affection. Not in private, at least. Upon her return, she’ll take her time tying up any loose ends from the mission, walking through the labs on three hours of sleep at most, but her mind still sharp as ever. It’s incredible, really, the force that woman is even on the worst of days. She’ll make you wait until her work-related tasks have all been handled appropriately, —and then she’ll finally turn her attention to her sweet, lovesick angel who’s been waiting so long for her arrival. When she does, it’s almost like the weight of the world falls away, both from your shoulders and her own. She may not show it outwardly, but you can tell by the way her body loses the majority of its tension that she’s relieved, at least in part, to be home with you. The intensity of her focus is always the same, whether it falls on one of her experiments, or on you, —the one who waits so patiently for her to come back. There’s a warmth in her eyes when she looks at you that she seldom shows with others, and it leaves you weak in the knees. Although Moira isn’t keen on the over-the-top reunion sort of greeting, she’ll welcome you into her arms once the two of you are alone, and she’ll have no problem kissing you deeply, if only to remind you that she truly does love you, even if saying it isn’t her strongest suit.
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 TRACER (LENA) !! ♡
Lena doesn’t waste a single moment from the second her two feet hit the ground. Any thoughts of a relaxing cup of warm tea or a hot shower to soothe the lingering aches are drowned out entirely by her tunnel visioned desire to see and hold you as soon as humanly possible. She’s been thinking of you the entire time, especially so since she began the journey back home, every inch of her just thrumming with excitement. The instant she sees your face, she meets your gaze with a wide, happy smile and dashes over, arms wide open to wrap them around your frame. She showers your face in a cascade of peppered kisses, hoping they might get her point across better than murmuring “I missed you” a thousand times over ever could. You giggle at the display, and she keens at the sound, —it’s like a long overdue melody that soothes all the bruises littering her skin. It’s all too easy to get lost in the togetherness, and Lena practically melts at the feeling your lips pressed against her own in an ardent kiss. Sure, she loves her job. She loves helping people, loves saving the day, —loves being a hero for those who need it. But at the end of all things, she knows the fulfillment of going on missions will fade one day, and when she’s left only with the bliss of savoring your lips on hers. . . Well, she thinks she’ll be just fine.
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For all the things she is, Olivia has never been particularly sentimental. She plays life fast and loose, taking risks that no one else will, —and sometimes it’s just for the sake of it. Still, she comes back and it’s like she left a little part of herself in your hands the entire time, hoping you’d keep it safe and secure. Though she teases you for tearing up or openly admitting that you missed her, there’s always an unspoken admission that she feels the same way, even if she’s a little too proud to say it. She isn’t too proud, however, to hold you close, —tightly enough to convey all the feelings she bottles up to keep herself from looking like a fool, stumbling over pathetic attempts at confessions of love. It’s easier this way, when you take her playful ribbings for what they are: a love language within themselves. It’s easier when she doesn’t have to bare her soul and strip herself apart for you to believe that she cares. She’ll jest with you about how smitten you are, never losing that nonchalant facade; but in between the lines is a warmth unlike any other. A love like hers really seems to transcend the need for explicit declarations of infatuation, so even when she doesn’t lay overt affection on thick enough for you to drown in, you never doubt that you’ll always be the first to know when she arrives back home.
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 ASHE !! ♡
When she’s certain that all of her ducks are in a row, Ashe doesn’t mind letting you fawn over her a bit behind closed doors. If you were anyone else, she’d be halfway to biting your head off the moment you smooth your hands over her shoulders, asking if she’s hurt, —if things went well, if she needs anything from you now that she’s back. . . But you aren’t just anyone, and she’s begrudgingly accepted how much she cares for you, even on her worst days. She never goes into much detail about what happens while she’s away. That’s for her to know and you to stop thinking about, but she’ll offer little tidbits every now and again, and she’ll talk to you in that smooth, southern accent that drips just like molasses until she grows tired of the monotony of conversation and shuts you up with her mouth on yours. Words become obsolete, and the warmth of her lips speaks volumes that even prose never could. The unspoken parts of her endeavors might remain locked away, but the sweetness of her affection is an open book. As far as she’s concerned, letting you sit on her lap is proof enough that she’s just fine, and you’ll get the hint sooner or later. You’re a clever one, after all. Above all else, Ashe isn’t keen on living in the past. When things happen, the pieces fall where they may, and she’s long since decided that it’s better to just move forward, closure or not. Needless to say, she’s found that a little make out session never hurts to push the progress onward in that regard, so you can keep her company for a bit before she returns to her typical position, and she’s always sure to make it worth your while.
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ashicyde · 6 months ago
Overwatch Masterlist:
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Nothing yet
Junker Queen:
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Bloody Hands
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Mess up
Step by step
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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overwatchfanskinarchive · 2 years ago
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X-Men Overwatch (Part 3/3) by xtremeeghost
Domino Widowmaker
Deadpool Reaper
Cyclops/Cable Soldier 76
Wolverine Torbjorn
Sentinel Bastion
Jubilee Tracer
Psylocke Sombra
Iceman Mei
Bishop Cassidy
Storm Pharah
Mystique Symmetra
Pyro Junkrat
Gambit Genji
Silver Samurai Hanzo
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astarlow · 2 years ago
I'm currently unmotivated to write anything long and especially after the devs did us so dirty for the PVE announcement so here are some headcanons, imagines- whatever you want to call this to comfort me from the fact we're not getting the PVE we were promised 4 years ago
Overwatch crews
Slumber party whenever a mission is accomplished. Don't matter if everyone's weary as hell, with Lena and Hana running around you are sure to get yourself a slumber party every month. If said mission isn't a success though, it's more of  a chill hangout with the members of the team Hana, Satya and Angela will bring your ass to a shopping spree. Whether you like it or not so be prepared because with them, you're gonna spend the whole day out there. Honestly though, if you don't like it Lena, Fareeha and Brigitte are by the arcades or the sport terrain near the shopping alley. So whenever you feel like it, you can go there to play with them There’s another tradition going around, twice a month, a member of the team cooks for the rest of the crew. It started with Mei, Aleksandra and you talking about your culture’s food. Mei offered to cook for you two to taste Chinese cuisine which you gladly accepted. In return, you two would also cook your culture’s food. With time passing by, other members joined the tradition and now, Echo chooses who would cook for this month’s tasting food session It turned into a competition when Lena decided to vote for the best month’s food Mei, Ana and Brigitte for the moment are on the podium sharing the first place Lena and Hana have zero points. Lena almost burnt the kitchen once. Luckily, you were there to put out the fire She doesn’t have the patience to wait for things to cook For Hana, ever since she entered MEKA, she didn’t have the time to prepare food. The best she could do is boil water and put it on her noodles. Though, ever since she joined Overwatch, she has had a little bit more time so she takes lessons from Mei and Brigitte. Lena watches but never fully join because else, it’ll turn into a mess Every week, Vivian holds a shooting session training. The best shooter of the week gets a gift from her and is exempted from chores for the week Ana has been exempted from participating in this shooting session ever since she won five times in a row
Talon crews
Olivia doesn't stop her pranks, so either you decide to team up with her to prank the others or you go against her. If you prank her, she will at least remind you this once a  week. "Amigo/amiga, how could you do this to your best friend in the world?" sighs dramatically while placing an arm on her forehead "Can you believe this? My best friend, betraying me..." Or "oh no, the betrayal. Who could have foreseen  such an event?" Amelie is more often than not the victim of Olivia's pranks. It's gotten so bad one time Olivia and you couldn't set a foot near the base or she would snipe you from afar She's "kind" Enough to not use real bullets but let's say you had bruises for the following weeks Moira is a target you two don't prank because you've been under her wrath and let's just say, it's not pleasant at all Olivia does try to get all of you to enjoy some vacation time. She does separate Amelie and  Moira, because she knows Amelie is showing more and more emotions and she doesn't want her to return to that cold emotionless assassin Talon turned her into. So for her sake, she keeps Moira away from her When Olivia, Amelie and yourself are out for a mission or a vacation, Amelie will make sure to make at least one comment on the food. She grew up with the finest food so she knows what good food is or not. You once bought her a baguette from a supermarket, she did not appreciate it. She could have stopped if not for  Olivia's intervention "It's just a baguette, how bad can it be?" And that's how you all three didn't get any sleep because of Amelie's monologue on baguette Olivia is a lot more laid back so she takes you sightseeing and if she trusts you enough, she takes you to her hometown. She even lets you meet up with Baptiste.
No-faction Ladies
Kiriko is dragging your ass across the city and showing you the finest spots If you're dating, it's one of your monthly dates to walk around the city and discover new paths or stands/shops. Even if she knows her city like the back of her hand, she's still pleased you're enjoying showing her shops you like She also practices her kunai throwing with you. It’s a lot of fun for her to see you mess up so many times. Although, you get closer to the target with each training session and she holds great pride in seeing your progress She trusts you enough after some time spent together, as well as some missions done together, to show you the group in which she belongs: The Yƍkai You spend some fun times with them and seeing as they all have some masks, you decided to craft one for Kiriko. Of course, it’s a fox one. Kiriko loves it so much she doesn’t wear it, in fear she breaks it but she places it in her apartment.
Junker Queen
Odessa doesn't get out of Junkertown a lot, if not at all since she got her Junker Queen title. So if you're travelling fairly often, you give her pictures of your travels. "Oi! You should take me out here, sounds lots of fun!" "I tried, you say you were too busy ruling things around here." "Ey, doesn't mean I can't get to travel from time to time with me partner." Every time you come back from your travels, whether it is for business or for yourself, you always tell how you trip went down. Of course, with pictures to accompany your story. Odessa finds it easier to follow if she has pictures in front of her
Liz loves to experiment with her outfits, if you have any good idea she’s going to bring it to life. If one of your ideas doesn’t please her, she’s going to give you interesting feedback. She is a firm believer in constructive criticism She often asks BOB to watch over you when she’s gone for a heist but sometimes, it does seem like you’re the babysitter You teach BOB about some customs he might not have been aware of. It’s a lot of fun watching him learn new things
ps: i still have a lot of asks from the 700 celebration event, I'll try to get to it as soon as i am a little bit more free
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genji-centric · 6 months ago
Kinktober List
This will be the first year I'll be doing this! Now, these are what I have lined up, and on each 10th day, there will be themed fics because it is the month for it after all. Links should be added after each update or so. It might take a bit for me to figure everything out, so please be patient with me ^^
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Day 1: Size Difference - Reinhardt x F! Reader
Day 2: Choking - Moira x F! Reader
Day 3: Double Penetration - Ramattra x F! Reader
Day 4: Corruption - Genji x F! Reader
Day 5: Frotting - Soldier 76 x M! Reader
Day 6: Glory Hole - Reaper x GN! Reader
Day 7: Piercings - Junkerqueen x F! Reader
Day 8: Public - Venture x M! Reader
Day 9: Sex Tapes - Mauga x M! Reader
Day 10: Hunter/Prey - Werewolf! Ashe x F! Reader
Day 11: Sounding - Lucio x GN! Reader
Day 12: Blackmail - Sombra x F! Reader
Day 13: Mommy Kink - Mercy x F! Reader
Day 14: Threesome - Baptiste + Lifeweaver x M! Reader
Day 15: Aphrodisiacs - Moira x F! Reader
Day 16: Pegging - Hanzo x GN! Reader
Day 17: Free Use - D.V.A. x F! Reader
Day 18: Body Worship - Doomfist x GN! Monster Reader
Day 19: Watersports - Cole x GN! Reader
Day 20: Roleplay - 'Mad Scientist' Junkrat x M! Reader
Day 21: Master/Slave - Ramattra x GN! Reader
Day 22: Toys - Kiriko x GN! Reader
Day 23: Fem Dom - Widowmaker x F! Reader
Day 24: Thigh Riding - Juno x F! Reader
Day 25: Prostitution - Reaper x F! Reader
Day 26: Dry Humping - Tracer x F! Reader
Day 27: Somnophilia - Venture x F! Reader
Day 28: Birthday Lingere - Genji x F! Reader
Day 29: Face Sitting - Cole x F! Reader
Day 30: Period Sex - Vampire! Pharah x F! Reader
Day 31: Group Sex - Blackwatch x F! Reader
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ask-naoko-shimada · 10 months ago
I feel like people will judge me for my #overwatch ships
Ooo boy, here it goes.
Venture x Junkrat
Venture x Lifeweaver
Sombra x Lucio
Lifeweaver x Mauga x Baptiste
Mauga x Baptiste
Lifeweaver x Baptiste
Tracer x Pharah
Soldier 76 x (Canon Ex) Vincent
Zenyatta x Genji
Hanzo x Cassidy
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tidxbit · 9 months ago
Transformers X Overwatch ideas
optimus prime = orisa ultra magnus = reinhardt cybertron / alpha trion = wrecking ball / hamond optimus primal = winston bulkhead / miko = dva pyra magna = zarya elita 1 = sojourn rodimus = soldier blurr = tracer transmutate = echo prowl = cassidy arcee = mei wheeljack = sym maccadam = torb bumblebee = genji drift = hanzo nosecone = venture strongarm = brig springer = pharah minerva = mercy ratchet = ana jetfire = baptiste blaster = lucio perceptor = zen beachcomber = lifeweaver windblade = kiriko wing saber = illari blitzwing = bastion wreck gar = junkrat trashmaster = roadhog megatron = doomfist starscream = reaper shockwave = moira soundwave = sombra blackarachnia = widowmaker astrotrain = sigma lugnut = mauga shadow striker = junker queen flamewar = ashe nemesis prime / ultra magnus armored mode = ramattra
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mananak07 · 2 years ago
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:D recent art dump
(also pharah is holding up the flower for mercy!)
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darling-answers · 1 year ago
Overwatch Masterlist - Darling answers Fanfics.
-Request Are Somewhat Open
- Fanfics with the bold mean NSFW and I would like to ask that any minors who stumble on Please do not interact with them. You may Read the sfw but I politely decline any request that involves nsfw with a minor or if a Minor Ask for it. I do not have a limit on what you may ask of me right now, BUT I generally right Fem! Reader or Gender neutral. If I do not like your request or do not feel it suits or is comfortable with it, I will not write it.
There will be a waiting list where everytime I get a request you request will be added onto the waiting list so you can see when your ask is scheduled to come out! ^_^
Here is My request List! This will help you find out what I’m writing at the moment!
November FluffList
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- Pharah S/o calls Ana Sexy
- Breaking the bed/Desk during Sex
- Ana with a sick reader ( death)
- fluff alphabet
-( short) touched starved
- System Error There is No content
- System Error! There is no content!
- System Error! There is no Content
- System Error! There is No content!
Cole Cassidy
- General HeadCannons (10/3/23)
- Breaking the bed/Desk During sex
-Cole Cassidy finding out Reader apart of talon
- Day 2 Of FluffList November.
- Breaking the bed/Desk During sex
- Breaking the Bed/desk During Sex
- FluffNovember 10th
- Echo with her creator that a mother figure! (10/3/23)
- Sister Reader that suffers from Disability (10/4/23)
- Platonic Relationships with a friend who has Chloroskinesis
- Breaking the bed/ Desk during Sex
- Fluff November 9th
- sister reader that suffers from Disability (10/4/23)
- Dom Hanzo HeadCanons (10/5/23
- Platonic Relationships with a friend who has Chloroskinesis
- Fluff November 8th
- No content available for creation with Illari.
Junker Queen
- system area no content under here!
- Junkrat with a Goth s/o who complete opposite
- Day 5 of Fluffnovember
- system error nothing under here
- Day 3 of November Fluff
- System Error! There is no Content!
- Day One of November FluffList.
-Platonic Relationships with a friend who has Chloroskinesis
- Moicy Fanfic! Brainrot ideas!
- Morning Fluff with Angela
Fluff November 6th
Fluff November 7th
- Moicy fanfic! Brainrot ideas!
- Breaking the bed/desk during Sex
- Fluff movement 6th
- System Error! There is no Content!
- Pharah s/o calls Her Mom Sexy
- Day Four on Fluffnovember.
-Reaper DomHeadcanons (10/4/23)
- Reaper x shy Reader
- Breaking the bed/Desk during Sex ( 12/12/23)
- Breaking the bed/desk during Sex
- System Error! There is no Content!
- Breaking the bed during Sex ( does have him but not sex.)
Soldier 76
- System Error! There is no Content!
- Spiderbtye with a overworked reader
- Breaking the bed/desk during Sex
Platonic Friendship with a Friend who has Chloroskinesis
- Breaking the bed/desk during Sex
- System Error! There is no Content!
- System Error! There is no Content!
- Spiderbtye with a overworked reader
- Breaking the Bed/Desk during Sex
-Reader meeting Widowmaker Pre/Talon
- System Error! There is no Content!
wrecking ball
- System Error! There is no Content!
- System Error! There is no Content!
- System Error! There is no Content!
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 2 years ago
Overwatch 2 Masterlist
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None yet!
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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"Leave.” Cole Cassidy x reader angst
“Into the Void” YeeHan angst/fluff
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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“Into the Void” YeeHan angst/fluff
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Junker Queen
Junker Queen general relationship/parenting headcannons!
Junker Queen x reader with an ED
Eating her out (NSFW!)
“Rock hard On” NSFW
“You’re Losing Me” (Angst)
“Come Sit”
“Girl Crush” (Angst)
“Such Small Hands” 
“Rough Morning”
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Partner in Crime (Part two to this)
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None yet
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Lucio with a male new recruit reader
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Making him laugh
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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Holding Reader’s Hand (Fluff)
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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Soldier: 76
"What’s wrong?” Dad!soldier76 x child!reader
“Bad Feelings Before Dinner” Dad!Soldier76 x child!reader
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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ashicyde · 4 months ago
I absolutely loved your tracer x femreader and i wanted to request one bc she deserves more love. Tracer and reader are on a mission and reader has to have her leg amputated, then her helping reader re-learn how to walk?
—Step by Step—
・Tracer x Female Reader・
>>Overwatch Masterlist<<
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"Are you ready, love?" Lena asked you with a grin, her pulse guns in her hands.
"I'm as ready as you are." You state, holding your preferred weapon. Lena quickly kisses your cheek before heading to the dropship doors.
"Let's do this!" She yelled blinking off to the battlefield while you run into a different direction. Your job is to get behind them to take them by surprise while the others were fighting. This was an unstable place, and bomb is supposed to go off soon.
As you were running around to get behind the enemies you collided with someone. You look to see Reaper. The both of you started shooting, but you quickly got behind cover to shoot.
Your shots overwhelmed him, hitting him in his side and shoulders. Before you could land the final blow you were grabbed from behind and pinned to the wall.
"You really thought you could get behind us that easily, amiga?" Sombra questioned before shooting your left leg.
You cried out in pain and tried to fight back, but it was no use. You felt the pain in your leg multiply greatly, and it felt limp. When Sombra pulled away you dropped to the ground, landing on your knees.
You then felt a cold metal touch your forehead.
"Any last words?–" Sombra questioned before Reaper spoke.
"Sombra, the bomb is going off in half a minute, we need to go. Leave the agent." He grunted sternly pulling her away as he walked.
"Ah, fine." Sombra sighed and looked to you. "ÂĄAdios amiga!" Sombra said with a smirk before translocating away, Reaper also disappearing.
You began to try and crawl away, not getting far in the limited time you head before the bomb went off. Thankfully the blast radius of where you were wasn't horrible, but the building still crumbled, falling apart. You kept moving before suddenly feeling a crushing weight on your body, making you cry out in pain.
You couldn't move your left leg anymore, just feeling excruciating pain and pressure on your body. You shakily tried your comms, trying to reach out to your team.
"Requesting assistance... I've been shot in the leg and my body is crushed..." You shakily cried in pain through comms. Not a moment later you hear Lena.
"Love!? Shit! We've got your location, we're on our way! Hang on!" Lena reassured, and you could hear Angela and Ana guiding them to you in the background. A couple minutes later, you hear footsteps and feel hands grabbing your face.
"You're going to be okay love! You're going to be okay...!" Lena softly cried, trying to reassure you as Genji and Pharah try to lift the rubble off of you. Angela and Ana were off to the side.
Now you're laying in bed months after the mission... Your left leg had to be amputated, though you were able to get a pretty good mechanical prosthetic leg. You had to let your body heal first, and even then it took a while before the mechanical leg was made.
You were taken out of your thoughts by Lena when she kissed you cheek and spoke.
"Love..." She softly muttered, looking at you with warmth.
"Hm...?" You hummed out, looking to her.
"You ready to try walking again...?" She asked softly, being more gentle since the mission.
"... Yeah." You softly murmured, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Lena nodded and moved in front of you. She gently took your hands, waiting for you to get up on your own. She never wanted to force you during this, she wanted you to do things on your own time.
You carefully got up, holding Lena's hand as you did. You then carefully wrapped your arm around her, a brace for you incase you were unsteady (which you were).
"Alright, slow and steady." Lena said softly, an arm around your waist. "I'll step when you step."
You nodded in reply while carefully taking steps, and in turn, Lena stepped with you. You didn't walk far, only going to the overwatch headquarters kitchen. (In this everyone lives in headquarters.)
While in the hallway you were able to walk a little faster, getting close to normal pace. Lena smiled happily seeing you do so well. You saw Reinhardt and Winston in the kitchen talking, but when they saw you they grinned and complimented you on how well you were doing with walking. You sat down at a seat by the island in the kitchen, Lena sitting next to you.
"I see you're doing better friend!" Reinhardt yelled like normal, which made you smile and nod.
"I'm getting there, slowly but surely." You replied, grabbing the glass of water Winston had got you.
"You're doing great love." Lena said softly, gently kissing your cheek. "Soon you'll be walking like nothin happened." She reassured.
"I know, thank you..." You said softly, looking at Lena before gently kissing her.
"Don't thank me love, it's no problem." Lena said as she gently kissed back.
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overwatchfanskinarchive · 2 years ago
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Street Fighter x Overwatch (DPS) by mezio/meziosaur
Hanzo as Ryu
Genji as Ken
McCree as G
Sombra as Laura
Torbjorn as Zangief
Soldier:76 as Guile
Reaper as M Bison
Ashe as Falke
Widowmaker as C.Viper
Junkrat as Adon
Pharah as Makoto
Mei as Chun Li
Tracer as Sakura
Symmetra as Menat
like and reblog the original posts linked above, not this post
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astarlow · 1 year ago
hello coming back real quick to do a lil' poll (idk if lots of you will see this but if you do and are interested, i'd love for you to vote on it)
I have an idea for a overwatch series (of course, written series) which will feature every lady currently in the game. The question is the following: should i write them all out then publish it once a month or should I post one whenever I'm done with?
the synopsis of the series is: A story between your lover, your death and yourself. Not all deaths are peaceful. Some are unexpected, heroic or tragic. Which one will you have in their parts?
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wildwinterlunas · 2 years ago
My favourite OW ships (not in any order)
Bapssidy/Cowboy Medic - Baptiste x Cassidy
Cashe - Cassidy x Ashe
Yeehan - Cassidy x Hanzo
Spuriken - Genji x Cassidy
Liassidy - Cassidy x Mina Liao
Reaper76 - Reaper x Solider 76
Anahardt - Ana x Reinhardt
Widowtracerly - Widow x Tracer x Emily
Tracily - Tracer x Emily
Raptoramaker/PharahMaker - Pharah x Widowmaker
Mercymaker - Widowmaker x Mercy
Spiderbyte - Widowmaker x Sombra
Jethack/SecurityBreach - Sombra x Pharah
Meihem - Mei x Junkrat
Symbra - Symmetra x Sombra
Symarah - Symmetra x Pharah
Gency - Genji x Mercy
Symrat/Junkmetra - Junkrat x Symmetra
Sneaker GFs/PharahKiri - Kiriko x Pharah
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