#tpof celia x reader
kanasbinwriting · 22 days
-ˋ₊˚. General Stuff‧₊°-
✎: Request info
I will not go in depth about gender/race/looks about the reader, everything will be up to your imagination.
However, if you want the reader to look a specific way or for the reader to be a specific gender, please elaborate what kind of scenario you want to read and elaborate on the struggles, if there are any, a bit further so I won't make any mistakes.
I only write x readers for characters that are listed on the masterlists.
I won't take up any smut requests, but I might write some when I feel like it.
I only write canon x reader or canon x reader x canon.
I won't write and tolerate adult x child, incest, step-sibling stuff or pregnant reader requests,if you do request it you will be blocked or ignored.
I'm always open for game recommendations!!
✎ : Masterlists
Boyfriend to death
The Price Of Flesh
John Doe
Lurking For Love
My Dear Hatchet Man
The Kid at the Back
Broken Colors
Where Winter Crows Go
Mushroom Oasis
A Date with Death
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mothwingwritings · 5 months
Boyfriend To Death/The Price Of Flesh Sleeping Headcanons 🌙💤🛌
Hello everyone! In between fics I have been working on some headcanons, like this one, for your reading pleasure. :) It's some bedtime/sleeping arrangement scenarios feat. you and our favorite murderous companions. <3 It’s dedicated to all the sleepy individuals out there that just want to hit the hay and snooze the day away-I feel you and you are valid. Also there is a bonus plushie headcanon for each character because why not! If you don’t have at least stuffed creature on your bed, this is your sign to love yourself. Go acquire a friend and snuggle up with him, I demand it. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Warnings: abuse/abusive relationships, noncon/dubcon, forced cuddling, forced interaction, forced relationships, implied kidnapping, being held against your will, reader is threatened and hurt, mentions of/implied sex, very lightly edited.
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·         Exceptionally clingy when he sleeps. Honestly like a suction cup. Regardless of if he’s the little or big spoon, he’ll be latched to you the whole night. Wiggle and complain as much as you like, he’s not relinquishing his hold.
·         Even if you two are just taking a little nap together, he always has to have some kind of skin contact with you. Holding hands, cuddling, a limb draped over you, something.  He needs the reminder that you are there and that you aren’t going anywhere, he can’t sleep peacefully without it.
·         He’s warm. Too warm, really. Uncomfortably warm. In winter this poses no problem, but during the summer it’s nearly unbearable. You need to crank the AC to keep yourself from melting into a puddle of sweat, but the added cold only makes him cling to you tighter, increasing the heat. He doesn’t seem to mind the warmth at all and takes offense if you try and voice your irritation, giving you an earful (if not worse) over how you need to be more grateful for the affection he douses you with, warning that if you don’t watch yourself, next time it snows you’ll be camping outside with nothing but the clothes on your back. We’ll see how much you miss his warmth then.
·         He’s a night owl, but he also somehow always wakes up before you do. It’s not uncommon for you to be awoken by an eager beastkin shoving a homemade breakfast in your face, excited to start his day with his love by sharing breakfast in bed with you and watching anime. <3
·         Though sometimes he gets a little too excited in the morning, and if that’s the case you’ll be waking up to a very handsy man pawing at you, kissing any and every place his lips can reach, pressing himself against you so you can feel just how excited he is. It’s a good thing you are in bed because by the time he’s done you’ll be so worn out you’ll need some more rest. ^^;
·         Also, he is an avid fan of plushies. If you also collect them your bed is going to be 90% plushies and he is 100% going to use that as an excuse to be squeezed on the bed with you as close as physically possible so as you all can have room. None of them are allowed on the floor, no man is left behind, and he’ll make sure you all fit whether it is comfortable or not.
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·         Lawrence is the exact opposite of Ren when it comes to contact. Though he may fall asleep with you in his arms (or vice versa), he very quickly grows uncomfortable with the prolonged contact, his body used to being the sole person in his bed. Very shortly after he falls asleep, he will unconsciously push you away to try and create distance. No matter how much he may yearn for your contact in his waking hours, he has no control over his subconscious actions. Often times the shoving is much rougher than it needs to be, abruptly (and painfully) waking you up in the process.
·         However, this does not deter him from making you sleep with him. Even if he ends up damn near shoving you off the bed, he wants you to be close to him for as long as and as much as possible.
·         Lawrence is basically nocturnal, and even if you are also a night owl there are bound to be some times when your sleep schedules don’t fall in line with each other. He gets a little excited when you fall asleep when he is awake, taking pleasure in watching you as you slumber. The way you lay near him, completely unguarded and quiet, only the slow rise and fall of your chest denoting that you are alive at all… It does something for him. More than once you’ve woken up to him standing over you, face flushed and tears in his eyes as he’s pumping his dick to the sight of your passed out form. If you wake before he can finish himself, he’s gonna use you to complete the job.
·         In fact, he just likes to stare at you while you sleep in general. He doesn’t have to feel anxious or worried of how you may perceive his gawking if you aren’t aware it’s happening to begin with. It’s a nice chance to really take in and appreciate your beauty without facing any backlash, and it comforts him to know you trust him enough to fall that deeply into slumber in his presence.
·         Doesn’t really get the point of plushies and never really had a strong attachment to stuffed animals as a child, so he doesn’t have any of his own and has no desire to own any. He thinks it’s cute that you like them though, and won’t deny you if you want to take one or two to bed with you. If you gift him one, he’ll be flustered but thankful, hugging it when he is unable to hug you. The little friend is a perfect cuddle buddy for when your sleep schedules don’t align and he doesn’t want to disturb you once you have fallen asleep.
·         Just be mindful that if he gets agitated or you piss him off, he’ll definitely destroy your beloved stuffies, tearing them to shreds with either his bare hands or any of the gardening  tools he has lying around. He’ll instantly feel bad if you begin to cry over it, but at that point it’s too late. It’s best to stop the tears before he turns the assault towards you.
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·         Strade is all over the place when he sleeps. It doesn’t matter how big the bed is or how little space you take up in it, his presence is unavoidable. You can try and create as much distance as physically possible, scrunching yourself up in a corner in hopes that he doesn’t come in contact with you, and you’ll still end up with him sprawled all over you come morning.
·         He’s also loud. Snoring, grunting, talking in his sleep, he’s so noisy it’s a wonder you can get any sleep at all. You get used to it after a while (you don’t have a choice), but each time he nudges you in his sleep or wakes you up with a particularly loud snore, it’s all just another unpleasant reminder you are stuck with him, unable to find tranquility even in your dreams.
·         He has a tendency to latch on to and keep a close hold of whatever is closest to him while he sleeps. The moment he looks even slightly drowsy you try and stay away from him, not thrilled with the prospect of being smashed up against him for hours on end while he’s pleasantly off in dreamland. Were it anyone else or any other situation, you may find the clinginess endearing, but with Strade it’s just extremely uncomfortable and confusing. You spend the whole time unsure if you want him to wake up and let you go (and thus have to deal with an alert and active monster) or if you want to remain silent and just put up with it, thankful for the rare moment of peace.
·         He sleeps the best after successfully finding and securing a new victim, the gusto and energy that he puts towards spending time with his new ‘friend’ leaves him completely spent by the end of the day. A tired Strade is usually a good thing for you-if he’s worn out, he’s less likely to bother or hurt you. However the opposite is also true, if he hasn’t been able to blow off steam in a while he’ll grow antsy and restless, and he’s bound to make his lack of sleep and overall disgruntlement your problem. Regardless, you won’t get much sleep either way, as you find no contentment in either situation.
·         Though they aren’t really his thing, he is amused by your plushies. While he can see the appeal of them, the only real interest he takes in them is how you react to them. Which ones are your favorite, do you favor one character or animal over another, do you prefer the big and fluffy or small and squishy? Most importantly though, he wants to know how deeply your fondness for them extends and how/if he can use that as a persuasive tool against you in the future. Should they prove to be a promising means of coercion, prepare for quite a few new plush friends to keep you company in the future. :)
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·         She’s an early riser. Not necessarily because she wants to so much as it’s engrained in her from years of putting in overtime at her corporate job. If you try and pull her back into bed she’ll gripe at you, but is secretly happy that you are willingly making yourself a scapegoat for her laziness. Though on days she absolutely has to get up early, you best be getting up right alongside her to help her get ready for the day or you will be deeply regretting it. She always takes precedence, you can sleep more when she leaves.
·         She’s on edge most of the time and is overall a very light sleeper. If you snore or toss and turn too much, she’ll get pissed off and roughly shove you awake, grumbling obscenities while complaining about how annoying you are being. If she can’t sleep, she certainly isn’t going to let you sleep either.
·         Even if you aren’t a noisy or restless sleeper, she’ll still find constant things to gripe about regarding your sleeping arrangement. Either you take up too much room, or you are encroaching on her personal space, or you have some other sleeping habit she finds grating that you have no control over because you are unconscious when you do it. She doesn’t ever seem overly pleased to share sleeping space with you, and you often wonder why she doesn’t just banish you to the couch or some other place to get your rest.
·         And yet, she never does make you sleep elsewhere.  In fact, it only makes her MORE pissed off if you suggest it, taking it as a personal offense that you don’t want to spend time with her. She won’t admit it to you, but the act of sleeping near someone she doesn’t positively loathe or who isn’t trying to use her in some way is one of the few things that really brings her peace. Even if it’s against your will, having you in bed with her soothes her. It’s honestly the best sleep she has had in ages.
·         She’s not a huge cuddler, but she does like physical confirmation that you are near. Often times she’ll reach out in the night to grab your hand or drape her arm across your body, never smothering, but just enough contact to assure that you are still by her side.
·         She staunchly refuses to have any stuffed animals in her bed, telling you she finds them childish and stupid (whether she actually feels this way or is just pissed you are trying to bring things into her bed that take up even more space is debatable). If she finds any plushies you are hiding she will most likely throw them away on sight. You may be able to get away with a little one, but that’s only if she doesn’t find it or is feeling extremely benevolent.
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·         The only time Derek shows any kind of ‘affection’ is when he sleeps. Like Strade, he likes to secure himself to things while he slumbers, and if he doesn’t fall asleep with an item (you) already in his arms at some point in the night, he will subconsciously grab onto something (also you) and not relent until he wakes the next morning.
·         The way he clings to you can almost be considered sweet. Wrapping his arms around you securely, burying his face into your chest or the crux of your neck as he snuggles up against you as close as physically possible, it makes you momentarily forget what a monster the man beside you actually is. It’s almost as if he’s a child huddled up close to a parent, seeking comfort from the things that go bump in the night.  The spell is broken if he happens to be awoken during one of these cuddle sessions, and he’ll take out his embarrassment over the situation by treating you even crueler than he typically does.
·         One of the few niceties he allows you is sleeping in his bed as opposed to the floor-but it comes at a price.  It’s an honor to be able to sleep next to him nightly in his huge, plush, expensive bed, an honor far too good for the likes of you. He expects to be compensated for his generosity, so you’d best be ready to do any and everything he asks or desires at the drop of a hat, no matter how degrading or agonizing it may be. If you want to keep this privilege while preventing as much suffering as possible, you’ll do as he says. (Then again, it’s not like he really needs your active participation to force what he wants out of you, but he does like when you obey him ‘willingly’ and has a tendency to be a smidge less cruel when you follow his instruction).
·         He usually forces you to either sleep nude or in some very compromising/uncomfortable/embarrassing negligee that covers so little you mine as well BE naked. He’s a blanket hog too, and has a penchant for cranking up the AC at night, leaving your only source of warmth to be curling up beside him. You try and fight it at first, but you inevitably give in when the chill gets to be too much (also you aren’t too keen on getting ill in his presence, swallowing your pride is worth it if you can avoid more suffering).
·         He will mercilessly make fun of and belittle you for any stuffed animals you may have or try to sleep with. He’ll infantilize you, asking if you need a binky to go with your stuffy, or tease that he’ll need to put you in diapers so you don’t accidentally shit the bed. However, even with all the constant mocking, he does find it kinda hot when you try and use the plushies as a shield, doing your best to conceal your sniveling face and exposed body behind the fluffy creature as he plows into you ruthlessly. The toy does a shit job shielding you, but it is hilarious to watch you try and hide yourself behind them.
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·         Despite everything, he’s actually probably the nicest of the lot to sleep with. He’s warm and soft, and when he holds you it’s comforting and shockingly soothing. It’s disconcerting how easily you melt into the same person that caused you so much trauma and torment, haunted by the fact that the arms that now wrap snuggly around you were not so long ago the greatest threat to your life. You don’t know whether you should be more disgusted with him for holding you with such familiarity or yourself for enjoying it as much as you do.
·         The man can sleep almost anywhere. After years of surviving out in the wilderness he has honed his body to handle tough climates and all manner of conditions, granting him the ability to thrive in less than favorable environments. The man could probably fall asleep in the middle of a torrential downpour with nothing but a rock bed beneath him and come out of it completely rested.
·         You aren’t expected to immediately be able to rough it. He realizes this way of life is all fairly new to you and that getting used to nights out in the wilderness has its own learning curve. Because of this, he’s actually surprisingly accommodating about the whole thing. When you camp, he makes sure to bring his best tent and sleeping bag for you to use, even though it’s a hassle to drag around and he himself has long since forgone the need for it. Though it’s nearly impossible to find comfort enough to sleep while stranded deep out in an unfamiliar forest, surrounded by nothing but the pitch black of night, all manner of voracious wild animals, and a serial killer, he does his best to make sure you are adequately cared for and as content as you can possibly be.
·         However you best not slack with your survival instincts, this coddling is only a limited time deal. You proved yourself to him once by pulling through his trial, but that doesn’t mean you have a free ride forever. He’ll pamper you a bit in the ‘honeymoon’ phase, but if you grow complacent and begin to let him down… It isn’t going to be a smooth or happy time for either of you. Its best not to betray his expectations, if you do something overly stupid or otherwise show your survival was just a fluke… your sleeping arrangement is going to be the least of your concern.
·         He finds your affinity for stuffed animals a bit juvenile, but also slightly endearing. He can’t deny how cute you look when you are curled up in his bed, nestled amongst various furs and blankets, clutching tight to your favorite plushie while you rest. He enjoys that sight so much that he decides to make you his own plushie for you one day as a gift.
·         It was a strange little lumpy creature he cobbled together from various fabric scraps and other soft, but unidentified, material, all sloppily hand sewn with little black buttons for eyes. It was a true amalgamation of mismatched cloth and stuffing, and to be honest… You weren’t really sure what it was supposed to be. A bear, maybe? Or a raccoon? Regardless, you take it without question, and once he sees it’s been accepted he’s quick to discard your previous plush. He’s accepting of this hobby to a degree-you can have ONE. And since you were smart and picked the better of the two, you don’t need the ratty old one to cling to for company anymore. You have him and you have his gift, everything else is frivolous.
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puppycassie · 19 days
Can you do sano (btd) nsfw headcanons plsplsplsplspls 🙏🙏
♡ hey there anon, ofc I can!!<3
! you guys know the rules, especially with btd, 18+ ! 🩷🍰
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some of my sano nsfw headcanons ♡
♡ medical play is an obvious one, he would push your body to the limit in any way he could to see how much you could take, using various medical appliances in different ways
♡ strapping a stethoscope to your chest to monitor your heartbeat accelerating as he fucks and plays with you
♡ enemas, enemas, enemas. wants to fill you up to the brim
♡ forcefully injecting you with various different drugs , making you helpless to him
♡ cutting you open and cumming inside of the wound before stitching you back up, telling you that it's staying inside of you forever
♡ this man loves marking you up, cuts, bruises, hickeys
♡ injecting his cum straight into your holes so that you take it all
♡ "doll" "angel" "puppet"
♡ "how does that feel?" makes you describe the sensations you're feeling whilst he ruins you, enjoying the way you struggle to form words, even when you're gagging on his cock
♡ temperature play!! would insert ice cubes into you, watching you squirm and plead for it to stop
♡ would pour alcohol and salt over fresh wounds if you misbehaved, enjoying the noises you make when you're in pain and recording them, playing the clip back to you later
♡ fucking on the operating table? yes. especially with restraints
♡ makes you masturbate in front of him and watches intently, noting down your reactions
thank you for the request, lovely anon ♡
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eliazspaceart · 3 months
Derek Goffard x child!reader [platonic]
Clarification This will be in the format of headcanons. I also want to say that the characters may not behave like their canon versions; it’s simply my interpretation. Another thing is that I previously thought about making it a book, but I realized that format wouldn’t be ideal for this. So, I preferred to make important and summarized points to make it coherent (I hope it is). So, I hope you enjoy it.
How they ended up in Derek's arms is quite... funny?
The child ended up at Fox’s auction because two new employees were supposed to take the mother, not the child.
Fox simply didn’t want the child and couldn’t just cancel the auction for potential future clients, so he continued with the plan, just changing a few things.
At the auction, the little one was scared, but still answered new questions. The people winning the auction were Celia and Derek.
But in the end, Derek won just to annoy Celia.
Obviously, Derek canceled his vacation to the desert. He may be a sadist, but he understands he can’t just take a 5-year-old child to the desert.
Also, I want to mention that in this AU, Derek has his "own" house. We put it in quotes because Derek’s father is paying for the house.
Once at home, Derek left the child in a guest room and told a servant that if the child woke up, to give them something to eat and drink.
Since Derek has money and power, he simply faked the child’s death and created a new identity. It was really easy.
Now the little MC was a Goffard, essentially his "biological" child. They didn’t look alike at all, but Derek would just say the child looks more like his "deceased" mother.
Now, the thing is, Derek as a father... mmm... he’s not a great father. He simply tries. He gives you comfortable things, gives you what you like, and those things. He spoils you, but, BUT if you become arrogant or rude, he takes those things away.
So, it’s better to just be calm and do what he says.
Your education would be at home, online. So yes, he keeps you isolated just out of fear that you might be taken away again.
In conclusion, Derek is not a very present father, but he tries. He gives you things so you don’t get bored, and if he has time in his schedule, he spends time with you watching TV or talking with you, having basic conversations.
If you're interested in this AU, I'd be happy to answer your questions about these two.
Please read this post, "Chronological List."
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shooketh-h0e · 1 year
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I finally got access to memelord 😭 but anyways this game was fun to play so ofc I had to make an oc!
(I gave up on trying to make a background)
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xxthis-is-greatxx · 2 years
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Hello friends! I am looking for some new people to roleplay with! Please pm me and we can rp here on tumblr or in discord! I’m ok we can talk abt limits, do’s and dont’s, and anything your heart desires ;) .I am down for btd (both) tpof, self inserts or even random rps we think of or want to do! If your Interested or even just wanna start roleplaying I’d love to help you and walk though! Again minors and ageless accounts do not interact or respond!
Thanks a ton and I hope to see some awesome people reach out! If you have any questions or are down don’t be afraid to ask or anything ^^! Thank you lots lovely people :) <3
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nighttime-horrors · 2 years
 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ The Price of Flesh ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
⊹ฺ Derek Goffard
⊹ฺ Celia Lede
☽ Request Status: Open ☾
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xbonecandyx · 2 years
Self indulgent headcanons for how each of the Gatobob "love" interests would act regarding mobility aids:
Ren - Would probably withhold mobility aids as a means of control. After all, can't run away if you can't walk with any stability!
Strade - Would probably let you use your mobility aids but wouldn't go out of his way to make a big deal of it. If you're incapacitated, he wants it to be by something HE did, not by a medical condition
Lawrence - Let's be real, have you SEEN the ending where he keeps you? Definitely withholds your mobility aids, probably even does things to make your mobility worse so he can take care of you.
Celia - Provides mobility aids and pain care most of the time, but withdraws them as punishment or if you show yourself to be a flight risk.
Mason - Provides mobility aids, but only because hunting a wounded animal is no fun to him.
Derek - Usually withholds mobility aids because he likes to see you struggle to get around, but sometimes provides them if it's more convenient for him
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betbeton · 2 years
thank u for making my request<3 can i request what kind of yanderes tpof characters would be lol ty <3
✃ Yandere
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TPoF Various
18 + Minors and Ageless accounts DNI
· GN Darling ·
· A/N - Enjoy ♡ . This was fun to brainstorm and write. ·
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⪧ Derek Goffard
I feel he is the type of Yandere to view you as a possession.
You're his to play with and subsequently break as he pleases.
If you happen to develop feelings for him he'll most likely use it as a way to punish you.
He'll bring people home and have you strung up to watch while he fucks them.
At the end of the day he'd probably grow bored of you, if you didn't feed into his abuse, and toss you away like a child with a broken toy - though you won't make it out alive.
⪧ Mason Heiral
I feel Mason would view you as some type of weird little pet.
Imagine like a cat, he'll let you out in the morning and scratch you little head as you two pass each other during the day.
Keep in mind though he will watch you like a hawk, even if he is hunting someone.
He'd use isolation as a punishment as well as the threat of tossing you outside and hunting you down again
I feel he wouldn't be inclinded to throw someone away like Derek, but he will kill you if you irritate him enough.
⪧ Celia Lede
I feel that you'd be her cute little house mouse pet.
You're never seeing the light of day unless it's while you're latched onto her arm while she's buying tools to harm you.
She'd want you to be non confrontational.
After all she isn't above killing you if you annoy her too much.
Like Derek she'd use other people in her punishments though not actually sleeping with them, just as a threat.
I feel she'd also use isolation as a very common form of punishment.
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arieswritez · 2 years
sweet tooth
sweet tooth - celia lede x chubby f!reader
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cw: MDNI!! mentions of celia being obsessive over her weight + fem chubby!captive, implied age gap (if you squint), feederism, force feeding, canon typical violence (kidnapping, celia threatens you with a gun sometimes <3), drugging, noncon/dubcon, spoilers in tags lol.
summary: celia doesn't allow herself the simple pleasures of life, but she doesn't need to when she has you. (~1.426K words)
a/n: kinda proof-read but i also wrote this in the dead of night so i can’t guarantee it’s any good. more of a drabble than a fic. i just. . need to get this out of my system. i sincerely apologize. - iO 
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celia with a chubby captive would be such an interesting dynamic 🥺 she spends so much time putting in the work to reach the top, making sure her body, her weight is in check because she knows in her male dominated work environment her body is worth something if it's considered 'appealing'. so when she sees you being auctioned, she knows she has to have you.
you're just so. . soft. your features round, eyes all scared and innocent, shining with unshed tears. she can see you shaking, your voice wavering and cracking as you answer questions that, no doubt, confuse you even more. her eyes roam the curves of your body, fully exposed for all the buyers to see. you're her complete opposite and instead of the plan - taking her frustrations out on you - she finds herself living out her fantasies through you.
she brings you sweets of every kind, chocolate, jam filled donuts, and flaky pastries with glaze. celia sits behind the desk, kicks her feet up, and watches you eat every treat like a hawk. she watches your content expression, happily munching away after being left with little to nothing to eat while she was busy babysitting imbeciles at the office. there's crumbs and powdered sugar in the corner of your mouth. celia finds herself licking her lips, almost tasting the tooth aching sweetness at the edge of your cute little mouth.
when she starts to see you struggle - your shiny, frightened eyes meeting hers, silently begging for permission to stop - she has to scoot away from the desk and press her thighs together in an attempt to soothe the spike of arousal that soars between her thighs.
you're at her complete mercy and don't dare complain when she says, "just another one. you can do it."
that another one turns into another one. then another one. then another one. and if you do complain, she has no qualms about pointing her gun between your brows. after all, if you're not a good little pet, there's really no reason to keep you.
but you do finish, somehow, you almost always do. and she's so so proud of you. . if anything, she's even a little impressed! she pats your head and purrs, "good girl." and you just soak it up don’t you? practically melting at her feet when she praises you. it’s rare. . but when you do. . you feel butterflies in your tummy.
but if there’s one thing about celia, it's that she can never have enough of a good thing. 
she guesses that’s why she restricts herself so much. 
she starts coming over more often, needing her fix of your cute face as you await her instruction and hang on to her every word.
every other day, she pushes you a little further.
it's not just sweets - even dogs don't survive off of crap for long - often times she feeds you things she wants to eat but thinks she can't. takeout, stacked, fatty burgers, pasta, and the greasiest fried chicken she can find. 
she makes you eat until you're at the brink of tears.
sometimes, she takes pity on you. sometimes, just one more bite, is really one more bite. and she even feeds it to you!
when she hand feeds you a fry - after you almost break down over not being able to handle a bite more - and your soft lips graze her fingertips, celia knows she has to have more of you. 
just watching isn’t enough to satiate the hunger she has for you. 
so the next time she brings you food, she makes sure to slip a little something extra in! and really, it's not like you need any convincing. not when all celia has to do is point the gun at you. you're so completely at her mercy it makes her melt.
but no, she doesn't exactly feel like terrorizing you into it. it's so much more rewarding to watch you eat and slowly get warmer, tugging at the collar of your long sleeve and squeezing your thighs together as the aphrodisiac starts to work its magic. by the end of five minutes, you can hardly hold your spoon, shaking and mewling, a flush all over your face as you complain about feeling weird.
celia, always so calm and collected, all she does is coo and cup your face. her hands feel so cold and nice against your heated flesh that you can't help but nuzzle further into her soft hands.
and watching you, so eager and inviting, how could she ever deny you?
her hands are everywhere in a matter of seconds. she gently caresses your neck, your chest, then further down, kneading your thighs, and finally travelling up underneath your clothes. her hands possessively grope over your stomach, sliding past your belly and massaging the soft curve of your waist like she's trying to mould you. her perfectly manicured nails, always filed into points, rake over your ribcage, and she has to snap at you, "be patient" when your hips won't stop trying to hump her like some dumb dog.
it's enough she has to hear you whining all high pitched and needy. . she starts to realise you’re beginning to influence her behavior. . because she finds she's become just as impatient as you are.
it's not long until celia reaches what she's wanted to touch since the very first time she laid eyes on you.
she's denied herself far too long.
her hands greedily paw at your breasts, tugging at your nipples and whispering into your ear how nice your tits feel. how needy you are just from a little teasing. how good you are for her. how you must be so hot, as she tugs the fabric of your shirt, and coos, "let's get this off you~."
your shirt goes over your head and she lays you on your back. her hands grope and massage your tits until your nipples harden, and when they do, she leans down and bites them. your squeal only encourages her, as she closes her lips around the hardened buds and hollows her cheeks just to hear you make those little sounds she loves so much.
when she pulls back, she licks her lips and smudges the cherry red lipstick stains left around your areolas.
when your hands start to paw at her, celia bats you off and goes to straddle your chest and. . what a coincidence, really, when you look up her skirt and she's not wearing any panties.
your mouth waters at the slick sight of her, at the smell of her. she smells better than anything you've ever eaten. 
with shaky hands, she hikes her skirt up until it’s out of the way, tangles her hands into your hair and straddles your face, her own blush matching yours before she sinks down.
you meet her halfway with your tongue. 
while riding your face, celia finally lets herself indulge. 
her moans aren't high pitched and fake, she's not performing when your tongue snakes into her and presses against the gummy insides of her pussy.
she doesn't have to look like a supermodel to appease some man who can't even bother to get her off. so she allows herself to sweat and her eyes to roll and cross. she allows herself to snarl and sneer and hump her cunt against your mouth like she's in heat, because you're not harold. you're you, desperate, subservient, hungry, and. . surprisingly good with your mouth.
you have her thighs shaking on either side of your head in no time. she twitches, bucks her hips, and whines like a virgin who's never had the hot, slick caress of a tongue on their cunt before.
when she fists your hair with two hands, angles her hips down, and your lips wrap around her swollen clit and suck like you're nursing from her, she has to muffle a scream by biting down on her bottom lip hard enough to draw blood.
and gushing slick, panting above you, it still isn't enough. her hips roll in tiny, jerky circles, allowing your tongue to torture her a while further. maybe you'll wring around orgasm out of her. 
god knows you're the only one who can make it happen nowadays.
you moan underneath her in absolute glee when her hands yank your hair and further smother you between her thighs.
a dopey smile spreads across her face.
you've turned her into a glutton.
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kanasbinwriting · 22 days
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klick here for request information
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coming soon...
coming soon...
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coming soon...
coming soon...
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Fox & Celia
coming soon...
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puppycassie · 16 days
Please pookie, anything about Cain from btd🙏 Even headcanons will be good
♡ I hear you pooks <3 !!
! you guys know the rules, especially with btd, 18+ ! 🩷🍰
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some of my headcanons for cain, a mix of relatively sfw and nsfw. It's cain, he's nasty, he's gross, he's for the insane mfs (I see you guys mwa <3) ♡
♡ MAJOR God complex, he just wants an obedient pet to worship him, he doesn't see you as a human in the slightest
♡ you're merely entertainment for him, he enjoys hurting you. he will leave as many cuts, bruises and scrapes on you as possible
♡ "pet, meat, bitch"
♡ you are only allowed to address him as "God" or "master", he expects you to bow your head or even drop to your knees whenever he approaches you
♡ he LOVES face fucking. especially with you completely restrained, making you gag, cry and choke on his cock as well as slapping your face with it
♡ will make you swallow everything he gives you, cum, piss and blood
♡ if you dare refuse to swallow his cum, he will fill a wine glass with it and make you drink it in front of him after leaving it for a few days, making you thank him after every sip
♡ will make you grind on his shoe, cooing at you mockingly "that's right, hump it like the bitch in heat you are, pet"
♡ he will cum and spit on your face, telling you he's 'making you pretty for him'
♡ will carve his name all over your body and make you lick the bloody knife clean after, not caring if you cut your tongue
♡ "beg for me to stretch you out, puppet"
♡ takes you at any time he wants, you're freeuse to him. telling you it's your purpose to serve him
♡ makes you crawl around the house, either completely naked or wearing lingerie that he chose
thank you for the request, lovely anon ♡
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puppycassie · 23 days
♡🦴 please send requests I wanna write something but I don't know what you guys wanna see ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა <3 (fandom list in pinned post!)
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puppycassie · 24 days
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About me
hii I'm cassie (call me cass) I use she/her and I'm 19 ♡
I'm a writer and will use this blog to write for fandoms I'm in and take requests!! ^^ this blog is strictly 18+ due to the content discussed, ty!! ♡
what I'll write
the games I will write and take requests for are: (pink = my favs)
. boyfriend to death
. boyfriend to death 2
. the price of flesh
. somethings wrong with sunny day jack
. lurking for love
. your boyfriend
. john doe
(may add ♡)
my current tags
🎀 romance / fluff
🍰 nsfw / smut
🩷 headcannons
# ♡ cassie reblogs 🦴 (reblogs)
# ♡ cassie rambles 🦴 (non writing things)
# ♡ cassie replies 🦴 (replying to asks that aren't a request)
# ♡ cassie's requests 🦴 (answering requests)
# ♡ cassie writes 🦴 (my writing)
thank u for reading ♡
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xbonecandyx · 2 years
Cleanup Duty - Dom Celia x GN Sub Reader
((A/N: Finally wrote content again for the first time in MONTHS, and it's something completely self-indulgent 😂 This is just a quick fic for Celia from The Price of Flesh. Trigger warnings include violence, mommy kink (not ageplay though, just the honorific), dubcon/noncon, cucking, and degradation! Also brief mentions of knife play. Reader is never referred to by pronouns and their anatomy is never referenced either!))
It was hard to tell how long you’d been here. The basement was dark, and since Celia sometimes didn’t come down to visit for days at a time, it was hard to tell how much time was passing. All you could do was stare at the walls, nap, and fiddle hopelessly with the lock on your cage. Ever since you’d fainted outside the little office Celia kept you in, you’d been locked up in this cramped little dog kennel, released only when Celia came around seeking company. Sometimes she just wanted to sit and relax with you sitting at her feet, but other times she wanted you to serve her in other ways. It was a good day if all she did was mess with you sexually… frequently she would take her anger out on you, cutting into soft skin and bruising you with deep, sore welts. As she flung open the basement door and clacked down the stairs in her heels, it was hard to tell exactly which mood she was in now. 
    Celia came to a stop in front of your cage, pausing to look down at you through the bars. She seemed like she was considering something, and the sly smile that crept onto her painted lips gave you the feeling you wouldn’t like the decision she had come to. She stooped down to unlatch your cage with a key kept securely on a necklace around her neck, swinging the bars open so she could look at you without barriers. “You’re going to make yourself useful today, little mouse. Come on, crawl out of there.” She stepped back from the kennel, tapping her heel impatiently. From the angle you knelt at, you could see thin black lace between her legs, and you looked down toward your hands as you crawled out of the cage. 
    A sharp laugh bubbled from Celia’s chest as she stepped hard on your head, pushing it down to the floor so your face smushed into the dirty cement. “What a dirty little rat, staring up my skirt at my panties. Do you want a better view, rat?” She kicked your side sharply with the pointed toe of her heel, jabbing you in the ribs and urging you to roll over. You conceded to her demands with a moan of pain, the breath knocked out of your lungs momentarily as you rolled onto your back, laying face-up on the filthy cement of the basement floor. Celia just stood above you for a moment, looking down at you and enjoying the power she held over you. “How pathetic. A sniveling little rat, laying on the floor waiting to serve mommy like a good little whore.” 
    The cruel smile on her lips and the gleam in her eyes scared you in some visceral way, the instinctive fear of prey in the presence of a predator. You felt like a deer in headlights, staring up at her with fear in your expression. Celia just laughed, kicking you in the side again for good measure. “Tell mommy how bad you want to please her. Beg for me, and maybe I’ll go easy on you this time.” It was clear she got off on the control she had over you, frankly. So many things felt beyond her control in life, from her spouse to her position in the world to the expectations placed on her at work. But here? Here she was basically God. 
    Pride had gone out the window the first time Celia sliced into your skin with her knife, carving lines of blood like paint strokes into your flesh. Now all that was left was self-preservation, and even without the threat of a weapon, you couldn’t forget what she was capable of. You would beg like a snively little bitch if that’s what she wanted, because the other option was too terrifying to consider. “Please- Please mommy, I want to please you, I want to make you proud of me.” You felt whiny and pathetic as you pleaded with her, humiliation making your face feel hot as you looked into her predator’s eyes. “Please let me serve you, mommy…” 
    For what felt like forever, Celia looked down at you with a strange combination of delight and disdain, savoring how pathetic you looked. Then she swung a leg over your head, lowering herself so that the full weight of her ass came down on your face, smothering you beneath sticky panties and soft thighs. She shifted a bit to situate herself on top of your face, spreading her legs just enough to look down at you between the gap, your eyes welling up with tears at the jolt of pain that came with having her weight land on your face. Her lips curled in amusement, and she laughed a little as she rocked her hips, grinding her clothed pussy against your mouth and cheek, smearing juices over your face. “You’re going to do something special for me today, rat, and I expect you to do a good job of it.” Cruel delight made her eyes sparkle even in the dim light of the basement as she sat atop your face, smothering your mouth and nose against her panties. 
    Celia spoke again as she pushed her tight pencil skirt up her hips to expose the panties and garter belt beneath, toying with the hem of her panties teasingly. “See, I’ve had to spend a long, exhausting day doing favors for my boss and some friends of his, all just to get a promotion so I can come back here and play with you more often. You’re grateful I’m making time for you, aren’t you little mouse?” Her voice sounded almost sickly sweet, mockingly affectionate when she called you her little mouse. 
    She clearly expected you to respond, even as smothered as you were, and your voice came out muffled, buzzing against her pussy as you tried to speak with her crotch against your mouth. “Yes mommy, I’m grateful.” 
    Celia seemed satisfied with your response, because she nodded, reaching down to run a hand through your hair, then snagging a handful and knotting her hand in it painfully tight. “Good. You’re gonna show me just how grateful you are, and I’ll tell you exactly how you’re gonna do that!” She sent you a bright smile, the sort of expression that could only mean something horrible was coming. She shifted her weight off your face for a moment, and you took the opportunity to gasp desperately for breath as she pulled aside the black lace of her panties. 
    With the fabric out of the way, the source of the sticky feeling was much more clear, and your eyes widened in horror and humiliation when you saw the thick white substance still lingering on the outside of her hole. Celia laughed, giving your hair a yank as she hovered above your mouth. “You’re gonna thank me for my hard work today by licking up allllll the cum my boss and his friends left behind, got it? I expect you to clean my pussy spotless, so if I find a drop left over, I’ll be punishing you.” 
    The idea of licking someone else’s cum from her pussy was a mortifying prospect, something you could hardly imagine doing, but you clearly had no other choice. You didn’t want to know what sort of punishment she would have in mind for disobedience, especially after spending all day with men she no doubt found repulsive. 
    Celia was pleased by the fear in your eyes, and she used her free hand to shove two fingers into your mouth, prying your jaw open wider so that your mouth gaped open beneath her. “Alright little rat, keep that mouth open wide and stick your tongue out nice and far for me.” 
    You hesitated, but the flash of irritation on her face when you didn’t immediately obey was more than enough for you to open your mouth wider, sticking your tongue out of your mouth so that it pressed against your chin. Celia released her grip on your jaw with a laugh, smacking your cheek lightly. “Good rat. I like a pet that knows its place.” She lowered her hips closer to your mouth, hovering just an inch or two from your wide mouth, and you watched in horror and humiliation as she pushed some of the thick cum out of her hole, letting it drip into your open mouth slowly. The taste was salty and strange, the cum still warm from her body heat, and she looked down at you with a sadistic smile, settling down onto your face so that her cum-filled pussy pressed right onto your tongue. 
    “Get licking, rat. I’m not planning on climbing off your face till you’ve gotten me spotless, so you might want to start now.” However much repulsive fumbling Celia had to put up with earlier in the day, she clearly got her fulfillment now, degrading you to a position so low you were licking other peoples’ cum from her hole. Your tongue lapped against her warm hole, licking up leftover cum. The taste blended in your mouth with the flavor of her juices, your lips slick with her wetness as you cleaned away the mess of who knows how many men. Celia moaned as your tongue slid against her, grinding down against your face with an expression of eager, cruel delight. “There you go, rat, clean it up like a good little bitch. Does it taste good?” 
    She didn’t seem to expect a response this time- she just wanted to humiliate you further, let you know exactly how low you were in her eyes. Your tears spilled over, a sight that seemed to spur her on and drive her all the more quickly toward climax as your tongue dipped into her hole, licking and sucking, cleaning the last of the mess from her pussy as she humped against your face, leaving you slick with her wetness as she rocked carelessly against you, not even bothering to control her pace or angle anymore, just rubbing against you at a jerky, desperate pace. 
    All at once, she shuddered to a stop, letting out a breathy groan of pleasure as a flood of wetness spills over your tongue and face. She remained on top of you for a few moments, catching her breath, her grip on your hair loosening as she rode the high of orgasm. Then, slowly, she rose from her perch on your face, pulling her panties up and looking down at the mess she’d made of your face. 
    “I could let you clean up… but I think a filthy little rat like you deserves to stay covered in my pussy.” Celia laughed as she straightened her skirt, smoothing her hands over the fabric. She took a few moments to rearrange herself, then cast a disdainful look toward you. “Why are you still laying on the floor like a lump? Get your ass back in the cage.” She nudged you with her foot- though noticeably she didn’t kick you full force like she usually would. You pried yourself up from the floor, still sore and humiliated, the taste of cum and pussy lingering in your mouth as you crawled into the cramped dog kennel. 
    Celia leaned down to latch the cage, on eye level with you for a brief moment. She sent you a cruel little smile, blowing a kiss that left a dark lipstick imprint on her fingers as she teased you. “Don’t worry, little mouse. Mommy will be back to see you again soon, and I’ll bring you plenty more treats.” 
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betbeton · 2 years
I’m here to request again!! My brain just keeps popping up with ideas to request about!! So anyways I’ll get started on this (:
Can you do Various Tpof characters with a S/O who has a Kazuha Personality from Genshin impact??
Thanks :D
Various TPoF × Kazuha S/O
18 + Below Cut Minors DNI
· GN Reader ·
· A/N - Hope you enjoy!!·
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⪧ Mason Heiral
The fact you always address him politely and keep a reserved air about yourself saves him the trouble of making you that way
In the same breath while he enjoys you being that way, he would also enjoy you acting out sometimes but can't have the best of both worlds
He would rather have someone who always listens and is polite to someone who never does
When it comes to your love for the outdoors he feeds into quite a bit
While it is annoying to take breaks from hunting down people he would be willing to if you enjoy the forest being peaceful when you explore it
Though if you do enjoy aiding the big beefy man in his hunting he'll gladly give you a lil knife and set you loose
He might even bring home two sorry saps occasionally to spice things up
kinda like introducing toys during sex just with soon to be dead people
⪧ Celia Lede
You want to be outside in the dirt with people she deems beneath her? Not a chance of that happening.
While she might refuse to allow you outside she will allow you to gaze longingly out windows
Watching you pine after the fresh air and flora outside makes her so damn happy
She does parade you around on her arm at company functions
After all if her little mouse is polite and well spoken who is she to not use it to her advantage
She might even take you to the beach once if you're exceptionally good at getting her status higher
No camping or dirty activities though she has an image that a villa on the sea can uphold unlike a tent or adventuring
⪧ Derek Goffard
He abuses your politeness to stomp all over you like a doormat
He would also hold the promise of time outside exploring to get you to do heinous things for him
If you pester him enough he would likely let you explore the immediate area around his home, with a shock collar of course
In the same breath though he is still the toxic snot Derek Goffard so he would probably lock you in a closet or other small dark space when he is away on the desert holiday
The look in your eyes and the infuriatingly polite begging always scratch an itch deep in his bones
He would also, if you weren't a victim from the desert, use you to gain points with his father
and as a person to dump his unfinished paperwork onto
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