drtubakavala · 2 years
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Dermapen Uygulaması Hangi Bölgelere Yapılır? Cildi yenilemek, nemlendirmek ve canlandırmak; ince deri çizgilerini sıkılaştırmak, deri üzerindeki skarları (akne izi, strialar, yanık izi vb.) azaltmak için yüz, boyun ve dekolte bölgesine, saç dökülmelerinde saçları canlandırmak amacıyla saçlı deriye uygulanabilir. Dermapen Uygulamasının Faydaları Nelerdir? Dermaroller tedavisiyle deride mikro kanallar açmak (iğne ucu ile oluşmuş yara) ve ardından yara iyileşmesi ile ince deri çizgilerini sıkılaştırmak, deri üzerindeki skarları (akne izi, strialar, yanık izi vb.) azaltmak amaçlanır. Ayrıca topikal uygulamaların emilimi sağlanır. Dermoroller tedavisi sonrası deriye hacim ve dolgunluk veren elastin, kollogen ve hyalüronik asit üretimi artar. Bunun sonucu deri yüzeyinde, dokusunda, renginde düzelmeye, cildin nemlenmesine ve yenilenmesine katkı sağlar. Cilt kalitesinin artmasına, ciltte oluşan elastikiyet kaybı, sarkmaların ve skarların azaltılmasına yardımcı olur. Saç uygulamalarında kıl köklerinin güçlenmesine, daha sağlıklı, daha dolgun saç yapısının oluşmasına katkı sağlar. DEVAMI... https://drtubakavala.com/cilt-yenileme-uygulamalari/dermapen/ 📌Bu içerik bilgilendirme amaçlı olup, tanı ve tedavi için lütfen doktorunuza başvurunuz. #drtubakavala #ciltyenileme #izmir #tpen #kökhücre #prp #cgf #ciltbakımı #ciltleketedavisi #izmirdermapen #izmirkökhücre #mikrodermaterapi ☎ +90232 290 36 46 📱+90545 290 36 46 📩 [email protected] 🖥 www.drtubakavala.com 🖱️https://linktr.ee/drtubakavala 📷Talatpaşa Bulvarı Nazar Apt. No:23 Daire:1 (Gazi Orta Okulu Karşısı) Alsancak / İZMİR (Dr. Tuba Kavala) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqUtm7_jmGL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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overwijs · 7 years
Ik kijk bewonderend naar een leerling terwijl ze aan het typen en swypen is op haar telefoon: Wauw, ik vond mezelf best handig met die dingen maar als ik naar jou kijk begin ik daar toch wel aan te twijfelen.
... even later...
Leerling kijkt hoe ik aan het typen ben op mijn telefoon: Nou mevrouw, het valt best mee hoor. U typt even snel als mijn moeder.
Collega schiet keihard in de lach: Nou, steek die maar in je zak.
Leerling: Wat? Mijn moeder is maar 45 hoor!
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mythicallore · 5 years
Spooky Stories: Home Alone...I Think
One day, Tpenning wasn’t feeling well, so they stayed home from work. They were in bed, asleep on their back with a pillow over their face, when they heard their door open. They were still half-asleep, so they didn’t fully register the door being opened. Then, they felt a pressure on their stomach like someone was poking them with two or three fingers. They jumped and heard the sound of retreating footsteps, but the pillow was still over their head so they couldn’t see who or what it was. The footsteps sounded more like a light pitter-patter than actual human footsteps.
Assuming it was their mother home from lunch break, they at first thought nothing of it. Checking their phone, they saw it was only 10:00 A.M., much too early for their mom to be home. As they were sitting in bed, exactly what had happened began to settle in, and they started getting really nervous.
Suddenly, the door opened. They ran from their room through a different door that leads outside and called their mother. She came home, and they looked through the house together. While they were looking, the door handle to a closet started to jiggle violently, freaking both of them out. That night, the two told the writer’s stepfather, who at first didn’t believe them. He only started to after weird things started happening all over the house—pans flying across the kitchen, stuff randomly falling from the walls, and the new cat freaking out for no apparent reason.
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Effective cleaning of rust stained marble
Calcareous materials, like marble used in connection with cultural heritage objects such as statues and pedestals, or as wall facings on buildings, often show a brownish staining owing to contact with iron metal or iron-containing minerals in the stone. The discolouration alters the appearance of the stone, which is undesirable from an aesthetic point of view. Despite rust staining being a conspicuous phenomenon and numerous works that have dealt with the problem of removing rust stains, a simple and non-toxic method has so far been missing. This paper describes a highly efficient method for cleaning rust stains from marble by introducing the chelating amino acid cysteine in a Laponite poultice in combination with the strong reducing agent sodium dithionite.
Cleaning experiments were performed on artificially discoloured samples of various types of Carrara Bianco marble and on naturally rust stained marble. To begin with, solutions of cysteine in combination with sodium dithionite and ammonium carbonate were tested by immersion of samples into the different solutions. Secondly, solutions of cysteine and sodium dithionite with and without buffering were used in a poultice consisting of Laponite® RD, Arbocel® BC1000 and CMC. The poultice was applied on three different marble types: Carrara Fabricotti, Carrara Vagli and Carrara La Piana. Thirdly, the optimized method was tested on original rust stained material of luxury marble, which has been used as wall facing, and finally in situ in Copenhagen on a larger area of The Marble Church showing rust stains due to pyrite oxidation. The cleaning results were evaluated by visual observations, cross sections, and etching of the surface by testing on high gloss marble.
Cleaning of iron-discoloured marble surfaces has been investigated and a new method for removal of rust stained marble has been developed. A solution of 0.1 M cysteine and 0.1 M sodium dithionite in a poultice consisting of Laponite® RD/Arbocel® BC1000/CMC = 10:10:1 has shown to be a fast, simple, cheap, and non-toxic, do-it-yourself method.
Since ancient times, white marble has been used as a popular material for sculptural artefacts such as statues, busts, and friezes as well as an architectural building material with numerous applications from flooring, wall facings, and pedestals, to columns and fountains. Although marble is a relatively stable material, the desired white surface is unfortunately prone to tarnishing when used in outdoor environments [1]. One of the major sources of tarnishing is iron. In addition to the oxidation of internal iron compounds present in stone like pyrite (FeS2) and siderite (FeCO3) [1, 2], contact with iron-rich ground water when Full Body Marble is used in, for example, garden fountains, results in severe and unsightly discolouration [3]. Another cause is the proximity to iron metal, which is oxidized by air in the presence of rain. The solubilized ions are then transported by rain onto the marble surface, resulting in rust formation [4].
The detailed mechanism for rust formation is highly complex; depending on the pH value, different species, all characterized by a brownish colour, are formed. The atmospheric corrosion of iron, regardless of the pH value of the reaction may, however, be summarized by the overall stoichiometric reaction (1) where the product FeOOH represents the generic formula for rust [5].
The general name rust consists of a variety of iron(III) oxyhydroxides or hydrated oxides of high stability and low solubility. The actual species formed depend as mentioned on the pH value and the presence of different anions [6–8]. The thermodynamic parameters and solubility products have been estimated for many of the rust species, such as ferrihydrite and α-, β- and γ-FeOOH (goethite, akaganeite and lepidocrocite). These investigations have shown that goethite defines a thermodynamic minimum of the rust system [7, 9] and the solubility product of goethite (Ksp = 10−41) is the lowest among the different rust species [7]. This means, from a thermodynamic point of view, that rust can be examined as goethite, and thus the cleaning of rust can be considered as removal of goethite.
Rust discolouration of marble is characterized by areas or stains having an orange to brownish colour, which alters the appearance of the stone. From an aesthetic point of view, the discolouration is undesirable and stone conservators and conservation scientists have therefore worked for several decades with various cleaning methods in attempts to remove rust stains from marble and calcareous stone materials [3, 10–12].
Due to the nature of the discoloration and the possibility of damaging the stone, the stain can only be removed by chemical cleaning. The current method for rust cleaning involves application of different ligands and reducing agents mixed in a poultice and placed onto the stone surface. One of the ligands most widely used is the citrate ion [10, 11, 13], though salts of other carboxylic acids, such as oxalic and tartaric acid, have also been used [10]. Other methods involve the use of fluoride [10] or EDTA [12]. A relatively new method is the use of the hexadentate ligand tpen, which, in contrast to EDTA, has a high affinity towards iron and a low affinity towards calcium [3]. This ligand has shown excellent results when tested on a discoloured marble fountain, however this method is rather expensive. The ligands are used either alone or in combination with reducing agents like thiosulfate, dithionite or polythiophene [3, 10]. Thioglycolic acid and ammonium thioglycolate have been applied in several conservation treatments of calcareous stone [12]. Thioglycolate is presumably the most efficient ligand for cleaning rust stained marble [12, 13]. However, thioglycolic acid is a toxic chemical, and is thus difficult to acquire for private stone conservators without access to a laboratory. In addition to this, a slightly violet colour may appear on the marble when cleaning with thioglycolic acid, which demands a second cleaning [12].
In this study, we have aimed to investigate and develop a new method for rust cleaning of simm marble. The focus has been on the use of cheap and commercially available chemicals. Another target was reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) while cleaning. Efficient removal of a slightly soluble material requires a ligand having an overall stability constant comparable to the reciprocal value of the solubility product in order to achieve a favourable equilibrium constant. Based on the solubility product of goethite, efficient removal of rust in Fe(III) stage requires a ligand having a stability constant approaching 1041, whereas removal of Fe(OH)2 only requires a stability constant of 1014. Additionally, the ligand should possess low affinity towards Ca(II) to prevent dissolution of calcite.
Introducing new chemistry for rust cleaning
In the search for an efficient method for rust cleaning, the focus has been both on a ligand showing strong complex formation with iron and weak binding to the major constituent ions in marble i.e. Ca(II) and Mg(II), as well as on the identification of a fast reducing agent able to reduce Fe(III) to Fe(II). Among the reducing chemicals, sodium dithionite (SD), Na2S2O4, has been successfully used in combination with different ligands as a dissolving agent for goethite in soil analyses [14, 15] and for removal of rust from paper [16]. Furthermore, the use of dithionite in conservation science in general is well described [17].
The standard reduction potential, e°, of dithionite in the basic solution given in Eq. (2) has been determined to −1.12 V (vs. NHE) [15, 17] and is thereby one of the strongest reducing agents among the simple, cheap, commercial reagents. The reducing power decreases with lower pH values and using pKa2 = 7 for hydrogen sulphite the potential can be calculated to e°′ = −0.29 V at pH = 7.
In aqueous solution dithionite partly dissociates, forming the highly reactive monomeric sulphur dioxide radical anion with the dissociation equilibrium constant K = 10−9 [18].
Even though the amount of the radical anion is relatively small and can be estimated to 10−5 M in a 0.1 M dithionite solution, the anion has shown to be the dominant reducing species in the reduction and dissolution of iron oxides [14, 15]. From biochemical experiments, the standard reduction potential of the radical anion has been determined to −1.39 V (vs. NHE) in basic solution [18, 19], giving a calculated value e°′ = −0.56 V at pH = 7 in accordance with experimentally determined values [18].
The reduction potential for reduction and dissolution of synthetic goethite has been calculated to e°′ = −0.14 V (vs. NHE) at pH = 7 [20]. Using this value and either dithionite or the sulfur dioxide radical anion in the reduction and dissolution of goethite to Fe(II), the reactions can be written as in Eqs. (5), (6) with the electrochemical potentials of E°′ = +0.15 V or E°′ = +0.42 V.
Both reactions are spontaneous processes with relatively large equilibrium constants, which can be calculated to K = 105 or K = 107, respectively. From a thermodynamic point of view, dissolution of rust could be achieved by SD solutions only. However, the presence of a ligand for removal of the Fe(II) ions is preferable in order to avoid re-precipitation caused by oxidation from oxygen.
In search of a ligand useful for rust removal, a sulphide-containing species similar to thioglycolate were examined. The amino acid cysteine (cys), commonly found in natural proteins as the L-isomer, is commercially available and affordable. Cysteine forms complexes with Fe(III) and Fe(II) with high stability constants and only very weak complexes with Ca(II) and Mg(II) [21]. At the same time cysteine reacts as a reducing agent in the iron(III)-cysteine complexes with formation of colourless Fe(II)-cysteine complexes [22]. The intense violet colour known for Fe(III) complexes with ligands containing thiol groups like cys and thioglycolate [12, 22] may therefore be avoided. In addition to this, cys is also able to perform reductive dissolution of iron(III) oxyhydroxides, thereby independently having a solubilizing effect of rust [23].
Table 1 shows the stability constants of the marble constituents Ca(II), Mg(II), Fe(II) and Fe(III), with the commonly used ligands for rust cleaning i.e. citrate [24], oxalate [24], tartrate [24], edta [25], tpen [26, 27] and thioglycolate [24, 28], together with cys [21, 28]. The solubility products of CaCO3 [29], MgCO3 [29], Fe(OH)2 [29], and FeOOH [7] are also given. As seen from the constants, only edta shows affinity towards Mg(II) and Ca(II) in an order resulting in serious dissolution of MgCO3 and CaCO3, whereas the remaining ligands display relatively weak binding constants, causing little dissolution of marble itself. The stability constants of cys are similar to the values of thioglycolate, and cys possess very high affinity towards iron(III), which is even higher than for edta. Towards iron(II) the overall stability constant is of an order of magnitude close to the value for tpen, thus making cys an ideal candidate for cleaning of rust stained marble.
Reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) by cys is accomplished by oxidation to cystine, which is insoluble in water, causing unwanted precipitation. However, the presence of SD together with cys prevents precipitation of cystine due to the ability of dithionite to re-reduce cystine formed. The reduction potential of cys is estimated to approximately e′ = −0.25 V at pH = 7 [22] which is higher than the potential of dithionite. In Fig. 1, the reduction reaction from cystine to cys (zwitterion form) is shown together with the acid dissociation of the thiol group, forming a cysteinate species. This anion may react as a bidentate ligand towards metal ions via the sulphur and oxygen donor atoms [22], but other coordination involving O, N and O, N, S donor atoms are also possible. The iron-cysteinate complexes are complicated and not straightforward due to redox reactions similar to those observed for the iron-thioglycolate system [22, 28, 30–32].
The pKa values of three functional groups i.e. carboxylic, thiol and protonated amino group are 1.88, 8.15 and 10.29, respectively [23]. Using the values of the first two pKa constants, pH in solution of the cys zwitterion can be estimated to pH 5. In general this pH value is too low for cleaning marble, due to acid dissolution of CaCO3 [12, 13]. The pH value can be adjusted by the addition of a base such as ammonia (NH3) or ammonia carbonate ((NH4)2CO3), and in some cases when the cleaning mixture is used in a poultice, the poultice itself can act as a buffering agent. Laponite, for example, releases OH− below its point of zero charge, which is obtained around pH = 11 and an aqueous suspension of Laponite is alkaline [33] (measurement shows pH = 9.3). Since the dissolution of goethite consumes H+ (Eqs. 5 and 6), the pH is also raised during the reaction. Considering that the oxidation of iron(II) and cys is eased with increasing pH favouring precipitation of both iron(III) oxyhydroxides and cystine, a reaction value around pH = 7 may be preferred, although pH = 9−10 is desired with respect to the solubility of calcite [3, 12].
Introducing a new poultice for rust cleaning
The chemicals used for cleaning of stained marble are commonly applied in a poultice and a wide range of poultice material has been tested and applied in stone conservation. Clay materials, such as bentonite, attapulgite and sepiolite, are widely used either alone or in combination with cellulose fibres [4, 10, 34]. Other methods use cellulose fibres alone [35, 36], MC (methyl cellulose) [37], CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose) [38], cotton pads [10, 38], and gels like glycerine [10], agar [39], agarose [40], or xanthan gum [3]. One of the newer materials used for poultices is the synthetic magnesium silicate clay Laponite® RD [41–44]. When dispersed in water, Laponite produces a colourless thixotropic gel that is easy to apply on specific areas and on vertical surfaces. The high purity of Laponite and thereby the absence of natural iron impurities means that discolouration of the marble surface from the poultices itself is avoided. In this study, Laponite® RD is mixed with cellulose fibres (Arbocel® BC1000) with dimensions of 700 × 20 μm (lenght and thickness) in order to increase the porosity, the absorbing properties and the water retention of the poultice. In addition to this, a small amount of sodium CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose, sodium salt) was also added. This resulted in better mechanical properties, increasing both the adherence and the cohesion of the poultice, making it easy to apply and remove in large pieces without crumbling. Another advantage of this poultice composition was its shrinkage properties: when drying it shrank practically only in the direction of thickness, leaving the area dimension intact. Hence a uniform cleaning from the centre to the edge of the poultice was obtained.
Three different types of white Carrara marble (Carrara Bianco): Carrara Fabricotti, Carrara Vagli and Carrara La Piana from the Carrara quarry in Italy were received. Prior to the study and the artificial discolouration, the marble samples were characterised by the European Standards for water absorption, DS/EN 13755:2008 and water absorption coefficient by capillarity, DS/EN 1925:1999. Original samples of naturally rust stained Greenlandic marble from 1937 were retrieved from the government building of The Public Guardian in Copenhagen, Denmark in connection with restoration of the building. The marble plates were used as wall facing and, when dismounted, a heavy iron discolouration was present on the backside of the plates. A high gloss polished marble of the type Carrara Bianco, Lorano was used for etching experiments.
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selisekinsolving · 6 years
A small knock came to the doctors door, before Murkey walked in. Floating behind her tpen started to scribble in the book Murkey was holding." Are you Dr. Demise? I was told to go see one and I remember you from the wine tasting. Do you think you could see me?" Moving to the desk she turned the book to her so the Doctor could read it.
Selise looked up at the knock and smiled when Murkey walked in. “Good morning,” she stated as Murkey made her way to the desk and presented her book. She scanned the words quickly and nodded. “Doctor Graves, actually, and I’d be happy to take you on as a patient.”
The wine tasting wasn’t very memorable for her outside of Cherysa hugging a bottle and some excited remarks about a golden bracelet. However, she remembered the woman from the calling card she had presented to their group at one of the local taverns. 
“Murkey, right? Would you mind filling out some paperwork for me first?” Selise withdrew two sheets of paper from her desk and passed them over to her.
@neytiriravenholde (It won’t let me tag your other blog)
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joroanblog · 4 years
Two-Dimensional Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis for Metalloprotein Evaluation Based on Differential Chemical Structure Acknowledgment by CBB Dye
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Abstract In an effort to establish an analytical approach efficient in locating new metalloproteins, this is the initial record of a brand-new diagonal gel electrophoresis technique to isolate and also identify metalloproteins, based upon the molecular recognition of holo- as well as apo-metalloproteins (metalbound and -totally free forms, specifically) by CBB G-250 color and using steel ion pollutant sweeping-blue native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (MICS-BN-PAGE). The distinction in electrophoretic movements between holo- and also apo-forms was overemphasized as a result of communications between the metalloproteins as well as the dye without steel ion dissociation. The different binding modes of proteins with CBB G-250 dye, primarily related to hydrogen bonding, were confirmed by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) as well as molecular docking simulations. Due to in-gel holo/apo conversion between the very first and also 2nd measurements of PAGE, holo-metalloproteins in the initial example were completely isolated as areas off the diagonal line in the 2nd measurement of PAGE. To show the high efficiency of this method for metalloprotein analysis, we successfully determined a copper-binding protein from a total microbial soluble essence for the first time. Introduction Identifying which healthy proteins bind (or don't bind) to which steel ions in raw organic samples is essential to recognizing lots of organic processes entailing metal ions, given that it is understood that one-third of proteins are metalloproteins as well as the majority of these possess important regulative or catalytic features and also architectural roles1,2,3,4. Additionally, it has actually already been disclosed that numerous metalloproteins are associated with severe illness (including Wilson disease, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's illness and also cancer cells) 5,6,7,8. Thus, to reveal metal-binding state, structure and also circulation of metalloproteins is of importance by means of numerous chemical approaches. Haraguchi2 and also Szpunar9 separately proposed "metallomics", which is the overall analysis of chemical types including complexation with metal ions, specifically metalloprotein (metal-bound protein) varieties in organic examples. Ever since, scientists, especially drug stores in the field of splitting up scientific research, have actually created many logical approaches for metalloprotein determination1,10. These techniques were greatly created for the discovery of steel ion circulation in metalloproteins making use of ordinary separation methods for proteins, as well as they might be categorized right into 2 types: one utilizing liquid chromatographic (LC) splittings up combined with crucial essential evaluation such as inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) 3,11; and also the other using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) coupled with laser-ablation (LA)- ICP-MS12,13. A number of metalloprotein research studies employing these methods over the last two decades have actually verified the significance of metalloprotein analysis in the organic field as a result of the function of metal-based types in the control of numerous organic phenomena4,6. However, no splitting up technique was specifically focused on the discerning seclusion of metalloproteins, hence making "metallomics" a yet-to-be-realized domain. These metalloprotein techniques can struggle with the dissociation of steel ions from holo (metal-bound)- to apo (metal-free)- metalloprotein upon the enhancement of denaturing agents14,15, in addition to significant contamination of metal ions in the separation field3,11,15,16,17. A negative repercussion of metal ion dissociation is the reality that holo-metalloproteins may be misidentified as apo-metalloproteins. To solve this trouble, some PAGE-based techniques have been proposed as efficient methods for splitting up without dissociation of steel ions under weak denaturing or indigenous problems, consisting of: blue indigenous (BN) -15,16,17, native SDS-14 and also quantitative preparative native continual (QPNC)- PAGE18. In regards to LC approaches, few options to prevent steel dissociation have actually been reported, with the exception of non-denaturing size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) 19,20. Such non-denaturing techniques, nevertheless, do not achieve contaminant-free analysis. Severe contamination by steel ions at ppb degrees can come from during splitting up processes from tools (as an example, glass plates and electrodes for PAGE, as well as tubing and sintered filters for LC) and reagents (for example, gel monomers and also elution representatives at high concentrations). Also for lots of LC-ICP-MS approaches, this contamination trouble is unavoidable since the mobile phase (possibly with low ppb degrees of metal ion contamination) is continually supplied throughout the elution. This have to create misidentification of apo-metalloprotein as holo-metalloprotein due to the misuptake of pollutant metal ions. Additionally, the total separation of metalloproteins from all other protein types in biological samples to recognize metal-binding species by mass spectrometry is generally impossible through SEC as well as PAGE. Hence, we identified the continuing to be need for a selective seclusion as well as recognition method omitting steel impurities as an overall evaluation system for holo-metalloproteins, which is established here. To attend to the issue of pollutant steel ions, we have formerly researched thermodynamically and kinetically secure metal chelates to exhaustively eliminate trace impurity metal ions from the splitting up field in PAGE21. In this approach, which we have actually called steel ion impurity sweeping-blue native-PAGE (MICS-BN-PAGE), the cationic TPEN (N, N, N ′, N ′- tetrakis (2-pyridylmethyl) ethylene-diamine) complexes and anionic EDTA complexes developed with pollutant metal ions move towards the cathodic and also anodic instructions, specifically. By this method, the electrophoretic splitting up of organic examples is possible without their healthy proteins experiencing any twice as- as well as triply-charged pollutant metal ions (since the focus of such contaminants are lowered to less than ppt levels). This successfully avoids misidentification of apo-metalloproteins as holo-metalloproteins. In addition, MICS-BN-PAGE also prevents the possibility of metal-exchange responses of holo-metalloproteins with impurity metal ions M ′' 2+ (e.g. M2+- metalloprotein+ M ′ 2+ → M ′ 2+- metalloprotein+ M2+), which cause the misidentification of metalloprotein varieties by traditional methods21. Still, one of the most tough challenge remains, which is to isolate metalloproteins while at the same time making sure no dissociation of steel ions as well as the absence of contaminant metal ions in the splitting up area. Our starting factor for selective isolation of metalloproteins in today job was by enabling their molecular recognition, which provided for their various electrophoretic movements. Such recognition was planned to electrophoretically distinguish in between holo- as well as apo-metalloproteins without dissociation of steel ions bound to the holo-form (see Results and Discussion). Structure upon this finding led us to a new approach as explained herein: the holo/apo conversion (HAC) -2 D MICS-BN-PAGE approach for the discerning seclusion of holo-metalloproteins. In this paper, we offer not just the concept of HAC-2D MICS-BN-PAGE for identification of metalloproteins, however additionally the system of electrophoretic molecular acknowledgment of holo-/ apo-protein types, as well as utilizing this novel modern technology we successfully separated and recognized a bacterial copper binding protein from a total soluble protein sample. Results as well as Discussion Differential movement of holo- and also apo-metalloproteins by MICS-BN-PAGE While no separation of holo- (Fe2-transferrin (Tf)) and also apo-Tf was observed in conventional 1D citizen (CBB G-250 free)-PAGE (Fig. 1a) and also SDS-PAGE (Fig. 1b), remarkably, we found that holo- and also apo-Tf are totally separated by means of MICS-BN-PAGE (Fig. 1c) (it must be kept in mind that 2 bands were observed for a "pure" apo-Tf sample utilizing BN-PAGE without MICS mode due to steel ion contamination; Supplementary Fig. S1). In SDS-PAGE, this is possibly because of the dissociation of steel ions from holo-forms happening under strong denaturing conditions14,15 (data disappointed). This truth suggests that the electrophoretic recognition in between holo- and also apo-forms is not readily available for standard PAGE approaches. These results imply that certain weak denaturing representatives, like CBB-G 250 utilized in MICS-BN-PAGE, acknowledge the difference between holo- as well as apo-metalloproteins to improve the splitting up, in addition to preventing steel dissociation. why not try these out spep Business Name: Helena Laboratories Address: 1530 Lindbergh Dr, Beaumont, TX 77707, United States Phone No: +1 409-842-3714
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dreddymd · 4 years
What if the cure for the coronavirus were as simple as taking zinc?
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It’s now looking increasingly clear that zinc may truly be the “silver bullet” for stopping coronavirus infections and ending this global pandemic. This mineral is incredibly affordable, safe and widely available, yet no one in government or media is recommending that people take zinc, since it can’t generate the billions in profits found in prescription drugs and vaccines.
This article isn’t a self-serving promotion, by the way. We don’t have any zinc products to sell. Rather, this article is about helping save lives using nutritional solutions that are available right now. While nothing is yet clinically proven to cure coronavirus — although chloroquine seems promising in several small trials — zinc now appears to be the most promising nutritional substance that could help end this global pandemic and get people back to work so that the economic collapse can be halted.
Chloroquine works hand in hand with zinc, driving zinc into cells
The combination of chloroquine and zinc appears to be especially potent. A study published in PLoS ONE is entitled, “Chloroquine is a Zinc Ionophore,” and it describes how chloroquine drives zinc into cancer cells, making those cells highly vulnerable to apoptosis (cell death of cancer cells). From the study:
Chloroquine enhanced zinc uptake by A2780 cells in a concentration-dependent manner, as assayed using a fluorescent zinc probe. This enhancement was attenuated by TPEN, a high affinity metal-binding compound, indicating the specificity of the zinc uptake.
Although that study was focused on cancer cells, we also know that zinc blocks coronavirus RNA polymerase activity, which is what the coronavirus uses to replicate. This paper, published in another PLoS journal, specifically talks about “zinc ionophores” blocking the replication of coronavirus in cell cultures: “Zn(2+) inhibits coronavirus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture.”
From the abstract of that study:
Increasing the intracellular Zn(2+) concentration with zinc-ionophores like pyrithione (PT) can efficiently impair the replication of a variety of RNA viruses, including poliovirus and influenza virus. For some viruses this effect has been attributed to interference with viral polyprotein processing. In this study we demonstrate that the combination of Zn(2+) and PT at low concentrations (2 µM Zn(2+) and 2 µM PT) inhibits the replication of SARS-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and equine arteritis virus (EAV) in cell culture.
More specifically, Zn(2+) was found to block the initiation step of EAV RNA synthesis, whereas in the case of the SARS-CoV RdRp elongation was inhibited and template binding reduced. By chelating Zn(2+) with MgEDTA, the inhibitory effect of the divalent cation could be reversed, which provides a novel experimental tool for in vitro studies of the molecular details of nidovirus replication and transcription.
So we know that chloroquine + zinc drives the zinc into cells, blocking coronavirus replication. This is published science, not just a random theory.
It is very likely, in our estimation, that most of the people dying from coronavirus are zinc deficient. We need to be testing the zinc levels in blood serum of coronavirus patients so we can gather all relevant data and confirm this pattern.
Symptoms of coronavirus infections almost perfectly mirror symptoms of zinc deficiency
Writing for LewRockwell.com, Bill Sardi writes that all the most prominent signs of COVID-19 almost perfectly mirror symptoms of zinc deficiency. From his article:
…[M]odern medicine is so steeped in its pharmacy of prescription drugs, with its blinders toward nutritional medicine, that it can’t see the obvious evidences of a trace mineral deficiency that results in the same signs and symptoms produced by COVID-19 coronavirus.
He publishes this list of COVID-19 symptoms vs. symptoms of zinc deficiency:
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He further writes:
Dr. James Robb, a pathologist who performed early experiments with coronaviruses back in the 1970s, claims that zinc lozenges are the “silver bullet against coronavirus.”
Zinc is required to maintain thymus gland function to produce life-long antibodies from T-memory cells.
Zinc supplementation in the elderly, the high-risk group of coronavirus Infections, lowers illness markedly.  Modern medicine needs to emphasize zinc therapy, especially during epidemics.
In summary, it looks like zinc might be the single most important preventive measure, possibly in combination with chloroquine, to halt the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and get the economies of the world back to work.
And that’s why the tech giants (Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) as well as the corporate-run media will continue to censor all truth about zinc and chloroquine, because they actively hope to spread this pandemic and collapse the global economy.
The best forms of zinc to consume as a dietary supplement are zinc gluconate, picolinate and acetate, by the way. Avoid zinc oxide, as it’s almost impossible to absorb.
Beyond manufacturing medical masks and ventilators, we believe President Trump should order emergency production of zinc supplementation, making it widely available (perhaps at zero cost) to the entire population. This could substantially slow the spread of the virus and potentially save hundreds of thousands of lives in the USA alone.
Mike Adams
Stay informed. Read Pandemic.news.
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  from WordPress https://ift.tt/3cqUAI3 via IFTTT
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shadow27 · 7 years
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Sketch of the Day : RIFE MK.IV-TPen & ink converted to digital
I wanted to just leave the body suggested on this sketch, so in my sketchbook they're in a lighter weight, sepia. Once I autotraced the scan I decided to play with non-destructive adjustments. As such the colourization, the transparency, and masks, can all be redone or changed without effecting the quality of the original image. Being autotraced it's now vector art, so it scales infinitely without degradation.
- Shade
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drtubakavala · 2 years
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Dermapen Uygulaması Hangi Bölgelere Yapılır? Cildi yenilemek, nemlendirmek ve canlandırmak; ince deri çizgilerini sıkılaştırmak, deri üzerindeki skarları (akne izi, strialar, yanık izi vb.) azaltmak için yüz, boyun ve dekolte bölgesine, saç dökülmelerinde saçları canlandırmak amacıyla saçlı deriye uygulanabilir. Dermapen Uygulamasının Faydaları Nelerdir? Dermaroller tedavisiyle deride mikro kanallar açmak (iğne ucu ile oluşmuş yara) ve ardından yara iyileşmesi ile ince deri çizgilerini sıkılaştırmak, deri üzerindeki skarları (akne izi, strialar, yanık izi vb.) azaltmak amaçlanır. Ayrıca topikal uygulamaların emilimi sağlanır. Dermoroller tedavisi sonrası deriye hacim ve dolgunluk veren elastin, kollogen ve hyalüronik asit üretimi artar. Bunun sonucu deri yüzeyinde, dokusunda, renginde düzelmeye, cildin nemlenmesine ve yenilenmesine katkı sağlar. Cilt kalitesinin artmasına, ciltte oluşan elastikiyet kaybı, sarkmaların ve skarların azaltılmasına yardımcı olur. Saç uygulamalarında kıl köklerinin güçlenmesine, daha sağlıklı, daha dolgun saç yapısının oluşmasına katkı sağlar. DEVAMI... https://drtubakavala.com/cilt-yenileme-uygulamalari/dermapen/ 📌Bu içerik bilgilendirme amaçlı olup, tanı ve tedavi için lütfen doktorunuza başvurunuz. #drtubakavala #ciltyenileme #izmir #tpen #kökhücre #prp #cgf #ciltbakımı #ciltleketedavisi #izmirdermapen #izmirkökhücre #mikrodermaterapi ☎ +90232 290 36 46 📱+90545 290 36 46 📩 [email protected] 🖥 www.drtubakavala.com 🖱️https://linktr.ee/drtubakavala 📷Talatpaşa Bulvarı Nazar Apt. No:23 Daire:1 (Gazi Orta Okulu Karşısı) Alsancak / İZMİR (Dr. Tuba Kavala) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpzSyPgLhmU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yesdanielblisslove · 4 years
Two-Dimensional Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis for Metalloprotein Evaluation Based on Differential Chemical Structure Acknowledgment by CBB Dye
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  In an effort to establish an analytical approach efficient in locating new metalloproteins, this is the initial record of a brand-new diagonal gel electrophoresis technique to isolate and also identify metalloproteins, based upon the molecular recognition of holo- as well as apo-metalloproteins (metalbound and -totally free forms, specifically) by CBB G-250 color and using steel ion pollutant sweeping-blue native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (MICS-BN-PAGE). The distinction in electrophoretic movements between holo- and also apo-forms was overemphasized as a result of communications between the metalloproteins as well as the dye without steel ion dissociation. The different binding modes of proteins with CBB G-250 dye, primarily related to hydrogen bonding, were confirmed by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) as well as molecular docking simulations. Due to in-gel holo/apo conversion between the very first and also 2nd measurements of PAGE, holo-metalloproteins in the initial example were completely isolated as areas off the diagonal line in the 2nd measurement of PAGE. To show the high efficiency of this method for metalloprotein analysis, we successfully determined a copper-binding protein from a total microbial soluble essence for the first time. Introduction
  Identifying which healthy proteins bind (or don't bind) to which steel ions in raw organic samples is essential to recognizing lots of organic processes entailing metal ions, given that it is understood that one-third of proteins are metalloproteins as well as the majority of these possess important regulative or catalytic features and also architectural roles1,2,3,4. Additionally, it has actually already been disclosed that numerous metalloproteins are associated with severe illness (including Wilson disease, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's illness and also cancer cells) 5,6,7,8. Thus, to reveal metal-binding state, structure and also circulation of metalloproteins is of importance by means of numerous chemical approaches. Haraguchi2 and also Szpunar9 separately proposed "metallomics", which is the overall analysis of chemical types including complexation with metal ions, specifically metalloprotein (metal-bound protein) varieties in organic examples. Ever since, scientists, especially drug stores in the field of splitting up scientific research, have actually created many logical approaches for metalloprotein determination1,10. These techniques were greatly created for the discovery of steel ion circulation in metalloproteins making use of ordinary separation methods for proteins, as well as they might be categorized right into 2 types: one utilizing liquid chromatographic (LC) splittings up combined with crucial essential evaluation such as inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) 3,11; and also the other using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) coupled with laser-ablation (LA)- ICP-MS12,13. A number of metalloprotein research studies employing these methods over the last two decades have actually verified the significance of metalloprotein analysis in the organic field as a result of the function of metal-based types in the control of numerous organic phenomena4,6. However, no splitting up technique was specifically focused on the discerning seclusion of metalloproteins, hence making "metallomics" a yet-to-be-realized domain. These metalloprotein techniques can struggle with the dissociation of steel ions from holo (metal-bound)- to apo (metal-free)- metalloprotein upon the enhancement of denaturing agents14,15, in addition to significant contamination of metal ions in the separation field3,11,15,16,17. A negative repercussion of metal ion dissociation is the reality that holo-metalloproteins may be misidentified as apo-metalloproteins. To solve this trouble, some PAGE-based techniques have been proposed as efficient methods for splitting up without dissociation of steel ions under weak denaturing or indigenous problems, consisting of: blue indigenous (BN) -15,16,17, native SDS-14 and also quantitative preparative native continual (QPNC)- PAGE18. In regards to LC approaches, few options to prevent steel dissociation have actually been reported, with the exception of non-denaturing size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) 19,20. Such non-denaturing techniques, nevertheless, do not achieve contaminant-free analysis. Severe contamination by steel ions at ppb degrees can come from during splitting up processes from tools (as an example, glass plates and electrodes for PAGE, as well as tubing and sintered filters for LC) and reagents (for example, gel monomers and also elution representatives at high concentrations). Also for lots of LC-ICP-MS approaches, this contamination trouble is unavoidable since the mobile phase (possibly with low ppb degrees of metal ion contamination) is continually supplied throughout the elution. This have to create misidentification of apo-metalloprotein as holo-metalloprotein due to the misuptake of pollutant metal ions. Additionally, the total separation of metalloproteins from all other protein types in biological samples to recognize metal-binding species by mass spectrometry is generally impossible through SEC as well as PAGE. Hence, we identified the continuing to be need for a selective seclusion as well as recognition method omitting steel impurities as an overall evaluation system for holo-metalloproteins, which is established here. To attend to the issue of pollutant steel ions, we have formerly researched thermodynamically and kinetically secure metal chelates to exhaustively eliminate trace impurity metal ions from the splitting up field in PAGE21. In this approach, which we have actually called steel ion impurity sweeping-blue native-PAGE (MICS-BN-PAGE), the cationic TPEN (N, N, N ′, N ′- tetrakis (2-pyridylmethyl) ethylene-diamine) complexes and anionic EDTA complexes developed with pollutant metal ions move towards the cathodic and also anodic instructions, specifically. By this method, the electrophoretic splitting up of organic examples is possible without their healthy proteins experiencing any twice as- as well as triply-charged pollutant metal ions (since the focus of such contaminants are lowered to less than ppt levels). This successfully avoids misidentification of apo-metalloproteins as holo-metalloproteins. In addition, MICS-BN-PAGE also prevents the possibility of metal-exchange responses of holo-metalloproteins with impurity metal ions M ′' 2+ (e.g. M2+- metalloprotein+ M ′ 2+ → M ′ 2+- metalloprotein+ M2+), which cause the misidentification of metalloprotein varieties by traditional methods21. Still, one of the most tough challenge remains, which is to isolate metalloproteins while at the same time making sure no dissociation of steel ions as well as the absence of contaminant metal ions in the splitting up area. Our starting factor for selective isolation of metalloproteins in today job was by enabling their molecular recognition, which provided for their various electrophoretic movements. Such recognition was planned to electrophoretically distinguish in between holo- as well as apo-metalloproteins without dissociation of steel ions bound to the holo-form (see Results and Discussion). Structure upon this finding led us to a new approach as explained herein: the holo/apo conversion (HAC) -2 D MICS-BN-PAGE approach for the discerning seclusion of holo-metalloproteins. In this paper, we offer not just the concept of HAC-2D MICS-BN-PAGE for identification of metalloproteins, however additionally the system of electrophoretic molecular acknowledgment of holo-/ apo-protein types, as well as utilizing this novel modern technology we successfully separated and recognized a bacterial copper binding protein from a total soluble protein sample. Results as well as Discussion
  Differential movement of holo- and also apo-metalloproteins by MICS-BN-PAGE While no separation of holo- (Fe2-transferrin (Tf)) and also apo-Tf was observed in conventional 1D citizen (CBB G-250 free)-PAGE (Fig. 1a) and also SDS-PAGE (Fig. 1b), remarkably, we found that holo- and also apo-Tf are totally separated by means of MICS-BN-PAGE (Fig. 1c) (it must be kept in mind that 2 bands were observed for a "pure" apo-Tf sample utilizing BN-PAGE without MICS mode due to steel ion contamination; Supplementary Fig. S1). In SDS-PAGE, this is possibly because of the dissociation of steel ions from holo-forms happening under strong denaturing conditions14,15 (data disappointed). This truth suggests that the electrophoretic recognition in between holo- and also apo-forms is not readily available for standard PAGE approaches. These results imply that certain weak denaturing representatives, like CBB-G 250 utilized in MICS-BN-PAGE, acknowledge the difference between holo- as well as apo-metalloproteins to improve the splitting up, in addition to preventing steel dissociation.official site protein electrophoresis serum test results
Business Name: Helena Laboratories Address: 1530 Lindbergh Dr, Beaumont, TX 77707, United States Phone No: +1 409-842-3714
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healthtimetaylor · 5 years
Thimerosal stimulates oxidative stress that induces an increase in intracellular zinc content.
PMID:  Toxicol In Vitro. 2009 Sep ;23(6):1092-9. Epub 2009 Jun 2. PMID: 19497362 Abstract Title:  Increase in intracellular Zn2+ concentration by thimerosal in rat thymocytes: intracellular Zn2+ release induced by oxidative stress. Abstract:  Thimerosal (TMR), an ethylmercury-containing preservative in pharmaceutical products, was recently reported to increase intracellular Zn(2+) concentration. Therefore, some health concerns about the toxicity of TMR remain because of physiological and pathological roles of Zn(2+). To reveal the property of TMR-induced increase in intracellular Zn(2+) concentration, the effect of TMR on FluoZin-3 fluorescence, an indicator of intracellular Zn(2+), of rat thymocytes was examined. TMR at concentrations ranging from 0.3 microM to 10 microM increased the intensity of FluoZin-3 fluorescence in a concentration-dependent manner under external Ca(2+)- and Zn(2+)-free condition. The threshold concentration was 0.3-1 microM. The increase in the intensity was significant when TMR concentration was 1 microM or more. N,N,N',N'-Tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine (TPEN), a chelator for intracellular Zn(2+), completely attenuated the TMR-induced augmentation of FluoZin-3 fluorescence. Hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and N-ethylmaleimide, reducing cellular thiol content, significantly increased FluoZin-3 fluorescence intensity and decreased 5-chloromethylfluorescein (5-CMF) fluorescence intensity, an indicator for cellular thiol. The correlation coefficient between TMR-induced augmentation of FluoZin-3 fluorescence and attenuation of 5-CMF fluorescence was -0.882. TMR also attenuated the 5-CMF fluorescence in the presence of TPEN. Simultaneous application of H(2)O(2) and TMR synergistically augmented the FluoZin-3 fluorescence. It is suggested that TMR increases intracellular Zn(2+) concentration via decreasing cellular thiol content.
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peterschreiber · 6 years
Test Volcano Digit von Storz & Bickel
Der Volcano ist ein Tisch-Vaporizer im Ballon-Stil aus dem Hause des deutschen Herstellers Storz & Bickel. Er wird von vielen als der beste Cannabis-Vaporizer der Welt geschätzt und in den Krankenhäusern vieler Länder verwendet, in denen medizinisches Cannabis legal ist (z.B. in den USA, Israel usw.).
Das Gerät selbst wird nur aus hochwertigen Materialien hergestellt, um eine lange Lebensdauer zu garantieren. Dieser Vaporizer bietet eine präzise Lufttemperaturregelung und somit eine Zuverlässigkeit, die für viele konkurrierende Produkte bisher unerreichbar war. Nicht ohne Grund gilt der Volcano unter Experten als der technologisch fortschrittlichste professionelle Vaporizer auf dem Markt. Das Ergebnis jahrelanger Verbesserungen durch das deutsche Unternehmen Storz & Bickel wird bei diesem Gerät deutlich sichtbar!
Der Volcano wurde entwickelt, um Materialien auf Temperaturen von 130 bis 230 °C zu erhitzen und so medizinisch aktive Dämpfe entstehen zu lassen. Da diese Werte jedoch unterhalb der Verbrennungsschwelle liegen, entsteht dabei kein Rauch. Studien belegen, dass dieser Gras-Vaporizer effizient genug ist, um volle 75 % mehr Wirkstoffe aus den Kräutern zu extrahieren als traditionelle Methoden.
Spezifikationen des Volcano Digit:
Hersteller: Storz & Bickel (Deutschland)
Geräteabmessungen: 17,5 cm hoch, 19 cm im Durchmesser
Materialien: Edelstahl, Aluminium, hochwertiger Thermoplast
Heizelement: Aluminiumwärmetauscher
Aufheizzeit: 3 - 5 Minuten
Temperaturbereich: 40 - 230 °C
Temperaturregelung: digitale LED-Anzeige
Abschaltautomatik: 30 Minuten
Garantie: 3 Jahre
Was beinhaltet die Box?
Das von uns getestete Starterset „Easy-Valve“ beinhaltet:
1 Kräutermühle
1 Bedienungsanleitung
1 Luftfilterset
1 Easy-Valve-Füllkammer
5 Easy-Valve-Ballons
5 Easy-Valve-Mundstücke
1 Easy-Valve-Liquid-Pad
6 Easy-Valve-Siebe (normal)
3 Easy-Valve-Klammern
1 Reinigungswerkzeug
Volcano Classic vs. Volcano Digit
Wie wir bei diesem Test gelernt haben, bietet Storz & Bickel zwei Versionen des Volcanos an: Der Volcano Classic und der Volcano Digit sind sich sehr ähnlich und weisen nur einige leichte Abweichungen im Design auf.
Der Volcano Classic verwendet einfach einen Drehregler, wie man ihn beispielsweise von einem Gitarrenverstärker kennt. Über das Einstellrad kann ein Betriebsbereich von 1 bis 9 eingestellt werden; jede Zahl entspricht hierbei einer anderen Temperatureinstellung.
Der Volcano Classic besitzt zudem keine Abschaltautomatik: Er bleibt eingeschaltet, bis Sie die Heizung manuell ausschalten oder den Stecker des Geräts herausziehen.
Der Volcano Digit ist etwas anders: Wie bereits erwähnt, verfügt er über einen sehr großen LCD-Bildschirm, der Ihre voreingestellte Temperatur und die aktuelle Betriebstemperatur des Ofens anzeigt. Die Temperatur des Vaporizers lässt sich über die Tasten „+“ und „-“ einstellen, da es keinen Drehregler gibt. Im Gegensatz zum Volcano Classic besitzt dieses Gerät eine Abschaltautomatik.
Diese beiden Cannabis-Vaporizer haben technisch gesehen unterschiedliche Temperaturspektren, die sie ihren Nutzern zur Verfügung stellen: Beide haben eine Maximaltemperatur von 230 °C, aber jeder von ihnen hat unterschiedliche minimale Temperatureinstellungen.
Beim Volcano Classic liegt diese bei 130 °C; beim Volcano Digit bei 40 °C. Dies sollte jedoch für die meisten Nutzer kein Problem sein, da die niedrigste Verdampfungstemperatur im Durchschnitt bei 165 °C liegt und die meisten Vaporizer nicht unter 150 °C arbeiten müssen.
Merkmale und Temperatureinstellungen
Was diesen Gras-Vaporizer so beliebt macht, ist seine präzise Temperaturregelung. Sie erlaubt viel Freiraum bei der Anpassung der Dampfqualität an Ihre Bedürfnisse.
Der Volcano Digit bietet einen sehr großen Temperaturbereich: Sie können jede Temperatur zwischen 40 und 230 °C frei wählen und die LED-Anzeige erleichtert die Einstellung.
In Sachen Benutzerfreundlichkeit setzt der Volcano den Standard überhaupt – er ist extrem einfach zu bedienen, insbesondere dank des Easy-Valve-Systems. Die duale LED-Temperaturanzeige und die großen Tasten machen die Einstellungen so einfach wie möglich. Der einzig schwierige Aspekt bei der Verwendung dieses Geräts ist, dass Sie 3 bis 5 Minuten geduldig auf die Erreichung der Betriebstemperatur warten müssen! Allerdings ist die Qualität und Quantität des erzeugten Dampfs diese Wartezeit eindeutig wert.
Wie man ihn benutzt
Wählen Sie zunächst die gewünschte Temperatur und warten Sie einige Minuten, bis sich das Gerät erwärmt hat. Laden Sie das gemahlene Kraut in die Füllkammer und legen Sie diese auf die Abluftöffnung.
Danach müssen Sie das Ballonventil auf den Heißluftgenerator aufsetzen und den grünen Knopf drücken, bis sich der Ballon mit Dampf füllt. Achten Sie jedoch darauf, dass Sie den Ballon nicht überfüllen.
Als Nächstes nehmen Sie den Ballon vom Gerät bringen das Mundstück an, über das Sie den Dampf direkt aus dem Ballon inhalieren. Auf diese Weise gibt es keinen Zugwiderstand und keine herben Züge, sondern nur essenzielle Aromen, die ein sehr sanftes und angenehmes Vaping-Erlebnis versprechen.
Sie können den Dampf sogar bis zu 5 Stunden lang verwahren und einen Ballon 50 bis 100 Mal verwenden, bevor Sie ihn austauschen müssen.
Ein großer Vorteil des Konvektionsheizsystems des Volcanos ist, dass das Risiko einer Verbrennung oder Konduktionsverdampfung praktisch ausgeschlossen ist und keine unerwünschten Stoffe aus Ihrem Gras im Vaporizer freigesetzt werden. Das Schöne an der digitalen Version des Volcanos ist, dass Sie die Verdampfungstemperatur mit nahezu punktgenauer Präzision einstellen können.
Das bedeutet, dass Sie die Dichte oder Schwere des Dampfs genau auf Ihre Wünsche abstimmen können: Wir empfehlen Benutzern, die eine leichtere oder dünnere Dampfwolke bevorzugen, bei einer niedrigeren Temperatur zu beginnen und sich nach oben zu arbeiten, bis Sie Ihre gewünschte Dampfkonsistenz erreicht haben. Eine gute Anfangstemperatur liegt bei etwa 190 °C; erhöhen Sie danach die Temperatur nach jedem Befüllen des Ballons allmählich um etwa 10 bis 15 °C. Nur so stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Extraktion des Dampfes und aller ätherischen Öle aus Ihren Kräutern maximieren. Wir können mit absoluter Sicherheit sagen, dass der Volcano eine der besten Dampfqualitäten (wenn nicht sogar DIE beste Dampfqualität) aller Tisch-Vaporizer erzeugt.
Volcano Solid-Valve vs. Easy-Valve
Der Solid-Valve besteht aus hochwertigem, langlebigem Edelstahl und hitzebeständigem Kunststoff. Das solide Ventil bietet anpassbare Ballongrößen, durch die Sie sicherlich Geld sparen, aber auch mehr Reinigungsaufwand erwarten können. Die Kammer und das Mundstück des Solid-Valves sind ebenfalls von höherer Qualität. Wenn es um den Kauf von Ersatzballon geht, können Sie pro Jahr mit etwa 5 bis 10 Euro rechnen.
Das wartungsfreie Easy-Valve-System bietet eine einzige Ballongröße. Der Vorteil dieses Designs ist die Zeitersparnis, da keine Reinigung erforderlich ist. Die Ersatzballonkosten pro Jahr betragen hierbei etwa 25 bis 50 Euro. Natürlich haben beide Ventilt-Tpen Ihre speziellen Vor- und Nachteile. Ich bevorzuge den Solid-Valve-Aufsatz, da mir die Möglichkeit zur Nutzung meiner eigenen Ballongröße gefällt und die Betriebskosten geringer sind. Vielleicht sind Sie anderer Meinung, aber das ist reine Geschmackssache: Hier gibt es keine falsche Entscheidung, da es am Ende immer auf Ihre Meinung ankommt! Wenn Sie die Reinigung vermeiden wollen, wählen Sie den Easy-Valve; wenn Sie etwas mehr Flexibilität bevorzugen und auf lange Sicht Geld sparen möchten, dann ist der Solid-Valve die beste Wahl.
Der Volcano füllt Ballons mithilfe eines forcierten Belüftungssystems, das es in zwei verschiedenen Versionen gibt: Digit und Classic. Wir haben den Volcano Classic, werden aber im Folgenden auf die Funktionen beider Systeme eingehen.
Die Wartung des Volcano Digit ist nicht schwierig. Wir empfehlen, je nach Bedarf, den regelmäßigen Austausch der Siebe und die Verwendung der mitgelieferten Reinigungsbürste, um überschüssiges Material aus der Füllkammer zu entfernen. Storz & Bickel versorgt Sie für das erste Jahr jedoch mit ein paar zusätzlichen Sieben. Am Boden des Geräts befindet sich auch ein Luftfilter, der jeden Monat überprüft und bei übermäßiger Verschmutzung ausgetauscht werden sollte.
Der Volcano kam als erster Cannabis-Vaporizer auf den Markt, der einen mit Dampf gefüllten Ballon zur Inhalation bereitstellte; sein Ventil-System ist bis heute unübertroffen. Er ist zweifellos der beste Ballon-Vaporizer, da es einfach keinen unzufriedenen Volcano-Kunden gibt! Jetzt, da seine Hersteller den Volcano Digit mit digitaler Temperaturregelung herausgebracht haben, bieten die Volcano-Systeme endlich alles, was sich ein Vaper nur wünschen kann – bis auf den direkten Luftzug. Der Volcano ist ein sehr robustes Gerät und der Hersteller bietet eine fantastische Kundenbetreuung; er ist eine ausgezeichnete Wahl, wenn Sie sich diesen Vaporizer leisten können.
Präzise Temperaturregelung
Sowohl manuell (Classic) als auch digital (Digit) verfügbar
Hocheffektiver Cannabis-Vaporizer
Verwendet einen Ballon, um Dampf aufzufangen
Ventil-System verhindert das Entweichen von Dampf
Kann über einen längeren Zeitraum erwärmt bleiben
3 Jahre Garantie
Noch genauere Temperaturregelung beim Digit
Automatische Abschaltung nach 30 Minuten
Großes Gerät
Inhalation nur aus dem Ballon möglich (kein direkter Luftzug)
from Cannabis Vaporizer https://www.cannabis-vaporizer.org/volcano-digit/
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joroanblog · 4 years
Two-Dimensional Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis for Metalloprotein Analysis Based Upon Differential Chemical Structure Acknowledgment by CBB Dye
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  In an effort to develop an analytical approach capable of finding brand-new metalloproteins, this is the initial record of a new angled gel electrophoresis technique to isolate and also recognize metalloproteins, based on the molecular acknowledgment of holo- as well as apo-metalloproteins (metalbound and also -cost-free forms, respectively) by CBB G-250 dye as well as utilizing metal ion pollutant sweeping-blue native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (MICS-BN-PAGE). The difference in electrophoretic wheelchairs between holo- as well as apo-forms was exaggerated as a result of communications in between the metalloproteins and also the dye with no steel ion dissociation. The different binding modes of proteins with CBB G-250 color, mainly connected to hydrogen bonding, were verified by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) as well as molecular docking simulations. Because of in-gel holo/apo conversion in between the initial and also 2nd dimensions of PAGE, holo-metalloproteins in the original example were entirely isolated as places off the angled line in the second measurement of PAGE. To show the high effectiveness of this approach for metalloprotein analysis, we effectively identified a copper-binding protein from an overall microbial soluble extract for the first time. Intro
  Identifying which proteins bind (or don't bind) to which steel ions in raw biological samples is vital to recognizing lots of organic procedures entailing steel ions, because it is known that one-third of proteins are metalloproteins and also the majority of these possess vital governing or catalytic features as well as architectural roles1,2,3,4. Additionally, it has currently been revealed that several metalloproteins are associated with serious conditions (consisting of Wilson condition, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's condition and cancer cells) 5,6,7,8. Thus, to reveal metal-binding state, framework and distribution of metalloproteins is of value through different chemical approaches. Haraguchi2 and Szpunar9 independently recommended "metallomics", which is the overall evaluation of chemical types entailing complexation with steel ions, specifically metalloprotein (metal-bound protein) species in biological examples. Since then, scientists, especially drug stores in the field of separation science, have created many analytical methods for metalloprotein determination1,10. These methods were greatly created for the discovery of steel ion distribution in metalloproteins making use of average separation strategies for healthy proteins, and they might be classified into two kinds: one making use of fluid chromatographic (LC) separations paired with instrumental elemental evaluation such as inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) 3,11; and the various other using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) coupled with laser-ablation (LA)- ICP-MS12,13. A variety of metalloprotein researches utilizing these methods over the last 20 years have actually verified the importance of metalloprotein evaluation in the organic field as a result of the role of metal-based types in the control of many organic phenomena4,6. Nevertheless, no splitting up approach was specifically aimed at the selective isolation of metalloproteins, thus making "metallomics" a yet-to-be-realized domain name. These metalloprotein methods can deal with the dissociation of metal ions from holo (metal-bound)- to apo (metal-free)- metalloprotein upon the enhancement of denaturing agents14,15, in addition to major contamination of steel ions in the separation field3,11,15,16,17. An adverse consequence of steel ion dissociation is the truth that holo-metalloproteins may be misidentified as apo-metalloproteins. To fix this trouble, some PAGE-based techniques have been suggested as efficient ways for separation without dissociation of metal ions under weak denaturing or native problems, including: blue native (BN) -15,16,17, native SDS-14 as well as quantitative preparative native continuous (QPNC)- PAGE18. In terms of LC techniques, couple of alternatives to avoid metal dissociation have been reported, with the exception of non-denaturing size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) 19,20. Such non-denaturing techniques, however, do not achieve contaminant-free evaluation. Major contamination by steel ions at ppb levels can come from during separation processes from instruments (for example, glass plates as well as electrodes for PAGE, and also tubes and also sintered filters for LC) and reagents (for example, gel monomers and also elution agents at high concentrations). Also for numerous LC-ICP-MS approaches, this contamination problem is unavoidable since the mobile stage (possibly with low ppb levels of steel ion contamination) is constantly delivered during the elution. This should create misidentification of apo-metalloprotein as holo-metalloprotein as a result of the misuptake of contaminant metal ions. Furthermore, the complete separation of metalloproteins from all various other protein varieties in biological examples to determine metal-binding species by mass spectrometry is typically difficult by means of SEC and PAGE. Thus, we recognized the remaining requirement for a careful seclusion and also recognition method omitting steel impurities as a complete analysis system for holo-metalloproteins, which is developed here. To resolve the concern of impurity steel ions, we have formerly researched thermodynamically as well as kinetically steady steel chelates to exhaustively remove trace contaminant metal ions from the splitting up field in PAGE21. In this technique, which we have actually called steel ion pollutant sweeping-blue native-PAGE (MICS-BN-PAGE), the cationic TPEN (N, N, N ′, N ′- tetrakis (2-pyridylmethyl) ethylene-diamine) complexes as well as anionic EDTA complexes formed with contaminant steel ions move towards the cathodic and anodic instructions, specifically. By this technique, the electrophoretic separation of organic examples is feasible without their proteins encountering any type of two times as- and triply-charged pollutant metal ions (considering that the concentrations of such pollutants are decreased to less than ppt levels). This effectively avoids misidentification of apo-metalloproteins as holo-metalloproteins. Moreover, MICS-BN-PAGE likewise prevents the opportunity of metal-exchange reactions of holo-metalloproteins with pollutant steel ions M ′' 2+ (e.g. M2+- metalloprotein+ M ′ 2+ → M ′ 2+- metalloprotein+ M2+), which result in the misidentification of metalloprotein species by conventional methods21. Still, the most challenging difficulty remains, which is to isolate metalloproteins while all at once making certain no dissociation of metal ions and the lack of impurity steel ions in the splitting up field. Our starting point for selective seclusion of metalloproteins in the here and now job was by enabling their molecular recognition, which provided for their different electrophoretic wheelchairs. Such acknowledgment was planned to electrophoretically separate in between holo- as well as apo-metalloproteins without dissociation of steel ions bound to the holo-form (see Results and Discussion). Building upon this searching for led us to a brand-new methodology as defined herein: the holo/apo conversion (HAC) -2 D MICS-BN-PAGE approach for the careful isolation of holo-metalloproteins. In this paper, we present not just the concept of HAC-2D MICS-BN-PAGE for identification of metalloproteins, yet likewise the device of electrophoretic molecular recognition of holo-/ apo-protein types, as well as utilizing this unique modern technology we successfully separated as well as determined a bacterial copper binding protein from a complete soluble protein sample. Results as well as Discussion
  Differential migration of holo- as well as apo-metalloproteins by MICS-BN-PAGE While no separation of holo- (Fe2-transferrin (Tf)) and apo-Tf was observed in standard 1D citizen (CBB G-250 complimentary)-PAGE (Fig. 1a) and also SDS-PAGE (Fig. 1b), surprisingly, we located that holo- and apo-Tf are totally divided through MICS-BN-PAGE (Fig. 1c) (it need to be noted that 2 bands were observed for a "pure" apo-Tf sample using BN-PAGE without MICS mode as a result of steel ion contamination; Supplementary Fig. S1). In SDS-PAGE, this is most likely as a result of the dissociation of metal ions from holo-forms occurring under strong denaturing conditions14,15 (data disappointed). This reality suggests that the electrophoretic recognition between holo- and apo-forms is not available for traditional PAGE methods. These outcomes suggest that details weak denaturing agents, like CBB-G 250 used in MICS-BN-PAGE, recognize the difference between holo- and also apo-metalloproteins to boost the splitting up, along with staying clear of steel dissociation. check these guys out protein electrophoresis serum test results
Business Name: Helena Laboratories Address: 1530 Lindbergh Dr, Beaumont, TX 77707, United States Phone No: +1 409-842-3714
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drtubakavala · 2 years
Dermapen Uygulaması Hangi Bölgelere Yapılır? Cildi yenilemek, nemlendirmek ve canlandırmak; ince deri çizgilerini sıkılaştırmak, deri üzerindeki skarları (akne izi, strialar, yanık izi vb.) azaltmak için yüz, boyun ve dekolte bölgesine, saç dökülmelerinde saçları canlandırmak amacıyla saçlı deriye uygulanabilir. Dermapen Uygulamasının Faydaları Nelerdir? Dermaroller tedavisiyle deride mikro kanallar açmak (iğne ucu ile oluşmuş yara) ve ardından yara iyileşmesi ile ince deri çizgilerini sıkılaştırmak, deri üzerindeki skarları (akne izi, strialar, yanık izi vb.) azaltmak amaçlanır. Ayrıca topikal uygulamaların emilimi sağlanır. Dermoroller tedavisi sonrası deriye hacim ve dolgunluk veren elastin, kollogen ve hyalüronik asit üretimi artar. Bunun sonucu deri yüzeyinde, dokusunda, renginde düzelmeye, cildin nemlenmesine ve yenilenmesine katkı sağlar. Cilt kalitesinin artmasına, ciltte oluşan elastikiyet kaybı, sarkmaların ve skarların azaltılmasına yardımcı olur. Saç uygulamalarında kıl köklerinin güçlenmesine, daha sağlıklı, daha dolgun saç yapısının oluşmasına katkı sağlar. DEVAMI... https://drtubakavala.com/cilt-yenileme-uygulamalari/dermapen/ 📌Bu içerik bilgilendirme amaçlı olup, tanı ve tedavi için lütfen doktorunuza başvurunuz. #drtubakavala #ciltyenileme #izmir #tpen #kökhücre #prp #cgf #ciltbakımı #ciltleketedavisi #izmirdermapen #izmirkökhücre #mikrodermaterapi ☎ +90232 290 36 46 📱+90545 290 36 46 📩 [email protected] 🖥 www.drtubakavala.com 🖱️https://linktr.ee/drtubakavala 📷Talatpaşa Bulvarı Nazar Apt. No:23 Daire:1 (Gazi Orta Okulu Karşısı) Alsancak / İZMİR https://www.instagram.com/p/ClA2EkbqFCO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yesdanielblisslove · 4 years
Two-Dimensional Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis for Metalloprotein Analysis Based Upon Differential Chemical Structure Acknowledgment by CBB Dye
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  In an effort to develop an analytical approach capable of finding brand-new metalloproteins, this is the initial record of a new angled gel electrophoresis technique to isolate and also recognize metalloproteins, based on the molecular acknowledgment of holo- as well as apo-metalloproteins (metalbound and also -cost-free forms, respectively) by CBB G-250 dye as well as utilizing metal ion pollutant sweeping-blue native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (MICS-BN-PAGE). The difference in electrophoretic wheelchairs between holo- as well as apo-forms was exaggerated as a result of communications in between the metalloproteins and also the dye with no steel ion dissociation. The different binding modes of proteins with CBB G-250 color, mainly connected to hydrogen bonding, were verified by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) as well as molecular docking simulations. Because of in-gel holo/apo conversion in between the initial and also 2nd dimensions of PAGE, holo-metalloproteins in the original example were entirely isolated as places off the angled line in the second measurement of PAGE. To show the high effectiveness of this approach for metalloprotein analysis, we effectively identified a copper-binding protein from an overall microbial soluble extract for the first time. Intro
  Identifying which proteins bind (or don't bind) to which steel ions in raw biological samples is vital to recognizing lots of organic procedures entailing steel ions, because it is known that one-third of proteins are metalloproteins and also the majority of these possess vital governing or catalytic features as well as architectural roles1,2,3,4. Additionally, it has currently been revealed that several metalloproteins are associated with serious conditions (consisting of Wilson condition, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's condition and cancer cells) 5,6,7,8. Thus, to reveal metal-binding state, framework and distribution of metalloproteins is of value through different chemical approaches. Haraguchi2 and Szpunar9 independently recommended "metallomics", which is the overall evaluation of chemical types entailing complexation with steel ions, specifically metalloprotein (metal-bound protein) species in biological examples. Since then, scientists, especially drug stores in the field of separation science, have created many analytical methods for metalloprotein determination1,10. These methods were greatly created for the discovery of steel ion distribution in metalloproteins making use of average separation strategies for healthy proteins, and they might be classified into two kinds: one making use of fluid chromatographic (LC) separations paired with instrumental elemental evaluation such as inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) 3,11; and the various other using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) coupled with laser-ablation (LA)- ICP-MS12,13. A variety of metalloprotein researches utilizing these methods over the last 20 years have actually verified the importance of metalloprotein evaluation in the organic field as a result of the role of metal-based types in the control of many organic phenomena4,6. Nevertheless, no splitting up approach was specifically aimed at the selective isolation of metalloproteins, thus making "metallomics" a yet-to-be-realized domain name. These metalloprotein methods can deal with the dissociation of metal ions from holo (metal-bound)- to apo (metal-free)- metalloprotein upon the enhancement of denaturing agents14,15, in addition to major contamination of steel ions in the separation field3,11,15,16,17. An adverse consequence of steel ion dissociation is the truth that holo-metalloproteins may be misidentified as apo-metalloproteins. To fix this trouble, some PAGE-based techniques have been suggested as efficient ways for separation without dissociation of metal ions under weak denaturing or native problems, including: blue native (BN) -15,16,17, native SDS-14 as well as quantitative preparative native continuous (QPNC)- PAGE18. In terms of LC techniques, couple of alternatives to avoid metal dissociation have been reported, with the exception of non-denaturing size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) 19,20. Such non-denaturing techniques, however, do not achieve contaminant-free evaluation. Major contamination by steel ions at ppb levels can come from during separation processes from instruments (for example, glass plates as well as electrodes for PAGE, and also tubes and also sintered filters for LC) and reagents (for example, gel monomers and also elution agents at high concentrations). Also for numerous LC-ICP-MS approaches, this contamination problem is unavoidable since the mobile stage (possibly with low ppb levels of steel ion contamination) is constantly delivered during the elution. This should create misidentification of apo-metalloprotein as holo-metalloprotein as a result of the misuptake of contaminant metal ions. Furthermore, the complete separation of metalloproteins from all various other protein varieties in biological examples to determine metal-binding species by mass spectrometry is typically difficult by means of SEC and PAGE. Thus, we recognized the remaining requirement for a careful seclusion and also recognition method omitting steel impurities as a complete analysis system for holo-metalloproteins, which is developed here. To resolve the concern of impurity steel ions, we have formerly researched thermodynamically as well as kinetically steady steel chelates to exhaustively remove trace contaminant metal ions from the splitting up field in PAGE21. In this technique, which we have actually called steel ion pollutant sweeping-blue native-PAGE (MICS-BN-PAGE), the cationic TPEN (N, N, N ′, N ′- tetrakis (2-pyridylmethyl) ethylene-diamine) complexes as well as anionic EDTA complexes formed with contaminant steel ions move towards the cathodic and anodic instructions, specifically. By this technique, the electrophoretic separation of organic examples is feasible without their proteins encountering any type of two times as- and triply-charged pollutant metal ions (considering that the concentrations of such pollutants are decreased to less than ppt levels). This effectively avoids misidentification of apo-metalloproteins as holo-metalloproteins. Moreover, MICS-BN-PAGE likewise prevents the opportunity of metal-exchange reactions of holo-metalloproteins with pollutant steel ions M ′' 2+ (e.g. M2+- metalloprotein+ M ′ 2+ → M ′ 2+- metalloprotein+ M2+), which result in the misidentification of metalloprotein species by conventional methods21. Still, the most challenging difficulty remains, which is to isolate metalloproteins while all at once making certain no dissociation of metal ions and the lack of impurity steel ions in the splitting up field. Our starting point for selective seclusion of metalloproteins in the here and now job was by enabling their molecular recognition, which provided for their different electrophoretic wheelchairs. Such acknowledgment was planned to electrophoretically separate in between holo- as well as apo-metalloproteins without dissociation of steel ions bound to the holo-form (see Results and Discussion). Building upon this searching for led us to a brand-new methodology as defined herein: the holo/apo conversion (HAC) -2 D MICS-BN-PAGE approach for the careful isolation of holo-metalloproteins. In this paper, we present not just the concept of HAC-2D MICS-BN-PAGE for identification of metalloproteins, yet likewise the device of electrophoretic molecular recognition of holo-/ apo-protein types, as well as utilizing this unique modern technology we successfully separated as well as determined a bacterial copper binding protein from a complete soluble protein sample. Results as well as Discussion
  Differential migration of holo- as well as apo-metalloproteins by MICS-BN-PAGE While no separation of holo- (Fe2-transferrin (Tf)) and apo-Tf was observed in standard 1D citizen (CBB G-250 complimentary)-PAGE (Fig. 1a) and also SDS-PAGE (Fig. 1b), surprisingly, we located that holo- and apo-Tf are totally divided through MICS-BN-PAGE (Fig. 1c) (it need to be noted that 2 bands were observed for a "pure" apo-Tf sample using BN-PAGE without MICS mode as a result of steel ion contamination; Supplementary Fig. S1). In SDS-PAGE, this is most likely as a result of the dissociation of metal ions from holo-forms occurring under strong denaturing conditions14,15 (data disappointed). This reality suggests that the electrophoretic recognition between holo- and apo-forms is not available for traditional PAGE methods. These outcomes suggest that details weak denaturing agents, like CBB-G 250 used in MICS-BN-PAGE, recognize the difference between holo- and also apo-metalloproteins to boost the splitting up, along with staying clear of steel dissociation.   look at this site electrophoresis protein
  Business Name: Helena Laboratories Address: 1530 Lindbergh Dr, Beaumont, TX 77707, United States Phone No: +1 409-842-3714
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