#toyko tokyo restaurant
bryan360 · 1 year
Looks like there’s more to continue of my friend’s 30th birthday til a very end. Kudos to every artist after sharing their work to ever give to him. I’m very proud that they’re good friends to remember for a special day. 🥳🎂
Also, not bad to grab a bite at the Tokyo Tokyo Restaurant. Same goes of having hush puppies for his most approval. At least the burger were decent to take taste with. 🙂👍
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alexin-wonderlust · 3 months
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Day 4 - Japan Blog - 10 February 2024 Tattoo and Shibuya Today I am getting a Godzilla tattoo from an artist in Nakano, Tokyo at a studio called Artemis Tattoo. I am feeling WRECKED from being sick -- I was scared it might be COVID because I have a gnarly sore throat... What a good time to relax? Getting stabbed!? Haha! We caught the train out there which was only like, 20 mins? Ben just walked around and explored while I got my tattoo. My artist's name is Mangesh and he was from India and has a Japanese wife and child here. It was nice to talk to someone in Japan who is from a different culture again. Fun times!
After my tattoo, Ben took me to all the places he had found on his adventure. We got Mexican for lunch at a place called XX where the owner lived in the US for a while. He was chatty and lovely, the food was pretty good. Then we went to a cute "french" styled bakery which was ... SO CUTE... and we got some treats for tonight. We caught the train back to Toyko, main area and it was time to explore Shibuya. I wanted to check out the new Shibuya Sky Building but that was booked out for an event. We managed to find a place to watch the crossing without having to pay (or book) but they werent happy about it haha! OOOPS! Now, its time to get some food. Taylor Swift was touring this week so it was Swifty crazy. Every shop was playing TS and it was fucking annoying. You cant avoid it!! We wandered upon a Yakitori Grill Restaurant which let us upstairs (in the smoking area, which didnt bother me, but it did bother some other aussies... pussies) and we had some pretty good value food. Better than the previous night for SURE! Ben is currently obsessed with Japanese Potato Salad. We are heading towards the Nintendo Store and Pokemon Centre at the PARCO shopping mall. Which is an amazing place to be honest -- we got there a bit late so we had to rush. But I managed to grab some cute shit from both stores before we had to leave... I could have been in there for another hour or so at least. HEHE! Im still feeling pretty trash, so back to the hotel for a bath and an early night.
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vhelbig · 2 years
Tag 7 Tokyo Central Station
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In der Nähe der Kaiserlichen Gärten liegt der Hauptbahnhof von Toyko, darunter gibt es viele Restaurants und Shops
Interessanterweise heißen alle Einkaufspassagen in den umliegenden Hochhäudern hier Restaurants and Shops.
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Diese Art von Architektur hatte ich hier gar nicht erwartet. Auch von Außen passt das Gebäude eigentlich nicht hier her.
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Mein Essen unter dem Hauptbahnhof von Tokyo. Etwas teuerer, aber sehr lecker!
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Im zweiten Untergeschoss unter dem Hauptbahnhof gibt es die sogenannte Character street. Hier reichen sich Anime Läden dicht an dicht. Unter anderem gibt es einen Studio Ghibli Laden, der wundervolle Kunstwerke und Merch von den Filmen verkauft. Ich glaube ich muss mir mal die Filme angucken, die ich bisher verpasst hab.
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Woran erinnert euch dieses Logo? Die Firma produziert jedenfalls Spielzeug und Actionfiguren aus Plastik.
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Im oberen Stock eines Luxus Ladens gibt es Obst zu kaufen. Diese Melone kostet 7€. Und das Nashi paar 11€.
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In Japan sind Früchte generell teuer, deswegen sind die hier schon verpackt, dass man sie verschenken kann. Schön blöd, wo bekomme ich denn jetzt meine Vitamine her?
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Weitere Impressionen und Einkaufsstraßen neben dem Hauptbahnhof.
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violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : gojo satoru from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : grammar issues
↳ form : headcanons
↳ published : 14 february
↳ pronouns : non specified in headcanon
↳ request : hello~ may i request gojo with a s/o that loves spicy food? they're practically polar opposites (s/o is introverted and rather blunt) and the s/o is also a teacher at tokyo metropolitan curse technical school?ヾ(@゜∇゜@)ノ remember to stay hydrated(*˙︶˙*)☆*°
↳ barista’s notes : guys...it is the dreaded valentine’s day hahahaha there is no reason to be reminded that i am single with no real emotions for real people and only for 2D men/women BUT I WILL BE KILLING TITANS IN AOT HAHAHAHA - i also watched ouran hightschool host club will writing this and it gave me so many memories ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆ other than that, i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and please come again anytime soon!
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When people discover that you and Gojo are together - wherever you are dating or married - they are completely surprised since you two are just the complete opposites.
Maybe this is why Fushiguro likes you more as a teacher rather than his current one - you were more bearable for him.
And due to your bluntness, you give the best advice for him to become a better sorcerer, so Fushiguro really appreciates you as a teacher.
Gojo is still surprised to this day on how you replied to his confession, just a straight-up: “oh yeah, I like you too, should we date then?”
Due to Gojo’s extrovert personality, it does help you massively when you are in a new setting or you are just not in the mood to talk at all because he does it for you - you are really thankful for him for that.
You are really blunt, sometimes too blunt for some people, especially during battle when you call your opponent weak or annoying - Gojo does this, but he does it in a more playful way while you just say it in a bored tone.
But other times when you are blunt, it can be positive. An example of this is when you tell Itadori that he’s improving a lot and that you have faith in him - you can see the glow in his eyes when you tell him that.
Times, when you are blunt, is when you tell Gojo all the qualities you ‘dislike’ - you really like them - about him and this will cause him to pout.
“You’re annoying, irritating, stupid, dumb, a player, sometimes incompetent and just plainly a man-child”
“Honey~ that’s so mean..and I’m only loyal to you, we’ve been together since our first year at Jujutsu Tech~”
However, you are sometimes smooth with it, so when you say stuff like that, you always comment back with something like: “but who will take care of you if I don’t? I guess you’re stuck with a boring lover like me,” and Gojo will then compliment you to the fullest since you called yourself ‘boring’.
However, due to you being blunt, you are upfront with your emotions, so you would tell him that you loved him at random times or give him a kiss out of nowhere - it keeps him on his toes.
When it comes to the both of you about food, it is known that Gojo loves sweet things while it is known that you love spicy things.
So when you both go out to eat, you either go to two different restaurants or go to one that serves both types of food.
However, you both can come to the agreement on is Korean Fried Chicken since it is both sweet and spicy and in the end, Gojo also has to order a bingsoo (shaved ice with ice cream) and that is one of the only sweet things you can eat since it isn’t too sweet - ah~ I want one now, it’s been a while since I had some.
Since you and Gojo are teachers in Toyko Metropolitian Curse Technical College, people can clearly see the difference between you both and are just, once again, confused about how you both got together in the first place.
They do know that ‘opposites attract’ but they didn’t think it would happen to you and Gojo - it just seemed unlikely but...this is where we are at.
In conclusion, Gojo actually likes that you are the complete opposite of him. You keep him on his toes and that makes day to day life quite interesting for him, to be honest, I feel like he’s still trying to convince you to like sweets.
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
I'm so exhausted by this fandom. Can I ask a question? I've been a fan only since October of 2020 and I'm confused about something. Today a video taken by either a doctor or someone who works at the hospital, showed Jimin and Jungkook walking outside the hospital. It didn't show anything person. They weren't even in the same frame in the video I saw. So why are fans up in arms about deleting it and not sharing it? I understand it was their off time but so was the time they were seen with their friends in London or in Tokyo and someone took a picture of them standing looking at something. Those pictures have been shared. The video of them walking around London has been shared. I don't understand what is so private about seeing them walking separately in and out of somewhere when nothing personal was shown? I saw that last year when they were seen walking to shared vehicles. We see celebs out and about all the time. As long as nobody is hounding them or sharing personal interactions, I don't get why fans have to jump into action and hide the videos. What's walking going to hurt? I feel fans baby these grown men constantly and its disturbing.
There is a lot to talk about here, but I'm just going to focus on the video about KM being spotted together today.
So this was NOT a sasaeng video. That much is and should be clear and anyone who tries to say it is one is being ridiculous. A sasaeng is someone who stalked the boys in order to gain and share private information. It's not someone who just saw them randomly out and about and filmed them or took their photo.
But I also fully agree that the video should NOT be spread around, should be reported to get it taken down if you see someone posting it or sharing it. I don't don't talking about it is a bad thing, but Sharing the video is.
This was a video taken by a DOCTOR who worked at this health clinic. They took this video while he had high profile celebrities in their clinic for a PRIVATE appointment. Do you really not see how absolutely unprofessional it is as a medical professional to have taken a video of them when they were not expecting to be filmed or think that they would have to worry about cameras? How there is a very clear difference between filming a celebrity when they are going to a private doctors appointment and filming a celebrity when you spot them out and about in public such as at a restaurant, a skating rink, a movie theater, a concert, a grocery store?
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In one of those scenarios they expect to be possibly recognized, to even potentially be caught on camera. There is a beautiful video of Tae seeing that an ARMY recognized him when he was in an elevator randomly and he flashed her a finger heart. Or Jikook talking about how they saw fans in Toyko but denied taking pictures pictures any of them and appreciated those who took their pictures from afar without disturbing them on their personal time. It sucks that they can't do anything without everyone in their business, but it's what they expect usually with these things. They know it's a possibility and accept that.
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Or there is a super cute video of an ARMY filming BTS dancing down the street in Hawaii when they were filming BV2 and she sat on the video until after BV2 was released before she shared it. Most of all these photos taken of BTS when they are out are always shared after time has passed so that by the time people know they were there, they are long gone and no one who wouldn't be as respectful to keep their distance will find them there still. It's about respecting their privacy even though they are celebrities, because they still deserve that.
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Nothing personal was shown in this video except for confirming which district they live in since you go to health clinics based upon what your address is in Korea, which is personal information. No personal information was given except for the fact that they were there to have a doctor appointment, which unless they chose to share that, is 100% no one's business. Don't you think there is a difference if someone took your photo out ice skating vs you at the doctors when you weren't wanting anyone to even know you were there?
Plus add to that the fact that it was the medical staff who took and shared that video? As someone who has worked in the medical field before I cannot begin to tell you the extent of the sour taste that left in my mouth. As doctors, you are supposed to protect your patients and the people who come to see you. Unless KM or BH gave them permission (which they did not) to share the footage of them at the clinic and the fact they were there getting covid tests so they could travel to NY, that Doctor should never have shared that video. Not to mention that Big Hit has been trying very hard to keep all details of their upcoming trip to NY on the down low and not share any details surrounding that to try and keep the boys safe as they travel again for the first time in almost 2 years. So I agree with everyone saying that sharing this video is in very poor form and shouldn't have been done.
I also fully agree that this fandom has the most utterly ridiculous double standards when it comes KM and photos shared of them out in public. Everyone super quick to call it Saseang info when it isn't and no one bats an eye at photos shared when an army spots Namjoon at a museum. But I do think this particular case is different. A doctor visit is not out in the public and celebrities are entitled to private information when it comes to their medical health, including when they see their doctors, unless they share it themselves.
Hopefully that makes sense and I explained myself well. I can totally understand your frustration with the fandom hypocrisy. But since the video was taken without their knowledge or consent during what should have been a trip that wasn't open to the public, I don't think it should be shared.
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fly-pow-bye · 4 years
What’s Airing On Cartoon Network? (September 2020)
Unlike August, The Futon Critic did get info on what’s airing in September. Alongside the big TV premiere of the We Bare Bears movie, we also get Total Dramarama, DC Super Hero Girls, and Ben 10 2016! See you after the break!
Bakugan: Battle Planet / Armored Alliance
September 13th:
Wynton's Reality Show/Bakugan Soccer - Lia has had it with Wynton's pranking, but little does she know Wynton is in for a taste of his own medicine. Then, the Awesome Brawlers and their Bakugan decide to have a game of Bakugan Soccer! (6:30 AM)
September 20th:
Shun and Lightning/Premonition of a Storm - With all the devices related crimes happening in Los Volmos, Shun decides to investigate to try to get to the bottom of McQ's nefarious dealings. Then, after a run in with McQ, Shun and Lightning find themselves in a little bit trouble. (6:30 AM)
September 27th:
Superstar Dan/Awesome Brawlers on Vacation - The Awesome Brawler's head to Tokyo for the Bakugan Battle League - Tokyo Edition. Then, Lia, Lightning, Shun and Wynton explore the sights of Toyko when a rogue Bakugan shows up and rampages. (6:30 AM)
Ben 10 (2016)
September 13th:
Tokyo Fun - After Ben heroically shuts down the Bugg Brothers latest nefarious restaurant, Team Tennyson looks to enjoy sumo wrestling at the Global Games, but when the Twain Twins crash the event, Ben must stop the polarizing siblings if he is to salvage the family vacation in Tokyo! (7:00 AM, half hour!)
Growing Up is Hard to Do - Ben and Gwen are stoked to enter a skating competition, but when Nanny Nightmare shows up to teach the skater kids some manners by turning them into babies, it's up to Team Tennyson to up their game if they are to have any chance at saving the day. (7:30 AM)
The Hex Factor - When Hex mistakes an exclusive magic club for a top-secret Wizard society that snubbed him, Ben has to figure out how to work around the club's strict code of conduct to stop him without getting booted by security. (7:45 AM)
September 14th:
Sweet Tooth - On a trip to the dentist's office, Ben grows uneasy over the dentist's odd behavior and goes into hiding, but when his suspicions prove right, and the dentist transforms into the monstrous Toothache, Ben must save the day! (7:00 AM)
Medieval Upheaval - When Steam Smythe 'time travels' his way into a Renaissance Faire and kidnaps Max, Ben and Gwen must defeat him without breaking character. (7:15 AM)
September 15th:
Speed of Sound - Team Tennyson participates in the inaugural ride of the Sonitrain, the fastest train in the world, but when the conductor turns out to be Lord Decibel, Ben must derail his master plan if he is to save everyone on board the runaway train. (7:00 AM)
Xingo's World - Ben, Gwen, and Grandpa Max are on the road again and are supposed to be taking in the beautiful sights, but Ben refuses to put his video games away. Only the unexpected return of Xingo can spur him into action! (7:15 AM)
September 16th:
Tummy Ache - Team Tennyson go on a tour of the new Biggie Box Candy Store, but when Toothache breaks out and kidnaps the owner, Mr. Biggie, it is up to Ben to stop the monstrous dentist and save the candy man and his wondrous candy store. (7:00 AM)
Players of the Lost Park - When Team Tennyson visits Raspberry Park for some R & R, they get more than they bargained for. What they think are innocent games of chance are a revenge plot by Zombozo to steal the Rustbuggy and rob Team Tennyson! (7:15 AM)
September 17th:
De-Fanged! - Team Tennyson travels to the new Laser Town VR, but when Kevin cheats his way to the top, Ben must team up with former champ Fang if he is going to defeat his souped-up rival. (7:00 AM)
Mock 10 - Ben, Kevin and La Grange find themselves stuck 'outside of time' after the latter hijacks a supersonic train with a faulty engine, forcing the trio to team up and slow down. (7:15 AM)
September 18th:
Rekoil - As Team Tennyson fights to stop Dr. Animo from raiding an animal shelter, Ben faces one villain more than he bargained for, King Koil, now Animo's pet. (7:00 AM)
Buktu to the Future - After Tim Buktu's live stream is mysteriously cut short, Team Tennyson must attempt a rescue mission and break inside the highly confidential Area 55 in order to save him. (7:15 AM)
DC Super Hero Girls
September 20th:
#HousePest - When the Super Hero Girls discover that Diana doesn't actually have a home, they gladly open theirs up to her... until they discover that life with an Amazon is much more challenging than they expected. (4:00 PM)
#ItsComplicated - When Hal Jordan sees Carol Ferris with a new boyfriend, his ego can't handle the rejection, resulting in the most absurd Lantern battle ever. (4:15 PM)
September 27th:
#TheBirdAndTheBee - Meek little Karen Beecher is intimidated by big broody Carter Hall until she discovers Hawkman's tragically romantic destiny and vows to use her vast knowledge of cheesy teen movies to help him reunite with his beloved. (4:00 PM)
#FantasticBeastsAndHowToMindThem - Diana Prince receives a care package from home, and her pet-raising skills are soon put to the test when a mysterious egg hatches into a baby griffin. (4:15 PM)
September 28th:
#AwesomeAuntAntiope - Diana always preferred her "fun aunt" Antiope to her strict mother, but when Antiope visits Metropolis and takes the girls out on the town, Diana sees her aunt's antics in a whole new light. (6:45 PM)
September 13th:
Shintaro - The ninja are invited to attend the birthday party of Princess Vania, in the distant Kingdom of Shintaro. They depart, bringing along Master Wu, unaware that he is feeling his age... (11:00 AM)
Into the Dark - When Cole investigates a mysterious visitor, the ninja aren't sure what to believe. Cole is frustrated with this lack of team support, until Princess Vania reveals a secret entrance that leads to an underground mine beneath Shintaro. (11:15 AM)
September 20th:
The Worst Rescue Ever - The ninja attempt to rescue Cole, but the bickering of his fellow prisoners, the Geckles and Munce, alerts the Skull Sorcerer, and soon the ninja are prisoners too. (11:00 AM)
The Two Blades - In order to escape the Skull Sorcerer's chain-gang, the ninja must convince the Munce and Geckles to put aside their distrust and work together... by promising them something they may not be able to deliver -- The Blades of Deliverance! (11:15 AM)
September 27th:
Queen of the Munce - Jay, Nya and Lloyd are led deep into the Mines of Shintaro by Murt, who brings them back to the Munce "Home- Cave" - a settlement deep in the mountain. (11:00 AM)
Trial By Mino - Separated from the others, Kai and Zane discover a party of Geckles who suspect them of being in league with the Skull Sorcerer, and bring them before their leader, Chancellor Gulch, who subjects them to a "Trial-By-Mino." (11:15 AM)
Total Dramarama
September 14th:
For a Few Duncans More - While trying to photocopy his butt on Chef's fancy new copier Duncan accidentally makes an entire other Duncan. Great! This other Duncan can do all the school stuff while the real Duncan chills. (5:00 PM)
He Who Wears the Clown - After trying on the nose of a clown Owen learns that this is how clowns are made and he is stuck as a clown until he can trick someone else into asking to try on the nose. (5:15 PM)
September 15th:
Us 'R' Toys - When Chef brings in some old toys from his childhood he, Duncan and Gwen, each get magically sucked into one of the toys and need to find a way to get back into their own bodies. (5:00 PM)
Dream Worriers - Izzy forgets the ending to her most amazing dream of all time, so the kids travel into her mind to find out what happened. (5:15 PM)
September 16th:
Grody to the Maximum - Cody gets a super cool, new t-shirt. It's SO cool that the kids don't even recognize him, so Cody jumps on the chance to leave his old life behind and become popular. (5:00 PM)
Wiggin' Out - Bridgette donates her hair to a charity that makes wigs for hairless cats and now some classmates want to do the same. But their quest for perfect wig hair drives them to weird and dangerous lengths. (5:15 PM)
September 17th:
The Upside of Hunger - Owen has a mishap while baking an upside-down cake and is transported to an upside-down world where he is forced to outwit himself in order to get his cake back. (5:00 PM)
Fire in the Hole - Duncan cooks up a nuclear hot sauce to mess with Chef, but accidentally summons Terry Spice, King of the Underworld! (5:15 PM)
We Bare Bears
The biggest Cartoon Network premiere this month is the TV premiere of We Bare Bears: The Movie. Starting on September 5th, We Bare Bears will have all-day marathons to catch everyone up to it, starting at 6 AM. This will lead up to the movie, which will air at 6 PM on September 7th.
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lunarixtears · 6 years
Too Many to Watch (Updated)
Rumbling Hearts
The Vision of Escaflowne
Denno Coil
Towa no Quon
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings
Tonari no Seki-kun
Holy Knight
Tears to Tiara
Gun Grave
Chibi Vampire
Break Blade
Bungo Stray Dogs
Darling in the FranXX
School Rumble
Burst Angel
Toyko majin
Tide-Line Blue
Kurokami The Animation
Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto
blood c
Castle Town Dandelion
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
Children of the Whales
Rozen maiden 
March comes in like a lion
Steel Angel Kurumi
When they cry
Ajin Demi human
R.O.D the TV
phi brain
Maria Holic
King’s Game
Juni Taisen
little busters
Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars
Elemental Gelade
We without wings
Coyote Ragtime Show
Last Exile
Birdy the Mighty: Decode
Anonymous Noise
Tiger bunny
Taboo tattoo
Okami san
Alice & Zoroku
Speed Grapher
Rampo Kitan: Game of Laplace
Heroic age
Elemental Gelade
Is the Order a Rabbit?
Chrono crusade
puella magi madoka magica
We without wings
Casshern Sins
Sunday Without God
Ah my goddness
ef a tale of memories
Aquarion Evol
Knights of Sidonia
Corpse Princess 
Last Exile
Eden of the East
The Galaxy Railways
Trinity blood
Tokyo Underground
Ergo Proxy
Xam’d: Lost Memories
Innocent Venus
The Big O
Kyo Kara Maoh 
Birdy the Mighty: Decode
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
From the New World
Hakyuu Houshin Engi
Devils line
Maoyu – Archenemy & Hero
Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne
Valkyria Chronicles
log horizon
Please twins/teacher
selector infected WIXOSS
Food wars
Konohana Kitan
Heroic Legend of Arslan
Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san
Sword Gai
Angels of Death
A.I.C.O. -Incarnation-
B: The Beginning
The Silver Guardian
Restaurant to Another World
Black Clover 
A Sister’s All You Need
Chaos Dragon
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
Terror in Resonance
Kare Kano
God Eater
Sakura Quest
Luck & Logic
Recovery of an mmo junkie
Miss Monochrome
Hand Shakers
Tokyo esp
Saga of Tanya the Evil
Seven Deadly sins
Joker Game
Aoharu x Machinegun
Izetta: The Last Witch
Shounen Maid
My Hero Academia
Dies irae 
New game
So I made a Too Many to Watch list a few years ago, which was made up of all dubbed anime and people seemed to find it good/handy so here’s an updated list some years later now. Again they are all dubbed/going to be dubbed so enjoy my dub brethren :D
P.S the list is even longer now and I still haven't watched half the shows from the first list, guess I didn't call it too many to watch for nothing lol :’D
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mariaclaragomez276 · 4 years
Fast trains and paper cranes: a Japanese adventure
A ‘hop on, hop off’ westbound itinerary from Tokyo to Kobe by Shinkansen
With its futuristic cityscapes and tranquil temples, ancient traditions and cutting-edge luxury hotels, Japan is a country that must be seen to be believed. And, thanks to its legendary Shinkansen (also known as the Bullet Train), travel is all part of the experience. In this itinerary, we whisk you from Tokyo to the country’s waterfront cosmopolitan city, Kobe, taking in some of the country’s must-see sights en route. Prepare to be swept off your feet.
An open-ended independent itinerary for Japan, based on flying into Tokyo to travel westbound by the world-famous Shinkansen.
Recommended scenic stop-off points include Izu, Nagoya, Ise-Shima, Nara, and Kyoto.
Highlights include luxury hotels, tranquil temples and shrines, cherry blossom tunnels, and views of Mount Fuji.
Tokyo is a city that never stands still; a sprawling mishmash of neighbourhoods each with their own distinct identity. Before embarking on your Shinkansen adventure, pause at the Toyko Station Hotel, a gorgeous red-hued building that dates back to 1915. Start your stay as the locals do, with a jog to the Imperial Palace. Then spend a day or two exploring the city: the shopping district of Ginza, the grand Gyoko-dori street, the Godzilla statue in Tokyo’s Hibiya, and the many restaurants of Tokyo Station are all on your doorstep.
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To get a feel for Tokyo’s many sides, go twin-centre and book a night or two at Hotel Gajoen Tokyo. Located in the hip Meguro district, from here you can seek out trendy shops and craft cafes. And, if you’re visiting in the spring, don’t miss the annual cherry-blossom festival as these iconic trees drop their confetti-like petals.
At times, Tokyo can feel a little overwhelming, so we highly recommend choosing hotels in a great location, but with a sense of space and calm. Tokyo Station Hotel puts the capital’s highlights at your feet, while Hotel Gajoen Tokyo feels like a city-centre retreat: tranquil, elegant, yet moments from the trend-setting Meguro district. Suggested stay 3-5 days.
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Catching the Shinkansen is an effortless experience. Trains leave from both Tokyo station and Shinagawa station with surprising regularity – and typical Japanese efficiency. The average delay is just 36 seconds. And shortly after boarding you’re off: rocketing along at up to 320 kilometres per hour. Order some refreshments and take in the views as you whiz past Mount Fuji.
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If time is tight, you could make the full journey to Kobe in two hours, 40 minutes. But we’d highly recommend making some detours along the way, starting with the spellbinding Izu.
Rugged coastline, mellow surfer beaches, dense forests dotted with traditional ryokan dwellings and onsen with their therapeutic hot waters. It’s hard to believe that the cool, green calm of Izu is under an hour away on the bullet train from the non-stop bustle of Tokyo. Known as the ‘province where the hot water gushes’, Izu is overflowing with natural wonders – take in views of Mount Fuji from the top of a volcanic crater, or wander through pink tunnels of Kawazu cherry blossom.
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In perfect harmony with its unspoilt natural surroundings, ABBA Resorts Izu is a serene Japanese-inn style forest dwelling, where you’ll soon drift away into a state of Zen-like bliss in the mineral water bubbling up from the Ukiyama Hot Springs. Suggested stay 1-2 nights.
Take the Izuhakone Railway Sunzu line from Shuzenji Station to Mishima, then take the bullet train to Nagoya.
Nagoya’s location means you don’t have to travel far to experience awe-inspiring natural beauty. Head to the picturesque Japanese Alps for hiking and panoramic mountain views. Or stay in the city and visit the Shirotori Garden, full of flora and fauna all year round. Known for its special Hatcho miso, Nagoya is the perfect place to sample some of Japan’s most authentic flavours, from a hearty bowl of misonikomi to the tender meat of doteni.
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Take the Kintetsu Express train from Kintetsu Nagoya to Kashikojima – a complimentary shuttle bus is available from Kashikohima to Shima Kanko Hotel: the Bay Suites in Ise-Shima.
Princes, poets and pilgrims have long turned to Ise-Shima for spiritual, cultural (and culinary) inspiration. This ocean peninsula is where haiku-pioneer Matsuo Bashõ was born and where the Imperial Family is said to source their seafood. A stay in Ise-Shima demands a pilgrimage to Ise-jingū. This sacred Shintō shrine complex is the size of a small city – a labyrinth of inner sanctums, outer temples and moss-carpeted courtyards in a serene forest setting. The original shrines date from the 3rd century, but the ones you’ll see are newer – tradition dictates the shrines are recreated every 20 years to specific plans and ancient practices.
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Breathe in the postcard-worthy peacefulness of Ise-Shima National Park from the comfort of Shima Kanko Hotel: the Bay Suites, an all-suite Japanese retreat on the shores of Ago-Wan Bay. Enjoy the perfect pairing of sunsets with your seafood at Michelin-starred La Mer, or get a taste of everything on the intricately prepared tasting menu at Hamayu, the hotel’s second restaurant. Immerse yourself in the local culture with Shima Kanko’s impressive array of activities, from making your own oceanic accessories at Pearl Miki, to taking part in a traditional Tea Ceremony in the beautiful Tatami Room, ‘Guan’. Suggested stay 2-3 nights.
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Take the Kintetsu Express train from Kashikojima to Yamatosaidaiji, transfer to the Kintetsu Nara Line to Kintetsunara (2h30m journey) – note that the Japanese Rail Pass is not valid on Kintetsu trains.
Next up is the first capital city of Japan, home to eight UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Wander through the serene Isui-en Garden, be inspired by the world-famous Todai-ji Temple, lose yourself in the pathways that surround the Kasuga-Taisha Shrine. Along the way, you’ll encounter the sacred deer that roam free across the city. To really soak up the atmosphere of Nara, we recommend staying overnight at Noboriojo Hotel Nara. This boutique hotel is right at the foot of the Kofuku-Ji temple and renowned for its exceptional service and French-influenced fine dining. Suggested stay 1-2 nights.
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Miyakoji rapid trains operate every 30 minutes between JR Nara Station and Kyoto Station – the journey takes around 45 minutes. Kintetsu Nara and JR Nara Line also connect to Kyoto.
With more than 1,000 temples and countless tea houses, Kyoto is the heart and soul of ancient Japan. And, while the best way to experience the city is to step out and lose yourself in it, there are some sights every traveller should see. Fushimi-Inari Taisha is an awe-inspiring shrine made up of hundreds of vermillion gates that form a tunnel up the mountainside. And, in the evening, the softly-lit Geisha district of Gion has an enchanting, secretive atmosphere. Make time for hanami, the ancient practice of flower-viewing, before sipping on sweet umami-plum tea fresh from the city’s groves, which come into full bloom every spring for the annual plum and cherry blossom festivals.
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A restored ryokan with suites discreetly arranged among green courtyards, Sowaka perfectly complements this historic city. Harmoniously designed, traditional ryokan elements such as paper sliding doors are interwoven with modern comforts. Bath amenities are made with Japanese camelia oil, and the hotel’s water is drawn from its own underground spring. It’s all designed to create that Kyoto-state-of-mind. With the ancient capital on your doorstep, private tours are available to the nearby Kiyomizu-dera Temple – guided by one of the priests, you will have exclusive access to areas that are normally off-limits to the public. Suggested stay 2-3 nights.
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Either take the Special Rapid train on the JR Kyoto Line which will get you to Sannomiya Station in Kobe in 50 minutes, or the high speed shinkansen to Shin-Kobe Station which only takes half an hour.
Home to the highly prized Kobe beef, your final destination is an ancient maritime gateway with the verdant Rokko mountains as a backdrop and the sea stretching beyond the bustling port. Climb the Port Tower for great views of the city and then visit the numerous shops and restaurants along the waterfront, or Take a stroll along Harborland and Meriken Park. Compact and picturesque, most things can be reached on foot from your luxury hotel, Hotel La Suite Kobe Harborland. Overlooking the harbour with stunning sea views, every bedroom has a large Jacuzzi bath with a television for the ultimate relaxation time. Suggested stay 1-2 nights.
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Make sure you choose the correct category of Shinkansen for your journey. On the Tokaido Shinkansen, from Tokyo to Kobe, the most frequent and fastest option is the Nozomi. If you’d like to use the Japan Rail Pass, your best choice is the Hikari which takes just over three hours.
To book the hotels on this independent itinerary, get in touch with our Voice Reservation Team on 0800 0482 314 (UK) & 1-877-234-7033 (US). You can find a full list of our dedicated toll-free numbers here. We’re ready and waiting to plan luxury adventures 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So whenever inspiration strikes, just get in touch.
The post Fast trains and paper cranes: a Japanese adventure appeared first on Small Luxury Hotels.
from Small Luxury Hotels https://ift.tt/3c0PVxx Publish First on
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chen0193 · 5 years
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T O K Y O B A Y at Takapuna Beach Mike Smith of Tokyo Bay @tokyobaynz invites Uncle to come see what Tokyo Bay is all about. So when Makcik Shuk @justshuks, Pakcik Elliot @bossroberts and Ric @ricadamsx are over from Melbourne, it is the perfect place to take them. The location by the beach is stunning, the set up and decor modern and the menu sticks to the traditional, i.e. absolutely no fusion, which is what we all wanted. Our Aussie mate Ric is fascinated by the yams on the menu, so we tried the Yam Wraps Isobeage - fried yams wrapped in roasted seaweed nori. The Toyko Bay Bento Boxes are the best way to sample the best on the menu. Mak Shuk chooses the DIamond DInner Box, a veritable delight of teppan wagyu scotch beef, tempura snapper & lotus, sashimi of iki-jime line caught snapper & salmon, sushi hoso-maki, char grilled moromiso prawns, nigiri sushi trio, green salad, miso & rice. Pak Elliot eyess the Blue Water - Panko tiger prawn, fried snapper, teriyaki scallop, saikyo fish, sashimi, salmon avocado sushi, marinated mussel, soft shell crab, sesame seaweed & green salad. The Tokyo Bay Tempura is Pak Elliot’s choice - Tempura prawns & white fish with vegetables, sashimi, tofu dengaku, soft shell crab, sesame seaweed and green salad, tempura dipping sauce. Ric and Uncle opt for the all Vegetarian Tempura Box. Bento Box is the way to go at Tokyo Bay. It captures the essence of what the restaurant offers and we are well impressed and satiated. #bentobox #bentoboxdinner #diamonddinnerbox #tempurabentobox #vegetariantempurabentobox #tofudengaku #tokyobaytakapuna (at Tokyo Bay Takapuna) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4s9Gx-pjby/?igshid=1tqnos4212uex
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everydayisafoodday · 5 years
Kokoro Tokyo Mazesoba
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Niku Mazesoba
Last year, a new ramen restaurant opened up and it definitely found itself having long lines as expected. Kokoro Toyko Mazesobais located just next to the Downtown BCIT campus which makes it a popular spot for all the students. If you come during peak lunch and dinner hours, expect to wait, although it is quite spacious and food comes out fast, so the turnover is quite quick.…
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Tokyo Disneyland Food (Spring 2017)
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This is a breakdown of all the food we tasted while In Tokyo Disneyland during the Spring of 2017, including Easter event dishes!
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Double Chocolate Chip & Banana Walnut Muffins - Sweetheart Cafe
They are muffins, cute muffins, but none the less muffins! They tasted good, and were a nice morning snack. Nothing to write home about.
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Mike Wazowski Melon Pan & Mickey Sausage Pastry - Sweetheart Cafe
The Mike Wazowski melon bread was significantly more melon tasting than many of the other melon pan we found in Toyko - however, it was still a subtle flavor, the bread was light and airy and tasted very good! A nice breakfast snack.
The sausage pastry was surprisingly good. It was however room temperature, not hot. On top was a drizzle of Japanese mayo, this was a good breakfast item if you were looking for something quick and easy, but a little more hearty. 
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Tapioca Mango Drink - Squeezer's Tropical Juice Bar
Hands down my favorite drink from Tokyo Disney - We picked one up both days in the park. It is in a small cup so it will leave you wanting more. Very smooth texture, great for a morning drink. The tapioca balls are small on not overpowering. This is a must try in my opinion!
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Sparkling Tapioca Drink (Lemon) - Captain Hook's Galley
More of a refreshing, soda like, afternoon or lunch drink. Tastes very similar to sprite. There are mini tapioca balls in the bottom, I believe the same ones as the mango drink. Also has mini crunchy pieces with a consistence similar to pop rocks (without the fizzing). Tasty if you are thirsty.
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Cheesy Potatoes - Captain Hook's Galley
They are tatter tots. They are a bit ambiguous on the menu as to what they are, but they are basically tater tots with a hint of cheese. Easily an item worth passing over, nothing spectacular, pretty bland.
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Basil Clam Chowder with Bread Cone (Easter Seasonal) - The Gazebo
The basil was quite prominent in the chowder, there was also a small hard boiled egg in the chowder. All in all it has a nice flavor and was a good small snack. The cone was a little large and thick for the amount of chowder included, but both tasted good. 
This location also has a chili bread cone they serve year round - which we did not taste.
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Milk Chocolate Popcorn - New Orleans
Tokyo Disneyland has quite a variety of popcorn flavors, as we do not often eat popcorn, we tried very few.
The milk chocolate was a nice mix of sweet chocolate with regular popcorn. There was no butter or salt on the popcorn that we could tell. That would be the one thing I would personally add to have that perfect salty sweet mixture. However, for chocolate popcorn, it was pretty good. Ideal choice for a quick snack for sharing while wandering around
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Scrump Dumplings - Space Place
(The Space Place closes in October 2017)
The hair is not edible! These are filled with fruit flavors, more savory than the Little Green Men. Mango, Banana, Red Bean. The banana has a fake banana flavor similar to Runts. I believe these are good to share with someone as they can be a little much for one person to eat all three, especially if you don’t enjoy one of the flavors. 
in my opinion, these are better than the Little Green Men, but overall are cuter than they are tasty.
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Chicken and Rice au Gratin - Grandma Sara's Kitchen
This can be ordered as a set with a salad and a drink. However it is plenty filling on its own. It’s a cheese, rice, chicken, and veggie mixture. The veggies are carrots and broccoli, the chicken is full, good quality pieces of rotisserie chicken. A very hefty, tasty meal! Can be a little bit greasy but nothing over the top.
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Easter Special Set - Grandma Sara's Kitchen
Included a main dish, soup, dessert, and drink. The soup is a potato. Breakdown of the main dish and dessert below!
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Chicken in Tomato Sauce, Eggs, Ketchup Rice - Grandma Sara's Kitchen .
The rice really is rice mixed with ketchup, it’s not bad just different. Goes well with the scrambled eggs provided along side. They are a little more runny than what you would usually find the United States. More similar to a European style scrambled egg. This is a large filling meal, the chicken portion is very large. Could definitely be shared by two people who are not large eaters.
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Grilled Donut - Grandma Sara's Kitchen
A very dense but tasty donut dessert. Comes with a blueberry sauce and a cream drizzle. Pairs nicely with the set meal, but doesn’t stand out enough to order on it’s own if it was available.
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Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall
This is not a set meal, just three of the options available. The soup is minestrone, and is on par with similar soups, nothing to write home about.
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 Seafood Fry - Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall
Fried seafood with tartar sauce. Fried shrimp, white fish fried, scallop cream cream croquette. The theming of the restaurant is what draws people in, this dish was particularly underwhelming and not very warm. I would recommend picking another dish in this restaurant.
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Strawberry Mousse Heart - Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall
First - it’s impossible to find chocolate mousse in Tokyo Disney, it’s all fruit flavors. that being said, this was actually pretty tasty! It came with a blueberry and strawberry sauce and whatever the top layer of the mousse was, it was very good tasting. If you enjoy fruit flavored desserts I would recommend this if you are eating at this restaurant.
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Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall
This is not a set meal, just three of the options available. The soup is cream of corn, and is the better of the two soup options, it’s actually pretty tasty.
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Grilled Swordfish & Tomato Caper Sauce - Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall
The better of the two dishes we tasted. The fish was cooked decently well, especially for a walk up counter service restaurant. The tomato caper sauce was tasty.
The issue with this dish, like the first, it was a bit cold. Second, also relates to the fried fish plate, the potatoes with the dish were flavorless. They had red and yellow peppers mixed in with them, but still had zero flavor. They needed to be mixed with the tomato sauce.
However if you are eating at this restaurant, and want something more than a standard chicken or beef patty dish, id say pick this one.
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Cassis Cream Cake (With Souvenir Plate) - Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall
Cassis is black currant berries, for those who may not be aware (like me).
A simple layered cake with a fruity (cassis) filling between the layers. The cake was moist and topped with a vanilla bean frosting. The lady bugs are edible chocolate. A typical cake dessert, however I would recommend if looking for a dessert to taste, it was well made and very fresh tasting. The fruity filling definitely added to the flavor.
Link to Tokyo DisneySea Spring 2017 Food
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fiuhou · 6 years
Exhibit Introduction
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Coordination: Alfredo Andia, Ph.D. Associate Professor, FIU
Mariana Velasquez Takeshi Hosaka / Daylight House / Yokohama Kanagawa, Japan Takeshi Hosaka / Love house & moon /  Yokohama Kanagawa, Japan Takeshi Hosaka / House In Byobugaura /  Yokohama Kanagawa, Japan   Takeshi Hosaka / Acrylic House / Kanagawa, Japan   Takeshi Hosaka / Daylight House / Japan
Angel Alfaro Studio Velocity / Forrest House in the City / Toyokawa-city, Japan Studio Velocity / House in Chihadara / Okazaki, Japan Studio Velocity / Montblanc House / Okazaki, Japan Studio Velocity / House Open to the City / Nagoya, Japan Studio Velocity / A Small Studio-Apartment-Style Room with a Curve / Nagoya,J apan
Fiorella Blasi TNA Architects / Mist House/ Setagayaku, Tokyo, Japan TNA Architects / Ring House/ Karuizawa, Kitasakugun, Nagano, Japan TNA Architects / Inverted Solo House Pyramid/ Matarrana, Spain TNA Architects / Gate Villa/ Ibaraki, Japan TNA Architects / Helix House/ Otaku, Tokyo, Japan
Fernando Chery Sou Fujimoto / Wooden House / Kumamoto, Japan Sou Fujimoto / House NA / Toyko, Japan Sou Fujimoto / Hokkaido House / Hokkaido, Japan Sou Fujimoto / House H / Toyko, Japan Sou Fujimoto /  House K / Nishinomiya, Japan
Chelsea Davis Akihisa Hirata / House S / Nagano, Japan Akihisa Hirata / House H / Japan Akihisa Hirata / Coil House / Tokyo, Japan Akihisa Hirata / Ochoquebradas House / Los Vilos, Chile Akihisa Hirata / Tree-Ness House / Yuko Tonogi, Japan
Ramses Terrero O+H / Double Helix House / Tokyo, Japan O+H / Weekend House / Nagano, Japan O+H / Aluminum Tower / Japan Yuusuke Nagasawa / S House / Chichibu, Japan Sou Fujimoto / Floating Forest House / Spain
Ivette Trejo Junya Ishigami / House and Restaurant / Yamaguchi, Japan Junya Ishigami / House and Plants/ Tokyo, Japan Junya Ishigami / Row House / Japan Junya Ishigami / House H / Japan Junya Ishigami / House in Chile / Chile
Ximena Martinez Hideyuki Nakayama / 2004 House / Matsumoto, Japan Hideyuki Nakayama / O House / Kyoto, Japan Hideyuki Nakayama / Curves and Chord House / Setagaya Ward, Tokyo Hideyuki Nakayama / 1/1000000000 / Book
Stevenson Jean Suppose Design / House of Yagi / Hiroshima, Japan Suppose Design / House in Saka / Hiroshima, Japan Suppose Design / Hiroshima Hut / Hiroshima, Japan Suppose Design / House in Buzen / Buzen-Shi, Japan Suppose Design / House in Minamimachi / Hiroshima, Japan
Esther Triana Tato Architects / House in Toyonaka / Toyonaka, Japan Unemori Architects /Yamate Street House / Tokyo, Japan Tato Architects / House in Miyamoto / Osaka, Japan Suga Atelier / House S / Osaka, Japan Issei Suma / Jikka / Ito, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
Location: 3rd Floor, Faculty Wing, PCA Building, School of Architecture Florida International University
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otepzablan · 4 years
Napasarap ang tulog ko kagabi sa kabila ng kawalan ng aircon sa hotel/Inn na tinuluyan ko. Salamat na lang at umulan kinagabihan na kahit sarado ang bintanang jalousie ay may mga tilamsik ng ulan sa siwang nito na kapagdala sa akin ng kaunting kaginhawaan naks!. Ganoon pa man maaga pa rin akong nagising dahil sa liwanag na sumaklob sa buong apat na sulok ng kuwarto ko -wala kasing…
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frankkjonestx · 4 years
The ‘ratpocalypse’ isn’t nigh, according to service call data
During March and April 2020, as New York City restaurants went dark and their dumpsters stood empty as a result of COVID-19, media outlets worried that “starving, cannibalistic” rats would take to the streets. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention even offered tips for how to face hungry rodent masses.
But there were no actual data to say whether the ratpocalypse was nigh. Now, there are. And the answer: New Yorkers are calling in fewer rats since the pandemic began, but in different places.
“We had been hearing lots of headline-grabbing media stories,” but there were few numbers to back up the claims, says Jonathan Richardson. So the urban ecologist at the University of Richmond in Virginia and his colleagues gathered rat-related requests for public services in New York City and Tokyo. They also sent surveys out to pest control companies around the world. 
First, media outlets warn of the ratpocalypse every year. “Rat season is in warmer weather months,” Richardson says. “Numbers increase in April and increase to a peak between July and August.”
This year, not so much. By comparing the city service calls from previous months and years with those during the pandemic, Richardson and his colleagues showed that in 2020, calls actually went down about 30 percent compared with previous years during March and April.
But when Richardson and his colleagues compared the U.S. data with public service calls from Tokyo — also locked down for COVID-19 — the team found the opposite. Calls there were up 24 percent for a similar period, Richardson and his colleagues report in a study posted July 7 at medRxiv.org. That’s higher than normal, but nowhere near ratpocalypse levels.
Before the pandemic, most people in New York City called in rats they saw in the subway, in parks or right by restaurants. But in 2020, no one was calling about rats in the subway or in the park. Instead, calls in both New York City and Toyko were coming from certain hot spots, places near now-shuttered food establishments. The rats were on the move. “They’re not moving 10 blocks,” Richardson says. “But maybe they’re moving to the apartment across the street.”
When the researchers looked at calls to pest control businesses across the United States, the team got more clues. Of the 50 survey responses from North America, 53 percent reported they were getting more calls about rats, and 88 percent reported more new rat-related clients. Tokyo pest control companies, in contrast, reported that their customer base has stayed mostly the same.
See all our coverage of the coronavirus outbreak
These findings don’t mean there were more rats, but do suggest rat movement, Richardson says. “If the rat moves, we know people are more likely to call in for pest management to come and deal with it,” he notes, especially if the rats are moving into residential areas.
“The contrast between NYC and Tokyo is fascinating; not many studies take it that far,” says Maureen Murray, an urban wildlife disease ecologist at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago.  She also appreciated the pest control survey. “Pest control professionals have on-the-ground experience,” she says. “They’re a useful source of information and can verify the presence of rats.”
So, ratpocalypse? “No,” Richardson says. Not for the humans at least. “The apocalyptic outcome is from [the rat] perspective.” No dumpsters full of “yummy restaurant food” means short-term starvation, he explains. Even if they find your trash can instead, he adds, “that’s necessarily going to support fewer rats.”
from Tips By Frank https://www.sciencenews.org/article/rats-covid19-coronavirus-pandemic-new-york
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Find your luxurious hotels in Tokyo with great guide details
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Tokyo is one of the best cities in the Asia Pacific. Being the capital of Japan and one of Asia's most populous cities, there are many places you can stay in Tokyo and more than enough activities to keep you busy. The best thing about Tokyo is that the city is connected with excellent infrastructure and an accessible transportation network.
Tokyo is vast, so we've put together a great guide in various areas to stay in Tokyo, where to stay in Tokyo on a budget, best business hotels in Tokyo, Tokyo best places to stay in Japan, the best areas to stay in Tokyo for nightlife lovers and the best family hotel in Tokyo.
We will cover all types of Tokyo accommodation from hostels to luxury Tokyo hotels and how to choose where to stay in Tokyo, the best hotels in Tokyo, the best places to visit, the best places to stay in Tokyo, Tokyo attractions Nearby hotels, Tokyo neighborhood guide and many more. Tokyo is also an excellent option for a short or long stay.
Note: Prices will naturally vary from high season to low season, in some cases around 60 percent! Golden Week (from end April to early May) is the most prolonged period of Obon (mid-August), Cherry Blossom season, and Christmas / New Year. The recommended time to go is late March / early April (though the book best hotels in Tokyo as soon as possible) when cherry blossom trees can be expected to come to life.
Best Holiday Place in Tokyo: What is the best place to stay in Tokyo?
The best areas for tourists to stay in Tokyo are Shinjuku and Ginza.
Other right places to stay in Tokyo are Tokyo Station, Shibuya, and Asakusa.
It is best to stay near the JR Yamanote train line or any metro line for easy     access to Tokyo tourist spots.
Apart from easy transportation, there are many shops and reasonably priced hotels in these areas.
If     you want a comfortable transport facility for sightseeing within Tokyo and     a day trip to Mt. Fuji and Hakone, stay in Shinjuku.
If     you want to stay close to your bullet train journey to visit Kyoto, Osaka,     and other Japanese regions, stay in Ginza or Tokyo station.
If     you love nightlife and want a young vibe, stay in Shibuya.
If     you want a cultural immersion, Asakusa is the perfect place. It is also an     affordable place for those on a budget to live in Tokyo.
There is a total of 47 neighborhoods in Tokyo, but the best places to live in Tokyo are eight.
 Top hotels in Tokyo under budget
Shinjuku is the best place in Tokyo for foodies
Shinjuku is primarily located in the center of Tokyo and is home to Tokyo's largest railway station (Shinjuku Station). Shinjuku divides the eastern region and the western region into two parts. On the east side of Shinjuku, Tokyo's infamous Red-Light District, you'll find a spectacular nightlife featuring robotic cabaret as well as thousands of bars, cafes, and best corporate hotels in Tokyo that serve the most excellent food in Shinjuku eateries.
 Best hotels in Tokyo for a stay in Shinjuku
With a stay at APA Hotel & Resort Nishishinjuku Gochom Eki Tower in Tokyo (Shinjuku), you will be a 1-minute drive from Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and 5 minutes from Meiji Jingu Shrine. The hotel is located 5.8 miles (9.3 km) from Tokyo Imperial Palace and 6.1 miles (9.8 km) from Tokyo Midtown.
 Shinjuku is also established as an extensive shopping area, with most of the Shinjuku Tokyo hotels. Shinjuku is considered the best stay area in Tokyo.
 On the west side, the area consists of several tall buildings and government offices. Shinjuku has many luxury business travelers where you can stay. You will enjoy many things to do in both areas, such as sightseeing in the city.
Top hotels in Tokyo - where you can enjoy in Shibuya with children
Shibuya is yet another major shopping and transportation hub on the west side of the Yamanote train line. This is great for families as it offers convenient transport links, stacks of shops, restaurants, bars and sightseeing attractions - all of which are in easy walking distance from the hotel. However, it is slightly less busy than Shinjuku and somewhat more geared towards the younger crowd. Shibuya is proud to be the center of youth and fashion culture; you can catch an attractive or funky new fashion trend!
 Cheap hotels in Tokyo to stay in Shibuya
Shibuya Hotel En: A stay at the SHIBUYA HOTEL EN is just 10 minutes’ walk from Shibuya Crossing and Cerulean Tower, located in the heart of Tokyo.
 APA Hotel & Resort Nishishinjuku Gochome Eki Tower: With a stay at APA Hotel & Resort Nishinzuku Gochome Eki Tower in Tokyo (Shinjuku), you will be a 1-minute drive from Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and 5 minutes from Meiji Jingu Shrine.
 5-star hotel in Tokyo where you can shop in Ginza
With several department stores, boutiques, art galleries, restaurants, nightclubs, and cafes, Ginza is the most famous upmarket shopping, dining, and entertainment district in Tokyo. Even Ginza has a lot of middle range to cheap shopping areas. There are many low-priced corporate trips throughout Tokyo. During the weekend, Ginza is closed; No vehicles are allowed.
4-star hotel in Tokyo to stay in Ginza
Mitsui Garden Ginza Premier: For a stay at the Mitsui Garden Hotel Ginza Premier in Tokyo (Ginza), you will need to take a 4-minute walk from Ginza and a 6 & 7-minute walk from Kabuki-za Theater. This 4-star hotel is 0.6 mi (0.9 km) from the Tokyo Takarazuka Theater and 0.9 mi (1.5 km) from the Tokyo International Forum.
 Luxury Hotel in Tokyo for First Time Visitors in Chiyoda
Located in central Tokyo, Chiyoda is a different one. It was established in 1947 after Tokyo City converted to the Tokyo Metropolis, merging the Kanda and Kojimachi suburbs. Chiyoda includes the most important (and popular) Toykos building, the Imperial Palace! It is also home to art galleries, museums, sights from Sakura, and Shoa-era. Chiyoda is a more comfortable place, not taken by the crazy nightlife.
Best hotels in Tokyo for a stay in Chiyoda
Tokyo Green Palace: With a stay at Tokyo's Green Palace (Chiyoda), you will be within a 5-minute drive from the Yasukuni Shrine and the National Diet Building. This Hotel is 1.4 miles (2.2 km) from Nippon Budokan and 1.7 miles (2.7 km) from the Imperial Palace Gardens.
Diamond: Located in Tokyo (Chiyoda), the Diamond Hotel is a 10-minute walk from the Tokyo National Theater and the Hirakawa Tenmangu Shrine.
APA Hotel Iidabashi-Ekimae: You will be located in Tokyo with a stay at the APA Hotel IIDABASHI-EKIMAE, within a 15-minute walk from Tokyo Dome and Yasukuni Shrine.
Capitol Tokyu: With a stay at The Capitol Hotel Tokyu, you will be located in Tokyo within 5 minutes’ drive from the National Diet Building and Tokyo Imperial Palace.
Top business hotels in Tokyo on a budget - stay in Asakusa
Asakusa is a neighborhood in Tokyo, famous for the Sensō-Ji, a Buddhist temple. Asakusa has many other temples, as well as various festivals, such as Sanja Matsuri. It is Tokyo's largest pleasure center on the outskirts, full of geishas, ​​writers, artists, actors, and beggars. This is the best neighborhood to live in Tokyo on a budget.
Top hotels in Tokyo for a stay in Asakusa
Richmond Hotel Asakusa: The Richmond Hotel Asakusa in Tokyo is ideally located for business and leisure visitors. Guests will consider a stay at the hotel with a full list of facilities to relax.
Hotel Wing International Select Asakusa Komagata: With a stay at the Hotel Wing International Select Asakusa Komagata in Tokyo (Tito), you are a 5-minute walk from Kaminarimon and a 9-minute walk from the Senso-Ji temple.
Keikyu EX Inn Asakusabashi Station: With a stay at the KEIKYU EX INN ASAKUSABASHI-STATION in Tokyo (Taito), you will arrive within a 5-minute drive of the Edo-Tokyo Museum and Akihabara Electric Town.
Keihan Asakusa
: With a stay at Hotel Keihan Asakusa (Taito) in Tokyo, you will be a 3-minute drive from the Tokyo National Museum and 8 minutes from the Senso-Ji Temple.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Anime vs. Real Life: Sarazanmai
Sarazanmai is famed director Ikuhara’s latest work, and is as brazenly bizarre, thought-provoking, and equally hilarious as you’d come to expect. The show, which is about three troubled boys who were turned into zombie-fighting kappas through the extraction of a mythical anal organ, is brimming with overwhelming symbolism and surreal elements. However, unlike many of the director’s other works before, it’s deeply linked to its real-world setting, which is Asakusa. The popular tourist district, which still retains an ambience reminiscent of the older days, with the spiritual Sensoji Temple at its center, and the nearby Kappabashi Street, are the perfect setting for a show as surreal as Sarazanmai, and are the topic in this edition of Anime vs. Real Life.
  *All images were taken with GOOGLE STREET VIEW (pictures I shot are marked WD)
  Asakusa today is one of the most popular tourist districts in Tokyo, with the famous Kaminarimon Gate (Thunder Gate) at its center, which can be considered the symbol of Asakusa, if not the whole city. The gate marks the entrance to the massive Sensoji Temple, built in circa 628, which makes it Tokyo’s oldest temple. Leading straight from the outer gate to the temple’s second gate is the 200 meter-long Nakamise Shopping Street, which is lined with dozens of tourist souvenir shops, which still have a very traditional Japanese atmosphere. The approach to the temple also serves as a gateway to Sarazanmai’s spirit world, but we’ll get back to that at the end of the article.
      Kappabashi is an area right next to Asakusa, with the one kilometer-long Kappabashi Dougu Street at its heart, which is lined by over a hundred restaurant-supply shops and kitchen-equipment sellers. The specialized area provides the whole city’s restaurants with the necessary kitchen utensils, so it’s easy see where the nickname “kitchen town” is coming from. At the begging of the street stands the Niimi Tableware Store, with the giant chef’s bust sitting on top of it. In the anime, the otter cops’ police station is located inside of this building, which is not the case in real life. If you look real close, you’ll also notice the giant otter missing in real life.
    Since the whole street specializes in kitchenware, there are basically no restaurants around, except for this little side street called Kappabashi Hondori. The street leads directly to Asakusa, and is the only one with a clear view of the Tokyo Skytree.
    There are several myths and versions surrounding the origins of the area’s name, but the official Kappabashi website states two in particular. The logical one being: In earlier times, a low-ranking samurai used to display and sell raincoats (called kappa in Japanese) on a former bridge in the area (bashi meaning bridge in Japanese). 
    The more mystical second version is about a local merchant, who took it upon himself to stop the severe drainage problems of the area, with the construction of a drainage ditch to the nearby Sumida River. However, the channel’s construction was not progressing smoothly, until a local kappa living in said river took notice. Kappas are frog/turtle-like humanoid creatures from Japanese mythology. They carry a dish filled with water on their head, which allows them to travel on land, and are usually known as mischievous little tricksters. But this kappa was so moved by the merchants good deeds and valiant effort, that it pitched in and helped finishing it every night, making the area prosper and bringing good luck to the other merchants who saw it help.
  No matter the origin, Kappabashi developing into a kitchenware district is simply genius, as a kappa’s most defining trait is definitely the dish on its head.
Close to the Kappabashi Dougu Street and Hondori intersection is this little plaza, with a statue of the patron kappa of the area, in honor of the just mentioned story. In the anime, the plaza is occupied by the peculiar Keppi, heir to the throne of the Kappa Kingdom. Just to be safe, maybe try to keep your distance if you don’t want your shirikodama (the mythical anal organ that stores all your secret desires) forcefully sucked out.
      Moving back to Asakusa, the eight-story Ekimise building right here is a shopping complex with access to the Tobu Asakusa Station.
      The modern Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center is located right vis-à-vis from the before mentioned Kaminarimon Gate. The observation deck on top provides a good view of the area.  
    In the second episode, Kazuki and Toi somehow manage to visit the the Hanayashiki Amusement Park, while chasing a stray cat. The miniature amusement park is one of the oldest in Japan, being open since 1853, and is still running a 60-year-old rollercoaster. The amusement park also made a brief appearance in Ms. Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles, during one of Koizumi’s ramen adventures in Asakusa.
          The little spot where Enta used to train football with Kazuki is on the other side of the Sumida River. I bet it won’t take long before someone actually draws a draws a goal post there.
            The Azuma Bridge stretches across the broad Sumida River, connecting the Taito Ward to the Sumida Ward, and is a landmark of the area in itself.
  The area along the Sumida River offers great views of the Tokyo Skytree (the world’s second largest structure at 634m) and the headquarters of the Asahi Breweries with the weird giant golden sculpture next to it, which is apparently supposed to be a flame representing the burning heart of the company. In all honesty, before I looked it up a couple of years ago, it looked like a giant golden tadpole or even turd to me, and all I can see now is a giant shirikodama being extracted. 
    Every time Keppi transforms the three protagonists into kappas, he puts them on a rickshaw (which you can actually rent to get around the area), and makes a dash from the Sensoji Temple’s inner Hozomon Gate, along the Nakamise Shopping Street, through the outer Kaminarimon Gate, mentioned at the beginning of the article.
    And last but not least, the vermilion Azuma Bridge does not only connect two wards in Toyko, it’s also somehow the connection between the real world and the spirit world in Sarazanmai. The great dancebattle takes place on the very aesthetic Azuma Bridge each episode. 
In case you ever want to go kappa hunting yourself, here's the map I made: 
    Have you ever been to Asakusa yourself and did you recognize some of the landmarks shown in Sarazanmai?What do you think of the show so far? Sound off in the comments below!
Wilhelm is an anime tourist, who loves to search for and uncover the real-world spots he sees in anime. You can talk with him on Twitter @Surwill. 
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