#toya todoroki x sister!reader
allisonbaelfire · 3 months
Amethyst. - PART 5
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The day of the UA Sports Festival had finally arrived. We, the students of Class 1-A, were waiting together in a meeting room, filled with a mix of anticipation and tension. This was the moment we had all been preparing for, and the atmosphere was charged with unspoken competition.
Shoto turned to Izuku Midoriya, breaking the silence. “I think it’s objectively clear that I am much stronger than you, right?” he said, his voice calm and measured, his eyes cold and focused.
Izuku stammered, his eyes widening in surprise and intimidation. He gave a hesitant nod, clearly out of his depth.
“But I believe that All Might has taken a special interest in you, hasn’t he?” Shoto continued. “I don’t intend to delve into that, but I will defeat you,” he said seriously, his tone unwavering.
Bakugo turned sharply, his eyes narrowing as he clenched his teeth, clearly irritated by the exchange.
Denki leaned closer to Eijiro, “That was a declaration of war from the strongest in the class.”
I stood up, feeling an urge of protecting Midoriya. “I don’t think my brother is the strongest in the class,” I said, my voice steady as I walked between Izuku, who was too shocked to speak, and Shoto. Katsuki’s gaze followed me intently, with curiosity and challenge.
“If anything, he should try to defeat me first instead of intimidating someone else to make himself look bigger,” I retorted, staring directly at Shoto, my eyes challenging him to respond.
Eijiro stepped forward, placing a firm hand on Shoto’s shoulder. “Don’t start a fight right before it begins,” he advised, his voice calm but firm, trying to diffuse the situation.
Shoto’s expression tightened, he was about to say something, but when he met my gaze, he seemed to reconsider. Shoto knew it was better not to continue, as otherwise, I would become his opponent for the day.
“We’re not here to make friends, so who cares,” Shoto responded coldly, turning to leave the room.
Just then, Izuku found the courage to step forward. “Shoto, I don’t know why you’re telling me you’ll defeat me. You’re clearly superior to me. Most people probably can’t match your Quirk; that’s just the objective truth,” Izuku said, his voice trembling slightly but gaining strength. “But everyone here seriously wants to reach the top. Including me.”
I was impressed by Izuku’s words and how bravely he stood up to my brother. It was clear to me that Shoto’s declaration to Izuku was nothing more than his way of aiming to surpass All Might without using the fire side of our father. Since Izuku was close to All Might, it was clear to Shoto that Izuku would be his opponent today.
The festival had finally arrived. The stadium was buzzing with excitement, and the air was charged with anticipation. It was an event for everyone, drawing in massive crowds from all walks of life. Students from all courses gathered to witness the spectacle, and we, the students of the first classes of the UA, were anxiously waiting to learn what the first event would be.
I glanced around, noticing the sheer number of viewers. It was overwhelming to see so many people gathered to watch us compete. As I scanned the crowd, my eyes locked onto my family. My sister Fuyumi and my brother Natsuo were cheering enthusiastically, their smiles full of encouragement. In contrast, my father, Endeavor, stood in his hero costume, leaning against the wall near the exit, with a stern expression.
Ms. Midnight stepped up to the podium, her commanding presence capturing everyone's attention. The murmurs and whispers among the students died down as she began to speak.
"Welcome to the UA Sports Festival!" she announced, her voice echoing through the stadium. "This event is not just a test of your Quirks and abilities, but also a showcase of your determination, strategy, and heroism. It's a chance for you to shine and demonstrate what you're truly capable of to the world."
She paused, letting the weight of her words sink in before continuing. "The first event is an obstacle course that will test your agility, speed, and quick thinking. You'll face a series of challenges, including navigating through difficult terrains, combating mechanical opponents, and evading attacks from other participants."
Ms. Midnight's eyes gleamed with excitement as she outlined the rules. "But before we begin, let's hear a few words from the student who achieved the highest scores in Class 1: Katsuki Bakugo."
Bakugo stepped forward, his expression serious. The crowd fell silent, all eyes on him.
Bakugo took the microphone and, with an unbothered look in his eyes, he declared, "I'm gonna win."
His words hung in the air, and the audience erupted into a mix of cheers and murmurs. Many were shocked by his blunt arrogance, while some of us in Class 1-A exchanged knowing glances. We expected nothing less from Bakugo.
"Well, there you have it!" Ms. Midnight said, trying to maintain her enthusiasm despite the unexpected brevity of Bakugo's speech. "Let the festival begin!"
As the starting signal blared, Shoto immediately generated a massive ice structure at the entrance, intending to slow down the other competitors. This tactic worked on everyone —except me. Immune to Shoto's ice, which was not nearly as cold as mine, I sprang into action.
Wasting no time, I activated my Quirk, summoning my Ice Flames to create a series of icy platforms. These platforms allowed me to glide effortlessly over treacherous terrain and could also be used as protection, if someone tried to attack me.
Half-and-half bastard!” Katsuki Bakugo’s voice rang out, full of rage. “Your ice won’t stop me!” He blasted through Shoto’s ice with his explosions, determined not to be slowed down. Despite his anger, I was oddly relieved that he had given me a much nicer nickname with “Frostburn.”
I felt the rush of adrenaline as I controlled the formation speed of the ice. With precision, I adjusted the rate at which the platforms formed, ensuring I could quickly adapt to the changing environment of the obstacle course. The purple hue of my flames contrasted vividly with the icy blue surfaces I created, making my path both efficient and visually striking. I noticed Shoto doing the same with his ice, creating a slide to speed through the course.
"Watch out, Y/N!" Kirishima's voice cut through the noise as he barreled past me, his body hardened and ready for impact.
I nodded, appreciating his warning. Just ahead, spotting an incoming barrage of icy rocks – thanks Shoto. With a swift motion, I created an icy barrier, shielding myself from the falling rocks. I glanced over at Kirishima, who gave me a thumbs-up before charging forward.
“You know we’re actually rivals, right?” I asked Ejiro with a smile.
As I progressed through the course, mechanical opponents emerged, challenging us with relentless attacks. Facing them head-on, I let my hands blaze with lilac flames. Skillfully, I formed icy projectiles, launching them at my foes with pinpoint accuracy.
"Nice shot!" Denki called out, zapping a nearby robot with his electricity. He grinned at me before dashing off to tackle another target.
Each projectile I launched struck true, shattering upon impact and disabling the mechanical adversaries. My movements were a blend of grace and power, showcasing my proficiency in combat and the seamless integration of my Quirk into my fighting style.
The competition was fierce, and other participants occasionally targeted me to gain an advantage. Anticipating their moves, I conjured sturdy ice barriers to shield myself. The strength and hardness of the ice varied, tailored to withstand the intensity of the incoming attacks while maintaining the flexibility to quickly counter.
I noticed my hands growing increasingly numb. Since we weren’t allowed to use any items and didn’t have our hero costumes, I had no gloves and was fully exposed to the effects of my Quirk.
"Try and keep up, Frostburn!" Bakugo yelled as he blasted past me, his explosions propelling him forward.
I smirked, enjoying the challenge. "Just watch, Bakugo," I muttered under my breath. As he launched an explosive attack towards me, I quickly raised an ice barrier, absorbing the blast and sending a flurry of icy shards in his direction. He dodged, his eyes gleaming with excitement.
After the robots, the next section required us to cross a deep chasm. The sight of the vast gap was intimidating, but I didn't let it faze me. I knew exactly how to handle this.
Activating my Quirk, I summoned my Ice Flames, creating a series of icy bridges and platforms.
As I formed the first bridge, I noticed Bakugo nearby, "Move it, Frostburn!" he shouted, propelling himself forward with explosions from his hands. He was aggressive, but his eyes showed a grudging respect as he acknowledged my ice formations helping him find footing before he used his quirk to fly.
Midway through the chasm, I saw Kirishima behind me struggling to find a safe path. His hardened body was perfect for defense but not ideal for crossing the chasm. "Need a hand?" I called out, while moving an ice platform to him.
He glanced at me, his expression filled with gratitude. "Thanks, Rival!" He chuckled as he holds onto the platform.
After he was safely on the other side, I froze Ejiro a bit to slow him down, a girl must win.
The next section was a minefield. They want to eliminate us, don’t they? Activating my Quirk, I summoned my Ice Flames, creating a series of icy platforms that hovered just above the ground.
As I formed the first platform, I noticed Bakugo nearby, his face twisted in determination and frustration.  “Frostburn! You’re in my damn way!" he shouted, propelling himself forward with explosions from his hands.
"Watch your step, Bakugo," I retorted, attempting to freeze him in place with a quick burst of my Ice Flames. He dodged with an explosive blast, evading my attack with ease.
Midway through the minefield, I saw Shoto using his ice to create slides, smoothly gliding over the dangerous terrain. Our eyes met briefly, a silent understanding passing between us. Despite the competition, we were siblings, at least some sort of bond between us.
Izuku was using his intelligence, instead of his quirk, to navigate the minefield, carefully analyzing the safest routes and using his agility to leap over the mines with precision.
With each step, I carefully adjusted the formation speed of my ice platforms, ensuring they remained stable and didn't trigger the mines below. The pressure was intense, but my experience had prepared me for such challenges.
Despite being head on with Shoto most of the time, I chose not to finish in the top three. Partly because I wanted to give others the chance to shine, and partly because I hoped it would improve my relationship with Shoto if I didn’t win.
In the final stretch, Izuku surged ahead, crossing the finish line first with a triumphant leap. Shoto followed closely, his face showing clear frustration, both at Izuku and at himself for not securing first place. Katsuki was third, his explosive power propelling him across the line, visibly angry and frustrated with his placement. I crossed the finish line moments later and secured fourth place.
Walking off the field, I spotted my classmates gathering and talking excitedly about their experiences. I noticed Shoto standing apart, as usual. Taking a deep breath, I approached him.
"Shoto," I called out, my voice steady. He turned to face me, his expression neutral.
He looked at me, his frustration evident. “Thanks,” he muttered, then turned and walked away, clearly still upset.
I sighed and turned my attention to Katsuki, noticing him struggling with his arms. He cursed under his breath, his face contorted with pain. It was clear that using his Quirk so intensely had taken a toll on him.
Concerned, I went over to him. “Bakugo, are you okay?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
He glared at me, but the pain in his eyes was undeniable. “What do you want, Frostburn?” he snapped, clutching his arms.
“Let me help,” I said, ignoring his harsh tone. “Your arms look like they’re in bad shape.”
He hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly nodded. “Fine, but don’t think this means I need your help.”
I smiled slightly. “Of course not, Bakugo. Just consider it a temporary truce.”
Gently, I reached out and examined his arms, using my Quirk to cool them down and provide some relief. “You need to be more careful,” I advised softly. “Pushing yourself too hard can have serious consequences.”
He grumbled something under his breath but didn’t pull away. As I worked, I could feel the tension between us easing slightly, if only for a moment. It wasn’t much, but it was a start.
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deebris · 3 months
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Welcome to my masterlist! Here you will find all the stories I've written. Some genre indicators:
✎ 🌸fluffy,💧 angst, ⚠️ dark, 🧸Platonic, 🌹 romantic
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⤿ The Fractured Bonds (🧸💧)
Mark finds himself facing an unexpected threat to his family when Angstrom Levy decides to hold his mother and sister hostage. Despite the family turmoil they've endured and Nolan's departure, he returns to rescue his daughter. Mark Grayson x sister reader, Nolan Grayson x daughter reader
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⤿ The Mysterious Visitor: masterlist (🧸💧🌸)
On a cold, snowy dawn, a naive young girl knocks on the door of Wayne Manor in search of her brother, whom she hasn't seen in a long time. Batfamily x batsis
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⤿ Seems like destiny (🌹💧⚠️)
After spending years in the bone marrow donation system, encouraged by the army, Simon was finally notified that they had found a match. He just didn't expect to find out that he would be donating it to his own son, who he had with his teenage love and never knew. Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!Reader
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⤿ Guilty (🌹💧⚠️)
Your husband never put a drop of alcohol in his mouth, and that was one of the things that made you give him a chance in the past due to family traumas that you carried because of it. But after years of relationship, one day he just surprises you by coming home late at night and out of his mind. Satoru Gojo x wife reader
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⤿ Melancoly: part 1, part 2 (🌹💧⚠️)
You and Kakashi were never passionate, but you got married and developed an affection for each other. You had two children together and your life was peaceful. But a single winter night destroyed you two forever. Kakashi Hatake x wife reader
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⤿ Redemption (🧸💧)
You're the twin sister of Shoto and save him and Endeavor from Toya. Todoroki Clan x Todoroki reader
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⤿ From annoying to beloved (🌸🌹)
The new member of the Seven annoys Captain Patria with their habit of doodling in the corners all the time, but he didn't expect to end up liking it. Homelander x fem!Reader
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fluff-n-cookies · 11 months
You may call me crow anon
Idk how any of this worls as i recently joined tumblr
But can i pls ask for platonic dabi who comes looking for sister reader after she moved out years ago from the todorkoi house and only keeps contat with fyumi, natsuo and occasionally rei?
Idl man
HI I don't know Either but WELCOME TO TUMBLR, I hope you enjoy your stay. I will add you to my anon list on my rules for requests page and. I hope to hear from you again, and fun fact you are my first EVER anon so thank you, It's my pleasure.
ANNNNDD for the sake of the story the reader has pink hair.
warnings Dabi tries to commit suicide. and some swearing.
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RUN. do nothing but RUN.
RUN to find her. RUN to safety. RUN AWAY from the police.
Dabi's Inner monologue rang loud, louder than any other, louder than the sound of the police and the hero's trying to catch him. so, damn, loud.
Panting, the young 15 year old Dabi, who somehow managed to dye his hair and steal food for 2 years of his life, turned a swift corner into the alley way before jumping up to climb the fire shoot, it was now when it occurred to him.
(y/n) would not be happy to see the man you have become.
he froze for a second, scared, he did his best, he tried so hard to be a hero, a hero for his older sister, for she who believed in him when none else would, but it wasn't until the scorching pain of blood polling at his eye bags that he started to move again.
oh how he admired her, and her dreams of becoming rich, dreams of being someone other than their father daughter.
too bad they were broken down and beaten everyday.
too bad that Touya had to sit there and watch his darling sister, his one and only light, be dimmed and overshadowed.
it was worse he couldn't do anything.
it was worse he just could watch.
it was painful. even more so when at 16 she told him she'll be back soon, hugged their mom good bye, handed him a sheet of paper with the Words "We'll meet again" written in shabby hand writing, took the car and never cam back again, it wasn't for 4 hours at Touya realized something was wrong, it took Rei 1 day to notice something was wrong, it took 6 days for endeavor to notice, and 3 months before he actually started to care... that his car was gone. Fuyumi asked where "big sister" went, Enji never told her, and every time she would ask Rei, Rei would just burst into tears, eventually, Fuyumi stopped asking, Natsuo thought she was still at school, and Shoto simply forgot she existed. that year was the same year he faked his death, that was the year Touya Todoroki died, the day Dabi was born.
eventually he grew tired, the police had lost him, so had the heroes so why run when you're not being chased?
Dabi came to a stop, looking around before lighting a cigarette he stole from a convenience store sighing out the smoke, the hot smoke a huge contrast to the cool summer breeze, like you her kindness was a huge contrast to the rest of the family.
no one really acted right in the Todoroki household, their they were cold and brash, or had mental issues, most had daddy issues, and all should really go to therapy, she on the other hand was softer, kinder, a soul who needed helping but put the needs of other before herself. soft words, soft pink hair (a mix of white and red, odd since no-one else had pink hair.) and the most welcoming smile you ever saw.
she was always like that,
always such an angel.
Dabi leaned on the railing of the short building, smoking, reminiscing on memories of the past.
leaning too hard, and falling.
at this point it was intentional, how one to endure such horrors, who is the deity was cruel enough to taunt him by giving him the soul he adored the most and then ripping it right out of his hands?
it was a short fall, just as it was a short building, but he didn't land on concrete instead he landed on the dumpster.
greeted by the smell of dog shit, and the feel of soggy cardboard and black plastic garbage bags.
"the hell?" he whispered a sort of surprise that came to him as he realized this was not hell, but a smaller, stinkier, hell.
he was even more surprised when he realized he was not alone.
"oh dear! sir are you alright?!" a gentle voice yelled out, she was wearing a soft (favorite color) dress, and had the kindest eyes, that was the only way to describe her.
she helped him out of the dumpster, not even looking at his face.
just like (y/n) would
"hey, stay with me, we'll go to my apartment, just hold on tight."
she didn't even mind the smell of smoke on his T-shirt.
all he remembers after that is fighting, fight to stay awake, fight to thank the angel that is his savior.
then he remembers sinking into the soft cushions of a warm red or orange couch.
like fall, her favorite season. (sorry if you don't like fall)
then the angel came back, now is when she noticed the purple scorches, the piercing blue eyes, and the little white segments near the roots.
he was sure she was going to scream, he was sure she was going to run and flee, and call the police, but instead she carried on, gave him an ice pack, checked his temperature, check for any major wounds gave him some water.
nervously, she asked "I'm sorry to be asking this but are you by any chance a endeavor hater."
Dabi chuckled fighting back the blood from reaching his eyes this was her alright.
"(y/n), big sis," blood threatened to trickle down what was left of his cheeks.
poor girl, choked out a sob, scared to even embrace him scared he'll drift away like she drifted away from him, salty tears prickled the edges of her eyes.
"To-Touya," she gulped "I-"
she pulled him right toward her, holding him tight, just like she would when they were younger and Dabi had a nightmare and was scared, except now, Dabi was truly scared, sacred of both himself and the future, scared you would poof into vapor his arms if he hugged you too tight.
"I"M SORRY" she yelled out, letting her own tears fall.
that night was spent in a shabby apartment, that night was spent together, that bight Dabi promised himself.
I'm never letting you go, ever.
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yepperoniro · 8 months
New fucked 3am idea.
Yandere Todoroki Family x youngest Fem Todoroki reader or oc whatever.
Warning Incest and Platonic Yanderes present.
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Firstly, Y/N or Yen was born 8 months after Shoto. And she also has the half cold half hot quirk. [Because I'm so creative right @@]
Because Shoto existed and was male, Enji didn't pay anymore attention to her than he did any of his other non-shoto kids. That was until one night at dinner when Yen called Toya Daddy. After this, Enji cared. But like Too Fucking much. He became super protective and overbearing. And rest in peace, Toya and Rei [not literally doe] that night because guess who was getting punished for Yen's mistake. And when Yen started growing into her body, things went from bad to worse for her as Enji's overprotective and overbearing became covertly perverse. Bathing with Yen choosing what she wears. When Rei confronted him about this... she was punished for even thinking it was possible. Enji isn't stupid or delusional, though he knows doing anything directly to her would be wrong, so he doesn't, but he does fantasize.
Rei's relationship with Yen is complicated at best. She is Platonic Yandere for her absolutely. She doesn't let Yen learn how to use her quirk because it could harm her. [Enji support this decision] However, most of Rei's punishments once Enji cared about Yen are Yens fault. Yen made a new friend Rei was getting punished. She kinda has been sneakily feeding Yen herbal anti-quirk remedies. [Enji didn't notice this one, though.. just assuming her weakness comes from the lack of training with her quirk.] She knows about Enji's feelings, having heard him moan their daughters name while he yanks it. But she's too afraid to say anything, thinking he might act on his feelings if anyone knew about them.
Dabi / Toya has the second most fucked relationship with Yen. As said before, Yen saw him as her father figure even though they were only 11 years apart. He sympathizes with her the most she was what father wanted but still wasn't enough. She was only 2 when he ran off, but he was still uncomfortably attached to her. Outsiders who would see photos of the two together would always raise an eyebrow. Why is his hand there as he's holding her up. After he woke up from his coma, he became more stalkery towards his family as a whole, but his sister was the most of all. He even became her only friend [Much to Rei's dismay.] in the form of a pin pal. He absolutely never ever put her in any danger. Ever. Even if it would hurt Enji the most, he couldn't handle that. When he blew the whistle on his abusive family, he pointed out the pedophic incestuous relationship his dad has with Yen. He even accused his mom of knowing and supporting his vulgarities to lessen her own abuse. [This was Rei's biggest fear]
Fuyumi isn't Yandere, not even Platonic yandere. She's just obvious. 100% obvious to her only sisters suffering. She knows dad is more protective of her, but she doesn't see the incest. Or the yandere. She also downplays alot of the abuse. But that's with all of the abuse. Not just Yens.
Natsuo is a Platonic yandere who actually has Yens happiness and health in mind incomparasson to the rest of his yandere family members who are all selfish to some extent. And he is, too. To some extent. [ You'll see in a bit.] He is the only one who is fully aware of all of his families yandereness. When the video came out his response was 'pot calling the kettle big brother what the fuck.' He knows that his mom is poisoning Yen but he doesn't know how and what to do about it. But he knows it's happening. He also knows about Shotos' actions and was very very very supportive of him going off to school and leaving. He regularly invites Yen to play games in his room until she falls asleep and he let's her sleep in his room. He does this to protect her from Shoto.
Last but certainly not least Shoto. He has a love-hate relationship with Yen except with yandere and incest. He is the only one who is physical with her, which is awful but good because at least only one of them is. He and her went through puberty around the same time, so he experimented on her often. Due to them having the same quirk, sometimes he reflects on her, and when he's having a bad day with his quirk, he punishes her for it. He is the only one who actually spanks Yen, but it is never when she needs it. Only when he decided she needed it.
Other things that happened in this au.
When the video came out, instead of bringing everyone together, it did the opposite. Rei being fearful of her youngest daughters virginity [she doesn't have because Shoto. But Rei doesn't know that] tries to run away with Yen. She doesn't get to far because Natsuo who knows about everything and is like 'um no fuck that. you've been poisoning her somehow. You can't be trusted either, and so he takes his baby sister from his mom.
Rei demands a divorce, and she is granted one once the video is released. Enji falls into an intense depression because of his wife leaving and taking his baby girl. And now the world knows about his darkest secret, and no one is supporting him. And because no one in this UN has a PR person, all are under the impression he is a child predator, which he kinda is if your his daughter [which you are oof.] Once the divorce goes through Natsuo takes his mom to court to demand custody of Yen because the poisoning... while all this is happening, Dabi has been secretly planning on kidnapping Yen.
Dabi has a Daddy kink for Yen. So does Enji, but ironically, she never calls him daddy only ever Enji or 'dever.
... there is the 3am Idea. Watch me regret posting this when I wake up for work tomorrow.
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ghostxrose · 5 months
Of Monsters and Men | Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven |
Summary ~ The war between humanity and aliens began in 2013 when the first Kaiju hauled itself out of the depths of the ocean. It rampaged through three cities, destroying everything in its path and killing thousands before it was finally taken down. As more Kaiju emerged from the sea, nations put aside rivalries and hatred in order to ban together and find a solution to save the human race.
Azusa had never imagined that this would be the world that she would grow up in. Mankind using giant robots to take down massive alien monsters sounds like the stuff of movies not the reality that she’s forced to live. She had also never imagined signing herself up to battle the monsters from the sea, but somebody needed to avenge her brother’s death and her father sure as hell wasn’t doing it.
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!OC, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual fluff, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, potentially triggering content, universe-typical violence, Enji Todoroki (yes, that is a warning, he's trash), character death, suicidal ideation, (more tags to be added as story develops <3)
Note ~ Heyy, Lovelies! This fic is my twist on MHA characters in the Pacific Rim universe. I am absolutely obsessed with Pacific Rim, it's probably my most favorite movie! So this fic is my mash up of two of my fave things. It is xOC instead of xReader, but I hope that you enjoy it all the same. I'm one of those readers who will imagine myself as the main chacter no matter what, so this can be read as reader-insert. Anyway, enough with my rambling, enjoy the story My Lovelies! <3
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“Get going, Azusa!” He says with urgency as he ushers her out of the kitchen.
“I’m not fucking going anywhere without you, Toya! I have a bad feeling about this one! Please listen to me, don’t go with Dad!” She pleads over the sounds of their younger siblings crying.
“Dammit Azusa, I have to! Dad doesn’t have another co-pilot! We’ll be fine, just go!” He borderline shouts at her as he makes his way to the door.
“Don’t go! Please, don’t go!” She cries, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the door.
“Fucking let me go! This is a job, Azusa, and I’ve been called to go do it! Go help Mom with Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Shoto!” He yells, ripping his arm out of her grasp and rushing out the door, slamming it shut behind him.
“Dammit, Toya-”
Jolting upright in her bed, chest heaving and tears wetting her face, Azusa slams the button on her alarm. Letting out a groan, she wipes at her face and tries to even out her breathing. It takes a few minutes, as it always does, but she finally manages to recover and drags herself out of bed.
“Thanks, subconscious.” She mumbles bitterly as she makes her way to the bathroom. She goes through the motions of her everyday routine; getting dressed, putting her hair up, brushing her teeth, staring at the old family vacation photo on her dresser for too long.. Numbly, she finishes lacing up her boots, then stands up ready to answer the door for the knock she knows is coming.
The predicted knock does happen and she opens the door to greet her sister, “Morning, Fuyumi.” She says as she steps out of her room, closing the door behind her and locking it.
“Good morning, Azusa! You ready for today?” Fuyumi asks her as the two make their way to the elevator.
“As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” She says with a slight shrug as they step into the elevator.
After pressing the button for the Mess Hall, Fuyumi joins her sister in leaning against the back wall of the elevator. She bumps her shoulder against Azusa’s with a small playful smile on her face.
“It’s a big day for you, kinda thought you’d be more hyped.” She comments, her features taking on a bit of concern.
“It’s just another day, Yumi. Just another day of being one of his soldiers that he couldn’t give less of a damn about.” Azusa replies in an emotionless tone to cover up the anger burning beneath her skin.
Fuyumi lets out a heavy sigh as the elevator doors open, “He does care, Zusa… And I know that it won’t be the same without Toya there to cheer you on.. but it’s been three years. There was nothing more you could have done that day to stop him. He’s gone, you’re here, and you worked your ass off to get to this point. You deserve to feel excited about today.” She says tiredly as they walk up to the food line.
“Yeah..” Azusa responds quietly, letting the conversation fizzle out. They fill up their trays with no further conversation being made, then head for a table with open seating.
Unfortunately for both of them the only table with open seating just so happens to be next to the table that Katsuki Bakugo and his group are sitting at. Azusa rolls her eyes at the comments and praises she hears being thrown the blonde’s way as she sits down. It’s been two years since her group entered the Ranger Program and Bakugo’s arrogant personality hasn’t dimmed a bit. Not even being behind the scenes during humanity’s war against aliens has done anything to lessen his pompous attitude.
“Who do you think you’ll be Drift-compatible with, Bakugo?” Azusa hears Mina’s perky voice ask.
“I don’t think any of you extras could handle being in my head and I sure as hell don’t wanna be in any of your idiotic brains. I’m just gonna ask the Marshal to let me pilot by my damn self.” Bakugo replies with a tone full of annoyance, earning himself a few gasps of shock and a bit of laughter.
“Oh c’mon man, you know single piloting is impossible even with the tech we have now! Plus, I think we’d be Drift-compatible! We work well together and we’re both super manly!” She hears Kirishima exclaim and she lets out a small huff of laughter at the pose she knows he’s doing even without looking at him.
“I don’t need a damn co-pilot and if I am forced to have one, it better not be any of you idiots!” Bakugo bites out and Azusa rolls her eyes once again as she digs into her breakfast.
“What a jerk, Dad’s gonna be pissed if Bakugo actually puts in that request,” Fuyumi comments quietly before taking a sip of her juice.
Azusa silently nods her head in absentminded agreement as she takes another bite. Suddenly, everyone around her quiets down, their heads bowing in respect and words becoming low whispers.
“Good morning, Rangers.” Marshal Todoroki greets, his booming voice echoing throughout the Mess Hall and demanding attention.
“As many of you know, today is the day that groups A through D will be testing to find their Drift-compatibility partners, or rather, their co-pilots. All other groups will be excused from their training to witness the event, but do not mistake this as a free day. Learn something from what you witness. As for groups A through D, tests will begin at 0800. Be prepared and be on time.” He continues, his stern tone making everyone give an intimidated nod of understanding.
“Ranger Azusa Todoroki,” Marshal Todoroki calls out, causing everyone’s eyes to turn toward the girl. Azusa clenches her jaw and her eyes meet the cold blue ones of her father.
“Come to my office once you have finished breakfast. Thank you, everyone, you may carry on.” He finishes with a slight bow of his head before he and his second-in-command, Marshal Shota Aizawa, turn to leave. Noise ensues once again with the disappearance of the Marshal’s presence. Meaningless chatter and the clattering of dishware fill the room, but one voice, in particular, catches Azusa’s attention as very much intended by the voice’s owner.
“Aww, the princess get in trouble, again?” Bakugo’s taunting comment grates at Azusa’s eardrums and her grip on her chopsticks tightens.
Other than the whitening of her knuckles, she gives no reaction toward the blonde, her eyes cast down toward her food tray despite wanting to glare at Bakugo. She numbly finishes her breakfast, tells Fuyumi that she’ll see her later, then stands to clear her place. She can feel eyes on her as she takes her tray to the trash bin, but she maintains her facade of emotionless neutrality as she walks out of the Mess Hall.
“The fuck does the old man want now?” She mumbles out angrily under her breath as she steps into the elevator.
Jamming her finger against the button for the floor that the Marshal’s office is on, she lets out a long breath. Stepping back to the middle of the elevator, Azusa crosses her arms over her chest and closes her eyes. A minute or two passes and the elevator groans as it comes to a stop. She prepares herself, mentally and physically, to step out of the elevator when the doors begin to open but pauses when she comes face to face with Marshal Todoroki.
“Marshal?” She questions, bowing her head slightly, confusion flashing over her features before she settles back into her neutral state.
“We will be going down to the Shatterdome instead.” Marshal Todoroki says, his voice taking on a much different tone than earlier.
He stares at Azusa with an expectant look as he waits for her to move back so that he can step into the elevator. Azusa shakes the confusion from her mind and dutifully steps back to let the large man through the doorway. Tense silence fills the cramped-feeling space as she presses the button for the Shatterdome. The elevator groans once again as it begins descending.
“Why are we going to the Shatterdome, Sir?” Azusa asks, tone neutral and emotionless and the Marshal lets out a tired sigh.
“Azusa, please, it’s just the two of us you can call me da-”
“I stopped calling you that a long time ago, Enji. Why would I start again now? Just tell me why you wanted me to meet with you instead of letting me go get ready for my Drift-compatibility tests.” Azusa bites out, cutting off her father’s words.
Marshal Todoroki’s jaw clenches and his fists clench before the tension deflates from his body and a look of defeat fills his features, “I want to show you something.” He replies vaguely and Azusa sends him an incredulous look.
“You want to show me something?? This is ridiculous! I need to be getting ready, not dealing with your feeble attempts at earning my forgiveness ba-” Azusa’s anger gets the better of her until she cuts herself off, clamping her mouth shut as the elevator doors open.
Marshal Todoroki stays silent as they step out of the elevator, only opening his mouth to greet others. They move through the hustle and bustle of the Shatterdome, walking past Jaeger after Jaeger and all of the people working on said Jaegers. They finally stop at the far end of Bay 12, both of them turning their bodies toward the Jaeger standing tall against the wall. Azusa’s neck cranes as she looks up at the gigantic robot, a tidal wave of emotions flooding her as she takes it in.
“Bravo Inferno,” Azusa whispers out, tears building up on her lash lines and the Marshal quietly nods from beside her. “The day Toya died.. I thought she was too destroyed to salvage, I mean, you barely came back in one piece.. H-how is she here?” She asks, her voice thick with emotion and tears slipping down her face.
“It took the repair techs a long time, but they were able to put her back together. In fact, she’s better than she was before.. on the inside, that is. I made sure the outside was redone to look the same as when she first came out of production.” Marshal Todoroki says quietly, his hands clasped behind his back professionally but his face full of emotions.
Azusa stares up at her brother’s old Jaeger with a mixture of awe and sadness. The blue flame-colored paint reflects the lights of the Shatterdome, giving it a pearlescent shine. Bravo Inferno’s emblem, a flaming phoenix, is stamped proudly on the left side of its chest along with the numbers from the year it was made. From head to toe, the Jaeger looks just like it had the day Azusa watched it leave the base being piloted by her brother for the last time.
“What was the point of this?” Azusa asks, coming back to her senses and remembering that she is standing with the man responsible for her brother’s death. “You piloting again or something?”
Still looking up at Bravo Inferno, the Marshal shakes his head, “No, my piloting days are long since over with. I’m passing Bravo Inferno on to you, Azusa. It’s.. it’s what Toya would have wanted had he thought the war would still be going on.” He says looking at Azusa with the ghost of a smile on his saddened face.
It takes a moment for Azusa to work past the lump in her throat, to straighten her back even though she wants to fall to her knees and sob. A strained “thank you” makes its way out of her mouth as she blinks away the tears in her eyes.
Azusa cracks her knuckles before crossing her arms and waiting for the tests to begin. She and the other Rangers who will be testing today are gathered around the training mats, most idly chatting as they wait for Marshal Todoroki and Marshal Aizawa. She does a quick glance around and sees some of the other Rangers stretching, so she follows suit.
“Hey, Azusa!” Someone calls out excitedly right as Azusa hears footsteps approaching her. Turning her head, she catches sight of Tetsutetsu and Kendo making their way toward her. She sends them a small smile and waves, Tetsutetsu’s bright smile making her want to put on sunglasses.
“Hey guys,” she says when the two get up to her, narrowly dodging Tetsutetsu when he tries to engulf her in a hug.
“You nervous?” Kendo asks when the three of them fall back into warm-up stretches.
“Nope. I just hope that I get a good co-pilot.” Azusa answers simply as she leans further into a leg lunge.
“How are you not nervous?? Literally, everyone will be watching; Rangers, Rangers-in-training, Marshal Aizawa, Marshal Todoroki.. You’re seriously not nervous about your dad watching the tests??” Tetsutetsu rambles out before he is whacked upside the head by Kendo.
“Dude, shut up!” Kendo reprimands and Azusa huffs out a laugh.
“No, I’m not nervous. I don’t care who’s watching.” Azusa says with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Attention, Rangers!” Marshal Aizawa’s stern voice calls out and everyone stands at attention.
“At ease,” Marshal Todoroki calls out next as he steps up next to Marshal Aizawa. Everyone relaxes but keeps their full attention on the two men at the front of the room.
“We’ll go over a brief explanation of how the tests will work, then we’ll get started.” Marshal Aizawa starts as the bleachers along the walls of the room begin filling with the other groups of Rangers-in-training that aren’t testing.
“The tests will work like this; one-on-one melee combat with bo staffs. You all have been broken up into smaller groups based on your results from previous Drift simulations and screenings. These one-on-ones will help better identify who exactly you work well with. Remember Rangers, these are dialogues, not fights. The goal is to find a co-pilot that keeps up with your moves and keeps the scores even. Should one of you outright win a match then we’ll know that person is not a match for you. The cementing stage of this test will occur at a later date when you and your co-pilot are assigned a Jaeger and go through your first real Drift together.” Marshal Aizawa explains in his normal serious yet tired tone.
“Rangers Bakugo, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Todoroki, Kendo, and Hado, grab your bo staffs then step onto the mat. Each of you will have one match with each other then Marshal Todoroki and I will review your scores later. Your co-pilots will be announced tomorrow if we get through everyone’s tests today. Marshal Todoroki, if you would choose the starting pairings, please,” Marshal Aizawa says and Marshal Todoroki scans over the six Rangers lined up in front of him.
“Kendo with Bakugo, Tetsutetsu with Hado, and Kirishima with Todoroki.” Marshal Todoroki says, tone firm as always and his gaze already full of judgment.
“Rangers spread out across the mat with your respective opponent and assume position. You will begin when I say so.” Marshal Aizawa commands and the Rangers listen accordingly.
Once they’ve reached a space far enough away from the other pairs, Azusa faces Kirishima with her bo staff positioned diagonally in front of her. She takes in a deep breath, steadying the few nerves that have crept into her system, and bends her knees slightly ready to move to either defend or attack. Kirishima does the same, winking at her when their eyes meet with a playful smirk on his face.
“Rangers begin,” Marshal Aizawa commands, and the pairs begin their matches.
The match between Bakugo and Kendo ends quickly with the score being; Bakugou 4 and Kendo 1. That’s not to say that Kendo didn’t try her best to keep up with Bakugou, it’s just that the blonde was relentless. Despite them all being told that the matches were supposed to flow like dialogues and not fights, it’s just like Katsuki Bakugo to do his own thing. Tetsutetsu and Hado’s match ended a bit better with their scores being; Hado 4 and Tetsutetsu 2. In both of their typical fashions, they shook hands at the end of the match, both of them wearing confident smiles.
Kirishima and Azusa started out neck and neck, but that changed quickly when Azusa got the upper hand. Their match ended with the scores being; Azusa 4 and Kirishima 2. Azusa helped Kirishima up after her final time taking him down and wished him good luck on his next match. Kirishima, being the ever-bright ray of sunshine that he is, smiled warmly at her and thanked her for a good match.
The next three rounds of matches seemed to fly by while simultaneously feeling dragged out. Azusa had won by 1 point against both Hado and Kendo, which made her feel pretty good about ending up being co-pilots with either of them. She, unfortunately, lost by 2 points against Tetsutetsu and she was a little disappointed by the fact that one of her two best friends wasn’t a very good match for her to be co-pilots with. At the end of their, match Tetsutetsu gave her an encouraging smile and told her that he would have been honored to be co-pilots with her.
“Time for the final matches for the first six Rangers. The pairings will be as follows; Hado with Kendo, Tetsutetsu with Kirishima, and Bakugo with Todoroki. Get ready, Rangers.” Marshal Aizawa calls out, and Azusa’s entire being fills with dread.
“Prepared to lose, Princess?” Bakugo goads arrogantly as the two get into position and Azusa’s blood boils a bit.
Marshal Aizawa tells them to begin and Bakugo doesn’t hesitate to make the first move. Azusa blocks his bo staff a couple of times but ultimately Bakugo lands a hit to her shoulder.
“1-0.” Bakugo comments with a cocky smirk.
Not wasting another moment, Azusa swings her bo staff knocking the blonde’s bo staff away and rushing him. With quick movements, she brings her bo staff up, then swings it down, stopping it only inches from his face.
“1-1.” She says quietly, challenging him with her eyes while her face remains neutral.
They go back and forth for what feels like hours, both of them having stopped keeping track of the score after they hit 2-2. Both of them panting and sweating, their match continues on and on until a booming voice pierces the bubble they seem to be in.
“That’s enough! Bakugo, Todoroki, your match is over. Put your bo staffs away and get on the sidelines.” Marshal Todoroki sternly tells the two and Bakugo releases Azusa from the hold he had her in.
The blonde stands and walks off to put his bo staff away, not bothering to offer Azusa help. The two don’t even look at each other once they’re both situated on the sidelines of the training mat, standing as far away from each other as possible. Kendo and Tetsutetsu both send Azusa twin looks of surprise mixed with heavy confusion, but she chooses to ignore them in favor of watching the next group of matches.
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Note ~ I know that there may not be much to go off of but let me know what you think so far! Should I post chapter/part 2 sooner than planned? Idk, I'm just loving how the story is turning out and wanted to share it with yall! I love and appreciate you, Lovelies! <3
Ps, @tr-mha-fan I'm doing my best to work on your (second) request, I promise that I didn't ignore your ask, Lovely! <3
Taglist ~ @tomiokasecretlover
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eris-snow · 1 year
𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬.
Tags: 7 reasons why I love you, shoto x fem!reader, angst, fluff
Shoto remembers how your eyes looked. They were the absolute window to your soul.
The both of you met in the winter.
Shoto remembers everything and truly, he doesn’t think he’ll forget.
He remembers everything down to the smallest details.
How the snowflakes danced around outside as frost crept along his window sills.
How the tulips arranged on the table looked so beautiful beside you.
His family had held a ball in the ballroom of his castle.
Frankly, he hadn’t wanted to be there. The clothes were stuffy, and it felt like he could barely move in it due to how stiff the layers of fabric felt.
He never wanted the life ahead of him. It was common knowledge that he was the crowned prince, heir to the throne in no less than a month. His father was a traditional man, and he refused to let his sister wear the crown as a female. With Natsuo’s easy-going but troublemaker personality, Enji had turned to his youngest after Toya fled the palace.
How Shoto wished he could do the same.
Shoto nodded along with a pained smile as another princess came up to him with a heavy blush across her cheeks. They were all the same, Shoto realised. His father’s gaze was scorching on his back, so he smiled and kept up the act as her parents introduced her to him.
Pretty, perfect princesses that wanted his hand in marriage. Because of what? His title? His looks? His connections?
He was struggling to keep his eyes open—god, his feet hurt—trying to be polite and excuse himself, but her parents didn’t care one bit. They just kept on talking, completely ignorant of his lack of interest.
Shoto’s eyes wandered, and together with that, his mind…
And that was where he first saw you, standing there in that red dress.
The first thing that caught his attention was your eyes. They sparkled with mischief as you examined the table tucked at the side of the room, where a variety of fruit was laid out enticingly for the picking. You hook your fan around your wrist, grab a plate and load it with the snack, turning around with a sigh of relief.
Shoto could relate. He was starting to get hungry too.
Next thing he knew, he’d been staring at you way longer than he intended. Your gaze caught his own, and for a moment, time slowed down. The world narrowed down to the two of you, and it took his breath away because, wow, those eyes were ones he had never seen before.
He was so used to everyone around him keeping their guard up, hiding behind cold facades or honey-sweet words. That was how this world is supposed to work.
But you…
Your eyes were crystal clear, genuine and brave. Like you had nothing to hide.
You held his gaze for a second longer, and your lips curled up into a dazzling grin as you bowed your head ever so slightly at him.
With a blink of an eye, you disappeared, leaving him dazed as he found himself looking back at the princess in front of him. She was still blushing softly with a pink hue on her cheeks, oblivious to his drifting eyes.
He didn’t hear a word her parents said.
Shoto found you in the crowd once more when he gave the ball’s closing speech. Good practice, his father had insisted, before shoving him on the platform for all to see. “On behalf of the Todoroki family, I would like to thank everyone for coming here,” He said, fumbling for words. “I hope you enjoyed the ball—” His eyes shifted again, and they found you.
You had a fan over your face, but Shoto could still see your eyes.
And your eyes were the only ones that looked like that in this setting. He was speaking, but he’s no longer processing, fixated on you because he found it strange. How could you be so true to your feelings at an event like this?
You noticed his gaze and paused, as if deliberating. That was when you flipped your fan around, showing the back of it to him. Fluttering it slowly, you wait for him to finish his speech before closing it and bringing it to your lips with a curious look in your eyes.
Shoto’s orbs widened a fraction.
In the world of the higher class, fans could be used to send signals. This was something Shoto had no choice but to learn. Fans were used to say things that couldn’t be said or things that were too embarrassing to be said out loud.
You’d just used your fan.
You’d just sent him a signal.
Shoto bit his lip, digging into the recesses of his mind to pull out his tutor’s words. The memory was hazy (It hadn’t really interested him, after all), but still legible enough for him to make out the words.
Come over and talk to me.
Meet me outside.
A tingle of excitement ran down Shoto’s spine, the first rush of emotion he felt in a long time.
You’re a peculiar person, and he doesn’t even know your name, but Shoto can already tell 2 things as he’s racing to meet you out on the balcony the moment he can.
He likes you, and he likes you a lot.
Your eyes were the windows to your soul, and Shoto found it very beautiful.
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aizawasbestie · 1 year
Introducing the characters:
Crimson eyes and those stupid little white lies.
This will end up being a Katsuki x reader fan-fiction.
Takes place between 2022/2023
1st year at UA = 16/17
2nd year at UA = 17/18
3rd year at UA = 18/19
4th year/work placements at hero agencies = 19/20
Main characters =
"I trusted you and you broke that, you broke us."
Katsuki Bakugo
Quirk: Explosion
This allows him to make explosions from his hands by detonating the nitroglycerin-like substance he sweats, stronger in summer, weaker in winter.
Age: 17
Date of birth: 20th April 2005
Relationship to Y/N: lover/former lover.
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: unknown.
"I treated you like a sister, and you treated me like I was nothing."
Hitoshi Shinso/Aizawa
Quirk: Brain washing
This allows him to put someone in a state where they are forced to obey whatever he commands. He can only activate this power when his target verbally responds to something he says.
Age: 16
Date of birth: July 1st 2005
Relationship to Y/N: former close friend/best friend.
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown/quirkless.
Dead/alive: unknown.
"I should have known, it just had to be you."
Izuku Midoriya
Quirk: one for all.
This is a transferable Quirk that can be passed on from one user to the next.
Relationship to Y/N: former close friend/enemy.
Age: 16
Date of birth: July 15th 2005
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: dead?
"It doesn't matter what you've done in the past, it matters what you choose to do now."
Hawks/Keigo Takami
Quirk: fierce wings
Each feather can detach and be used in various ways through telekinesis.
Relationship to Y/N: work study mentor/former friend of Toya Todoroki.
Age: 23
Date of birth: December 28th 1999
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown/quirkless
Dead/alive: alive.
"you are my family, not by blood, but by choice and I'll always be here, until the very end."
Dabi/Toya Todoroki
Quirk: blue flame
The ability to generate and control highly destructive blue flames throughout the body.
Relationship to Y/N: adoptive brother/guardian.
Age: 24
Date of birth: January 18th 1998
Position at the time of the prologue: Tokyo
Dead/alive: alive.
"Little one, I'll make you destroy the world."
All for one:
Quirk: combination of stolen quirks to create the ultimate power.
This allows him to steal other people's Quirks, leaving them Quirkless, and wield the Quirks as his own. He can also redistribute his stolen Quirks to other people.
Relationship to Y/N: ? (you'll just have to wait and see)
Age: 100+
Date of birth: N/A
Position at the time of the prologue: league of villain base.
Dead/alive: alive.
"We've never had a choice, we do as we are told, otherwise it's us that are killed in the end."
Tomura Shigaraki
Quirk: Decay
This allows its user to decay or destroy anything that they lay their hands on.
Relationship to Y/N: admires her/close friends? At the start...
Age: 18
Date of birth: April 4 2004
Position at the time of the prologue: league of villain base.
Dead/alive: alive.
"Friends right? Friends stay together, friends support one another."
Twice/Jin Bubaigawara
Quirk: Double
The user can create clones of people or objects through physical contact.
Relationship to Y/N: fellow member of the LOV/family?
Age: 31
Date of birth: May 10th 1992
Position at the time of the prologue: league of villain base.
Dead/alive: alive? For now...
"Promise me that you'll be safe? Come back to me, come back to us."
Mina Ashido
Quirk: Acid
This allows her to produce and modify the corrosive levels of the liquid she can naturally produce with her body.
Relationship to Y/N: best friend/former classmate.
Age: 16
Date or birth: July 30th 2005
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: unknown.
"It's funny, before you I never knew what love was."
Shoto Todoroki
Quirk: half hot, half cold.
This allows him to produce ice with his right side and fire with his left.
Relationship to Y/N: formerly liked her/turned enemy.
Age: 16
Date of birth: January 11th 2005
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: unknown.
"you are my kid, I'll do anything I can to protect you from this darkness."
Shouta Aizawa
Quirk: erasure
This is the ability to temporarily erase other people's powers simply by looking at them
Relationship to Y/N: teacher/fatherly figure later on?
Age: 32
Date of birth: November 8th 1991
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: unknown.
"you and I? We are two sides of the same coin."
Neito Monoma
Quirk: copy
This allows him to mimic another user's Quirk by making physical contact with them.
Relationship to Y/N: ? (You'll just have to wait and see)
Age: 16
Date of birth: May 13th 2005
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: unknown.
Other characters that have a large role but will not be within the main characters:
"Always remember that I cared little listener."
Hizashi Yamada
Quirk: voice
This allows him to heighten the volume of his voice for offensive purposes
Age: 31
Date of birth: 7th July 1992
Married currently to Shouta Aizawa
Relationship to Y/N:
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: unknown.
"You'll never know what I sacrificed for you."
Denki Kaminari
Quirk: electricity 
This allows him to generate electricity and cover his body in it. While he can also emit this energy over a distance, Denki has little to no control over it, meaning it will go everywhere indiscriminately at the beginning.
Age: 16
Date of birth: 29th June 2005
Relationship to Y/N: friends? More than friends? Enemies?
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: alive.
"When you've got to be the strongest, it doesn't matter in their eyes who gets hurt."
Eijiro Kirishima
Quirk: hardening 
He can harden his body to harder than steel.
Age: 16
Date of birth: 16th October 2005
Relationship to Y/N: best friend/former training partner.
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: unknown.
"I always knew there was something off about you."
Hanta Sero
Quirk: tape
This allows him to shoot powerful lengths of tape from his elbows which are strong enough to support his own weight, or immobilize most opponents
Age: 16
Date of birth: 28th July 2005
Relationship to Y/N: enemy/ love, hate friendship.
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: unknown.
"I think I love you."
Ochaco Uraraka
Quirk: zero gravity
This allows her to remove the effects of gravity on an object or person by touching them with her fingers, effectively making the target weightless.
Age: 16
Date of birth: 27th December 2005
Relationship to Y/N: one-sided love/friends. 
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: unknown.
"He's different now, and I think that's down to you."
Kyouka Jirou
Quirk: Earphone Jack
This allows her to plug into any object they can pierce and hear even the smallest vibrations passing through them.
Age: 16
Date of birth:  1st August 2005
Relationship to Y/N: strained relationship/friendship, former friends.
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: unknown.
" You tricked me...."
Momo Yaoyorozu
Quirk: creation 
This gives her the ability to create any non-living material/object from her exposed skin by transforming the molecular structure of her fat cells.
Age: 16
Date of birth:  23rd September 2005
Relationship to Y/N: friends/acquaintances/study partner
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: unknown.
"I'm sorry it had to end this way."
Mirio Togata
Quirk: Permeation
This allows him to become intangible, letting him pass through any tangible matter; he can phase through walls and/or the ground, as well as let enemy attacks pass through him harmlessly.
Age: 18
Date of birth: 15th July 2004
Relationship to Y/N: friend/former upperclassmen
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: unknown/quirkless?
"It's not always about the lies, if the truth is buried underneath."
Tamaki Amajiki
Quirk: manifest
This grants him the ability to manifest the physical characteristics of anything he's eaten; for example, if he eats takoyaki, he can transform his fingers into octopus tentacles.
Age: 18
Date of birth: 4th March 2004
Relationship to Y/N: friends/upperclassmen
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: unknown.
"He's alive and you knew?"
Enji Todoroki
Quirk: hellflame
This allows him to manipulate and control fire at his will. He is able to use his flame abilities in a variety of different ways, such as creating fire spears and fire balls and melting walls with his feet, which allows him to run on walls.
Age: 48
Date of birth: 8th August 1974
Relationship to Y/N: work study mentor/trainer.
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: alive.
"Just a little bit of blood, make all the difference."
Himiko Toga
Quirk: Transform
She can shapeshift into somebody after consuming their blood. How long the transformation lasts depends on the amount of blood she drinks. A single cup will make her look and sound exactly like the person she is impersonating.
Age: 17
Date of birth: August 7th 2004
Relationship to Y/N: former best friend?
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: alive.
"You're just a child, you shouldn't have to bare this burden."
Shuichi Iguchi/spinner
Quirk: Gecko
This gives him attributes similar to that of a gecko, in which he is capable of sticking and climbing onto walls.
2nd Quirk from all for one: Body bulk
This helps him transform himself into gigantic proportions, greatly increasing his muscle mass.
Age: 21
Date of birth: 8th August 2002
Relationship to Y/N: training partner/acquaintance of stain/friend.
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: unknown.
"well well well, you are just full of surprises my dear."
Atsuhiro Sako/Mr Compress
Quirk: an emitter-type
This gives him the ability to compress anything within a certain distance into a small marble-like object by touching it.
Age: 31
Date of birth: 8th October 1992
Relationship to Y/N: colleagues/training partner.
Position at the time of the prologue: league of villain base.
Dead/alive: alive.
"you are nothing but a pawn in my game."
Chisaki Kai/overhaul
Quirk: Overhaul
This grants him the ability to disassemble anything he touches, as well as reassemble it in any configuration he desires, effectively giving him full control over matter. He can disassemble people to kill them or reassemble them to heal their wounds.
Age: 20
Date of birth: 28th may 2002
Relationship to Y/N: enemy
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: dead.
"you could be worthy, if you didn't hide who you actually are."
Chizome Akaguro/Stain
Quirk: Blood curdle 
This allows him to paralyze and immobilize his opponent by ingesting samples of their blood.
Age: 32
Date of birth: 14th June 1991
Relationship to Y/N: ? (you'll just have to wait and find out)
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: alive.
"You'll die doing this, just like the rest of us."
All might/Toshinori Yagi
Quirk: former wielder of one for all/quirkless 
Age: 58-65
Date of birth: N/A
Relationship to Y/N: teacher/enemy in the war arc.
Position at the time of the prologue: unknown.
Dead/alive: unknown.
Characters in the story not playing a major role:
• Kurogiri
(He will have a bigger role later on in the story)
• Eri
(She is not experimented on by Chisaki Kai/overhaul but is adopted by Shouta Aizawa when her parents die)
• Other characters that I have not mentioned WILL show up such as MIDNIGHT, it's just a matter of when and who I like to surprise you all with in the chapter ;)
Hi, just a heads up! One of these individuals could be a traitor along with Y/N, however this will not be revealed until later on in the story.
I’m really excited to share this, it’s been a long time since I’ve actually published anything!
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artemis32 · 2 years
Yandere Todoroki family x reader
@i-cant-sing​ originally came up with the yandere todoroki family idea - this is loosely based off of Snow’s idea :)) I’ll link her masterlist here
Please note that this is a little bit darker than what I usually write - if you’re sensitive to any of the topics listed below, please do not read this
word count - 4.6k
tw - abuse, violence, slight mentions of drugging, stalking, child neglect?? (broader warnings in the tags - yandere-ness will start in part 2)
part II
bnha masterlist
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The Todoroki family were an odd bunch, that much was clear. 
Something about them, about the way they acted - both around one another, and around others - was so glaringly different. Of course, no one was stupid enough to pry into the private lives of the family of a hero as powerful as Endeavor.
Not that he was the only one worthy of a careful amount of caution - all of them were fairly powerful in their own right.
And their private familial situation remained exactly that - private.
No one knew what exactly happened behind closed doors, and everyone preferred it that way. It was best to let sleeping dogs lie. 
Enji and Rei Todoroki weren’t always so dysfunctional.
There was a time, just before Natsu was born, where they were happy with life - or, as happy as they could have been in a marriage such as theirs.
Touya and Fuyumi never knew the specifics as children, but after Natsuo was born, Toya specifically learnt exactly why they had been born. 
And really, what good were they if they couldn’t fulfill the one purpose they were meant to?
Fuyumi and Natsuo inherited their mother’s quirk, and they had no problems controlling it, but they weren’t what they should have been. They had no extraordinary abilities, no incredible control of their quirks beyond what anyone else could have achieved.
Touya himself could have been perceived as an even greater disappointment. While he had managed to inherit his father’s quirk, it didn’t mean much. He fell short in more ways than one, that much he knew. What use was a quirk like his if he only ended up hurting himself? No amount of precision and control could help him meet his father’s expectations.
Things were awkward, tense in their home for the longest time. Until their parents announced that they would be having a baby. A last ditch attempt to salvage their quickly crumbling family.
Only, the bland, quiet life they had been living quickly changed when they received some startling news. Good news, is what Rei insisted anytime one of her three children would bring it up.
It was discovered, somewhat late in the pregnancy, that Rei Todoroki was expecting twins. This had to be good news, surely? The supposed last ditch attempt was growing more plausible with every passing moment.
Their father became softer, somehow. He looked at his wife with loving eyes, spoke to her with soft words and gentle smiles. The change was almost disturbing. Rei took it in stride, and it seemed as though she had more life in her than she had even before she’d gotten married.
Touya didn’t hope for much, but he prayed, deep down, to whichever deity may be listening, that this miraculous change would stick.
The twins, as they had been referred to throughout the pregnancy, were born in winter. 
Snow blanketed everything in sight, and the world looked peaceful and undisturbed, almost as though this was a moment stuck in time. 
The three Todoroki children were made to stay outside in the waiting room, but the snow covered landscape just beyond the window was too enticing to just look at.
They bundled up and snuck outside, laughing and squealing in the snow.
Hours later, after their faces turned pink and their hands went numb, they returned to the beige waiting room. 
As soon as they sat down, a nurse in a stark white coat opened the door and made her way to them. She’d crouched down before them and invited them to meet their new siblings.
They’d said yes, obviously, and bounced eagerly towards their mother’s bedside, standing on tiptoes to catch the smallest glimpse of the twins.
Rei gave them a tired smile and beckoned them onto her bed, and they scrambled up without waiting another moment.
Touya, in that moment, believed in love at first sight. Not the cliché type Fuyumi spoke about, not what you might read in a book or a manga, or see in a cheesy romance movie. 
No, in that moment, Touya felt burning love, the urge to protect, to shield and care for his newest siblings. 
Protect from what? Nightmares, maybe. Or bullies and older children. From their father. From mean teachers, from crushes and fantasy worlds, from anything that meant to do them harm.
He’d felt this urge before, albeit not as intensely, when Fuyumi and Natsuo were born. But now, staring down as the tiny fists grasping one another as the two of you held each other close, he promised himself that he would protect you. This time, he would not fail as he had before.
Natsuo and Fuyumi, huddled beside him on the mattress, had similar thoughts in that moment.
Shoto got his quirk when he was four years old.
It was something of a miracle in your father’s eyes, as if his wish had finally come true after all these years. 
He’d been blessed with a child who had two quirks - quirks which perfectly complemented each other. 
After that, you didn’t see Shoto as often. 
For days, weeks, months, years, you’d waited. Patiently, like your mother and brothers and sister told you to, you waited. Only, no amount of waiting would change you fate.
You were quirkless.
The universe had a strange sense of humour, that much you were certain of.
Years of waiting and hoping, and your father had eventually gotten his golden child, one with two perfect quirks. Only, everything came at a price. And the price for his victory was you. 
You barely looked like your siblings, and you had no quirk, nothing that announced to the world that you were in fact a Todoroki. It didn’t affect you much, not until you were old enough to join school, to see how people fawned over your brother, and how they looked at you with such distain.
A year after Shoto got his quirk, Touya died.
At ten years old, you accepted that you would never have a quirk. 
You also accepted the fact that your family, along with the rest of the world, liked your brother a lot more than they liked you.
That was actually something that you understood. Of course people would like Shoto - he was so perfect. Handsome, intelligent, physically perfect, and he had an incredible quirk. You understood that people would like him more than you.
On him, the quiet, critical attitude was seen as mysterious and cool. On you, it seemed like you were just a bitch, one that thought she was so much better than everyone else even though she didn’t have a quirk. You knew that that was what people said about you behind your back. You didn’t have the will to correct them.
You understood why people liked Shoto more than you.
What you didn’t understand is why you didn’t have a quirk.
You understood the science behind it, the genetic reasoning. You’d seen your fair share of doctors, each of them saying the same thing.
“It’s not uncommon for quirks to be unbalanced in twins - either they spilt a quirk exactly, or one gets everything, and the other gets nothing.”
A dumbed down version, said simply enough for five year old to understand.
Over the years, you learnt the specifics of it, but that didn’t change the outcome.
You were quirkless. 
You were quirkless and Shoto wasn’t.
You were quirkless because Shoto wasn't.
Shoto joined UA at fifteen years old.
You tried to seem happy for him - not that he cared all that much about what you thought.
But no matter how much you smiled and congratulated him, it still stung.
Shoto was moving on with his life, improving in areas you would never be able to even imagine. 
Fuyumi and Natsuo were proud of him, they’d made that abundantly clear. They’d had a celebratory dinner, all of Shoto’s favourite food’s covering the table. They’d gotten him small gifts as well, clothing, books, small trinkets that seemed to hold some significant meaning - a meaning you couldn’t understand.
Your father, stoic as he was, had a small smile on his face, so obviously proud even though it was expected of the golden child to attend UA. You weren’t sure what your mother’s reaction was when she found out. You weren't allowed to see her.
Not wanting to be around their unnecessary cheer, you left quietly, ducking out the doorway before anyone noticed - not that they would. 
Sometimes you wondered what might have become of your life if things had been different.
If you had been the one to get a quirk and Shoto was the unlucky one. If the two of you had shared the quirk equally, like you’d begged and prayed for years. 
If Touya hadn’t died. He had been kind to you, regardless of your lack of quirk, regardless of your otherwise off putting personality.
You wondered what would have happened, had your mother not blamed her mental break on you. Maybe your siblings would be able to tolerate you. Maybe your father would give you a moment of attention.
Wondering never did much, but living in a fantasy land of what might have been was better than living in the dreary reality of what actually was.
And much like the past of what might have been, you would spend the next few years thinking about what might have been if you hadn’t left home that night, if you’d chosen to accept the cold shoulders and awkward silences, rather than choosing to escape for a few minutes.
On your twelfth birthday, you hadn’t received a birthday gift.
Not surprising, considering you hadn’t gotten so much as a “happy birthday” in six years at that point, but for some reason, it hurt more on that year than it ever had in the past.
You’d spent the day away from home.
Throughout your little adventure, you explored the areas surrounding your home, and places further than that. You had seen more in those few hours than you had in your entire life, and it had been fun.
The highlight of your day, of the places you’d seen, had to be the large park you’d found near the end of the day.
Really, it could be described more as a forest than a park, but it had been filled with greenery - trees, grass, ponds and flowers. So many flowers.
By the time you’d returned home, it had been close to midnight. There were no comments or questions about where you had been. You didn’t tell anyone.
When things got too difficult, too overwhelming, too much; you went back there. It felt as though it was your own slice of heaven, tucked away for you and only you, stuck in time. 
You went there whenever Shoto, Natsuo or Fuyumi went to visit your mother. Sometimes you’d fall asleep there too, in no rush to return home.
Regardless of how often you went there, it remained your safe space - somewhere only you went, a place only you knew about.
The sun had long since set, but still you remained seated on the comfortable patch of grass you’d found in your forest.
Time passed differently when you were here, and you got distracted easily.
You had managed to grab your bag right before you’d snuck out. Well, walked out. No one would say anything if they saw you leave. 
Regardless, you were grateful that you’d had the forethought to grab your bag. It meant you had something to pass the time with, to help distract yourself.
Currently, you were studying the thick textbook you’d bought about a month prior. Working your way through it was a slow-going process, but you wanted to make sure you didn’t miss anything, so you’d taken to reading through it with a critical eye.
You only went through it when you were alone. If your father were to catch wind of what you were researching, he might burn the book to ashes. Or worse, hit you like he had in the past. 
One thing you’d learnt over the years was that your father had a hairpin trigger when it came to his patience, especially for you. 
And if he discovered that you were researching quirks of all things? 
You were sure you’d end up with more than a few scrapes and bruises.
Years prior, you’d taken a interest in the origins of quirks, and your father had nearly burst a blood vessel when he found out. Why he’d gotten so upset, you would never understand. You didn’t really care either way.
The newest textbook you’d gotten your hands on was about quirks and trauma, something you’d never considered. It was an interesting concept, one that hadn’t really been tested out yet.
Much like a dormant genetic disorder, it is theoriesed that in the case of the quirkless individual (subject A), a stressor or trauma is required to activate the quirk gene. 
In the case of a physical stressor, extreme pain registers in the parietal lobe. It has been observed that subject A responds differently to pain than subject B (the individual with one or more quirks).
In the case of a mental stressor, shock, of whichever degree, registers in the amygdala. It has been observed that subject A responds differently to shock than subject B.
It can be deduced that an extreme of both or either stressor is needed to activate the dormant quirk gene in quirkless individuals.
NOTE: Further testing is required.
The lack of light finally began taking a strain on your eyes, so you decided to pack up and head home for the night.
Stretching your arms high above your head, your joints popped. Hours of sitting in the same position did not do your back any favours.
Slinging the bag over your shoulder, you were about to leave when you heard a crack behind you, like someone had snapped a pencil.
You stopped and looked around, then down at the floor, thinking - somewhat foolishly, in hindsight - that you’d left a pencil on the ground and stepped on it while you walked away.
Distracted with your search for the nonexistent pencil, you’re caught by surprise when your feet are knocked out from under you. You hit the ground awkwardly, your bodyweight slamming onto your shoulder as the breath was knocked from your lungs.
You lay there for a long moment, gasping in half breaths, trying to shake off the confusion in your mind.
Sitting up is painful, it sends wave after wave of rolling agony through your shoulder, down your arm, and it settles in your fingertips, which quickly turn tingly and numb. 
You taste blood. 
Prodding at your lip with your tongue, you find that it’s split and leaking blood. You have a small scrape on your forehead, one barely worth noting.
Shaking your head slightly, you stand and glance around, looking for whatever had knocked you clean off your feet.
The small clearing was as empty as it had been when you’d first arrived, hours ago. There wasn’t so much as a bird flying around. 
You were alone.
You were alone, until you weren’t.
A whistling sound towards your right catches your attention. You turn your head, intent on giving whoever was tormenting you an earful, when you’re blinded.
Light brighter than what could be generated by a torch fills your vision. You’re stunned, standing in slight shock, too afraid to move even one step without your sight.
The choice of whether to move or not is made for you as something heavy and hard hits you in the stomach.
You fold like a house of cards, dropping to the ground.
There’s a ringing sound now.
You’re disoriented, unable to see, nearly unable to hear. 
You can still feel though. And there’s a small pinprick, barely enough to register the pain. 
You black out before you can tell what happens next.
You’ve always hated hospitals.
When your mother had first been admitted to Fujiya Hospital, you’d visit her alongside your siblings. 
Back then, you hadn’t realised how much she hated you. You hadn’t realised that she blamed you for everything falling apart. The rest of your family soon felt similarly about you, or so you thought.
You used to patiently wait your turn to speak to your mother, standing straight and still just as you were taught. First was Fuyumi, telling your mother about her day, any noteworthy events. Next was Natsuo - he’d rarely tell her about his day. Instead, he’d ask about her condition, how she felt. Shoto always got to talk to her before you because he was older, a childish jibe he pulled whenever he wanted something you had.
Your mother would always be in a sour mood by the time you got to speak to her, eagerly talking about anything and everything, stumbling over your words in your haste. She never seemed to pay attention, always looking away from you, at a wall, or out a window, far into the distance. You’d always told yourself that she was tired, that since she spoke to all three your siblings before you, what you had to say wasn’t as exciting.
One day, nearly year and a half after she’d been admitted, your mother snapped. 
She told you exactly what she thought of you. Exactly how much she hated you.
Ungrateful brat. Bastard child. Worthless. Unlovable wench.
You had been too shocked to cry. Too shocked to do much of anything for a few days after that. There had been an incessant ringing in your ears in that moment, so you missed a lot of what she had said, but you’d heard a lot more than any child should ever have to in the few short moments before Natsuo had dragged you away.
While it was true that you’d never looked much like anyone in your family, you were indeed related to them. Enji didn’t seem to believe that for a while after you were born, and he’d argued with Rei a lot because of it. 
A few tests later, and he begrudgingly accepted that you were just different.
His tolerance for you dropped immensely when Shoto developed his quirk, and you proved to be an even greater disappointment.
Rei doted on Shoto, “protecting” him from your father. She grew frustrated with everything, and she took those frustrations out on you.
For most of your childhood, you had blocked out the way your parents had treated you. Enji’s treatment of you may have been bad throughout the years - he’d ignore you, occasionally slapping you around if you had particularly annoyed him. But Rei? She was the dark, foul creature that filled your nightmares.
Her words stung more than her rejection at times, and that day at the hospital had taken the cake. But the way she smacked you upside the head or across the face made Enji look like a gentle giant. She had no qualms about throwing random objects at you, whatever was within reach. No matter how much you wanted to believe the best of her, your mother hated you. 
You were sure she would kill you if she could.
The worst of everything she’d done to you over the years had to have been the fact that she blamed everything bad in her life on you. 
Oh, a glass broke in the kitchen? Your fault. Natsuo did badly at school? Your fault. Enji slapped her for interferring with Shoto’s training? Your fault. 
Touya’s death?
Your fault.
Shoto’s accident?
Your fault.
Your own mother being locked up in a hospital like a crazy person?
Your fault.
Your fault.
It was all your fault. Everything was your fault.
When you were eight years old, you had been knocked by a car.
It hadn’t been your fault. 
It wasn’t your fault.
You had been crossing the road, on the way home after school.
Shoto had been walking ahead of you, and you were running to catch up to him, eager to talk to him while you had the chance. He was your brother but you rarely got to see him - while he was busy training with your father, you were expected to cook and clean. “Pulling your weight” is what your father told you. You had to be of some use to them.
You had made sure that the road was clear when you crossed. 
There hadn’t been any cars, you were certain of it.
Only, you had made it a whole four steps into the street before you were knocked clean off your feet, rolling, skidding a few feet away. 
The person who knocked you had left immediately, and the police had never managed to catch them. Not that it mattered all that much.
You spent two months in hospital. 
A severe concussion, four broken ribs, a broken collarbone, fractured wrist, slight brain swelling, and some internal bleeding.
Those months you spent in the hospital were pure torture. No one came to visit you - at least, not while you were awake. You’d find clothes, food, and occasionally books whenever you woke up from a drug induced sleep, but no one ever came to see you while you were awake.
The nurses and doctors didn’t speak to you either, other than to ask how you felt. They barely even looked you in the eye.
You returned to an empty home two months later, everyone going about their lives as if you barely existed.
You weren’t allowed to walk to school again after that.
You’ve always hated hospitals.
Which is why you were so unhappy to wake up in one again.
One thing was certain though. Waking up wasn't like it was in the movies. You didn't smell bleach or disinfectant, you didn't hear a steady beeping or feel anything noteworthy. In fact, you barely registered that you were awake at all for a good ten minutes.
It was only when you sensed a slight shift to your left that you realised that you weren't unconscious, you weren't floating through dark, endless, nothingness.
You still couldn't hear anything.
In fact, it seemed as though all of your senses were dulled. Blunt.
Recalling what had happened right before you lost consciousness, you felt frozen in place, hardly daring to breathe too loudly.
You spent a while like that, barely moving, barely breathing, in a state of near panic. It all came to a head the moment you felt a gentle hand lay itself on your arm, and a muffled noise, as if someone was trying to talk to you.
As if the person trying to talk to you could read your mind, they held you down the moment you tried to jump up and run. Not that you would’ve gotten very far, you realise a moment later when you open your eyes and see the room full of nurses before you.
The person holding you down, Natsuo, looks at you with alarming concern, eyebrows drawn together, his mouth pinched into a tight line. You’ve never seen him look so worried.
“Hey, calm down. Calm down. You’re fine, deep breaths.”
He says it as a command, not a gentle suggestion. 
You nod, still dazed and confused, but you do as he says. Taking the opportunity, you look around the room.
It’s more spacious than you had originally thought. The bed you’re laying in feels small and out of place in the stark white room. Large floor to ceiling windows cover one wall of the room, making the space look even brighter than normal. 
The light makes your head throb, and you close your eyes as you lean back. 
Someone had fluffed the pillows for you. It bothered you that you hadn’t noticed someone get that close to you.
Once your head stopped pulsing to an irregular beat, you open your eyes again, deciding it was wiser to stay laying down.
Natsuo was still talking.
The nurses had left the room.
“Natsuo.” You interrupted him.
You rarely interrupted anyone in your family. Your father in particular had made it abundantly clear that he would smack you into next week if you ever decided to speak over him. Naturally, you’d decided to not interrupt anyone in your family. You never knew when one of your siblings might let something slip to your father. 
But you felt as if you’d earned the right to interrupt someone, just this once.
Your brother looked up at you and hummed, prompting you to talk.
“What’s going on? The last thing I remember, I was about to head home, and then...”
You stopped. You had no idea how much he knew about your park, and you weren’t about to hand him that information on a silver platter. Besides, he seemed to have understood the gist of your question anyway.
“I was just getting to that. Here, drink this.”
He handed you a clear plastic cup. You sniffed it. Water.
You took a sip and looked at him expectantly. Waiting.
“Like I was saying, you were gone for a few days. Fuyumi wouldn’t sleep, and dad was getting a search party together and everything to go and look for you. Of course, Shoto was at school, and Fuyumi didn’t want to worry him, so no one told him you were missing.”
You scrunched your eyebrows together at that. You’d been missing for days? How long had you been unconscious for? And your family had actually been concerned? Your father had been putting together a search party?
Sliding your hand up your arm, you pinched yourself until you drew blood. 
Huh. Not a dream then.
Natsuo continued on, oblivious to your internal turmoil.
“They found you behind some old warehouse in the business district, in an alleyway of all places. I thought you’d be half beat to death with how panicked dad sounded, but you were completely fine. There was nothing wrong with you - there is nothing wrong with you. But you’ve been unconscious for a week-”
“How long has it been exactly?” 
You interrupted him again.
“How long has it been since I first went missing?”
He shook his head slightly, looking out the window for a long moment, then back to you.
“Nearly four weeks.”
You balked at his words.
Four weeks. 
You were unconscious for a month .
What on earth had happened. Why couldn’t you remember anything.
“Calm down. You-” 
Natsuo sighed deeply, taking a deep breath, steeling himself.
“You need to calm down. Things are not the same as they used to be - you've changed, so you need to learn how to control yourself. I don’t know how, it should be impossible.”
You were shaking now.
“Natsuo? Please, you’re scaring me.”
He did something then that shocked you.
Your brother hugged you. For the first time in ten years, your brother pulled you close and hugged you, squeezing you tightly to his chest.
He spoke then, mumbling the words into your hair as he pushed your face into his chest.
As if - if he said the words softly, calmly, they would shock you any less.
“We were running tests, a routine check up and... Well, your results weren't the same as they had been before - before you disappeared that is."
He paused.
"I can't word it any other way - you have a quirk."
That should have scarred you.
It did scare you.
You didn’t even realise you were crying until he started gently rocking you back and forth, muttering reassurances into your ear.
But amidst your fear and uncertainty, you were happy.
Beneath the tears, you were smiling.
You had a quirk.
You had a quirk.
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hajimeiwaswife · 3 years
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AN: This is part of the Chubby Chasers Collab by @kyovtani ! Thank you so much for the amazing chance to write for chubby readers. Give love to all the works of the amazing writers taking part in it! Feedback is highly appreciated 💖🥺
Pairing: Toya Todoroki x Chubby!Reader (F!Reader)
Warnings: incest, voyeurism, slight fatphobia, breeding kink, oral (F!receiving), penetration, masturbation.
WC: 2.5K
Summary: Shoto witnesses the sickness of his family.
Formulary for commissions
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The Todoroki family was the ideal one in the eyes of society: a good father and hero, three sons of high value and two intelligent daughters. No one knew anything about the mother of the creatures, not that Endeavor was a talkative person, but they supposed she couldn't be that bad if the kids were so well behaved.
Anytime Shoto received a compliment about his family he felt the urge of spitting on the person's face, laugh about the naivety present in front of him. But how could they know? How could they know his family was the most disturbed, disgusting, nauseating and sick of all? His father an absolute abuser; to the point where his mother turned the face of her very own son into a failure painting; to the point of convincing his elder daughter of acquiring the role of a housewife; to the point of causing Natsuo so much trauma that he didn't return after finishing college; to the point where he himself abhorred his left side; to the point where his eldest brother and his little sister turned into monsters.
He knew. Everyone in the family knew. He was surprised it didn't reach the ears of the press yet. It all started after an argument caused by Enji, Shoto was there, he remembers it all too well.
The five siblings and his father were sat at the table having dinner, as a normal Christmas Eve night. Somehow, Fuyumi had convinced everyone to come back home for the holydays, expressing her concern for the littlest Todoroki, who still lived with their father as she was in college.
How could they say no? Their little sister was alone with a monster, she needed them. Shoto's hero instincts boosted and he appeared the 24th of December at his old house with a bottle of wine and some sweets.
Enji presided the table, at his right was Fuyumi, and next to her Natsuo. At his left was Y/n, next to her Toya; and last but not least, Shoto was in front of his father. Silence reigned, awkwardness tensing the air so much that it could be cut with a knife. Shoto was on the edge of leaving when Enji spoke, freezing the atmosphere and causing all of the siblings to frown their eyebrows.
"You should stop eating now, Y/n," he said, voice stern, the voice he used to impose himself over the rest. "I've already prepared the gym for you. Go."
Shoto looked at his little sister, who was making an effort not to cry in that very moment, face turned in embarrassment as she stood up to fulfil her father's wish. It was true she was fat, but that didn't mean she looked bad, and for what he knew, her health was the best out of all of them. Shoto was about to intervene to defend Y/n when he saw movement from the corner of his eye. The eldest sibling's hand stopped Y/n from standing up, taking her wrist delicately and motioning for her to sit on her chair again.
"What the fuck, old man," Toya said between gritted teeth, "she can eat as much as she wants. And why would she go to the gym in fucking Christmas Eve?"
Shoto nodded, as well as the other two siblings who hadn't spoken yet. Toya's hand passed from Y/n's wrist to hold her hand, thumb caressing it. Shoto, who had seen it, didn't pay much attention as his first thought was the eldest was doing his job consoling the littlest.
"Haven't you seen the recent articles? Talking about how she looks? Comparing her to you all? I'm doing her a favour." Enji continued.
"But they also said she was the cutest and most adorable out of all of us, even having a couple of singers claiming how attractive she is." Fuyumi spoke, wanting nothing else but to calm the situation down.
"They also said how her hips were as big as Russia." said Enji, scoffing.
"And is that a bad thing?" Shoto asked, right brow lifted.
"That's actually a fucking compliment." completed Toya "Have you finished?" he asked gently to the girl.
"Uh... yes," she replied, ashamed and with a trembling voice.
"Then come with me."
Shoto watched as his older brother took Y/n upstairs, hand in hand and with a Toya he had never seen before. That gentle tone wasn't what he was used to hear for sure, not even for the precious little Todoroki. But, at the end of the day, everyone was aware of his soft spot for her.
Meanwhile, Natsuo was starting an argument with their father. Fuyumi, on her part, was trying to stop it so it wouldn't escalate as it usually did. However, for what Shoto could hear, there was no way it would end in peace, and he didn't want it to, honestly. He was as mad as Natsuo and Toya about the lack of respect towards their little sister just for being how she was. And he wasn't going to lie, Shoto knew that if she weren't his sister, he would had probably already fucked her a long time ago.
Worried about her, he dismissed himself from the table, leaving the three of them to argue so he could check on Y/n. She would likely be all right with Toya, but that wasn't enough to ease Shoto.
So he went upstairs, the sound of Natsuo's angry shouts dissipating into the air as he advanced. He moved towards Y/n's room, thinking his two siblings could be in there, but the muffled sounds coming from Toya's was enough to alert him of the wrong of his thoughts.
As he approached the wooden door, he noticed the voices weren't exactly talking, but... Moaning? He furrowed his brows, confused, and neared the room even more. It was slightly opened, enough for one of his eyes to peep. And he saw it. And heard it. The sight of his siblings kissing, the sound of saliva and lips parting. He saw the way their tongues played, rounding each other hungrily; he heard Y/n's panting.
She was laid in Toya's bed and he was towering over her, legs on each side of her hips, right hand grabbing her waist and left on her cheek. Her hands, on her part, were grabbing his shirt, which was nearly off him.
Shoto couldn't believe what he was seeing. Was he dreaming? No, he wasn't, he was there, he remembers it all too well. Was he supposed to see it? No, he wasn't. But he did, nonetheless.
He saw how his brother's shirt ended at the corner of his room, torso now naked and being caressed and admired by Y/n. Her hands touching every inch of skin she could, leaving kisses on his neck and collarbone, hands passing his abs as Toya panted, clearly affected.
He also saw how Toya kissed her forehead before taking her dress out little by little. First, her thick thighs were exposed, jiggling at the movement of lifting her hips so her brother could take it off. Shoto was drooling, wishing for nothing more than to be able to die between his sister's thighs, choked by her soft flesh.
The dress kept going up, her wide hips and her waist and stomach exposed, the stretch marks shining under the dim light. Toya grabbed the flesh of her hips, grunting at the feeling, and kissed her stomach, too near to the line of her panties. Y/n sighed, hand caressing the red locks of her brother, who was busy licking her belly, biting her hips and kissing her waist.
Shoto then admired the way the dress was completely taken off and the sight of her breasts kept by her bra appeared before him. Well, before his older brother, but he was too engrossed to care.
"So beautiful," murmured Toya, who had his hands on her waist and head between her clothed chest "you don't know how much I want you."
Toya's voice was hoarse, almost pained, lips brushing over her collarbone. Shoto didn't hear what he asked her when his teeth bit her lobe, but for the way she nodded and how fast her bra disappeared, he realized Toya was asking for permission.
Before both Todoroki men were their sister's big breasts, nipples erect and stretch marks at the sides. A sight to behold. Toya didn't lose time in grabbing her left breast and taking her right nipple in his mouth, tongue licking it, lips sucking and her moans flooding the room. Shoto felt his pants getting tight, he also wanted to touch her.
Toya's hands went down her body, mouth never leaving her nipple, and took the sides of her panties, waiting for a confirmation from her to take them off. When he saw her nodding, he pulled them down, leaving her completely naked.
"Fuck," moaned Toya, taking the nipple out his mouth and observing his sister's body while licking his lips "you're so fucking pretty. Now, let nii-chan take care of you, yeah?"
"Y-yes." she breathed out.
Shoto watched intently how Toya left a thread of open-mouthed kisses down her belly to her mons pubis, and then, the sigh of pleasure his sister let out indicated him Toya had found her clit.
The eldest was licking it carefully, painfully slow, loving how his little sister was begging him to go faster. He closed his lips around her clit, sucking on it while his tongue still worked.
"N-nii-chan!" she moaned, grabbing a fist of his hair and pushing her pussy onto his face.
Shoto felt a throb on his dick, he was too turned on for his liking, but what could he do in that situation? It was too erotic, and her sister was too hot. He was envious of Toya.
The wet sounds coming from the room and the moans and whimpers from the Todoroki girl were all that could be heard, pitch getting higher as she approached her climax. Toya's hands were debating whether he should open her up more or close her legs around his head, pinching at the flesh of her big hips.
"I-I'm coming." she murmured, and the slurping sound only intensified until their sister moaned loudly "Toya-nii!"
Little whimpers came from her mouth as Toya cleaned her up, tasting her fluids. Shoto was absorbed, gazing at them both, wanting to feel disgusted but finding it too thrilling. He needed to release his dick from his pants, for the pain was becoming unbearable.
At that moment, he saw how Toya got riffed off his pants and underwear, a nearly 7 inches dick getting freed, thick and the tip licking pre-cum. Shoto was ashamed to admit it, but it was pretty. His dick throbbed again.
Toya laid above his sister once more, kissing her on the lips, tongue caressing her lower lip. "Let me show you how hot you actually are." he then kissed her neck while positioning himself and lining up his dick with her entrance.
Shoto could see from the door how his brother's dick disappeared between his sister's folds, Y/n whined while Toya grunted, pleased with the sensation of his sister's pussy. Grabbing her thick thighs, he put her legs on his shoulders and started thrusting.
The mattress creaked beneath them, the wet sound of their fluids and the slap of skin against skin filling the room. Shoto took his member, palming himself to the rhythm of his brother's thrusts, the voice of his sister being his motivation to touch himself.
"Such a slut for her nii-chan, aren't you?" asked Toya, laughing when she pouted.
"N-not a slut." she replied, moaning when Toya found a different angle.
"Oh? Really?" her brother laughed, dick going in and out, head in the crook of her neck "Wouldn't tell for how you're begging me to fuck you."
Shoto was now thrusting into his hand, the sight of his sister's thighs jiggling with the movement and the way his brother's dick was entering her was too much to keep himself from masturbating. He needed to see more, closer, to even be able to touch her, just for a little bit. But knowing his older brother and how possessive he was of his belongings, he didn't have a chance to begin with.
The loud moan coming from Y/n took him out of his thoughts and saw how one of Toya's hands was between her legs, touching her clit. Because of her breathing and her non-sense babbling he knew she was close.
"F-feels so good." she said, arms around her brother's neck.
Toya hummed, ego bursting, "Then cum on nii-chan's cock."
A few seconds later, where Shoto noticed the increased in pace of Toya's hand, their sister came with a loud moan, practically singing Toya's name. "Nii-chan, so good!"
Shoto couldn't take it anymore, that was the last stroke he needed to cum all over his hand, wishing for it to be the pussy of his sister, to be in between her legs, to be able to grab her wide hips.
"I'-I'm gonna breed you." Shoto heard, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Toya's unsteady pace. "You're gonna have my babies."
"Yes, nii-chan, breed me, please!" their sister exclaimed, overstimulation starting to be noticed.
And then, the sound of Toya's moan indicated him that he too had come. Horrified, he witnessed how his older brother had come inside their little sister.
It was silent, then, only their breaths could be heard. Shoto observed his own hand covered in cum, blissed now gone and realizing what had just happened: he had masturbated to the sight on his siblings fucking.
"Are you okay?" he heard Toya whispered and then a weak 'yes'.
They were both covered in sweat, Y/n wrapped on her brother's arms, head on his chest. 'They're cuddling...' thought Shoto, staring while Toya leaned to kiss his sister once again on the lips, tongue included.
He then decided it was time to leave, to wash himself on the bathroom and leave the oldest and the littlest be. He couldn't stop himself from feeling disgusted, sick. He had watched a horrible act, incest, his siblings having sex in front of him; and instead of stopping them, he had touched himself. And he had enjoyed it.
That was the first time he saw it, but definitely not the last one. By how loud Toya and Y/n had been there was no way the other Todoroki members didn't hear. It was clear they all knew. They were all aware of what happened and what was still happening between the two siblings, but nobody talked about it, keeping it like a secret. They all knew it was a point of no return, but nobody did anything about it. Shoto knew he now was part of the sickness that engulfed his family, but he sought no help. Was it even real? Were his oldest brother and his little sister fucking every night? Were they really?
Shoto knew it was real, because he was there, and he remembers it all too well.
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stringledcheese · 2 years
You paint their nails
Pairing: Dabi (Toya Todoroki), and Mina Ashio (separate) x GN!Reader Warnings: None at all  A/N: First time writing Mina! It was really fun but idk how good I got her and I definitely made her section a little long, so sorry for that :> (This was supposed to be three people, but I couldn’t find my rough draft for mic and I don’t have enough energy to search for it I’ll be honest.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Todoroki Touya / Dabi
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(Yes I know the picture isn’t formatted but I don’t have the energy to make some fancy image) - In general?
- He just doesn’t want them painted. - At all. - He’s a big scary man, and a big scary man scared of weakness and intimacy. Two facts that make a combo meal of rejection and disappointment. - Dabi’s definitely had his nails painted before. - Back when he was the punching bag (literally and figuratively) eldest child. While his parents were a completely different topic, he would’ve done anything for his siblings. - That includes makeovers from his younger sister. - Nowadays however?  - Without a sister to sit him down and slather it on like a young kid without very good hand eye coordination, Dabi didn’t see a point. - Plus, Dabi’s the big brooding stoic villain man, usually. - All of that flies out the window with you. - As previously stated, Dabis just a big ol’ softy of a older brother behind his mile thick steal walls he has built around his heart. - But if you do your Y/Ning right, and stick a thorn of love in that wall It’ll infect it like a slow acting poison. - Then it will be a waiting game. - Switching between asking him to paint his nails and waiting until his “Your not painting my nails” cooldown ends. - Until, his walls crack, and he lets you paint all over his immaculate hands. -Yea, I have no shame, I would wear his hands like necklaces 100%. - During the duration of your painting, he won’t look happy during it. Dabi has mastered the art of bitch face to the point it’s near impossible to crack or read. - Only time it changes normally is when he gives you his famous shit eating grin. Internally however, he’s just a spooky school boy whos crush is touching his hands. - You, touching him? He’s onboard. - You touching him gently? - Call him the black plague because he’d kill upwards of 20 million europeans to live in that moment forever. - It’s kinda cute, and on character too. - All jokes aside though, he really does love the gentle touches you give him doing something as mundane as painting his nails.  - It’s a type of intimacy that is near unknown to him and secretly loves any touch you give him. - With scaring and staples covering a lot of his body and his very quick trigger finger (lighter finger? Fire hands.) he has been regarded as a monster most of his teen and adult life. - Getting to the point that honestly he thinks himself an unloveable monstrosity incapable of doing anything but destroy and hurt. - While Dabi sure as rain has progress to be made and barriers to be broken down he’s learning to love not only himself but you. With all the love you give him he might even be able to believe he can be something more then a villainous monster.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ashido Mina / Pinky
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- Mina’s the one to get you to paint her nails, but at the worst times.
- Picture this
- It’s some obscene time of night, the dorms are quiet because everyone is - knocked out in their dorms.
- Except for whoever is knocking at your door with such fury your surprised that Aizawa hasn’t come and scolded them already.
- Because you don’t really feel like having to talk to said dark haired grump of a teacher and the person didn’t seem any closer to stopping, you got up.
- Half-awake, slightly aware of your surroundings, and bumping into at least one thing you got to the door and opened to...
- Mina. - Not just Mina though, Mina with a bag with every color and bottle of nail polish known to man clinking around with any movement of the arm holding it.
- Before you were fully aware of what, why, and how - Mina brushed past you and sat on your bed and started to unpack her little to-go salon. “So. Ok, I know it’s really late but I noticed that your nails and my nails weren’t painted during class soooooo-” - She shook her little acetone bottle. “I thought we should have a little gossip&nail session. I got some tea for you as always” - Meanwhile your just at the door trying to fully understand her and adjust to being vertical so suddenly. - When you started to shuffle towards your bed she had already set up her own little mini salon on your bed. - So as much as it seemed like she was asking to gossip and do each other's nails - It wasn’t really a question, more like a plan- - Mina has all the good deets on everyone though so you can excuse this - With a flood of sentience, you closed the door and went to sit next to her while scrubbing at your crusty eyes. “Mina what time is it-” “Oh, I don’t really know, like 3:30 give or take?” “Mina, it’s a school night..” “Yea I know” - No one knows how she does it but they know better than to ask- -Give her your hands and she will go on autopilot - Doing everything and anything to your nails - All the while talking about some hot n spicy story about a two girls break up she “overheard”. “And then she said “You cheated on me too”! Like she didn’t first??” - At the end your hands will look like gold (literally, she used gold leaf). - She’ll make you wonder why she hadn’t dropped hearo work for this honestly. - After everything is good to go with your nails, it’s your turn to take up the mantle of nail doer. - Mina keeps good care of her hands despite wanting to go into hero work, so not much besides the polish really needs to be done manicure-wise. - She probably asks for pink, black, or purple, despite being naturally two of those colors. - Mina does talk with her hands alot, so breaks will be needed to get her flappies out, but despite putting your job on expert mode you both come out looking awesome. - Too bad the sun is coming up though- - Yea you both basically flat line in class the entire time from exhaustion.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thanks for reading :> Have a lovely time existing.
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mrs-barnes-library · 2 years
My Favorite Dabi Fanfictions 💙🔥
Fluff : 🌺    Smut : 🔥    Angst : 😭    None : 🌲 My work : ✨💚
If you like these characters don't hesitate to check the new arrivals, I update every day according to my readings.
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Dabi 🔥💙 :
Profanities 🌺
Meeting The League 🌺
How He Kisses You 🌺
When You Call Him Pretty 🌺
When You Pepper His Face With Kisses 🌺
When You Hold His Face 🌺
When He Doesn’t Want You To Go Home Yet 🌺
Soft Things They Do For You 🌺
Prayers 🌺
Reacting To You Not Saying I Love You Back 🌺
How He Hugs You 🌺
Kisses 🌺
How He Reacts At You Being Turned On By His Voice 🌺🔥
S/o With A Cat Quirk 🌺
How He Smells 🌺
When Someone Pretends To Be Your Friend To Flirt We You 🌺
You Make Me Feel Warm Inside 🌺
Halloween Is All Treats When I'm With You 🌺
What He Smells Like 🌺
Him As Boyfriend 🌺🔥
Him As A Boyfriend ( yeah again ) 🌺
Something New 🌺
My Soulmate 🌺
When He Notices You’ve Been Feeling Down Lately 🌺
Having A Crush On You And Realising It ( x Shigaraki ) 🌺
Falling Asleep On Him 🌺
Introducing You To His Family 🌺
When He Sees Someone Flirting With His S/o 🌺
When He Sees You In A Dress For The First Time 🌺
When He Has A Crush On You 🌺
When You're On Your Period 🌺
When He Accidentally confesses To You 🌺
When You Try On His Hero Suit 🌺
Taking Care Of Him When He Is Sick 🌺
Hi Is Your Heater Running ?? 🌺
What Would He Do If You Teased Him ? 🌺
Why Do You Love Me ? 🌺
Look At Me 🌺
Dance With Me 🌺
Every Single Piece 🌺
Making Out 🌺
Moment That Makes Him Soft 🌺
Invisible String 🌺😭
I'll Carry You To Heaven 🌺
Hit The Jackpot ( First Encounter - The Spark That Lights The Fire - Part 3 : Welcome Back )🌺💚✨
For You 🌺
You Boop Him 🌺
Spider Issue 🌺
He's Your First Kiss 🌺
How He Kisses You 🌺
He Needs A Hug 🌺
He Gets Jealous 🌺
He Wants Cuddles 🌺
Wiping off His Kisses 🌺
Sharing Your First Kiss 🌺
When You Sneeze 🌺
Last Dance 🌺
How He Reacts To You Confessing To Him 🌺
Dating Him 🌺
A Lovely View 🌺🔥
When You Never Lie 🌺
Patching Him Up 🌺
I Need You 🌺
How He Shows Affection 🌺
Soft Moments 🌺
Cuddling 🌺
First Kiss 🌺
Him When He Kabedons His Girlfriend 🌺
Like The Fire In My Blood 🌺💚✨
Reacting To You Smacking His Butt 🌺
Asking Him To Touch His Scars 🌺
Safe 🌺
How He Reacts When You Give Him A Blowjob 🔥
Nothin’ I Can’t Fix In Time 🔥🌺
This Is A One Time Thing 🔥
Call Me How You Wish 🔥🌺
How He Uses His Hands While Doing The Do 🔥
So What If They Find Out ? 🔥
So Tight 🔥
Horror Movies 🔥
Virgin 🔥
Tastes Like Fire 🔥
Toxic ( 1 - 2 ) ( x Katsuki ) 🔥
His First Time 🔥
Caling Him Bro After Sex 🔥
Cockwarming 🔥
Him Dating A Vampire ( x vampire!reader ) 🔥🌺💚✨
Firts Time With Him 🔥
Under The Glow Of The Lighter ( x villain!fem!reader ) 🔥🌺💚✨
Virgin Headcannon 🔥
Not Like The Others ( x villain!fem!reader ) 🔥🌺💚✨
Random Headcanons 🔥
How Did You Just Call Me ? ( An Unforgiving Mistake - Part 2 coming soon ) 🔥💚✨
Our Spot 🔥
His Embarrassing Secret 🔥
Falling For His Fuck Buddy 🔥😭
Blowjob 🔥
Legs Open 🔥🌺
Eating Out 🔥
Stay Away From My Sister Dude 🔥
Breeding Kink 🔥
Sucking Him Off While He Is Asleep 🔥
Sex With Him 🔥
Overstimming Him 🔥
He Loves Your Thighs 🔥💚✨
Climbing Through Your Window 🔥
Fingering Headcanon 🔥
Would You Get On Your Knees For Me ? 🔥🌺
Injuried 🔥
Corrupted 🔥🌺
Shoving His Face In Your Chest 🔥
Skinny Dipping 🔥🌺💚✨
Biting Him Around His Staples 🔥🌺💚✨
Say That Shit Again 🔥
Chat Fic :
I Miss You 🌺
Toya Todoroki 🔥🤍 :
Him Catching Mineta Perving On You 🌺
Kisses 🌺🔥
First Kiss Scenario 🌺
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allisonbaelfire · 3 months
Amethyst. - Masterlist
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Hello everyone I'm writing a Fanfic for My Hero Academia, I hope you'll like it.
You can also find it on Wattpad: Amethyst. (Katsuki Bakugo x Reader) - AllisonBaelfire - Wattpad
-> I’ll reblog this post whenever I upload a new part!
Following the attack on the USJ, the public scrutiny intensifies towards the heroes, with particular focus on the youngest pro-hero and daughter of Endeavor. Despite nearly two years of hero work, she shall be attending the UA and will undergo official hero training.
However, she quickly discovers that being a hero was easier than navigating the complexities of a normal teenage life, especially when she finds herself falling for a stubborn, loud, and hot-headed blonde classmate while getting hated by her younger brother. 💠 Bakugo x Pro-Hero! Reader 💠 Reader is part of the Todoroki Family 💠 I don't own any of the Art! 💠 Characters and MHA belong to Horikoshi 💠 Storyline belongs to me 💠 I follow the Manga/Anime - Spoiler warning!
Y/N Information
PART - 1
PART - 2
PART - 3
PART - 4
PART - 5
PART - 6
PART - 7
PART - 8
PART - 9
PART - 10
PART - 11
PART - 12
PART - 13
PART - 14
PART - 15
171 notes · View notes
deebris · 1 year
Todoroki Clan x Todoroki reader
Synopsis: You're the twin sister of Shoto and save him and Endeavor from Toya.
Warnings: violence, profanity, unstable family, trauma.
Words: 2k
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Being the daughter of a superhero came with a heavy burden to carry. But being Endeavor's daughter was what made it that much harder. The ambitious and hostile man managed to destroy the mentality of almost the entire family.
Your deceased brother, a psychologically unstable mother, and even the insecurities created at home were his fault, and his alone. But even knowing that, all the cruelty he did to you and your siblings, even after all the horrors, all you wanted was to see him proud for just a moment.
Your Quirk gave you the ability to control and create water. And to say this was a surprise was an understatement. You remember well when the first traces of your powers started to show, you were only 4 years old at the time. A brief trip to the doctor had made everything clear, it was as if her parents' powers had merged into one. While his twin brother Shoto had the ability to control both ice and fire, in you they manifested together. The heat of your father's fire nullified the ice of your mother's power, resulting in a Water Quirk.
Your father didn't meet many people with quirks similar to yours during his lifetime, so his ignorance of your powers allowed you much more freedom than Shoto to explore your abilities on your own. As he didn't understand, he preferred to leave you aside, focusing on training Shoto.
Your father became completely obsessed with making your brother a hero that surpassed All Might. The little attention you received from him in childhood, in the first few years after discovering your powers, is totally gone with the passage of time. You suspect he was only interested at first because he was perplexed by your quirk, it was pure passing curiosity.
The memories you have of your father are mostly painful. You always tried to maintain a relationship with him, to get closer to him. Even when everyone was revolting against the man, you kept your criticisms of him to yourself and stood by him. Sometimes when you had your moments alone, you felt terrible for trying to defend him, when all your dad did was look down on you. You were stupid, he was right about that.
You always dedicated a gift to your dad on his birthday, Father's Day, Christmas. On all the damn dates, but he didn't give a shit about you or your birthday. You don't know why you care so much about pleasing him, about making him proud. It didn't make any sense. Your rational side told you to ignore it and move on, but your emotional and dumb side told you to try. Trying to be the child he wanted so much, but you never quite knew how to do it.
08/08, 21:47 - Enji's birthday.
You were in the living room watching TV while waiting for your dad to come home. You had spent all morning preparing his birthday present.
At the age of 8, your grammar was not the best, so you asked your older siblings to help you write a letter. Natsuo scowled and strongly refused to help you, which made Fuyumi scold him for the way he spoke to you.
But your sister, sweet and kind, sat with you at the kitchen table to help you write. At the time you noticed the sad looks she gave as you put the beautiful words addressed to Enji on paper.
Shoto didn't mind helping you color a drawing that went with the letter, he even had a little fun in the process and made you finish the gift faster. You thought your dad would be sad that no one got him a present, so you did your best to make one.
You went over your bedtime just to hand him the gift. You've been waiting for him to walk through the door while watching a show on television. And as soon as you heard the lock on the door being unlocked, you jumped off the couch in excitement.
You ran up to him and stopped in front of him as you held out the gift.
"Daddy, look. Happy birthday! I made it myself!" Fuyumi gave a slight smile upon hearing your little lie, but she really didn't care. She thought it was cute, actually.
Enji took a good look at what you had and took it out of your hands. You watched excitedly as he opened it and skimmed through the contents in silence.
"So this is the kind of crap you waste your time on, y/n?" you immediately got scared after his scolding.
"While you could be training to get stronger, would you rather distract yourself with crude drawings?"
Natsuo bristled with shock upon hearing his father's words. And your brother was very, very furious, but remained silent, just like Fuyumi. He mentally thanked Shoto for already sleeping. Both your siblings were so sorry for you. How dare he say those things after all the dedication you've put into it? Fuyumi felt terrible remembering the words full of love you wrote in the letter.
"Don't give me more stuff like that again. Don't waste your time with trifles, that makes me waste my time too." He crumpled up the drawing and letter in one of his fists and threw them into the kitchen wastebasket.
By this time the tears were flowing freely from your eyes. Were you a waste of time? Is that what he said? When the first sobs were heard Natsuo took one of your little hands and decided that it would be better to put you to sleep, he imagined that this way you would forget and wake up better the next day. But he knew it was going to hurt you for a long time.
But right now, at this very moment, you've seen an unseen version of your father. Dabi's revelation caught everyone off guard. Was he Toya? Was Dabi your brother that everyone thought was dead? Endeavor always saw you and your siblings as a mere enterprise, but you noticed he didn't look at your big brother like that now. You saw in his startled look that there was feeling there. He was always such a serious and intimidating man, that seeing him completely frozen hit you hard. You thought you'd never see him so vulnerable.
"Toya!" You screamed and cried for him to stop. You were a baby when he left, but remembering the pictures of him as a child in the family albums and seeing him like this now, a murderer... He didn't deserve this, nobody did. You begged, but he wouldn't stop. "Please!" You wanted him to look you in the face, you wanted to stop everything to hug him. How was it possible to miss someone you barely knew so much? He was your family, your brother. He was alive, this was supposed to be a happy moment, it's not fair.
And as Toya leapt up in a rage to attack Enji, to finally get his revenge, you just wanted your father to move.
"Daddy!" Your hoarse cry was chilling. Bakugou and Deku immediately looked at you in your chaotic state, completely desperate. Meanwhile Endeavor felt his body turning cold, his heart stopping to pump the blood to the necessary places, he didn't want to believe that that was Toya. Alive. It seemed that there was nothing around him, he could only focus on him. He couldn't hear anything else, everything was muffled.
He's going to kill Dad and Shoto.
He's going to kill them and I can't let him.
Move on! Move, dammit! You wanted to move so badly, but your legs wouldn't obey. You wanted your father to do something, but even you can't move your fingers.
Weak. You were a disappointment. You can't do anything.
But then your body decided to take action. And you started to run to them, to save them. You felt your breathing fail and your diaphragm lock, your lungs no longer moved, only your legs. All your energy had gone into your feet. You can't pass out, it's such a short race. Just get out there and help them. And as you ran to your brother and father, Shoto noticed you coming closer with tears cascading down your cheeks.
"Y/n!" Your twin screamed angrily, but you knew he wasn't mad at you, he was scared. "Get away from here!" Both of your hearts fluttering. Him fearing for you and you fearing for them.
Shoto had already given up trying to make Enji react and when he was going to try to stop Toya on his own before you reached them, it was too late. Were you that close? How did you get there so fast? It was the adrenaline speaking for you, taking over your body and giving you strength you didn't know you had. For just a second he looked away. For a second he took his eyes off yours, and when he was about to look at Toya in front of him, he was already seeing you again. You two.
Shoto and Endeavor saw Toya being enveloped by a large wave of water that pushed Dabi back and protected them from the attack.
You made the water come together in a big bubble that enveloped you and Toya. You wanted to break out of the bubble and leave him trapped until him passed out without air, but you felt afraid to pass out first with the panic you were feeling. You tried to take the bubble away, but he was getting close to you. You tried to reduce the bubble's diameter to escape and get some air, but it seems that you didn't have the strength to do that anymore. You can only hold the water there.
Toya watched you. Silly little sister, he thought sadly. why would you do that? After everything Endeavor has done to you. After everything that monster did, what were you doing here? He needed to escape, he needed to breathe. He was going to get his revenge, but you were standing in his way. And if he needed to step over you to get to your dad, he would. He let the blue flames flow through his hands, the heat boiling the water, and both you and he were going to suffer for it.
"Father!" Shoto yelled at Endeavor, rousing the paralyzed statesman to see his two childs struggling. "He's killing her!"
You didn't resist the high temperature for a long time. Toya was already used to the burns, it wasn't even a pinch for him. You weakened and the water dissolved all at once, and you both stumbled gasping for air. Your skin was red and burning like hell. You wanted to scream in pain.
You were weak. You couldn't even do a simple thing. You just needed to hold it for a few seconds and get out of there.
Your breathing hadn't worked for a long time, it was a surprise that you managed to make all that effort in this state. What a horrible time to have an anxiety attack.
Everything was going dark and the last thing you saw was a burning Toya coming at you with a murderous glare. Enji couldn't believe it, all this happened right in front of him, and he didn't do anything. He let Toya hurt you and did absolutely nothing.
As soon as Endeavor saw his son come to you, he prepared to face Toya. Shoto immediately rushed to attack him and get you away from him. Enji wasn't going to allow you to die, he wasn't going to allow Dabi to kill you. For your and Toya. For his children.
Toya grabbed Shoto and started to increase the flames around they two.
"The favorite son killed by the loser!" Dabi laughed like crazy as he held Shoto tighter burning them both. But someone stopped Dabi before he committed a greater tragedy.
Best Jeanist immobilized him and took him away from the twins. And Endeavor, even though he was no longer paralyzed, did nothing.
You protected him and Shoto. That was the last thing he remembered as he opened his eyes and found himself face to face with a white ceiling.
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little-fairy-forest · 3 years
now idk if this will make sense but, todoroki with older sister y/n (platonic sister brother relationship)
she has red hair blue eyes but their mam’s personality, she’s the oldest of all of them (even toya) so roughly 22-24. she has a 2 year old son and she can either be a pro hero or a singer (that’s just how i see her as my oc in this au) carrying on, class 1A knows of her of course since they love her music.the public don’t know her last name so no one knows she’s ‘endeavours kid’. onto the plot ig,
shouto says “i saw my nephew when i visited my mom” in class on day and they all go 👀 nephew?? so he’s questioned and the class go APE SH!T like when can we meet him?can we meet his mom/ur sis?what is she like?etc SO THEN he tells them his sisters name and they go crazy again then there is a time slip where shoto is out with y/n and her son after seeing their mom and the rest of the class is also out and spot them, so that’s where they meet her. she makes iida, bakugou and denki blush (he calls her a milf :0) pfff
im sorry, it’s so long i had to make the text tiny TT. but take ur time with stuff and i hope ur doing well. if this it too long i don’t have to do it 💗
🍀 hello sunshine! This has been sitting in my inbox for ages now, sorry about that I was fixing things with my blog! Going to change this ask a little bit ;)
Class 1A meets Todoroki's older sister reader
Platonic todoroki x reader, fluff, s/n : sons name
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Todoroki was quite the reserved person, his family was quite a touchy subject, but people obviously knew of his family due to his surname
Shouto was always close to you since you acted like the mother figure when Rei was absent, you were there to comfort Shouto and your siblings during harshsip- leading Shouto and yourself to be inseparable
Until your son came along a few years ago- he reminds you of Natsuo when he was younger. You both go everywhere together when your not in work.
You work as a pro hero, but more underground, you had a enough followers that people could spot you in costume but outside of hero work? Barely recognisable
People knew you as the oldest Todoroki, that's it. Rei wanted her kids to be safe from publicity
You liked your privacy alot, not many people were invited to your wedding to your husband, and even less people knew about your son to protect him from villains
Unfortunately you needed to help Shouto at the dorms with some things in his dorm room he couldn't figure out (favourite child never lifted a finger clearly)
Shouto mentioned to his classmates his sister would be visiting him- they all were chill about it since many family/friends of the class has visited and no one has had any problems (except for Mitsuki hounding Bakugou about opening his windows to stop mold )
As you walked in to the dorms with your sleepy son in your arms, Shouto greeted you and a few people turned their heads,
Kaminari spoke up to the few people in the kitchen
"Yoo milf alert *bonk*" Kaminari was hit on the head by Sero
"Dude don't say that, that's Todoroki's sister? Uh? What's her name?" Sero says as he looks over at shouto and the unknown sisters name, only to find a sleeping boy in her arms aswell
"Awe he's asleep- just don't let Bakugou near here or he'll probably wake up due to his yelling" Sero teased
"Tch fuck off tape-arms" Bakugou wouldn't admit it but, shit you were fucking gorgeous,
You gave shouto a hug as you set your son down to stand on his own, he walked over to Shouto to hug his legs
"Sho-sho" your son said as he hugged shouto, Shouto patted his head, as he grabbed his hand to guide him to his dorm room to give your arms a break
"How was your trip over here? Did they let you in through the gates easily?" Shouto asks as he is walking with you to the elevators
"It was alright, not many people asked for a picture which was nice", you say looking around before stepping into the elevator to only he met with one of Shouto's classmates to join you
"Ah the Todoroki's! How are yous?" Iida greets you as your son stands behind Shoutos leg since he can be shy with new people
"Hello, I'm shoutos sister y/n, nice to meet you" you greet happily as you shake Iida's hand, you gesture to your son who is still hiding
"That's s/n, he's shy" Iida waves to s/n as he presses his floor number
'Wow, I wasn't aware of her, never seen her at hero dinners either, I must ask Tensei about her later' Tenya thinks to himself before he can feel a soft blush creep onto his cheeks, he quickly makes his way out of the elevator at his dorm floor to stop him from embarrassing himself
"What do you need help with Sho?" You ask Shouto as you all trickle out of the elevator to make your way to his dorm
"I'm not sure how to set up the tv system, not only that but my air con has stopped working aswell" Shouto motions to his TV that was sitting by his table with the instructions near,
"I'll have a look and see if we need help," you say as you sit down to read the instructions
Shouto takes out his phone to give s/n something to watch on YouTube to keep him occupied as they work, only to see he missed a notification from the class group chat
Kaminari ⚡: Did anyone get the milf's name in the common room???
Midoriya 🥦: That was Todoroki's sister, not sure of her name though :^), I met her once briefly
Sero 🧻 : Yo, honestly, if that little man need a father figure give me a call 💪🏻😎
Bakugou 💥: as fucking if you'd be a good dad tape-arms
Kaminari ⚡: coming from you Bakugou, we all know you seen her as well and got a little school crush on her as well 💘
Sero 🧻: Is that wedding bells I hear?
Shouto was not happy his classmates were implying such things about his sister and nephew, he sent a text in before he got more annoyed with the chat
Todoroki 🔥❄: please leave my sister and nephew out of your dream lifes, or I won't invite them over again
You help Shouto set up the tv and get his aircon working again, you ask him if you can meet his classmates before you leave
Shouto was a bit sceptical but he gave in because s/n got along well with Midoriya since he met him before when shouto had to babysit him
As you made your way to the common room to meet Shoutos classmates you over hear the end of a conversation from the kitchen
"I swear- if I could just like- I don't know, maybe get a hug maybe?? That's enough to satisfy me" Kaminari says as he tries to reason why he should be able to interact with you
"Leave her alone for fuck sake, she has a child, your really goin' after the number 1 heros kid? Your standards are too high Pikachu" Bakugou grumbles as he blushes as he sees you sit down on the couch with your son in your lap as Shouto sits beside you introducing you to his friends
Everyone was friendly with you and s/n, many had questions about your line in hero work which you answered simply because their heros in training not the media
S/n name got curious at Kaminari and toddled his way over to where he was sitting on the floor
Kaminari started to tickle s/n to make him giggle, it was very cute to watch
"Real dad natural here boys, take notes" Kaminari taunts as he gives your son a hug and let's him go back to you
"Jesus, first Bakugous mom and now y/n, go find yourself someone your age" Kirishima teases
Time passes, and you have met the classmates and Aizawa, to your surprise is awake
"We better get going soon, If any of you need help with hero training just stop by my dads agency and I should be there, if not ask shouto and I'll come down"
You say your goodbyes, you gave Bakugou a shoulder pat and Kaminari a side hug, they blushed as the interaction and had to move away,
Shouto could see the effect you had on the boys, he wasn't stupid. He did not like them having a school crush on his sister, maybe it would be best if Shouto visits you from now on
"Shouto I'll text you the details later about mom alright?" You give shouto a big hug
"Yes yes, if you get any friend requests later ignore them please"
S/n waves to shouto as you make your way out of u.a campus
"What strange kids huh s/n?"
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Thank you for reading : masterlist
By god this took long to write, sorry again for the wait
I have some ideas so requests are still close
One of the posts takes some research so I need time,
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luna-jaden-shadow · 4 years
Enough Is Enough
Request - How about a MHA one shot where the reader is one of Endeavor’s kids and they’ve finally had enough of his bullshit so they just start screaming at him and at the end they help
Warning - Manga / Anime spoilers, Cursing, Frostbite, 
Pairing - Platonic!Shoto Todoroki X Sister!Reader
For the story the reader has an ice quirk called absolute zero
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“Imagine if you were quirkless.”
You snort at the task, rolling your eyes at the doctor sitting in front of you. “That would be interesting, even bigger of a failure.”
“What kind of quirks did your parents have?”
A frown comes to your face when thinking about your father. “My dad’s quirk’s called Hellfire, ultimate control of fire if you think about it. My mom’s able to generate ice though I’ve never seen it in full action.” You admit, leaning back in the chair you’re sitting in.
“How did you get your quirk? Did you inherit it?”
The frown on your face deepens and you lean back forward, running a hand through the bright red hair on your head. “I got it from my mom. I wish I didn’t.” Your hands ball into fists, “that asshole of a father I have gifted me with a body that’s not made for my quirk. Just like my brother bless him.”
The talk with the doctor was about a year ago during your annual check up for the frostbite draw back from your quirk. They tried every time to talk you out of using your quirk for the sake of your health but you never listened. All of your life you wanted to be a hero, when asked what you saw in your future it was helping people, being the good person that your father’s not. 
Since the passing of your twin you started working harder to be a hero, to live the life that the two of you wanted to live. The ideology of being like your father is long gone since then but that hasn’t changed your desire to help people. “Where’s the big man?” You mumble to your sister, leaning on the counter as you take a bite out an apple. 
Fuyumi looks away from the dishes she’s washing, “probably with Shoto.” She points the soapy knife in her hand away from the two of you and down the hallway of your home. You hum, patting her on the shoulder before pushing off the counter. “Please don’t start anything.” She calls, knowing your most recent agitation towards the man as you have ranted to her countless times. 
You don’t reply, continuing your march down the hallway of your home towards the training spot. Since Shoto’s quirk developed Endeavor’s been all over him like a dog in heat about training. You reach the end of the hall, sliding the door open and leaning against the door frame, taking a bite of the apple. Endeavor stands in the middle of the room, yelling instructions to the overworked teen. 
Poor Shoto’s broke a seat, leaning over with his hands on his knees to catch his breath. “Kid’s gotta breathe Endeavor.” You call out, catching your father’s attention. He shoots you a glare, especially when you shrug in his presence, not even bothering to look at him. “Take a breath Sho, come get a drink.” You offer him with a small smile, pointing over your shoulder with a mouth full of apple. 
He glances to Endeavor, catching eyes with the glaring man. “He’s training Y/n. Back to it Shoto.” You take a step into the room, pointing a finger at your father. 
“No, Shoto will take a break and go get a drink because he deserves it for all the work he’s been doing.” You snap, keeping your eyes locked with Endeavor’s. “If you don’t like it too bad.” You shrug, gesturing to Shoto. “Go on Shoto, you deserve a break.”
“Don’t fucking test me.” You glare at Endeavor, the hand you’re pointing with mists with the ice of your quirk. “He’s a kid, he’s gonna take a break before you fucking run him to the ground.” Without a word, Shoto left, not wanting to get caught up in the storm that has become your temper towards your father. “He’s not a fucking machine, I won’t let you kill him like Toya-”
“Don’t what? Talk about the son you killed? The brother I lost cause you’re a piece of shit hero and a shit father?” You question, not once looking away from his eyes that match yours. “Either lay off of Shoto or I’m gonna freeze you even if it kills me.” You threaten the hero before turning and walking away from him. “Don’t test me!” You call over your shoulder, spotting Shoto in the kitchen, Fuyumi long gone. “You good?” He just nods, sipping from the water bottle and not quite meeting your eyes. “Don’t let him push you hard. You know your limits Shoto.” You toss the apple core in the trash, flashing a small smile to your younger brother. “I’m on your side Sho, always.”
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static-fanatic-1 · 4 years
 Prompt List
Hunter x Hunter:
Main Four:
Gon: Annoyed Darling, Darling Having a Hysterectomy, Walks in on Darling, Family HC, Blind Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Escapist Darling HC, Poly!Main Four HC, Gon and Poly!Gon+Killua HC, Poly!Gon and Killua w/Escapist Darling, 
Killua: Drabbles | 2 |
Annoyed Darling, Darling Having a Hysterectomy, Walks in on Darling, Family HC, Blind Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Escapist Darling HC, Poly!Main Four HC, Killua and Poly!Gon+Killua HC, Poly!Gon and Killua w/Escapist Darling, Killua w/Assassin Darling,
Leorio: Emotionless Daughter HC, Annoyed Darling, Darling Having a Hysterectomy, Walks in on Darling, Family HC, Blind Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Escapist Darling HC, Poly!Main Four HC, Poly!Kurapika and Leorio w/Escapist Darling, Leorio and Poly!Kurapika+Leorio HC,  Poly!Kurapika Escapist S/O Now Nen User,
Kurapika: Drabbles | 13 | | Finds Darling at the Mall |
 Stronger Yandere Rival HC,  Darling Sends Nudes HC, Kurapika’s Type, Small Boobs HC, Kurta Survivor Darling, Emotionless Daughter HC, Annoyed Darling, Darling Having a Hysterectomy, Walks in on Darling, Poly!Illumi and Kurapika HC, Family HC, Blind Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Darling Disappears HC, Escapist Darling HC, Poly!Main Four HC, Poly!Kurapika and Leorio w/Escapist Darling, Kurapika and Poly!Kurapika+Leorio HC, Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Escapist Tricking Darling, Escapist Darling w/Youngest Child, Poly!Leorio Escapist S/O Now Nen User, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Kurapika w/Self-Harming Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume, OG Spider Darling,
Adult Trio + Glitter Rat:
Hisoka: Drabbles | 13 | | 49 |
Darling w/Teleporting Nen, Hisoka’s Type, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Gullible Darling, Poly!Adult!Trio w/Escapist Darling, Poly!Hisoka and Illumi w/Escapist Darling, Platonic HC, Platonic Reader Accidentally Says Mom/Dad/Big Brother, Platonic Reader w/Southern Accent, Omegaverse (ABO) General HC, 
Illumi: Drabbles | 44 |
Darling Sends Nudes HC, Darling w/Teleporting Nen, Illumi’s Type,  Small Boobs HC, Blind Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Darling w/Small Hands, Poly!Illumi and Kurapika HC, Cuddle HC, Poly!Adult!Trio w/Escapist Darling, Poly!Hisoka and Illumi w/Escapist Darling, Milluki and Illumi Sharing a Darling | Pt 2 HC | | Pt 3 |, Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Silva w/Illumi’s Darling, Plantoic HC, Platonic Reader Accidentally Says Mom/Dad/Big Brother, Platonic Reader w/Southern Accent, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume, Omegaverse (ABO) General HC,
Chrollo: Chrollo + PT | Teaser/Part 1 | Part 2 |
Drabbles | 27+32 | | 22 | | 40 |
Darling Sends Nudes HC, Darling w/Teleporting Nen, Chrollo’s Type, Darling Sad By Death, Small Boobs HC, Blind Darling HC, Illiterate Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Kurta Survivor Darling, Gullible Darling, Vampire Darling, Darling Being Cute, Darling Focusing On Kullato HC, Cuddle HC, Poly!Adult!Trio w/Escapist Darling, No Nut November HC, Little Sister (Platonic), Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie, Darling in a Bunny Costume, Omegaverse (ABO) General HC,
Pariston: Drabbles | 46 |
Silva: Silva’s Type, Small Boobs HC, Blind Darling HC, Darling w/Small Hands, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Kikyo+Silva Share a Darling, Silva w/Illumi’s Darling, Platonic Reader Accidentally Says Mom/Dad/Big Brother, Platonic Reader w/Southern Accent, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume,
Kikyo: General HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Kikyo+Silva Share a Darling, Platonic HC, Platonic Reader Accidentally Says Mom/Dad/Big Brother,  Platonic Reader w/Southern Accent, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling,
Milluki:  Darling w/Small Hands, Milluki and Illumi Sharing a Darling | Pt 2 HC | | Pt 3 |,  Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume,
Kullato: General HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie
Alluka: Aged!Up General HC,
Greed Island:
Razor: Wearing Their Shirt HC, 
Bisky: Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie,
Phantom Troupe:
Uvogin: Tatooed | Pt 1 | | Pt 2 |
Drabbles | 22 | | 22 | | 27 | | 2 | | 32 |
Husband HC, Uvogin’s Type, Small Boobs HC, Wearing Their Shirt HC, Darling w/Small Hands, Gullible Darling, Poly!Uvo and Shal w/Artist Darling, Cuddle HC, Little Sister (Platonic),
Phinks: Drabbles | 17+19 | | 6 | | 36 | 
Darling Sends Nudes HC, Blind Darling HC, Wearing Their Shirt HC,  Darling w/Small Hands, General HC, Phinks’Type, Ticklish s/o,
Feitan:  Drabbles | 39 |
Darling Sends Nudes HC, Feitan’s Type, Small Boobs HC, Blind Darling HC, General HC,  No Nut November HC, Darling w/Tickle Kink, Escapist Tricking Darling, Sadistic Darling Wants Therapy, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie, Ticklish s/o,
Shalnark: Drabbles | Random | | 12 |
Darling Sends Nudes HC, Shalnark’s Type, Small Boobs HC, Poly!Uvo and Shal w/Artist Darling, Kidnapped (And Coming Along) Darling, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Escapist Tricking Darling,
Pakunoda:  Darling Sends Nudes HC, Blind Darling HC, Little Sister (Platonic), Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling,
Franklin: Darling w/Small Hands
Shizuku: Shisuku’s Type
Machi: Kidnapped (And Coming Along) Darling, Little Sister (Platonic),
Nobunaga: Drabbles | 21+15 |
York New: 
Neon: Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie,
Chimera Ants:
Meruem: Drabbles | 19 |
Dear Human | Pt 1 (NSFW)|
Would They Change Their Darling HC, Emotionless Daughter HC, Darling Disappears HC, Stronger Yandere Rival HC, Meruem HC, Extermination Team Darling
Shaiapouf: Shaia HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Darling w/Nen Wings, Poly!Pitou + Shaiapouf,
Methuthuyoupi: Darling w/Small Hands Youpi HC,
Neferpitou: Darling w/Small Hands, Pitou HC, Kidnapped (And Coming Along) Darling, Poly!Pitou + Shaiapouf,
Zazan: Zazan HC
Colt: Colt HC
Chimera Ant Queen: Chimera Ant Queen HC,  
My Hero Academia:
All For One: Sweet healer | Pt 1 (NSFW)|
League Of Villians: 
Dabi: Dabi’s Type, Seeing Darling in Lingerie,
Shigaraki: No Nut November HC, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie, Darling in a Bunny Costume, 
Mr. Compress: Seeing Darling in Lingerie,
Kurogiri: Seeing Darling in Lingerie,
Shie Hassaikai:
Kai Chisaki (Overhaul): Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling,
Hari Kurono (Chronostasis): Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling,
Toya Setsuno:  Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Clumsy Darling, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume, 
Tamaki Amajiki (Suneater): Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume,
Pro Heroes:
Enji Todoroki (Endeavor): Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie,
Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead): Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie,
All Might (Toshinori Yagi): Darling in a Bunny Costume,
Hawks: Seeing Darling in Lingerie,
Class 1-A:
Kirishima: Kinks Secret and Lingerie
Shinsou: Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie,
Class 1-B:
Monoma: Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling,
Mortal Kombat:
Kotal Kahn: Memories of a Kahn, 
Shinnok: Then and Now,
Stand Alone Fan Fiction:
Stuck at a StandStill: 
Prologue (Before We Begin), Chapter 1 (Three, Two, One, Begin), Chapter 2 (Test to Stay), Chapter 3 (Day Two),
Q and A:
Alpha and Omega, What I Write/Don’t Write, How Did I Get Into HxH and Writing, Is There  Limit to The Amount Of Requests, Who is My Favorite HxH Character, Do I write LGBT+, Are Meek Readers Cliche, Want to Talk? Let’s Talk, Do I Write Character x Yandere!Reader, Do I write Au’s, A Little Writing Advice, How do I organize my asks, How far do I go with NSFW, What are my pronouns, What can you call me, Who I would probably befriend in HxH, 
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