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toxictoxicities · 1 year ago
For those waiting for QNAs to be answered, know I see them all, I've removed none bc I never will (well genuine ones at least) and I love it. I will get to them! Just very busy with this animation that's due in a few weeks~!
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toxictoxicities · 1 year ago
I kinda love this theory bc I do think Ancients would have specific builds and pipes to get to the iterators- like the devs in the broadcasts gave us crumbs to nibble at about Ancients talking directly to the puppet and not just the 12 pillar blah blah
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I reckon there's possibly an elevator shaft that the ancients use to get to the iterator, hell maybe a room joining next to the can so they can open up the wall or just enter through a door/gate/specific pipe, we see Ancients using gates as doors so nothing new. Besides I don't think ancients are as big as the picture (As much as I love my big ancients) we get a rough idea by how big Ancients are via the elevators we see both in Bitter Aerie and Metropolis, so this paired with what I said above I reckon there's some ancient specific rooms in the iterator structure that we sadly don't get to see.
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(Credit to Balagaga for the screenshot here) Hell we don't see most of Pebbles! We only get to see more in Rivulets campaign (The Rot) and in Saints where there's the iterator structure is falling apart which makes me believe further that the possibility of ancient specific rooms are very plausible!
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how the fuck did ancients get into iterator puppet chambers
theres no way they crawled through PIPES
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warverse · 2 years ago
This is a very long over due update as this blog has been silent for a while. I plan to go on hiatus for Warverse, completely revamp it from scratch, the story I've lost interest in and honestly- it's kinda become cringe to me. I made this when I was like- 12? idk soo yeah I'm thinking of opening this up on the anniversary as I'm already getting ideas but yeah for now this is just a closed file to be re opened later.
It kinda just got ruined for me :/ but I plan to bring something fresh and new to the fandom when I'm back from my Rainworld rot.
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trickstertox · 3 months ago
Me when I'm on the reblogging site and my post gets reblogged because I didn't turn off reblogs: Noooo don't reblog my post.
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prismatoxic · 2 years ago
i think i need a space to vent before i explode
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toxictoxicities · 1 year ago
As someone who is non-binary and face a lot of fucken disrespect at home, I could give less shits if you give Suns he/him or even she/her
the point of aus is to create a variety, if we all stuck to the same thing aus wouldn't be unique and different. I see Sigs been given she/her, I love the concept of just fucking around with what we're given and sometimes breaking the canon. That's the whole concept of alternate universe.
The fact my argument is only slightly validated because I'm nonbinary myself is also stupid in my opinion.
Do you still he/him Suns? Because canonically they use they/them but I’ve seen you refer to them as he/him in the past
Isn't that just what their concept designer headcanonned them as? I know the wiki has them as they/them but the wiki is just wiki lol. They're still fanmade.
Also- it's an AU. My Suns is not the canon Suns, so uhhhh yeah. I canonized my Suns as He/Them. Besides, pronouns aren't the end of the world. Imagine Sig having She/Her lmao (He's not but that'll be funny lol).
I don't plan for my AU to be canon adjacent anyway, it takes place in the early timelines from the game so shit is about to change a LOT. :b
Also, next time you might wanna ask the other blog lmao- my main blog is like- dead. XD
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officiallytox · 4 years ago
i believe i am too exhausted to roleplay today, i am so sorry
i have a dr appt on the second, here's hoping i get something for this fatigue
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toxic-jpg · 6 years ago
Neil in the ac au..?
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scenegelert · 5 years ago
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...honey i don’t know how to tell you this,
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toxictoxicities · 5 months ago
There is so much to read it's insane you'd write this much and you really did hit the nail on the head for some of the the symbolism as yeah- the association between the ship and birds is significant and in the comic will appear here and there depending on what's happening and with the relationship. I can't help but spill a little because fuck! How can I not converse with this! There is so much to talk about here You're 100% right about "being able to show their true colours" being a interpretation of the bird symbol in emergence. It's actually this idea that got me to ship the two in the first place. In the broadcasts Suns was heavily more mellow and vulnerable with Sigs than with Pebbles or Winds (the other 2 broadcasts we see Suns speak to) which I thought was tasty to see a character who portrays themselves so highly become a pathetic wet meow meow to specifically one person. So I jumped onto the ship so hard. The more birds there are the more vulnerable and open the two are being with each other, if birds are leaving scenes the opposite is in effect.
You also nailed the idea of romance and attraction but I also plan to parallel the two with birds literally. In a few of my pieces I have Suns and Sigs dancing a lot, they like to dance, similar to birds how they dance and show off their colours to attract (lowkey that's why Suns has a lot of jewels to be sparkly n pretty because yeah Suns lacks in being able to express themselves so they cover it up) which is a symbol in itself in the story characters with more grand designs are the ones who are hiding something or keep secretes! I actually have a scene where Sig removes this massive fluffy coat because - yeah- he sees through all that glamour n bullshit, they've been close friends for god knows, he knows Suns. Though I love that you mentioned that while Sigs can communicate his emotions, Suns can't and also is bad at understanding other emotions, so sometimes Sigs deflects or avoids expressing (which is where the whole mellow and unserious side comes from as a way to hide it as well- so Sigs is also guilty of hiding away just in other ways). I also reckon Sigs is just as skillful as Suns, considering they took inspo off each other in making the slugcats which is what Suns would find attractive in Sigs, having someone who works alongside with enabled Suns to at some point feel a connection- which is new to them as they're introverted af- so I actually have Suns fall for Sigs first but they ofc don't know what to do with it or even realize it till much later- it's just an unthinkable concept to them at first. Which also links to the analogy of birds being free from the birdcage as these two experience a bunch of new shit together, leaving the can, the wilderness as well as new feelings as a whole. Through the relationship they've kinda freed each other to feel new things and think outside of the norm- so theres the freedom symbol there.
I love the rio analogy it's so spot on- but Suns does actively make the effort to try and understand Sigs even if it's hard or they make mistakes they'll keep trying, because Suns appreciate Sigs and their friendship a shit ton- since it's the only close friendship where one isn't above the other, Sigs doesn't hold Suns on a high pedestal and Suns doesn't see Sigs as just a jokester, they actually admire Sigs ideas and thoughts.
Man uve just sparked my love for these two again - through the roof- it's so fun to just waffle about them, even if I'm spilling too much HAHA I don't mind one bit if ur au is taking inspo off mine, I'm excited to see what you do with it! I'm flattered if anything <3
Quetzalli on Trafficlights and Birds
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Well @toxictoxicities, it has been done! You gave me the chance for me to give my own interpretation on this matter, and I can’t resist chances to add some narrative significance! I decided to make a separate post on it because what I came up with ended up being long (as always with me), and in case anyone else would enjoy these thoughts.
However before I go in with this essay I've put together I have to give a very important note: These thoughts are gonna be primarily based around my personal interpretations and headcanons for Seven Red Suns and No Significant Harassment. I’m generally a person who needs to know exactly what I’m working with to do something well, and as such my ideas about metaphors, symbolism, and greater narrative significance typically depend a lot on me understanding the characters and ship not just in their general dynamic, but various other deeper elements — what their core desires/fears are, what their backstories/histories are, each of their main character traits and why they are that way, then from there what they see in each other and why their relationship benefits each other in-universe, and what other effect(s) the relationship has or could have on the characters in-universe as well as the greater narrative out-of-universe, with the additional optional knowledge of what the main plot of the story they come from is to possibly tie in important moments. Seeing as you probably aren’t going to explain your Trafficlights interpretation completely to this intense of a degree anytime soon (though I’d absolutely enjoy hearing it whenever it comes!), if I’m going to make some metaphors I think the best option is to just use my current character interpretations so I have this background familiarity, especially since I’ve actually been developing these things a whole lot for my own iterator off-the-string happy ending AU!
Also, I want to say to that if some of these idea sound familiar, it’s because I realized I can actually project some of my previous Lilypad ideas onto this Trafficlights portrayal as well. I feel my Suns and Moon are similar enough in their personality traits that many of the same dynamics and significance could reasonably apply. In fact Tox, I’m gonna admit I actually did take some inspiration for my Lilypad portrayal from seeing your particular Trafficlights and drawing my own conclusions about how that dynamic worked, and overall my depiction of Seven Red Suns is largely inspired by your own take on that character, which I found quite unique compared to the rest of the fandom for being the first one I saw to show Suns as being far less imposing and confident internally than they seem in public. So I guess I am once again coming full circle now!
I think this is already more than enough words, but I just felt the need to give those prefaces as context for all of these ideas. With that being said, I hope you like at least some of these!
Option 1: Birds as Freedom
From what I’ve read, a common symbolism for birds is freedom, which to me is easy to see because of their signature flight ability. Flight can be considered the mode of travel with the greatest freedom because it’s not restricted by landmasses (or even planets, if you include space travel), and because flying is literally defying, or “freeing oneself” from gravity, one can easily associate it with weightlessness and thus being carefree and without worries or negativity.
With any off-the-string iterator story, it’s easy to give going off-the-string a positive significance because it’s literally the puppet “freeing itself” from the limited confines of their chamber, and by extent the limits imposed upon them by the Ancients. This is further supported by how some iterators in canon do appear to perceive their cans as a limitation or cage, as evidenced by the broadcast dialogue. In fact, I've heard No Significant Harassment is one of these very iterators, so I imagine he’d absolutely want to go off-the-string so long as he has a good incentive to. 
To relate this back to birds, you could very much use a caged songbird as a metaphor for the iterators; beautiful, brightly-colored creatures “raised” in captivity and trapped in boxes to serve other people, once “singing” out their ideas from within to those people, but now just giving those “songs” to each other. Thus, going off-the-string (perhaps to the Emergence facility in your AU) could be seen as these “birds” finally flying free to be with one another “in the wild”, finally able to fly and live their lives more fully as they were denied for so long. So regardless of any other symbolism, Trafficlights — and any other off-the-string iterator ship by extent — leaving their cans could be seen as them “flying free” together from the restraints forced upon them.
However, I’ve also recently realized another freedom symbolism besides freedom from the Ancients’ restrictions, and that’s freedom from their own. This is something more impactful to my Seven Red Suns, who like Moon, is also someone who hides a lot of his true personality for a more polite, proper, and dignified public persona, shoulders a lot of weight he isn’t always able to handle alone, and puts lots of limits on himself and what he’s “allowed” or “supposed” to do, albeit for entirely different reasons. Now contrast that with Sig, who although he also hides a lot of his true feelings and knows when to dial it down, is someone who is a master at breaking rules and going against convention. In fact, I like to imagine it’s literally in his nature (er, programming) to think outside the box, generating all sorts of different ideas to solve problems that don’t always totally follow outside rules or what’s “typical” for using a certain item. 
When you bring these two together, I imagine Sig could absolutely be the one to encourage Suns to let loose more, letting down his proper and and uptight persona to show more of his emotional side and explore things he didn’t allow himself to before (like I said, this is one of the ideas that works with Trafficlights as well as Lilypad)! It’s as if Suns is a bird too used to living in the cage and afraid to truly fly again, and Sig has to coax him out into embracing that freedom. You could even take this with the idea of iterators not being used to romance, a restriction Suns absolutely puts on himself and even others because he believes a “proper” iterator isn’t supposed to have such deep attachments, of which romantic love could be considered the worst because it’s both breaking Karma 3 of Companionship and can directly lead to Karma 2 of Sexual Intercourse, so it’s essentially a double-risk. But again, Sig is willing to explore these new feelings, and now that they’re off the string and can love each other more physically and directly than ever, what better time could there be for Suns to “spread his wings” and fly alongside him?
Option 2: Birds as Passion/Romance
To me, the second biggest symbolism that birds can have is that of passion and general romantic ideas. Technically all birds could have this association because feathers and wings in general are pretty showy, so spreading one’s wings could just as easily be a gesture of great emotion and expression as it could be preparing to be free. In addition though, whereas the previous point was more related to songbirds, this seems to correlate more with birds of paradise especially, who have the most colorful and varied plumage of the bird kingdom, thus making it easy to say they’re “showing their true colors” without fear. Some birds of paradise, particularly parrots/parakeets/macaws/etc. are very social creatures by nature, so it’s even easier to draw the connection between their vibrant plumage and social behavior with being expressive and outgoing.
As for the romance element, to me it seems birds are commonly used as such symbols already; there’s doves and swans being symbols of love often included in some way at weddings, words like “lovebirds” referring to lovers as well as one of my favorite words, “twitterpated”, which means to be very smitten and infatuated and also has a clear bird-based association and maybe even origin. But then there’s the idea of songbirds singing to each other, which I think is a particularly romantic idea which plays into one of my favorite shipping tropes I call, “answering the call”. So far, I like to describe it as when someone is looking for companionship and romance for a while, either openly or as a subconscious desire, but is eventually found and “answered” by someone willing to love with them. It’s such a romantic idea to me because it often includes so much loneliness and sometimes even tragedy before, making that moment where they finally find someone all the more sweet!
Okay, now to bring this back to Trafficlights. Starting with the first idea, I think it’s easy to associate Sig with these kinds of birds, especially macaws and such, seeing as I imagine he can be just as “colorful” both literally and personality-wise, and cares deeply about his relationships in a similar manner. But even then, like I mentioned before Sig can sometimes feel like he needs to hide those feelings because others don’t fully understand him and he doesn’t want to risk creating tension (although hiding his feelings like that kinda does anyway). 
To resolve this, I’ve decided to use what I imagine Sig would appreciate and value in Suns that would evolve the relationship past friendship to romance, that being that Suns was one of the first people besides Moon who believed that Sig’s ideas and his dedication to his friends could be something more, something better and used for good. My Suns is defined largely by his perfectionism and endless drive to make things the “best” versions of themselves. In my timeline of events he already helped Sig in that way during a pretty important moment, not to mention it’s just really inspiring how much Suns cares about trying to bring about the “best” for everyone. On Sig’s end, this is how they at least developed a friendship, and in this alternative what would cause that appreciation to evolve to romance eventually. In fact, in my headcanon it was the combined efforts of Moon first understanding Sig’s feelings and Suns helping to perfect his role in his group, with both of them working really hard to help him find new belonging with the Local Group, that was what got Sig out of his “rough patch”. Thus, in a way, Suns directly helped Sig make new connections, “spread his wings”, and “find a new flock”, which can easily be the main reason why Sig would fall for Suns.
Now, what about Suns? Relating him to birds and passion also hinges largely on another pretty crucial headcanon about my Seven Red Suns, which is that he is secretly a huge romantic with a passion for the fine arts. In addition to striving for an “ideal” world at all times, he appreciates art and the deeper symbolism within. However, because of what I said earlier about Suns placing a lot of high standards on himself, he doesn’t actually make art of his own, believing it’s “not an iterator’s place” to do such a thing themselves because it’s not in their purpose. But even then, he can’t help himself from seeing things artistically and drawing his own conclusions about things.
That being said, I imagine Suns could have a strong appreciation for birds in particular; their beauty, combined with their flight, makes them seem as though they’ve already “ascended” on some level above other animals. On top of that, I think Suns would come to see Sig as sort of a bird himself! Maybe a big green macaw with the most beautiful plumes who’s also far more intelligent than others think. But even more so, when it comes to what Suns appreciates in Sig that causes him to fall in love, I imagine it’s how Sig is the only person who sees through his facade for who he really is. Everyone else around him seems to either put him on a pedestal, with their own high expectations to follow, or is intimidated by his grandeur into avoiding much direct contact. Again, however, Sig naturally thinks outside the box and challenging people’s ideas, so it’d be pretty easy for him to break down some of Suns’s diplomacy to show that more emotional side (another idea that I use in Lilypad as well). No Significant Harassment is the one person Suns feels like he can be himself around, helping him realize that even those parts of him he hides make him “perfect” by virtue of being his real and unique self. It’s like Suns is a great eagle, looked up to and feared by other birds as a large bird of prey and thus lonely and pressured to soar above all else, and only the surprisingly smart macaw is able to lower his guard, helping him see he’s just as beautiful and inspiring on the ground as he is soaring high in the clouds. 
And then there’s the idea of “answering the call”. I’ve already seen your Trafficlights will probably play out as a slow burn, with Sig and Suns harboring growing feelings for each other for a while but only really acting on it once Emergence kicks in. In this case the dynamic would be mutual, with both of them longing for a deeper connection, but perhaps not realizing it until this timeline. I imagine Sig would be the one more conscious of this desire though, seeing as he openly seeks connection with others, so it’d be as if he’s a lonely songbird wanting to sing out but never getting an answer. And then of course, when Suns finally does respond it’s that much more poetic!
Trafficlights as Rio (spoilers, by the way)
OKAY HEAR ME OUT, I just have to include some words on this because this movie, this freaking movie is not only one of the two that kickstarted my love of birds but is what started this whole Trafficlights-as-birds-symbolism thing for me.
To give some context, if you don’t already know I am someone who not only loves making metaphors and symbolism with my ships, but loves finding associations between them and outside music or stories. I often look for connections to the old Disney animated fairytales, but I really end up doing it to all sorts of animated stories that I believe have pretty universal themes.
That being said, if there’s any association I’d make for Trafficlights as I currently see them, it’s to Blue Sky’s Rio and some of the scenes from that story. Firstly, Blu as a character already somewhat parallels my Suns in that he’s awkward and not the best at interacting with others. Not to mention his inability to fly, which came from him never getting a chance to embrace his emotions before being captured and taken from his home, could be paralleled to Suns’s bottling up his emotions, especially since flight in that film is directly related to feelings of happiness, love, and freedom, so Suns in a way is also “stunted” in his emotions. Meanwhile Sig on the other hand is more like Jewel, someone who at least understands his emotions a lot better and thus “knows how to fly”, and who resists others’ attempts to cage him and tries to get his partner to do the same. Like Blu Suns refuses at first, his logic and desire for a dignified self image getting the best of him being able to let loose in any environment where he isn’t surrounded by close friends. 
Then there’s the freaking “Hot Wings” scene, which takes the most responsibility for this association of mine. Largely because the two side-characters, Nico and Pedro, also seem to carry a dynamic with their lyrics that just reminds me of Suns and Sig, respectively, a lot (honestly I just thought about it on a whim one day and I can’t unsee it now…). Not to mention the entire scene is about pretty birds dancing, which given you’ve also made a decent number of drawings of Trafficlights dancing together, I think is just super fitting. And then Jewel’s singing once again brings back this idea of freedom and showing one’s emotions and love, with the remaining question being whether or not Blu can eventually unlock this feeling inside him despite his fears and fly up with her. This is something I think could work with Trafficlights, at least how I see them, for even if Suns can be more emotional around Sig and maybe his friends, he still has trouble doing so in public, not always liking the pressure of being “perfect” but not wanting to risk looking like a fool around everyone who looks up to him.
It works even better with one of the later scenes in the film when Blu and Jewel finally manage to cut the chain keeping them together, which causes Jewel to immediately lift into the sky with the pure joy and euphoria of once again being free to fly as she pleases. However, Blu is left looking up at her as she flies with their friends, and you can tell he’s both realizing again just how beautiful she is and longing so much to join her in the sky, yet still unable to fly. Once again I can’t help seeing Suns in Blu’s place, looking at Sig having fun and being so carefree, loving the feeling of being off-the-string, and him thinking Sig so beautiful and wanting to join him too. And eventually, just like Blu does in a true “answering the call fashion”, he is able to “spread his wings” and they finally can fly away together!
Okay, I think that’s all I have to say for now on this topic. This essay, excluding the preface at the beginning, is 2498 words! I think that might be a little bit more than my Lilypad essay! I really hope it delivered!
But even then, this was so fun to do! Even though Trafficlights isn’t my main ship and isn’t going to happen in my own AU, I’ve recently been looking to better figure out Sig and Suns’s relationship anyway to understand why they’re at least friends with each other. Of course there are some other factors in their relationship, some of which I’ve edited out for the sake of these ideas because it throws a bit of tension in the dynamic that could compromise its ability to work as a ship, but this was still an important aspect and I’m glad to have gotten a chance to develop it! And then of course, a reason to think about ships as well as shamelessly plug one of my favorite movies ever is also very nice!
This may all sound super silly and maybe none of it works with your Emergence Trafficlights, but regardless this was seriously such a fun opportunity, and I’m glad you gave me a reason to do this! I would love to hear your thoughts on or additions to all this, if you can!
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toxictoxicities · 1 year ago
Trick or Treat! :D I’m boutta get my shit rocked aren’t I
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Shit this is like- a week late ESDRFTYGH I mean so is half of my other QNA's HAHA
-dumps a candy bowl on you both- Happy Halloween you fuckers <3
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toxictoxicities · 5 months ago
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You guys won't believe what I got for my 19th
A bunch of my mates from school all pitched in to surprise me with this- I couldn't thank them all enough. I would bake for 8 hours straight for them all again
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toxictoxicities · 2 months ago
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I've finally decided to advertise my commissions because money. I've finished school, looking for a new job, until then I thought to make money for myself and my cats through my art. For now I've only got my illustration commissions open.
COMMISSION INFO HERE Dms are open on tumblr, discord, bluesky and twitter
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toxictoxicities · 1 year ago
Oh boy.
Last Song: Weight of the World - Shayfer James
Last movie/tv show: Cats Don't Dance, Our Flag means Death, Rick and Morty S7 (Watched with a friend)
Favourite Colors: (Damn the picture wasn't working) So yellow, a dark maroon and a light peach
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Easily I'm a sweet tooth, I don't have a good tolerance for spice, besides there's more to flavor than my pain receptors going off.
Relationship Status: Single by choice fuckers, never getting in a relationship again- however I'm a whore with all my friends <3
Last thing I googled: "Holding Guitar" for reference
Current Obsession: Easily Rain world
Fuck you, Bing Bong &lt;3 : @revolvius @saelrum @csavii @pan-perkozeq @mapl3-e @creaturevoiddweller @crypticemerald @redcobraart
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @meghawhopp <33
Last song: Down by the River by Borislav Slavov from the Baldur’s Gate 3 Soundtrack (or more specifically the cover of Down by the River by Nerissa Ravencroft)
Favorite color: Blue and purple!
Last movie/TV show: Seinfeld, I’m currently on season four!
Sweet/spicy/savory?: I have a huge sweet tooth, so sweet things
Relationship status: Single
Last thing I googled: I searched up the show “Arthur” because I was trying to find that one meme where Buster was like “You really think someone would do that, just go on the internet and spread lies?”
Current obsession: Fragaria memories and tears of themis mostly^^
Tag Nine People: @kyaruun @xinieeee @deadmansbistro @florapot @hunita812 @scuffle-with-spirals @rexonalapis @maxellera @manicpixiedoomedgirl
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toxictoxicities · 1 year ago
THIS IS FINE PT 1 - FT @revolvius
We decided to record our hunter co-op campaign and snip out the best moments! Enjoy <3
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toxictoxicities · 1 year ago
Good morning.
I would like to ask were will Emergence (on its first release) be displayed and how might us random idiots find it. Or am I just blind and the answer is right in front of me?
Thank you for your indulgence.
That is honestly an amazing question- for now it's only on my tumblr and twitter (when I remember to use it) and as much as I love the idea of trying to figure out where i'd upload the comic I've actually started considering making small animatic episodes to tell the story instead!
However idk if I'd need to find someone to make music and voice actors and that'd be tedious or if I'd have it just silent- or maybe you'd all prefer the comics
I haven't fully decided yet but the next comic update is on the back burner <3
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I'm also working on an animatic as it is so we'll see which work flow I like more for storytelling
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